English Activity 1

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First term:

Activity 2

Topic: Talking about your Family

What you will Learn
• Be able to describe your family.
• Develop an understanding of the concept of All-Each and

Describing Your Family

“the word “family” means something very

specific. It means to be with people, who
understand and accept you without condition.
A family can be a small group or a large one,
who all support one another. They will help you
when you struggle and be there for you in
trying times. They also know you as a person;
knowing your quirks and habits and how to
manage them
Apply what you learned
reading and writing
• Please read the following article / watch the video
about being able to speak about your family.



Please Describe the following people in your family.

Mother: My mother is called Diana Puerto, she is a very hard-working,

studious, committed and patient woman, she does not like to wait too
long, she likes to do things quickly, she is an incredible and intelligent
person, with black hair, brown eyes and brown skin, works in COLANTA
performing the position of locative maintenance supervisor

Father: My father's name is Hermes Siachoque, I have not lived with him
since I was 3 years old, I rarely share time with him, he lives in Tunja, and he is a
systems technologist and currently manages a motorcycle maintenance

Aunt or uncle: I have three aunts on my mother's side and four aunts
and one uncle on my father's side, but I will only describe my aunts on my
mother's side since they are the ones I share the most time with, my oldest aunt
is called Milena Puerto, she She lives in Medellín and is a fashion designer, my
middle aunt is called Paola Puerto, she lives in Medellín in the same set of
houses as my aunt Milena, and is a personalized trainer, finally my youngest
aunt is called Camila Puerto, she lives in Madrid - Spain for two years and is a
technologist in occupational health and safety.
• Please listen to the followingaudio about sightseeing
tours and answer the following questions. (Listen to the
audio as many times as needed)


1. Where are they planning to go in the morning?

A. to a park
B. to a shopping center
C. to an art museum
2. What kind of restaurant do they want to visit for lunch?
A. Italian
B. Indonesian
C. Indian
3. The man wants to visit the zoo because .
A. it is free to visitors that day
B. there are unusual animals there

C. the zoo will be closed the rest of the week

4. The woman wants to go shopping to .
A. buy souvenirs
B. pass the time
C. return a gift
5. They are going to the sea by .
A. bus
B. taxi

C. subway
Grammar Spot and Exercises
• Takea look at the following image and watch the video below.


• Please answer the following questions with All, Each and Every.

1. All of the students have three books.

2. There is a bus every 2 hours.

3. There are four worksheets - please take one of each.

4. We enjoyed every minute of our holidays.

5. All student have written an e-mail.

What did you learn?
During our study session in class or online please
be ready to talk about your family.
Grammar: Each, Every and All
En esta publicación se utilizan enlaces contenidos en la web.
Igualmente se han empleado recursos gratuitos para
ambientar y complementar algunas de las temáticas. Se
hace claridad que dichos contenidos se usan con fines
académicos y no son de propiedad de la institución y, por lo
mismo, se hace una referencia explícita de ellos:

esl-lab.com (SF) Audio Recuperado: esllab.b-cdn.net/audio/mp3/camp1.mp3?_=1

comparemymove.com (10th July 2018) Article Recuperado: comparemymove.com/blog /your-


momjunction.com (SF) Article Hobbies. Recuperado: momjunction.com/articles/teenagers-


xtremego.com (Sf) Article. Extreme sports: Recuperado: xtremego.com/list-of-50-extreme-sports/

travelchannel (SF) Article Vacations: Recuperado: travelchannel.com/interests/outdoors-and-


influencermarketinghub.com (SF) Article: Influencers, Recuperado:


corporatefinanceinstitute.com (SF) Article Stock Market: Recuperado:


History Channel: Nov 19, 2016 Urban Life vs. Rural Life | How the States Got Their Shapes
Youtube Video Recuperado: youtube.com/watch?v=enwuAjRfKPY

Woordward (SF) Image English Grammar. Recuperado: woodwardenglish.com

FreePik Image Service Recuperado: freepik.es

Clipartimage(SF) Two people talking seateimagesd clipart. Recuperado:

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J u a n C a m i l o Giraldo

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a utor i za ci ón es cr i ta d e la institución.

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