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Classic Electrically Heated Stills: Operation Manual and Parts List

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Electrically Heated Stills


Model Numbers
A1011 A1015
A1013 A1016

With and Without FAC Controls

LT2112X1 • 10/20/09

Table of Contents

Safety Information ..............................................................................................................................................3

Alert Signals ......................................................................................................................................................3
Warnings ..........................................................................................................................................................3
Evaporator ........................................................................................................................................................5
Condenser ........................................................................................................................................................5
Features Provided ............................................................................................................................................6
Electric Heat......................................................................................................................................................6
Low Water Cut-Off ............................................................................................................................................6
Still Heat Control ..............................................................................................................................................7
Unpacking ..........................................................................................................................................................8
Installation ..........................................................................................................................................................9
Siting ................................................................................................................................................................9
Accessories ......................................................................................................................................................9
Plumbing Connections ......................................................................................................................................9
Electrical Connections ....................................................................................................................................11
Operation ..........................................................................................................................................................12
Initial Startup ..................................................................................................................................................12
Initial Operation ..............................................................................................................................................12
Deconcentrator Adjustment ............................................................................................................................13
Normal Operation............................................................................................................................................14
Maintenance and Servicing ..............................................................................................................................16
Cleaning Methods ..........................................................................................................................................16
Disassembly for Cleaning ..............................................................................................................................19
Theory of Operation ..........................................................................................................................................20
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................21
Tests for Condenser Leaks ............................................................................................................................21
Condenser Test for Scale. ..............................................................................................................................22
Heating Element Test and Replacement ........................................................................................................23
Heating Elements............................................................................................................................................25
Troubleshooting Chart ......................................................................................................................................26
Parts List ..........................................................................................................................................................27
Accessories for Electric Stills ............................................................................................................................36
Ordering Procedures ........................................................................................................................................38
Warranty ............................................................................................................................................................40

Safety Information

This manual contains important operating and safety

Alert Signals information. The user must carefully read and under-
stand the contents of this manual prior to the use of this
Warning Water purification technology employs one or more of
Warnings alert you to a possibili- the following: chemicals, electrical devices, mercury
ty of personal injury. vapor lamps, steam and heated vessels. Care should be
taken when installing, operating or servicing Barnstead
products. The specific safety notes pertinent to the
Thermo Scientific Barnstead Electrically Heated Stills are
Caution listed in safety information section.
Cautions alert you to a possibili-
Your Barnstead Electrically Heated Still has been de-
ty of damage to the equipment. signed with function, reliability, and safety in mind. It is
the user’s responsibility to install it in conformance with
local electrical codes. For safe operation, please pay
attention to the alert signals throughout the manual.
Notes alert you to pertinent
facts and conditions. Warnings
To avoid electrical shock, always:
1. Ensure that the equipment is connected to
electrical service according to local and
national standards. Failure to properly connect
may create a fire or shock hazard.

2. Do not connect unit to electrical service until

instructed to do so.

3. Disconnect from the power supply prior to

maintenance and servicing.

To avoid personal injury:

1. Do not use in the presence of flammable or
combustible materials; fire or explosion may
result. This device contains components
which may ignite such materials.

2. Use this device with water feed only. Sanitiz-

ing/cleaning agents must be used in compli-
ance with the instructions in this manual.
Failure to comply with the above could result
in explosion and personal injury.


3. Avoid splashing disinfecting solutions on cloth-

ing or skin.

4. Ensure all piping connections are tight to avoid

leakage of chemicals.

5. Always depressurize chemical lines before dis-


6. Ensure adequate ventilation.

7. Follow carefully the manufacturers’ safety in-

structions on labels of chemical containers and
Material Safety Data Sheets (M.S.D.S.).

8. “Caution: Hot Surface. Avoid Contact.”

9. Refer servicing to qualified personnel.

Use of this product in a manner not specified by

the manufacturer, the protection provided by the
equipment may be impared.

This equipment is designed for indoor use only.


Thermo Scientific Barnstead electrically heated water

stills are available in four sizes; 1, 2, 5 and 10 gallons
per hour of distilled water. The distilled water produced
by the stills contains not more than 1.0 ppm total solids,
with a pH value of 5.4 to 7.2 and an electrical resistance
of not less than 300,000 ohms at 25°C when the stills
are operated on most potable water. The stills are de-
signed to use not more than 9 gallons of cooling water
and feedwater combined, for each gallon of distilled
water produced. The still consists of: an evaporator with
its heat supply, a condenser, and devices to control the
water level and salt concentration in the evaporator, a Q
baffle for pyrogen removal and a low water cutoff control.
The operating characteristics for each size still are
shown in the Installation Diagram.

Still evaporators are the vertical, cylindrical double-wall
type with air-insulating space. The evaporators are built
sufficiently high and wide to provide ample vapor disen-
gaging space and operation at low velocity.

The evaporator shell is of polished stainless steel. The

inner shell (boiler) is fabricated of copper, brass and
bronze. The evaporator cover is brass, finished in pol-
ished nickel and is provided with a Q baffle. All surfaces
that contact the vapor and distillate are coated with pure
tin to prevent metallic contamination. A water level sight
glass is provided on all 5 and 10 gph stills.

Still condensers are the horizontal type, slightly inclined
and atmospherically vented for final elimination of
volatiles. The condensers are fabricated of copper and
brass and are finished in polished nickel. All surfaces
that contact the vapor and distillate are coated with pure
tin to prevent metallic contamination. A distillate delivery
tube of block tin is provided to connect the distillate out-
let of the condenser to a storage tank or other suitable


Features Provided
All stills are equipped with a deconcentrator to continu-
ously deconcentrate impurities from the evaporator and
retard scale formation. A constant level device with hot
well arrangement is provided for evaporator water level
control and for primary elimination of volatile impurities.
All stills are equipped with a drain valve. Cooling water
discharge piping is provided between the cooling water
Note outlet of the condenser and the constant level device.
Heater life may be reduced when oper- Self-resetting solid state low water cutoff controls pre-
ated above maximum stated voltage. vent the heating elements from burning out in a low
Operation of still at a voltage less than water situation.
the stated voltages will cause a drop in
still output. Electrically heated stills
wired for 240 volts AC, 2 or 3 wire, will
operate on 208 volts, 2 or 3 wire
respectively with resultant 25 percent
Electric Heat
Electrically powered, immersion type heaters are used to
drop in distillate capacity. Special give complete heat transfer and maximum heating effi-
heaters for 208 volts are needed to ciency.
obtain rated still output. The electric
heaters will burn out if operated in air.
To eliminate the possibility of heating
element burnout, a solid state low
water cutoff control is provided.
Low Water Cut-Off
Electric current to the still heating elements is controlled
by an ON/OFF switch and a self-resetting low water cut-
off. The solid state low water cutoff is designed to pre-
vent damage caused by low water conditions in the still
Preheated When the water level is at a safe level in the still evapo-
rator (the water level is above the immersion type
Condenser Feedwater Tube
heaters and makes contact with the probe), the circuit
across probe terminals is completed. The completion of
this circuit, after a two-second delay to prevent contactor
chatter, will start the contactor to energize the contactor
Water Q-Baffle coil to connect the heater service to the still. Opening of
the probe circuit (water no longer makes contact with the
probe) will stop the contactor without delay.
Cooling Water/
Inlet Tube Valve The Barnstead solid state low water cutoff is designed to
prevent damage caused by low water conditions in the
Constant Level Evaporator evaporator of Barnstead electrically heated water stills.
The low water cutoff consists of the Barnstead Solid
Figure 1
State Low Water Control, a probe assembly for installa-
Electrically Heated Still
tion on Barnstead stills, and still heat control (contactor).


Still Heat Control

The heat control consists of a cabinetized contactor, locat-
ed in Control Box, designed for wall mounting. The contac-
tor is provided to control the heat supply to the still heating
elements, as determined by the low water cutoff controller.
See Figure 8 for information on the contactor size required
for a given size still and the available heating service.
Unpack the still carefully so as not to damage any of the
parts. Ensure that all parts are removed from the container
before discarding the packing materials.

On/Off Control/Still Power

The Control Box has an ON/OFF power circuit breaker on
the side of the Control Box. This switch will control the
power to the control section and the still main power
(power to elements).


Over Temperature Protection

This device will shut off the power to the heating elements
of the still if the temperature in the boiler section exceeds a
given preset temperature of the Over Temperature
Protection Device. This will prevent the elements from run-
ning away on temperature.

Unpack the still carefully so as not to damage any of the
parts. Ensure that all parts are removed from the container
befoer discarding the packing materials.

Package Contains:
Control Cabinet and Cables
Distill Tube
Floor Stand
Evaporator Fill Tube


Note Move the still evaporator to the operating location and
The floor stand (still) must be secured install the evaporator so that it is level and plumb.
to the floor before mounting the still or
Control Cabinet.

All operating and convenience accessories purchased with
the still should be installed after the still has been assem-
bled on its mounting and before connecting the service
lines to the still.

Plumbing Connections
Note Ensure that all fittings are tight in the still and still accesso-
The still is not designed to support the ry piping and connect the water and waste service to the
service piping. Ensure that the service still as shown in the installation diagram.
piping is adequately supported. If no
control valves were purchased with
the still, a shutoff valve and throttling
valve should be installed in the cooling
water supply line, just before the still.

Dimensions in Inches

Electric Heat

Still Cap (GPH) 1 2 5 10

Height 64 68 77 87

Width B 27 25 38 48

Depth C 10 11 14 14

* Overall height includes enough

Figure 2 clearance to facilitate condenser
Top View removal.


Service Line Sizes in Inches

Still Capacity (GPH) 1 2 5 10

CW - Cooling Water Supply 1 /4 1/4 1/4 3 /8

WA - Waste 1 /2 1/2 3/4 3 /4

CW-1: Cooling water inlet connection 1, 2, 5 and 10
GPH stills (water supply pressure - 40 to 90 psi.)

WA J: Junction box for heating element connections on elec-

Figure 3 trically heated stills.
Front View
DO: Distillate outlet.

WA: Waste line must be atmospherically vented and

gravity flow.

Electric Heat Requirements

Amps at Amps at Amps at Amps at

Model Still 120V 240V 208V 240V
Number Capacity 2 Wire 3 Wire 4 Wire 3 Wire
1 Phase 1 Phase 3 Phase 3 Phase

A1011 1 GPH .
2.3 23 12 NA NA
A1013 2 GPH 6 NA 26 17 NA
A1015 5 GPH 13 NA 57 36 NA
A1016 10 GPH 26 NA NA NA 66

Cooling Water and Inlet Pressure Requirement

1 GPH 2 GPH 5 GPH 10 GPH

30 L/hr 61 L/hr 151 L/hr 303 L/hr
8 GPH 16 GPH 40 GPH 80 GPH

40-90 psi 40-90 psi 40-90 psi 40-90 psi

Inlet Water
2.8-6.3 2.8-6.3 2.8-6.3 2.8-6.3
kg/cm2 kg/cm2 kg/cm2 kg/cm2


Electrical Connections
Connect the electrical heating service to the Control Cabinet.
Customer must supply adequate on-off control for electrical
heating service.

1. Connect the low water cutoff probe cable to the

Control Cabinet.

2. Connect the electrical service to the Control

Cabinet. The heater electrical service requirements
will be indicated on the nameplate decal at the
base of the still evaporator.

Stills Without FAC Controls
A fire hazard may result if the still is Initial Startup
used with a flammable liquid. “Caution: The first time that the still is started, or after cleaning, oper-
Hot Surface. Avoid Contact.” ate the still as follows:
1. Close the drain valve.

Note 2. Open the deconcentrator valve slightly.

During the procedures listed below,
check all connections for leaks and 3. Open the cooling water inlet valve.
tighten as required.
4. Open the cooling water throttling valve about 1/2
The cooling water inlet and throttling 5. When water begins to issue steadily from the
valves are shown in dotted lines. If deconcentrator valve, turn on the still heat sup-
these were not purchased with the ply circuit breaker on side of Control Cabinet
still, they must be installed in the cool- then the control ON/OFF switch.
ing water inlet line by the customer to
ensure proper operation. 6. When the still begins to produce distilled water,
close the deconcentrator valve and adjust the
cooling water throttling valve until a puff of
Caution steam issues from the condenser vent. Discard
Ensure that the water level in the evap- the first two hours production of distillate to
orator is above the heating elements allow the still to clean itself out.
before turning on the still. The heaters
are the immersion type and will burn 7. Adjust the deconcentrator as described below.
out if operated in air. The water level
should be safe when water issues
steadily from the deconcentrator valve.

Initial Operation
Note The first time the still is operated, or after cleaning, set the
Ideally, the temperature of the steam Control Cabinet “ON/OFF” switch to ON position, open the
and gases escaping the vent should manual drain valve and operate the still according to the
be 70°C or higher. To measure the basic still operating instructions. The lighted switch will
vent temperature, use a thermocouple remain lit as long as the switch is in the ON position. The
probe, such as the Thermo Scientific “Still On” (amber) lamp will light when the water in the
PM20700 Digital Pyrometer, inserted evaporator makes contact with the probe. The still is start-
into the vent. ed and stopped with the “ON/OFF” control switch.

Circuit breaker on side of Control
Cabinet will shut down power to the
control section and still power.


Deconcentrator Adjustment
The function of the deconcentrator is to maintain a mini-
mum concentration of dissolved impurities in the evapora-
tor, thus reducing scale formation and tendency to foam to
a minimum. The deconcentrator is adjusted as follows:

1. Permanent Hard Water or Softened Water

(Softened feed is not recommended). The
deconcentrator valve should be left open at all
times to bleed water from the evaporator at ap-
proximately 1-1/2 times the capacity of the still.
This valve should be left open permanently at
the required setting. Care should be exercised
to see that it is never clogged. The valve should
be inspected periodically and if required, disas-
sembled and cleaned with a brush or scraper.

2. Temporary Hard Water. If the feedwater to the

evaporator is high in temporary hardness, i.e.,
high in bicarbonates, the deconcentrator valve
should be closed. The reason for this is that
bicarbonates in solution tend to precipitate out at
temperatures exceeding 150°F. With the decon-
centrator valve opened, a larger quantity of feed-
water passes through the evaporator, precipitat-
ing out bicarbonates, increasing the amount of
scale formed. Keeping the to 150° deconcentra-
tor closed will result in an increased concentra-
tion of solids in the evaporator as time goes on,
thus creating a tendency to foam. This condition
is corrected by draining the still through the drain
valve at frequent intervals.

3. Demineralized Water
When demineralized water is used as feedwater
the deconcentrator valve may be kept closed.


Stills With FAC Controls

Normal Operation
Starting - Start the still as follows:

1. Open the drain valve.

2. Open the deconcentrator valve slightly, if not ad-


3. Open the cooling water inlet valve (one full turn).

4. When water begins to issue steadily from the

Caution deconcentrator valve, turn on the circuit breaker
Ensure that the water level in the evap- and control ON/OFF switch.
orator is above the heating elements
before turning on the still. The heaters As long as the control “ON/OFF” switch is in the ON posi-
are the immersion type and will burn tion, the still will start and stop automatically, depending on
out if operated in air. The water level the stored distilled water distribution requirements and the
should be safe when water issues operating cycle of the interval drain timer. To stop the still,
steadily from the deconcentrator valve. set the control “ON/OFF” switch to the OFF position. When
this is done, the still will drain automatically.

5. If necessary, adjust the cooling water throttling

valve until a puff of steam issues from the con-
denser vent.

Stopping - Stop the still as follows:

Ideally, the temperature of the steam
1. Shut off the control ON/OFF switch to the OFF
and gases escaping the vent should
be 70°C or higher. To measure the
vent temperature, use a thermocouple
2. The cooling water inlet valve will close.
probe, such as the Thermo Scientific
PM20700 Digital Pyrometer, inserted
3. The drain valve will open and let the still drain
into the vent.

Do not change the setting of the cool-
ing water throttling valve and decon-
centrator valve.


Still Diagram Without FAC Controls

Valves shown in dotted lines must be
installed by customer. Available as
optional equipment.


Tube Cooling Water
Throttling Valve
(customer supplied)

Cooling Water
Inlet Valve
(customer supplied)


Element Terminal
Connection Box

Drain Valve

Figure 4
Operating Controls

Maintenance and Servicing

If desired, 10% solutions of sulfamic
or acetic acids may be used instead Cleaning Methods
of the HCI. Sulfamic and acetic acids Cleaning requirements fall into two classes, scale re-
have an advantage over hydrochloric moval and biological cleaning. Scale removal may be
acid in that they will not corrode the accomplished chemically or mechanically. Biological
metal parts being cleaned. Under no cleaning is accomplished with an isopropyl alcohol
circumstances should any concen- solution. For best results all solutions and water
trated acid be allowed to come in should be heated. But you do not want to bring water
contact with tinned surfaces. to boil. The various methods of cleaning are de-
scribed below:

Soft Scale Removal. Soft scale may be removed

with a stiff bristle brush. After cleaning, all scale parti-
cles should be flushed out with water.
Always wear protective clothing and
Hard Scale Removal. Hard scale may be removed
eye shields when handling acid. Dis-
by using a 10% solution of inhibited HCI. This acid
connect from the power supply prior to
cleaner is available commercially or may be prepared
maintenance and servicing. Refer ser-
using 20 parts water and 6 parts 30% HCI. When
vicing to qualified personnel.
using the acid, do not allow the acid to remain in con-
tact with the part for more than 20 minutes. Flush the
part thoroughly after using the acid cleaner. A 5% So-
dium Bicarbonate solution may be used to remove
any acid left on the part.

Organic Scale and Sludge Removal. If the scale

has a dark brown or black color, it may be formed
from organic impurities present in the feedwater. This
type of scale may be removed with a strong detergent
solution. The detergent solution should be allowed to
be in contact with the scale or sludge for 24 hours.
Rinse off the parts with water after cleaning.

Silica Scale Removal. Silica scale is usually clear

and shiny and hard to detect visually. It is very hard
and cannot be removed with an acid solution. Silica
scale formation can be reduced by controlling the
quality of the feedwater by routing it through a mixed
bed deionizer. It is best removed with a blunt instru-

Biological Cleaning. Biological cleaning is used on

the parts that come in contact with the distillate (such
as, the distilled water side of the condenser, or the
distilled water transmission tubing) to remove any bio-


logical contamination from the affected part. This may be

accomplished as follows:
Warning 1. Immerse the part in an isopropyl alcohol or a
Avoid splashing the isopropyl alcohol mild detergent (not containing bleach) solution
solution on open cuts. overnight. Do not rinse the part with water after
cleaning. Drain parts before reassembly.

2. After the still is reassembled and has operated

for 30 minutes to flush, reduce the cooling water
flow rate with the cooling water throttling valve
Do not use chlorine bleach for biologi-
until steam issues from the condenser vent at
cal cleaning. The chlorine will interact
least 12 inches. Operate the still in this manner
with and damage the tinned surfaces.
for 30-60 minutes. Ventilate the room during this

Disassembly for Cleaning

The frequency of cleaning will depend upon the purity of
the water being used. For example, the evaporator should
require infrequent cleaning if it is fed partially purified
water; however, the cooling water side of the condenser
will have to be cleaned at more frequent intervals due to
the fact that raw water is flowing through it and it will scale
up sooner. The still should be inspected at frequent inter-
vals until cleaning intervals are determined. Disassemble,
inspect, and clean the still as follows:

1. Shut off Main Power switch and drain the still.

2. Shut off the water supply to the still.

3. Remove the condenser from the still. Inspect the

cooling water side of the condenser for scale
Note and clean as required. If required, clean the dis-
Stills equipped with a high purity tilled water side of the condenser as described
chamber or preheater should not be under “Biological Cleaning.”
cleaned with acid unless the high puri-
ty chamber can be removed. The 4. Disassemble until the interior of the evaporator
fumes given off by the acid may dam- is visible. The evaporator cover, high purity
age the tin coating used in these chamber and QBaffle may be removed as a unit
accessories. and the interior of the evaporator will be visible.
Inspect the interior of the evaporator for scale.
Remove as much scale as possible manually.


5. Disassemble the drain line and clean as

required. Ensure that the drain line is clear
(including the drain opening in the evaporator)
before using detergent or acid cleaners.
Reassemble the drain line.

6. Soft scale may be removed as

described under “Soft Scale Removal.” Silica
scale may be removed as described under
“Silica Scale Removal.” To remove hard scale
or organic scale, fill the evaporator with con-
centrated acid (see “Hard Scale Removal”) or
detergent solution (see “Organic Scale and
Sludge Removal”) or detergent solution (see
“Organic Scale and Sludge Removal”) as re-

7. Inspect the constant level device and drain

line. Clean as required.

8. If the still is equipped with a gauge glass,

remove and clean the gauge glass cocks and
gauge glass:

a. Unscrew the nuts that hold the gauge glass

in place.
b. Lift the gauge glass up into the top gauge
glass cock about 1/2 inch.
c. After the bottom of the gauge glass is clear
of the bottom gauge glass cock, move it
away from the still and remove it from the
upper gauge glass cock.
Ventilate the room during this opera- d. Remove and clean the gauge glass cocks
tion. and clean the gauge glass.
9. Reassemble the still. Assembly is essentially
the reverse of disassembly.

10. Connect the water, waste and distillate lines.

11. Start the still as described under “Initial


12. Lower the cooling water flow rate (with the

cooling water throttling valve) until steam


spouts out of the condenser vent at least 12

inches. Operate in this manner for 30-60 min-
utes to sterilize and clean out the still.

13. Adjust the still as described in “Initial


Theory of Operation

The still consists primarily of a boiler or evaporator

which holds the water during the evaporation pro-
cess; electric heating elements of the immersion type
inserted in the evaporator to boil the water; and a
condenser which condenses the steam from the boil-
er to form the distillate.

The water to be purified enters the condenser where

it is heated by the steam passing through the evapo-
rator. The preheated water is fed to the evaporator as
required by the constant level device which maintains
the proper water level in the evaporator. An overflow
connected to the drain is provided for the excess
cooling water.

Water in the evaporator is vaporized by the electric

heating elements. The steam passes up through the
vapor pipe into the condenser where it is condensed
to distilled water. The condenser is vented to atmos-
phere to eliminate the gaseous impurities. All stills are
equipped with a deconcentrator and an extra high
evaporator to permit operating a still from hard water
supplies. The deconcentrator automatically maintains
a minimum concentration of dissolved impurities in
the evaporator, thus reducing to a minimum the scale
formation and tendency to foam.

Atmospheric Condenser

Cooling Water/
Feedwater Q Baffle
Distillate Inlet
Outlet Preheated
Feedwater Double Walled
Constant Level
Device Immersion Heaters
Deconcentrator (For Electric Stills)
Drain Valve
Figure 5


This section contains troubleshooting, testing and repair

instructions. A troubleshooting chart is included to help the
repair specialist find the difficulty quickly.

Tests for Condenser Leaks

Visual Test. A simple test for condenser leaks may be per-
formed as follows:
1. Shut off Main Power switch to the still heating

2. Let the cooling water flow through the condenser

until the condenser is cold.

3. Note whether there is a flow, even in drop quan-

tities, from the distillate outlet. If there is a con-
tinuous flow, it is possible that there is a leak
from the cooling water side to the distillate side.
If this is the case, the condenser must be re-

Pressure Test. If a more positive test is required, proceed

as follows:
1. Remove the condenser from the still.

2. Remove the cooling water discharge tubing. Plug

the discharge connection on the condenser with
a plug or stopper.

3. Attach a hose to the cooling water inlet connec-

tion on the condenser and apply about 5 psi air
pressure to condenser. Ensure that the plugs
used to seal the condenser do not leak air.

4. Submerge the entire condenser in a tank of


5. If any air bubbles come from the condenser, re-

placement is necessary.


Condenser Test for Scale

Note Test the cooling water side of the condenser for scale
The condenser cannot be repaired as follows:
and must be replaced as a unit. 1. Adjust the cooling water throttling valve so
that just a puff of steam issues from the
condenser vent.

A. In extreme cases of scale, steam will

always blow from the condenser vent,
even when the cooling water throttling
valve is wide open.
B. Ensure that a minimum cooling water pres-
sure of 30 psi is maintained. A drop in
cooling water pressure will cause steam to
blow from the condenser because of inad-
equate cooling.
Caution 2. Remove the condenser if the discharge pipe
Do not add the acid cleaning solution is cool enough to hold. Inspect the interior
rapidly for if any bicarbonate scale is of the condenser for scale. If scale is pre-
present, gas will be released in consid- sent, pour the acid cleaning solution (see
erable amounts. Do not use the acid “Hard Scale Removal”) into the condenser
cleaning solution on the tinned (Dis- through one of the cooling water connec-
tilled Water) side of the condenser. tions.

3. Let the solution remain in the condenser for

15-20 minutes, then drain. Repeat if neces-
sary until scale is removed.

4. Wash the interior of the condenser thor-

oughly after using acid solution.

5. Install the condenser on the still.


Heating Element Test and

Whenever a heating element is suspected of not operating
properly, test and if necessary, replace the heating element
Warning as follows:
To avoid electrical shock, this product
must be disconnected from the power 1. Shut off Main Power switch to the still. Close the
supply prior to performing the following water supply valves to the still. Open the drain
maintenance and servicing. valve and let the still drain completely.

2. Disconnect the electrical supply to the still control


3. Remove the bottom plate from the still evapora-

tor. Disconnect the electrical leads and bus bars
from the heating element terminals. Tag the leads
to facilitate reassembly.

4. To test each heating element for open circuit, dis-

connect one lead to each element, one element
at a time. Use a ohm meter to test the resistance
of each element. If you register resistance
(approx. 10-20 ohm) the element is good. If you
show no resistance value at all, the element is
defective in series with the applied current. If the
test light does not light, the heating element is
burned out. Mark all damaged heating elements.

5. To test each heating element for short circuit,

connect one test lead to the boiler bottom and
the other to each terminal (one at a time). If the
heating element is short circuited, the ohm meter
will show resistance. Mark all damaged heating

6. Remove the evaporator cover from the still and

inspect the heating elements from the inside of
the evaporator. Warped or split elements should
be replaced.

7. To remove an inoperative or damaged heater,

loosen the screw under the heater and push out
the heater. If the heater is badly scaled, remove
the retaining nut and rock the heater back and
forth (from inside the evaporator) to break the

8. Install a new heater in place of the old

heater. Tighten the screw only enough to
hold the heater in place. This will allow you
to rotate the heater when installing the bus

9. Install the bus bars and wiring between

heater terminals. Retighten the heater
retaining screws to eliminate the possibility
of leakage.

10. Add water to the evaporator and ensure

that none of the heating elements are leak-

11. Reassemble the still and connect the elec-

trical service to the control box.


Heating Elements
Listed below are the heating elements available. The heat-
ing elements now have compression nuts. These are direct-
ly interchangeable with the older threaded types. Heating
elements are shipped complete as shown in Figure 6.

Still Catalog No. Heater Heater Quantity

Heater Type
(Capacity) Catalog No. Wattage Required
A1011 (1 GPH) 07031 650 U 4
A1013 (2 GPH) 07033 1000 Y 6
A1015 (5 GPH) 07029 2160 P 6
A1016 (10 GPH) 07028 2160 O 12
A1016X003 (10 GPH) 07029 2160 P 12

Heater replacement data stamped
inside still junction box cover.

Bottom of
Replacement heating elements are
furnished with O-ring, retaining nut, Evaporator
socket head screw and two round
head screws. These parts are listed in
the event that only these parts need

Tee handle wrench (P/N 06287) avail- O-Ring (P/N 06289)

able for removing socket head screw. Retaining Nut
May be ordered with replacement (P/N 10246)
heating elements. Heating Element

Socket head screw

1/4-20 x 3/8”
Round head screw,
P/N 10248
brass 8-32 x 3/8”
(P/N 10194)

Figure 6 Heating Element Replacement

Troubleshooting Chart
Symptom Probable Cause Test and Remedy

Inspect evaporator for scale, clean as

Dirty still.
Drop in purity.
Test distillate for CO2, NH3, etc. Reduce
cooling water flow to help eliminate volatiles
Volatile impurities in feedwater.
from condenser.

Inspect evaporator for excess scale, clean

Dirty still. as required.

Pyrogenic or organic Test condenser for leaks or replace as

contamination of Leak in condenser. required.
Inspect the suspected parts. Clean with
Bacteriological growth in distilled water. alcohol if required. (See "Biological

Inspect and clean as required.

Excess scale on heating unit.
Check voltage. If less than specified in
wiring diagram, notify electrician.
Low voltage.
Drop in distillate
capacity. Ensure drain valve is closed and not
Leak in drain valve.
Damaged inoperative heaters.
Check wiring, connections, etc. Test
heaters and replace if necessary.

Low cooling water flow rate.

Readjust throttling valve.

Check cooling water pressure. Should be at

Low cooling water pressure.
least 30 psi.
Steam blowing from
Excess scale in condenser.
condenser. Inspect condenser for scale.

Check voltage. If over the rated voltage,

High voltage.
shut down still immediately. Notify

Test condenser for leaks. Repair or replace

Condenser leak.
as required.

Water blowing from Inspect distillate lines for any restrictions or

Trapped distillate line.
condenser. trapping.

Ensure deconcentrator is adjusted properly

High concentration of solids in evaporator.
and drain still more often.

Check power to control box.

Check contactor points and replace if badly

Still starts but will not
No electrical power to heater circuit. burned.
produce distillate.
Check that low water cutoff probe is
properly installed in accordance with
Check thermal cut off.

Parts List

Index A1011 A1013 A1015 A1016

No. (1 GPH) (2 GPH) (5 GPH) (10 GPH)

1 Condenser 21058 21060 21062 21064

Distillate Delivery Tube 20622 20624 20624 21904 (36")

2 48" Distillate Delivery

20631 20633 20633 -----
Tube W/O Adapter

Distillate Tube Adapter

01449 01450 01450 -----
(End) - Not Shown

Cooling Water
3 21881 21882 21883 -----
Discharge Tube

Cooling Water
4 03702 03702 03426 03411
Discharge Elbow

Vapor Pipe Gasket

5 ----- ----- 21152
(A1016-X003 only)

6 Evaporator Cover 21195 21197 21199 21535

7 Knurled Nut 03719 03719 03469 03469

Evaporator Cover
8 06271 06271 06272 06272

9 Evaporator 21123 21127 21131 21300

10 Constant Level Device 21320 21321 21167 21301

11 Deconcentrator Valve 21272 21272 21043 21043

12 Deconcentrator Funnel 21281 21282 21041 21619

13 Drain Valve 02096 02096 02096 03506

Heating Elements (See

07031 07033 07029 07028
Note 1) (Not Shown)

14 Q Baffle (Not Shown)

G1650 G1650 G1651 G1651

Thermal fuse FZ2112X1 FZ2112X1 FZ2112X1 FZ2112X1


1 4

3 7


Note 10
For more details on heating ele-
ments, refer to “Heating
Element Replacement.” 12


Figure 7

Other Parts Not Illustrated Part No.

(1-2 GPH) (5-10 GPH)

Gauge Glass Cocks ----- 02002

Gauge Glass ----- 06038

O-Rings (Gauge Glass) ----- 06041


Dip Switch
(Flush Cycle)
Heater Indicator Light

Control Power Switch

Still Control Box Low Water Probe &

OTP Connector

Drain Solenoid Valve

Inlet Solenoid Valve

Tank Float

Element Plug In

Inlet Power Cord

Main Logic Board Timer Board

Step Down

Still Control Box

Circuit Breaker
(Main Inlet Power)


Figure 8
Still Box


Terminal Block Terminal Block Terminal Block

1 Gallon Still 2 and 5 Gallon Still 10 Gallon Still

Figure 9

Catalog No. Quantity & Type of Voltage Wattage Total Watts

A1011 4 Type U 12 0 650 2600

A1013 6 Type Y 12 0 1000 6000

A1015 6 Type P 12 0 2160 13000

A1016 12 Type O 12 0 2160 26000

1. : Heater life may be reduced when operated above maximum stated voltage. Operation of still at a
voltage less than the above stated voltages will cause a drop in still output.

2. Customer external connections and circuit protection must be capable of carrying the full load cur-
rent in accordance with the national electrical code and local practice.

3. Still evaporator must be grounded.

4. O denotes terminal in junction box.

5. At 208 volts, the output is reduced by 25% of rated capacity. Special heaters for 208 volts are
needed to obtain rated still output.

6. This nonstandard voltage will cause a 16% drop in still output capacity in a standard still. Special
heaters may be ordered as an option to achieve rated capacity.


Flow Automatic Controls

Allows for completely unattended 24-hour operation when
still is attached to tank. Adjustable drain timer/cycler 2-, 4-,
8- or 16- hour drain allows reduced still cleaning frequency.

Model No. Where Use

1 and 2 GPH,
1 phase still

2101 2 GPH, 3 phase stilll

2110 5 GPH, 1 and 3 phase still

G2125 10 GPH, 3 phase still

Distillate Cooling
Outlet Distillate

Water Drain Controls

Cooling Water Inlet

Control Box

Control Box
Water Drain


Figure 10 Figure 13
Steam Still mounted on Floorstand Steam Still with Automatic Controls mount-
ed on Floorstand


Cartridge Pretreatment Kit for

Classic Stills
The pretreatment kit removes scale-forming impurities from
the feedwater to the still evaporator (boiler) while improving
the distillate purity. Each pretreatment kit has a scale
eliminator cartridge, Cat. No. D8921, containing ion-ex-
change resin to remove scale-forming impurities and acti-
vated carbon to remove chlorine and volatile organic impu-
rities. The capacity of the cartridge is 750 grains as NaCI.
Model No. Description

Cartridge Pretreatment Kit for 1

G3628 and 2 GPH Stills (includes 1

D8921 Extra Pretreatment Cartridge

Enclosed in this package: Holder for wall mounting the car-

tridge, a flow meter for regulating the water flow through
the cartridge, and the necessary piping and tubing to con-
nect the scale eliminator cartridge to the still. For use with
1 and 2 GPH Classic Stills only.

Pretreat Inlet

Cooling Inlet

Water Drain

Figure 15
Pretreated Cartridge Kit for 1 and 2 GPH
Electric Stills with Automatic controls, mounted
on wall bracket
Accessories for Electric Stills

Accessory Numbers for Electric Stills

Accessory A1011 A1013 A1015 A1016

G3628 G3628
Pretreatment Kit
D8921 D8921

G2100 G2120
Fully Automatic Control G2100 or G2110 or
G2101 G2125

Tin-Coated Vertical Cylindrical Storage Tanks

Accessory A1011 A1013 A1015 A1016

10 Gallon Cylindrical Storage Tank B3043 B3043 B3043 B3043

Floorstand H1000 H1000 H1000 H1000

25 Gallon Cylindrical Storage Tank B3045 B3045 B3045 B3045

Floorstand H1001 H1001 H1001 H1001

50 Gallon Cylindrical Storage Tank B3046 B3046 B3046 B3046

Floorstand H1002 H1002 H1002 H1002

100 Gallon Cylindrical Storage Tank B3047 B3047 B3047 B3047

Floorstand H1003 H1003 H1003 H1003

200 Gallon Cylindrical Storage Tank B3049 B3049 B3049 B3049

Floorstand H3230 H3230 H3230 H3230


Tin-Coated Rectangular Storage Tanks

Accessory A1011 A1013 A1015 A1016

25 Gallon Rectangular Storage Tank B3027 B3027 B3027 B3027

50 Gallon Rectangular Storage Tank B3028 B3028 B3028 B3028

Accessories to Accompany Tin-Coated Rectangular

and Cylindrical Storage Tanks
Accessory A1011 A1013 A1015 A1016

Ventgard H3120 H3120 H3120 H3120

Water Seal H3130 H3130 H3130 H3130

Ventgard and Water Seal H3111 H3111 H3111 H3111

Replacement Filter for Ventgard 25001 25001 25001 25001

Ultraviolet Lamp H4005 H4005 H4005 H4005

Replacement UV for 120V 04141 04141 04141 04141

Ordering Procedures

Please refer to the Specification Plate for the complete

model number, serial number, and series number when
requesting service, replacement parts or in any corre-
spondence concerning this unit.

All parts listed herein may be ordered from the Thermo

Scientific dealer from whom you purchased this unit or
can be obtained promptly from the factory. When service
or replacement parts are needed we ask that you check
first with your dealer. If the dealer cannot handle your
request, then contact our Customer Service Department
at 866-984-3766.

Prior to returning any materials, please contact our

Customer Service Department for a “Return Materials
Authorization” number (RMA). Material returned without
an RMA number will be refused.

One Year Limited Warranty

This Thermo Scientific product is warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for one (1)
year from the first to occur of (i) the date the product is sold by the manufacturer or (ii) the date the product is
purchased by the original retail customer (the “Commencement Date”). Except as expressly stated above, the

An authorized representative of the manufacturer must perform all warranty inspections. In the event of a
defect covered by the warranty, we shall, as our sole obligation and exclusive remedy, provide free replace-
ment parts to remedy the defective product. In addition, for products sold within the continental United States
or Canada, the manufacturer shall provide free labor to repair the products with the replacement parts, but
only for a period of ninety (90) days from the Commencement Date.

The warranty provided hereunder shall be null and void and without further force or effect if there is any (i)
repair made to the product by a party other than the manufacturer or its duly authorized service representa-
tive, (ii) misuse (including use inconsistent with written operating instructions for the product), mishandling,
contamination, overheating, modification or alteration of the product by any customer or third party or (iii) use
of replacement parts that are obtained from a party who is not an authorized dealer of Thermo Scientific prod-

Heating elements, because of their susceptibility to overheating and contamination, must be returned to the
factory and if, upon inspection, it is concluded that failure is due to factors other than excessive high tempera-
ture or contamination, the manufacturer will provide warranty replacement. As a condition to the return of any
product, or any constituent part thereof, to the factory, it shall be sent prepaid and a prior written authorization
from the manufacturer assigning a Return Materials Number to the product or part shall be obtained.


For the name of the authorized Thermo Scientific product dealer nearest you or any additional information, contact us:
308 Ridgefield Court, Ashville, NC, 28806 USA
Phone: 1-866-984-3766
Fax: 1-828-665-4071
Web: www.thermo.com


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