Guided Waves: Standardization and Certification: A. Demma, D. Alleyne
Guided Waves: Standardization and Certification: A. Demma, D. Alleyne
Guided Waves: Standardization and Certification: A. Demma, D. Alleyne
A. Demma, D. Alleyne
The Guided Wave Testing (GWT) Method is a new NDT Method, which is
typically used for rapi d screening of lo ng lengths of pi pe-work. One of the
main attractions to this method is its ability to screen relatively long length of
pipe from a r emote location (avoiding the need to directly access the ar ea to
be inspected). GWT is now widely recognized and is the preferred NDT
method when other a pproaches are not very effecti ve. This article
summarizes the effort that has recen tly been made to qual ify the method,
standardize the inspection approach an d certify the personnel that carry out
the inspection. This work aimed to provi de confidence to the i ndustry that
appropriate GWT tools can be used by qualified operators to pr operly assess
their assets.
1. Introduction
6th International Conference on Certification and Standardization NDT
Valencia 2011, June 13th – 14th
By the 1990s the patents [1, 2] that ar e the basis of the exi sting technology
were filed. By the end of the 19 90s the fi rst generation of Gui ded Wave
equipment for the routi ne inspection of pl ant piping entered the market an d
was sold to NDT service providers. Currently the third generation of Guided
Wave technology (e.g. Wavemaker G3) is available and its capabilities have
greatly improved compared to the fi rst generation equipment. At the same
time the knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of Guided Waves has
increased and the boundaries have been pushed with more applications being
developed every year. Concurrently training schemes have be en developed
by the equipment manufacturers (e.g. GUL training scheme, [3]) to create a
quality system that coul d ensure a mi nimum standard to al l users. Indeed
training of operator is critically important in the Guided Wave field due to the
novelty of the i nterpretation approach compared to other existing NDT
methods and the l evel required that i s above the industry average. Where
this is a potential weakness of Guided Waves, the method offers great
potential to the i ndustry when appro priately applied (using best available
technology, appropriate training and skilled personnel).
Guided Waves: Standardization and Certification
system in AT, send-rec eive system in GWT) and the type of i nformation
gathered (number of events or energy in AT and echoes i n GWT) makes the
two methods radically different in their practical use.
UNI/TS 11317
This Japanese standard was published in 2010 and addres ses the genera l
principles of Guided Wave inspection as the ti tle suggests “General principles
of Guided Wave inspection for piping by pulse echo technique”. This standard
is available in Japanese only.
There are s everal working groups i n the proces s of defi ning new standard s
and/or recommended practices on Guided Waves.
6th International Conference on Certification and Standardization NDT
Valencia 2011, June 13th – 14th
One of the potential threats of such a prol ific activity in the creation of
standards is the possi bility that they are not harmoni zed. The authors and
other individuals involved in many of the com mittees listed above are
attempting to keep a co mmon basis amongst the standards developed to
avoid compatibility issues that coul d generate performance i ssues and/or
increased costs.
5. Personnel certification
Guided Ultrasonics Ltd (GUL) have desi gned a training scheme for GW
operators which has been i n use si nce 2000, and has been conti nually
updated to k eep up with new appl ications and d evelopments. GUL has al so
created a certification system that enables operator qualification and
experience to be moni tored. Each o perator has a personal ID key whi ch
stores the information about the number of days experi ence, number of tests
performed and revalidation date together with other useful information to
monitor operator qual ity. Each testi ng day the operator must logon to th e
Wavemaker G3 instrument and th e information on the key will be updated
with the tests performed by the o perator. This method f or monitoring
operator experience and quality is unique and very effective.
Guided Waves: Standardization and Certification
body) that included in its quality system a Guided Wave syllabus and issued
the first EN473 compliant certificates for the Gui ded Wave method i n 2008.
More recently PCN has organi zed a worki ng group on G uided Wave
certification where a major point is that under the same scheme 3 different
certifications are allowed that are for the 3 different GW technologies
commercially in use. The PCN scheme is due to s tart by end of 2011. ASNT
Guided Wave committee is also discussing the topic of certi fication and some
updates may be issued before the end of 2011.
6th International Conference on Certification and Standardization NDT
Valencia 2011, June 13th – 14th
The European standard EN14748/2004 sets out basic principles and provides
recommendations and general guidelines for carrying out qualification of non-
destructive tests. Considering the current absence of an EN or ISO standard
on GWT, qualification under the EN14748 can be a very useful tool to confirm
the capability of the me thod, using a speci fic equipment, procedure and
training scheme. Recently TUV agreed to verify the qualification process of
the Guided Ultrasonics GWT procedure (specifically including use of
Wavemaker G3 instrumentation package and an inspector cert ified under the
GUL Training and Cer tification Scheme). The succ essful completion of the
qualification programme was confirmed with the issue of a TÜV-Süd
certificate (see Figure 1).
7. Conclusions
8. References
[1] Cawley, P., Alleyne, D.N. and Chan, C.W. (1994) 'Inspecti on of pi pes',
WO 96/12951,20-10-1994.
[4] Demma A. et al ., “Guided Wave trai ning and certifi cation”, Certification
2007, Berlin