Solution Overview Telemetry
Solution Overview Telemetry
Solution Overview Telemetry
Cisco public
Figure 1. Challenges in getting visibility into enterprise storage infrastructure As a result, they require information in a simple and intuitive format that can
be directly converted into actionable insight.
Compute and Applications
Virtualized or bare metals •
Shared between multiple
The following sections provide an overview of Cisco SAN Analytics and
• Rack-mounts or blade servers
workloads SAN Telemetry Streaming: A first-of-its-kind industry solution to resolve the
• Multiple operating systems • All flash, hybrid or spinning
Cisco SAN Analytics and SAN Telemetry Streaming works on the following design principles as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Cisco SAN Analytics and SAN Telemetry design principles
Integrated by design Compute and storage layers in a data center interact with each other • You can continue to maintain your operations under the existing
using a SAN. Cisco SAN Analytics is fully integrated by design into the well-known layers of compute, storage and SAN.
SAN layer. • You do not need to introduce any new traffic inspecting
components to your data center floor.
Simple The deployment of Cisco SAN Analytics is integrated into your • Problems in the environment can be resolved faster.
existing Cisco MDS 9000 switches. The capability can be enabled by • You can make your operations more proactive leading to
a single command within seconds. improved user experience.
Affordable Due to the integrated-by-design architecture, no new traffic • Eliminate CapEx and OpEx associated with managing
inspecting components are introduced into your data center. dedicated appliances.
Simple and flexible licensing can enable the functionality to provide • Flexible licensing helps you to enable this feature where you want
end-to-end visibility. and when you want.
Scalable Cisco SAN Analytics natively scales up with the size of your SAN. • You can deploy it everywhere to get full coverage of your
Whether it is a small SAN of a single switch or a large SAN with storage traffic.
thousands of ports, you get visibility as end devices are connected to • Analytics scale grows with the size of your fabric.
your SAN.
Always on Cisco SAN Telemetry Streaming has been designed to be always on. • You can profile and baseline the storage traffic of your
applications under normal conditions.
• You do not have to find the tipping points of your environment
manually because the always-on monitoring is doing that for
you proactively.
Open and Cisco SAN Telemetry Streaming has been designed to be open and • Support of additional metrics and protocols with firmware upgrade.
programmable programmable. The intelligent metrics are accessible to third-party • Build your own analytics apps to solve specific use cases or
tools using industry-leading formats. It is based on a programmable integrate with existing third-party apps for organization-wide
architecture. uniform visibility.
Cisco SAN Analytics and SAN Telemetry Streaming resolves existing and new challenges. Table 2 lists existing limitations and how Cisco is addressing them.
Table 2. How Cisco SAN Analytics and SAN Telemetry Streaming addresses challenges
Existing challenges How Cisco SAN Analytics and SAN Telemetry Streaming helps
Lack of unified Cisco SAN Analytics is integrated by design into the SAN. It inspects I/O flows to bring out a unified view of the infrastructure irrespective of the
visibility architecture or vendor of storage arrays, servers or operating systems.
Hybrid infrastructure Cisco SAN Analytics is agnostic to the compute or storage infrastructure’s vendor or architecture. The visibility is obtained from the traffic flow
on the SAN. Cisco SAN Telemetry Streaming has little or no dependency on hardware or software versions of the end devices connected to
the SAN.
Organization silos Cisco SAN Telemetry Streaming exports data in industry-leading formats. This information can be remotely accessed by different teams at
the same time with complete independence. Different organizations can continue to use the tools they prefer by integrating the exported
information from Cisco SAN Telemetry Streaming.
Lack of simplicity Cisco SAN Analytics is extremely simple to deploy due to its integrated-by-design principle. The functionality can be enabled within seconds on
the Cisco MDS 9000 series switches.
Storage performance Cisco SAN Analytics solution quantifies the performance of the storage infrastructure Complete visibility into your infrastructure reduces
insight using a holistic approach. Performance metrics are calculated for the flows between host risks and helps maintain optimum performance.
port (initiator), storage port (target), and the Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs). This unique
combination is known as ITL (Initiator-Target-LUN) flow. For NVMe traffic, the same concept
is represented by ITN, N representing a Namespace ID. The performance metrics are
calculated in real time and can be exported to an external receiver.
Faster troubleshooting The information generated by Cisco SAN Analytics solution can be used to maintain Proactive and predictive troubleshooting helps to
a performance baseline. A deviation from the historic trend can be used to generate meet strict Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) and
automated alarms, resulting into proactive troubleshooting. This monitoring also provides reduce downtimes.
insight into why the performance degraded and where may be the root cause of
the problem.
Infrastructure Cisco SAN Analytics can help to make scale-up versus scale-out decisions by Optimum utilization of your infrastructure can lead
optimization monitoring storage traffic between ITL/ITN pairs. For example, it may be possible that a to CapEx and OpEx savings.
host is running multiple virtual machines, or a particular storage port is used to access
multiple LUNs, either or which can lead to heavy storage traffic. Cisco SAN Analytics
can help you to find such conditions. To resolve, you can optimize the distribution of
the components, such as moving some of the virtual machines to a less-utilized host or
moving some of the LUNs to a less-utilized storage port.
Application Cisco SAN Analytics can be used to monitor storage traffic patterns for extended Data-driven decisions help to deploy applications
deployment durations. This information can be used to profile the applications for their storage faster.
recommendation needs. Future expansion of the same application to other virtual machines or hosts
can be recommended based on storage traffic requirements. For example, consider Eliminate hit-and-trial to ensure optimum
an existing application A. If another instance of application A needs to be deployed, performance.
knowing the storage traffic throughput can help when choosing a new host that has the
resources available to sustain the throughput requirement.
Storage provisioning Cisco SAN Analytics provides performance metrics of the available LUNs/Namespaces. Optimized utilization of storage arrays and the
recommendation This information can be used to enhance the storage provisioning. For example, LUNs overall storage infrastructure improves efficiency.
can be distributed across different storage ports to meet their throughput requirements.
If a LUN is showing no activity for an extended duration, it can be inspected further for
possible errors or can be unprovisioned.
Change Management Cisco SAN Analytics collects performance metrics at ITL/ITN granularity which can be Proactive SLA assurance during change of
used to generate trends and baselines. If a particular component needs to be changed, components lends peace of mind.
the insight generated by Cisco SAN Analytics before and after the change can be
monitored and compared to ensure that the change was successful.
Auditability Cisco SAN Analytics generates multiple performance and error metrics for the complete Get the information you need to ensure compliance.
storage fabric using a holistic approach. This information can be used to perform audits
of the infrastructure.
Health report Cisco SAN Analytics monitors ITL/ITN flows between the compute and storage layers, Simplify operations and proactively resolve problems.
including the read and the write transactions between a host and the backend storage.
This information is available in addition to already-existing device- and port-level
metrics. All these metrics can be used to generate health reports. This report goes
beyond the health of the SAN by revealing the health of the overall storage infrastructure
and applications.
As the size of the fabric grows, the resources for traffic inspection and metric calculation also grows
because of the integrated-by-design architecture.