Data Loss Prevention

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The document outlines the college's data loss prevention procedures, including classifying data sensitivity, securing data storage and transmission, conducting data discovery assessments, and ensuring employee awareness and compliance.

The three levels are Tier 1 (Confidential), Tier 2 (Internal/Private), and Tier 3 (Public). Confidential data requires the highest security controls while Public data has the lowest security controls.

The college uses Cisco's IronPort email security appliance to enforce compliance for email communications containing sensitive data. It can automatically quarantine or encrypt messages using agentless encryption.



Title: Data Loss Prevention

Page 1 of 5 Implementing Procedure For Policy # 3.24
Date Approved: 5/29/14 Division: Administration and Finance/Information

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) encompasses the processes and rules used to detect and prevent
the unauthorized transmission or disclosure of confidential information. The purpose of this
procedure is to establish a framework of controls for classifying and handling college data based
on the data’s level of sensitivity, storage location, value, and criticality to the college. The control
elements of DLP help to ensure data is utilized in its intended manner.

Confidential data can reside on or in a variety of mediums (pictures, paper documents, shred
bins, physical servers, virtual servers, databases, file servers, personal computers, point-of-sale
devices, USB drives and mobile devices) and can move through a variety of methods (human,
network, wireless, etc.). The college relies on a variety of DLP strategies and solutions to
prevent data loss. The college’s DLP strategies and solutions are reevaluated regularly to
ensure their relevancy and effectiveness.

This security procedure applies to all college employees and users of the college’s computer
systems. Individuals working for institutions affiliated with the college are subject to the same
rules when they are using the college’s information technology resources or have any means of
access to college data that has been classified as confidential or private.

Data Classification
Data classification, in the context of information security, is the classification of data based on its
level of sensitivity and the impact to the college should that data be disclosed, altered or
destroyed without authorization. Classification of data will aid in determining baseline security
controls for the protection of the data. All institutional data is classified into one of three
sensitivity levels (tiers), or classifications:

Tier1-Confidential Data
Data is classified as Confidential when the unauthorized disclosure, alteration or
destruction of that data could cause a significant level of risk to the college or its
affiliates. Unauthorized access to or disclosure of confidential information could
constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy and cause financial loss and damage to
the college’s reputation and the loss of community confidence. Examples of Confidential
data include data protected by state or federal privacy regulations and data protected by
confidentiality agreements. The highest level of security controls should be applied.

Access to Confidential data must be controlled from creation to destruction, and will be
granted only to those persons affiliated with the college who require such access in
Data Loss Prevention – Page 2

order to perform their job (“need-to-know”). Access to Confidential data must be

requested for an individual and approved by the individual’s Vice President, Provost or
Executive Director. Data access granted to individuals must be reviewed and authorized
by the Data Owner who is responsible for the data.

Tier 2-Internal/Private Data

Data is classified as Internal/Private when the unauthorized disclosure, alteration or
destruction of that data could result in a moderate level of risk to the college or its
affiliates. By default, all information assets that are not explicitly classified as
Confidential or Public data should be treated as Internal/Private data. A reasonable level
of security controls should be applied to internal data.

Access to Internal/Private data must be requested for an individual and approved by the
individual’s Vice President, Provost or Executive Director. Data access granted to
individuals must be reviewed and authorized by the Data Owner who is responsible for
the data. Access to Internal/Private data may also be authorized to groups of persons by
their job classification or responsibilities (“role-based” access), and may also be limited
by one’s department.

Internal/Private Data is moderately sensitive in nature. Often, Tier 2 Internal/Private data

is used for making decisions, and therefore it’s important this information remain timely
and accurate. The risk for negative impact on the college should this information not be
available when needed is typically moderate. Examples of Internal/Private data include
official college records such as financial reports, some research data, and budget

Tier 3-Public Data

Data is classified as Public when the unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction of
that data would result in little or no risk to the College and its affiliates. While little or no
controls are required to protect the confidentiality of Public data, some level of control is
required to prevent unauthorized modification or destruction of Public data.

Public data is not considered sensitive; therefore, it may be granted to any requester or
published with no restrictions. The integrity of Public data should be protected. The
impact on the institution should Level 3 Public data not be available is typically low,
(inconvenient but not debilitating).

Data Collections
Data Owners may wish to assign a single classification to a collection of data that is common in
purpose or function. When classifying a collection of data, the most restrictive classification of
any of the individual data elements should be used. For example, if a data collection consists of
a student’s name, address and social security number, the data collection should be classified
as Confidential even though the student’s name and address may be considered Public
information unless specifically marked as Do Not Publish.

Restricted Data
“Restricted data” is a particularly sensitive category of Tier 1-Confidential data. Restricted data
is defined as ‘any confidential or personal information that is protected by law or policy and that
requires the highest level of access control and security protection, whether in storage or in
Data Loss Prevention – Page 3

Restricted data includes, but is not necessarily limited to:

▪ Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
▪ Private Educational Records protected under FERPA
▪ Credit card data regulated by the Payment Card Industry (PCI)
▪ Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) protected by Federal HIPAA legislation or
Florida medical privacy laws
▪ Information specifically identified by contract as restricted
▪ Other information for which the degree of adverse effect that may result from
unauthorized access or disclosure is high

Restricted Data - Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Unencrypted electronic information that includes an individual’s first name or initial and last
name, in combination with any one or more of the following:
▪ Social security number
▪ Driver license number
▪ Financial account number, credit card number, or debit card number in combination with
any security code, access code, or password

Restricted Data - Private Educational Record (protected under FERPA)

Unencrypted electronic information that includes any one or more of the following:
▪ Name of the student’s parent or other family member
▪ Address of student’s family
▪ Personal identifier, such as the student’s social security number
▪ A list of personal characteristics that would make the student’s identity easily traceable
▪ Disciplinary status
▪ Financial aid, tuition, payments, account balances
▪ Grades, exam scores, or GPA (grade point average)
▪ Class roster
▪ Applications and admissions information
▪ Schedules
▪ Evaluations, forms, memos, or correspondence to and about the student
▪ Birth date
▪ Gender
▪ Citizenship
▪ Marital status

The student can create and manage their Personal Identification Number on the MyCF portal.
College personnel will first verify that the PIN provided is the student’s current personal
identification number before proceeding to discuss any of the student’s FERPA restricted data.
The PIN cannot be used to authorize access to student records for anyone other than the
student. In order to give permission to another individual to discuss student records, the student
must complete and submit the Student Authorization for Access to Educational Records..

Restricted Data - Payment Card Information (PCI)

Credit card account number with any of the following:
▪ Cardholder name
▪ Service code
▪ Expiration date
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Data Handling Requirements and Safeguards

Nearly 100% of college employees work on virtual desktop (VDI) terminals and their data files
are stored on the college network. Automated data backups of all databases and file stores are
run nightly. Networked data is stored off-site in a secure location.

For each restricted data classification, the data handling requirements and restrictions are
defined to appropriately safeguard the information. All employees must adhere to the following
requirements and restrictions regarding the storage and handling of unencrypted restricted data:

Data Storage and Handling PCI PII FERPA

Network Shared Drive No Requires authorization Requires authorization

Workstation No Requires special Requires authorization

(college owned and managed authorization and should
computer) be rare
Copying/Printing No Should only be printed Should only be printed
for legitimate need. for legitimate need.
Limited to employees Limited to employees
authorized to access the authorized to access the
data and who have data and who have
signed a confidentiality signed a confidentiality
agreement. agreement.
Print should not be left Print should not be left
unattended on a unattended on a
printer/fax or in a public printer/fax or in a public
area. area.
Must be sent via Must be sent via
Confidential envelope; Confidential envelope;
data mus be marked data mus be marked
‘Confidential’. ‘Confidential’.
Mobile computing devices No No Requires authorization.
(laptops, tablets) Requires password
Removable media No Requires special Requires authorization.
(CDs, USB drives) authorization and should Requires password
be rare. protection and
Requires password encryption
Home and travel computer No Requires special Requires authorization.
(college owned and managed authorization and should Requires password
computer) be rare. protection.
Requires password
College Email communication No No No
Electronic File Transfer No Requires secure FTP Requires secure FTP

Cloud based commercial server No No No

(hosted off campus, Dropbox)
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Personal email No No No

Personally-managed computer No No No
(home computer)
Personal Smart Phone No No No

Data Disposal Requirements and Safeguards

Paper documents that include confidential or private data and are ready for disposal must be
properly shredded. Documents that are awaiting shredding must be stored in a secure location.

Electronic data files that contain confidential or private data should be deleted and completely
removed from the trash, if applicable, as soon as they are no longer necessary.

Electronic devices that may have contained confidential or private data and are ready for
disposal must be drilled or destroyed.

Data Discovery
Data discovery is one of the key elements of a DLP program. Regardless of the amount of
security controls that have been implemented, it is likely that confidential data may be at risk.
The college relies on several strong discovery tools to conduct data discovery and to remediate
potential data leaks. A data discovery assessment will be conducted regularly.

Securing Data in Motion

Email is a primary form of college communications Email may at times include confidential data
despite the restriction that unencrypted restricted data cannot be included within an email
communication. To enforce compliance requirements for such ‘data in motion’, CF uses Cisco’s
IronPort email security appliance. It provides more than 100 predefined DLP policies to detect
sensitive data, numerous methods to handle DLP violations, and capabilities for reporting and
auditing email security. If a sensitive message requires encryption, the message can be
automatically quarantined or encrypted using the Cisco IronPort Email Encryption feature – an
agentless encryption mechanism that does not require PKI certificates, key management, or any
recipient training.

Securing Data in Use and Data at Rest

CF uses Jenzabar CX/JX for the college’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The
ERP data is stored within an Informix database and contains confidential data for students,
employees and vendors. Auxiliary systems store data within SQL Server databases and may
also contain sensitive data. Access to the confidential or sensitive data stored within these
college databases is restricted to employees who need the data to perform their duties. CF
uses network security, system security and secure data transmission procedures to prevent
intentional or unintentional data leakage from the databases.

Employee generated data is unstructured and can be difficult to secure. There is a rapid and
seemingly endless growth of employee generated data. A data discovery assessment will be
conducted regularly to identify and protect confidential data when it has been stored in an
unstructured environment. The college will use data discovery software to provide visibility into
the content of data across all file systems, detect sensitive data, identify when the data was
Data Loss Prevention – Page 6

stored, when the data was last accessed and who has access to the data. As a result, the
confidential data will be deleted if it is no longer needed or encrypted if it must be retained.

Employee Training and Awareness

Employees are instrumental to the success of the college’s data loss prevention (DLP) plan.
Every employee must have a clear understanding of their role in protecting college data and
they must be fully aware of the consequences that may result from a data breach. College
employees are regularly exposed to training and reminders regarding data loss prevention,

• Broadcast IT Security email messages

• Employee IT Security training
• FERPA training
• IT Security messages on network time-out screens
• Red Flag Training

Anyone who knows or has reason to believe that another person has violated this procedure
shall report the matter promptly to his/her supervisor, department head or the Chief Information
Officer. After a violation of this procedure has been reported or discovered, the issue will be
handled as soon as possible to reduce harm to the college and its affiliates. Violators of this
procedure may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including the termination of
employment depending on the severity of the violation or data breach.

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