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Correlational Study

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Mr. Azel M. Valle – MAEd-EdAd
Email add: [email protected]


The study analyzed the performance ratings of the Bachelor in Elementary Education
(BEED) and Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) graduates of Liceo de Cagayan University
College of Teacher Education (LDCU-CTE) in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).
This study made used of the descriptive-correlational method of research with documentary
analysis, the results of March and September 2018 were analyzed. The Performance in the LET
was correlated to the Grade Weighted Average (GWA) and grade in Mechanics on LET of the
graduates. Findings revealed that the overall performance ratings of the BEED and BSED first
time takers surpassed the national performance. The BSED graduates performed better both in
professional courses and general education components of the LET examination. The overall mean
ratings were higher in the Professional Education area and lower in general education area both in
the two programs. As to the BSED program the lowest mean rating was on their major subject.
Both graduates in the two programs performed better in their academics. Furthermore, the GWA
and grade in Mechanics on LET are inversely related to their performance in the licensure

Keywords: academic achievement, LET performance


The performance of the graduates in licensure examination and their employability are key
performance indicators in quality assurance and reputation of an institution. The quality of teacher
education offered by institutions can be measured by the graduates’ performance in the licensure
examination for teachers and their employability in teaching. The examination is necessary before
an education graduate student becomes a licensed teacher and can engage in teaching at the
elementary and secondary levels, whether on full-time or part-time basis. Hence, Republic Act No.
7836 was enacted to strengthen the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in the
Philippines and prescribing a licensure examination for teachers. Passing the Licensure
Examination for Teachers (LET) is a good indicator that the competencies and standards reflected
in the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) are acquired by the graduates during
their preservice training. This set of standards makes explicit what teachers should know, be able
to do and value to achieve competence, improved student learning outcomes, and eventually
quality education. The professional standards, therefore, become a public statement of professional
accountability that can help teachers reflect on and assess their own practices as they aspire for
personal growth and professional development.
Moreover, passing the board examination will not only give them honor and prestige but
will also give them a competitive edge over those who are non-LET passers. Passing the Licensure
Examination for Teachers is not a simple matter. It requires adequate preparation and readiness.
More importantly, it requires good knowledge and background as they obtain a rating of at least
75% in the three areas of General Education and Professional Education for BEED graduates, and
General Education, Professional Education, and their Specialization for BSED graduates to pass
the licensure examination.
In the context of Liceo de Cagayan University, the College of Teacher Education took
several initiatives to maintain and even surpassed the previous performance in the LET. Hence,
selective retention was implemented to retain the most qualified and competent students. In-house
review was also conducted and raising the cut-off scores for professional education courses, and
major subjects were in place. Incorporating Mechanics on LET subject in the curriculum has long
been practiced wherein during the student final semester together with their internship they are
enrolled in this subject. In this subject the students underwent a comprehensive review of the areas
to be tested in the LET such as general education courses, professional courses, and major subjects
for the secondary education students. It is on this premise that the researcher is motivated to
conduct this investigation to ascertain if the GWA and the grade in Mechanics on LET have a
significant relationship with the graduates’ performance in the LET.
Moreover, the results of this study are deemed necessary for Teacher Education
administrators in setting the optimum admission requirements for entry into a teacher education
program and the retention policies to remain in the program. Hence, this study is conceived.


The researcher reviewed several studies that provided him a wider horizon and direction to
this research venture. The performance of the students in every institution plays a vital role in
determining the quality of education, which eventually guarantees the efficiency and effectiveness
in application of a chosen profession or career. It suggests higher standard of performance of
instructional system and as a result, the performance of the students in the licensure examination
reflects the institution’s efficiency as well as the intellectual capacity of the students. More so, the
performance in the board examinations is taken as one of the measures of the quality of a program.
If the rate of the first attempt passing is high, then it is a good measure of program excellence.
The Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) is the assessment required of all applicants
for registration as professional teachers as mandated by RA 7836 (Act to strengthen the regulation
and supervision of the Practice of Teaching in the Philippines and Prescribing a Licensure
Examination for Teachers and for Other Purposes). LET is currently the most numbered examinees
being administered twice a year in places and dates determined by the Board of Professional
LET is composed of three test components: the General Education (GE courses) comprised
of the following subjects: English, Filipino, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, and
Information and Communication Technology (ICT); the professional education courses including
Child and Adolescent Development, Facilitating Learning, Principles of Teaching 1 and 2,
Curriculum Development, Developmental Reading, Assessment of Learning 1 and 2, Teaching
Profession, and Social Dimension of Education; and the different specialization courses in English,
Mathematics, Biological Science, Physical Science, Music, Arts and Physical Education and
Health (MAPEH), Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE), Social Studies, and Computer
Education. The examination for secondary levels consists of these three (3) components, general
education, professional education, and field of specialization; though, for elementary level, LET
covers only the general education and professional education courses (Duka, 2013).
Previous studies have indicated that the performance of Education Graduates in Licensure
Examination is influenced by several factors. Rabanal (2016) in her study found out that academic
achievements in general education, professional education and major courses were significantly
related to the different test components in the board examination. However, the findings of Garcia
(2013) deviated slightly from those mentioned above in professional education courses where a
weak positive correlation with LET performance was noted. Moreover, the study of Puertos (2015)
revealed that the general weighted average (GWA) and pre-board LERT review performance of
the BSE and BEED graduates have significant correlations to LET performance and the two
variables can significantly predict the outcome of licensure examination for teachers. Likewise,
the study of Pacheco and Allaga (2013) showed that very weak relationship existed between the
LET performance and academic grades of the LET takers.
More so, the study of Rudio (2016) pointed out that there is a significant relationship
between the academic performance of the graduates for BEED and BSED programs in the LET
and the degree of correlation ranges tom low moderate and high except for negligible correlation
obtained in the general education/LET for secondary level. On the other hand, Dagdag, Sarmiento,
& Ibale (2017) in their study found out that college admission test (CAT) had a positive and
moderate significant correlation with the LET performance both in the Professional and General
Education components of the LET.
On the other hand, the study conducted by Rabanal & Manzano (2018) showed that there
is an inverse significant relationship of general weighted average (GWA) and practicum
performance and LET performance. This implies that a high general weighted average and
practicum performance are not guarantees to a good performance in the licensure examination.
This is also supported by the findings of Garcia (2011) that there is a weak positive correlation
between academic performance and LET performance; hence, the academic performance cannot
br considered as a good predictor of LET performance.


This study aimed to determine the performance of LDCU graduates in the Licensure
Examination for Teachers for Academic Year 2018. Specifically, the study aimed to answer the
following questions:

1. What is the overall performance of the first takers in the Licensure Examination for

2. What is the overall performance of the first takers along the following areas: general
education courses; professional education courses; and major subjects?

3. What is the grade weighted average and performance in Mechanics on LET subject of
the first takers?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the performance of the first takers in the
Licensure examination and their grade weighted average and performance in Mechanics on LET?

This study made used of the descriptive-correlational method of research with documentary
analysis. The LET ratings were secured from the office of the dean hence, the office has copies of
the results of the LET from the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC). The GWA and grade
in Mechanics on LET were secured from the school automate. The documents were analyzed using
descriptive statistics such as frequency counts to ascertain number of takers who passed and failed
in the examination. Mean and standard deviation were used to ascertain the takers performance in
the areas tested in the LET and their GWA and grade in Mechanics on LET subject. Pearson
Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation was used to find out if the GWA and grade in
Mechanics on LET are statistically related to the graduates’ performance in the licensure
examination for teachers.

Problem 1. What is the overall performance of the first takers in the Licensure Examination for

Table 1. Performance of BEED First Takers in the Licensure Examination

Passed Failed Total Institutional National
Takers Performance Performance
March 2018 5 2 7 71.42 29.91
September 13 22 35 37.14 48.03

Table 1 shows the performance of the BEED first takers in the licensure examination. It
can be inferred from the table that the BEED first takers on March 2018 performed better as
compared to the national performance as shown by their performance ratings of 71.42 and 29.91
in the order given. In addition, the first takers during the September 2018 had a low performance
vis-a-viz the national performance as depicted by their ratings of 37.14 and 48.03 respectively.
The data further suggest that the BEED takers performed better during the March 2018 compared
with the September LET takers as evident on the institutional performance of 71.42 and 37.14
Table 2. Performance of BSED First Takers in the Licensure Examination

Passed Failed Total Institutional National

Takers Performance Performance
March 2018 2 4 6 33.33 29.91
September 23 17 40 57.5 48.03

Table 2 presents the BSED first takers in the licensure examination. It can be noticed from
the table that 6 and 40 took the examination on March and September 2018 examination
respectively. For March 2018 out of 6 examinees, 2 were able to pass the examination and 4 did
not make it. In like manner, among the 40 takers in the September 2018 examination 23 made it
and 17 failed. Furthermore, the data in the table also reveals the institutional and national
performance. It can be deduced from the table that the performance of the College of Teacher
Education of Liceo de Cagayan University is above 100 percent passing rate compared to the
national passing performance. Liceo’s performance is 33.33% and 57.5% against the national
performance of 29.91% and 48.03% for March and September 2018 examination respectively.
However, though the passing rate of the institution is above the national performance the college
can reflect from the results on how to uplift the graduates’ performance in the LET by revisiting
the curriculum, processes, and practices of the academic community.

Problem 2. What is the performance of the first takers along the following areas: general education
courses; professional education courses; and major subjects?
Table 3. Performance of First Takers in the LET Components

General Education Professional Education Major Subjects

Courses Courses
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
BEED 67.14 11.67 71.74 10.5 - -
BSED 78.82 6.75 75.89 8.17 71.37 8.91

The data in table 3 reveals the overall performance of the BSED and BEED first takers in
the licensure examination. It can be gleaned from the table that the BSED takers performed better
in the general education courses and professional courses as depicted in their mean ratings. The
BEED had an overall mean rating of 67.14 with a standard deviation of 11.67 in general education
and an overall mean rating of 71.74 with a standard deviation of 10.5. The data imply that the
BEED overall performance in the first subject in the LET is not good hence the PRC set the passing
rate at 75.

As to the performance of BSED takers they both performed better in the general education
component with an overall mean rating of 78.82 and 75.89 in the professional education
component. The finding implies that the BSED first takers had a passing mark based on the PRC
standard of 75. The data contradict to the findings of Bellen, J., Abela, R., and Truya, R. (2017);
Antiojo, L. (2017); Manzano, M. (2018) that the BEED takers performed better in general
education test component of the LET. Perhaps this can be attributed to the fact that on only two
results of the LET covered in this investigation.

Furthermore, the BSED takers performed better in general education component followed
by the professional education component and performed least in the major subject component as
depicted by their mean ratings of 78.82, 75.89, and 71.37 respectively. The finding conforms to
the study conducted by Guanzon and Marpa (2013) in Philippine Normal University which
revealed that professional and major subjects were the areas in the licensure examination where
graduates find difficulty. Likewise, the study of Antonio, J., Malvar, R., and Ferrer, M. (2016)
collaborates with this finding that the Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English students
have their highest performance in the General Education subjects of LET with a satisfactory rating
of 78.98%. They also have a satisfactory performance in the Professional Education subjects with
a mean grade of 77.6%. They got their lowest performance in the Field of Specialization. This is
supported by the finding of Dagdag, Sarmiento, & Ibale (2017), and Antiojo (2017) that the LET
takers obtained the lowest rating in their major. This result suggests the need to do more
interventions to increase their LET scores most especially in their field of specialization.

Problem 3. What is the grade weighted average and performance in Mechanics on LET subject of
the first takers?
Table 4. Grade Weighted Average and Performance in Mechanics on LET subject

Grade Weighted Average Performance in Mechanics on

Mean Description Standard Mean Description Standard
Deviation Deviation
BEED 1.78 0.26 1.74 0.43
BSED 1.62 0.27 1.64 0.42

Table 4 presents the grade point average and the performance of the graduates in the subject
Mechanics on LET. Based on the grading system of the university both the BEED and BSED
graduates had a very satisfactory performance in their academics as evident on their GWA, BEED
1.78 and BSED 1.62. In like manner, they also had the same performance in the subject Mechanics
on LET as revealed by their mean ratings of 1.74 for BEED and 1.64 for BSED. The data entail
that the BEED performed better than the BSED graduates based on their mean ratings. Problem 4.
Is there a significant relationship between the performance of the first takers in the Licensure
examination and their grade weighted average and performance in Mechanics on LET?

Table 5. Correlation Analysis between BEED LET Performance and Grade Weighted Average
and Performance in Mechanics on LET

Independent Correlation Probability Level Descriptive Rating

Variables Coefficient (r)
Grade Weighted -0.650** 0.000 High Negative
Average Correlation
Performance in -0.053** 0.002 Negligible Negative
Mechanics on LET Correlation
**Correlation is significant at 0.01 level (2-tailed)

It can be noted in Table 5 that there is a negative significant relationship of general

weighted average (-0.650) and performance in Mechanics on LET subject (-0.053). This suggests
that the graduates who obtained a lower performance in their academics and in their Mechanics on
LET subject tend to perform better in the LET. Further, this implies that a high GWA and grade
in Mechanics on LET are not guarantees to pass in the licensure examination. The finding
corroborates to the finding of Rabanal & Manzano (2018) that there is an inverse significant
relationship of general weighted average and practicum performance with LET performance.
On the other hand, the study of Rabanal (2016), Bellen, J., Abela, R., and Truya, R. (2017);
Antiojo, L. (2017) contradict the finding that LET performance is significantly related to the
academic achievement of the respondents. Those who obtained a higher academic performance
tend to perform better in the licensure examination. The result can be attributed to the scope of the
study that only two sets of examination are covered March and September 2018 examinations.
However, the null hypothesis that GWA and performance in Mechanics on LET subject are not
statistically related to LET performance is rejected because the probability levels of the two
variables is p (0.000 and 0.002) <0.05. Therefore, GWA and grade in Mechanics on LET are
negatively related to LET performance.

Table 6. Correlation Analysis between BSED LET Performance and Grade Weighted
Average and Performance in Mechanics on LET

Independent Correlation Probability Level Descriptive Rating

Variables Coefficient (r)
Grade Weighted -0.635** .000 High Negative
Average Correlation
Performance in -0.597** .000 Moderate Negative
Mechanics on LET Correlation
**Correlation is significant at 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Table 6 presents that correlation analysis between BSED LET performance and grade
weighted average and performance in Mechanics on LET. It can be discerned from the table that
there is a high negative correlation between grade weighted average and performance in the
licensure examination as evident on R-value of -0.635 and P-value of .000. This means that GWA
of the graduates is not a guarantee to pass the LET. This holds the same to performance in
Mechanics on LET as revealed by the P-value of -0.597. However, the hypothesis that there is no
significant relationship between performance in the LET and GWA and grade in Mechanics on
LET is rejected hence the P-value of .000 is less than the probability level 0.05.
The results find support to the previous finding of this study that GWA and grade in
Mechanics on LET is inversely related to the performance of the BEED takers. On the other hand,
the result of the study conducted by Pachejo & Allaga (2013) negates this finding that the better
performance of the graduates in the college academic subjects, the better is the performance in the
overall rating of LET.


Based on the significant findings the following conclusions were drawn: the overall
performance ratings of the BEED and BSED first time takers surpassed the national performance.
The overall mean rating of the BSED graduates both in professional courses and general education
components of the LET examination had a passing rate, however a failing rate was obtained in the
specialization area. The overall mean rating of the BEED graduates was below the passing rate
stipulated by the PRC. In addition, the GWA and grade in Mechanics on LET are inversely related
to their performance in the licensure examination. Therefore, the high academic performance and
grade in Mechanics on LET of the graduates are not guarantees to pass the licensure examination.


The academic community may consider intensifying their admission and retention policies
as to admit and retain only the most qualified students. Likewise, an enhancement and intensive
review program may be undertaken specifically in the general education and major subject areas
to prepare the graduates for the licensure examination. The CTE may continually review the
curriculum to include varied professional activities as well as specialization courses for the
students to have a better preparation in taking the LET and a higher chance for them to be
employed. Moreover, the college may continue her in-house review program and increased the
number of sessions in general education and specialization components of the LET. Finally, a
follow up using other variables, a wider scope, and predictors of the performance in the Licensure
Examination may be undertaken to validate the findings of this study.

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