Dyno Nobel Underground Products Services and Reference Guide
Dyno Nobel Underground Products Services and Reference Guide
Dyno Nobel Underground Products Services and Reference Guide
n Bulk Explosives 6
n Packaged Explosives 8
n Initiation Systems 15
n Blasting Accessories 23
n Reference 29
Why do companies
come to Dyno Nobel
for groundbreaking
Dyno Nobel is a global leader in commercial explosives and blast design. One of our
core strengths is our understanding of the processes and challenges that impact on the
mining industry. We leverage our decades of industry experience to meet and even exceed
customer expectations.
We can draw upon our global resources to provide our customers with fully tailored solutions
that can make a positive difference to any project.
Our Underground Mining Engineers are working with mining companies to solve highly complex
problems and they can help you too. Only Dyno Nobel has the people, the resources and the
experience both above and below the ground, to deliver groundbreaking performance.
Dyno Nobel is a business of Incitec Pivot Limited (IPL), an S&P/ASX Top 50 company listed
on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific provides a full range of
industrial explosives, related products and services to customers in Australia and Asia.
Consulting services have been used with great success in some of the world’s
leading operations, in both caving and open stope mines.
DynoConsult®, the specialist consulting division of Development Solutions. Dyno Nobel also provides a
Dyno Nobel, aims to improve customer outcomes. range of emulsion solutions for underground tunnelling.
Its resources include a team of experienced professionals Using a DynoMiner™ unit to efficiently deliver emulsion in
with local and international experience in underground development rounds, significantly improved drill and blast
mining processes. DynoConsult is a high-technology
efficiencies can be delivered. Drilled metres per metre of
group that can plan and implement an onsite review and
advance will decrease with a reduction in the number of
importantly, recommend process improvements. Its focus
holes required to break the rock and improve advance
is on outcomes that make a fundamental and positive
in every round. Patented “String Loading” technology
difference, adding value where it counts the most – your
provides the ultimate in perimeter control. In addition to
bottom line. As a DynoConsult client, you benefit from
these benefits, using emulsion in development rounds
partnering with a group that invests in the best people
and has the resources and the vision to deliver results. means that one product is used for every hole eliminating
The DynoConsult team offers specialised technical the need for specific ‘lifter’ and ‘perimeter’ products.
solutions across mining segments to optimise your mine Perimeter Control. Where emulsion charging does not
processes. These include: offer the best overall solution for development tunnelling,
Minimising Ore Dilution and Loss. By monitoring and Dyno Nobel is able to provide innovative products to
modelling underground blasts, DynoConsult can evaluate improve loading and blasting efficiencies. Z-BAR® is a
blast performance in conjunction with site personnel. This quick loading tube explosive with benefits in wet and
optimises blast design, product selection and charging dry conditions, offering a fully decoupled product for
practices through established processes to optimise outstanding perimeter control (Z-BAR Edge) and a single
recovery and dilution in underground mines. pass loading system for lifters or wet holes (Z-BAR Lifter).
Optimising Fragmentation for Mine to Mill™ Application.
DynoConsult offers Mine to Mill blasting solutions which
quantify the leverage that blast results have on different
Tailored training courses
downstream processes and then generates improvements Only Dyno Nobel backs up its innovative product
to optimise the overall performance. offering with world class support. Occupational health
Drill and Blast Auditing and Improvement Projects. and safety has become complex, too complex for most
Our DynoConsult team has a suite of audit tools organisations to manage without assistance.
to account for the differing nature of drill and blast To reinforce safe practices and upskill technical
operations across our industry. An integral part of this proficiency, Dyno Nobel offers a full range of training
work is the auditing of drill and blast practices, to provide courses including the widely respected Optimal Drill and
a baseline from which to measure improvement and Blast Techniques for Underground Mining course.
assess progress against KPI’s set as part of the project.
Emulsion Technologies. Dyno Nobel is able to provide
a wide range of emulsion technologies for underground Research & technology
applications. These technologies have been used to New ideas in design and development and cutting-edge
maximise value in many different mining methods and technology are what you expect from a global leader
applications. Emulsions deliver many benefits including: in explosives and blasting services. The combined
n Improved blasting efficiencies (enabling drill pattern experience and expertise of the teams within Dyno
expansion), Nobel’s Research & Technology Centres will ensure we
n Minimising required high explosives magazine capacity, retain our leadership position in providing technology-
n Lowering frequency and related costs for shipments, based solutions for the mining industry.
n Lower security and safety risk,
n Improved fragmentation,
n Reduced product usage, Customer Relations
n High water resistance,
Our Customer Relations team is trained to undertake
n The ability to increase ‘sleep time’,
and oversee order placement, source products, organise
n Reduced noxious gas emissions (potentially reducing
freight and process invoices.
re-entry times); and
n Reduced risk of sulphide dust ignition in susceptible For your convenience, orders can be placed by phone,
conditions. fax or email.
Up-hole Emulsions. Dyno Nobel can provide a world Telephone Toll Free: 1800 251 872
leading solution for up-hole charging using our patented Facsimile: 07 3026 3999
technologies and proven formulations. These systems E-mail: [email protected]
Bulk Explosives
ANFO (Bulk)
ANFO is a nominal 94:6 blend of prilled ammonium nitrate and
diesel fuel oil. It is a dry free running product usually coloured for
ANFO is dry and free flowing allowing delivery by either auger or
blow loader.
The low bulk density of ANFO provides excellent charge
distribution in the blasthole. ANFO provides excellent
heave energy.
Density Application:
Poured (g/cm3) 0.80 – 0.85
ANFO has a wide variety of applications in dry hole blasting
Pneumatically Loaded (g/cm3) 0.85 – 0.95
conditions. It is one of the most cost effective blasting agents
Energy1 (MJ/kg) 3.7 available for use in large hole diameter mining through to
small hole diameter quarrying. Pneumatically loaded ANFO
RWS (%) 100
is also effective in underground development and tunnelling
RBS applications.
Poured2 (%) 100 ANFO should only be used in dry holes. To realise the
Blow Loaded3 (%) 116 maximum energy available and reduce run up distances, it is
Recommended Minimum Diameter recommended to prime ANFO with an HDP cast booster for all
hole diameters. Depending on the application, ANFO may be
Poured (mm) 75
primed with a suitable diameter detonator sensitive Powermite®
Blow Loaded (mm) 25
Pro cartridge. The VOD of ANFO is dependent on the hole
Water Resistance Nil diameter, with VOD reducing as the hole diameter reduces.
Under normal conditions in dry, stemmed blast holes, ANFO may
1 All Dyno Nobel energy values are calculated using a be slept for periods up to six (6) months. The sleep time may be
proprietary Dyno Nobel thermodynamic code. Other programs
may give different values.
limited to the recommended sleep time of the initiating system.
2 Nominal poured density of ANFO of 0.82g/cm3. The presence of water will dramatically reduce the sleep time.
3 Nominal blow loaded density of ANFO of 0.95g/cm3.
ANFO has a maximum shelf life of six (6) months dependent on
temperature and humidity conditions. Storage in a high humidity
and high temperature environment will accelerate product
breakdown and should be avoided.
ANFO is available in bulk through specialised truck delivery
TITAN® 7000 Emulsion Gassed Blend Series
TITAN® 7000 gassed blend emulsion products are water-
resistant and designed to be pumped from the DynoMiner™
Uphole (see page 27 for explosive delivery systems). The
TITAN 7000 system uses the specialised ‘charging vehicle’ for
applications in up and downholes. The truck is equipped with a
dedicated boom and patented hose retraction unit.
Variants of TITAN 7000 are available for use in underground
TITAN Emulsion 7000 TITAN 7000
Gassed Blend mining where sulphide ore reactivity (TITAN 7000i) and secondary
dust explosions (TITAN 7000SX) are potential hazards.
TITAN 7000 Gassed Emulsion
The TITAN 7000 emulsion has been specifically formulated
Gassed Density (g/cm3) 0.80 – 1.25 to provide excellent uphole retention. The emulsion has been
Energy1 (MJ/kg) 2.9 developed for hole diameters 40 – 102mm, up to 30m in length.
The TITAN 7000 emulsion can be used at variable gassed
Recommended Minimum Diameter2 (mm) 40
densities of 0.8g/cm3 to 1.25g/cm3 providing control of bulk
Water Resistance Excellent strength and explosive distribution as ground conditions vary.
This permits blasting parameters to be optimised.
1 All Dyno Nobel energy values are calculated using a The loading methodology, together with the emulsion
proprietary Dyno Nobel thermodynamic code. Other programs
may give different values. characteristics enable excellent uphole retention.
2 Minimum hole diameter will vary with confinement.
Complete coupling in the blast hole results in improved blast
performance over packaged products and ANFO.
TITAN 7000 emulsion is advantageous over blow loaded ANFO
with respect to water resistance, increased loading rates, higher
shock energy, lower post-blast fume and improved fragmentation.
TITAN 7000 is available in bulk through specialised truck
delivery systems.
Packaged Explosives
ANFO (Bagged)
ANFO is a nominal 94:6 blend of prilled ammonium nitrate and
diesel fuel oil. It is a dry free running product usually coloured for
identification, delivery by loose pour or pneumatic loading. The
low bulk density of ANFO provides excellent charge distribution
in the blasthole. ANFO provides excellent heave energy.
ANFO has a wide variety of applications in dry hole blasting
Properties: conditions. It is one of the most cost effective blasting agents
Density available for use in large hole diameter mining through to small
Poured (g/cm3) 0.80 – 0.85 hole diameter quarrying. Pneumatically loaded ANFO is also
Pneumatically Loaded (g/cm3) 0.85 – 0.95 effective in underground development and tunnelling applications.
ANFO should only be used in dry holes. To realise the maximum
Energy1 (MJ/kg) 3.7
energy available and reduce run up distances, it is recommended
RWS (%) 100 to prime ANFO with an HDP cast booster for all hole diameters.
Depending on the application, ANFO may be primed with a
suitable diameter detonator sensitive Powermite® Pro cartridge.
Poured2 (%) 100
The VOD of ANFO is dependent on the hole diameter, with VOD
Blow Loaded3 (%) 116
reducing as the hole diameter reduces.
Recommended Minimum Diameter Under normal conditions in dry, stemmed blast holes, ANFO may
Poured (mm) 75 be slept for periods up to six (6) months. The sleep time may be
Blow Loaded (mm) 25 limited to the recommended sleep time of the initiating system.
Water Resistance Nil The presence of water will dramatically reduce the sleep time.
ANFO has a maximum shelf life of six (6) months dependent on
1 All Dyno Nobel energy values are calculated using a temperature and humidity conditions. Storage in a high humidity
proprietary Dyno Nobel thermodynamic code. Other programs and high temperature environment will accelerate product
may give different values.
2 Nominal poured density of ANFO of 0.82g/cm3.
breakdown and should be avoided.
3 Nominal blow loaded density of ANFO of 0.95g/cm3.
Bagged ANFO is available in packaged form varying from bulk
bags (500kg) through to smaller plastic bags (10, 20 and 25kg).
All bags are delivered as 1 tonne total product weight on a pallet
i.e. 2 x 500kg, 100 x 10kg, 50 x 20kg and 40 x 25kg plastic bags
per pallet.
ANFO PS is a low density form of ANFO specially developed
for use where light explosive charging is required. ANFO PS is
a 50:50 volume percent blend of ANFO to polystyrene and is
delivered in orange coloured plastic bags.
ANFO PS can be either loose poured or pneumatically loaded in
the blasthole. Pneumatic loading results in a higher density due
to compaction and loss of polystyrene while loose pouring over
long hole lengths is not recommended as ANFO/polystyrene
Properties: segregation may occur.
Explosives Class: 1.1D U.N. No: 0082
Polystyrene Ratio (Volume %) 50:50 ANFO PS can be used in a wide range of applications that
demand the use of a low energy, well distributed charge in
Density dry boreholes. The distribution of a light charge over the hole
Poured (g/cm3) 0.46 ensures that fragmentation is maintained whilst vibration
Pneumatically Loaded (g/cm3) 0.60 problems are controlled. ANFO PS finds widespread use in
perimeter blasting where reduced energy is required, especially
Energy1 (MJ/kg) 3.5
in development/tunnelling to reduce overbreak and in stope
Recommended Minimum Diameter2 blasting, etc, to reduce dilution and improve ground conditions.
Loose Poured (mm) 62 It is recommended that low pressures be used to pneumatically
Pneumatically Loaded (mm) 40 load all ANFO PS mixtures in development and tunnelling to
Water Resistance Nil reduce segregation in the hole. Dyno Nobel recommends against
pouring ANFO PS blends into long down holes due to the high
probability of ANFO polystyrene segregation.
1 All energy values are calculated using a proprietary Dyno
Nobel thermodynamic code. Other programs may give ANFO PS is not detonator sensitive. For loose poured
different values.
2 Minimum hole diameter varies with ANFO density: Polystyrene
applications, it should be primed with a suitable diameter HDP
ratio, product density and confinement. cast booster, when pneumatically loaded it can be primed with a
Powermite® Pro cartridge.
ANFO PS has a maximum shelf life of six (6) months dependent
on temperature and humidity conditions. Storage in a high
humidity and high temperature environment will accelerate
product breakdown and should be avoided.
Under normal conditions in dry, stemmed blastholes, ANFO
PS may be slept for a period of up to three (3) months. In the
presence of water the sleep time is dramatically reduced.
The sleep time of the blast hole is also limited to the
recommended sleep time of the initiation system.
ANFO PS is available in packaged form in plastic bags.
ANFO PS is delivered in orange coloured plastic bags weighing
12.5kg. ANFO PS is delivered by pallet loads of 625kg product
containing 50 bags.
Packaged Explosives continued
BlastHi-T is a nominal 94:6 weight blend of Dyno Nobel’s prilled
low density ammonium nitrate (Detaprill®), and mineral oil with
a higher viscosity than diesel. It is a dry free running product,
distinctively coloured for identification.
BlastHi-T has a wide variety of applications in dry hole blasting
conditions up to 100°C, when implemented in conjunction with
Properties: appropriate procedures. Compared to standard ANFO, the
Explosives Class: 1.1D U.N. No: 0082 use of an oil component with a higher viscosity minimises fuel
loss at higher temperatures, allowing an extended sleep time.
Pneumatically loaded BlastHi-T is effective in underground
Poured (g/cm3) 0.80 – 0.85 development and tunnelling applications.
Pneumatically Loaded (g/cm3) 0.85 – 0.95
BlastHi-T should only be used in dry holes. To realise the
Energy1 (MJ/kg) 3.7 maximum energy available and reduce run up distances, it is
recommended to prime BlastHi-T with an HDP cast booster in all
RWS (%) 100
hole diameters. Depending on the application, BlastHi-T may be
RBS primed with a suitable diameter detonator sensitive Powermite®
Poured2 (%) 100 Pro cartridge. For specific priming requirements, please contact
Blow Loaded3 (%) 116 your Dyno Nobel representative. The VOD of BlastHi-T is
dependent on the hole diameter, with VOD reducing as the hole
Minimum Hole Diameter
diameter reduces.
Poured (mm) 75
Blow Loaded (mm) 25 BlastHi-T has no water resistance.
BlastHi-T has a maximum shelf life of six (6) months dependent
Water Resistance Nil
on temperature and humidity conditions. Storage in a high
humidity and high temperature environment will accelerate
1 All Dyno Nobel energy values are calculated using a
product breakdown and should be avoided. Signs of BlastHi-T
proprietary Dyno Nobel thermodynamic code. Other
programs may give different values. degradation are hardening or caking which can lead to difficulty in
2 Nominal poured density of ANFO of 0.82 g/cm3. loading and as a result, may lead to poor blasting performance.
3 Nominal blow loaded density of ANFO of 0.95 g/cm3.
Under normal conditions in dry and stemmed blast holes,
BlastHi-T may be slept for periods up to six (6) months. The
sleep time may be limited to the recommended sleep time of the
initiating system. The presence of water will dramatically reduce
the sleep time.
BlastHi-T is available in packaged form, ranging from bulk
bags (500kg) through to smaller bags (10, 20 and 25kg). All
bags are delivered on one (1) tonne product only weight pallets,
i.e. 2 x 500kg, 100 x 10kg, 50 x 20kg or 40 x 25kg plastic bags
per pallet.
Powermite® Pro
Powermite® Pro is a detonator sensitive gassed emulsion
explosive, packaged in plastic film cartridges.
Powermite Pro is formulated as a high energy explosive for use
in hard blasting conditions. This product has also demonstrated
excellent performance in lifter holes in underground mining
operations. It may be used as a primer of ANFO, Heavy ANFO
Properties: and ANFO PS in small diameter boreholes.
Explosives Class: 1.1D U.N. No: 0241 Powermite Pro is formulated to be sensitive to a No. 8 strength
Typical Density (g/cm )
1.16 – 1.23 detonator. The preferred method of initiation is via the NONEL®
system. When inserting the detonator into cartridge always use a
Energy 2.8 MJ/kg wooden skewer, not the detonator, to break the plastic film.
Relative Weight Strength 121 Powermite Pro products have a recommended maximum shelf
life of one (1) year when transported and stored under ideal
Relative Bulk Strength 183
Velocity of Detonation* (m/s) 3400
The sleep time of Powermite Pro will be limited to the
Water Resistance Excellent recommended sleep time of the explosive it is priming or that of
the initiation system, whichever is shorter.
* VOD is dependent on product density, diameter, the degree of
confinement and other factors. Packaging:
Powermite Pro Cart Weight (kg) Nominal Cartridges per Case
25mm x 700mm 25 59
32mm x 700mm 25 38
55mm x 400mm 25 23
65mm x 400mm 25 17
80mm x 400mm 25 11
Packaged Explosives continued
SANFOLD® is a low density explosive designed to overcome
segregation problems during loose pouring and pneumatic loading
of explosive product. It has a TITAN® emulsion matrix content in
addition to the ammonium nitrate, polystyrene beads and fuel oil
The TITAN emulsion in the formulation binds the ANFO and
polystyrene together making the product ideal for use in inclined
holes where segregation could occur whilst the sticky nature of
Properties: the product keeps the explosive in the blasthole.
Explosives Class: 1.1D U.N. No: 0082 SANFOLD is therefore particularly suited to perimeter blasting in
uphole stopes, with the different blends allowing the explosive
Sticky ANFO:
properties to be matched with the particular geology.
Polystyrene Ratio (Volume %) 70:30 50:50 30:70
Density Application:
Poured (g/cm3) 0.75 0.55 0.30
The SANFOLD range of products provides a variety of explosive
Pneumatically Loaded (g/cm3) 0.87 0.67 0.54
strengths for applications that require lower strength explosives
Energy1 (MJ/kg) 3.63 3.51 3.28 such as in perimeter blasting. The lower energy of SANFOLD
combined with its excellent charge distribution is designed to
Recommended Minimum Diameter2
minimise vibration and maintain wall control whilst still achieving
Loose Poured (mm) 40 50 50 good fragmentation.
Pneumatically Loaded (mm) 32 – 40
SANFOLD is formulated both for use in upholes as well as
horizontal or slightly inclined holes in drives. SANFOLD is
1 All Dyno Nobel energy values are calculated using a
proprietary Dyno Nobel thermodynamic code. Other programs
also suitable in steeply inclined holes as product segregation
may give different values. is minimised due to the emulsion binding the ANFO and
2 Minimum hole diameter will vary: Polystyrene content, product polystyrene beads together.
density and confinement.
SANFOLD is not detonator sensitive. It must be primed with a
suitable diameter HDP cast booster or Powermite® Pro cartridge.
SANFOLD products should be used within three (3) months
where possible. The maximum storage life for SANFOLD is six (6)
months under ambient temperature and low humidity conditions.
Storage in high humidity and temperature cycling conditions will
accelerate product breakdown and should be avoided.
Under normal conditions in dry stemmed blastholes, SANFOLD
may be slept for up to three (3) months. The sleep time will be
limited to the recommended sleep time of the initiating system.
The presence of water will dramatically reduce sleep time.
SANFOLD is available in packaged form in plastic bags. SANFOLD
70, 50 and 30 are available in 18kg, 12.5kg and 8kg plastic bags
coloured green, purple and yellow respectively. SANFOLD 70, 50
and 30 is delivered in 50 bag per pallet loads containing 900kg,
625kg and 400kg of product respectively.
Z-BAR® Edge
Z-BAR® Edge is a contour product, designed to deliver the
perfect solution for precision perimeter blasting in wet or dry
underground developments. It is a high strength packaged
explosive produced in a continuous tube form to be used as a
decoupled perimeter product. It is detonator sensitive and has
10g/m detonating cord running internally through the entire
length of the product.
Z-BAR Edge has been specifically designed to provide an
easy-to-use and effective system, for perimeter blasting in
Properties: underground development rounds.
Z-BAR Edge is sensitive to a No. 8 strength detonator or greater.
Explosives Class: 1.1D U.N. No: 0082
The preferred method of initiation is via the NONEL® system.
Typical Density (g/cm3) 0.90 – 0.95
Whilst holding the primer section of the Z-BAR tube charge, insert
Charge Weight – Tube (kg/m) 0.27 the NONEL detonator fully into the detonator well, located at the
end of the primer section. The NONEL tube should be secured
Charge Weight – Primer (kg/m) 0.77
into the notch, located in the rim of the detonator locator.
Velocity of Detonation While holding the first length of tube with the detonator locator,
ANFO (m/s) Dependent rip the tape from around the Z-BAR tube and let the remaining
on detonating tube lengths drop.
cord VOD
Insert the primer section of the Z-BAR tube into the collar of the
Detonating Cord (m/s) 6500
blasthole and push it in until the tube end is flush with the collar.
Water Resistance Excellent Using the ANFO hose, push the Z-BAR charge fully to the toe of
the blasthole. The Z-BAR tube charge must be contained fully
within the blasthole, with a gap left to the collar of the blast hole.
This will minimise failures due to “suck out”.
Diameter – Tube (mm) 19
Diameter – Primer (mm) 35
Colour Yellow
Nominal Box Weight (kg) 20 (maximum)
Packaged Explosives continued
Z-BAR® Lifter
Z-BAR® Lifter is a contour product, designed to deliver the
perfect solution for precision floor blasting in wet or dry
underground developments. It is a high strength packaged
explosive produced in a continuous tube form to be used as a
decoupled perimeter product. It is detonator sensitive and has
10 g/m detonating cord running internally through the entire
length of the product.
Properties: Application:
Explosives Class: 1.1D U.N. No: 0082 Z-BAR Lifter has been specifically designed to provide an easy-
to-use and effective system, for floor blasting in underground
Typical Density (g/cm3) 0.90 – 0.95
development rounds.
Charge Weight (kg/m) 0.05 Z-BAR Lifter is also uniquely suited to development blasting
Velocity of Detonation where the ground is wet and suited to a high heave product.
ANFO (m/s) Dependent Z-BAR Lifter is sensitive to a No. 8 strength detonator or greater.
on detonating The preferred method of initiation is via the NONEL® system.
cord VOD Whilst holding the primer section of the Z-BAR tube charge, insert
Detonating Cord (m/s) 6500 the NONEL detonator fully into the detonator well, located at the
Water Resistance Excellent end of the primer section. The NONEL tube should be secured
into the notch, located in the rim of the detonator locator.
While holding the first length of tube with the detonator locator,
rip the tape from around the Z-BAR tube and let the remaining
tube lengths drop.
Insert the primer section of the Z-BAR tube into the collar of the
blasthole and push it in until the tube end is flush with the collar.
Using the ANFO hose, push the Z-BAR charge fully to the toe of
the blasthole. The Z-BAR tube charge must be contained fully
within the blasthole, with a gap left to the collar of the blast hole.
This will minimise failures due to “suck out”.
Diameter (mm) 29
Colour White
Nominal Box Weight (kg) 25 (maximum)
Initiation Systems
In initiation systems, it all started with the invention of safety fuse and then, the detonator.
Dyno Nobel has a range of superior detonators, including the NONEL® non-electric initiation
system and the SmartShot Electronic detonator system.
PRIMACORD 5 detonating cord has been designed for use as
surface and downhole initiating lines.
Explosives Class: 1.1D U.N. No: 0065
Length per Spool (m) 500
Explosive Type PETN. Spools per Case 2
PRIMALINE 10 is used for side initiation of explosives and may
be used in combination with PRIMACORD 5 detonating cord.
Properties: Length per Spool (m) 350
Spools per Case 2
Explosives Class: 1.1D U.N. No: 0065
Colour/counter Red
Electric Super Starter
Electric Super Starter is an instant electric detonator housed
in a plastic bunch block, facilitating easy connection to both
shock tube and detonating cord. Electric Super Starter leg-wires
are insulated with a superior polyolefin material which offers
excellent resistance to cuts, abrasion, oil, low temperature and
high humidity as well as other harsh environments in various
rugged blasting applications.
The Dyno Nobel shunt protects the factory stripped wire ends
from corrosion and shields them from stray current.
n NEVER use an Electric Super Starter detonator with other
Dyno Nobel electric detonators or electric detonators
Properties: from another manufacturer. Wiring different brand electric
Shell Material Aluminium detonators together in a blast circuit may result in misfires.
n ALWAYS use Electric Super Starter in accordance with state
Shell Length 60mm (2.375 in)
laws and regulations.
Leg-wire Material Copper (single)
n ALWAYS test Electric Super Starter before use by approved
Leg-wire Colour Turquoise/Yellow blasting circuit testers.
Maximum Water Depth 76m (250ft) n ALWAYS initiate Electric Super Starter using approved firing
devices only.
Shelf Life Maximum 5 years (from date
n Leg wires should remain ‘shunted’ until final hook up.
of production)
Initiation Systems continued
Properties: Description:
The NONEL® EZTL initiation system is a low strength surface
Explosives Class: 1.1B U.N. No: 0360
detonator series.
NONEL Tube Colour Yellow NONEL EZTL units consist of a length of yellow NONEL shock
NONEL Tube Diameter (mm) 3.0 (STD) tube attached to a low strength, non-electric millisecond delay
detonator that is factory assembled into a colour-coded plastic
NONEL Tube EZ connector block on one end and sealed with a plastic
Velocity of Detonation (m/s) 2100 ± 300 cord clip attached to the other end. The NONEL EZTL surface
EZTL Connector Block Capacity 6 STD tubes detonator can reliably initiate up to 6 shock tube leads clipped
into the EZ connector block and the block design makes surface
Note – The EZTL will not reliably fire detonating cord. tie-in simple.
The NONEL EZTL initiation system is a low strength surface
detonator series used in conjunction with the NONEL MS series
to provide flexible, easy-to-use surface initiation system in
mining and construction applications.
Length (m) Units Per Case Configuration
4.8 150 Coiled
6.0 150 Coiled
7.2 150 Coiled
9.0 100 Figure 80
12.0 75 Figure 80
15.0 75 Figure 80
18.0 50 Figure 80
NONEL® LP Series
Properties: Description:
The NONEL® LP detonator is a long period, high strength delay
Explosives Class 1.1B U.N. No: 0360
detonator series featuring 19 delays ranging from 25 to 8000
Detonator No. 12 Strength milliseconds.
Length (m) Case Count Configuration
4.8 200 Sidewinder
5.4 175 Sidewinder
15.0 75 Sleeve
24.0 30 Spool
36.0 30 Spool
Initiation Systems continued
NONEL® MS Series
Properties: Description:
The NONEL® MS detonator is a millisecond, high strength delay
Explosives Class: 1.1B U.N. No: 0360
detonator series featuring 28 delays ranging from 25 to 1000
High Strength Detonator No. 12 Strength milliseconds.
TROJAN Ringprime® Cast Boosters
Properties: Description:
The TROJAN Ringprime® Cast Booster is a high density, high
Explosive Type PETN/TNT
detonation pressure booster cast into a plastic shell. It has a
Nominal Density (g/cm3) 1.62 ± 3% single tunnel and cap, located centrally in the booster.
Ideal Velocity of
Detonation (m/s) 7300
The TROJAN Ringprime booster is specifically designed for use
Ideal Detonation Pressure (kBar) 216
in underground angled or vertical upholes. It is ideal for priming
Nominal Mass (g) 250 ± 5 64mm to 159mm upholes loaded with ANFO, cartridge or bulk
emulsion products.
Diameter (mm) 37
Length (mm) 175
Ringprime (Units per Case) 42
SPIDER Nett Case Weight (kg) 10.5
Hole Diameter 125 (mm) 64 – 102 Case Dimensions (mm) 180 x 330 x 330
Hole Diameter 187 (mm) 100 – 159 Spider (Units per Case) 70 (separate)
Initiation Systems continued
Detonator: Packaging:
UN Shipping Classification 1.4S
Dynamic Shock Resistance >12,000psi 500ns pulse width
Detonator Configurations Coil
ESD Resistance Passes EN 13763-13
Cable Colour Green with a
RF Immunity Passes CEN TS 13763-27 coloured stripe
Detonator Shell Copper
System Limits:
Detonator Strength 8D (I.M.E.:#12) Strength
Maximum Total Delay Time 20,000ms
Base Charge PETN
Maximum Number of Detonators 1600*
Net Explosives Quantity (NEQ) 0.1kg (0.2205lbs) per 100 detonators with Expander Module 2400*
Detonating Cord Cutters are used for cutting detonating cord
and NONEL® tube.
Sold in single units. Holsters are also available.
The DynoTracker is a device that attaches to the end of a standard
charging hose used for loading ANFO. This device allows the use
of ANFO as a perimeter charge in tunnelling applications. Hereby
eliminating more expensive cartridged explosives.
ANFO is blow loaded through the DynoTracker similar to the
normal blow loading technique. It loads a partially loaded
(decoupled) charge of ANFO into low inclination drillholes such
as those employed in jumbo development mining. The decoupled
charge produces a low order explosion when the primer
detonates. This is ideal for the control of perimeter blasting,
resulting in smoother tunnel walls with less overbreak.
Sold in single units.
J Cord Cutter
The J Cord Cutter is a drag knife for cutting detonating cord &
NONEL® tube. Low cost, limited life tool with no moving parts.
Approved cutting device for initiation products.
Sold in bundles of 10.
Blasting Accessories continued
Fixed installations for electric initiation.
Properties: Packaging:
100m rolls.
Insulation Colour Red –
Fig 8 outer sheath,
Red and White core
Number of Cores 2
Electrical Resistance
@ 20C(mΩ/m) per core 12.9
Twin Twist Bell Wire is suited to the extension of lead lines and
the make up of firing circuits.
Conductor: 2 x 0.61mm diameter
500m rolls.
copper wire
Insulation: PVC
The Scorpion® is a device used to centralise detonators in
the borehole. Constructed from extruded plastic, Scorpion
comprises four fins attached to a central spine and allows direct
priming of ANFO in small diameter, dry blastholes – used in
tunnelling and underground mine development to initiate blow
loaded ANFO and TITAN 7000 bulk emulsion.
Properties: The Scorpion is designed to centrally locate and protect a
Length (mm) 130 detonator in the blast hole. When used in conjunction with a
NONEL® LP or MS detonator, the No. 12 strength cap provides
Diameter (mm) 38
adequate priming performance to initiate blow loaded ANFO and
Construction Extruded Plastic TITAN 7000 bulk emulsion.
50 per bag.
600 per box.
The Stempac device is an assembly of Stemtite plugs and
selected crushed aggregate. These components are contained
in a package manufactured from a deformable material. The
deformable material permits the Stempac to increase its
diameter to fit variations in the designated blasthole diameter.
To facilitate a means to stem blast holes that have been drilled
horizontal or at an angle above horizontal. The Stempac is
designed to be placed in a blast hole after the loading has been
completed and is placed 80 cm below the explosive column.
The Stempac is delivered enclosed in a plastic sleeve and
packaged in cartons. Each carton has a nominal weight of
30 kilograms. It is available in sizes to suit 76, 89 and 102
millimetre diamater blastholes.
Blasting Accessories continued
The Stinger Exploder 10 Shot is suited for use in open cut and underground
mining conditions, except in explosive atmosphere conditions.
The Stinger Exploder 10 Shot will reliably fire up to 10 standard electric
detonators in series with maximum circuit resistance of 36Ω.
Blow loading ANFO in development rounds, production
rounds and upholes.
60m coils.
20mm hose 25mm hose
Explosive Delivery Systems
As a Dyno Nobel customer, you benefit from the DynoMiner range of
state-of-the-art bulk emulsion, explosive delivery systems for metalliferous
mining. They are the latest technological advancements that increase safety
and productivity and reduce costs.
A choice of two emulsion explosive delivery
systems is available for development
headings. Compared with traditional
methods, both systems significantly
increase the safety for operators, ease,
flexibility and efficiency of loading
explosives underground, and reduce
your costs. In addition, the equipment is
operated by you, the customer.
The DynoMiner Advance (top right)
is a basic, compact, air operated unit. It is
offered as a cage unit which is mounted
onto the customer’s standard IT carrier.
Two operators are required to operate
the DynoMiner Advance. It can also be
supplied as a shaft sinking variant.
The DynoMiner Profile (middle right)
offers greater flexibility, precision and
capacity. It is ideal for the control of
perimeter blasting through its cutting edge
string loading capabilities. The hydraulically
driven unit is fully integrated onto the
customer’s mine carrier and is operated by
a single operator.
The DynoMiner Uphole (bottom right)
comprises a purpose-built truck designed
for the demanding conditions of
underground production mining. It is a fully
integrated vehicle that loads accurately
and has a multiple density capability –
important features for controlling back
break. It is operated by a single operator,
and can be used in both uphole and
downhole applications.
Conversion table
This unit Multiplied by Converts to This unit Multiplied by Converts to
Length Density
metres (m) 3.280 feet (ft) lbs / ft3 16.02 kg / m3
39.370 inches (in)
gm / cm3 62.43 lb / ft3
inches (in) 25.400 millimetres (mm)
Powder Factor
kilometres (km) 0.621 miles
kg / m3 1.69 lb / yd3
kilogram (kg) 2.20 lb Speed
metric tonne (t) 1.10 short tons m / sec 3.28 ft / sec
Reference continued
Design of cut
The following formulae are used for the geometric design of the cut area:
For multiple reamer holes: ø = d n
Where: d = diameter of empty reamer holes
n = number of reamer holes
The cut: a
1st square: a = 1.5ø ø mm = 76 89 102 127 154 a
W1 = a 2 a mm = 110 130 150 190 230
W1 mm = 150 180 210 270 320
B 1
B 1
W 2
W 2
3rd square: B2 = W2 ø mm = 76 89 102 127 154 C-C
C-C = 1.5W2 W2 mm = 320 380 440 560 670 C-C
W3 = 1.5W2 2 C-C = 480 570 660 840 1000 W 2
W3 mm = 670 800 930 1180 1400 W 2
W 2
W 2 W 2
3 W 2
W 3 W 2
4th square: B3 = W3 ø mm = 76 89 102 127 C-C
C-C B 3
W 3
W 3
W 3
W 4
W 4
W 4
W 4
Reference continued
All explosives are classified as dangerous goods and n Blasting and Explosives Quick Reference Guide
can cause personal injury and damage to property if n Computer-Based Training (CBT) CDs
Airblast Airborne shock wave resulting from Detonation pressure The pressure created in Overbreak Excessive breakage of rock
the detonation of explosives. the reaction zone of a detonating explosive. beyond the desired excavation limit.
Back break Rock broken beyond the limits Explosive Any chemical or mixture of Particle velocity The speed of movement in
of the last row. chemicals that can react to produce a given direction of a rock or soil mass.
an explosion.
Borehole pressure The pressure which Pre-split A controlled blast in which
the gasses of detonation exert on the Free face A rock surface that provides the decoupled charges are fired in holes on
borehole wall. rock with room to expand when blasted. the perimeter of the excavation prior to the
Flyrock Rock that is propelled through air main firing.
Charge weight The amount of explosive
from a blast. Relative Bulk Strength (RBS) The energy
charge in kilograms.
Fragmentation Measure to describe the size yield per unit volume of an explosive
Column charge A continuous charge of compared to ANFO.
of distribution of broken rock after blasting.
explosives in a borehole.
Ground vibration Ground movement caused Relative Weight Strength (RWS) The energy
Critical diameter The minimum diameter for yield per unit mass of an explosive compared
by the stress waves emanating from a blast.
propagation of a stable detonation. to ANFO.
Initiation The act of detonating explosives by
Cutoffs A portion of an explosive column that Spacing The distance between boreholes in
any means.
has failed to detonate due to rock movement. the same row.
Line drilling A method of overbreak control
Decoupling The use of explosive products which uses a series of closely spaced holes Stemming Inert material used to confine the
having smaller volume than the volume of that are not charged. gasses generated during detonation.
the blasthole it occupies.
Loading density The weight of explosives Swell factor The ratio of the volume of
Delay blasting The use of delay detonators per metre of borehole. broken rock to the volume of in-situ rock.
or connectors to separate charges by a
Maximum Instantaneous Charge (MIC) Velocity of Detonation (VOD) The velocity at
defined time.
Mass of explosive detonating in some defined which a detonation progresses through
Density Mass per unit volume. time period, usually 8 milliseconds. an explosive.
The information and suggestions contained in this document concern explosive products that should only be dealt with by persons having the appropriate technical
skills, training and licence. The results obtained from the use of such products depend to a large degree on the conditions under which the products are stored,
transported and used.
While Dyno Nobel makes every effort to ensure the details contained in the document are as accurate as possible, the conditions under which the products are used
are not within its control. Each user is responsible for being aware of the details in the document and the product applications in the specific context of the intended
use. If technical advice is required in the specific application of the products then you should contact Dyno Nobel for assistance.
To the full extent permitted by law, Dyno Nobel makes no warranties in relation to the products it sells and bears no risk, responsibility or liability arising from the use
of the products and the information in this document by the buyer or user of the products.
Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific
Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific Pty Limited (ACN 003 269 010) is a subsidiary of Incitec Pivot Limited (ACN 004 080 264).
® BlastLite, Cobra, Detaprill, DYNO, DynoSplit, NONEL, Powermite, PrimaCord, PrimaLine, Ringprime, SANFOLD, Scorpion,
TITAN, TROJAN & Z-BAR are registered trademarks of the Dyno Nobel / Incitec Pivot Group.
™ DynoMiner is a trademark of Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific Pty Limited.
© Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific Pty Limited 2010. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.