The Applications of Nanotechnology in Mechanical Engineering

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The Applications of Nanotechnology In

Mechanical Engineering
Y.Kumarasmy1 P.G Scholar K.Ganesan2. Asst. Professor
[email protected] [email protected]
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
P.S.R. Engineering College P.S.R. Engineering College
Sivakasi – India Sivakasi – India
Abstract— Nanotechnology has become an
scientific and engineering arenas. There are two main
all-embracing term, which means different things
types of approaches to nanotechnology: the first
to different people. Nanotechnology is interface
approach is Top-down and another one is Bottom-up
technologies that are include many different
approach. The Top-down approach involves taking
science and applications area. Nanotechnology
layer structures that are either reduced down size
falls into this category and offers fundamentally
until they reach the nano-scale or deacon structured
new capabilities to architect a board array of the
into their composite parts. The other hand the
novel materials, composites and structure on a
Bottom-up approach is where materials are
molecular scale. Here discusses on some of the
constructed from the atomic or molecular
applications for nanotechnology and shows a few
components. Designing at the nanoscale is working
cases of them. That is believed to have the highest
in a world where physics, chemistry, electrical
probability of success in competitive industry. The
engineering, mechanical engineering, and even
nanotechnology that are economically promising
biology become unified into an integrated field.
for the future include those that have applications
“Building blocks” for nanomaterials include carbon-
in information technology, electronics, building
based components and organics, semiconductors,
materials, household appliances, textiles,
metals, and metal oxides; nanomaterials are the
cosmetics, food, environmental technologies,
infrastructure, or building blocks, for
energy technologies and medicine etc.,
nanotechnology. The last decade has seen
Keywords- advancement in every side of nanotechnology such
NanoTechnology,Nanomaterials,Nanocomposite as: nanoparticles and powders; nanolayers and coats;
electrical, optic and mechanical nanodevices; and
I.INTRODUCTION nanostructure biological materials. Presently,
nanotechnology is estimated to be influential in the
Nanotechnology deals with studies of next 20-30 years, in all fields of science and
phenomena and manipulation with elements of matter technology.
at the atomic, molecular and macromolecular level
(rangefrom1to100nm), where the properties of matter USES OF NANOTECNOLOGY IN
are significantly different from their properties at MECHANICAL ENGINEERING:
larger scales of dimensions. Nanotechnology is The nanotechnology in mechanical
science, engineering and technology conducted at the engineering and manufacturing is immensely useful
nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nm where nano to the field. Nanotechnology can be used to
denotes the scale range of 10-9 and nanotechnology increasing the life of the components and automobile
refers the properties of atoms and molecules parts. A many number of materials can be enhanced
measuring thoroughly 0.1 to 1000 nm. by the use of nanotechnology. Nanomaterials exhibit
Nanotechnology is highly interdisciplinary as a field, unique physical and chemical properties and impart
and it requires knowledge drawn from a variety of enhancements to engineered materials. There
including better magnetic properties, improved Nanomaterials are resources designed at the
mechanical activity and increased optical properties. molecular (nanometre) level to take advantage of
Developments are being made to improve the their small size and novel properties which are
properties of the materials and to find alternative generally not seen in their conventional, bulk
precursors that can give desirable properties on the counterparts. The two main reasons why materials at
materials. the nano scale can have different properties are
increased relative surface area and new quantum
Nanotechnology involve the ability to see and IMPORTANT OF NANOMATERIALS:
to control individual atoms and molecules, everything These materials have created a high interest in
on earth is made up of atoms the food we eat the recent years by virtue of their unusual
cloths we wear the building and houses we live in, mechanical, electrical, optical and magnetic
and our own bodies. Here are a few illustrative
properties. Some examples are given below:
 There are 25,400,000 nanometer an inch.  Nanophase ceramics are of particular interest
 A sheet of news paper is about 100,000 because they are more ductile at elevated
nanometer thick. temperatures as compared to the coarse-grained
The microscopes needed to see things at the ceramics.
nanoscale were invented relatively recently.  Nanostructured semiconductors are known to
Although modern nanoscience and nanotechnology show various non-linear optical properties.
are quite new, nanoscale materials were used for
Semiconductor Q-particles also show quantum
centuries. Today’s scientists and engineers are
finding a wide variety of ways to deliberately make confinement effects which may lead to special
materials at the nanoscience to take advantage of properties, like the luminescence in silicon
their enhanced properties. such as higher strength, powders and silicon germanium quantum dots as
lighter weight, increased control of light spectrum infrared optoelectronic devices. Nanostructured
and greater chemical reactivity than their large-scale semiconductors are used as window layers in
counter parts. solar cells.
 Nanosized metallic powders have been used for
the production of gas tight materials, dense parts
Nanoscale materials are defined as a set of
and porous coatings. Cold welding properties
substances where at least one dimension is less than
combined with the ductility make them suitable
approximately 100 nanometers. A nanometer is one
for metal-metal bonding especially in the
millionth of a millimeter approximately 100,000
electronic industry.
times smaller than the diameter of a human hair.
Nanomaterials are of interest because at this scale
unique optical, magnetic, electrical, and other
 Nanomaterials have the structural features in
properties emerge. These emergent properties have
between of those of atoms and the bulk
the potential for great impacts in electronics,
 While most microstructured materials have
medicine, and other fields.
similar properties to the corresponding bulk
materials, the properties of materials with
nanometer dimensions are significantly different
from those of atoms and bulks materials. This is
mainly due to the nanometer size of the materials
which render them: (i) large fraction of surface
atoms; (ii) high surface energy; (iii) spatial
confinement; (iv) reduced imperfections, which
do not exist in the corresponding bulk materials.
 Due to their small dimensions, nanomaterials
Fig-1 NanoMaterial have extremely large surface area to volume
ratio, which makes a large to be the surface or sheets, tetrahedral (T) and octahedral (O). For a
interfacial atoms, resulting in more “surface” better understanding the major clay mineral groups
dependent material properties. along with their ideal structural chemical
compositions are listed in table 1.
NANOCOMPOSITE: Table 1 Major Group’s of Clay Minerals
Nanocomposites can be made with a variety of
enhanced physical, thermal and other unique Gro
properties. They have properties that are superior to
Sl up Member
conventional microscale composites and can be General Formula Remarks
synthesized using simple and inexpensive techniques. No Na Minerals
Materials are needed to meet a wide range of energy me
efficient applications with light weight, high
mechanical strength, unique color, electrical members are
properties and high reliability in extreme polymorphs
environments. The term nanocomposite encompasses kaolinite, (composed of
a wide range of materials right from three 1 dickite, Al2Si2O5 (OH)4 the same
dimensional metal matrix composites, two nacrite formula and
dimensional lamellar composites and nano-wires of different
single dimension to zero-dimensional core-shells all structure)
representing many variations of nano-mixed & montmorillo
layered materials. Though various composite
materials like fiberglass and reinforced plastics are moril
pyrophyllite (Ca,Na,H) X indicates
now in wide use for numerous applications, there has l-
, talc, (Al,Mg,Fe,Zn)2 varying level
been continued demand for novel composites with 2 onite
vermiculite, (Si,Al)4O10(OH) of water in
desirable properties for many other applications. or
sauconite, 2-XH2O mineral type
There has been a great deal of interest in polymer X indicates
nanocomposites over the last few years. There are (K,H)Al2 (Si,Al)4 varying level
different types of commercially available nano- 3 illite illite
O10(OH)2-XH2O of water in
particles that can be incorporated into the polymer mineral type
matrix to form polymer nanocomposites. Polymer
each member
nanocomposites consist of a polymeric material (e.g.,
mineral has
thermoplastics, thermosets, or elastomers) with (i)
reinforcement of nano-particles. Polymeric (Mg,Fe)4Al4Si2O10
(i) amesite, formula; this
nanocomposites can be broadly classified as (OH)8
(ii) group has
 Nanoclay-reinforced composites (ii) (Fe,Mg)3 Fe3
chamosite, relatively larger
 Carbon nanotube-reinforced composites chlor AlSi3O10(OH)8
 Nanofibre-reinforced composites, and 4 (iii) member
ite (iii) LiAl5 Si3O10
 Inorganic particle-reinforced composites. cookeite, minerals and is
(OH) 8
(iv) nimite sometimes
The term clay has been understood to be made of separate group,
i3O10(OH) 8
small inorganic particles (part of soil fraction <2 not as part of
mm), without any definite composition or clays
crystallinity. The clay mineral (also called a
phyllosilicate) is usually of a layered type and a
fraction of hydrous, magnesium, or aluminum
silicates. Every clay mineral contains two types of
CARBON NANOTUBE-REINFORCED have been made from different organic.inorganic
COMPOSITES: particles and these impart improved properties to
composite materials. Different particles have been
Another important type of carbon filler is carbon
used to prepare polymer/inorganic particle
nanotubes and nanofibres. Much publicity has
nanocomposites, including:
surrounded the development of single wall carbon
 Metals (Al, Fe, Au, Ag, etc.)
nanotubes, that called Buckytubes, but while these
 Metal oxides (ZnO, Al2O3, CaCO3, TiO2, etc.)
are still some way off large-scale commercial
 Nonmetal oxide (SiO2)
production, the corresponding multi-layer carbon
 Other (SiC)
nanotubes have been known for some time and,
The selection of nanoparticles depends
furthermore, are available in practical commercial
quantities. The layers consist of graphitic carbon and on the desired thermal, mechanical, and
the tubes typically have an internal diameter of 5 nm electrical properties of the nanocomposites. For
and external diameter of. 10 nm (Figure1) example, Al nanoparticles are often selected due to
their high conductivity; calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
particles are chosen because of their low cost and
silicon carbide (SiC) nanoparticles are used because
of their high hardness, corrosion resistance, and

Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials having wide
range of applications in the field of energy sectors, It
Fig-1Structure of a multi-layer carbon is evident that nanomaterials split their conventional
nanotube. counterparts because of their superior chemical,
physical, and mechanical properties and of their
Carbon nanofibers (CNF) are a unique form of
vapourgrown carbon fibres that fill the gap in ENERGY SECTORS:
physical properties between conventional carbon The most advanced nanotechnology related to
fibres (5.10 µm) and carbon nanotubes (1.10 nm). energy storage, conversion, manufacturing
The reduced diameter of nanofiber provides a larger improvements by reducing materials and process
surface area with surface functionalities in the fiber. rates, energy saving [Example: Better thermal
Typically CNF are not concentric cylinders; the Insulation] and enhanced renewable energy sources.
length of the fibre can be varied from about 100 µm A reduction of energy consumption can be
to several cm, and the diameter is of the order of 100. reached by better insulation systems by the use of
200 nm with an average aspect ratio greater than 100. more efficient lighting or combustion systems and by
The most common structure of CNF is the truncated use of lighter and stronger materials in the
cones, but there are wide ranges of morphologies transportation sector. Nanotechnological approaches
(cone, stacked coins, etc). CNF have the morphology like light-emitting diodes [LED] or quantum caged
where these are hollow at the centre (much like a atoms[QCA’s] could lead to a strong reduction of
MWNT) and have a larger diameter than MWNT but energy consumption for illumination. The solar cells
the individual layers are not arranged in concentric have layers of several different semiconductors
tubes. stacked together to absorb light at different energies
but they still only manage to use 40% of the sun’s
INORGANIC PARTICLE-REINFORCED energy. Nanotechnology could help increases the
COMPOSITES: efficiency of light conversion by using nanostructures
with a continuum of band gaps.
Nanoparticles are often defined as particles
of < 100 nm in diameter. Nanometer-sized particles
An inevitable use of nanotechnology will be in The ability of nanoclay incorporation to reduce
heavy industries. solvent transmission through polymers such as
polyamides has been demonstrated. Available data
AEROSPACE: reveals significant reductions in fuel transmission
Lighter and stronger materials will be of through polyamide–6/66 polymers by incorporation
immense use to aircraft manufactures, leading to of nanoclay filler. As a result, considerable interest is
increased performance, spacecraft will also benefit now being seen in these materials as both fuel tank
where weight is a major factor. Nanotechnology and fuel line components for cars. Of further interest
would help to reduce the size of equipment and there for this type of application, the reduced fuel
by decrease of fuel-consumption required to get it transmission characteristics are accompanied by
airplane. significant material cost reductions.

Nanocoating refers to the act of covering a
material with a layer on the nanometer scale or to
cover a nanoscaled entity. Nanocoating forms a
nanocomposite that comprises a combination of two
or more different substances of nanometer size,
thereby producing a material that generally has
enhanced or specific targeted properties due to the
Fig-2 Nano Aero Space combined properties and/or structuring effects of the

The application of potential The nanotechnology in steel material its help to
nanoparticles in catalysis ranges from fuel cell to
improve the physical properties of steel, fatigue or
catalytic converters and photo catalytic devices. The the structural failure of steel is due to cyclic loading.
synthesis provides novel “nanomaterials” and in the
Steel cables can be strength the using carbon
long run, superior processes such as “self-assembly” nanotubes are stronger cables are reduce the costs of
will enable energy time preserving strategies.
the constructions.
Platinum nanoparticles are now being considered in
the next generation of automotive catalytic converters
because the very high surface area of nanoparticles A nanocomposite coating process could improve
could reduce the amount of platinum required.
food packaging by placing anti-microbial agents
directly on the surface of the coated film. They can
also improve the mechanical and heat-resistance
The present-days automobile vehicle properties and lower the oxygen transmission rate.
has more inner components parts in the system.
Research is being performed to apply
Those parts are more hard wearing and more heat- nanotechnology to the detection of chemical and
resistant. The auto engine wastes loft of fuel and to
biological substances for sensing’s in foods.
create a population because of incomplete gas
combustion. Now nanotechnology and nanomaterials
are likely to play a significant role in sparkplugs. Glass also makes use of nanotechnology. TiO2
Since nanomaterials are strongest, harder and resist nanoparticles are used to coat glazing it has
wear and erosion, they are currently being considered sterilizing and anti-fouling properties. TiO 2is
for the use in sparkplug. hydrophilic which can attract rain drops that wash off
the dirt particles. Glass is using a clear instrument
layer sandwiched between glass panels formed of
silica nanoparticles which turns into a rigid and Future trends include the extension of this
opaque fire shield when heated. nanotechnology to additional types of polymer
system, where the development of new compatibility
FIRE RETARDATION: strategies would likely to be a prerequisite.
Polymers containing a few weight per cent of Production of PVC-based systems is still some way
nanoparticle clays have greatly improved fire off and challenges remain to be solved in PET
resistance as reported by Gilman. The thermal nanocomposites. Additional reinforcement of clay
properties of the PNC are improved, melting and nanocomposites by glass fiber is currently being
dripping are delayed, and rate of burning is greatly investigated. There is also interest in the development
reduced (by more than half). The presence of flake- of electrically conducting clay nanocomposites.
like clay nanoparticles reduces the diffusion of While considerable basic research activities are
polymer decomposition volatiles (the fuel) to the currently underway at Indian academic institutions &
burning surface and reduces diffusion of air into the national research labs, immediate exercises on
polymer. product development-cum-demonstration should be
taken up in active collaboration with the industries in
CORROSION PROTECTION: the country. The nanotechnology will positively
Corrosion protection of metals and alloys is influence the Energy, Heavy Industries and
normally achieved by surface coatings which must Automobile industry. Due to small size of
resist both mechanical damage (scratching, impact, nanomaterials their physical and chemical properties
abrasion) and chemical attack (salts, acids and bases, can be manipulated to improve the overall properties
solvents). It should also not be damaged (cracked) by of convectional material. The use of nanotechnology
having a coefficient of thermal expansion greatly has also helped to created more efficient and
different from the metal to be protected. PNCs have sustainable materials. The uses of steel, glass,
improved scratch and abrasion resistance, due to their coatings made from nanotechnology helps to
higher hardness combined with improved elastic. protection the corrosion of the layers.

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