MTPC 140: Molecular Biology and Diagnostics
MTPC 140: Molecular Biology and Diagnostics
MTPC 140: Molecular Biology and Diagnostics
and Diagnostics
Senior Instructor
Medical Technology Department
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Investigator Contribution
Friedrich Miescher Isolated nuclein in white blood cell nuclei
Transferred killing ability between types of bacteria
Frederick Griffith S. pneumoniae: Type R to Type S
Oswald Avery
Discovered that DNA transmits killing ability in bacteria
Colin McLeod
BACTERIAL TRANSFORMATION-uptake of FREE DNA in the environment
Maclyn McCarty
Determined that the part of a virus that infects and replicates is its nucleic acid and not its
Alfred Hershey
Martha Chase
Phoebus Levene Discovered DNA components, proportions and positions
Erwin Chargaff • Sugar (deoxyribose and ribose)
Maurice Wilkins • A=T; G=C
Rosalind Franklin • Photo 51
James Watson
Elucidated DNA’s three-dimensional structure
Francis Crick
James Watson Had his genome sequenced
CENTRAL DOGMA: transfer of important information in biological system
• Nucleus
• Nucleus • Promoter (TATA box), Transcription factors,
S phase (interphase) Replication
Semiconservative replication Two dsDNA
DNA Elongation factors, RNA polymerase
• Initiation → Elongation → Termination
• 1 dsDNA → 2dsDNA • dsDNA → transcribed ssRNA → mRNA
• Helicase, Primase, DNA Transcription • Capping → Polyadenylation → Splicing
polymerase III, DNA mRNA
polymerase I, DNA Ligase
• Cytoplasm (ribosomes)
• Initiation → Elongation → Termination Polypeptide
• mRNA, tRNA, ribozyme, ribosome
(small and large subunit)
• P site, A site, E site
• Codon, anticodon and Amino acid
• Genetic code → Proteins
10/04/2021 Maverick V. Sustiguer, RMT 22
10/04/2021 Maverick V. Sustiguer, RMT 23
Area A Area B
Area D Area C
Area A Area B
Area D Area C
Nucleic Acid Nucleic Acid Nucleic Acid
Sample Collection
Extraction Amplification Detection
Cell lysate Biphasic emulsion Phase separation Organic extraction of DNA and RNA are very similar.
DNA extraction: pH 7-8
RNA extraction: pH 4-6
DNA in
Nucleic acid
recovery by
High salt Centrifugation
solution alcohol
Protein pellet
Addition of Addition
Addition of proteinase of Nucleic acid Elution
Sample Washing Purified
lysis buffer K magnetic magnetic and nucleic acid
10/04/2021 beads
Maverick V. separation
Sustiguer, RMT transfer 37
Transfer Addition of
Cell ethanol/isoprop Storage/
suspension anol and salt processing
phase solution
Aqueous phase
(top) and Addition of
Lysis Centrifuge
Organic phase buffer/water
Cell lysate
DNA pellet + Dry the DNA
with Centrifuge
70% ethanol pellet