Ash Wednesday: Thanksgiving Sunday
Ash Wednesday: Thanksgiving Sunday
Ash Wednesday: Thanksgiving Sunday
Ash Wednesday
Thanksgiving Sunday
We welcome our guests this day and always.
We encourage you to fill out the red and white
first impression card found on the back of the
pew in front of you.
The central ritual of Ash Wednesday is the cross of ash, placed on our
foreheads or hands. The ashes are a sign of repentance from sin, a
reminder of mortality, and a reassurance that, amid our frailty and
failings, we can trust God's mercy and guidance.
May you be filled with God’s presence and hope as you begin your
journey this night.
WELCOME Jennie Ott
One: In this quiet place of prayer and humility,
we begin our Lenten journey.
We bring the lament of what is not yet
and the hope for what will be.
Many: Together we walk toward Easter,
marked by the ashes of truth,
as we pray for strength along our way.
One: Come and meet us, O God.
Many: Come and journey with us.
-adapted from Seasons of the Spirit
On your card, write down those things that you wish to let go of this
Lenten season. Name the circumstances, situations, or sins for which you
seek forgiveness or wish to leave behind. Once the chant begins and you
are so moved, please bring your card forward and place it in the bowl on
the table.
Each intercession will end:
One: …God in your mercy,
All: hear our prayer.
Core Values
pt people wherever they are on life’s journey. We believe that the way we treat others is an expression of our beliefs. Com
Progressive – We are a community of progressive Christians where spirituality is
expressed in a variety of forms. We have a thirst for knowledge where we value the
questions as much as the answers. We value the movement of God’s Spirit in our
community and listen with anticipation to the still speaking God.
r diversity within our community, respectful that there is more than one path to God. We value being an Open and Affirmin
Justice For The Environment – The whole Earth is our broader community. We are
continually learning how to be responsible members of this community. We are
committed to fostering our spiritual connection to the Earth.
y, making a difference in people’s lives by engaging in missions of compassion and justice, while we honor diversity and act
Mission Statement
love, to provide
within and beyond our church community, and to be responsive to the needs of our ever-changing world.
Open & Affirming Statement
y and without
We denounce acts of discrimination and violence against any person.
and committed
gender, gender
cio-economic status, or physical or mental abilities. Each person is invited and encouraged to participate in all aspects of o