Gardner 1948
Gardner 1948
Gardner 1948
Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Wayne University,
DetToit, Michigan
The major features of existing descriptions mere confirmed
and, in addition, branches hitherto undescribed were found.
The nerve supply of the hip joints studied in this series was
derived from the femoral and obturator nerves, from the
accessory obturator when present and from the sacral plexus
by way of the superior gluteal nerve and the nerve to the
quadratus femoris. I n addition, it is possible that sympathetic
fibers from lumbar ganglia reached the joint by accompanying
articular vessels.
accompany blood vessels into the synovial tissue and also into
the neighboring portion of the femur. It overlaps t o some
extent the area supplied by the obturator nerve. I n one of the
fetal joints, the nerve to the pectineus arose from the awes-
, ,'
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's: TO qu&. fern.
: post.
Femoral.. &
blood vessels and decrease in size along with the vessels. Also
during their course, small groups of fibers often leave the
main bundles and accompany vessels into the synovial tissue
and also into the neighboring portion of the femur.
The nerve supply of the human hip joint was studied in dis-
sections of adult joints and in serial sections of fetal joints.
The articular nerves arise from the femoral, obturator and
superior gluteal nerves, from the nerve to the qnadratus
femoris, from the accessory obturator nerve when present and
possibly from branches of lumbar sympathetic ganglia.
The branch or branches of the femoral nerve arise either
directly from the femoral nerve or from its muscular branches.
Most of them supply the iliofemoral ligament, especially near
its femoral attachment, and the neighboring portion of the
femur. A branch of the nerve to the pectiiieus supplies the
anteromedial region of the capsule and the neighboring por-
tion of the femur and overlaps the area reached by the obtur-
ator nerve.
The articular branch of the obturator nerve supplies the
medial portion of the capsule (pubocapsnlar ligament) where
it ramifies in the fibrous layer of the capsule. Some fibers reach
the synorial tissue and also course along the ligamentum teres
to the femur.
When the accessory obturator nerve is present it supplies
tlie area usually reached by tlie branch of the femoral nerve to
tlie pectineus muscle.
The nerve to the quadratus feinoris muscle gives 1 or 2 fine
twigs w1iich enter the iscliiocapsulal. ligament near its femoral
a t t aclimen t .
Tlie superior gluteal nerve gives rise to twigs mhicli coiirse
iii tlie fibrous layer of tlie snperolateral region of tlie capsule
and reach anteriorly and inferiorly toward the area supplied
by the femoral nerve.
I t is possible that s p p a t l i e t i c fibers from lumbar ganglia
reach the joint by following articular vessels.
It is probable that many of the nerve fibers supply blood
vessels in the capsule and neighboring bone. Little can be said
about other types of endings escept that the concentration of
fibers in the anteroniedial region of the capsule makes it seem
likely that proprioceptive endings a r e located here.
I wisli to espress my tlianks to Mrs. Gail Blarkliam for her
aid in making the microscopic sections, and to Jlisses Evelyn
Erickson and Geraldine Cliesiiey for their skillful prepara t 1011
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