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Meeting 1 (Learning Vocabulary - General Advice) : What Do You Need To Learn?

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A. What do you need to learn?

There are many words you don’t need at all and there other words that you simply
need to understand when you read or hear them. There are words which you need
to be able to use yourself. Clearly you need to spend most time learning this last
group. In the text below mark the words you’d like to use.

English vocabulary has a remarkable range, flexibility and

adaptability. Thanks to the periods of contact with various
languages and its readiness to coin new words out of old
elements. English seems to have far more words in its core
vovabulary than other languages. For example, alongside kingly
(From Anglo-Saxon) we find royal (from French) and regal (from
Latin). There are many such sets of words which are greatly to
our opportunities to express subtle shades of meaning at
various levels of style.

You probably marked many words that you would like to be able to use. You might
not understand the exact meaning of the words, however, you probably need only to
understand, rather than to use, the verb ‘coin’ as used the context above.

B. What does knowing a new word mean?

1. It is not enough just to know the meaning of a word. You also need to know:
a. what words it is associated with
b. whether it has any particular grammatical charateristics
c. how it is pronounced
2. Try to learn new words not in isolation but in phrases
3. Write down adjectives together with noun they are often associated with and vice
versa, e.g. royal family, higher education.write down verbs with the structure
and nouns associated with them, e.g. to add to aour knowledge of the subject, to
express an opinion.
4. Write down nouns in phrases, e.g. in contact with, a train set, shades of opinion.
5. Write down the words with their preposition, e.g. at a high level, thanks to your
6. Note any grammatical characteristics of the word you are studying. For example,
note when a verb is irregular and when a noun in uncountable or is only used in
he plural.
7. Make a note of any special pronunciation problems with the words you are

C. Can you just learn by reading or listening to English?

You will certainly help yourself to learn English vocabulary not only by studying
with this module but also by reading and listening to English.

D. What should you do when you come across new words?

When you are reading something in English, don’t look up every word or expression

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or you will soon get fed up. Only look up something that us really important for
understanding thetext. When you have finished readingm look back at what you
have read and then perhaps look up some extra words and write down new
expressions that interest you.

Similarly when you listen to english don’t panic when you hear some words or
expressions that you don’t know before youlook up or ask its meaning. Decide first
what part of speech the word is and then look for clues in its context or form.

Before you read the text below, check whether you know what the underlined words

A tortoise is a shelled reptile famed for its slowness and its

longevity. The Giant Tortoise and the Galapagos may attain over
1.5 meters in lenght and have a lifespan of more than 150
years. Smaller tortoises from Southern Europe and North Africa
make popular pets. They need to be tended carefully in cool
climates and must have a warm place in which they can

Which of the marked words can you perhaps guess from the context from the way
the word is formed? Guess and then check whether you were correct by using a
dictionary. Some words are impossible to guess from context or the structure of the
word. In such case, ask someone or go on to a dictionary for a help.

E. How are you going to plan your vocabulary learning?

1. How many words and expression do you intend to learn each week?
2. Where are you going to learn them?
3. How ofte are you going to revise your work?

Missing from the Mound
I had misgivings about accepting this case from the beginning. I’m not much of sports
fan, so I wasn’t sure I was the right detective to go looking for a missing pitcher. But an
old friend of mine was working PR for the team, and she knew I would keep the case a
secret. The team didn’t want anyone to find out its star pitcher was missing three days
before the playoffs began. I promised Tess that I would keep my investigation covert. It
was going to make it more difficult to question people, but I’d manage.

My first call was to the pitcher’s wife. She quickly assented to an interview in a bar near
the stadium. I had a presentiment that the interview wasn’t going to go so smoothly. By
the time I arrived, she looked to be drowning her sorrows in her fifth or sixth martini. I
asked about her husband’s activities the day he went missing. She started rambling
about their marrital problems and hoe he wasn’t any good for her. When she got the
point, I found out that they’d had a huge fight morning about an affair he’d been having
with the team owner’s daughter. He stormed out of the house, and she hadn’t seen him

I decided to circumvent the usual routes to meeting Lola McCurvy, the owner’s
daughter, by staking out her favoring beauty salon. I don’t like to deal with a lot of
personal assistants and such when I need to talk to someone. Miss McCurvy seemed

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quite incredulous that I would want to speak with her about Thomson.

“Why talk to me? My relationship with George was a transitory affair. It only lasted for a
couple of months. I dumped him over three weeks ago,” she purred.
“What were you doing Monday between 10 am and 8 pm?” I asked.

“If you are asking if I have an alibi, I’m afraid it isn’t a great one. I wasn’t feeling well that
day, so I stayed home in bed. My maid came in a couple of times to bring me a cup of tea
and a snack. You can check with her.”

“Oh, I will.”

I’m usually an optimist, which rare for a PI, but I was beginning to doubt whether I’d
find Thomson before the playoffs began, and I did, whether he’d be alive. I was going to
have to take decisive steps to track him down. I needed to interview his teammates one
by one starting with the first baseman Hernandez. It was widely known that he and
Thomson had a strong aversion to each other. It was going to be a long day.

Write the definition on the line next to the word to which it belongs. If you are unsure,
return to the text, and underline any context clues you find. After you’ve made your
predictions, check your answers againts the dictionary.

1. misgiving _______________ a. agreed

2. covert _______________ b. feelings of doubt
3. assented _______________ c. to go around
4. presentiment _______________ d. secret
5. circumvent _______________ e. a feeling that something is about to
6. incredulous _______________ happen
7. transitory _______________ f. a person who looks on the bright
8. alibi _______________ side
9. optimist _______________ g. definite
10. decisive _______________ h. temporary
i. disbelieving
j. an excuse or explanation

[1] Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. The woman was certainly (decisive, incredulous). She decided on the color to paint
her bathroom after looking at three samples for two minutes.
2. The operation was (transitory, covert), so Gerry couldn’t tell any of his friends
about his mission.
3. As the leaves fall off the trees, I am reminded of the (decisive, transitory) beauty of

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4. It is good to be (incredulous, covert) when someone says you can easily get rich.
5. I had a great (presentiment, alibi): I was speaking in front of two hundred people
when the robbery took place.
6. Most people would (assent, optimist) to being given a million dollars.
7. Thelma tried to avoid taking a placement test; she wanted to (covert, circumvent)
the college’s procedures.
8. After Darlene found out her fiance had cheated on her, she had (misgiving, assent)
about marrying him.
9. Vicky was nervous about getting in the car. She had a (presentiment, circumvent)
that she would be in an accident.
10. Eddy is the eternal (alibi, optimist). Even when it is pouring rain, he is sure that it
will clear up in time for a picnic.

[2] Detective often have questions or other thoughts running through their minds
when they’re trying to solve a crime. Write the vocabulary word that connects to
the following thoughts the private investigator has about the case. Context clues
are underlined to help you. use each word once.

alibi presentiment circumvent covert decisive

assent incredulous misgiving optimist transitory

1. I’m glad the witness agreed to be interviewed. _______________

2. I’m skeptical that Thomson’s wife told me the whole story about their fight.
3. The team manager was in meetings Monday from 8 a.m. untul 10 p.m.
4. I need to find a way to avoid the security guard so I can look around the locker
room undisturbed. _______________
5. I really feel like I will find Thomson tomorrow. _______________
6. Did Thomson disappear because he had a feelimg that something bad was about
to happen? _______________
7. I may have to conceal myself somewhere in the clubhouse to discover any team
secrets. _______________
8. The team owner’s answers weren’t very definite. Was he trying to cover something
up, or does he just not know much about the team? _______________
9. I need to search Thomson’s locker right away because things may change quickly
if anyone discovers he is missing. _______________
10. Why do I have a feeling of distrust about Miss McCurvy’s story that her maid
brought her tea? _______________

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[3] Finish the story using the vocabulary words. Use each word once.

alibi presentiment circumvent covert decisive

assent incredulous misgiving optimist transitory

I had a(n) (1)_______________ that something bad was going to happen while we were

on vacation. My wife thought my (2)_______________ were silly, but after I kept on

about them for three days, she (3) _______________ to going home warly. When we got

home, we were shocked that all our living room furniture was missing. At first my

wife was (4) _______________. She was sure it was a joke by a neighbor, but I finally

convinced her that we had been robbed. The police were great. They took (5)

_______________ action and started interviewing the neighbors right away. It must

have been a(n) (6) _______________ operation. No one saw anyone near our house.

Even the sneaky kid down the street had a(n)(7) _______________. He was visiting hiis

grandmother two states away all the time we were gone. It was no tme to try to (8)

_______________ usual procedures, so I called the insurance company to get th

epaperwork started. I guess I should take my wife’s view that possessions are only (9)

_______________. In fact, she is such a(n)(10) _______________ that she now sees the

robbery as a great chance to redecorate the house.

[4] Which words would you like to practice with a bit more? Pick 3-5 words to
study. Write the word and its definition and compose your own sentence using
the word correctly.

Word Definition Your Sentence

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prefix : a word part added to the beginning of a word that changes the meaning of the
root : a word’d basic part with its essential meaning
suffix : a word part added to the end of a word: indicates the part of speech

Word Part Meaning Examples and Definitions

mis- wrong misconstrue: to understand wrongly
misgiving: a feeling that something is

omni- all omnipresent: present at all places

omniscient: knowing all

sub-, sup- below, under submerge to put below water

suppress: to keep under control

-cred- to believe, to trust credo: a statement of belief
credentials: evidence of one’s right to be

-pend-, -pens- to hang, to weigh, suspend: to hang

to pay pensive: to weigh and idea; thoughtful

-sens-, -sent- to feel, to be aware concensus: feeling the same way

dissent: to differ in feeling

-vers-, -vert- to turn versatile: capable of turning easily from

one task to another
avert:to turn away

-ism action, practice, voyeurism: the action of watching others
(makes a noun) theory patriotism: the practice of loving one’s

-ist a person who naturalist: a person who is an expert on

(makes a noun) plant or animal life
columnist: a person who writes a column

-ology the study of zoology: the study of animals

(makes a noun) biology: the study of life

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[1] Read each definition and choose the appropriate word from the list below. Use
each word once.

astrology misuse zoologist expensive subterranean

controversy omnipotent credible sensitive plagiarism

1. to operate the wrong way __________

2. turn aginst; an argument __________
3. capable of being believed __________
4. the action of using another’s words as one’s own __________
5. the study of the stars as influences on people’s lives __________
6. all –powerful __________
7. paying a lot for __________
8. underground __________
9. a person who studies animals __________
10. aware of the feelingsof others __________

[2] Finish the sentences with the meaning of each word part. Use each word once.

below feels all wrong to turn

practice the study of trusts hanging a peson who

1. A sentimental person __________ strongly about old items.

2. If you make a mistake, you do the __________ thing.
3. When a company gives a person credit, it __________ that the person will pau his
or her bills.
4. A subordinate works __________ his or her boss.
5. Racism is the __________ of beleiving one’s ethic background is better than other’s
6. The child wanted to divert attention from the mess he had made, so he tried
__________ his mother’s interest to the sound of siren out front.
7. The diamont pendant was __________ arounf her neck.
8. The omniscient narrator in the novel knew what was happening to __________ the
9. A soloist __________ performs alone.
10. I will pursue __________ psychology because I enjoy learning about the mind.

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[3] Finish the sentences using the word parts below. Use each word once.

omni pend ist vert cred

sup ism mis ology sent


My excursion to the art gallery became quite an adventure. While I was looking at a
sculpture, a fire alarm sounded, I hurried outside. Lingering out front, I heard a rumor
that an arson (1)__________ had started the fire. I have been studying
crimin(2)__________, so I began talking with people to find out what was happening.
People didn’t (3) __________press theor opinions. I heard that one of thegallery owners,
Pierre, and his wife were having problems. I also discovered that Pierre;s business
partner had several gambling debts. Problems in Pierre’s life seemed to be (4)

Then I heard a man shout. “C’est une catastrophr!” It was Pierre, he was in shock. I told
him he could de(5) __________ on me for helo because I was going to be an insurance
investigator and I had studied similar cases in college. Pierre con(6) __________ed to my
helping him. After the fire was out, we went in to survey the damage. It was in(7)
__________ible, but only one painting was seriously damaged. When Pierre began to pick
bits of the frame, I told hit to be careful not to disturb any evidence. If we (8) __________
handled the situation at the beginning, we would never find what caused the fire. Pierre
began to complain that we would never discover who tried to ruin him. Just when his
pessim (9) __________ was at its greatest, I noticed wax on a earby table. Pierre’s eyes lit
up –he had inad(10) __________ently set a candle there when he had gone to answer th
ephone. We had found the guilty party

[4] Pick the best definition for each underlined words using your knowledge of
word part.

a) the study of birds g) evidence that ine is qualified or

b) to feel angry can be trusted
c) pay h) a turning away; hatred
d) below the required level i) the cation of putting great values
e) eating all kinds of food on objects
f) s person whi commits blackmail j) given wrong information

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______________ 1. Because Harry’s work for the last three months had been
substandard, his boss called him in to see what was wrong.
______________ 2. The reporter showed his credentials to gain access to the
crime scene.
______________ 3. After a fascinating day of observing condors, cultures, and
falcones at the zoo, I may have a future in ornithology.
______________ 4. Omnivorous eaters can satisfy their hunger withplants or
______________ 5. We were misinformed about the meeting. We thought it
began at three o’clock, but it really began at two.
______________ 6. I had to spend more than one hundred dolalrs on dry
cleaning last month; I need to get more machine washable
______________ 7. I have an aversion to getting up early; I could easily sleep
until ten o’clock every morning.
______________ 8. I resent that I did all the work while my colleagues got all
the credit.
______________ 9. The family’s materialism led to financial problems; they
couldn’t afford everything they bought.
______________ 10. The extortionist asked for $10,000 to be delivered by noon
the next day or he would reveal the mayor’s secret.

Try to read a detective short story. Put yourself in the story by imagining yourself in a
character’s situation. What would you do if you had to solve a murder? Don’t forget to
list the difficult words you have found in the story and find its meaning or description.

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Reading is one of the essential skills in this world, and parents or other adults can
nurture that skill in children. The easiest way to facilitate reading development in
chldren is to read to them aloud. When parents. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, or
neighbors take the time to read to children, children become interested in reading
process. Reading aloud to children can begin at a very young age, even within weeks of
birth. Most experts recommend that parents adhere to at least a half hour a day of
reading to a child develop an interest in reading. Children hear new vocabulary when
they are read to, and that stimulates the brain. A child’s language skills can even
surpass adult expectations when discussion of a book becomes part of the reading
environment. When adults talk to children about the stories they have read together –
what happened, whick characters they liked best, what the point of the story was –
children’s critical thinking skills are greatly increased.

Adults shouldn’t impose their reading interests or level on a child. Asking children to
read books too far above their comprehension level can impede their reading
development. . The mastery of reading is tied to self-esteem, so parents want to make
sure not to push their children. A simple way to see if a child wants to read a book is to
take the child find books that interest him or her. An adult can guide a child’s choices,
especially based on the child’s interests (dinousaurs, knights, the ocean), but the child
should be excited about the books the family takes home to read. Children have an
innate interest in language, and parents can support that natural interest through wise
reading choices.

Parents can also be reading advocate byhaving books in the home and reading
themselves. When a child sees a parent enjoy reading, the child learns that it is a fun
and important skill to acquire. Today’s children are so suceptible to the lure of television
and video games most children spend three to four hours a day in front of the television)
that it is essential for parents to take the lead in making reading an exciting and
memorable experience. All children have the potential to be succesful readers. For some
children, reading skills will come quickly and easily; for others, it will take more time. If
parents are ever unsure about a child’s reading ability, they can always contact school or
community programs for advice.

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[1] Read each set, write definition onthe line next to the word to which it belongs.

1. nurture _______________ a. to force on others

2. facilitate _______________ b. to block
3. adhere _______________ c. supporters of a cause
4. surpass _______________ d. to make easier
5. impose _______________ e. to educate or train
6. impede _______________ f. open to an influence
7. innate _______________ g. the ability for development
8. advocates _______________ h. to go beyond
9. susceptible _______________ i. to folow closely
10. potential _______________ j. posseseed at birth

[2] In each group, there are three synonyms and one antonym. Circle the antonym.

1. impede block facilitate obstruct

2. rrge oppose advocate recommend
3. force impose require choose
4. develop educate hinder nurture
5. assist impede help facilitate
6. release adhere stick hold
7. exceed surpass fail excel
8. natural learned inborn innate
9. possible unlikely budding potential
10. resistant exposed sensitive susceptible

[3] Finish the reading using the vocabulary words. Use each word once.
impedes innate susceptible surpassed facilitates
nurtured adhere advocate impose potential

o I __________ to a steady reading plan. I get three books from the library every week.
My parents __________ my love of reading when I was young. Every summer they
would sign me up for the library’s reading program. If I read ten books, I got prize.
Sometimes work __________ my reading plan. I get busy wit a project or come
home so tired that I don’t feel like reading. But those times are rare. I love to read,
and having the library so close really __________ my reading habit. There are so
many great books there to choose from. I am such a(n) __________ for the library

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that I have started volunteering to read during story time once a week. This week
the kids get to hear penguin on the Lookout. It is one of my favorites.

o I loved school, though I was __________ to colds and missed more days than I
wanted to discovered I han a(n) __________ talent for drawing in the second grade. I
continued to do sketches of friends throughout school, and I enjoyed using
watercolors in college. I minored in art, but I didn’t think I really had the
__________ to become a famous artist. I didn’t want to __________ on my friends
and family while I strugged to make it in the art world. Instead I __________ my
parents’ expectations and went into medicine. In the field of medical research. I
still get to draw sometimes and maybe someday I can find a cure for the common
cold so kids won’t have to miss school like I did.

[4] Complete the sentences using the vocabulary words. Use each word once.
impeded innate susceptible surpassed facilitate
nurture adhere advocate imposed potential

1. I __________ to the idea of saving money for a happier future.

2. My __________ talents are in music and dance. I hane always done well in those
3. I have the __________ to do well in all classes if I take the time to study.
4. To __________ the moving process, I clearly labeled all the boxes.
5. The __________ appeared on the talk show to explain his views on why we need
more land for parks.
6. I hope to __________ a love of reading in my children by reading a story to them
every night before bed.
7. The reading selections in my literature class have __________ my expectations; they
are all fascinating.
8. My parents __________ a ten o’clock curfew on me when I was in high school.
9. Because I am __________ to illness, I like to wear a sweater when it is chilly.
10. Our plans were __________ by the rainy weather. We had to wait until the sun cam
out to have our picnic.

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The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)
has a list of endangered plants and animals knowns as the Red List. Animalson the list
range from the wll-known lowland gorilla to the lesser known aye-aye. Within the
“threatened” category, animals are listed a “critically endangered,” “endangered,” or
“vulnerable.” The 2007 list puts 7,850 animlas worldwide as the threatened category.
Conservationists hope the list will heighten public awareness of the dangers animals
face and elicit responses on ways to save these animals.

The giant panda, a symbol for endangered animals, is endemic to Southwest China. The
panda eats about twenty to thirty pounds of bamboo a day. As human population grow,
animals lose more of their natural habitat. Forests and grasslands are being destroyed
for timber, agriculture, and housing expansion. The giant panda’s habitat is diminishing
due to encroachment for agriculture and timber needs. The Chinese government has
established more than fifty panda reserves, which shields almost 60 percent of the
current population. Estimates place about 1,600 pandas in the wild.

The babirusa, or wild pig, found on Sulawesi and other Indonesian islands are listed as
vulnerable. The unusual-looking babirusa has two sets of tusks, one of which grows on
the top of the snout and curves back toward the animal’s forehead. The babirusa is
omnivorous, eating fruit, leaves, and small animals. Though protected, hunting
contributes to the animal’s decline. They are killed for food, and their unusual skulls are
foung n local markets for sale to tourists. In the last cencus, only 5,000 babirusa were
found in the wild.

The blue whale, found in every ocean, is listes ad endangered. The largest mammal on
Earth, blue whales are usually 80 to 100 feet long and weigh more than 100 tons. They
eat about 8,000 pounds a day of krill, a shrimp-likeanimal. Before whaling era,
population estimates were 350,000 animals. About 99 percent were killed due to
whaling. In 1966, the International Whaling Commissiom put a moratorium on hunting
ble whales. By 2002, estimates placed the blue whale populations between 5000 and
12,000. Blue whales now face threats from pollution, including increases in ocean noise
levels (possibly interfering with their low-frequency communication) and global warming
(distrupting migration patterns and altering food supplies).

These examples illustrate the major animals face: habitat loss, hunting, and pollution.
The field of zoology has helped people learn more about animals. With this knowledge
and by working together, individuals and government can avert the loss of today’s
threatened animals.

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[1] Read each set, write definition onthe line next to the word to which it belongs.

1. conservationist _______________ a. suspension of an activity

2. elicit _______________ b. to prevent
3. endemic _______________ c. an intrusion
4. habitat _______________ d. a person who works to save
5. encroachment _______________ environment
6. omnivorous _______________ e. the study of animals
7. mammal _______________ f. to draw or to bring out
8. moratorium _______________ g. natural to a particular area
9. zoology _______________ h. warm-blooded vertebrate
10. avert_______________ i. the environment where a plant or
animal typically lives
j. eating all types of food

[2] Write the appropriate vocabulary word next to each sentence. Context clues are
underlined to help you. Use each word once.

habitat omnivorous endemic zoology mammals

elicit conservationist moratorium enroachment avert

1. They have been ordered to stop dumping waste there. _______________

2. Africa has lots of these, including lions, elephants, and zebras. _______________
3. Charles is interested in studying animals. _______________
4. It was only when I mentioned dinner that I was able to get a response from my
kids. _______________
5. The city has slowly been growing into the bills, and cougars have recently been
seen in people’s back yards. _______________
6. Orangutans are the home in the forest, swinging from tree to tree.
7. We turned away from Main Street minutes before the crane fell. We were lucky to
miss the accident. _______________
8. Chimpanzeed eat leaves, fruit, insects, birds, and small mammals.
9. The saguaro cactus is found only in the Southwest. _______________
10. Grandpa belongs to a group that spends two weekends a month removing
nonnative plants from local parks. _______________

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[3] Fill each blank with the appropriate vocabulary. Use each word once.

habitats omnivorous endemic zoology mammal

elicit conservationist moratorium enroachment avert

Henry was surprised that seeing a blue whale would (1) __________ so many emotions
from him. He ewas happy, sad, and amazed. He had been told that they are the world’s
largest (2) __________ (as long as three school buses). But he hadn’t really comprehended
that until he saw one in person. He was so impressed that he wanted to do something to
(3) __________ their disappearance. It was on that day that Henry became a(n) (4)
__________. Now he writes letters, sends money, and works with local groups to preserve
the (5) __________ of endagered animals in the forests, grasslands, and oceans around the

One of the endagered aimals Henry learned about is the aye-aye. It is primte that is (6)
__________ to Madagascar. It eats fruits, seeds, and grubs, which makes it (7) __________.
Due to (8) __________ of its rainforest habitat, aye-aye have been found more often riding
local villages for food. There is a local superstition that the aye-aye is an omen of evil and
that it sneaks into people’s homes and kills them with its long middle finger. Becaus eof
these beliefs, aye-aye are often killed by locals. The story of the aye-aye fascinated Henry
and encouraged him to take a(n) (9) __________ course at his local college. As Henry says,
“there should never be a(n) (10) __________ on learning.”

[4] Use the vocabulary words to complete the following analogies.

habitats omnivorous endemic zoology mammal

elicit conservationist moratorium enroachment avert

1. New Orleans : city → rainforest : _______________

2. new : old → beginning _______________
3. cook : makes food → _______________ : works to save the environment
4. examine : study → _______________ : prevent
5. oak : tree → giraffe : _______________
6. pots and pans : cooking → question : ______________
7. looks both ways before crossing the street : cautious → eats fruit and animals:
8. steering wheel : car → clearing away tress : _______________
9. mailed : sent → _______________ : native
10. write a letter : mail it → want to learn about animals : study _______________

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As you will be working more on the Internet as this course progresses, this weeks’s
lessons examine Internet scams. Of course, there have always been those who have
found ways to defraud others, but the Internet has broadened the potential for cheating
people. One person can now reach millions with a few keystrokes. The possibilities for
increased dishonesty force all of us to learn how to protect ourselves. Spam is the junk
mail of the Internet, but occasionally there will be a message that interests you; however
it is up to you to make sure that the company that sent it is trustworthy. Here are a few
precautions we will examine this week:

1. Find out who you are dealing with. Discover where the company is located; find
out if it is even a real company, ask for information in writing, check with the
Better Business Burea about the company’s record, and ask people you trust if
they have dealt with the company. It is your responsibility to establish the
credibility of an online business.
2. Circumspection is the key word to keeping safe on the Internet. If you are
watchful when you deal with your e-mail, you can save yourself a lot of trouble. If
you get an e-mail from what appears to be your bank credit card, or other
company you do business with requesting personal information, be cautious.
Legitimate business do not ask for your passwords or other private information via
3. Don’t make your password obvius. Don’t use your name, birthday, or part of your
Social Security Number. To make your password hard to decipher, use a
combination of letters and numbers, and change your password occasionally.
4. Be especially aware of pishing (pronounced like fishing). The goal is to hook a
person into giving out personal information to be used for dishonest ends. If an e-
mail asks for your addredd, Social Security number, birth date, or mother’s
maiden name, be suspicious. With any of these pieces of information, crooks can
find out more about you until they have enough to steal your identity. It is
essential to establish the validity of a Web site because Identity theft is growing,
and it can be ordeal to clear up mistakes. Crooks have stolen credit card
information, racked up thousands of dollars in charges, and ruined a person’s
credit history. The innocent person may only be made aware that a crime has

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been commited in his or her name when the police show up at the door.
Many offers on the web sound great, and though some of them may be honest, most of
them fall under the old adage “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” The
lessons this week will make you aware of the types of fraud common to the Internet
and present ways to protect yourself. These lessons are not meant to keep you from
using the Internet. The Web has great potential for information and entertainment,
but we must remember that lax behavior can be dangerous.

[1] Read each set, write definition onthe line next to the word to which it belongs.

1. defraud a. careless
2. spam b. watchfulness
3. credibility c. a trying experience
4. circumspection d. to cheat
5. decipher e. trustworthiness
6. phising f. a traditional saying
7. validity g. junk e-mail
8. ordeal h. the practice of luring internetusers
9. adage to a fake Web site to steal personal
10. lax information
i. to decode
j. authenticity

[2] Put a T for tru or F for false next to each sentence.

_______________ 1. Those involved in phising are honest people.

_______________ 2. It is easy for most people to decipher hieroglyphics.
_______________ 3. Planning a wedding can be an ordeal.
_______________ 4. Most people like getting spam in their e-mail.
_______________ 5. A mechanic should be lax when repairing a car.
_______________ 6. When planning a surprise party, it can be helpful to use
_______________ 7. If a person is going to buy diamonds, he or she should check
the credibility of a store before making a purchase.
_______________ 8. It is important to check the validity of a medicine’s claims
before taking it.

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_______________ 9. Most parents try to defraud their children out of their
_______________ 10. The adage “The early bird catches the worm” would appeal to
most late-sleepers.

[3] Answer the following questions using the provided vocabulary. Use each once.

adage ordeal circumspection lax phishing

credibility defraud decipher validity spam

1. What has Matthew been about secuity if he gets a virus on his computer.
2. If a person offers to sell you a new car for two hundred dollars, what can you
assume the person is tryng to do to you? _______________
3. Zora couldn’t read the note from her brother because he had written it as he
hurried out the door. What couldn’t she do? _______________
4. Toshi carefully read the contract when he signed with a baseball team. What did
he want to check? _______________
5. What is “The bigger they are, the harder they fall”? _______________
6. What would most people call spending a night on the floor of an airport and not
having eaten for sixteen hours? _______________
7. When trying to find the appropriate birthday present, Colleen carefully asked
Suzy about some of her favorite things. What was Colleen using? _______________
8. Danny checked out several investment firms before gicing one his money. What
did he want to make sure about each company? _______________
9. If you get an e-mail that appears to be from your credit card company but asks
for your password whatis someone doing? _______________
10. The company sent out thousands of e-mails to announce their new product.
What did they do to people? _______________

[4] Complete the sentence using the vocabulary words. Use each word once.

adage ordeal circumspection lax phishing

credibility defraud decipher validity spam

1. People try to ____________ others by stealing their credit card numbers.

2. A detective needs to use ____________ when he or she is following someone.
3. The ____________ of the witness was called into question when it was discovered

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the man had been engaged to the suspect in college. It wasn’t clear whether he
still loved her.
4. I write my notes neatly so I can ____________ them when studying for an exam.
5. Traveling to see my aunt is a(n) ____________ in the winter; she lives on a dirt
road, and it becomes a huge mud pit after even a little rain.
6. I thought I was being careful, but I became a victim of ____________. I gave out my
Social Security number on a web site that I thought belonged to my bank.
7. I hate getting ____________ in my inbox. I have to delete three to four junk
messages each day.
8. I doubted the ____________ of Warren’s statement that it was snowing outside.
Snow seemed unlikely on a July day in Los Angeles.
9. May ____________ study habits caused me to fail two of my midterms. I wasn’t as
careless the rest of the term.
10. I agree with the ____________ “Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.”
You can never be sure about a situation until it is over.

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1. General Avoid
The euphemism, cliche, and colloquialism are best avoided in formal writing.
Euphemisms are replacement words used for terms that are considered
unpleasant. You may have heard a small house called cozy by a real-estate agent
or “passed away” to describe the sad situation of death. You usually want to avoid
euphemisms because they tend to hide information or distort a situation.

Cliches, overused phrase, should be avoided because they can make your writing
as dead as a doornail. They are handy in speech because they easily convey an
idea: “ I’m going to sleep like a log after today’s hike.” In writing, however, they are
usually boring. Make your writing more engaging by creating your own original
comparison or plainly state your point: “I’m exhausted.”

Colloquialisms are words or phrases in everyday speech that usually aren’t

appropriate in foemla writing. For example, “She ain’t interested in goin’ to the
movie with us” uses two colloquialisms: “ain’t” for “isn’t and “goin’” for “going”.
Unless your goal is to capture the favor of everyday speech, avoid colloquialisms.

2. Use appropriately

Introduce an acronym properly. If you refer to a CD, your readers may initially be
bewildered if they are thinking of a compact disc and you mean a certificate of
deposit. To use an acronym, first write the full name followed by the acronym in
parantheses, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Now you can use the
acronym throughout your paper, and the reader will know what you are referring

Watch your use of homonyms. Pay attention when you use words that sound
alike, and we are sometimes spelled alike, but have different meanings, such as
which and witch. Scruitinize your writing for homonym errors, and if you often
mix up certain homonyms,carefully proofread for those.

3. Think carefully about

Consider the words you use; you want to be concise while still giving enough
information to convey your meaning. During the revision phase. Look for
wordiness. For example, in “Mary is a loud and noisy woman,” loud and noisy
mean the same thing, so only one of the words is needed, and Mary’s name
indicated she is a woman. The revised “Mary is loud” is more powerful.

Also learn how much your reader wants you to cover. Does your boss want a
synopsis of the meeting or a detailed account? You will likely not appreciate the
irony when you have stayed up 200-word summary a colleague wrote in half an

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[1] Read each set, write definition on the line next to the word to which it belongs.

1. Euphemism ____________ a. a commonplace expression

2. Cliche ____________ b. brief
3. Colloquialism ____________ c. to examine carefully
4. Acronym ____________ d. the substitution of a mild expression
5. Bewildered ____________ for one considered harsh
6. Homonyms ____________ e. two or more words that have the
7. Scrutinize ____________ same sound but differ in meaning
8. Concise ____________ f. a summary
9. Synopsis ____________ g. a word or abbreviation formed from
10. Irony ____________ initial letters
h. a clash between what is expected to
happen and what really does
i. confused
j. an expression used in informal

[2] Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. When wiriting you should try to avoid using (cliche, acronym) because they
make your writing as dull as dirt.
2. I gave the judge a (concise, cliche) history of my problems with the store; I
thought all the details would bore him.
3. It is important to be aware of (homonyms, euphemisms) because they can be
used to mislead people; for example, instead of going to war, a country may be
involved in “a military action.”
4. Computers have introduced several new (colloquialisms, acronyms) into our
language, such as HTML and URL.
5. My cousin always departs using the (euphemisms, colloquialism) “outta here”.
6. It is important to double-check your writing for (homonym, irony) errors, such as
their, there, and they’re.
7. I always (bewilder, scrutinize) my credit card bill each month to make sure I
haven’t been overcharged.
8. I was able to give my freind a (colloquialism, synopsis) of a five-hundred-page
book in two minutes.

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9. I was (scrutinized, bewildered) by my son’s note that he was going to pick up
his dad at the airport. His das was out front mowing the lawn.
10. The (irony, synopsis) was obvious when my brother said, “Beautiful day for a
picnic,” as we looked out the rain soaked street.

[3] Match each word below to the appropriate example.

acronyms homonyms bewilder synopsis cliches

concise euphemisms irony scrutinoze colloquialism

1. I see that this hem you just sewed is missing three stitches. ________________
2. I thought my friends were planning a surprise party for me; instead, they
completely forgot my birthday. ________________
3. patience and patients ________________
4. I could go for a hamburger for lunch. ________________
5. “Tell me about the party.” “ It was a huge success.” ________________
6. Fit for a king, the greatest thing since slice bread ________________
7. Let go, dismissed, made redundant ________________
8. ATM, NASA, ASAP, WWW ________________
9. The story is about a girl who goes to a house and tries three bowls of porridge.
One is too hot, one is too cold, and the other is just right. While she is napping,
the bears that live in the house come home and she runs away. ________________
10. Why are three golf balls all over the kitchen floor? ________________

[4] Put a T for true or F for false next to each sentence.

______ 1. Acronyms are popular eith computer users.

______ 2. “Cool as cucumber” is a cliche.
______ 3. Fair (a carnival) and fair (reasonable) are homonyms.
______ 4. Knowing the best way to get to the musem would show that the person
is bewildered.
______ 5. If it is snowing and your friend says, “It sure is cold,” his statement is
an example of irony.
______ 6. “Stocky” and “full-figured” could be considered euphemisms for being
______ 7. It is a good idea to use colloquialisms in your college papers.
______ 8. Talking to your freind for three hours about last night’s date would be
giving her a concise version.

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______ 9. When your boss looks over your five-page report in two minutes, he has
really scrutinized it.
______ 10. A synopsis of an article should take less tie to read that the original.

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prefix : a word part added to the beginning of a word that changes the meaning of the
root : a word’d basic part with its essential meaning
suffix : a word part added to the end of a word: indicates the part of speech

Word Part Meaning Examples and Definitions

am- love amorous: being in love
amateur: a person who does something for
the love of it without getting paid

eu- good, well euphoria: a feeling of extreme well-being

eulogy: a speech that says good things
about a person

pan- all, everywhere pandemonium: disorder everywhere

panorama: an all-around view

-don-, -dot-, To give donate: to give away
-dow- antidote: a remedy given to cure

-fer- To bring, to carry transfer: to carry across

offer: to volunteer to bring

-mis-, -mit- To send emissary: a person sent on a mission

transmit: to send across

-vet-, -vent- To come, to move, convene: to come together

toward circumvent: to move around

-ia condition hysteria: a condition of emotional excess
(makes a noun) insomnia: the condition of being unable to

-il, -ile pertaining to or able virile: pertaining to life, strong

(makes an adj) versatile: able to do several different

-sis process or state catharsis: to process of releiving

(makes a noun) emotional tensions
synopsis: the process of summarizing

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[1] Read each definition and choose the appropriate word from the list below. Use
each word once.

hypothesis intervene virile donor amorous

eulogy dismiss inertia conference panorama

1. someone who gives something _______________

2. process of making a guess _______________
3. a speech on the good qualities of a person, usually given after the person has
died _______________
4. to come between _______________
5. an all-around view _______________
6. to send away _______________
7. the condition of not moving _______________
8. a meeting that brings people together _______________
9. pertaining to life _______________
10. in a loving mood _______________

[2] Finish the sentence with th emeaning of each word part. Usse each meaning
once. The word part is underlined to help you make the connection.

to give love to come bring process

condition sent all good pertaining to

1. The lover _______________ a missive the day after the flight asking for forgiveness.
2. My mother uses a hug as a panacea, a cure for _______________ problems, and it
often works.
3. Milt is going _______________ a large endowment to the local art museum because
he has always wanted to be a painter.
4. To understand the reading, I had to infer what the author meant, or
_______________ out his meaning.
5. My boyfriend used the euphemistic phrase “exploring options” to explain why we
should break up; he wanted it is sound like a(n) _______________ thing.
6. The audience experienced a catharsis during the dramatic end of the play; crying
was part of the _______________
7. An amateur plays a sport for the _______________ of it.
8. His behavior was juvenile, or _______________ being young.
9. Claire’s nostalgia for her mother’s lasagna was one _______________
10. Everyone wants _______________ to the event at the stadium, but only people who
bought tickets a month ago can get it.

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[3] Pick the bext defiition for each underlined word using your knowledgeof word

a. condition of being tired f. money or property given by a

b. coming bride to her husband
c. able to handle easily g. a temple to all Gods
d. a good or painless death h. the process of making a statement
e. to bring on rapidly i. to send or happen irregularly
j. filled with love

________ 1. As soon as she saw the puppy, the little girl hugged it and became
enamored of it.
________ 2. Euthanasia is a controversial subjects; it can be hard to decise when
to end a life.
________ 3. While in Greece we visited the remains of a pantheon with statues of
Athena, Zeus, and other Gods.
________ 4. The advent of the holiday season caused me to ist down and make
some plans.
________ 5. Diana’s dowry was considerable: a castle in England and $30,000
________ 6. Katy’s intermittent letters left us wondering what she was doing in the
months she didn’t write us.
________ 7. The offers for starring roles began to proliferate after Karl won an
________ 8. The thesis of my paper is that the college should shorten the semester
by two weeks.
________ 9. I didn’t know Colleen had a phobia of flowers until she refused to enter
the florist shop.
________ 10. After the cat was docile, the doctor was able to operate.

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The fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century A.D. marked the beginning of medieval
times, also known as the Middle Ages or the Dark ages. Life in western Europe became
dangerous and chaotic. Tribes of barbarians invaded –the Magyars from the east and
Vikings from the north –killing and plundering as they rode. Because safety became the
primary concern, a new way of life called feudalism developed. Under this system, people
lived together for protection on a parcel of land called a manor. Every manor had a castle,
a village, and a Catholic church.

During the Middle Ages, kings were said to have the “divine right” given by God to rule.
However, they could not govern effectively since their landholdings were large and
communication was slow and difficult. For this reason, kings formed political alliances
with lesser nobility. The nobles were entrusted to govern part of the king’s lands. The
lord of a manor had absolute authority over the peasants, who were called serfs. Most
serfts were bound to the land and treated as slaves. In a special ceremony held each
year, the peasants had to proclaim their loyalty to the lord of the manor. They paid

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homage to the lord by declaring that they would work his land, pay taxes, and provide
troops to fight when necessary. The lord would affirm that he would do his duty to
protect the serft during times of danger.

Another powerful group was the clergy. Monks living in monasteries were among the few
who were educated; they kept historical records and translated texts. Priests and bishops
were much worldlier. They were often involved in politics and another secular activities.
The feudal system gave the noblity and the clergy wealth and power, while the other
ninety percent of the people labored their entire lives in extreme poverty.

Women also didn’t enjoy privileges. Noble women usually had two options: marry or
enter a nunnery. If a woman married, it was usually by the time she was fourteen. Noble
women supervised household matters. Peasant women were responsible for running the
house and helping with the farming. Women usually did the weaving and took care of the
dairy. A noble woman might get some education at home, and nunneries offered a a few
schools, but for the most part women were uneducated.

In 1347, a ship returning from th East arrived in Sicily filled with sick sailors. The
townspeople were scared and refused to let the ship stay in port; however, some of the
rats on the ship had already come ashore. The fleas on the rats carried the plague, and it
spread through Sicily. It was a fast-acting disease with most people killed within a week
of the first signs –black blotches on the skin, a black tongue, swealing under the
armpits, chills. The disease spread to Italy and through the rest of Europe. By 1350 the
disease appeared to be gone, but it was to resurface for short periods for the next 300
years. By 1400 approximately one-third of Europe’s population, about 50 million people,
were dead. Many peasants died, and with a smaller labor force, they became more
important. The serfs started to demand fairer treatment, and by the time plague
disappeared forever, feudalism was also dead.

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[1] Read each set, write definition on the line next to the word to which it belongs.

1. medieval ____________ a. wordly

2. barbarians ____________ b. honor
3. plundering ____________ c. agreements to cooperate
4. feudalism ____________ d. a political system based on holding
5. alliances ____________ land
6. proclaims ____________ e. to state publicly
7. homage ____________ f. savages
8. secular ____________ g. of Middle Ages
9. privileges ____________ h. advantages
10. plague ____________ i. robbing
j. a widespread disease

[2] Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. For most people, the (secular, medieval) period was filled with hardships.
2. The movie was a(n) (homage, alliance) to the great director Alfred Hitchcock.
3. It was considered a (privilege, barbarian) to host the city’s annual awards
4. The museum was (proclaimed, plundered) during the riots, and several valuable
paintings were lsot forever.
5. The (secular, medieval) life does not appeal to some people, so they choose to
live more spiritually.
6. It is unlikely that (alliance, feudalism) will return as a dominant political system
7. Four of the survivors made a(n) (privilige, alliance), which forced the other teo
to manage on their own.
8. Carlos acts like a (barbarian, feudalism) when he tears into a crab dinner.
9. When Sumiko (proclaimed, plagued) her intention to try out for the swim team,
she got her whole family’s support.
10. Aches and pains have (plagued, plundered) Gwen since she slipped on the ice
last week.

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[3] Finish the story with the best word for each blank. Use each word once.

alliances barbarian feudalism secular medieval

plundering plague homage proclaim privilage

Sir Geoffrey impatiently waited for his squire Thaddeus to finish preparing his suit of
armor for battle. Matters were frenzied in the castle. News had come that an especially
fierce (1) _______________ tribe had been killed and (2) _______________ it way through
neighboring kingdoms and was headed this way. Loyal to Lord Richard, Geoffrey would
serve whenever he was needed. In Geoffrey’s hand was a letter he had hastily prepared
for the object of his affection, Lady Sarah. Sir Geoffrey felt that, after two years of
courtship, it was fitting (3) _______________ his love before he left for combat. He also felt
that it was his (4) _______________ to make a special request of Lady Sarah. Besides the
usual poetry and pledges of love, he asked her to pay (5) _______________ to his memory
should he die in battle.

While Sir Geoffrey prepared for battle, a very different scene was taking place in another
part of the kingdom. Brother Joseph knew he was keeping history alive. He had no
regrets about being a monk. He was one of the few who could read and write, so he was
able to keep records of the past and present. The (6) _______________ world outside the
church with its temptation had never attracted him. He hadn’t wanted to be a priest,
either. He preffered the quiet walls of the monastery during these uncertain (7)
_______________ times. He wondered what tis period of history would be remembered for.
For everyone outside the monastery, the way of life was (8) _______________. Kings gave
pieces of land to nobles, and the nobles gave land to other. This system was excelent way
to make powerful (9) _______________. The agreements helped both sides, but there were
also many wars. He had also heard reports of a great (10) _______________ sweeping
through Europe. He wondered if the death and destruction would reach his quiet
monastery. He hoped not. But the outside world was not his business. It was time for
Brother Joseph to return to his writing.

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[4] For each set, write the letter of the most logical analogy.

Part I

________ 1. plague : please a. king : proclaim

________ 2. pilot : flies b. religious : church
________ 3. late 1900s : condominium c. considereate : kind
________ 4. barbarian : savage d. depressed : overjoyed
________ 5. secular : office e. medieval : castle

Part II

________ 1. read : writer a. silver : plunder

________ 2. feudalism : Middle Ages b. play : perform
________ 3. excellent : awful c. homage : king
________ 4. leaves : rake d. hippies : 1960s
________ 5. alliance : cooporate e. privilage : misfortune

[5] Arrange these jumbled letters into good words. All words are related to Medieval
Ages. After that, write its definition on the right side.

1. r-e-c-a
2. h-a-e-v-c-m-t-i-n-e-e
3. e-o-r-l-c
4. f-c-a-o-n-i-l-h
5. t-i-o-h-e-r
6. o-l-b-e-n
7. p-a-n-e-s-t-a
8. i-o-r-w-r-a-r
9. e-d-p-e-l
10. r-o-m-a-n

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GUIDE: Welcome to day four of our art history tour of Italy. I hope you are refreshed after
our arrival last night from Rome. It is said that Florence is the birthplace of the
Renaissance. The city is a living museum endowed with numerous examples interest in
the classical artistic forms of the ancient Greeks and Romans and an interest in
humanism, the importance of the individual. This morning we are going to visit the
world-famous Duomo, the cathedral with the octagonal dome that has become the
recognizable symbol of Florence and, really, of all the region of Tuscany. As we walk
through Florence, consider how lucky we are that so many people had the foresight to
maintain and care for the buildings and artwork we will be seeing. Later in the day, we
will visit the Palazzo Vecchio and the Uffizi Gallery.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is the Duomo, which is also called Santa Maria del Fiore (St.
Mary of the Flower). It is the result of the fertile imaginations of artists and architects
from the thirteenth to the nineteenth centuries. The original design for the cathedral was
created by Arnulfo di Cambio at the end of the thirteenth century and completed in the
fourteenth century. The inferior of the Duomo includes not only the dominant gothic
style of pre-renaissance times but classical elements as well. The cupola was the product
of the brilliant Renaissance architect Filippo Brunelleschi in the fifteenth century. The
dome has been an inspiration for the Capitol in Washinton, D.C., and St. Paul’s

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Cathedral in London. Finally, the facade that you see before you was completed in 1875.
Not only did the Cathedral go through intermittent structural changes during this long
period, but it was also adorned inside and out with paintings and sculptures. Of
particular beauty are the frescoes painted directly on the interior walls of the cathedral.
Please follow me inside.

[1] Read each set, write definition on the line next to the word to which it belongs.

1. Renaissance ____________ a. dome

2. endowed ____________ b. very productive
3. humanism ____________ c. paintings done on moist plaster
4. foresight ____________ d. irregular
5. fertile ____________ e. decorated
6. cupola ____________ f. philosophy emphasizing the
7. facade ____________ importance of human interests and
8. intermittent ____________ values
9. adorned ____________ g. period of european hisory
10. frescoes____________ h. furnished
i. exterior of a building
j. concern for the future

[2] Match each term with its synonym in part I and its antonym in Part II.
________ 1. adorn a. dome
________ 2. endow b. painting
________ 3. fresco c. give
________ 4. intermittent d. decorate
________ 5. cupola e. irregular

________ 6. facade f. careless
________ 7. fertile g. real
________ 8. foresight h. stagnation
________ 9. humanism i. barren
________ 10. renaissance j. divinity

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[3] Complete the sentence using the vocabulary words. Use each word once.
fertile fresco endow adorn humanism
cupola facade foresight Renaissance intermittent

1. The ________________ of the new hotel is quite grand. I can’t wait to see the inside.
2. The day was supposed to be filled with _______________ showers, so we cancelled
the picnic.
3. Senator Kennedy has promised to _______________ a million dollars to the college
when he dies.
4. The settlers decided to stop inthe valley when they saw how _______________ the
soil was.
5. I am glad I had the _______________ to bring a piece of fruit. I am starving, and
the doctor is an hour behind his appointments.
6. The _______________ on the capitol building is huge. We could see it from a hill
five miles from town.
7. To make the area more attractive, the planning commitee has decided to
_______________ the area with fountains and public artwork.
8. On my trip to Italy last summer, I was especially impressed with a(n)
_______________ of a garden scene. Despite some peeling paint, the flowers still
looked so real.
9. If I could travel back in time, I would like to visit the _______________ to see the
great achievements in art and architecture actually being created.
10. Next term I am going to pursue a semester of _______________ by taking courses
in literature, philosophy, and art.


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[4] Finish the readings with the best word for each blank. Use each word once.
fertile frescoes endowed adorned humanism
cupola facade foresight Renaissance intermittent

The (1) _______________ took place in Europe roughly from the fourteenth to the
seventeenth centuries. A great revival of interest in art, literature, science, and other
areas of learning occured that had not been felt since the height of the ancient Greek and
roman civilizations. There was greater belief in the abilities of humankind; this new
attitide toward the individual was known as (2) _______________, and it led to education
for more people. One of the most (3) _______________ minds of the period belonged to
Leonardo da Vinci. He was a sculptor, painterm inventor, philosopher, and writer. Among
the most famous (4) _______________ of all time are those Michaelangelo painted on the
ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The world was also (5) _______________ with new
discoveries such as the revelation from Copernicus that the center of the universe is the
sun and not the Earth, as was previously thought.

American society has taken a(n) (6) _______________ interest in the architectural styles of
the past. Greek columns decorate the (7) _______________ of banks and buildings on
many college campuses, and Victorian gingerbreas houses dominate some
neighborhoods. American architecture is interesting because buildings can be (8)
_______________ with sculptures and paintings representing people and achievements
from anywhere and any time. Looking at the (9) _______________ that usually sits atop a
state capitol building, one can feel proud that the architectural styles from the past are
still used and also know that innovations are part of modern architectire are evidenced
by the high-rises found in most cities. It can only be hope that people have the (10)
_______________ to remember the value of the past contributions when designing
buildings for the future.

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June 23
I am so glad I signed up for this summer program! Visiting different countries to learn about
their political systems is proving to be one of the most exciting things I have ever done. It is
our third day in England, and today we learned more about the constitutionalmonarchy
systems and Britain’s royalty. I hadn’t realized that the king or queen is a figurehead who
doesn’t have any real power. The monarchy has been losing its power since 1215 when
King John was forced by the nobles to sign the Magna Carta, which guaranteed more
rights to the people. Still, if a king or queen has enough charisma, he or she can have an
influence on the country. Queen elizabeth II seems to be popular with most of the people
I’ve met. Queen Victoria was also admired by the people. The British Empire reached its
zenith during her reign from 1837 to 1902. She ruled for 64 years, the longest of any
monarch. She really strengthened Britain’s power by marrying he nine children to various
royal families in Europe, including those in Denmark, Russia, and Germany. During her
reign, the British realm covered almosy one quarter of the planet. Britain ruled over India,
Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, several areas in Africa, some Carribean islands, and other
small islands such as Fiji. The saying “The sun never sets on the British Empire” was
definetely true during her reign.

July 15
We have been in Africa for almost two weeks, and it has been enlightening. I am happy to
note that there are several efforts to fix the problems the continent has been facing. The
cacao farms we visited in Ghana are now dealing with fair trade organizations thay pay
the people enough so that they can earn a reasonable living. The preserves we traveled
through in Rwanda are employing local people as conservationists and working to protect
endangered animals like the mountain gorilla. And we witnessed the success of Nobel
prize winner Wangari Maathai’s tre—planting campaign to reforest Kenya. Still, there are
problems of AIDS, poverty and corrupt goverments hat leave people at risk for famine and
disease, especially from unsafe drinking water. Yesterday we attended a political rally in
an unstable country before the impending election on Friday. With only three days before
the election, the current regime seems worried. A plot to depose the corrupt president failed
last year, and now a new party has formed that represents the poor, which seems to be a
lot of the country. As we drove around, I saw that the country’s infrastructure –roads,

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bridges, pipelines –is falling apart. And from what I’ve heard in the streets, the government
doesn’t care. We are leaving on Thursday because problems are expected if the president
wins election. I hear that he is bribing people to vote for him and that the votes won’t be
counted by an impartial group. If hes does win, rumors are that a coup may be staged by
the opposites. It will be hard tho wrest control of the country from the president, but the
people might be angry to do it. It would be exciting to stay and see what happens, but I
understand the college’s concern for out safety.

[1] Read each set, write definition on the line next to the word to which it belongs.

1. figurehead ____________ a. charm

2. charisma ____________ b. government
3. zenith ____________ c. foundations countries depend on
4. realm ____________ d. overthrow of the government
5. impending ____________ e. about to happen
6. regime ____________ f. the highest point
7. depose ____________ g. to remove from an important
8. infrastructure ____________ position
9. coup____________ h. a person in a position f leadership
10. wrest who has no real power
i. to take through force
j. an empire

[2] Put a T for true or F for false next to each sentence.

______ 1. The Orpilla family has an impending vacation –the couple plan to travel
to Europe when they retire in twenty years.
______ 2. A king who makes sure his people are well fed and educated is one the
public would want to depose.
______ 3. A person usually reaches the zenith of his or her career the second day
on a job.
______ 4. An interest in the stars could lead someone into the realm of astronomy.
______ 5. You can often wrest the meaning of a story of you think about it for a
______ 6. Most notable leaders possess charisma (e.g. Ghandi, Caesar, Soekarno).
______ 7. There have been coups in the last ten years in the United States.

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______ 8. A regime that doesn’t care if most of ts people aare poor would be called
______ 9. Being a figurehead would likely frustrate an honest and motivated
______ 10. To make sure a city’s infrastructure does not fall apart, it should be
checked regularly.

[3] Match each term with its synonym in part I and its antonym in Part II.
________ 1. territory a. charisma
________ 2. allure b. infrastructure
________ 3. mispresent c. regime
________ 4. government d. wrest
________ 5. foundation e. realm

________ 6. install f. impeding
________ 7. peace g. figurehead
________ 8. lowest h. coup
________ 9. distant i. zenith
________ 10. organizer j. depose

[4] Complete the sentence using the vocabulary words. Use each word once.
regime infrastructure charisma realm zenith
depose wrest figurehead impending coup d’etat

1. The board decided it was time to __________ the president of the company. He
had begun acting like a king and not part of the team.
2. In the __________ of sports, Venus Williams, Hank aaron, Michelle Kwan, and
Lance Armstrong are considered the greats.
3. My __________ biology midterm is making me nervous. I haven’t opened the
textbook all semester.
4. The small African nation is being governed by a military __________.
5. The voters have approved a tax to improve the water plant, bridges, streets, and
other parts of the __________ of their city.
6. Despite the financial scandal, the mayor was elected to another term because of
his __________.

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7. The children tried to __________ control of the company from their father when
they felt his mental health was failing.
8. Although Gavin was a unin representative, he was just a(n) __________. He had
no real power.
9. The government changed hands overnight in a sudden political __________.
10. The actor felt he has reached the __________ of his career he won an Academy

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Succeeding in Business
Do you have what it takes to be an enterpreneur? Do you have an idea for a product people must
have? Do you have a skill as you have wanted to turn into a business? Starting your own business
venture can be hard but also extremely rewarding. The Business Department is starting a series of
classes on how to run a successful business. Whatever you specialize in doing –baking, writing,
working with computers –can now make you money. Those who are brave enough to face the
problems of running a business will also find rewards of being one’s own boss.

The following are some of the most prominent traits found amongst enterpreneurs. Do
you have a propensity for any of these important traits?

Passion. A mahor asset to starting your own business is being excited about your
product or service. If yu don’t love it, how do you expect other people to? You need to be
willing to proclaim your resume service the best there is, your jewelry creations the most
beautiful, or your dog-training skills the greatest.

Determination. The biggest liability a business owner can have is a lack of drive. You
have to find the way to succeed when things aren’t going your way. On the first day
Debbies Fields opened her cookie store, no one had come in by noon. She didn’t give up!
She put a batch of her cookies on a tray and walked outside to distribute them to people
walking by. People loved them and followed her back to the store. From there, the Mrs.
Fields cookie empire grew.

Flexibility. When running a busineess, you will need to modify your plans as everything
will not always go on your way. Even finding your niche in a business calls for flexible
thinking. Reed Hastings was upset when he returned his videos to a store and was told
he owed $40 in late fees. Angry about the fees, Hastings decided there should be a better
system. The idea for Netflix was born. Hastings found a special place in the crowded
world of video rentals because he saw a need that others were not meeting. Hastings
used his degree in computer science to create a system that allows people to rent videos
for a flat monthly fee with no late charges using their computers.

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Humor. If you are a jovial person, you can cope with the stress of running a businnes. If
your always get angry or upset, your problems are only going to proliferate. If you can
keep youe sense of humor, your peoblem will not grow to unmanageable proportions.
You will be working with people who are your employess or clients, and they will want to
deal with a friendly and cheerful person.

If these traits fit you, sign up for the courses in the Succeeding in Business program. Among other
skills, learn important business terminology, how to create a marketing plan, and ways to deal with
legal issues.
Call (326)555 3579 today to get a catalogue of the course offereings.

[1] Read each set, write definition on the line next to the word to which it belongs.

1. enterpreneur ____________ a. a disadvantage

2. venture ____________ b. to grow
3. prominent ____________ c. a leaning
4. propensity ____________ d. a business enterprise
5. asset ____________ e. to change the form of
6. liability ____________ f. one who
7. modify ____________ g. an appropriate place
8. niche ____________ h. cheerful
9. jovial ____________ i. a desirable thing
10. proliferate ____________ j. leading

[2] Circle the correct meaning of each vocabulary word.

1. ASSET: a worthless thing a desirable thing

2. JOVIAL: cheerful sad
3. NICHE: a lobby a recess
4. PROLIFERATE: to decrease to increase
5. PROPENSITY: a preference indifference
6. VENTURE: to fear to brave
7. ENTREPRENEUR: one who assumes the risk one who works for others
of a business
8. PROMINENT unimportant notable
9. LIABILITY: a disadvantage an advantage
10. MODIFY: vary steady

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[3] Use the vocabulary words to finish the students’ statement about why they are
taking classes in the Succeedung in Business program.

Vocabulary List
propensity entrepreneur venture niche modify

I have enrolled in this program because my family

has a(n) (1) _______________ for baking. My
grandfather owned a donut shop and my mother
won the county fair pie-baking contest for eight
years straight. Now I want (2) ) _______________ into
baking for a profit. I think I have discovered my (3)
_______________ in the business: cookies for every
holiday. I have recipes and designs for cookies
from Arbor Day to Valentine’s Day. I can even (4)
_______________ my cookies for a client’s special
occasion. Whatever they want, I can make. I have a
passion for cooking, so I am sure I will be a good
(5) ) _______________. I can’t wait to stay to start my
catering business.

Vocabulary List
asset liability jovial prominent proliferate

I am a(n) (6) _______________ person. I get along

well with others, and animals love me. I want to
start a pet-sitting business. My greatest (7)
_______________ is my flexibility. I can take on a job
at a moment’s notice. I want to learn how to make
flyers that will catch a person’s attention and find
out the (8) _______________ locations around town
to distribute them so I can get the most exposure. I
am hoping my clients will (9) _______________, and
then I can hire my brother. He is also great with
animals. The only (10) _______________ I can see is
that sometimes I get too attached to an animal I sit
for and I don’t want to leave, but I can work on
that problem.

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[4] For each set, somplete the analogies.

Vocabulary list
entreprenuer modify liability niche venture

1. surboard : water :: vase : _______________

2. embezzler : defrauds :: _______________ : invests
3. cancel : erase :: alter : _______________
4. roads and bridges : infrastructure :: climbing a mountain : _______________
5. a raise : benefit :: a broken leg : _______________

Vocabulary list
jovial asset proliferate prominent propensity

6. house : _______________ :: banana : fruit

7. athlete : fit :: mayor : _______________
8. in a traffic jam : angry :: at a party : _______________
9. pardon : forgive :: tendency : _______________
10. humble : proud :: _______________ : decline

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Holistic medicine has recently captures the public’s interest. Health care that treats the
whole individual and that often relies on alternative techniques is now appealing to a
broader range of people. As people begin to feel that drugs have been overprescribed,
they often start searching for naturopathic alternatives such as herbal supplements,
exercise programs, acupunture, mud or mineral baths, and massage therapy. More and
more peoplea are investigating these and other alternative methods to treat problems
such as headache, depression, breathing difficulties, and anemia or other weaknesses.

What many people see as a defeciancy in traditional medicine is its inability to deal with
the mind and body. Massage has been found to soothe both areas, which has made it
popular in alternative medicine. Once the sole domain of the wealthy, massage is now
used in athletics, medicine, and even the workplace. Athletes have embraced massages
as a way to prevent injuries and to reduce soreness after exercising; medicine has used
massage to deal with arthritis and back and neck pains among othe problems. When
employers discovered that workers are more productive when they aren’t stressed, some
began to hire masseuses to give back and shoulder rubs in the office.

Another field that has gained popularity is aromatherapy. People have found the use of
second oils to be the antidote problem such as headaches and nervousness. Of the five
senses, smell os the sharpest for most people. The oils are made from a variety of plants,
flowers, and herbs. Aromatherapists can combine different oils to treat a patient’s
problem. For example, rosemary and olive oil can be used to relieve muscle pains. The
oils are usually applied during a massage, used in a bath, or inhaled.

As longevity becomes more likely for most Americans, looking at a variety of ways to
treat health problems makes sense. Data from the year 2000 census estimated the
average life span from males as 74.1 year and for females 79.5 years. In 1950 the
average life span for both sexes was 68.2 years and in 2000 the average was 76.9. in just
fifty years life expectancy has gone up to 8.7 years. Obviously, if the trend continues,
many people can expect to lead longer lives in the years to come.

Some insurance companies are also beginning to use every syndrome or disease isn’t

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best treated with a pill, and they are covering more naturophic treatments in their
policies. An electic approach to health care that combines traditinal and nontraditional
treatments may be the standard medical practice in the next decade. Patients do,
however, need to choose wisely and look at the positive and negative aspects of holistic
treatments before they begin any program. If the public and doctors work together to find
the best method of caring for a person’s condition, society will benefit from an
unparalleled era of healing.

[1] Read each set, write definition on the line next to the word to which it belongs.

1. holistic ____________ a. an area of concern

2. naturopathic ____________ b. long life
3. anemia ____________ c. shortage
4. deficiency ____________ d. diverse
5. domain ____________ e. without equal
6. antidote ____________ f. treating diseases without drugs
7. longevity ____________ g. a lack of oxygen-carrying in the
8. syndrome ____________ blood which results in weakness
9. eclectic____________ h. a cure
10. unparalled ____________ i. a set of symptoms that belong to a
j. focusing on the importance of the

[2] Write the letter of the vocabulary word next to the situation that relates to it.
Context clues are underlined to help you. Use each word once.

Set One
_____ 1. These doctors look at the whole person, not just the a. Eclectic
symptom. b. Deficiency
_____ 2. You can select from a variety from a variety of c. Longevity
treatments to find what works best for you. d. Holistic
_____ 3. I want to live to be one hundred! e. antidote
_____ 4. The doctor said I’m low in the B vitamins and iron.
_____ 5. A monthly massage proved to be the cure for Sam’s

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Set Two
_____ 6. Mary Ann looked pale and she had no energy or f. Unparalled
strength. g. Domain
_____ 7. The doctor tries different treatments besides h. Syndrome
prescription medication. i. Anemia
_____ 8. If a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, the j. naturopathic
baby may be born with certain symptoms.
_____ 9. The results of my treatment with Dr. Tan are so
much better than what I’ve gotten from the other
_____ 10. I was surprised that aromatheraphy was in the
realm of holistic health care.

[3] Fill in each blank with the appropriate vocabulary word. Use each word once.

domain anemia holistic eclectic naturopathic

syndrome deficiency longevity unparalled antidote

Set One
Jay couldn’t figure out why he constantly felt tired and had no energy. He also suffered

from pain in his joints and wasn’t sleeping well. His regular physician, Dr. Gaines, found

nothing wrong except a slight case of (1) _______________, which she treated with iron

tablets. Jay felt stronger, but he still didn’t get much relief. He and his wife decided it

was time to try a(n) (2) _______________ health expert, a doctor who would look at the

whole picture, not just the symptoms. Jay visited Dr. Sidney’s clinic in March and was

given a number of medical tests. Jay told the doctor that he had always been an

energetic person and that laziness had never been part of this (3) _______________. She

told Jay that the tests would help to show whether he might be suffering from some sort

of (4) _______________ in an essential vitamin or mineral. After careful study, Dr. Sidney

found that Jay was suffering from cronic fatigue (5) _______________.

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Set Two
Dr. Zhao Lee, Dr. Sidney’s partner, is an expert in holistic medicine who prefers (6)

_______________ treatments to traditional medicine. Among his (7) _______________

methods are Chinese herbal remedies, massage, and meditation. One of his patients, a

sixty five-year-old woman, was concerned about her (8) _______________. She didn’t think

she would live much longer because of multiple allergies, and she rarely went out of the

house. After doing a complete checkup, Dr. Lee found that the woman’s home contained

substances that were causing her allergies. He recommended immediate changes in her

living environment as the first (9) _______________ to her problems. She would then begin

a series of physical activities that would increase as she became stronger. After four

months, the woman called Dr. Lee’s plan a(n) (10) _______________ success. She has been

extremely satisfied and has referred others to the clinic.

[4] Finish the following analogies.

domain anemia holistic eclectic naturopathic

syndrome deficiency longevity unparalled antidote

1. huge : immense :: diverse : ______________

2. a power failure : dead phone lines :: eating healthy : ______________
3. elephant : large animal :: acupunture : ______________ treatment.
4. lost : ask directions :: ______________ look for a cure
5. disappointed : pleased :: ______________ abudance
6. gain twenty pounds : go on a diet :: dissatisfaction with traditional medicine :
______________ treatment
7. starving : eat :: poisoned : ______________
8. polka : dance :: Web site address : ______________
9. lack of studying : bad grades :: ______________ weakness
10. faithful : reliable :: ______________ : superior

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We invite the public’s input on a proposal for the renewal of the 22nd block of Evergreen
Avenue. The plan calls, for condominiums, office space, and retail shops to occupy the
block. The plan is currently called Evergreen Plaza. The goal is to bring back th urban
center and create a community where people can live, work, shop, and play. For the last
thirty years, peole have been steadily movingout of the downtown core for the suburbs.
With the increase in traffic congestion and higher gas prices, many people are no longer
willing to endure long commutes and the hassles associated with living outside of the
city. To rectify this problem, we are creating a downtown people will want to live in. We
encourage people to discover the numerous rewards of city living.

The edifice we are proposing will meet a variety of needs. We have conducted several
surveys to get a concensus on the services people desire in downtown living. People
agreed that they wanted places to relax. The twelve-story residential building will feature
rooftop garden with panoramic views of the bay and surrounding mountains and plenty
of chairs to longue on and take in the views. There will also be a space where people can
tend their own small garden plots to grow fresh fruits and vegetables. The entire complex
will be designed with green areas where people can relax in the shade of a tree or enjoy
the serenity found in listening to a nearby fountain. People also indicated that they
wanted a sense of community. A central room on the seventh floor will give residents a
place to chat, play pool or ping pong, and watch movies on a large-screen television.
People wanted the convenience of shopping close by. A four-story, mixed-use building on
the site will provide a grocery, coffee bar, restaurants, and speciality stores. There will
also be an eight-story office building, so residents may not even need to leave the block
to go to work. Glass and steal will be combined for an open feel to the offices and
residenced. The buildings will exemplify the best and latest in green technology and
energy-efficient systems, including solar and wind power.

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[1] Read each set, write definition on the line next to the word to which it belongs.

1. urban ____________ a. to assemble

2. endure ____________ b. concerned with a city
3. rectify ____________ c. something that functions as an
4. edifice ____________ entrance
5. concensus ____________ d. to tolerate
6. panoramic ____________ e. scenic
7. gateway ____________ f. agreement
8. definitive ____________ g. to correct
9. revitalize____________ h. to renew
10. convene ____________ i. a building or a structure
j. most reliable or complete

[2] Find the synonym or definition in each sentence and replace it writing the
corresponding vocabulary word on the blank line.

endure revitalize panoramic concensus urban

definitive gateway edifice convene rectify

1. I like the city life, but sometimes it is nice to get out in the countryside.
2. The salesman had to tolerate several doors slammed in his face before he made
his first sale. _______________
3. The view from the top of the mountain was scenic. _______________
4. I wasn’t sure how to fix the problem, so I talked to my boss about possible
solutions. _______________
5. The concert hall is the largest and grandest building in town. _______________
6. Everyone is going to meet at my house, and then we will carpool to the play.
7. When I want the most reliable information on how to fix my car, I go to my dad.
He has been working on cars for fifty years. _______________
8. We were able to reach an agreement on what to get grandma for her 90th
birthday after an hour of discussing possible gifts. _______________
9. When I heard that the town of Worthington was going to invigorate its downtown,
I didn’t expect it to look a Swiss village.
10. A trip to an amusement park is the way to enter a world of fun and adventure.

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[3] Finish the sentences about some of the world’s most amazing edifices.

endure revitalize panoramic concensus urban

definitive gateway edifice convene rectify

1. Efforts to _______________ problems with portions of the Great Wall in China have
run into problems due to official procedures.
2. The Empire State building has been a part of New York City’s _______________
skyline since the 1930s.
3. After initial reviews, Australians have reached a _______________ that the Sydney
Opera House is a building to be proud of.
4. Suggestions that parts of Machu Picchu be _______________ to show what it
looked like at the time of the Incas have been firmly turned down.
5. The Arch is St. Louis is a _______________ to the West.
6. The Eiffel Tower offers _______________ views of Paris.
7. There is still no _______________ answer on how the pyramids in egypt were built.
8. The Sears Tower in Chicago is the tallest _______________ in the United States.
9. Visitors often have to _______________ heat and long lines to tour the Taj Mahal in
India, but the magnificence of the building makes the hardships worth it.
10. On The New Year’s Eve, people in Seattle _______________ at the foot of the Space
Needle to watch fireworks shoot from the top of it.

[4] Finish the following analogies.

Set One

___ 1. last : endure :: a. dictionary : to find definitive spellings

___ 2. arch : gateway :: b. disagreement : concensus
___ 3. spatula : to turn a pancake :: c. ball : toy
___ 4. neglected buildings : revitalize :: d. feeling ill : visit a doctor
___ 5. dark : light :: e. combination : mixture

Set Two

___ 6. musician : performs :: f. a street : busy

___ 7. pants : clothing :: g. mansion : edifice
___ 8. quit : stop :: h. lovely : ugly
___ 9. worsen : rectify :: i. meeting : convenes
___ 10. a meadow :: panoramic :: j. city : urban

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Session 6
We continued exploring Greta’s alternate personalities. Today she reveaaled the presence
of Maria, who suffers from a cleaning obsession. She took a handkerchief out of Greta’s
purse and began dusting the couch and lamp as talked. She told me that she liked
everything to be neat and tidy and that she couldn’t relax if there was a speck of dust
around. Greta’s ego continue to be quite fragile. She doesn’t like to talk about her life from
the ages of seven to thirteen. I sense, as I meet each of her alternate personalities, that I’m
getting closer to discovering the childhood secret Greta feels the need to suppress.

Session 8
Greta experienced another lost-time episode over the weekend. Her amnesia seems to be
related to a wedding she had told me she was to attend. Her best friend was getting
married, but Greta remembers nothing about being at the wedding, though she brought me
candy wrapped in the lace that appears to be a wedding favor. The stress of the wedding
may have been what brought out Lily. Lily surprised me by speaking with a French accent.
She talked about the numerous cocktails she drank over the weekend and vividly
described her encounter with a man she’s met at a bar. Lily clearly represents Greta’s id.
Lily also indicated that voyeurism is a part of her personality. She spoke about watching
the man across the street through binoculars, and she got quite excited when she
mentioned his activities with a woman. If Lily often takes over, Greta’s host body may be
in great danger. I asked Greta to tell me about a dream she recently had. She shared a
dramatic dream about floating above her childhood home. There was a huge dragon that
kept blowing fire at her. We looked at the possible subliminal meanings the dream could be
conveying about her relationship with her parents.

Session 12
I spent the first of the session calming Sybil’s hysteria. She kept shouting that she was
‘cramped’. Her outburst seems to stem from claustrophobia. My office is small, but I had
never considered it that confining. Harriet then emerged. She is the sixth personality I have
met. I’ve read the cases where people have had ten different personalities. Harriet was
quite proper in speech, and she fastened the top button of Greta’s blouse before
acknowledgeing me. She has very clear represents Greta’s superego. I decided to show

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Greta a few inkblots to see if the might help to reveal what she is repressing. Greta finally
spoke of physical abuse she suffered from her parents as a child. Today was a major

[1] Read each set, write definition on the line next to the word to which it belongs.

1. obsession ____________ a. understandable by the subconscious

2. ego ____________ b. the act of watching others
3. suppress ____________ c. a fear of small or enclosed places
4. amnesia ____________ d. the moralistic part of a person
5. id ____________ e. nervous outburst
6. voyeurism ____________ f. the pleasure-loving, aggressive part
7. subliminal ____________ of a person
8. hysteria ____________ g. to loss of memory
9. claustrophobia____________ h. to repress
10. superego ____________ i. self-esteem
j. an idea that excessively ocupies the

[2] Word Associations. Match each word with the words that could be assosiated
with it.

_____________ 1. suppress a. aggressive, angry

_____________ 2. superego b. small, fear
_____________ 3. voyeurism c. holdback, repress
_____________ 4. amnesia d. underneath, secretive
_____________ 5. hysteria e. looking, peeking
_____________ 6. id f. forgetfulness, memory loss
_____________ 7. subliminal g. constant fixation
_____________ 8. obsession h. outburst, confusion
_____________ 9. ego i. uptight, moral
_____________ 10. clautrophobia j. personality, self

word word word 2 || Ratna Sustriani || 2016

[3] Finish the headlines with the vocabulary words. Use each word once

obsession superego amnesia ego hysteria

suppress id subliminal voyeurism clautrophobia

1. Woman’s _______________ with Ancients

Greece Leads to Book Deal About Her
2. _______________ on the Rise: Five People Arrested
Over the weekend for Peeking in Windows
3. Top Athlete’s _______________ Hurt When
Beat by Ten-Year-Old
4. People Who Suffers from _______________
Advised to Avoid “Tiny Spaces” Art Exhibit
5. Man Reunited with Family After His
_______________ Cured
6. Suspected _______________ Messages in
children’s Cartoons Under Investigation
7. New Regime _______________ Unfavorable Newspaper

8. Crowd’s _______________ at shopping Mall

Opening Leads to Police Intervention
9. Scientists Examine the Role of the
_______________ in Teaching Children Morals
10. Overactive _______________ Blamed to Barroom Fight
word word word 2 || Ratna Sustriani || 2016
[4] Pretend you are engaged in the following activities, and match each to the word
it suggests.

obsession superego amnesia ego hysteria

suppress id subliminal voyeurism clautrophobia

1. You cant remeber a thing about the last two weeks. _______________
2. You are relaxing in the sun while eating a huge slice of the chocolate cake.
3. You tell yourself, “Stand up straight” and “Don’t touch.” _______________
4. Your sunconscious sees a skull on a bottle on a alcohol advertisement.
5. You look through binoculars at the man undressing in the apartment across the
street. _______________
6. You keep storing old newspapers in your garage even though you have no use for
them. _______________
7. You stop yourself from eating a second slice of pie. _______________
8. You are afraid of getting into an elevator. _______________
9. This is your reaction when you can’t find your seven-year-old ath the beach.
10. You are told that you did an excellent job on a paper. _______________

word word word 2 || Ratna Sustriani || 2016


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