ABT Flange Line Card

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Twenty 1-1/4” bolts fully torqued in less than 15 minutes

Flange Bolting can be impossibly easy!

Torque a flange in 15 minutes, or less!

The DuraSquirt Flange System allows a flange to be torqued in a
single pass, utilizing Direct Tension Indicators (DTIs). This is based
on an improved Flange Bolt-Up study 2, sponsored by BP America
and the Pressure Vessel Research Council (PVRC).

DTI on a fully
DTI on torqued stud
a stud

This is a DTI

² Bibel, G. D. and Ezell, R.M. “An Improved Flange Bolt-Up Procedure Contact Applied Bolting Technology for more information:
Using Experimentally Determined Elastic Interaction Coefficients,” 802 460-3100 or 800 552-1999
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 114 (Nov. 1992): 439-443. or email: [email protected]

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DuraSquirt Flange System Line Card
Part # 3-300PL = 3" Class 300 Plain DuraSquirt Flange Kit
3 300 PL
| | |
3 inch 300 PL = Plain

Class 300
NPS (in) ABT kit # Lb. Per Kit Stud Dia. (in) # DTIs/kit
3 3 - 300 .86 ¾ 8
4 4 - 300 .86 ¾ 8
6 6 - 300 1.30 ¾ 12
8 8 - 300 1.89 ⅞ 12
10 10 - 300 3.38 1 16
12 12 - 300 4.07 1⅛ 16


14 14 - 300 5.09 1⅛ 20
16 16 - 300 6.21 1¼ 20
18 18 - 300 7.45 1¼ 24
20 20 - 300 7.45 Single1¼
pass BFJA24closure demonstration with fla
dynamic feedback.
8 1 Monday 4:00 pm at the
Class Applied Bolting Technology booth space.
NPS (in) ABT kit # Lb. Per Kit Single
Stud Dia.
# DTIs/kit
closure demonstration implem
7 3 2
3 - 600 .86 with Direct
¾ Tension8 Indicators (DTI).
4 4 - 600 1.26 ⅞ 10:00 am8 at the
6 6 - 600 2.54 Applied
1 Bolting Technology
12 booth space.
8 8 - 600 3.05 1⅛ 12
Review of both single pass BFJA closure method
10 10 - 600 4.97 1¼ 16
6 3 Q&A and how the DTI can be easily implemented
12 12 - 600 6.21
in the 1¼
field. 20
14 14 - 600 7.56 1⅜
Wednesday 12:1520pm during the
16 16 - 600 9.00 Computer
1½ Technology
20 and Bolted Joint
5 4
i Nominal pipe size Technical Committee.

Additional demonstrations at the

DuraSquirt Flange Systems are only designed to be used with:
1. ASME B16.20Applied Bolting
Dual ring spiral woundTechnology
gaskets. booth
2. ASME B16.5 & by request
ASTM A105 weld neck, raised face flanges.
3. ASTM A193 B7 studs.
Each DTI kit is composed of the same number of DTIs as there are
bolts in the flange. Kits should be ordered in the same
appliedbolting.com quantity and
[email protected]
at the same time as gaskets.

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