Bougainvillea Spectabilis
Bougainvillea Spectabilis
Bougainvillea Spectabilis
Scientia Horticulturae
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Keywords: Pollen grains of 92 Bougainvillea genotypes were examined using a light microscope (LM) and scanning electron
Bougainvillea microscope (SEM) to identify taxonomic characteristics and the relationship between pollen morphology and
Pollen morphology germination capacity. The shapes of fresh pollen grains of Bougainvillea genotypes are spheroidal to prolate-
Pollen viability
spheroidal or suboblate after infolding. The sexine of Bougainvillea pollen grains consists of columellae and a
reticulate cristatum, with or without microechini. The distribution pattern of the tectum microechini is uniform
on the pollen grains within each genotype, yet it is variable among the different genotypes. Pollen with a smooth
reticulate cristatum was observed in the genotypes of B. peruviana, while pollen with muri covering the cristatum
were found in the genotypes of B. glabra and B. spectabilis. The pollen grains of each Bougainvillea germplasm
have a wide range of diameters. The mean diameter of the pollen grains of the diploid genotypes ranged from
22.2 to 32.1 μm, while that of the polyploid genotypes ranged from 26.7 to 40.4 μm. The germinated pollen
grains were observed in the diploid and tetraploid genotypes, the pollen germination rate of which was
commonly less than 20 %. The size of germinated pollen grains was significantly larger than that of the silent
ones, which indicated that the nonuniform distribution of grain size is a key reason for the low germination
capacity of Bougainvillea pollen.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Chang), [email protected] (C. Li), [email protected] (Y. Jiang), [email protected] (Y. Long),
[email protected] (Y. Li), [email protected] (J. Yin).
Received 30 May 2020; Received in revised form 25 August 2020; Accepted 8 September 2020
Available online 3 November 2020
0304-4238/© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.
S. Chang et al. Scientia Horticulturae 277 (2021) 109732
of Bougainvillea and its closely related Nyctaginaceae species, are 2.4. Statistical analysis
available (Nair, 1965). A recent study encompasses pollen morpho
metric analyses of four Bougainvillea species, including B. glabra, The measurements of the pollen features were performed in ImageJ
B. spectabilis, B. peruviana and B. buttiana (B. × glabra-peruviana), and 22 version 1.52o ( The one-sample Kolmo
Indian varieties (Tripathi et al., 2017). However, until now there has gorov-Smirnov test was used to test whether a data set comes from a
been a lack of powerful pollen markers to distinguish different specific distribution. Comparisons between multiple data sets were
Bougainvillea species and cultivars, and the ultrastructure of Bougain performed using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test with post-hoc
villea pollen morphology is still insufficient compared with the size of Dunn’s test to confirm significant differences. Statistical analyses were
Bougainvillea germplasm resources. To evaluate the detailed taxonomic performed using XLSTAT (Addinsoft Inc., New York, USA). P values of <
characteristics of Bougainvillea pollen, this study selected as many as 92 0.05 were considered significant.
Bougainvillea genotypes (Table S1) for scanning electron microscope
(SEM) observations, and the different features of pollen grains were 3. Results
analysed using qualitative and quantitative methods.
Moreover, the germination capacity of pollen grains is quite low in 3.1. Pollen shape and size
the three basal species of Bougainvillea and their hybrids (Zhou et al.,
2016), which results in difficulty in Bougainvillea crossbreeding. Pollen The pollen grains of Bougainvillea are developed in four pollen sacs of
morphology and ultrastructure have been shown to be correlated with the anthers (Fig. 1). After flower blooming, the pollen sacs are dehisced
growth habitat and pollination biology (Osborn et al., 2001; Calic et al., to release the mature pollen grains (Fig. 1C). The majority of the pollen
2013). Germination capacity and vigour of pollen tube growth are grains were severely infolded and exhibited a concave “pie” shape or an
correlated with grain size in Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae, Caryophyllales) asymmetrical subspheroidal shape (Fig. 1C-D and 2) as a consequence of
(Tejaswini, 2002). To determine the relationship between pollen harmomegathy, which is beneficial for protecting the male gametophyte
viability and morphology in Bougainvillea, the pollen grains of 18 against desiccation (Grant-Downton, 2010). Only a small amount of
representative genotypes were selected to perform germination vigour pollen grains were fully or partially turgescent with sub-oblate, sphe
tests, and the morphological differences between the viable and roidal or prolate-spheroidal shapes (Fig. 1C-D and 2). Based on a
non-viable pollen grains were analysed. large-scale observation, the shapes of the pollen grains did not show
obvious differences among the 92 Bougainvillea genotypes (File S1).
2. Material and methods The sizes of the pollen grains of the different Bougainvillea genotypes
vary widely, ranging from 22.2 μm (B. glabra var. Mrs. Eva, 2n) to 40.4
2.1. Plant materials μm (B. var. Odd leaves, 3n) in mean diameter. Except B. var. Odd leaves
(3n), the first three pollens were also from polyploid genotypes, ranking
The study was conducted on 92 Bougainvillea genotypes growing at as B. buttiana var. Chitra (4n), B. buttiana var. Begum Sikander (3n) and
the germplasm nursery of the Tropical Crop Genetic Resource Institute B. buttiana var. Poultonii (3n). However, Kruskal-Wallis test showed that
of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Science (N 109.5◦ , E these polyploidy genotypes didn’t have significant difference in pollen
19.5◦ ). The name and source of each genotype were based on the records size with other three diploid germplasms, including B. buttiana var.
of the Royal Horticultural Society and Singh et al. (1999). Begum Sikander, B. var. Elizabeth Angus Fantasy and B. spectabilis var.
Splendens; and a polyploidy genotype, B. buttiana var. Louis Wathen
Intermediate (3n) was significantly grouped into the pollen-size group of
2.2. Scanning electron microscopy diploid genotypes (Table S1). These indicated that the pollen size of
polyploid genotypes wasn’t absolutely superior to that of diploid
Three tubiform florets of each genotype were collected randomly germplasms. Moreover, based on extensive distribution fitting, an
from different inflorescences between 9:00 and 10:00 on a sunny interesting phenomenon was found: the pollen grains of Bougainvillea
morning and stored in a 4 ℃ refrigerator for two days at most before the had an obviously inhomogeneous distribution in monad size regardless
SEM observations. Three anthers were peeled from different florets and of having diploid, triploid or tetraploid genotypes (Fig. 2). For example,
mounted on the surface of aluminium stubs with double-sided sticky the pollen grains of B. glabra var. Eva (2n) had a mean diameter of 22.2
tape. Each anther was dragged on a small region of the stub to ensure μm; some of the grains were larger (> 27.5 μm), some were smaller (<
enough observable pollen grains. Sputter coating with gold/palladium 17.5 μm) and a large number had an intermediate size (20–25 μm). The
was performed with a sputter coater (SC7620, Quorum, England) and size distribution of the pollen grains of the diploid Bougainvillea geno
the samples were subsequently examined with a scanning electron mi types were significantly consistent with a Gaussian distribution model
croscope (ΣIGMA, Carl Zeiss, Germany). with a large dispersion (σ > 0.03, Fig. 3A-C) based on a Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test, while pollen grains of the triploid and tetraploid geno
types had a long left tail, which indicated a tendency for an asymmet
2.3. In vitro pollen viability rical distribution that favoured small sizes over large sizes (Fig. 3D-F).
From a polar view, the recognizable pollen grains usually have a 3-
The pollen germination medium contained 10 g/100 mL sucrose, 10 zonicolpate aperture (Fig. 4A, Supplementary File 1), while a previous
mg/L boric acid and 0.5 g/100 mL agar. Three anthers selected from study also found a kind of 4-zonicolpate aperture in B. buttiana var.
different inflorescences as described in Section 2.2 were mounted on Chitra and B. var. Tetra Mrs. Mcclean (Tripathi et al., 2017). From an
solid medium in a 22 ℃ environment (the most appropriate germination equatorial view, the aperture was found with a layer of smooth mem
temperature was verified by a gradient temperature test, not shown). brane, and the exine sculpturing was entirely disconnected (Fig. 4B).
The pollen germination rate and pollen tube growth process were During germination, one of the 3–4 apertures can act as the germination
evaluated under a light microscope (DM2000, Leica, Germany) after a 3 site, from which the sprouting of a single pollen tube commonly occurs
h incubation period. An I2-KI staining method was used to determine the (Fig. 5, Fig. S2).
starch content of the pollen grains according to Li (2000). Three repli
cates (slides) were used for each genotype. The stained pollen grains 3.2. Exine sculpturing
were photographed, and the mean luminance value of each pollen grain
was calculated using Photoshop version 13 (Adobe Inc., California, USA) The sexine structure of Bougainvillea pollen grains, which consists of
to estimate the relative content of starch. the columellae, tectum and supratectual elements, contributes to the
S. Chang et al. Scientia Horticulturae 277 (2021) 109732
Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of Bougainvillea anther morphology. Representative samples were collected from B. var. New River. The anthers in A, B and C
correspond to the three developmental stages (shown in order in the inset in A). D shows the dissected structure of the mature anther.
tectate type (Grant-Downton, 2010) (Figs. 4C and 8A). A portion of the B. glabra and B. spectabilis and the interspecific hybrids of the three basic
columellae distributed in the infratectal layer are covered by a coherent Bougainvillea species, have morphologies consistent with type II. Type
reticulum, while more columellae are free-standing and exposed. The II1 pollen is found in 9.5 % of the genotypes, including B. glabra var. Mrs.
lumina in the network-like tectum of Bougainvillea pollen grains are Eva, B. spectabilis var. New River, B. buttiana var. Barbara Rose and so on
independent and structurally closed, except for those in the ‘Ratana Red’ (Table S1). Type II2 pollen is found in 19.0 % of the genotypes, including
variety, which have open and malformed lumina (Fig. 4D). The pollen B. glabra var. Formosa, B. spectabilis var. Lateritia, B. buttiana var. Dr. P.
lumina of 51 % of the Bougainvillea genotypes were greatly filled by V. Sane and so on. Only a B. glabra var. Sanderiana possesses type II3
pollenkitt, which covered the surfaces of the columellae (Fig. 6A). A pollen grains.
total of 42 % of the Bougainvillea genotypes had pollen lumina that were
half-overlaid such that the tops of the columellae were exposed
(Fig. 6B), and the remaining Bougainvillea genotypes (no more than 10 3.3. Pollen viability
%) lacked pollenkitt, thus exposing the outline of the foot layer (Fig. 6C).
For the pollen grains with visible columellae, the individual columellae Eighteen Bougainvillea varieties were selected to perform the pollen
commonly maintain an obvious distance, and only in a special case germination detection in vitro at 22 ◦ C. Germinated pollen grains were
(B. peruviana var. Vishakha, were the columellae packed compactly in found in the diploid and tetraploid genotypes (Fig. S1), whereas no
side the lumina (Tripathi et al., 2017). germinated pollen grains were found in the triploid genotypes, which
The surface of the reticulum cristatum is the most easily observed may be because of the chaotic chromosome constitution led by the
component of Bougainvillea pollen grains that are not affected by har abnormal meiosis of the microspore mother cells (Qin et al., 2014; Yan
momegathy or covered by pollenkitt. Through the large-scale compari et al., 2020). The pollen germination rate of the fertile male Bougain
sons of Bougainvillea genotypes, the reticulum surface of the pollen villea genotypes was generally lower than 20 % in the 15 selected ge
grains was found to be smooth or covered with supratectal elements in notypes (Fig. S1), which was in accord with the 18 previously studied
different distributions and with different morphologies (Fig. 7A), while genotypes (Zhou et al., 2016). Furthermore, it was interesting to find
for the different pollen grains of the same genotype, the pattern of that the mean diameters of the germinated pollen grains were all
supratectal elements was very stable. Based on this characteristic, the distributed in the right tail of the diameter distribution (Fig. 3), indi
Bougainvillea genotypes can be classified into two large groups: type I, cating that the germinated pollen grains had grains were larger than
reticulum with smooth surface, and type II, reticulum covered with silent pollen grains (Fig. S2).
microechinis. Type II can be further classified as follows: type II1, re The I2-KI staining method was also used to determine the viability of
ticulum covered with one or two short microechinis at each intersection the fresh pollen grains based on the presupposition that the viability
of the reticulum threads, type II2, reticulum covered with 1–4 short strength of pollen grains is positively associated with their starch con
microechinis at each intersection of the threads and free-standing tent, which can be indicated by the dyeing depth of iodine (Du et al.,
microechinis on the middle part of the threads, and type II3, reticulum 2019). In the present study, no relationship between staining degree and
covered with 1–4 long spinous microechinis at each intersection of the grain size was found; deep staining was observed in both large and small
threads (Fig. 7A). For type II2, the locations of microechinis did not grains. Furthermore, the nonviable pollen grains of triploid genotypes
correspond with those of the columellae below (Fig. 7A). have an even deeper staining depth than that of the viable pollen grains
The pollen morphology of the majority (70.5 %) of Bougainvillea of the diploid and tetraploid genotypes (Fig. S3). According to the depth
genotypes, including the genotypes of B. peruviana and its hybrid vari of the dye, we found that the pollen grains of B. glabra var. Mrs. Eva
eties with B. glabra and B. spectabilis, is consistent with type I (Fig. 7D). White, B. buttiana var. Chitra, B. glabra var. Zinna Barat and B. buttiana
The rest of the Bougainvillea genotypes, including the genotypes of var. Mrs. McClean had the lowest starch contents, while B. glabra var.
Formosa, B. buttiana var. Pixie Pink, B. var. Monan and B. peruviana var.
S. Chang et al. Scientia Horticulturae 277 (2021) 109732
Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs of pollen grains of B. var. Monan (A, 2n), B. var. Tropical Bouquet (B, 2n), B. × buttiana var. Rainbow Red
(C, 3n), B. × buttiana var. Poultonii (D, 3n) and B. × buttiana var. Chitra (E and F, 4n). The yellow and red circles indicate typical small and large pollen grains,
respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 3. The mean diameter distribution of pollen grains of B. glabra var. Mrs. Eva (2n, A), B. spectabilis var. Splendens (2n, B), B. peruviana var. Partha (2n, C), B. var.
Odd leaves (3n, D), B. buttiana var. Poultonii (3n, E) and B. buttiana var. Chitra (4n, F) based on light microscopy (LM) observations. The green lines show the
diameters of the germinated pollen grains. Statistical estimation was performed based on a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with the H0 hypothesis that the sample follows
a normal distribution. The significance level was set as 0.05. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)
S. Chang et al. Scientia Horticulturae 277 (2021) 109732
Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrographs of Bougainvillea pollen grains. A and B show the polar and equatorial views, respectively. C and D show the normal and
abnormal exine sculpturings of the pollen grains, respectively. The genotypes from A to D are B. spectabilis var. New River (A-I), B. glabra var. Mrs Eva Ice-cream (A-
II), B. buttiana var. Chitra (B-I), B. spectabilis var. Red Triangle (B-II), B. glabra var. Formosa (C-I), B. buttiana var. Rainbow Red (C-II) and B. var. Ratana Red (D-I and
II), respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 5. Germination and tube growth of Bougainvillea pollen (Mrs. Eva cultivar).
Mary Palmer had the highest starch contents. There was no relationship resist physical injuries from random collisions during the pollination
between starch content and the Bougainvillea genotypes (Fig. S4). process. The smallest superficial area is found on spherical objects; this
results in the smallest area of exposure to sunlight, which is beneficial
4. Discussion for pollen grains because it allows them to avoid serious ultraviolet
damage and water desorption. The complex reticulum structure and
The configuration of Bougainvillea pollen is not unique in the Plantae, multiple columellae can increase the area of contact between pollen
and similar structures are also distributed widely in different eudicot grains and the cuticle hairs or prickles of pollinating insects, which may
taxa, such as Dipteracanthus in the Acanthaceae, Impatiens in the Balsa promote the fixation of pollen grains on the insect body. The close-set
minaceae, Erophila in the Brassicaceae, Viburnum in the Caprifoliaceae lumina on the pollen exine (which act like reservoirs) have a strong
and Thladiantha in the Cucurbitaceae (Grant-Downton, 2010). These ability to absorb and store water during pollen germination.
findings indicate the superiority of this pollen configuration in the For Bougainvillea pollen grains, these lumina may also be helpful for
sexual propagation of plants. In general, a spheroidal shape, rather than pollenkitt storage, as indicated by the high content of pollenkitt in most
a branching shape, is beneficial for pollen grains, as it allows them to of the Bougainvillea pollen grains (Fig. 6). Ettore Pacini (2005) reviewed
S. Chang et al. Scientia Horticulturae 277 (2021) 109732
Fig. 6. Different contents of pollenkitt on the surface of Bougainvillea pollen grains. The histogram shows the percentage of different pollen types in the 92
Bougainvillea genotypes.
the important functions of pollenkitt to pollen grains between anther than the detection of the starch content in pollen grains.
opening and the hydration of the pollen on stigma; these functions There is a range of possible aspects influencing grain size, including
include protecting pollen from hydrolysis and exocellular enzymes, climate and environmental factors, nutrient availability and genome
making pollen attractive to animals and enabling pollen collection by size (Ejsmond et al., 2011; Lau and Stephenson, 1993; Dyer et al., 2013),
bees. These functions are especially important for the existence and yet these aspects may be difficult to lead the large variation of pollen
evolution of Bougainvillea, which is self-incompatible and has low grain size in a single Bougainvillea genotype. In order to illuminate a
cross-compatibility (Zadoo et al., 1975b; Zadoo et al., 1976b). During similar phenomenon in size variation of Cedrus pollen, Bell et al. (2018)
our microexamination, Bougainvillea pollen grains was found to be very have put forward a hypothesis that the irregular development of grains
popular with thrips, which is an important kind of pollinating insect may contribute to the size variation, if pollen release occurs while some
(Fig. S5). The pollen grains were frequently found adhered to the cuti grains are still developing and others are fully developed.In principle,
cles of the thrips, which is a benefit of the Bougainvillea pollen structure Bougainvillea pollen grains can be analyzed according to numerous
and abundant pollenkitt. qualitative and quantitive characteristics, including features related to
Despite the benefits to sexual propagation provided by the pollen shape, size and exine sculpturing. A previous study used a large number
configuration of Bougainvillea, the successful fertilization and setting of parameters, such as aperture number, sexine and nexine thickness,
rates (commonly less than 10 %) of Bougainvillea genotypes are not and distribution of columellae density, to describe Bougainvillea pollen
impressive, which has troubled Bougainvillea breeders over the years. (Tripathi et al., 2017). However, when the number of Bougainvillea ge
Based on the determination of the germination rate, the low viability of notypes under study is large, the different pollenkitt contents and de
Bougainvillea pollen grains, which act as a gamete in sexual propaga grees of dehydration render the measurement of many parameters
tion, may be one of the reasons for the difficulty producing hybrids of infeasible. Through general survey, this study completed the measure
Bougainvillea. Furthermore, the relationship between pollen grain ment of five characteristics, including the number and distribution of
germination and pollen grain size indicated that monad size has a direct microechinis, pollenkitt content, starch content, mean diameter of the
influence on pollen viability. The low number of large pollen grains in a pollen grains and mean lumina area of the pollen grains. An analysis of
single genotype might explain the low pollen germination rate of the association between the pollen parameters and the traditional clas
Bougainvillea pollen grains. Grain size was also found to affect germi sification of Bougainvillea genotypes revealed that only the pattern of the
nation in Dianthus, which was considered a strategy to maximize reticulum has a strong meaning for classifications, which suggests the
reproductive fitness (Tejaswini, 2002). Hoekstra (1986) has proved that restricted applicability of pollen features to the classification of small
pollen grains can be dried to a certain water content without a loss in taxons. Moreover, the pattern of the reticulum was not considered
viability. Based on this finding, we speculate that through specific dry strongly enough in former studies on Bougainvillea pollen (Nair, 1965;
ing treatment and screen filtration, the big pollen grains of Bougainvillea Tripathi et al., 2017), which may have resulted from the deterioration of
genotypes may be separated and applied to improve the cross-breeding the microechinis due to a drying pretreatment.
efficiency of Bougainvillea. In addition, the starch content is commonly The similarities in the pattern of the reticulum surface and micro
considered an indicator of the viability of pollen germination; however, echinis of the pollen grains indicate that B. glabra and B. spectabilis have
the present study did not find an obvious correlation between these a close genetic relationship, while B. peruviana is obviously distantly
variables, which suggests that true germination tests are more accurate related to them. DNA evidence also supports this finding: B. glabra and
S. Chang et al. Scientia Horticulturae 277 (2021) 109732
Fig. 7. Exine sculpturing pattern of Bougainvillea pollen. A shows the four types of exine sculpturing. The yellow and red arrows denote the microechinis and covered
columellae, respectively. B and C show the distributions of the numbers of microechinis at the intersections and between the intersections of the reticulum,
respectively. D shows the Bougainvillea groups with the different pollen types. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)
B. spectabilis have 17 pairs of euchromosomes in the nucleus and similar Firecracker genotypes are more likely to be selected from coeno-species.
genome sizes (8.25 and 8.91 pg, respectively), while B. peruviana has 15 For those genotypes for which the source is unknown, the pollen pattern
pairs of euchromosomes and a chromosome ring consisting of four can be used to judge whether they have the genetic material of
euchromosomes and a genome size of 7.0 pg (Zadoo S N, 1976; Ohri and B. peruviana, B. glabra or B. spectabilis. Based on the type I pollen found in
Khoshoo, 1982). Although the subunits of pollen type II (II1 - II3) are not Elizabeth Angus and Imperial Delight, we can conclude that B. peruviana
specific to the species B. glabra and B. spectabilis (Fig. 7D), this classifi served as the genetic background for these two genotypes. In particular,
cation may be valuable for detecting the uniformity of different Elizabeth Angus, which has smooth and leathery leaves, is commonly
Bougainvillea genotypes. Traditionally, Mrs. Eva is considered a wild mistaken for a genotype of B. glabra. Furthermore, the use of pollen
genotype, and the other Eva genotypes are considered mutations; morphology may be limited to determining the sources of genotypes
however, the SEM observations showed that Mrs. Eva and Mrs Eva Ice with abnormal pollen. The Ratana genotype is known to have been
cream have type II1 pollen, while Mrs. Eva White, Mrs. Eva Light Pink derived from a B. buttiana variety by γ-radiation, and its abnormal pollen
and Mrs. Eva Variegata II have type II2 pollen (File S1). These results morphology is difficult to classify in the normal classification system
may indicate that there are at least two genetic groups in the Mrs. Eva (Fig. 4D).
series and the conjecture of single genetic origin for the Mrs. Eva series
should be denied. Credit author statement
In addition to B. glabra and B. spectabilis, microechinis were also
found on the reticulum surface in some genotypes of B. buttiana Shengxin Chang: Experimental design, SEM observation, Data anal
(B. glabra-peruviana, Fig. 7D and File S1), which indicates that this ysis and MS writing. Chunxia Li: Pollen collection, SEM observation and
characteristic can be inherited by interspecies crosses. In a popular se MS writing. Yongzhou Jiang: Pollen germination test. Yan Long: Starch
ries of B. buttiana (Firecracker), the genotypes mainly differ in bract content determination and Pollen features measurements. Ya Li: Pollen
colour, including red, pink, yellow, orange and white-pink colours, and diameter measurements and Data analysis. Junmei Yin: Study design.
this difference has roused the argument of whether these varieties are
sourced from bud mutations of a common ancestor or hybridization
from the same parental pair. The SEM observation showed a separation Declaration of Competing Interest
of Firecracker yellow, which had type II2 pollen, and the other geno
types, which had type I pollen (File S1), which indicated that these The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
S. Chang et al. Scientia Horticulturae 277 (2021) 109732
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