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GENR-91; Short Answer: Name the first woman to travel in space.


GENR-91; Multiple Choice: What famous scientist and inventor participated in the invention of the Aqua-
Lung? w) Thomas Edison x) Isaac Newton y) Leonardo da Vinci z) Jacques Cousteau ANSWER: Z --
JACQUES COUSTEAU GENR-91; Multiple Choice: Superconductivity is a material property associated
with: w) cooling a substance without a phase change x) frictionless liquid flow y) a loss of thermal
resistance z) a loss of electrical resistance ANSWER: Z -- A LOSS OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE GENR-91;
Multiple Choice: A type of plastic that is biodegradable has been in the news lately. The ingredient that
makes it biodegradable is: w) vegetable oil x) petroleum y) cornstarch z) leather ANSWER: Y --
CORNSTARCH GENR-91; Multiple Choice: Who was the marine biologist and author of Silent Spring who
was one of the first people to warn of the dangers of pesticides like DDT? w) Jacques Cousteau x) Rachel
Carson y) Charles Darwin z) Marlin Perkins ANSWER: X -- RACHEL CARSON

GENR-91; Multiple Choice: If a metal can be drawn into wires relatively easily it is called: w) malleable x)
ductile y) extractive z) tactile ANSWER: X -- DUCTILE GENR-91; Short Answer: What is the name given to
the invasion of warm surface waters off the Peruvian coast that has been identified with strange
climactic effects in recent years? ANSWER: EL NI¥O GENR-91; Short Answer: Occasionally, a bad cold will
cause a decrease in a persons hearing ability. What is the name of the tube that becomes blocked to
cause this problem? ANSWER: EUSTACHIAN TUBE (pron: yu-sta-shen) GENR-91; Short Answer: Name the
general type of mammal that gives birth to undeveloped young that are kept in pouches. ANSWER:
MARSUPIAL GENR-91; Short Answer: In a musical instrument

country was a method for making rust-resistant iron discovered in the fifth century B.C.? w) Sumeria x)
Egypt y) India z) Babylon ANSWER: Y -- INDIA

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