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Exercise Prescription Template s21-1

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Individual Exercise Prescription Template/Example

Name: Rebecca Koskey

Class/Project: HSC 4102 Individual Exercise Prescription

Date: 03/21/21

Cardiorespiratory Fitness

F (frequency) – x times per week and which days

2 times a week; Tuesday and Thursday

I (intensity) – what heart rate will you be using – include max heart rate and training heart rate

Training Heart Rate: 150-175

Max Heart Rate: 200

T (type) – describe what type of exercise will be done (i.e. running, swimming, biking, dancing, etc.)


T (time) – how long will you do this in each session

1 hour for each session

Progression – how will you increase your exercise over x amount of time

Increase Reps for 1st two weeks and then de-load on third week. Increase distance through week

*Can also include or record resting HR, max HR, training HR, BP in this section

*Can also add chart/table if you’d like for each section, or all components on one calendar

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Progression

Rest 10 minute 15 minute Rest Week 1
warm up, warm up,
8x40yd 4x150yd
sprints sprints
Total: 1hr Total: 1hr
Rest 10 minute 15 minute Rest Week 2
warm up, warm up,
10x40yd 5x150yd
sprints sprints
Total: 1hr Total: 1hr
Rest 10 minute 15 minute Rest Week 3
warm up, warm up,
6x50yd 6x150yd
sprints sprints
Total: 1hr Total: 1hr

Musculoskeletal Fitness

F (frequency) – x times per week and which days

3 times a week; Monday, Wednesday, Friday

I (intensity) – this would be sets/reps

3 or 4 sets, Reps are based off of de-load and using heavier weights with less reps.

T (type) – describe what type of exercise will be done (be very specific – do not just write “lift weights”)

Lifting weights in a way that words different muscle groups. Mondays are full body workouts using legs
and arms, Wednesdays are more focused on legs, and Fridays focus on the hips, knees, and hamstrings.

T (time) – how long will you do this in each session

1 hour for each session: this includes the warm up

*Can also include or record resting HR, max HR, training HR, BP in this section

Progression – how will you increase your exercise over x amount of time

Increased over time in reps instead of sets and weight depending on how bodies feel that day, ect.

*Can also add chart/table if you’d like for each section, or all components on one calendar

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Progression

Rest 3x10 Box 4x10 DB 3x10 Hip Rest Week 1
Squats Bench extension
3x10 1- 3x8 3x8 KB
Arm DB Landmine Sumo DL
Row Press 3x12 Knee
3x10 SL 3x6 SL Extension
RDL Squat to 3x12
3x10 Leg box Hamstring
Curl Curl
Rest 3x8 Box 4x8 DB 3x12 Hip Rest Week 2
Squats Bench extension
3x10 1- 3x8 3x8 KB
Arm DB Landmine Sumo DL
Row Press 3x12 Knee
3x10 SL 3x8 SL Extension
RDL Squat to 3x12
3x10 Leg box Hamstring
Curl Curl
Rest 3x6 Box 4x6 DB 3x14 Hip Rest Week 3
Squats Bench extension
3x8 1-Arm 3x86 3x6 KB
DB Row Landmine Sumo DL
3x8 SL RDL Press 3x10 Knee
3x12 Leg 3x10 SL Extension
Curl Squat to 3x10
box Hamstring


F (frequency) – x times per week and which days

Every day before any activity

I (intensity) – this would be sets/reps

2 sets each day for 20-30 seconds, yoga for 30mins-1 hour on Fridays

T (type) – describe what type of exercise will be done (be very specific – do not just write “stretch”)

Toe touches, Quad holds, Figure 4 stretches, RDL’s, and Glute stretch. Yoga would be a different routine
each week.

T (time) – how long will you do this in each session

Each session will be about 15-30mins, yoga sessions may be closer to an hour.

Progression – how will you increase your exercise over x amount of time

*Can also add chart/table if you’d like for each section, or all components on one calendar

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Progression

2x20 2x20 2x20 2x20 Yoga class Rest Week 1
Second Second Second Second
Rest Holds Each Holds Each Holds Each Holds Each
-Toe touch -Toe touch -Toe touch -Toe touch
-Quadricep -Quadricep -Quadricep -Quadricep
hold hold hold hold
-Figure 4 -Figure 4 -Figure 4 -Figure 4
stretch stretch stretch stretch
-Glute -Glute -Glute -Glute
stretches stretches stretches stretches

2x25 2x25 2x25 2x25 Yoga class Rest Week 2

Rest Second Second Second Second
Holds Each Holds Each Holds Each Holds Each
-Toe touch -Toe touch -Toe touch -Toe touch
-Quadricep -Quadricep -Quadricep -Quadricep
hold hold hold hold
-Figure 4 -Figure 4 -Figure 4 -Figure 4
stretch stretch stretch stretch
-Glute -Glute -Glute -Glute
stretches stretches stretches stretches

Rest 2x30 2x30 2x30 2x30 Yoga class Rest Week 3

Second Second Second Second
Holds Each Holds Each Holds Each Holds Each
-Toe touch -Toe touch -Toe touch -Toe touch
-Quadricep -Quadricep -Quadricep -Quadricep
hold hold hold hold
-Figure 4 -Figure 4 -Figure 4 -Figure 4
stretch stretch stretch stretch
-Glute -Glute -Glute -Glute
stretches stretches stretches stretches

Body Composition

Include table/information on body composition (see template for table).

Height 67 inches
Weight 175
Body Mass Index 175/2.2=79.545 Risk Level= Overweight
79.545/1.702m^2= 27.5

Add short paragraph on each:

My height is about 5 foot and seven inches which is fairly tall for a girl. I am taller than most of my
friends and play sports where my height benefits me.

I weigh about 175 pounds which fluctuates depending on if I am in season or not playing softball. I can
weigh more or less depending on the amount I am working out and lifting weights. This causes my
muscle mass to fluctuate.
My body mass index shows that my BMI is roughly around 27.5. Based off of the BMI chart this would
mean that I am overweight. Being that I play a collegiate sport, I have more muscle mass than the
average person and tend to put on more muscle when I am in season, meaning that this isn’t an
accurate reading. The BMI chart doesn’t take into consideration for those who play heavy weight lifting

What did you learn about body composition? How can you apply this in your life/to your program?

What I learned about body composition is that it can tell us a lot about our bodies. That is through
knowing if we are in a good weight range, weigh too much, or not enough. With that information we are
able to tell if we are putting ourselves at risk for disease and illness which thankfully I am not. I can apply
this to my workout/exercise routines to incorporate different activities and exercise to either shed those
pounds or gain them if need be.

Challenges/limitations/solutions to exercise (i.e. what are the obstacles that get in your way overall or
with each component of fitness and what are solutions to overcome?)

Some obstacles that get in the way of each different component of fitness is just daily activities whether
that is class, work, homework, family, or even animals to take care of. Thankfully, for me, I play
collegiate softball and am provided with strength and conditioning coaches who are paid to help us with
things like our weight and performance. This is a solution for me, but for someone else that won’t work.
What I would do if I didn’t have sports is to encourage those family members to help you get active and
push you towards your goals or when taking care of those animals, get in activity with them!

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