Himachal Pradesh Land Revenue Amendment Act1989
Himachal Pradesh Land Revenue Amendment Act1989
Himachal Pradesh Land Revenue Amendment Act1989
ACT, 1989
(ACTNo. 15 aF 1989)l
Secliolls :
1. Short title,
3. hendmcnt of secticln 163.
3. Awndrncnt ofsection 171,
a judgemant and decree containing the plrticulars required by thc
Codc of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) fo be specified therein.
1. Short title.
2 . Amendment of'sccdon 6-8. '
period of such vacanc~f,and whenevcr there is no such Vice-Chairman,
the Government may appoint a person to act as the Chairman dlving the
period of mcb vacancy and sbatI pay to such person such remumration
md aUowanm as may be fixed by them. The person so appaintd shall
be deemed for all purp~sesof this Act to be thc Cbainnan."
Sections :
1. Short title and commencement.
2. Amendment of section 4: , .
3. Amendment, of section 16.
,- 4. Amendment of section 32.
5. insertion of section 33-A.
6. i d o n o f s c c t i o n 3 4 - A . . .,
7. Amendment of section 36.
8. Amendment of section 35.
, -
9. Insertion of section 38-A.
10. Insertion of sscction 47-A.
1 1. Amendment of section 1 17.
12. Amendment of section 171.
13. Validation.
Received the assent of the Governor on 7th March, 1996 and was
published in Hndi and English in RHP. Extra., dated the 12th March, 1996 31
pages 1001-1004 and 1005-1008).
An Act fumer t o amend the Himachal Pradesh Iand Revenue Act, 1954 (Act
No. 6 of 1954) and to validate certain actions taken in relation to the
making or special rcvision of record-of-righu in the State.
P a d in Hindi by lhc heHimah PradeshYidhan For Staianentof O b j k dRmmm
Ib) in clause (5}, in sub4aw (c], a3er the words "State
Governmentn, the words "or the Collector making or specially
revising the record-of-rights under section 33" shall be added;
and <- i
, :.-..:.......
. .
. . . . . . .
.. . .
.. . . . .. . ..
(c) aitw clause (171, the foilowmg clause (18) shall be added,
- (a) in s u b - d o n (11, for article and words "A Revenue Officer", the
5. Insertion of k t i b n ' 3 3 . k - ~ er
f %ti& 33'dftbe principal Act,
the following section 33-A shall. be inserted, nameIy :- .,
.L . , ,
. . . . . .
,. ,
6. Insertion of section 34-&-After sMon 34 of the principaI Act,
the following section 34-A Shall be inserted, namely-- , '
> '
Amendmeat of section 36,-In sedion 36 of the principal Act, the
, following proviso slid1 be added,'nmiely :--
n clelical 'emm-Clerical or arithmetic mistake or
1 4 3 S - A . - C o ~ oof
an emr apparent on the f a a of the record, hsing om any accidental
slip qr omission, fot~ndin the recard-of-rightsdan ehatc or sub-mate
! - during the making af @al revision of, any record-or-ri@ or
docllments mm&tionedin s u b m i i n (2) of &on 32 of this Act, may.
either of his ~ w n motion o r bn the appliatici of any of the pnrties, be
c o k d by,thk Collector, . . making, or -ally revising the d d r -
'iights. . .
10. Insertion of section 47-A-AAer section 47 of the principal Act,
thc followiog section shall I
x inserted, namely :-
" 4 7 4 Power of the Collector to issue instmctiona-The Cbllwtor
making mrdaf-rights or making special revision of recard-of-rights,
with the approval oftbe Financial Commissioner, may, for the guidance
of the Revenue Officerdmcials, give diredons or issue h c t i o n s
relating to all -mattersto which the provisions of the chaplers IV and V
apply; provided that such a dimtion or instruction shall be consistent
with the provisions or this Act and the rules made thereunder".
..' .
"(xii-a)formation of subdivision.of& estate or merger
of subestates or estates etc. under section 34-A
of this
2 @)a 5, 6 and 10 of this Act were not in forcc at that time when mch r e c ~ r d ~ f -
rights were made or specidly revised
(luued and published &I Hindi in RKP. Extra., dated 10. Junc, 1996,
, -
section 6 of the Himachal Pradesh Land Revenue Act, 1954 (Act No. 6 of 1954)
and d o n 5 of the Registration Act, 1908 (Act No.'XVI of 19081, the Governor,
lhacbal M w h is pieased to order the upgtadation of the existing Sub-Tehd,
Sujanpur Tdm, District Hhmirpuc to lhai of full-fledged Tchsil with the same
boundaries and j ~ c t i o n as
s that of the exisling Sub-Tehsil Sujanpur Tihm,
with immediate cffect . .
(RHP.Em.,dated 104-1996, p.2644)
(Issued and published in RKP. Extra, dated 26-8-96 p.4082-83)
Shimla-2,the Gh ~ugust,1996
exercise of the @wen vested in him under
section 6 of the Himachal Phdesh Land Reverme Act, 1954, Section 5 of the
Registration Aq 1908 and Subkction (3) Of Section 7 of the Code of C r h h a l
Proadwe, 1973,the Governor of Himachal Pradesh in codtation with the High
Court of k ~ h a M f e s h is p l d to exclude the area of three Patwar Circles
, m d y Kandwari, Rajehq and Dhraman from Tehsil 'and Sub-Division (Cid)
Baijnath, in Dh-bict'Kangraand to include the area of said circles in Tehsil and
SubDivision (Civil) Palampur in District Kangra, Himachai Pradesh with
immediate effect.
ACT. 2000
1. Short 1ritlc.
2. 4.
3. Substitutio1~ofscclio1i9.
4. Amendment of scc~icln17.
5. Anlcr~dnlcntof scctiou 2 1
6. I n s c r l i o ~of~ scctions 5 . 4n ~ i 73-D.
7. A m u ~ d ~ r lof
c ~sectiv~i
~t 25.
8. i'lmc1l&l1~1it~lsection2X.
0. ,\.mcndl~~cnl
o)'scclion 3;.
10 arscction 35.
II Subs:itutiou o f section -37.
II . Anlcndrncnl ofscction 45.
1 3. Subs~itutionot'secliurt 46
14. A ~ ~ ~ c r l d r t o7szctiurl4
~ctll 7.
I Amet:dniclli uiscclio~i50.
1 . S u b s t i t l l t i o ~of~ scctioii 5 I ,
17. f \ m c t ~ d m c ~01~sectiall
t 34.
18. Amcndmcnl of section 55.
[ 9. of scctio~l5 7.
20. Amellhnenl o f scctiori 64.
2I . .4111cndrncntorscction 1 07.
22. Subslitutio~iot'scction 114.
2 . Detciion of s e c t i u ~1~I s .
34. .Anl(;lid~i~cntofscction 120
2.i. A ~ i l e i i d l l ~ corsecliori
nl 134.
2 . Amerldn~enlof sectiou 135.
Act Nn. 1.5 oi 2000)'
( Rzcci\~er[thc assent or the Go\ cmor on 27.5.3000 arlri was plrblishcd
in Hindi itnd Er~glishin R.H.P . Extra. dated 79.5.21100, y. 1.15 I - 1447).
An A c t fi~riticl.to amend the Him:ichslI Pr:idesh Land Revenue Aci, 3 954
(Act No. 6 ol' 1954).
Assistarit Scltlemcnt Officer and Assislani Commissioner s11;rll be
appointed bbf tllc S tnte Gm'crmlcnt.".
of section 17.- 111secrion 17 01~hc:principal .4c~:Iur
4. Arncndnle~~t
shall bc subst itutccI, nnrnely:-
sub-sections (3) and (4). tllc followir~~
"(3) If in nliy casc in \\hicli a Cullcclor has callcd for il rccod aurl
hc is ol' the opinion tl~nl~Iicproceedings tnl,cn or order mndc should be
niodlfied or rcvcrscd, 11csl~allrcporl 111c case with his opi~~ion thereon Poi-
thc ordcrs orthc Conirnissioner ivhosc dccisio~lshall bc final.
(4) The Firlnncinl Commissioner or Comr~~issioner may in ai>- cilsr:
call Sor by liimszlf under sub-section ( i ) or undcr sub-section ( 2 ) , ;IS the
c;isc ruay be, pass such ordcrs as I Ithinks
~ lit:
Provided hat he shall not urlder this sccliorl pass all ordcr reversing
or 111odiij;ing any proceeding or ordcr of subor-dinalc Rcvelluc Officer
and nffccli~ig;in\: question of right behvecn private persons nitliotlI
g i r r i ~tl~nse
~ ~ persons mi oypol-tunity o f bcirlg heard:
Provided rt~rlhcr that thc cnscs reported !I, the Fir~aucini
C:ornmissioncr urlder sub-scclio~r (3) as i t csiskti prior to t l ~ c
con1tncnccmcnt bf thc Hinlnclinl Prndcsh Liuid Rz\lc;i~
,c (.A lncntlmcn()
Acl. 2000, sllall bc dccided by him as hcrctoforc.".
5. Amendment of sectio~l31.- h\ sectio~i2 1 of llle princ~palAct. nticr
sub-szclion ( 5 ) . tlic following proviso shall bc addzd. 11nmcly:-
"Pro~idedrl1:11 in addj1iol-t ro issums uT summons, a Revcuuc
Oriiccr sllall also issue p r o c l n ~ n ; ~ t icalling
o ~ ~ upon the parties co~lccmcd
10 appcar berurc hi111 cither ill persoil or Llirougl~n duly autlloriscd Icgal
practitioner on t l ~ cd;iy fiscd ror first hearing, ;und to filc ~ b ~ j c c t i o n s11
6. lnscrtion of seclions -23-A and 23-13.- Aficr scction 23 of Ll!c
jirincipal Act. [he Kollowing shall bc inserted. i i n n ~ e i ~ ~ : -
"23-A. Revenue Courts and suits to be decided by therr1.- ( I )
\Vl~cna Revenuc Officer not bclow he rank 01' Assistan1 Collector First
Grade eserciscs jurisdiction wid] respcct to any suil ilnder- scclio~ls37.
46 and 129 and appcai arising out of such suits under this Act. shall bc
czIlcd n Rzr*enuc Court. Suits under sccliol-ts 36 and 129 shnll hc
decided by Assistant Collccior or lllc First Grndc and tl~csuils unclzr
sub-scction ( 3 ) of scction 37 shall bc decidcd by the Collcctnr.
( 2 ) 'There shall bc the snnic classc~oC Rcvenuc C o u r ~ sns or
Kevcnu:: Ufficcrs raldcr this Act, and i n t ! iibscncc
~ ol' any ot-dcr of rhc
Stnlc Go~.enm~enl to the contrary, 3 Rerclnrc Officcr or any class having
jurisdiction \vitJlin local limits shall bc Reldenuc Courl or I~IC snmc class
!iai)jngjurisdiction ivilhin Ihe satnc loc;~!Jimits.
13-&. Procedure of Revenue Cor1rts.- ( I ) 'rlic Stnrc Go~cl-ninait
111al~:ilnke 1zrlr.s collsistcnt ith l h c provisions ol'tliis Azt fbr reguli~tit~g
rhc proccilurc of Rzvenue Cokirls in multcrs u~ldcrlhis XcL. for which 2
procedurz is not prcscribcd thcrzl)! . and rnp. by ;III!. stlch n ~ l ztfirccl t ha(
all\* pi-ovisioi~s01' ~ I C rndc of C i1.11Procedure! I 903. ( 5 af' I 90s)- sl~all
;ippl\d. wit11or \\idlout ~nohfisnt~un, to all or ;in! c l n s s c ~t~l'cnsesbclixc
t110sc court5.
(7) Until ndcs arc I I I ~ ~indcr~ E sub-scctio~l( I ) , and sueizct to ~hosc
ru[cs wlien mndc, and 10 tllc provisions of this Act. thz Code o r Civil
Procedure, i ClOS (5 of 1908) slialf. sn far as it is npplicnl~le,npph. to all
belorc or nflcr dccrce.
~ ~ o c e d i i i "ing sRc\ cllrle Corlrts. ~\.l~cthcr
( 3 ) The p~-ov~sio~iso r scclions 13: 15, lil ;lild 17 of this Act,
rcg;uding appc;~!,rcvjc\\ and rcvision shnll apply ~nutctis-mutnildis to at1
onginal or appcilatc order or dccree made bg n Rcvcnuc Court ilndcr Illis
(6) Wtlcn the record-of r i ~ l ~ nret s made or spcciall!; revised. the
sntllc shall be publislicd i.rrithin (Iic cslate in the fnnlillcr prescribed. IT
nu? estate right llnldcr files objections. 9giii:ist any entry in tllc rccords
u.itl~illa pcriod 01 30 days. the samc sllnll bc dccidcd br! Lllc R c ~ c ~ l u c
Of'ficer within a period of orle mon111. .41'1cr gi~.iiigcI'fcct lo tllc orders
of tllc Rc\,enuc Officer, i f any, in t11c rccord-or-rights of llic cstntc, Ihc
rccord sllall be finally published withul the estate i l l tllc manncr
prescribed. Thc ccrtificatc of Scttlemcnt UolIcctor about findl ~wblicntioil
appended to t l ~ c"Jamab;uldi hlissiil Hnquiat" shall bc co~~clusive plnof
of the final puhlicatio~~of i l ~ crccord? Ct~ecopy of which sbnll bc supplied
to each righl huldcr in tlic Coml of Kisan Pass Book nlorlg with a cop!' o f
lhc old and iiejy "h~lussavi".
(7)As soon as the work of rnaking or spccial rc~isionuirccord-01-
rights and asscssmcnl of land rcvcnilc of an cstnlc is ovcr, LL notificatior~
shall be issucd declaring the making or revisio~lo f rccard-of-rights, as
tlie case mny be, to bc closed:
Providcd Il~ncall the proceedings and npplicntions ctlnccrning i i l l v
displ~kregarding rights in Iald in the estate of n ilcrscln irilcrcstcd, sl~all
be fi11nllydecided by the Reverlue Ofliccr ~ \ , i t l i i ltlic
~ C S L I ~ C befurc ii11al
p irblication of thc recortI-of rights.
(3) Where the makit~gor spccral rc\.ision ot' record-of-rights is
dcclarcd LO be closed w d c r sub-sectior~(7). ally disputc or crror or
~ ~of it, at t l ~ culsia~lccof rhc tight holder at an! timc.
mistake a r i s i ~out
shall be decidcd by (Ilc Collector of tile Dislrict or any olllcr R c ~ e n u c
Officcr speciall!. onpowered in this bellnl r by thc Slate Governme~~t.".
10. Amendment o f scction 35.-In sect101135 of*tihc principal Aci. nl'tcr
sub-scc1io11(6), the followjng shall bc nddcd. namely:-
"(7) T l ~ cRevenuz O1Xccr sliall afford rn oppofiunit?. of being
l~cslrdlo dl thc interzslcd partics ;uld also all thc co-sharers it1 n join1
holding in s m:ltation procecdings. A Rcr prclpcr idcutification of tlie
partics hc shall gct affixed signatures or all the pnrtics. I f my party is
illiterate, llizn tbc Rcvcnue Officer shall get the thumb inlprcssion o r
such party nffiscd on the foil (Parat snrknr) of thc n~utntion.".
11. Substitution of section 37.- For sect~on37 or lllc prilicipal Act. tIlc
rollowing shall be subsliluted. namely:-
"37. Determination nf disputes.- (1 j 11' during tlic making.
revision or preparation or iu1y rccurd or in thc co~use01' an!; c l i q u l p
ur~dcr(his Cllaptcr. a dispr~tenriscs as to iiny m;~tterof \~hicI1an enrc 1i
to bc madc in a record or irl n r c ~ ~ s lof'
z r mutntiot~s,n Rcvcnue Ofliccr
may of 11is or~liniotivn or 011 I hc iipplicntion of 0114- party interested, but
subject to the pro~isionsof sccriol~38 of this Act and after propcr
the cntn to bc tt~ndeas to that matter.
c ~ i q u i q dctern~ine
(2) If in ansl sucll dispulc Revcnuc Oificcr is unnblc to satisfy
linsclf as to wl~ichof the parties thcrcto is in possession of nriy property
to \rehicht l ~ cdisputc rclntes, Ihe Rc~cnucOfficer \tot below the riutk of
on AssistaiH Collcctor of [he First Ciradc, shall ascertain tllrough the
Gram Pmcliayat col~siirutcdunder thc HimacIlal Prndesh Pr&ncIlayatiRaj
Act, 1934 (4 of 1994) or ;uiy olhcr agcncy, so prescribed by the Staic
Go~ernrnenlhy holding proper ci~quin.in tlic prescribcd manncr as to
who is thc person besl cnt~tlcdlo 111cprcpcrty and shall by order direct
that, tlial the pcrsan bc puc in possession lhercof, a'nd flint, an entry !rn
rtccordancc with that ordcr, be also madc in the record or register.
(3) A direction of Revenue Officcr under sub-section (2) shall be
subject t o any decree or order which may bc subsequently passed by the
Collcctor in exercise of hjs powers as Revcnue Court as an original
12. Amendment of section 45,- In scction 45 of t l ~ eprincipal Act, after
the esisting proviso, the fol!owing proviso shall be added, namely:-
"Provided further lhat the record-of-rights and pcriodicaI record, prepared
by ncans of camputerisation in Ihc prescribcd nmncr s h d l be prcsumed to be
truc a~dshall be deemcd to have been preparedunder this chapter. ".
13. Substitution of section 46.- For seclion 46 of tl-ie principal Act. thz
follorving shall be substituted, namely:-
"46. Dispute reIating to an entry in the record-of-rights etc.-
If any person collsiders himseIf aggnevcd as to any right of which he is
it1 possession by an entr) in n record-of-rights or in a pcriodicaI record,
lie may file a suit or an application before a Rcvenue Corrrt to decidc the
14. Amendment of section 17.- In scction 47 of tlic principal Act, after
clausc (e), Ihc following shdl bc added, nan~ely.-
"(0for computerisation of record-of-rights and periodical records."
15. Amendment of section 50 .- In scction 50 of the principal Act, for
clause (a), tiic fullowing shall be substiluted, namely:-
"(a) in case of gcneral assessment of land put to nn agricdtural usc in
an assessment circle, the rollowing factors shall be takcn into
(i) thc class of soil;
(ii) thccmpsgrowq
(lii) yield pcr hcctare;
(iv) means of irrigation;
(\~i) tr;lnspor( facilities; and
(vii) any other factor as may bc prescribed;".
16. Substitution of section 51 .- For section 5 1 of thc principal Act, thc
follo\+lngshall be substituted, nme1y:-
"51. Limits of assessment.- In casc of general assessment and
rcnssessment of I'md rcvcnue in on asscssrnent circlc, thc lunit of
assessment and h e percentage of increase, ovcr previous assessn~cntin
forcc shall no1 cxceed fivc times, as may be fixed by thc State
Government by notification, or in case of special nssessmcnt on a
cntegory of class of sitcs of land put Lo non-agricultural use in an
assessmeilt circle or part thereof,-
(2) cxcccd one-fourth of tIic estimated average ncl letting vaIue; or
(b) exceed two lo four per cent of (Iie ayerage market value; or
(c) in~iecaseofsjtesIyingvacan~andoutofuse,exceedoncpercent
of the average market valuc :
Provided h t nothing contained in this section shall affccl any
asscssrnent in force at Ihc timc of comn~cncerncntof the Hirnachal
Pradesll Lmd Revenue (Arncndment) Act, 2000.".
17. Amendment of section 54.- In section 54 01the principal Act,-
(a) in sub-scction (11, thc sip, words, brackets and figures, "subject lo
h e provisions of sub-scctions (3) and (4)"shall bc deleted;
(b) for sub-sections (3) and (4), thc following shall bc substituted,
namcly :
"(3) All areas within the limits of Municipal Corporation or
Municipai Council or Nagar Pnnchayats constituted by the State
Govemmcnt undcr the law for the time being in force, shall bc decIared
to be an urban asscssrnent circle.".
18. Amendment of section 55.- In section 55 or Ihe principal Act,
sub-section (2) shall be deleted.
19. Amendment of section 57.- Jn scction 57 of the principal AcL, in
sub-section (2),-
(a) for tile words "foi~yyears", d1c words "twenty years" shdl be
substituted: and
(b) in proviso, in clause (ii), Tor the word, bracket and figurc" sub-sechon
(4)", the word, bracket and fiyrc" sub-scction (3)" shall be substituted.
20, Amendment of section 64.- In section 64 of thc principal Act,-
(a) for clausc (a), the following shall be substiluted, namely:-
"(a) [he manner in which the valuation of produce in assessment
circle sbali be detcrmincd:"; and
(b) clausc (c) shall be dcleted.
21. Amendment of section 107.- In section 107 of thc principal Act,
ai'tcr sub-scction (21, the follo~%~ing
shall bc added, namely:-
"(3) Ttle Financial Commissioner may: with [he approval of the
State Govemnlcnt, makc ndes for defining the Iimits of any cstate,
portion of an cs tate, or of any hoIding or of any field.".
22, Substitution of section f 14.- For section 1 14 of the principal Act,
the followving shall bc substituted, namnc1y:-
"114. Cost of erection and repair of survey-mark.- (1) Subject
toany rules which thc Financial Commissioner may make in this behalf,
sunley-mark shall bc erected or repaired at the cost of t l ~ cState
( 2 ) During tlic making or special rcvision of rccord-of-ri@i(s,the
Scltlcmetit Oficer shnll get the suwcy-mark ercctcd, and thereafter it
shall be thc duly of the Collector of t l ~ eDislrict to maintail) thc
siwcy-mark in good condition.".
23. Deletion of section 1 15.- Scction I 15 of the principal Act, shall be
24. Amendment of section 120.- In section 120 of the principal Act, for
sub-scction (I), follo~lyingshall be substituted, name1y:-
"(I) If any person, rvililfully dcskoys or damages or rcmoves the
survey-mark lawfully erected, hc may be ordered by a Rcveflue Officcr
to pay such fine not cxceeding Rs. 2,0001- for each survey mark so
destroyed, darnagcd or removed and in the case of repetition of such an
act, a fine not cxceeding Rs, 5 000l- for each survey-~nark, as may, in the
opinion of Revcnuc Oficer, be neccssnry to defray the expenscs
restoring die same and of rcrwrding !he person, iC any, who garlc
irlformalion of the destruction, damage or removal.
Krp1attotivn.- For Lhc purposc of this Acl, [ hc expression "survey-mark"
shall include boundary mask and b o u n d q pillars fised, raised ar erected
while defining the limits of an estate or portion oT cstnte or any hoiding
and any field under section 107 of this Act. ".
25. Amendment of section 134.- In section I34 of the principal Act,
for thc words. "dccrcc for immovable property" the ~vords"decree of Civil Court
for possession of immovable property"shall be subshtutcd.
2G. Amendment of scction f 35.- In section 135 of thc principal Act, Ibr
sub-section (2). the foIIoivhg shall bc substituted, narnc1y:-
" ( 2 ) On rccciving the application, iF thc Revenue Oficer, after
hcaring the partics, fmds that, he partition has taken place and actcd
upon, h:: may make an ordcr affirming thc partition ailld get his order
irnplemcnlcd by getting thc mutation of private parlition attcstcd within
one month and hc shall also distribute 1hc land rcvcnue and rents
involved in the holdir~gin accordance with tile shares partitioned herein.
(3) Mere ill1 the co-sharers makc a report in witing duly signed
by all ofthcm the patwari, that, thcy Iinve privately partitioned the land
and scparatcd the possession thcrcof amicably, the pahvari shall makc an
entry of such report in his diary and enter thc mutation tvhch will bc
decidcd by-the Revenue Officcr after hearing the parlies within three
27. Deletion of sections 156,158 and 159.- Sections 156, 158 and I59
of thc principal .4ct, shall be delclcd.
28. Amendment of section 163.- In section 163 of the principal Act,-
(a) for sub-sections ( 1 ) and (2), tIie folloi~ingshall bc substitulcd,
"( I ) Whmc Gwernment land or land whrch has been reserved Cor
the sitc of the villagc or for common purposes or uscs of the estate right
holders or of thc co-sharers therein, has been encroached upon by any
pcrson or co-sharers for any purpose including the construction of a
building or other structures or by planting trces therein, then-
(a) rhc Revenue Officcr may of hs onn motion or on tile report of the
pal~variof Ihc circle duly verified by the Kanungo of thc Circle or
on thc application of any estate right holder or co-sharer, after
giving reasonable opportuniq of being heard, shall eject him from
such land by order, in thc manncr prescribcd;
(b) if the encroacher has erected any building or other structure or has
planted trm on the encroached land, the same shall, in the
prescribcd manner, vest in the State Govemmenl h e from all
Provided that if the building or struclwe and attachments thereto
are situatcd partly in the owned land of the cncroachcr and partly on the
encroached land, the Revenue Officer shall bc competent to demolish the
portion of the buiIding or structure on the cncroached lmd if the
encroacher fails to demolish it hirnsclE as ordercd by the Rcvenue
Officer; and
(G) thc Revcnuc Oificcr s11all ir~lposcupon thc cncroachcr a finc uplo
Rs. 50001- pcr bigha or par1 fl~ereof,\i$hichshalI bc rcco\lerabIe.
as if it wcrc an nrrear of 1and rcvenuc.
( 2 ) If a pcrsorl \I-hu hiw betn criclcd from any land under illis
scction again occupies the land ivithoui authority for such occupalion, he
shalt be punished ~ l t imprisonment
h for a term which may cstetld to onc
year, or wit11 h e whch may cstend to ten thousand nlpees or with both:
Providcd h a t no courl shall take coglizancc under this sub-scciion
ofui offence unless n report in \+ritingis rnadc by a Rcvenuc Officcr oot
below the rank of Assistant Collector First Gradc."; 2nd
( 6 ) in sub-scction (31, for h c words, "shall proceed" the words "may
proceed" shall be subslitutcd.
29. Insertion o f section 163-A.-Afler section 163 of thc principal Act,
the fof lowing shdl be inserted, namely: -
"163-A. Regularisation of encroachn~ent in certain cases.-
.Not\rithsla~~ding anythrng contained in section 163 of this Act, or any other law
for die ti- being in force, the State Govemmcnt may makc rules regarding the
regularisation of the encroachment on G o v e m ~ e nland,".
(Issued and published in Hindi in RH.P. Exba., dated 29.6.2400, p. 19 16)
SI.limIa-2. the 17th Junc, 2000.
No. Rev. B.h.(3)-1/2000.- In cscrcisc of the powers conferred by
section 9 of thc Himachal Pradesh Land Re~lcnueAct. 1954, Ihe Governor,
Hirnachal Pradesh is pleased to sppoitlt the Comnlissjoncr (Revenue) and thz
Additional Cmissioncr (Appeal) as "Co~nmissioncr"to carry out thc provisions
ofrhe Act ibid.
6. Amendment of section 46.
7. Amendment of section 5 1.
8. Amendmentofsection163.
,1. Passed,inbHindiby the HhmcM PI& Vidhan Sabha. For stalementof objects
and ~ & n s see R ' ~ PExtra,
. dated 27. I 2:2Oil0, P.4770 & 4775.
(b) in sub-section (7), in proviso, for the words "finally dcxided", the
shall be substituted.
word "de~ided'~
4. Amendment of section 35.- In section 35 of the principal Act, in
sub-section (7), for the words "all the partiest',the words "allthe parties present"
shall be subsbtuted.
5. Amendment of section 37.- In stction 37 of the principal Act, in
sub-section (3), a f k r the words "an original suit", the wards "but it shall not
include the matters pertaining to the question of title" shall be added.
6. Amendmeat of section 46.- In s d o n 46 of tbe principal Act, after
the words "to decide the same", the words 'but it shaU not include the matters .. . ..
words "excoed five times", the words "exceed two times" shall be substituted.
8. Amendment of section 163.- In sectiun 163 of the principal Act.,-
(a) in sub-section (11, in clause (c), for ,thefigure and sign "5,0001-",
the figures and sign 1'2,0001-1'shall be sub- and
(b) in sub-section (21, for the words "tenthousand", the words "five
thousand" s h d be substitutd..
2. Amendment of sectiw'6. .
, ..I
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: ( A m NO.9 OF 2001).' . ...
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w i v e d the assent ofthe Governor on the 14th May, 200 1 and was .. .
-. --
1. Passed in ~inkby , ~ &i&'~od&h
? vidhnn ~ ~ b h rstat&&$ & . objects
, -