YOGA QUIZ Questions (Dublin)

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1. Raja Yoga is the yoga of controlling our:

a. Sense Organs
b. Organs of Action
c. Mind
d. Our Emotions
2. What is one word that occurs in every chapter of the Gita?

a. Maya
b. Avidya
c. Yoga
d. Sanyasa
3. Counter pose of Sarvangasana is ---?

a. Savasana
b. Matsyasana
c. Halasana
d. Sethubandhasarvangasana

4. Asana useful in diabetes is –

a. Padmasana
b. Virasana
c. Mandukasana
d. Siddhasana

5. Which one of the following attribute satisfies the criteria of Sattvic Food?

a. Spicy, hot, bitter, sour and pungent

b. Pure, essential, natural, vital, energy containing
c. Unnatural, overcooked, stale, left over and processed food
d. None of the above

6. Which asana affects the digestive system ?

a. Vajrasana
b. Udarakarshan asana
c. Matyendrasana
d. All of the above

7. A student is not able to practice as per your satisfaction. How will you deal with this

a. Force the student by applying physical pressure on the body

b. Encourage the student to have patience and continue to practice
c. Ask him not to practice at all
d. Ignore the student

8. Dress for yoga practice should be

a. Tight fitting jeans

b. Costly and sophisticated dresses
c. Protective covering from head to toe
d. Loose fitting and comfortable
9. Where does Ajna Chakra located?

a. Eyebrow centre
b. Chest
c. Tongue
d. Legs

10. How many kinds of Kapalbhati are said in ‘Gherandsamhita’?

a. 01
b. 02
c. 03
d. 04

11. How many Asanas are decribed in ‘Gherandsamhita’?

a. 84
b. 84000
c. 08
d. 32

12. Which Mudra destroys all diseases of the rectum and prevents premature death?

a. Brahmi Mudra
b. Shambhavi Mudra
c. Akashachari Mudra
d. Ashvini Mudra

13. Which type of Asana should avoid during disc prolapse (herniation) in Low back pain?

a. Backward asana
b. Forward asana
c. Twisting asana
d. Side bend asana

14. The practice of yoga should be commenced in season of:-

a. Greeshm and Sharad
b. Shishir and Hemant
c. Basant and Sharad
d. Varsha and Sharad

15. How many types of Pranayama explained in Yoga Sutra?

a. 01
b. 02
c. 03
d. 04

16. Jnana Yoga is the work of ……………………..?

a. Ramana Maharshi
b. Osho
c. Vivekanada
d. SreeNarayana Guru
17. Who is not an Acharya of ‘Hathayoga’?

a. Matsyendra
b. Goraksha
c. Swatmarama
d. Kapil

18. How many types of Aahar are there according to Yogic diet?

a. 8
b. 4
c. 3
d. 7

19. Which asana improves neuro-muscular coordination, balance and alertness --?

a. Vajrasana
b. Konasana
c. Vrikshasana
d. Bhujangasana

20. According to Yoga the Raga is:-

a. Klesh
b. Prem
c. Asakti
d. All of the above
21. Mind becomes in Alpha state due to the practice of---?

a. Asana
b. Exercise
c. Meditation
d. Bandha

22. Which Chakra Symbolized by a lotus of ten petals?

a. Muladhara Chakra
b. Anahata Chakra
c. Manipura Chakra
d. Visuddha Chakra
23. How many types of Bhaktis are there in Bhakti Yoga?

a. 10
b. 9
c. 8
d. 7

24. Which one comes under Antaranga Yoga?

a. Niyama
b. Dharana
c. Asana
d. Pratyahara

25. Which of the following is not a Vritti?

a. Pramana
b. Vikalpa
c. Viveka
d. Nidra
26. The Samkhya Darshan is:-

a. Dvaita
b. Advaita
c. Dvaitadvaita
d. Vishishtadvaita

27. Who is the author of Yoga Sutras?

A. Kapila
B. Kanada
C. Jaimini
D. Patanjali
28. “Yogabhasya” is a commentary on Patanjali sutra or yoga sutra is written by

a. Ramanuja
b. Vyas
c. Sankara
d. None of them
29. The word “Yoga” is derived from Sanskrit root

a. Yaju
b. Yuj
c. Riju
d. None of the above
30. Which of these is not an authentic text of Hathyoga?

a. Goraksh Samhita
b. Gherand Samhita
c. Hathratnavalli
d. Light on Yoga

31. In Sanskrit “Yoga” means

a. To multiply
b. To Understand
c. To Unite
d. To Comprehend

32. According to Bhagwad Gita the main forms of Yoga are?

a. Laya, Hatha, Raja

b. Mantra, Tantra, Yantra
c. Karma, Jnana, Bhakti
d. None of the above

33. Which of the following is a part of the eight –fold- path of Patanjali?

a. Abhyasa
b. Vairagya
c. Pratipaksha Bhavana
d. Pratyahara

34. The fourth Chapter of the Yoga Sutras is termed as

a. Moksha pada
b. Phala pada
c. Kaivalya pada
d. Samadhi pada
35. Which one of these is not a “Purushartha”?

a. Dharma
b. Kama
c. Moksha
d. Samadhi

36. Who amongst the following was a Hatha Yogi?

a. Maharshi Patanjali
b. Viswamitra
c. Swami Gorakhnath
d. Vasistha
37. Which of the following is not a process of Pranayama?

a. Rechaka
b. Puraka
c. Kumbhaka
d. Samyaka

38. Asana according to Patanjali is

a. Sthramasanam
b. Sukhamasanam
c. Sthirmsukhamasanam
d. Chiramasanam

39. According to Bhagavad gita, Yoga is

a. Yagaschitta vritti nirodhah

b. Yoga karmasu kaushalam
c. Manoprasamana upayah Yogah
d. Yogena chittasya padena vacham

40. Ashtanga yoga is whose contribution

a. Svatmarama
b. Maharshi Patanjali
c. Gheranda
d. Gorakshanath
41. According to Hatha pradeepika, which asana is the best?

a. Padmasana
b. Siddhasana
c. Swastikasana
d. Vajrasana
42. Which practice of Hatha yoga involves drawing of air through the mouth?

a. Ujjayi
b. Sitkari
c. Bhramari
d. Bhastrika
43. By mastering which practice one can float like a lotus leaf on the water.

a. Sitali
b. Bhastrika
c. Nadi sodhana
d. Plavini
44. Which of these enables one to overcome the obstacles in the path of yoga, according sage

a. Friendliness towards pleasure

b. Disturbed state of the mind
c. Not Becoming compassionate
d. Sleep
45. Which of the following kriya is good for cleansing the eyes?

a. Neti
b. Dhauti
c. Trataka
d. Nauli

46. Which of the following Kriya is beneficial for reducing excess fats from the body?

a. Neti
b. Trataka
c. Kapalbhati
d. None of the above
47. Sarvangasana is good for complications of which gland?

a. Pancreas
b. Thyroid
c. Adrenal
d. Ovary
48. Chakrasana is contraindicated for

a. Anxiety
b. Stress
c. Recent surgery
d. None of the above
49. Nadi shodhana pranayama is one of the practices helpful for regulating which of the
a. Pulse rate
b. Elevated blood pressure
c. Sweating
d. Urination
50. Pranayama is cutting down the speed of

a. Mind
b. Anger
c. Jealousy
d. Inhalation-Exhalation
51. What is the key feature of Yoga practice?

a. Only maintaining posture

b. Only breathing in and out during practice
c. Awareness
d. Normal breathing

52. Which of these is not one of the main four Vedas?

a. Rig veda
b. Sama veda
c. Atharva veda
d. Dhanurveda
53. What is Pranayama, one of the yogic practice used for?

a. Annamaya kosha
b. Pranamaya kosha
c. Manomaya kosha
d. Vijnanamaya kosha

54. Guru is the one, who dispels

a. Darkness of ignorance
b. Light of arrogance
c. Haziness of love
d. Renunciation of World
55. Which Asana is good for the thyroid gland?

a. Matsyendrasana
b. Veerasana
c. Halasana
d. Dhanurasana

56. Which practices are beneficial for hypertension and cardiac problems?
a. Asanas
b. Relaxation
c. Dynamic kriya
d. Dynamic pranayama like Bhastrika
57. Suryanamaskar incorporates

a. 12 mantras
b. Sequence of body positions
c. Breathing awareness
d. All the above
58. Which of the following are important during the practice of asanas?

a. Stability
b. Comfort
c. Effortlessness
d. All the above
59. How many vayus are mentioned in yogic texts?

a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
60. From where has the whole knowledge of yoga believed to be originated?

a. Upanishads
b. Vedas
c. Darshanas
d. Buddhism

61. Karma yoga is a branch of yoga based on the teachings of which text?

a. Patanjali Yoga sutras

b. Bhagavad Gita
c. Hatha pradipika
d. Upanishads

62. Who is the Sat-Chit-Ananda according to Sankara?

a. Para Brahman
b. Isvara
c. Soul
d. None of these

63. What is not a Sadhak Tatva according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika?

a. Utsah
b. Dhairya
c. Prajalpo
d. Dhyana
64. who is Yogi Svatmarama?

a. Author of Hathapradipika
b. Author of Synthesis of Yoga
c. Author of Life Divine
d. Author of Yoga Sutra
65. Tatra Dhyanam

a. Pratyayaiktanta
b. Pratityasamutpada
c. Pratyaksha
d. Prtyktanta
66. The ratio between the Puraka, Kumbhaka and Rechaka is ---?

a. 1:2:4
b. 2:4:1
c. 1:4:2
d. 2:4:2

67. nature of pingla swar is

b. cold
c. hot
d. cold & hot
e. none of the above

68. The Core teaching of Sankaracharya is-“Brahman alone is real. The world is

a. Real
b. Unreal
c. Brahma
d. Heaven

69. What is symbol of Ishwar as per Patanjal Yogasutra?

a. Parmeshwar
b. Pranav
c. Purush
d. Samadhi
70. How many sorts of ‘Kumbhak’ are said in ‘Gherandsamhita’?
a. 03
b. 04
c. 08
d. None of these

71. Which of the following is not a Pancha Bhoota?

a. Air
b. Water
c. Sunlight
d. Fire

72. Plough pose otherwise called as --?

a. Sarvangasana
b. Halasana
c. Bhujangasana
d. Chakrasana

73. Which method is suitable for teaching Yoga Practices---?

a. Lecture Method
b. Practice Method
c. Lecture cum Demonstration Method
d. Group Discussion Method

75. part of the autonomic nervous system, when activated, is responsible for the body’s
fight or flight’ sensation.

a. Brain System
b. Limbic system
c. Sympathetic nervous system
d. Para- Sympathetic nervous system

76. How many types of Bhakta according to Bhagavad Geeta-

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

77. The word meaning of ‘Gita’ in Bhagvad Gita is ………………………..

a. The song of the Lord
b. Song of everybody
c. Sacred Song
d. Beautiful Song
78. Samatvam Yoga Uchyate definition is given in:-

a. Shrimadbhagavatgita
b. Gherandsamhita
c. Yoga Sutra
d. Hathayog Pradeepika

79. Which Endocrine gland is Master gland in our body?

a. Pancreas
b. Adrenal
c. Pituitary
d. Pineal

80 . In a group discussion, questions can be best entertained at what time?

a. while relaxing between two practices

b. next day
c. while doing the practice
d. not necessary to entertain questions, keep practicing

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