Overview of NEECA Act 2016 & National Scheme For Certified Energy Auditor/Certified Energy Managers

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Overview of NEECA Act 2016 & National Scheme for Certified Energy

Auditor/Certified Energy Managers

Asad Mahmood
Manager Technical-ECF
National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority
Ministry of Energy (Power Division)
Pakistan’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)
Pakistan’s NDC is representative of its commitment
towards the global effort towards meeting UNFCCC
objectives. As Article 2 of the Convention stipulates
stabilizing the concentration of GHG emissions. This is an
opportunity and binding to set targets for energy sector till

Pakistan’s NDC is also strategically aligned with “Vision

2025”, and is based on sectoral growth in accordance with
various lines ministries and entities plans and policies.
Pakistan’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)
As part of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Pakistan has pledged to reduce
up to 20% of its 2030 projected GHG emissions.

Sector Wise Projection of Emissions (MT CO2-equivalent)

Sustainable Energy For All (SE4ALL)

Sustainable Energy For All (SE4ALL) is the global

initiative of United Nations, which is underpinned by its
three main goals:
1. Universal access to energy
2. Doubling the rate of energy efficiency and
3. Doubling the share of renewable energy in the
overall energy mix.
Sustainable Develop Goals (SDGs)
On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end
poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a
new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to
be achieved over the next 15 years.
Al Quran
َ ِ‫رف‬
‫ين‬ ْ ‫م‬
ِ ‫س‬ ْ ‫ب‬
ُ ‫ال‬ ُّ ‫ح‬ ُ َّ‫ر ُفوا إِن‬
ِ ‫ه ال ُي‬ ْ ُ‫َوال ت‬
ِ ‫س‬
“But waste not by excess – for Allah loveth not the wasters”
Surah Al-Araf (31)

“And spend not extravagantly”

Surah Isra (26)

‫س ِرفِ ۡينا‬
ۡ ‫م‬ ُّ ‫ح‬
ُ ‫ب ۡال‬ ِ ‫اِنَّ ٗه اَل ُي‬
“He does not love those who exceed the proper limits”
Energy Conservation Opportunities by Conducting Energy Audits and Surveys

Energy Conservation through conducting Technical Services, Retrofits etc

Results through Trainings and Awareness Campaigns


Installation of Tune-up Stations, Waste Heat Recovery and implementation of retrofit
measures in Industrial, Agriculture, Transport and Building Sectors

Through private sector Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) - Performance Contracting
What are energy efficiency policies?
All public interventions (policy instruments) aiming at improving
energy efficiency of a country, through adequate pricing,
institutional setting regulations and economic or fiscal
- World Energy Council
Policy instruments types
Laws & regulations
instruments Standards
Codes of practice
instruments Property & tradable rights
Bonds & deposit funds
Liability systems
Voluntary agreements
instruments Programs & projects
Research & development
(23 members)
1. Chairman – Federal Minister for Power Division
2. Vice Chairman – Secretary, Power Division
▪ Federal Secretaries (Finance, Petroleum & Natural Resources, Planning, Science &
Technology, Industries, Housing & Works, Climate Change)
▪ Provincial Secretaries (Designated Departments)
▪ Chairman OGRA & NEPRA
▪ Managing Director NEECA
▪ One Nominee from Chambers of Commerce & Industry
▪ One Person from Agriculture sector nominated by the Federal Govt.
▪ Five sectoral experts as members from the Private Sector (Power sector, Industrial
Sector, Transport Sector, Agriculture & Livestock Sector and the Building Sector)
Initiate, Catalyze,
Recommend national EE
Coordinate Prepare NEC Policy

Recommend financial and

Establish infrastructure Demonstration, R&D
fiscal incentives

Establish systems and Establish Protocols of

Program Development
procedures coordination

Certify & Designate Prohibit manufacture sale

Carry out Energy Audits /
Energy Auditors and or import of energy in-
Energy use Assessments
Managers efficient equipment

Establish system of Prescribe and implement

Display of EE Labels
designated consumers building energy code.

Create awareness and

Prescribe penalties for
dessiminate information on
inefficient practices.

Technical Standards Investment
Services & Labels Promotion

Energy Audits / Energy

Recommend National EE
Use Assessments Promote EE Investments Legal Procedures

Establish System of
Designated Consumers
Financial & Fiscal Administrative &
Establish Infrastructure
Incentives Accounts
Create Awareness &
Dissemination of
Information / BAP & BAT
Prohibit Manufacture or
Import of Inefficient Business Modeling HRIS
Energy Equipment
Program Development

Protocols of
Article VII
Display of EE Labels Venture Capital Fund
R&D Coordination of NEECA

Building Blocks
Power Sector Industrial Sector Sector
Transport Sector Building Sector

Means small Means activities of

Means road Means all Means practices of soil
transport, buildings generation, scale, medium
management, land
scale and large
railways, including transmission preparation,
scale industry harvesting, thrashing,
aviation and private and involving mechanized livestock
such other domestic distribution manufacturing, and agriculture
means of household, system of making, farming, livestock and
agriculture farm
transportation commercial, electricity. formulating,
irrigation and
as the Board industrial, altering, drainage, livestock
may determine. public and repairing, agriculture produce
finishing, packing transportation,
or otherwise agrochemical
buildings. treating any management, livestock
plant and agriculture
article or
food processing,
substance with a preservation and value
view to its use, addition, biomass
sale, transport, recycling, range land
delivery or and forest
disposal. management, livestock
and poultry
management, post
harvest output

Sectors Covered under Act

Transport Sector Agriculture Sector Industrial Sector Buildings Sector Power Sector

• Road transport as it • Agricultural pumps, • The small and • Buildings take 48 % • Being another
is a major consumer motors and tractors medium scale of national energy intensive
of petroleum are characterized by industry lack the electricity sector of economy,
products in the high energy technical know-how consumption, while Demand Side
country, and holds inefficiencies and and resources to it takes around 20 % Management as well
major opportunity hold major room for engage in EE share of overall as Energy Loss
for conservation. EE improvement. activities and energy Reduction programs
therefore should be consumption. entailing supply side
an area of concern Buildings including and mid-stream
for NEECA. The large households, management
industries will be commercial as well programs in close
covered under the as community collaboration with
mandatory structures should GENCOs, DISCOs
provisions of attract NEECA’s and NTDC should
NEECA. intervention as a be focus of NEECA’s
priority. attention.

Priority Areas of Involvement for NEECA

Developing national policy The development and The Provincial Agencies may
will primarily be a notification of minimum establish testing
responsibility of the energy performance standards laboratories or designate
Authority. Inputs from all the (MEPS) will the responsibility accredited laboratories for
federating units will be of the Authority. No province EE testing in cordination
received before seeking shall issue MEPS on its own with NEECA.
approval from the board and accord. Provinces to be
its notification involved in MEPS development

Relationship b/w the Board and Provinces

The provincial The provincial designated
The provincial Introducing labels for agencies shall act as
designated agencies
designated agencies appliance products enforcement arms of the
may assign designated
may amend and notify shall be responsibility consumers in Authority in their respective
the BEC to suit local of NEECA. Provincial consultation with provinces. Enforcement to
climatic conditions in agencies can assume NEECA. Energy audits / be done in consultation and
consultation. verification and testing assessments for approval from the
demonstration purpose Authority.
role in consultation
with NEECA. can be initiated by the
agencies in
consultation with

Relationship b/w the Board and Provinces

The provincial Penalties will be The provincial designated The provincial
Provincial designated
designated agencies prescribed by the agencies may develop designated agencies
agencies can take their
may create awareness Authority for inefficient programs in their may recommend the
own initiatives on R&D
and disseminate EC practices till the respective provinces for Authority regarding
and EC demonstration
information regarding powers are delegated to EE and MEPS related financial and fiscal
activities. The Authority
promotion of EC the Penalties will be activities with prior initiatives for EE and
will be kept informed to
practices in the prescribed by the approval from the MEPS which can be
maximize ripple effect,
respective provinces in Authority for inefficient Authority / board. implemented with
awareness and to build
coordination with EC practices till the Board’s approval.
upon work carried out
previously by ENERCON. NEECA. powers are delegated ,

Relationship b/w the Board and Provinces

UNEP Climate Technology Centre Network Support for
Developing National Certification Scheme For Energy
Definitions as per NEECA Act 2016
vii. “Certified Energy Auditor” means any person to be certified and
designated by the Authority for carrying out energy audit in accordance with
the provisions of the Act.

Why Heat and Electricity design separately?

Mechanical Electrical
UNEP Climate Technology Center & Network (CTCN), which is the operational arm of the
UNFCCC Technology Mechanism based in Denmark, approved the Request for developing a
National Certification Scheme for Energy Auditors/Managers. CTCN will depute experts free
to cost for developing, institutionalizing and executing a National certification scheme for
energy auditors/managers. Once established, the scheme would facilitate the energy auditing
and related activities in a streamlined manner.

Project Components
Four project components and associated main activities are:
✓Identification of Designated Consumers
✓National Certification Scheme
✓Training of Relevant Professionals
✓Draft Regulations to Support Implementation of Roles as defined in
National Certification Scheme.
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