A Review Seaweed As An Skin Care and Enormous Human Health Benefit
A Review Seaweed As An Skin Care and Enormous Human Health Benefit
A Review Seaweed As An Skin Care and Enormous Human Health Benefit
Review Article
A Review: Seaweed as a Skin Care and Enormous Human Health
Habeeba S. Shaikh*1, Siddiqua S. Shaikh2 and Ashvini S. Bankar3
Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Pravara Rural College of Pharmacy, Pravaranagar, Maharashtra, India.
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, SND College of Pharmacy, Yeola, Maharashtra, India.
Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Pravara Rural College of Pharmacy, Pravaranagar,Maharashtra, India..
treatment for breast cancer and in treatment of effective in the treatment of malignant tumors
burns, wound, rashes. Certain seaweeds which and leukemia in people (Pangestuti, R., et al,
contain the powerful cancer-fighting agents that 2013).
researchers hope will successfully prove
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Vol.3/Issue2/Mar.-Apr. 2021 Inter. J. Pharma O2 ISSN: 2582-4708
of the protein present in some seaweed, such In algotherapy in which, seaweed extracts are
as spirulina and chlorella, contain all of the used in health or beauty treatments. The
essential amino acids. This means seaweed can seaweed baths as a treatment for arthritis,
help ensure to get the full range of amino acids. rheumatism and other aches and pains. The
Seaweed is good source of omega-3 fats and several companies producing a seaweed powder
vitamin B12. In fact, the dried green and purple (made mainly from Ascophyllum nodosum) for
seaweed contain substantial amounts of vitamin beauty and body care products containing
B12. One research found 2.4 mcg or 100% of the seaweed extracts. Several compounds extracted
RDI of vitamin B12 in only 4 grams of seaweed from seaweeds are thought to be of value in
(Oroian M., et al, 2015). various cosmetic applications and some are now
Provides Fiber and Polysaccharides That Can becoming commercially significant (V. Lobo, et
Support the Gut Health al, 2010).
Gut bacteria play an enormous role in health. It’s Contains a Variety of Protective Antioxidants
estimated that have more bacteria cells in the Antioxidants can make unstable substances in the
body than human cells. An imbalance in gut body called free radicals less reactive .This
bacteria can lead to sickness and disease. makes them less likely to damage the cells.
Seaweed is good source of fiber, which is known However, the excess free radical production is
to promote gut health. Fiber can resist digestion considered to be an underlying cause of several
and be used as a food source for bacteria in the diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.
large intestine instead. In additionally, a sugars These have been shown to protect the body’s
found in seaweed called sulfated polysaccharides cells from free radical damage .A lot of research
have been shown to increase the growth of has focused on one particular carotenoid called
“good” gut bacteria. These polysaccharides can fucoxanthin. It’s the main carotenoid found in
also increase the production of short-chain fatty brown algae, such as wakame, and it has 13.5
acids (SCFA), which provide support and times the antioxidant capacity as vitamin E.
nourishment to the cells lining to the gut Fucoxanthin has been shown to protect cell
(Sender, R., et al, 2016) membranes better than vitamin A (Cho S-H, et
Weight management al, 2007).
The seaweed contains a lot of fiber, which does Reduce Heart Disease Risk
not contain any calories. The fiber in seaweed The seaweed helps to reduce the blood
may slow stomach emptying, too. This helps to cholesterol levels. The 18-week study fed rats
feel fuller for longer and can delay hunger pangs. with high cholesterol a high-fat diet
The seaweed is also considered to have weight supplemented with 10% freeze-dried seaweed. It
loss effects. The number of animal studies found the rats had 40% lower total cholesterol,
suggests that a substance in seaweed called 36% lower LDL cholesterol and 31% lower
fucoxanthin may help reduce body fat. The one triglyceride levels. Heart disease is caused by
animal research found that rats who consumed excessive blood clotting. The seaweed which
fucoxanthin lost weight, whereas rats who contains carbohydrates called fucans, which help
consumed the control diet did not. Results to prevent blood from clotting the animal study
showed that fucoxanthin expand the expression found that fucans extracted from seaweed
of a protein that metabolizes fat in rats).Other prevented blood clotting as effectively as an anti-
animal studies found similar results. For clotting drug. Researchers are also starting to
example, fucoxanthin has been shown to look at peptides in seaweed. Initial studies in
importantly reduce blood sugar levels in rats, animals indicate that these protein-like structures
further aiding weight loss. The results in animal may block part of a pathway which raised the
studies show very promising; it’s significant that blood pressure in the body. The large-scale
human studies are conducted to verify these human studies are required to confirm these
findings (Maeda, H., et al, 2009). results (Roberts, A.W., et al, 2010).
Seaweed as beauty enhancer
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Vol.3/Issue2/Mar.-Apr. 2021 Inter. J. Pharma O2 ISSN: 2582-4708
Reduce the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by among populations who consume a seaweed-rich
Improving Blood Sugar Control diet (Yang, Y.J., et al, 2010).
Diabetes is a major health problem. It occurs Antiviral Properties
when the body is unable to balance the blood The another benefit of seaweed have
sugar levels over time. The seaweed has become antiviralproperty the invivo and vitro study
a research focus ways to support people who are animal research has identified carrageenans,
at risk of diabetes. The Japanese people study fucoidans and sulfate and ficoidans and sulfated
and proved that the fucoxanthin, a substance in thamnogalactans as having substantial antiviral
brown seaweed, it help to improve blood sugar activity against enveloped virus such as herps
control. The study found that fucoxanthin had and HIV ( Spieler R., et al, 2002).
improved blood sugar levels. The study also Metabolic Syndrome
noted additional improvements in blood sugar The metabolic syndrome is characterized by
levels in those with a genetic disposition to symptoms that are also related to CVD. Research
insulin resistance, which usually accompanies in animal models has suggested a role for algae
type 2 diabetes. What’s more, another substance in the treatment and prevention of metabolic
in seaweed called alginate prevented blood sugar syndrome. Evidence from the Nutrition and
spikes in animals after they were fed a high- Health Study in Taiwan suggests several foods
sugar meal. Many other animal studies have that may protect against metabolic syndrome,
reported that it improved blood sugar control including seaweed, which was linked to a
when seaweed extracts are added to the diet reduction in the increase of metabolic syndrome
(Torsdottir I Alpsten M Holm G., et al 1991). prevalence in women (Shin A et al, 2009).
Bone Health
Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease defined as Conclusion
reduced bone mass and micro architectural This review article describes the role of seaweed
deterioration, which results in decreased bone in skin care & human health benefit. Due to the
strength and increased fracture risk. Diet improve Pollution and overexposure of human skin to
to increase the consumption of calcium-rich food several environmental factors such as UV and
sources in order to promote maintenance of bone pollution. This pollution leads to the skin related
health would contribute greatly to addressing the problem such as a hyper pigmentation, acne &
burden of osteoporosis. Calcium and vitamin D pre-mature aging problem. The biologically
are the two most significant micronutrients for active compound present in the seaweed proves
bone health; however, other dietary components, that the way to the used as an active ingredient in
such as non digestible prebiotic carbohydrates, the cosmetic industries due to their potent skin
are emerging as possible contributors because of protection ability. The seaweed is used to treat
their ability to enhance calcium absorption and the various skin related problem such as whiting
bioavailability. It is highly plausible that marine agent, anti- aging, anti-acne and also for
sources rich in minerals (in particular, calcium) moisturizing in cosmetic industries. The seaweed
may help raised the calcium intake through also plays major role therapeutic application in
dietary sources. For example, some varieties of human health management. Current data on the
seaweed have a higher content of calcium than health benefits of seaweed is both potential and
other dietary sources on a wt/wt basis: for health status (digestive health, weight
instance, the calcium content of Ascophyllum management) and chronic disease (cancer, CVD,
nodosum (575.0 mg/100 g wet weight (Bonjour diabetes, and osteoporosis). The various activity
JP Gueguen L Palacios C., et al, 2009). and safety concerns of these compounds are very
Cancer significant for future challenges in health benefit
The seaweed which are effective in the treatment as well as in cosmetics industry.
of cancer. The person who consume seaweed it
observred that cancer incidence is much lower Conflicts of Interests
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Vol.3/Issue2/Mar.-Apr. 2021 Inter. J. Pharma O2 ISSN: 2582-4708
Authors do not have any conflicts of interest with 10. Harvey N Dennison E Cooper C (2010).
the publication of the manuscript. Osteoporosis: impact on health and economics.
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