Module 2 The Unit Circle and Trigonometry
Module 2 The Unit Circle and Trigonometry
Module 2 The Unit Circle and Trigonometry
(ii) The sine, cosine and tangent of any angle: For an arbitrary angle θ, we put
sin θ y
(cos θ, sin θ) = (x, y) and tan θ = = (provided x = cos θ ̸= 0) ,
cos θ x
where (x, y) lies on the unit circle satisfying the equation x2 + y 2 = 1, centred at the
origin (0, 0), and where the radius from (0, 0) to (x, y) subtends an angle θ:
1 1
(cos θ, sin θ)
sin θ sin θ
tan θ
θ θ
−1 cos θ 1 −1 cos θ 1
−1 −1
The point on the circle can be in any quadrant. Note, however, that for an acute angle θ,
where the point on the unit circle ends up in the first quadrant, as in the diagram above,
these definitions coincide with definitions given previously. To see this, one uses ratios
of sides of the right-angled triangle formed using the point on the circle, the origin and
the point on the horizontal axis labelled by cos θ. The radius of length 1 becomes the
It follows also, by considering similar right-angled triangles, that tan θ is the length of
the line segment along the tangent to the circle, from the x-axis to the intersection point
with the line extending the radius, measured negatively in the 2nd and 4th quadrants.
(iii) Equivalent angles: Angles are equivalent if they differ by integer multiples of 2π. For
example, 0, ±2π, ±4π, . . . are equivalent; π6 , − 11π
and 13π
are equivalent; − π2 , 3π
and 7π
are equivalent. The values of sin, cos and tan remain the same for equivalent angles.
(v) Signs of trig values inside the respective quadrants: In the first quadrant (not including the
axes), we have
sin θ
sin θ > 0 , cos θ > 0 , tan θ = > 0.
cos θ
In the second quadrant (not including the axes), we have
sin θ
sin θ > 0 , cos θ < 0 , tan θ = < 0.
cos θ
In the third quadrant (not including the axes), we have
sin θ
sin θ < 0 , cos θ < 0 , tan θ = > 0.
cos θ
In the fourth quadrant (not including the axes), we have
sin θ
sin θ < 0 , cos θ > 0 , tan θ = < 0.
cos θ
π 3π
(vi) Trig values on the axes: Points on the unit circle with angles θ equivalent to 0, , π,
2 2
fall on the axes at the points (1, 0), (0, 1), (−1, 0), (0, −1) respectively. We therefore get
the following trig values:
Thus sin x is the real number obtained by moving directly across to the vertical axis, and
cos x is the real number obtained by moving directly up or down to the horizontal axis.
(Exactly how one moves across to the right or left to the vertical axis, or up or down to
the horizontal axis, depends on the quadrant of the circle in which the point happens to
be. In the following diagram the point (cos x, sin x) happens to be in the first quadrant.)
(cos x, sin x)
sin x
arc length x
−1 cos x 1
Consider moving anticlockwise one revolution of the circle, but broken up into four stages:
(1) as x goes from 0 to π2 in the first quadrant, sin x, the point on the vertical axis, goes
from 0 to 1, whilst cos x, the point on the horizontal axis, goes from 1 to 0.
(2) as x goes from π2 to π in the second quadrant, sin x returns from 1 to 0, whilst cos x
goes from 0 to −1.
(3) as x goes from π to 3π
in the third quadrant, sin x goes from 0 to −1, whilst cos x
returns from −1 to 0.
(4) as x goes from 3π
to 2π in the fourth quadrant, sin x returns from −1 to 0, whilst
cos x goes from 0 to 1.
We can plot the behaviour of y = sin x and y = cos x for this single anticlockwise revolu-
tion of the circle, now in the xy-plane, for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π:
y y
1 1
y = sin x y = cos x
3π 3π
2 2π π 2
π x π
2π x
2 2
−1 −1
We now allow the angle x, measured as arc length, to make unlimited numbers of rev-
olutions of the unit circle both clockwise and anticlockwise and we produce curves that
oscillate infinitely often, in both the positive and negative directions along the entire real
number line:
y = sin x
−3π −π 2π 4π
−4π −2π π 3π x
y = cos x
−3π −π π 3π
−4π −2π 2π 4π x
The functions y = sin x and y = cos x we produce in this way are called the circular
functions, because the pair (cos x, sin x) form coordinates on the unit circle. They both
have the same domain, which is the entire real line R, and the same range, which is the
interval [−1, 1].
Their graphs are called sinusoidal curves. Notice that the sine and cosine curve have
exactly the same shape. One can get the cosine curve from the sine curve by translating
the sine curve horizontally to the left by π2 units, so that
( π)
cos x = sin x + ,
and we can get the sine curve from the cosine curve by translating the cosine curve
horizontally to the right by π2 units, so that
( π)
sin x = cos x − .