CHAPTER I - English For Food Techcnology
CHAPTER I - English For Food Techcnology
CHAPTER I - English For Food Techcnology
1. Background
English is an international language that used by many people as a means of communication. By
using English, we can communicate with many people from various country. Indonesian people are also
very aware of the importance of expertise in mastering English, both in oral, speaking, or writing.
Therefore, the Indonesian government has made English the first foreign language that must be studied in
almost all levels of education. As in Alwasilah (2001) statement “English should be part of the curriculum
because this language supports the development of the Indonesian generation.”
Teaching English at the level of elementary school education, junior high school, and senior high
school they are focused on teaching English in general, using a general English (GE) approach. As for the
level of vocational high school, university or courses they are focused on teaching English that they need
and in accordance with their field, this teaching is carried out of the English for Specific Purpose (ESP)
English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is an appropriate approach to teaching students studying in
vocational high schools and universities, this is because ESP uses a syllabus that suits the student's field
and student’s need. As Richard and Rodger (2001, p, 107) say “ESP as a movement that seeks to serves
the language of learners who need English in order to carry out specific role (e.g. student, engineer, nurse,
doctor) and who need to acquire content and real-word skill trough the medium of it rather than master
the language for its own shake”
it is the same case with students majoring in food technology at Ma'soem university. The English
taught to food technology students must be in accordance with their fields and according to their needs
after graduating. The syllabus that is in accordance with the field of study taught by a teacher will be one
of the factors for student success. Therefore, the authors are interested in analysing this topic, whether the
desire to know the suitability of teaching in this department is an idea behind this paper.
This writing was conducted in the food technology department at the Faculty of Agriculture. This
is done based on the writer's interest in analysing the syllabus of this faculty, and is supported by the
presence of resource persons. And in the modern era, the world of food is also developing, in this case,
the department of food technology has a role in it, which means that students of food technology majors
need the ability to master English so that they can help in their fields and needs.
2. Statement of Research Problems
To be considered as a systematic research work, the researcher proposed three research questions
which were believed that they had relevance to the research background, they were:
1. What is Sociology students’ needs in learning English?
a. What is student’s necessities?
b. What is student’s lacks?
c. What is student’s wants?
2. How are the compatibility among student need, sylabus, and the process of learning?
3. What is the kind of an approprite syllabus to be implemented for students of Sociology?
The researcher expects that this research could contribute to the development of English
language learning in Indonesia, especiallly in learning EEnglish for Sspecific Ppurposes. Besides,
the result of this research:
1. Theoretically, is expected that understanding needs analysis of the student will help lecturer
or institution to design a syllabus which meets with subject field of learning.
2. Practically, is expected that using course design based on learner’s need, will help lecturer to
teach English which is suitable with the term of the learning.