CSC Resolutions Manual - 34edition-Oct2013
CSC Resolutions Manual - 34edition-Oct2013
CSC Resolutions Manual - 34edition-Oct2013
Resolutions Manual
Effective 1 October 2013—30 September 2014
34th Edition
Cargo Services Conference
Resolutions Manual
Effective 1 October 2013—30 September 2014
Preface.................................................................................................................................................................. v
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... vi
001* Permanent Effectiveness Resolution.................................................................................................... 1
002 Applicability of Resolutions and Recommended Practices ..................................................................4
003 Standard Rescission Resolution........................................................................................................... 4
004* Restriction of Applicability of Resolutions.............................................................................................5
004a* Restriction of Applicability of Resolutions............................................................................................. 5
006* Government Approvals ......................................................................................................................... 6
007* Resolution Prefixes............................................................................................................................... 6
008* Adjustment of Effectiveness Dates....................................................................................................... 7
008a* Extension of Expiry Date ...................................................................................................................... 7
012 Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................................ 8
029 Disclosing Members Position taken at Meetings ................................................................................10
200g* Filing of Government Requirements and Authorisations ....................................................................11
502 Low Density Cargo ............................................................................................................................. 14
598 Baggage Shipped as Cargo ............................................................................................................... 14
600* The Consignment ............................................................................................................................... 17
600a* Air Waybill........................................................................................................................................... 18
600b* Air Waybill—Conditions of Contract ................................................................................................... 45
600d Part Consignment Procedure ............................................................................................................. 47
600e Rerouted Consignments ..................................................................................................................... 48
600f Form and use of the Shipment Record .............................................................................................. 49
600g Form and use of the Receipt for the Cargo (also known as the Cargo Receipt) ...............................50
600h Consent of the Shipper to the Substitution of the Air Waybill by Electronic Means ...........................56
600i Carriage Concluded and Evidenced by Electronic Means—Conditions of Contract..........................56
601 Delegation of Authority to Adopt Amendments to Cargo Services Conference Resolutions and
Recommended Practices.................................................................................................................... 59
602 Cargo Business Processes Panel ...................................................................................................... 61
603 Notice of Non-Delivery (Irregularity Report) (IRP) ..............................................................................62
605 Destination Charges on Consignments Covered by U.S. Government Bill of Lading (GBL) .............64
606* Bar Coded Label................................................................................................................................. 64
606a* Non-Bar Coded Label......................................................................................................................... 73
607* Standards for Labels and Tags for Special Shipments ......................................................................76
608* Cargo Procedures Conferences Management Group ........................................................................77
610 Interline Tracer.................................................................................................................................... 79
611 City and Airport Name Abbreviations ................................................................................................. 79
612* Shipper's Request for Changes to Air Waybill and Shipment Record Amounts ................................80
612a Cargo Charges Correction Advice...................................................................................................... 81
613 Responsibility for Collection of Charges on Charges Collect Consignments.....................................82
614* Procedures for Disbursements ........................................................................................................... 82
618* IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations ................................................................................................. 83
619 IATA Dangerous Goods Board........................................................................................................... 83
620* IATA Live Animals Regulations .......................................................................................................... 85
621 IATA Live Animals and Perishables Board.........................................................................................86
622 IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations................................................................................................... 90
623 Cooperation with the World Organisation for Animal Health and the International Air Transport
Association ......................................................................................................................................... 90
624 IATA Temperature Control Regulations ............................................................................................. 91
656 Automated Data Interchange with Customs .......................................................................................92
657 Automated Data Interchange with Postal Authorities .........................................................................93
660 Form of Interline Traffic Agreement—Cargo ......................................................................................95
Cargo Services Conference Resolutions Manual
Number Page
662 Embargoes on Air Cargo Shipments ................................................................................................ 114
663* Interline Billing .................................................................................................................................. 114
664 Cargo Interline Service Charge—Except United States ...................................................................115
665 Cargo Interline Service Charge for Non-IATA Carriers ....................................................................115
666 Cargo Interline Service Charge—United States ...............................................................................116
670* Cargo Electronic Data Interchange Message Standards .................................................................117
671 Changes to Cargo Interchange Message Procedures (Cargo-IMP) ................................................118
672 Form of Multilateral E-Air Waybill Agreement ..................................................................................123
680 General Rules for the use of Unit Load Devices ..............................................................................147
681 ULD Panel ........................................................................................................................................ 148
682 Transfer of Consignments in Member Owned Unit Load Devices ...................................................149
683 Registration of Unit Load Devices Contour Code Portion of the ULD type Code ............................150
685 Marking of Unit Load Devices........................................................................................................... 150
686 IATA Identification Code for Unit Load Devices ...............................................................................151
695 Airmail Panel..................................................................................................................................... 155
696 Airmail Procedures ........................................................................................................................... 156
788 Interline Recognition of free and Reduced Fare or Rate Transportation .........................................156
1600 Use of Standard ‘A’ Paper Sizes for Documentation........................................................................159
1600d Air Waybill Service Codes ................................................................................................................ 160
1600g Courier Baggage Voucher ................................................................................................................ 160
1600q Cargo Tracing Procedure ................................................................................................................. 167
1600r Air Waybill—Validation of Data Format ............................................................................................ 170
1600s Substitute Air Waybill........................................................................................................................ 176
1600t Use of Bar Codes and Bar Code Equipment in Cargo Applications ................................................180
1600u Cargo Pouch Label........................................................................................................................... 180
1601 Conditions of Carriage for Cargo...................................................................................................... 186
1605 Transfer Manifest.............................................................................................................................. 194
1606 House Manifest................................................................................................................................. 199
1608 Glossary of Commonly used Air Cargo Terms.................................................................................202
1610 Definition of Consolidated Consignment ..........................................................................................205
1612a Cargo Charges Correction Advice (CCA) Procedures .....................................................................205
1625 Payment of Baggage Shipped as Cargo by Means of a Miscellaneous Charges Order .................210
1630 Cargo Security .................................................................................................................................. 211
1640 Use of Radio Frequency Technology for the Automatic Identification of Unit Load Devices ...........221
1650 Shipper's Letter of Instruction ........................................................................................................... 226
1654 Unit Load Device Control Receipt .................................................................................................... 228
1665 IATA Interline Cargo Claims Procedures Agreement—Principles and Practices for the
Investigation and Disposition of Air Cargo Claims ...........................................................................232
1670 Carriage of Cargo using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) ............................................................235
1672 Cargo-Fact Message Standards ...................................................................................................... 251
1673 Changes to Cargo-Fact Messages................................................................................................... 251
1674 Protection of Privacy and Transborder Data Flows of Personal Data used in International Air
Transport of Passengers and Cargo ................................................................................................ 256
1675 Cargo-XML Message Standards ...................................................................................................... 257
1676 Changes to Cargo-XML Messages .................................................................................................. 258
1677 Framework for a Postal Service Agreement.....................................................................................260
1681 ULD Regulations............................................................................................................................... 279
1682 Industry Rates and Charges Data Exchange Standards..................................................................279
The grey shaded background identifies new and amended Resolutions and Recommended Practices that
have not yet been declared effective at time of printing this manual. As soon as the necessary government
approvals are obtained, the IATA Secretariat will declare them effective.
The Effectiveness Status of Resolutions and the List of Conferences and Meetings are included, and follow
the section which contains the Resolutions and Recommended Practices.
Any comments concerning this manual should be addressed to the Secretary, Cargo Services Conference at
[email protected].
3. CONTENTS OF THIS MANUAL 4.2 The first Cargo Services Conference meeting in
San Diego, December 1979, took over the Resolutions
3.1 Traffic Conference Map (inside front assigned to it by the Executive Committee and
cover) accordingly designated each as a “CSC” Resolution. The
reader wishing to trace the history and evolution of a
This map shows the approximate boundaries of Areas 1, given CSC Resolution is reminded that prior to the San
2 and 3. Diego Conference, the Resolution, if in existence, bore a
number and a designator which associated it with a
3.2 Preface specific Conference meeting, Cargo Traffic Procedures
Committee meeting or Mail Vote. The effectiveness status
The preface to each edition of the manual, provides a and historical background of each Resolution and Rec-
general description as to its contents. ommended Practice assigned to the Cargo Services
Conference can be found in the Effectivess Status of
3.3 Introduction Resolutions and Recommended Practices at the end of
this Manual.
Included in the introduction is a statement as to the
authority and purpose of the manual and an explanation 4.3 If you are searching for any provisions on a particu-
on how to use the manual. lar subject, but do not know if there are any, you may
3.4 Resolutions and Recommended Practices
4.3.1 the Alphabetical Index; and/or
This is the currently effective text of Resolutions and
Recommended Practices. Where applicable, the pertinent 4.3.2 the Numerical Index, bearing in mind the broad
text of Government Reservations is shown below the categories listed in the system of numbering Resolutions.
applicable Resolution. If there has been any change since
Once you have found the Resolution/Recommended
the submission of the Manual to the printer, a stop press
Practice you are looking for, examine the information
will be issued. In addition, Members should bear in mind
shown underneath the title.
pending developments which may later affect the current
text before another supplement is issued. These may 4.4 The Cargo Services Conference has decided to
include pending Mail Votes, Conference Meeting action designate each of its Resolutions by the initials “CSC”
and Government action. followed by the number of the Conference meeting in
parenthesis, followed in turn by the Resolution number,
3.5 Effectiveness Status of Resolutions and e.g. CSC(01)600. Should a CSC Resolution be adopted
Recommended Practices by Mail Vote, then the serial number of the Mail Vote
appears instead of the number of the Conference meet-
This index shows the Resolutions and Recommended ing, e.g. CSC(Mail S007)600. The prefix “S” to the Serial
Practices in numerical order together with a listing of number identifies a Services Mail Vote. Some general
Conferences/Meetings/Mail Votes at which each was composite Resolutions are applicable to both the Passen-
adopted and/or amended. ger and Cargo Services Conference and are therefore
prefixed by PSC-CSC.
3.6 Numerical Index of Resolutions
4.5 It should be borne in mind that the fact that a
This index provides a sequential listing of the Resolutions Resolution is listed as originally being adopted at a
and their applicable title. particular time and place does not necessarily mean that
this is the very first IATA provision on the subject. This
may well be the case. However, sometimes a Resolution
is shown as “New” because it had expired for a period of 5.3 Attachments to the Resolution
time and was later revived. Sometimes a great number of
amendments or rearrangements make it more convenient The Attachments are an official part of the Resolution.
to list a Resolution as “New”. They generally consist of two types, namely:
4.6 The “Expiry” tells you how long the Resolution will 5.3.1 illustrations of prescribed forms such as air way-
remain in effect: bills, applications, etc.;
4.6.1 if this states “Indefinite”, it indicates that the 5.3.2 illustrations of posters, labels, tags or equipment.
Resolution will not automatically expire, but that other
action must take place to terminate it. If it states a date, Some attachments are manuals in their own right. These
then the Resolution expires on that date (CSC Resol- are published separately and indicated as such.
utions and Recommended Practices usually do not have
expiry dates, but may where so agreed);
Symbol Meaning
Addition of a new item
Change to an item
Cancellation of an item
1. The filing period and effectiveness and expiry dates 5.4 until 30 days after the Secretary of the Traffic
of Resolutions adopted by the Procedures Conferences in Conference concerned receives notices from any Confer-
accordance with the Provisions for the Conduct of the ence Member given in accordance with Paragraph 9
IATA Traffic Conferences shall be those specified on herein, stating its intention that a Resolution shall cease
each such Resolution. to be effective; or
8.6 Type “B” disapproval by any Government authority ANNOUNCEMENT, ADVERTISING AND
of a portion shall be considered as rendering only that SALES
portion of the Resolution void;
11. Upon the coming into effect hereof, every unexpired
8.7 Type “B” but including one or more paragraphs Resolution shall be governed by the terms of this Resol-
marked Type “A”, disapproval of all or any portion of such ution and the effectiveness Resolutions originally adopted
Type “A” paragraphs shall be considered as rendering the shall forthwith expire; provided that the expiry date and
entire Resolution void. type specified in the original effectiveness shall be
9. Where a Government other than by a Government retained in respect of such unexpired Resolutions.
requirement or authorisation as described in Resol-
ution 200g or by a government requirement that Members GOVERNMENT RESERVATIONS
file notices or submit copies of filings either at the time of
approval of any Resolution(s), or subsequently, imposes EGYPT
a condition or change or requirement or authorisation
Should any IATA resolutions be made more liberal by means of
affecting the provisions, conditions, effectiveness or appli- any reservations, conditions or orders imposed or issued by any
cability of any Resolution(s), as agreed by the Confer- Government in favour of an airline, then such reservations,
ence(s) the following shall apply: conditions and orders shall also apply on Egyptair.
Any Government directives, procedures or conditions (passenger
and cargo) applicable to transportation from/to/via Italy, authoris-
ing a deviation from IATA Resolutions or replacing them in case
of lack of an IATA agreement, shall be submitted for study to the
Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation—Director General of Civil
Aviation, and will only come into effect after this Ministry has
given its approval.
Should any International Air Transport Association Resolution be
made more liberal by means of any reservation, condition or
order imposed or issued by any Government, in favour of an
airline, then such reservation, condition or order shall also apply
in favour of Air Malawi Limited, unless otherwise directed by the
Government of the Republic of Malawi. Furthermore, all such
requirements affecting the air services to/from the Republic of
Malawi (except those concerning a special individual journey or
shipment) shall be submitted by Members to Air Malawi Limited
for filing with the Government of the Republic of Malawi for prior
specific approval, and will be applicable only if approved and in
accordance with any terms contained in such approval. (9.4.91)
Should any International Air Transport Association Resolution be
made more liberal by means of any reservations, conditions or
orders imposed or issued by any Government in favour of an
airline, then such reservations, conditions and orders shall also
apply in favour of Pakistan International Airlines.
the objective of the Resolutions and Recommended Resolution Air Waybill - Conditions of Contract
Practices adopted by the Cargo Services Conference is to 600b(II)
establish the technical standards and procedures necess-
ary to facilitate the proper handling and facilitation of Recommended Publication of the Air Waybill and
multilateral cargo interlining. A Member is free to apply its Practice 1600b Conditions of Contract in the French
own standards, procedures and protocols for its online Language
transportation (or as bilaterally agreed for joint transpor- Recommended Publication of the Air Waybill and
tation with another carrier). Practice 1600b(II) Conditions of Contract in the French
Recommended International Express Waybill
Practice 1600f
are rescinded.
1. Resolutions otherwise applicable to air transportation/ 1. Resolutions of this Traffic Conference shall not apply
traffic within the following areas shall not apply to services to air transportation exclusively between points in the
and traffic wholly within such areas: United States on the one hand and points in Canada on
the other; provided that for the purposes of this Resol-
ution the United States shall be construed to include the
1.1 INDIA—NEPAL 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Between points in India on the one hand and points in
Nepal on the other.
Between points in Pakistan on the one hand and points in
Nepal on the other.
Within the area comprised of Scandinavia (Denmark,
Norway and Sweden).
1. It shall be the responsibility of each Member to 1. When in the body of a Resolution another Resolution
ascertain by title and number which Resolutions must be is referred to by its code number only (the number to the
acted upon by its Government authorities and to ensure right of the parenthesis), the Resolution referred to shall
that the Secretary of the Traffic Conference concerned is be the currently effective Resolution (as amended) bear-
promptly notified of any action or intention to act of such ing the same code number and applicable to the same
Government authorities with respect to such Resolutions. Conference as the Resolution which refers to it.
Order 12305 dated 31 March 1958:
1. Approval of any resolution herein shall not be deemed 2. No approval of any resolution herein shall extend beyond
approval of the application to such resolution of any other the period during which Board approval of the “Provisions for the
resolution except to the extent permitted by any approval of such Regulation and Conduct of the Traffic Conferences of the
other resolution. International Air Transport Association” is in effect.
2. No approval of any resolution herein shall extend beyond 3. Approval of any effectiveness resolution is limited to the
the period of effectiveness of approval of the “Provisions for the extent that it provides effective dates for other approved resol-
Regulation and Conduct of the Traffic Conferences of the utions.
International Air Transport Association” by the Board.
4. Approval of any resolution shall be subject to the conditions
3. Approval of any effectiveness resolution is limited to the that air carrier members of IATA file with the Board, five days
extent that it provides effective dates for other approved resol- from the date the notices are received or sent, copies of all
utions. notices rescinding or amending any of the provisions or mod-
ifying the period of effectiveness of any resolution under the
4. Approval of any resolutions shall be subject to the conditions provisions of any resolution or portion thereof which permits such
that air carrier members of IATA file with the Board, five days rescission, amendment or modification.
from the date the notices are sent or received, copies of all
notices rescinding or amending any of the provisions or mod-
ifying the period of effectiveness of any resolution under the
provisions of any resolution or portion thereof which permits such
rescission, amendment or modification.
LAST CARRIER. The participating carrier on whose For application between countries in the ECAA this term
service the last section of carriage under the air waybill is shall include carriers participating under Addendum No. 3
performed. to the Provisions for the Conduct of the IATA Traffic
LIMITED AGREEMENT. An agreement reached by two or
more TC Members; binding on those Members who are THROUGH RATE. The total cargo rate from point of
party to it and upon those Members not present at the departure to point of destination.
Conference who operate Third/Fourth or Fifth Freedom
Services between the countries between which the agree- UNACCOMPANIED BAGGAGE. Passenger baggage
ment is to apply. including only personal wearing apparel and personal
articles (including portable musical instruments, portable
MIXED CONSIGNMENT. A consignment of different com- typewriters and portable sports equipment but excluding
modities, articles or goods, whether packed or tied machinery, machine or spare parts, money, securities,
together or contained in separate packages; provided that jewelry, watches, plate and plated ware, furs, films,
a consignment consisting wholly of different articles or cameras, tickets, documents, liquors, perfumes and
goods qualifying for the same cargo rate and conditions articles of household furnishings, merchandise and sales-
need not be considered to be a mixed consignment. man samples).
NON-IATA CARGO RATE. A cargo rate not established UNIT LOAD DEVICE (ULD). Any type of container,
in accordance with a Tariff Coordinating Conference container with integral pallet, aircraft container or aircraft
Resolution. pallet, whether or not owned by a TC Member.
NON-IATA CARRIER. Any carrier who is not a Member of US TERRITORIES. The overseas Territories of the
IATA. United States of America, including but not limited to:
American Samoa, Baker Is, Guam, Howland Is, Jarvis Is,
NON-TC MEMBER. A Member of IATA who has elected Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Is, Northern Mari-
not to participate in Tariff Coordinating Conferences. ana Is, Saipan, Swains Is, Palmyra Is, Wake Is.
N RATE. The 1kg GCR. USA. The 50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico
and US Virgin Is.
RELATED CHARGES. A local currency amount in an
IATA Resolution which is not a minimum charge, GCR, VALUABLE CARGO. A consignment which contains one
SCR, ULD charge/rate, add-on; e.g. dangerous goods or more of the following articles:
handling fee, charges collect fee, charges for disburse-
ments, charges for preparation of air waybill, charges in (a) any article having a declared value for carriage of
relation to value. USD 1,000 (or equivalent) or more, per gross kilogram;
except in the United Kingdom GBP 450, or more, per
SCANDINAVIA. Denmark, Norway and Sweden. gross kilogram;
SECRETARY. The Secretary of the Tariff Conferences. (b) gold bullion (including refined and unrefined gold in
ingot form), dore bullion, gold specie and gold only in the
SECTIONAL RATE. The cargo rate established and used form of grain, sheet, foil, powder, sponge, wire, rod, tube,
by a scheduled air carrier(s) for a section of a through circles, mouldings and castings, platinum, platinum
rate. metals (palladium, iridium, ruthenium, osmium and
SOUTHERN AFRICA. Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, rhodium) and platinum alloys in the form of grain, sponge,
Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland. bar, ingot, sheet, rod, wire, gauze, tube and strip (but
excluding those radioactive isotopes of the above metals
SPECIAL CONFERENCE. Any Conference other than a and alloys which are subject to dangerous goods labelling
regular Conference in accordance with the Provisions for requirements);
the Conduct of the IATA Traffic Conferences.
(c) legal banknotes, traveller's cheques, securities,
SPECIFIC COMMODITY RATE (SCR). A cargo rate shares, share coupons and stamps (excluding mint
established for a specific commodity(ies) between two stamps from the United Kingdom) and ready for use bank
points and identified by an item number. cards and/or credit cards;
SPECIFIED DESTINATION POINT. The point of desti- (d) diamonds (including diamonds for industrial use),
nation to which the rate is specified. rubies, emeralds, sapphires, opals and real pearls
(including cultured pearls);
from which the rate is specified. (e) jewellery consisting of diamonds, rubies, emeralds,
sapphires, opals and real pearls (including cultured
SPECIFIED RATE. A cargo rate specified in an IATA pearls);
Tariff Conference Resolution.
(f) jewellery and watches made of silver and/or gold
TC MEMBER. A Member of IATA who has elected to and/or platinum;
participate in Tariff Coordinating Conferences.
(g) articles made of gold and/or platinum, other than
gold and/or platinum plated.
PSC(03)200g Expiry: Indefinite 2. Qantas Airways Ltd. is not permitted to provide any free or
CSC(01)200g Type: A, except Area 3 reduced fare or rate transportation under the terms of this
Resolution without the specific approval of the Director General
which is type AA
of Civil Aviation.
2. The reservation pursuant to Paragraph 1 is not applicable to 2. The reservation pursuant to Paragraph 1 is not applicable to
a specified individual journey or shipment. The national carrier, a specified individual journey or shipment. Lufthansa however is
however, is not entitled to accept orders from any foreign not entitled to accept orders from any foreign Government,
Government without the approval of the Danish without the approval of the Federal Ministry of Transport.
authorities. (9.7.73)
1. Some air carriers operating into Kuwait are applying reduced
1. Passenger fares, cargo rates and practices from/to/through fare/rate transportation as per Government directives from their
Ethiopia which are to be introduced by any airline against an Governments without filing such fares and/or rates with the Civil
order received from any other Government, pursuant to Resol- Aviation Directorate of Kuwait.
ution 200g, shall, prior to 35 days of its effectiveness, be
submitted to the Civil Aviation Administration of the People's 2. As this practice is considered a violation of the governing
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for consideration. Notice shall regulations that require obtaining the approval from the Govern-
not be disseminated to the field offices before obtaining approval ment of the country to/from which such fares/rates are applied,
from the above referred Administration. (22.1.74) the following instructions are to be observed:
1. Fares, rates, conditions and practices for transportation
to/from or via Tunisia based on Government Orders or authoris-
ations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 200g shall
be submitted by the interested carrier to the Ministry of Transpor-
tation and Communications Department of Civil Aviation and will
be applicable only if approved by the said authority. If granted
the national carrier Tunis Air reserves the right to apply the same
facility on its services. (4.11.77)
1. In accordance with the provisions of the Air Service Agree-
ment under which Members of the International Air Transport
Association operate scheduled services to and from the United
Kingdom or British territory overseas the specific approval of Her
Majesty's Government (The Civil Aviation Authority) must be
obtained before any fares, rates or practices which affect the
United Kingdom or British territory overseas are introduced under
the procedures referred to in this Resolution.
1. Any free or reduced passenger or cargo tariff in addition to
the condition thereof established in accordance with the pro-
visions of IATA Resolution 200g—Government Orders for Free
and Reduced Transportation shall be subject to approval of the
Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics.
1) except as provided in Paragraph 2), consignments 1) for transportation of baggage shipped as cargo, the
the extreme dimensions of which average more than following rules shall apply:
6,000 cubic cm (366 cubic in) per kg (166 cubic in per lb)
shall be charged for on the basis that each 6,000 cubic a) unaccompanied baggage of a passenger may be
cm (366 cubic in) equal one kg or 166 cubic in equal one accepted as cargo, for conveyance between the same
lb, the resulting equivalents in kg or lb to be rounded up points (airports only) for which the passenger holds a
to the next higher full/half kg or full lb. ticket; or an electronic ticket/receipt (‘e-ticket’); provided
the baggage is delivered not later than the date of the
2) the method of establishing the cubic volume is as passenger's departure
b) the rate to be charged shall be not less than the
a) the cubic volume (cubic dimensions) shall be estab- applicable general cargo rate, except
lished by applying the greatest height, the greatest length
and the greatest width of the consignment or its pack- i) from Malaysia,
ii) from South West Pacific (except from Australia,
b) in using linear measurements to obtain cubic Papua New Guinea and from New Zealand to Niue,
measurements, a half or larger fraction of a cm/in shall be Samoa, Tonga),
rounded up to the next higher whole cm/in, a smaller
fraction shall be rounded down to the next lower whole the rate to be charged shall be not less than 50% of the
cm/in. N rate, subject to the applicable minimum charge as
specified in Resolution 501
3) This Resolution shall not apply to/from Australia.
iii) from Papua New Guinea,
GOVERNMENT RESERVATIONS iv) from Australia, Croatia,
INDIA the rate to be charged shall be not less than 75% of the
N rate, subject to the applicable minimum charge as
For cut flowers and live plants the density ratio of 7000 will specified in Resolution 501
apply in India. (11.2.82)
c) the passenger using this facility must make a
declaration of the contents of the baggage, complete all
documents required for dispatch and customs and be
responsible for all additional charges for collection,
delivery and customs. The baggage shall be cleared
through customs by the passenger personally or by his
b) within Europe
Attachment ‘A’
(Rule) Area Applicable Exception
1)b) TC2 from Belgium, Luxembourg to Angola, Burundi, applicable GCR
(50% of N rate) Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda
from Harare to London 75%
from Egypt, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab 70%
Emirates to Eritrea, Ethiopia
from South Africa, Uganda to Egypt, Saudi 67%
Arabia, United Arab Emirates
TC3 from Hong Kong SAR to Manila 90%
from Papua New Guinea 75%
TC12 from Brazil 100%
from Germany, Scandinavia to Argentina, applicable GCR
Canada, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Mid
Atlantic points
from Belgium, Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, 100%
Netherlands to Argentina, Chile, Paraguay,
from Finland, Italy to Mid Atlantic points 100%
from Romania to Mid Atlantic points 67%
TC23/TC123 from Germany to TC3 (except China excluding applicable GCR
Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, Japan,
Korea (Dem. Rep. of), Korea (Rep. of), South
West Pacific)
from Indonesia to Europe (except Germany, 67%
from Italy to TC3 100%
from Netherlands to Indonesia 67%
from Romania
1. to Australia, New Zealand 90%
2. to TC3 (except China excluding Hong 77%
Kong SAR and Macau SAR, South West
from Scandinavia to TC3 applicable GCR
1. For international transportation of cargo, IATA 1.1 The air waybill is a document which shall be either
Members shall use an air waybill as set forth in Attach- an air waybill referred to as an “airline air waybill”, with
ments ‘A’ and ‘B’ or a shipment record as defined in preprinted issuing carrier identification, or an air waybill
Resolution 600f. referred to as a “neutral air waybill” without preprinted
identification of the issuing carrier in any form and used
2. The air waybill is a document which shall be either an by other than an air carrier.
air waybill referred to as an “airline air waybill”, with
preprinted issuing carrier identification, or an air waybill
referred to as a “neutral air waybill” without preprinted 2. MEASUREMENTS OF THE AIR
identification of the issuing carrier in any form and used WAYBILL
by other than an air carrier.
The outside measurements of the air waybill shall be
3. The issuing carrier is either: between 208 mm (8.2 in) and 230 mm (9 in) in width and
between 274 mm (10.8 in) and 305 mm (12 in) in length.
3.1 in the case of an “airline air waybill”, the carrier The size of the boxes and their distances from the upper
whose form is used; or left hand paper edges shall be maintained exactly as
shown in Appendix ‘A’.
3.2 in the case of a “neutral air waybill”, the carrier
whose name, three-digit IATA airline code number, and
air waybill serial number has been printed onto the 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE AIRLINE AIR
document by the issuing agent or forwarder. WAYBILL SET
4. Neutral air waybills shall not be used except when The airline air waybill set shall be printed as specified
completed by a computer system. below:
5. Proposals to amend the air waybill may be submitted 3.1 the Original 3 (for Shipper) shall have the same
to the Secretary, Cargo Services Conference at any time. layout, wording and shading as specified in Appendix ‘B’;
Such proposals shall be circulated to all members of the
Cargo Business Processes Panel for consideration and 3.2 the Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt) shall have the same
agreement. layout, wording and shading as specified in Appendix ‘C’;
6. If agreed, such proposals shall be circulated to all 3.3 the Original 1 (for Issuing Carrier) and Original 2 (for
Members by Notice of Amendment in accordance with the Consignee) shall have the same layout, wording and
procedures detailed in Resolution 601. shading as specified in Appendix ‘D’;
7. Amendments agreed to Attachment ‘A’ need not be 3.4 all other copies shall have the same layout, wording
put into effect until the time of next printing of the air and shading as specified in Appendix ‘E’;
waybill but in no event later than 18 months after the
declaration of effectiveness of these amendments. 3.5 the airline air waybill shall be in a set of a minimum
of eight copies and shall be marked in the order shown.
8. Air waybill completion examples in The Air Cargo Colour is optional and airlines shall accept both coloured
Tariff and Rules (TACT), published separately shall be and non-coloured coded air waybills.
developed by the Secretariat in accordance with the
procedures in Attachment ‘B’ hereto and current tariff Title Colour
Original 3 (for Shipper) Blue
Copy 8 (for Agent) White
Original 1 (for Issuing Carrier) Green
Original 2 (for Consignee) Pink
Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt) Yellow
Copy 5 (Extra Copy) White
Copy 6 (Extra Copy) White
Copy 7 (Extra Copy) White
If using colour, copies shall be either coloured paper or 4.5.1 one set of eight copies:
white paper with appropriate colour ink imprinted thereon,
as referred above; Title Colour
3.6 additional copies, having the same layout, wording Original 3 (for Shipper) Blue
and shading as Appendix ‘E’, may be included in the Copy 8 (for Agent) White
airline air waybill set to a maximum of five copies. These Original 1 (for Issuing Carrier) Green
must be printed on white paper marked “Copy XX (Extra
copy for Carrier)”, where XX denotes the number of the Original 2 (for Consignee) Pink
copy of the airline air waybill, and may be placed Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt) Yellow
anywhere in the airline air waybill set following Original 1 Copy 5 (Extra Copy) White
(for Issuing Carrier);
Copy 6 (Extra Copy) White
3.7 notwithstanding the provisions of 3.5 and 3.6, when Copy 7 (Extra Copy) White
an air carrier uses an automated system to issue the
airline air waybill: 4.5.2 two sets of four copies each:
3.7.1 the airline air waybill shall be executed in a set First set
which includes at least the three original copies,
Title Colour
3.7.2 further copies of the airline air waybill may be
produced by automated means at origin, en route or at Original 3 (for Shipper) Blue
destination as required, Copy 8 (for Agent) White
3.7.3 upon interline transfer, Original 1 (for Issuing Carrier) Green
Copy 7 (Extra Copy) White when the exchange of a shipment record is not
possible, at least five copies, of which one copy is entitled Second set
“Original 2 (for Consignee)” and one copy is entitled
“Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt)”, shall be provided to the Title Colour
onward carrier,
Original 2 (for Consignee) Pink when the exchange of a shipment record is Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt) Yellow
possible, it is not required that copies of an air waybill be
Copy 5 (Extra Copy) White
provided to the onward carrier. However the carriers
involved must agree to adhere to the provisions of Copy 6 (Extra Copy) White
Resolution 600f.
4.6 paper and carbon, where used, shall be of such
quality that all copies are clearly legible;
WAYBILL SET 4.7 fastening or stub shall:
The neutral air waybill set shall be printed as specified 4.7.1 hold the neutral air waybill set together so that it
below: does not disintegrate into loose sheets of paper during
normal handling, and
4.1 the Original 3 (for Shipper) shall have the same
layout, wording and shading as specified in Appendix ‘B’; 4.7.2 be precut and of such nature that copies can be
pulled easily and that when a part is pulled, the page
4.2 the Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt) shall have the same does not tear apart.
layout, wording and shading as specified in Appendix ‘C’;
4.3 the Original 1 (for Issuing Carrier) and Original 2 (for 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE FACE OF THE
Consignee) shall have the same layout, wording and AIRLINE AIR WAYBILL
shading as specified in Appendix ‘D’;
5.1 In addition to the information as illustrated in
4.4 all other copies shall have the same layout, wording Appendices ‘B’—‘E’:
and shading as specified in Appendix ‘E’;
5.1.1 the air waybill number shall be placed in the upper
4.5 the neutral air waybill shall be either in a set of a left corner, in the upper right corner and in the lower right
minimum of eight copies in the order and marked as corner of all copies of the airline air waybill as shown in
shown in 4.5.1; or in two sets of a minimum of four copies Appendix ‘A’;
each in the order and marked as shown in 4.5.2. Colour
is optional and airlines shall accept both coloured and 5.1.2 the air waybill number shall consist of the issuing
non-coloured coded air waybills. If using colour, copies carrier's three-digit IATA airline code number and a serial
shall be either coloured paper or white paper with number of eight digits including a check digit placed in the
appropriate colour ink imprinted thereon, as referred to extreme right hand position;
5.1.3 the check digit shall be determined by using the 5.2.12 “Tax” boxes may be shaded and without title;
unweighted Modulus 7 system;
5.2.13 any special services provided may be printed in
5.1.4 the serial number shall be of the same size, the shaded boxes below the “Total Other Charges Due
similar style of type (font) and of the same boldness as Carrier” boxes;
the airline code number;
5.2.14 language(s) or an annotation may be printed at
5.1.5 a separating hyphen placed between the airline the bottom of the air waybill indicating that the wording of
code number and the serial number shall be used for the the form is available in another language and where it
number shown in the upper right corner and in the lower may be obtained;
right corner;
5.2.15 bar coded air waybill numbers, if used, shall be
5.1.6 in the Shipper's Certification box, the part of the printed in accordance with Recommended Practice 1600t
statement referring to the Dangerous Goods Regulations and shall be shown in at least one of the locations
from the word “insofar …” shall be printed in bold type. illustrated in Appendix ‘F’.
5.2 In addition to the information illustrated in Note: For air waybills produced on U.S. Letter Size
Appendices ‘B’–‘E’, the following features may also be paper, the lower right corner cannot apply due to space
shown at carrier's option: limitation;
5.2.1 a space may be inserted in the serial number of 5.2.16 the three “Optional Shipping Information” boxes
the airline air waybill between the fourth and fifth digits; may be shaded and without title. Insertion of these boxes
is mandatory;
5.2.2 carrier's insignia may be printed in the issuing
carrier's name and address box; 5.2.17 nothing additional may be printed and/or over-
printed on the airline air waybill.
5.2.3 the notice containing reference to the carrier's
Conditions of Contract may be printed on all copies which
are not originals except Copy 4 (Delivery Receipt); 6. DESCRIPTION OF THE FACE OF THE
5.2.4 the space in the box below the reference to the
carrier's Conditions of Contract, may be used to print 6.1 In addition to the information as illustrated in Appen-
other related statements as may be necessary to conform dices ‘B’–‘E’:
to national requirements;
6.1.1 in the Shipper's Certification box, the part of the
5.2.5 “Requested Flight/Date” box may be without title; statement referring to the Dangerous Goods Regulations
from the word “insofar …” shall be printed in bold type;
5.2.6 the words “Also Notify” may be printed after the
title of the “Accounting Information” box (applicable for 6.1.2 the printer's reference shall be printed in the lower
domestic transportation only); left corner of all copies of the neutral air waybill in the
following sequence:
5.2.7 the “Amount of Insurance” box and adjacent “In-
surance” clause box may be shaded and without title or printer's name,
printing of clause; production reference number,
5.2.8 a box titled “TC” (for Transaction Correction), the
size of which is limited to two characters and located to production date;
the right of the “Insurance” clause box, may be provided;
6.1.3 the content of the following neutral air waybill
5.2.9 “Handling Information” box may include the print- boxes may be printed:
ing of not more than five subtitles. A box titled “SCI” (for
Special Customs Information), with dimensions of 8 mm × issuing carrier's agent, name and city box with
30 mm (0.3149 in × 1.1811 in), is to be inserted in the the issuing carrier's agent's name and city,
bottom right corner of this box (insertion of this box is
mandatory); agent's IATA code box with the agent's IATA
code number,
5.2.10 when the air waybill is issued in the United
States, the statement “These commodities, technology or signature of shipper or his agent box with the
software were exported from the United States in accord- agent's name.
ance with the Export Administration Regulations. 6.2 Nothing additional may be printed and/or overprinted
Diversion contrary to USA law prohibited” may be printed on the neutral air waybill.
in the “Handling Information” box;
Attachment ‘A’
Appendix ‘A’
Attachment ‘A’
Appendix ‘B’
Attachment ‘A’
Appendix ‘C’
Attachment ‘A’
Appendix ‘D’
Attachment ‘A’
Appendix ‘E’
Attachment ‘A’
Appendix ‘F/1’
Attachment ‘A’
Appendix ‘F/2’
Attachment ‘A’
Appendix ‘F’
RESOLUTION 600a The boxes shaded and without title shall not be used.
Attachment ‘B’ The circled numbers to the right of the titles and any
bracketed numbers in the following text, correspond with
COMPLETION, DISTRIBUTION AND the numbers in the boxes of the specimen air waybill
illustrated in Appendix ‘A’.
2.1 Air Waybill Number
When not preprinted, the air waybill number provided by
1.1 The air waybill is a document which shall be either the issuing carrier shall be inserted in the upper left
an air waybill referred to as an “airline air waybill”, with corner, in the upper right corner and in the lower right
preprinted issuing carrier identification, or an air waybill corner. The air waybill number shall have dimensions
referred to as a “neutral air waybill” without preprinted sufficient to make it readable and shall consist of:
identification of the issuing carrier in any form and used
by other than an air carrier. 1A
2.1.1 Airline Code Number
1.2 The issuing carrier or its agent shall ensure that,
upon execution of the air waybill, all necessary entries are The issuing carrier's three-digit IATA airline code number
made. shall be inserted.
1.3.1 the original air waybill number inserted in the 2.1.4 Minimum Timeframe for Re-use
“Accounting Information” box; An air waybill number shall not be re-issued by a carrier
1.3.2 all charges which should have been, but were not within a 12-month timeframe.
collected from the original consignee, inserted in the
“Other Charges” box and the total inserted in the “Total 1
Other Charges Due Carrier” box of the “Collect” column.
2.2 Airport of Departure
The IATA three-letter code of the airport of departure (or
1.4 The issuing carrier shall not insert or permit insertion
city when the name of the airport is unknown) shall be
on the air waybill of any instruction that charges shown as
inserted and shall correspond to information shown in
to be collected from the consignee are to be collected
from any person other than from the consignee; provided
that this shall not prevent payment of such charges by
such other person on behalf of the consignee to the 2.3 Issuing Carrier's Name and Address
collecting carrier.
When not preprinted, the issuing carrier's name and head
1.5 In the case of a neutral air waybill, the party office address corresponding to the airline code number
completing it on behalf of the issuing carrier shall first shown in 2.1.1, shall be inserted in accordance with the
ensure that its use has been authorised by the issuing issuing carrier's instructions.
2. COMPLETION OF THE AIR WAYBILL 2.4 Reference to Originals
This box shall not be completed.
The boxes on the face of the air waybill shall be
completed correctly. See the IATA Air Waybill Handbook
(Attachment ‘B’, Appendix ‘C’), published separately.
The boxes shaded and with title are for carrier's use only.
2 8
2.6.1 Shipper's Name and Address 2.8.3 Account No. The name, address and country (or two-letter This box shall not be completed unless used by the
country code) of the shipper (or IATA Cargo Intermediary issuing carrier at its option.
when acting in its capacity as a Forwarder) shall be
inserted. 2.9 Routing One or more method of contact (telephone, telex
or telefax) and number may be inserted below. 2.9.1 Airport of Departure (Address
of First Carrier) and Requested Routing
2.6.2 Shipper's Account Number The name of the airport of departure shall be
inserted as the first entry and shall correspond to infor-
This box shall not be completed unless used by the mation shown in 2.2.
issuing carrier at its option. Any requested routing shall be inserted.
2.7 Consignee
2.9.2 Routing and Destination
2.7.1 Consignee's Name and Address
11A To (by First Carrier) The name, address and country (or two-letter
country code) of the consignee shall be inserted. The IATA three-letter code of the airport of destination or
first transfer point (or city when the name of the airport is One or more method of contact (telephone, telex unknown because the city is served by more than one
or telefax) and number may be inserted below. airport) may be inserted.
2.7.2 Consignee's Account By First Carrier
Number—For Carrier Use Only
The name of the first carrier (either full name or IATA two-
This box shall not be completed unless used by the last character code) shall be inserted.
carrier at its option.
2.8 Issuing Carrier's Agent To (by Second Carrier)
2.8.1 Issuing Carrier's Agent Name and The IATA three-letter code of the airport of destination or
second transfer point (or city when the name of the airport
City is unknown because the city is served by more than one
airport) may be inserted.
When not preprinted, the name and location (airport or
city) of the issuing carrier's IATA Cargo Agent (or IATA 11D
Cargo Intermediary when acting in its capacity as the By (Second Carrier)
issuing carrier's agent) shall be inserted. An IATA Cargo
Intermediary when acting in its capacity as a Forwarder The IATA two-character code of the second carrier may
and its name appears in Box 2, it shall leave this box be inserted.
11E To (by Third Carrier)
2.8.2 Agent's IATA Code
The IATA three-letter code of the airport of destination or
This box shall be used for accounting, identification, third transfer point (or city when the name of the airport is
and/or system purposes only. When not preprinted, the unknown because the city is served by more than one
IATA code of the Cargo Agent (or IATA Cargo Intermedi- airport) may be inserted.
ary when acting in its capacity as the issuing carrier's
agent), indicated in 2.8.1, or IATA Cargo Intermediary
when acting in its capacity as a Forwarder, indicated in shall be inserted as follows:
11F 13 By (Third Carrier) 2.12 Charges Codes—For Carrier
Use Only
The IATA two-character code of the third carrier may be
inserted. When the air waybill data is transmitted by electronic
means, this box shall be completed using one of the
18 following codes:
2.9.3 Airport of Destination
CA—partial collect credit—partial prepaid cash
The airport of destination of the last carrier (or city when
the name of the airport is unknown because the city is CB—partial collect credit—partial prepaid credit
served by more than one airport) shall be inserted. CC—all charges collect
CE—partial collect credit card—partial prepaid cash
19A 19B
2.9.4 Requested Flight/Date and CG—all charges collect by GBL
These boxes are to be completed by the carrier/agent/ CH—partial collect credit card—partial prepaid credit
shipper effecting the booking.
CP—destination collect cash
2.10.6 payment by credit card; the credit card number PH—partial prepaid credit card—partial collect credit
shall be shown. PP—all charges prepaid by cash
2.10.7 the words “Also Notify” may be printed after the PX—all charges prepaid by credit
title of the “Accounting Information” box (applicable for
domestic transportation only). PZ—all charges prepaid by credit card
2.11 Currency 2.13 Charges
2.11.1 The ISO three-letter currency code of the
14A 14B
currency applicable in the country of departure, according 2.13.1 Weight/Valuation Charges and
to the applicable rating rules, shall be inserted. The shipper or agent shall insert an “X”, as
2.11.2 All amounts entered on the air waybill, other than appropriate, in box (14A) or (14B).
those entered in the “Collect Charges in Destination
Currency” boxes (33A) to (33D), shall be in the currency The charges entered into boxes (24A), (25A) or
as specified in 2.11.1. (24B), (25B) must be wholly prepaid or wholly collect
Note: Declared value for carriage shall not be amended Agent Nomination
after dispatch of the consignment from the airport of when a consignment's details, including house waybill
departure shown on the Air Waybill. details, must be reported to Customs and the agent has
elected to undertake that reporting, the human readable
17 statement “House Information transmitted to (country
2.15 Declared Value For Customs name) by:”, or the coded statement “(Country ISO Code) -
The shipper or agent may declare and insert a customs AGT-” shall be entered in the Handling Information box on
value, which may be NCV, or leave the box blank. the master air waybill and either statement shall be
followed by the appropriate agent identifier as specified
by that country (multiple entries may be necessary if more
2.16 Amount of Insurance than one country requires information).
2.16.1 When the box is unshaded, and only when and when a local transfer at destination is required
where the issuing carrier offers such a service, the and known the statement “Local transfer at destination
amount to be insured shall be inserted. to:” or “FIRMS-” shall be entered in the Handling Infor-
mation box on the air waybill followed by the appropriate
2.16.2 When the box is unshaded and the service is not location identifier, e.g. FIRMS code for the United States.
provided by the issuing carrier or no insurance is
requested by the shipper, “XXX” shall be inserted. 21A Special Customs Information (SCI)
2.16.3 “Insurance” Clause Box When a consignment is loaded or reloaded at an airport
in an European Union country, the Customs Origin Code
shall be inserted. When a consignment is not loaded or
2.17 Handling Information reloaded at an airport in an European Union country, then
this box may be used for other customs information.
Only clear and concise information as required by the
participating carriers shall be inserted. 22A 22Z
2.18 Consignment Rating Details to
2.17.1 In the case of dangerous goods for which a
Shipper's Declaration is required, a statement: “Danger- A separate set of entries shall be made for each rated
ous Goods as per attached Shipper's Declaration” or group of items, each set commencing on a new line,
“Dangerous Goods as per attached DGD” and where dangerous goods items, if any, being entered first.
applicable the statement “Cargo Aircraft Only” or “CAO”.
Each set of entries shall be as described in Appendix ‘B’,
2.17.2 When dangerous goods are contained in a con- the detail of each box being as shown below.
signment with non-dangerous goods, the number of
pieces of dangerous goods must be indicated either 22A
before or after the statement “Dangerous Goods as per 2.18.1 Number of Pieces and RCP
attached Shipper's Declaration” or “Dangerous Goods as
per attached DGD”. The number of pieces for the applicable rating
entry shall be inserted.
2.17.3 Other handling information using, where avail-
able, the codes and abbreviations in Cargo-IMP, may be When the applicable rate or charge shown in
inserted, such as: box 22G is the result of a combination of rates or
charges, the IATA three-letter code of the rate combi- the rate class code to which it refers, e.g. 33% reduction
nation point (RCP) shall be inserted as an additional line on the normal rate shall be expressed as N67;
entry. when a class rate surcharge applies, the per-
centage which is applied to the appropriate charge or rate
2.18.2 Gross Weight shall be inserted on the “S” rate class line, preceded by
the rate class code to which it refers, e.g. 50% surcharge The gross weight of the pieces for the appli- of the minimum charge shall be expressed as M150;
cable rating entry shall be inserted. when a unit load device rate applies, the ULD The tare weight of the unit load device, when rate class type used shall be inserted on the “X” rate
applicable, shall be inserted as an additional line entry on class line.
the “X” rate class line.
22C 2.18.7 Chargeable Weight
2.18.3 Kg/Lb The applicable chargeable weight, calculated
The unit of weight used (K or L) shall be inserted in the according to applicable rating rules, shall be inserted.
first rating line only. When a unit load device rate applies:
2.18.4 Service Code where it is based on a pivot charge, the
applicable pivot weight shall be inserted on the “U” rate
This box shall not be completed except by the issuing class line;
carrier at its option and in accordance with Rec-
ommended Practice 1600d. where it is based on a pivot charge and an
over pivot rate, the weight in excess of the pivot weight
shall be inserted on the “E” rate class line;
2.18.5 Rate Class where a tare weight allowance is applicable,
One of the following codes shall be inserted as such weight shall be inserted on the “X” rate class line;
appropriate: where a discount applies, the weight to
M—minimum charge which it refers shall be inserted on the “Y” rate class line.
N—normal rate
Q—quantity rate 2.18.8 Rate/Charge
B—basic charge (optional use) The applicable rate or charge shall be inserted as follows:
K—rate per kilogram (optional use) when a minimum charge applies, this charge
P—international priority service rate shall be inserted on the “M” rate class line;
C—specific commodity rate when a normal rate applies, the applicable rate
per unit of weight shall be inserted on the “N” rate class
R—class rate reduction line;
S—class rate surcharge when a quantity rate applies, the applicable
U—unit load device basic charge or rate rate per unit of weight shall be inserted on the “Q” rate
class line;
E—unit load device additional rate when an “Experimental Special Rate within
X—unit load device additional information Europe” applies:
Y—unit load device discount the applicable basic charge shall be inserted
W—weight increase on the “B” rate class line,
This box shall be completed as follows: when an international priority service rate
applies, the applicable rate per unit of weight shall be when a specific commodity rate applies, the inserted on the “P” rate class line;
IATA item description number shall be inserted on the “C”
or “U” rate class line; when a specific commodity rate applies, the
applicable rate per unit of weight shall be inserted on the when a class rate reduction applies, the per- “C” rate class line;
centage which is applied to the appropriate charge or rate
shall be inserted on the “R” rate class line, preceded by when a class rate reduction applies, this rate if a consignment is consolidated as one
per unit of weight or charge as applicable shall be movable part, then only the dimensions of the overall
inserted on the “R” rate class line; consolidated consignment are required, when a class rate surcharge applies, this rate dimensions are not required for cargo ten-
per unit of weight or charge as applicable shall be dered intact in authentic pre-built aircraft containers or
inserted on the “S” rate class line; pallets, when a unit load device rate applies: if the dimensions are not available and/or
cannot be included on the air waybill at the time of where it is based on a pivot charge or flat completion, then total volume of the consignment shall be
charge, such charge shall be inserted on the “U” rate inserted,
class line, if the dimensions and total volume are not where it is based on a rate per unit of available and cannot be included on the air waybill at the
weight, such rate shall be inserted on the “U” rate class time of completion, then this must be clearly indicated by
line, inserting the words “No Dimensions Available”; where it is based on a pivot charge and an when a unit load device is used, its identifi-
over pivot rate, such over pivot rate per unit of weight cation code shall be inserted on the “X” rate class line;
shall be inserted on the “E” rate class line, where the number of pieces indicated in box where it is a discount, either a flat amount or 22A is different from the actual number of pieces, the
discount per unit of weight, such discount shall be actual number of pieces within or on each loaded piece
inserted on the “Y” rate class line preceded by a minus (e.g. ULD or skid) shall be shown as “… SLAC”,
symbol (–); (shipper's load and count). This SLAC should be recorded
on a blank line. The corresponding ULD identification wherever possible, when a weight surcharge designation shall be recorded on the line below when a
applies, this should be inserted immediately following the unit load device is used;
last rate line entry. in addition to the description of the goods, the
22H shipper or his agent may enter the appropriate harmon-
2.18.9 Total ized commodity description and coding system number;
and, where applicable, the country of origin of the goods. The total charge or discount for each line entry
shall be inserted on the same horizontal line.
22J Where it is a total discount, such discount shall 2.18.11 Total Number of Pieces
be preceded by the minus symbol (–). Where there is more than one numeric entry in box 22A,
the total number of pieces shall be inserted.
2.18.10 Nature and Quantity of Goods
(including Dimensions or Volume) 2.18.12 Total Gross Weight
This box shall be completed as follows: Where there is more than one entry in box 22B, the total
gross weight shall be inserted. the description of the goods comprising the
consignment shall be inserted;
22L for Dangerous Goods, the entry shall be as 2.18.13 Total
shown in the IATA Air Waybill Handbook and in accord- Where there is more than one entry in box 22H, the sum
ance with instructions published in the IATA Dangerous shall be inserted.
Goods Regulations;
2.19.4 Other charges incurred en route or at destination 2.20.4 Total Other Prepaid Charges
and not shown in box (23) shall be collect only and
treated in accordance with 2.25.3. The total “Other Charges” prepaid must be the aggregate
of the prepaid charges shown in the “Other Charges”
2.19.5 Descriptions and amounts of other charges box (23).
except taxes shown in Boxes 26A and 26B shall be
inserted. 27A Due Agent
2.19.6 When the air waybill data is transmitted by
electronic means, the other charges codes shown in This box shall not be used unless agreed locally.
Appendix ‘C’ shall be used. (Also refer to Recommended
Practice 1682.) 28A Due Carrier
2.19.7 When the air waybill data is not transmitted by
electronic means, it is recommended that the above The total of prepaid other charges due to carrier specified
procedure is used. If not, the plain language description in 2.19 shall be inserted.
shall clearly indicate to whom the charge accrues, i.e. due
carrier or due agent. 29A
2.20.5 Untitled Box
2.19.8 The sum of the various other charges shown in
box (23) shall be entered in boxes (27A), (27B), (28A) or This box shall not be completed unless used by the
(28B). issuing carrier at its option. The weight/volume charge, the valuation The weight/volume charge, the valuation
charge and tax shall be inserted as either wholly prepaid charge and tax shall be inserted as either wholly prepaid
or wholly collect. or wholly collect. The details of the tax shall not be entered in The details of the tax shall not be entered in
box (23). box (23).
32B 34B
2.23.2 At (Place) 2.26.2 Untitled Box
The name of the place of execution (airport or city) of the This box shall not be completed unless used by the
air waybill shall be inserted. issuing carrier at its option.
32C 34C
2.23.3 Signature of Issuing Carrier or 2.26.3 Untitled Box
its Agent
This box shall not be completed unless used by the
The signature of the issuing carrier or its agent shall be issuing carrier at its option.
2.27 Bar Coded Air Waybill Number
2.24 For Carrier's Use Only at Destination
These areas shall not be completed unless used to
This box shall not be completed. include a bar coded air waybill number in accordance with
Recommended Practice 1600t.
2.28 Neutral Air Waybill Where such data is transmitted by an Agent, this shall be
in accordance with Resolution 833, Paragraph 2.4, of the
Any alteration to the airline code number, air waybill serial Cargo Agency Conference.
number, airline name or head office address shall auto-
matically render such neutral air waybill null and void. 4.1 Responsibility for Particulars
2.30 Neutral Air Waybill The shipper is responsible for the correctness of the data
relating to the cargo inserted by the shipper or on the
Any alteration to the airline code number, air waybill serial shipper's behalf on the air waybill or furnished by the
number, airline name or head office address shall auto- shipper or on the shipper's behalf to the carrier for
matically render such neutral air waybill null and void. insertion in the shipment record.
Attachment ‘B’
Appendix ‘A’
Attachment ‘B’
Appendix ‘B’
Attachment ‘B’
Appendix ‘C’
Note 1: MA code is used if the miscellaneous charge is due agent but cannot be further identified.
Note 2: MB code is used if the miscellaneous charge is either due agent or due carrier.
Note 3: MC code is used if the miscellaneous charge is due carrier but cannot be further identified.
To indicate whether such other charges accrue to carrier or agent, one of the following entitlement codes: A (due agent)
or C (due carrier) shall be used following the above codes and preceding the amounts.
Attachment ‘B’
Appendix ‘D’
The following example illustrates how to apply the unweighted Modulus 7 system to generate the check digit:
1. Assume the first seven digits of the serial number are ‘1234567’;
2. Divided 1234567 by 7;
1 7 6 3 6 6
7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 3
4 9
4 4
4 2
2 5
2 1
4 6
4 2
4 7
4 2
5 Remainder
3. Since ‘5’ is the remainder, therefore, ‘5’ will be assigned as the eighth digit, which is the check digit in the serial
4. The complete serial number shall read as ‘12345675’.
9* This Resolution is in the hands of all IATA Cargo Agents. rights, if any, of the Carrier to change the terms
10 In order to ensure consistency with any future changes in liability limits of the contract;
for loss of, damage, or delay to cargo under Article 24 of the Montreal
Convention, the IATA Secretariat is authorized to conform the provisions rules about Carrier's right to refuse to carry;
of this Resolution 600b (and any other affected Cargo Services
Conference Resolutions or Recommended Practices) to such changes rights of the Carrier and limitations concerning
without further Conference action. Conforming changes shall take effect
on the date specified in written notice to Members by the IATA delay or failure to perform service, including schedule
Secretariat which shall include a copy of the revised Resolution.
changes, substitution of alternate Carrier or aircraft and 8. Any exclusion or limitation of liability applicable to
rerouting. Carrier shall apply to Carrier's agents, employees, and
representatives and to any person whose aircraft or
3. The agreed stopping places (which may be altered by equipment is used by Carrier for carriage and such
Carrier in case of necessity) are those places, except the person's agents, employees and representatives.
place of departure and place of destination, set forth on
the face hereof or shown in Carrier's timetables as 9. Carrier undertakes to complete the carriage with
scheduled stopping places for the route. Carriage to be reasonable dispatch. Where permitted by applicable laws,
performed hereunder by several successive Carriers is tariffs and government regulations, Carrier may use
regarded as a single operation. alternative carriers, aircraft or modes of transport without
notice but with due regard to the interests of the shipper.
4. For carriage to which the Montreal Convention does Carrier is authorized by the shipper to select the routing
not apply, Carrier's liability limitation for cargo lost, dam- and all intermediate stopping places that it deems appro-
aged or delayed shall be 19 SDRs per kilogram unless a priate or to change or deviate from the routing shown on
greater per kilogram monetary limit is provided in any the face hereof.
applicable Convention or in Carrier's tariffs or general
conditions of carriage. 10. Receipt by the person entitled to delivery of the
cargo without complaint shall be prima facie evidence that
5./5.1 Except when the Carrier has extended credit to the cargo has been delivered in good condition and in
the consignee without the written consent of the shipper, accordance with the contract of carriage.
the shipper guarantees payment of all charges for the
carriage due in accordance with Carrier's tariff, conditions 10.1 In the case of loss of, damage or delay to cargo a
of carriage and related regulations, applicable laws written complaint must be made to Carrier by the person
(including national laws implementing the Warsaw Con- entitled to delivery. Such complaint must be made:
vention and the Montreal Convention), government regu-
lations, orders and requirements. 10.1.1 in the case of damage to the cargo, immediately
after discovery of the damage and at the latest within
5.2 When no part of the consignment is delivered, a 14 days from the date of receipt of the cargo;
claim with respect to such consignment will be considered
even though transportation charges thereon are unpaid. 10.1.2 in the case of delay, within 21 days from the date
on which the cargo was placed at the disposal of the
6./6.1 For cargo accepted for carriage, the Warsaw person entitled to delivery;
Convention and the Montreal Convention permit shipper
to increase the limitation of liability by declaring a higher 10.1.3 in the case of non-delivery of the cargo, within
value for carriage and paying a supplemental charge if 120 days from the date of issue of the air waybill, or if an
required. air waybill has not been issued, within 120 days from the
date of receipt of the cargo for transportation by the
6.2 In carriage to which neither the Warsaw Convention Carrier.
nor the Montreal Convention applies Carrier shall, in
accordance with the procedures set forth in its general 10.2 Such complaint may be made to the Carrier whose
conditions of carriage and applicable tariffs, permit ship- air waybill was used, or to the first Carrier or to the last
per to increase the limitation of liability by declaring a Carrier or to the Carrier, which performed the carriage
higher value for carriage and paying a supplemental during which the loss, damage or delay took place.
charge if so required.
10.3 Unless a written complaint is made within the time
7./7.1 In cases of loss of, damage or delay to part of the limits specified in 10.1 no action may be brought against
cargo, the weight to be taken into account in determining Carrier.
Carrier's limit of liability shall be only the weight of the
package or packages concerned. 10.4 Any rights to damages against Carrier shall be
extinguished unless an action is brought within two years
7.2 Notwithstanding any other provisions, for “foreign air from the date of arrival at the destination, or from the date
transportation” as defined by the U.S. Transportation on which the aircraft ought to have arrived, or from the
Code: date on which the carriage stopped.
7.2.1 in the case of loss of, damage or delay to a 11. Shipper shall comply with all applicable laws and
shipment, the weight to be used in determining Carrier's government regulations of any country to or from which
limit of liability shall be the weight which is used to the cargo may be carried, including those relating to the
determine the charge for carriage of such shipment; and packing, carriage or delivery of the cargo, and shall
furnish such information and attach such documents to
7.2.2 in the case of loss of, damage or delay to a part of the air waybill as may be necessary to comply with such
a shipment, the shipment weight in 7.2.1 shall be prorated laws and regulations. Carrier is not liable to shipper and
to the packages covered by the same air waybill whose shipper shall indemnify Carrier for loss or expense due to
value is affected by the loss, damage or delay. The shipper's failure to comply with this provision.
weight applicable in the case of loss or damage to one or
more articles in a package shall be the weight of the 12. No agent, employee or representative of Carrier has
entire package. authority to alter, modify or waive any provisions of this
RESOLUTION 600d the air waybill or in the shipment record as the carrier of
the first part shipment.
PART CONSIGNMENT PROCEDURE 4. Where it is necessary to forward part consignments
separately over the last sector in accordance with this
CSC(17)600d Expiry: Indefinite Resolution, any charges collect fee shall be assessed by
CSC(19)600d Type: A and accrue to the last carrier of the first part shipment into
RESOLVED that, where it is necessary to forward part
consignments separately, the following procedure shall
RESOLUTION 600e the same condition on our approvals of the French language air
waybill versions and the international express waybill.
Order 95-12-16:
1 This appears to be a typographical error, as Order 95-7-19 approved
Resolutions 600b and 600b(II), subject to the condition that the
reference to intermediate points does not constitute an agreed stopping
point for purposes of jurisdiction under Article 1(2) of the Warsaw
1 Shipment Identification
The shipment identification number shall be entered and
will be composed of the following Cargo-IMP data and
Cargo-XML data:
Cargo-XML Reference:
Data Element:
2 Shipper Name
The shipper's name shall be entered and will be com-
posed of the following Cargo-IMP data and Cargo-XML
FWB Ref. 5.4.2 (DE 300) FSU Ref. 3.3.5 (DE 313)
Message Name: XML Waybill Message-XFWB Message Name: XML Status Message-XFSU
Name = Consignor Name, Type = Text Names = Status Code, Type = Alpha Numeric
The name of the carrier issuing the cargo receipt should Name = Location Code, Type = Alpha Numeric
be entered and would be aligned with DE 112 of the
shipment identification. A company logo may also be 6
entered. 6 Total Number of Pieces
Name = Waybill Number, Type = Numeric, Format: XXX- FSU Ref. 3.3.5 (DE 313)
Cargo-XML Reference:
Note: First three letters identify Airline Prefix
Message Name: XML Status Message-XFSU
4 Day/Month/Time (of Shipment Data Elements:
Acceptance) Names = Status Code, Type = Alpha Numeric
The Day/Month/Time (of Shipment Acceptance) shall be Note: Status Code value RCS indicates Receipt of
entered and will be composed of the following Cargo-IMP Cargo from the Shipper.
data and Cargo-XML data:
Name = Total Number of Pieces, Type = Numeric
FSU Ref. 3.3.1 (DE 202)/3.3.2 (DE 201)/3.3.3 (DE 203), if
DE 203 is present.
7 Weight/Code
A space shall be inserted between DE 202 and DE 201
and also between DE 201 and DE 203. 7
7.1 Weight
The year of shipment acceptance is not included in the
Day/Month/Time (of Shipment Acceptance) box but can The amount of the weight determined at acceptance shall
be deduced from the date of the Shipment Identification be entered and will be composed of the following Cargo-
box. IMP data and Cargo-XML data:
Note: Status Code value RCS indicates Receipt of Names = Status Code, Type = Alpha Numeric
Cargo from the Shipper. Note: Status Code value RCS indicates Receipt of
Name = Movement Date/Time Details, Type = Date and Cargo from the Shipper.
Time. Name = Total Gross Weight, Type = Numeric
5 Airport/City Code (of Shipment
5 7.2 Code
The measurement unit code for the weight amount
The Airport/City Code (of Shipment Acceptance) shall be determined at acceptance shall be entered and will be
entered and will be composed of the following Cargo-IMP composed of the following Cargo-IMP data and Cargo-
data and Cargo-XML data: XML data:
FSU Ref. 2.3.4 (DE 601) Message Name: XML Status Message-XFWB
9 Cargo-XML Reference:
8 Volume
Message Name: XML Status Message-XFWB
The volume amount and its measurement unit code
determined at acceptance may be entered if available Data Element:
and will be composed of the following Cargo-IMP data
and Cargo-XML data: Name = Scheduled Arrival Location Code, Type = Alpha-
FSU Ref. 3.8.2 (DE 500) / 3.8.1 (DE 604)
Note: A slant shall be inserted between all occurrences
A space shall be inserted between DE 500 and DE 604. of the Scheduled Arrival Location Code
Cargo-XML Reference: The Airport/City Code (of Routing) must be entered if:
Message Name: XML Status Message-XFSU The places of departure and destination are within the
territory of a single State Party and one or more agreed
Data Elements: stopping places being within the territory of another State
then an indication of at least one such stopping place
Names = Status Code, Type = Alpha Numeric must be indicated.
Note: Status Code value RCS indicates Receipt of
Cargo from the Shipper.
9 Airport/City Code (of Origin)
The Airport/City Code (of Origin) shall be entered and will
be composed of the following Cargo-IMP data and Cargo-
XML data:
Cargo-XML Reference:
Data Element:
10 Airport/City Code (of Destination)
The Airport/City Code (of Destination) shall be entered
and will be composed of the following Cargo-IMP data:
Cargo-XML Reference:
Appendix ‘A’
Appendix ‘B’
1. The boxes with bold titles indicate information specified by the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for
International Carriage by Air, done at Montreal on 28 May 1999 (MC99) and the Convention for the Unification of
Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw, 12 October 1929 as amended by Montreal
Protocol No. 4 (MP4). Routing would only be included if applicable as specified in the Articles;
2. Airport/City Code (of Routing): As per MC99 and MP4, if the places of departure and destination are within the
territory of a single State Party and one or more agreed stopping places being within the territory of another State
then an indication of at least one such stopping place must be indicated;
3. The year of shipment acceptance is not included in the “Day/Month/Time (of Shipment Acceptance)” box but can be
deduced from the date of the “Shipment Identification” box.
Appendix ‘C’
The consent of a shipper to the substitution of the Air The following Conditions of Contract and Notices be
Waybill by electronic means shall be in accordance with included in contracts of carriage concluded and
Recommended Practice 1670. evidenced by electronic means.
to the liability of the Carrier in respect of loss of, damage rights of the Carrier and limitations concerning
or delay to cargo. Carrier's limitation of liability in accord- delay or failure to perform service, including schedule
ance with those Conventions shall be as set forth in changes, substitution of alternate Carrier or aircraft and
subparagraph 4 unless a higher value is declared. rerouting.
the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules 5./5.1 Except when the Carrier has extended credit to
Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at the consignee without the written consent of the shipper,
Warsaw, 12 October 1929; that Convention as amended the shipper guarantees payment of all charges for the
at The Hague on 28 September 1955; that Convention as carriage due in accordance with Carrier's tariff, conditions
amended at The Hague 1955 and by Montreal Protocol of carriage and related regulations, applicable laws
No. 1, 2, or 4 (1975) as the case may be. (including national laws implementing the Warsaw
Convention and the Montreal Convention), government
MONTREAL CONVENTION means the Convention for regulations, orders and requirements.
the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage
by Air, done at Montreal on 28 May 1999. 5.2 When no part of the consignment is delivered, a
claim with respect to such consignment will be considered
2./2.1 Carriage is subject to the rules relating to liability even though transportation charges thereon are unpaid.
established by the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal
Convention unless such carriage is not “international 6./6.1 For cargo accepted for carriage, the Warsaw
carriage” as defined by the applicable Conventions. Convention and the Montreal Convention permit shipper
to increase the limitation of liability by declaring a higher
2.2 To the extent not in conflict with the foregoing, value for carriage and paying a supplemental charge if
carriage and other related services performed by each required.
Carrier are subject to:
6.2 In carriage to which neither the Warsaw Convention
2.2.1 applicable laws and government regulations; nor the Montreal Convention applies Carrier shall, in
accordance with the procedures set forth in its general
2.2.2 provisions contained in the Carrier's conditions of conditions of carriage and applicable tariffs, permit ship-
carriage and related rules, regulations, and timetables per to increase the limitation of liability by declaring a
(but not the times of departure and arrival stated therein) higher value for carriage and paying a supplemental
and applicable tariffs of such Carrier, which are made part charge if so required.
hereof, and which may be inspected at any airports or
other cargo sales offices from which it operates regular 7./7.1 In cases of loss of, damage or delay to part of the
services. When carriage is to/from the USA, the shipper cargo, the weight to be taken into account in determining
and the consignee are entitled, upon request, to receive a Carrier's limit of liability shall be only the weight of the
free copy of the Carrier's conditions of carriage. The package or packages concerned.
Carrier's conditions of carriage include, but are not
limited to: 7.2 Notwithstanding any other provisions, for “foreign air
transportation” as defined by the U.S. Transportation limits on the Carrier's liability for loss, damage or Code:
delay of goods, including fragile or perishable goods;
7.2.1 in the case of loss of, damage or delay to a claims restrictions, including time periods within shipment, the weight to be used in determining Carrier's
which shippers or consignees must file a claim or bring an limit of liability shall be the weight which is used to
action against the Carrier for its acts or omissions, or determine the charge for carriage of such shipment; and
those of its agents;
7.2.2 in the case of loss of, damage or delay to a part of rights, if any, of the Carrier to change the terms a shipment, the shipment weight in 7.2.1 shall be prorated
of the contract; to the packages covered by the same cargo receipt
whose value is affected by the loss, damage or delay. rules about Carrier's right to refuse to carry; The weight applicable in the case of loss or damage to
one or more articles in a package shall be the weight of 12. No agent, employee or representative of Carrier has
the entire package. authority to alter, modify or waive any provisions of this
8. Any exclusion or limitation of liability applicable to
Carrier shall apply to Carrier's agents, employees, and
representatives and to any person whose aircraft or
equipment is used by Carrier for carriage and such
person's agents, employees and representatives.
Attachment ‘A’
to Adopt
Resolution/Recommended Practice Amendments
600a Air Waybill (Attachments only) CBPP
603 Notice of Non-Delivery (Irregularity Report) (IRP) CBPP
606 Bar Coded Label CBPP
606a Non-Bar Coded Label CBPP
610 Interline Tracer CBPP
612 Shipper's Request for Changes of Air Waybill Amounts CBPP
612a Cargo Charges Correction Advice CBPP
618 IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (Attachment only) DGB
620 IATA Live Animals Regulations (Attachment only) LAPB
622 IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations (Attachment only) LAPB
670 Cargo Interchange Message Procedures (Cargo-IMP) (Attachments only) CBPP
680 General Rules for the use of Unit Load Devices ULDP
683 Registration of Unit Load Devices ULDP
685 Marking of Unit Load Devices ULDP
686 IATA Identification Code for Unit Load Devices CBPP
1600 Use of Standard ‘A’ Paper Sizes for Documentation CBPP
1600d Air Waybill Service Codes CBPP
1600g Courier Baggage Voucher CBPP
1600q Cargo Tracing Procedure CBPP
1600r Air Waybill—Validation of Data Format CBPP
1600s Substitute Air Waybill CBPP
1600t Use of Bar Codes and Bar Code Equipment in Cargo Applications CBPP
1605 Transfer Manifest CBPP
1606 House Manifest CBPP
1608 Glossary of Commonly Used Air Cargo Terms CBPP
1610 Definition of Consolidated Consignment CBPP
1612a Cargo Charges Correction Advice (CCA) Procedures CBPP
1625 Payment of Baggage Shipped as Cargo by means of a Miscellaneous CBPP
Charges Order
1640 Use of Radio Frequency Technology for the Automatic Identification of Unit CBPP
Load Devices
1650 Shipper's Letter of Instruction CBPP
1654 Unit Load Device Control Receipt CBPP
1672 Cargo-FACT Message Standards CBPP
1673 Changes to Cargo-FACT Messages CBPP
1675 Cargo-XML Message Standards CBPP
1676 Changes to Cargo-XML Messages CBPP
1681 ULD Regulations ULDP
1682 Industry Rates and Charges Data Exchange Standards CBPP
2.3 to provide guidance to the Secretariat in the devel- 4.1 Issues submitted to the Secretary for consideration
opment of examples of the correct completion of the air by the Panel shall be discussed by Panel members
waybill; through teleconferencing or an exchange of messages
and all reasonable attempts shall be made to resolve
2.4 to develop, maintain and disseminate the standards such issues.
for cargo labels adopted in CSC Resolutions and Rec-
ommended Practices; 4.2 The Panel shall meet as required. Such meetings
shall be arranged by the Secretary after full consultation
2.5 to develop, maintain and disseminate standards for with the Chairman and with the approval of the Cargo
the application of automatic identification technology Procedures Conference Management Group.
(including bar coding, imaging, radio-frequency identifi-
cation, smart cards, dimensioning and voice recognition) 4.3 Observers may only participate in teleconferences
in the air cargo business; or attend meetings of the Panel when their request is
received at least fourteen (14) days prior to the telecon-
2.6 to develop, maintain and disseminate the technical ference or meeting. Observers shall not vote.
and procedural standards for electronic data interchange
(EDI) in the air cargo industry; 4.4 Decisions shall require a unanimous vote of Panel
members voting, with abstentions not counted.
2.7 to develop, maintain and disseminate standards for
other documents, procedures and processes supporting
the air cargo business;
Attachment ‘A’
To: ....................................................................................... Station Preparing Report: ...................................................
(Layout optional)
(Signature of Official Preparing Report)
Section 1—General
1.1 For the carriage of cargo, identification label(s) in
1. Notwithstanding Resolution 600a, destination charges the form of a bar coded label may be used and attached
on consignments covered by U.S. Government Bill of to each package, adjacent to the consignee's name and
Lading (GBL) need not be collected from the consignee address where space permits. In certain cases, more than
but referred back to the issuing carrier which will invoice one label may be required, such as when shipments have
the Government Authorities concerned or to the Govern- labels applied by different parties, e.g. shippers, for-
ment Authority concerned directly. warders, airlines, or when the amount of optional infor-
mation does not fit onto the label stock in use.
1.4.3 destination;
1.5.10 origin;
2.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of this Resolution, 3.3.4 Weight of this Piece
carriers and their customers who use the bar coded
labels of different dimensions may continue to use them, The weight of the specific package to which the label is
provided the data encoding requirements specified in attached, together with the unit of weight (K or L).
Attachments ‘A’ and ‘B’ of this Resolution are met.
1 3.3.7 Handling Information
3.2.1 Airline Name
Any information which pertains to the handling of the
The airline name. shipment.
3.2.2 Air Waybill Number 3.3.8 HWB No.
The airline code and air waybill number of the shipment. The house waybill (HWB) number.
The serial number may be shown as two groups of four
3.3.9 HWB Piece No.
3.2.3 Destination The house waybill (HWB) piece number.
The IATA three-letter code of the airport of destination.
When the airport code is unknown or the city is served by 3.3.10 Origin
more than one airport the IATA three-letter city code may
be used. The IATA three-letter code of the airport of origin. When
the airport code is unknown or the city is served by more
than one airport the IATA three-letter city code may be
The total weight of pieces represented by the house A primary bar code, of sixteen continuous numeric
waybills, together with the unit of weight (K or L). characters, in which the encoded data shall comprise the
following fields:
= the three-digit numeric airline prefix;
3.3.13 Product Name = the eight-digit numeric air waybill number;
The marketing name associated with the type of freight = a single digit separator (shall always be zero);
movement. = a four-digit numeric unique piece number, indi-
cating each individual piece in a multi-piece ship-
ment. If this field is not used, it shall comprise four
3.3.14 Other Information zeros;
Information which may be added at the user's discretion. Note: The bar code may have human readable trans-
lation of all digits in the field.
3.3.15 Secondary Bar Code Examples:
(a) air waybill 777-12345675, piece number 3:
The secondary bar code(s) is printed in box 6 of 7771234567500003
Attachment ‘C’ of this Resolution whenever a primary bar
code is included on the label; otherwise it may be printed (b) air waybill 777-76543213, piece number 122:
in box 5. The secondary bar code(s) contains data 777654321300122
elements identified in Attachment ‘B’ of this Resolution. (c) air waybill 777-32176546, pieces field not used:
The bar code includes the following top and bottom quiet
The secondary bar code shall be printed using CODE 128
and using the standard described in Recommended
Practice 1600t.
Field Identifier
The field identifier shall consist of a single alpha character
as defined below:
Field Identifier Standard)
Destination D aaa
Total No. of Pieces P n[...4]
Transfer Points C aaa
Weight of this Piece W n[...7]p
Total Weight of this Shipment T n[...7]p
Handling Information B t[...38]
Origin O aaa
HWB No. H m[1...12]
HWB Piece No. Y n[...4]
Total No. of HWB Pieces S n[...4]
Total Weight of HWB Pieces A n[...7]p
Carrier/Customer Specific Information* Z t(1...65)
Unique Piece Identifier J t(1...35)
Field Delimiter
The delimiter shall be the Plus Sign (+).
(a) HWB No.: CHZH8-1234567
(b) Destination: ABY, Number of HWB Pieces: 99.
This data will not fit onto a 4 in (102 mm) label, so two
bar codes are used. The data strings are formatted as
Bar Code No. 1
Bar Code No. 2
Attachment ‘C’
20 mm
(0.79 in) 1
35 mm
(1.38 in) 5
43 mm
(1.65 in) 6
Attachment ‘D’
RESOLVED that: 1.6 Label quality should be of a type with equal or better
characteristics than commonly used in preprinted cargo
labels. These specific characteristics include:
Section 1—General 1.6.1 adhesion holding power;
1.1 For the carriage of cargo, unless a bar coded label 1.6.2 service temperature range;
in accordance with Resolution 606 is used, identification
label(s) in the form of a non-bar coded label shall be 1.6.3 moisture resistance.
used and attached to each package, adjacent to the
consignee's name and address where space permits.
1.4.4 total number of pieces. 3.2 The completion of the mandatory boxes on the label
shall be as shown below:
1.5 Labels may contain optional information; for
3.2.1 Airline Name
1.5.1 airline insignia;
The airline name.
1.5.2 transfer points;
3.2.4 Total No. of Pieces 3.3.11 Total Weight of HWB Pieces
The total number of pieces comprising the consignment. The total weight of pieces represented by the house
waybills, together with the unit of weight (K or L).
3.3 When used, completion of the optional information
on the labels shall be as follows:
3.3.12 Product Name
3.3.1 Airline Insignia The marketing name associated with the type of freight
The airline insignia.
5 3.3.13 Other Information
3.3.2 Transfer Points
Information which may be added at the user's discretion.
The IATA three-letter code of the airport(s) of transfer.
When the airport code is unknown or the city (cities) is
(are) served by more than one airport the IATA three-
letter city code may be used.
3.3.3 Piece Number
The air waybill piece number.
3.3.4 Weight of this Piece
The weight of the specific package to which the label is
attached, together with the unit of weight (K or L).
3.3.5 Total Weight of this Shipment
The total weight of the shipment, together with the unit of
weight (K or L).
3.3.6 Handling Information
Any information which pertains to the handling of the
3.3.7 HWB No.
The house waybill (HWB) number.
3.3.8 HWB Piece No.
The house waybill (HWB) piece number.
3.3.9 Origin
The IATA three-letter code of the airport of origin. When
the airport code is unknown or the city is served by more
than one airport the IATA three-letter city code may be
3.3.10 Total No. of HWB Pieces
The total number of pieces comprising the shipment being
shipped under this house waybill.
NO. NO. 2
3 4
Note: Each box appearing on the label must be titled. Note: Each box appearing on the label must be titled.
3. The colours, symbols, language, wording and form of Optional: Carrier identification may be printed outside the
border of the label.
the labels and tags and the respective classification of the
special consignments they cover shall be as set forth in
Attachment ‘A’.
CSC(35)608 Expiry: Indefinite
Type: B
1* This Resolution is binding upon all Members of the Cargo Agency and
Cargo Services Conferences. Amendments to this Resolution may be
made by individual meetings of either the Cargo Agency or Cargo
Services Conference but will be subject to endorsement of the other
objectives are met and the benefits to the industry are 3.4 Any member failing to attend two consecutive meet-
defined and measured; ings shall be deemed to have terminated his membership
2.4 to assist in resolving issues and problems identified
and referred to the Cargo Procedures Conferences Man- 3.5 Any Accredited Representative to the Cargo Agency
agement Group by the subgroups; or Services Conferences may submit a nomination for a
membership, whether or not such nominee has previously
2.5 to review and process requests for physical meet- been a member of the Management Group.
ings of the various subgroups including task forces and
working groups in accordance with the guidelines and
procedures for requesting such meetings established by 4. DECISIONS OF THE MANAGEMENT
the Cargo Procedures Conferences Management Group GROUP
as updated from time to time. Meeting Request guidelines
and application forms shall be available from the Manage- 4.1 Issues addressed by the Management Group shall
ment Group Secretary; consist of subgroup work plans, status reports, and any
proposals submitted by Members. The issues shall be
2.6 to approve the establishment of Task Forces and identified on an agenda that will be circulated by the
ad-hoc Working Groups to address specific issues and Management Group Secretary no later than 30 days prior
problems, and to define their mandate and composition; to the start of a meeting. The reports and minutes of the
Management Group meetings shall be circulated by the
2.7 to coordinate communication between the Cargo Secretary no later than 30 days after the meeting to
Procedures Conferences and the Cargo Committee. The the Management Group members, Accredited Represen-
Chairman of the Management Group shall prepare and tatives to the Cargo Agency and Services Conferences,
provide a written report to update the Cargo Committee at and any other designated individuals as determined by
their regular meetings; the Cargo Procedures Conferences;
2.8 to monitor revenue and expenses of the Cargo 4.2 The Management Group shall meet as required.
Agency Programme activities; Such meetings shall be arranged by the Secretary after
2.9 to maintain dialogue with the IATA/FIATA Consulta- full consultation with the Chairman;
tive Council on matters of industry concern; 4.3 Registered observers may only participate in physi-
2.10 to review agenda proposals, including those sub- cal meetings of the Management Group when their
mitted by mail vote, to the Cargo Procedures Confer- request is received at least fourteen (14) days prior to
ences; such meeting. Observers shall not vote;
2.11 to maintain liaison with the Passenger Services 4.4 Decisions shall require a majority vote of the Man-
Conference and its various subgroups on issues of agement Group members voting, with abstentions not
mutual concern. counted.
3.1 The Management Group shall consist of not more
than 12 members comprised of ten (10) elected delegates
drawn equally from the respective Cargo Procedures
Conferences for four (4) year terms plus the respective
Cargo Agency and Cargo Services Conferences
Chairmen. The intention is to have a broad based
membership representing different fields of industry
expertise and drawn from various geographic regions.
Accordingly, a carrier can have no more than one
delegate participating as a member of the Management
A request to change disbursement(s) amount(s) shall be
made by the shipper or his agent in writing prior to
delivery of the consignment to the consignee or his agent.
A request for a change of the amount of insurance shall
be made by the shipper or his agent in writing prior to
departure from the airport of origin of the consignment.
The amount of insurance entered on the air waybill or in
the shipment record shall not be amended after dispatch
of the consignment from the airport of departure shown
on the air waybill or in the shipment record.
RESOLUTION 612a a copy of which shall have been sent to the accounting
office of the issuing carrier in accordance with Resol-
ution 603.
ADVICE Note: The CCA shall detail all storage and other
charges which are to be collected from the shipper.
CSC(18)612a Expiry: Indefinite
CSC(19)612a Type: B 5. Members raising a Cargo Charges Correction Advice
by message shall use the procedures described in
IATA/A4A Cargo Interchange Message Procedures Man-
RESOLVED that: ual (Cargo-IMP) (Resolution 670, Attachment ‘A’).
two-year term and their appointment endorsed by the 5.3 Prior to adopting and publishing amendments to the
CSC. At the end of their term the incumbent Chairman DGR, the Board will take into account rules and pro-
and Vice Chairman can re-nominate themselves for cedures contained elsewhere in CSC Resolutions, Rec-
election for subsequent terms if they so wish; ommended Practices or their Attachments.
5.1 The DGR shall be published as Attachment ‘A’ to 6.6 All additions, changes and deletions agreed by the
Resolution 618. The DGR will be revised and a new Board shall be circulated to all Members and non-IATA
edition published annually or at other intervals agreed by carriers participating in the IATA Multilateral Interline
the CSC. Interim amendments or supplements shall be Traffic Agreement—Cargo. Any airline wishing to except
issued during the effectiveness of an edition if considered itself in a more restrictive manner from the proposed rules
necessary in the interests of air safety. and conditions shall advise the Secretary not later than
thirty (30) days after the date the amendments are
5.2 The DGR shall be maintained and updated by the circulated. The exception will then be included as an
Board to ensure their full alignment, to the closest Operator Variation in the next edition of the DGR.
extent practicable, with the current version of the ICAO
Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Danger-
ous Goods by Air, and to ensure that all agreed changes
to the ICAO Technical Instructions, the United Nations
Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous
Goods, and the International Atomic Energy Authority
Regulations, as appropriate, are included in the corre-
sponding issue of the DGR.
1. Such criteria, standards, charges, rates or conditions of
carriage which may be specified in the IATA Live Animals
Manual shall not apply in respect of transportation to or from
Canada unless clearly provided for in the carrier's tariff in effect
and on file with the National Transportation Agency of Canada.
3.4 develop and propose additions, changes and 4.3 When a meeting has been approved by the Cargo
deletions to the IATA Live Animal Regulations and to Procedures Conference Management Group, all rec-
ensure that all agreed changes to the Regulations are ommended additions, changes and deletions, new and
suitably included in the corresponding issue of the IATA unresolved, must be published in the agenda of the
Live Animals Regulations; meeting of the Board and circulated to the designated
Board members by the IATA Secretariat at least
3.5 develop and approve documentary requirements thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.
and procedures for the welfare control, handling and
processing of live animals and their loading and unloading 4.4 All additions, changes and deletions agreed upon by
onto aircraft; the Board shall be circulated within thirty (30) days after
agreement of the Board to the designated Board mem-
3.6 develop and issue educational and training material, bers, and Members and interested parties.
as required, to enhance full compliance with the detailed
provisions of the IATA Live Animals Regulations by 4.5 Any airline wishing to except themselves in a
packaging and equipment manufacturers, shippers, IATA more restrictive manner from the carriage of existing or
Cargo Agents, forwarders, handling and airline staff; additional species and/or conditions pertaining thereto,
shall advise the IATA Secretary of the Board not later
3.7 undertake continuing review on the acceptance and than thirty (30) days after the date of circulation of the
carriage of live animals by air in the best interests of the amendment(s) in order that such exceptions can be
welfare and safety of animals and staff; included in the next edition of the IATA Live Animals
3.8 maintain close contact with shippers of live
animals and national and international organisations con-
cerned with the establishment of uniform and intermodal 5. IATA LIVE ANIMALS REGULATIONS
standards and requirements for the transport safety and
welfare of live animals; 5.1 The IATA Live Animals Regulations shall contain, in
addition to the technical standards and requirements, the
3.8.1 The LAPB shall establish an “Advisory Group” of carrier's handling, loading and stowage requirements on
government agencies involved in the regulation of animal aircraft and all applicable state variations, operator differ-
transportation and non-governmental organizations with ences and references that are notified to the IATA
an interest in animal transportation issues, to provide Secretariat.
input to the LAPB on agenda items and to propose
matters for LAPB discussion and/or action. The Advisory 5.2 A new edition of the IATA Live Animals Regulations
Group shall consist of up to five members appointed for shall be issued annually.
terms of two years from the date of appointment. The
Advisory Group shall operate by consensus in its rec- 5.3 The Board shall determine the effectiveness date of
ommendation and proposal making processes. agreed amendments to the IATA Live Animals Regu-
lations and Members shall put such amendments into
3.8.2 Any Advisory Panel member failing to attend two effect on that date.
consecutive meetings will have its membership recon-
sidered by the LAPB.
3.9 the Board shall consider the application of any other RESPECT OF PERISHABLES
governmental regulations pertaining to the transportation TRANSPORTATION
of live animals or their unprocessed products.
The IATA Live Animals and Perishables Board shall
evolve criteria applicable to the acceptance, handling and
4. AMENDMENT PROCEDURES FOR THE loading of perishables in air transportation as outlined in
IATA LIVE ANIMALS REGULATIONS the IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations, which shall
include provisions for their quality and wholesomeness
4.1 Requests for additions, changes and deletions to the whilst in the custody of Members:
IATA Live Animals Regulations shall be submitted by
Members, governments, OIE, CITES, manufacturers, 6.1 consider all aspects of the specifications, rules and
shippers and other interested parties to the Secretary. procedures by which perishables shall be carried safely
worldwide. The foregoing shall include, but not be limited
4.2 All requests for additions, changes and deletions to, classification, labelling, marking, packing, quantities
must be fully explained, including technical references per package, handling, loading, documentary require-
and illustrations, and in the case of additions they must ments and any other necessary control and cold chain
include the species of the animal involved and all details management procedures;
of the recommended container. The requests shall be
discussed by the Board members through teleconferenc- 6.2 consider all proposals made from IATA Members,
ing or an exchange of messages and all reasonable Convention on International Trade in Endangered
attempts shall be made to agree with such requests. Species (CITES) on Flora, European Union (EU) and
Requests that are to be discussed by teleconference shall national legislative authorities, and other interested
be circulated to the Board members and interested parties;
parties fourteen (14) days prior to the teleconference.
6.3 ensure that any proposals referred to in 6.1 and 6.2 7.3 When a meeting has been approved by the Cargo
take into account: Procedures Conferences Management Group, all rec-
ommended additions, changes and deletions, new and
6.3.1 the characteristics peculiar to air transport, such unresolved, must be published in the agenda of the
as aircraft structures, decreased pressures at high alti- meeting of the Board and circulated to the designated
tude, temperature conditions, as well as handling, loading Board members by the IATA Secretariat at least
and storage provisions, thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.
6.3.2 the principles contained in the CITES as may be 7.4 All additions, changes and deletions agreed upon by
amended from time to time; the Board shall be circulated within thirty (30) days after
agreement of the Board to the designated Board mem-
6.4 develop and propose additions, changes and bers, and Members and interested parties.
deletions to the IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations and
to ensure that all agreed changes to the Regulations are 7.5 Any airline wishing to except themselves in a more
suitably included in the corresponding issue of the IATA restrictive manner from the carriage of existing or ad-
Perishable Cargo Regulations; ditional perishables and/or conditions pertaining thereto,
shall advise the IATA Secretary of the Board not later
6.5 develop and approve documentary requirements than thirty (30) days after the date of circulation of the
and procedures for the quality control, handling and amendment(s) in the minutes and in order that such
processing of perishables and their loading and unloading exceptions can be included in the next edition of the IATA
onto aircraft; Perishables Cargo Regulations.
6.6 develop and issue educational and training material,
as required, to enhance full compliance with the detailed 8. IATA PERISHABLE CARGO
provisions of the IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations by
packaging and equipment manufacturers, shippers, IATA REGULATIONS
Cargo Agents, forwarders, handling and airline staff; 8.1 The IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations shall con-
6.7 undertake continuing review on the acceptance and tain, in addition to the technical standards and require-
carriage of perishables by air in the best interests of the ments, the carrier's handling, loading and stowage
conditions of perishables and safety to the staff and requirements on aircraft and all applicable state vari-
equipment; ations, operator differences and references that are
notified to the IATA Secretariat.
6.8 maintain close contact with shippers of perishables
and national and international organisations concerned 8.2 A new edition of the IATA Perishable Cargo Regu-
with the establishment of uniform and intermodal stan- lations shall be issued annually.
dards and requirements for the transport safety and the 8.3 The Board shall determine the effectiveness date of
conditions of perishables; agreed amendments to the IATA Perishable Cargo Regu-
6.9 the Board shall consider the application of any other lations and Members shall put such amendments into
governmental regulations pertaining to the transportation effect on that date.
of perishables or their unprocessed products.
REGULATIONS The IATA Live Animals and Perishables Board shall
7.1 Requests for additions, changes and deletions to the evolve criteria applicable to the acceptance, handling and
IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations shall be submitted by loading of healthcare products in air transportation as
Members, governments, EU, CITES, manufacturers, ship- outlined in the IATA Temperature Control Regulations,
pers or their agents and other interested parties to the which shall include provisions for their quality and integrity
Secretary. whilst in the custody of Members:
7.2 All requests for additions, changes and deletions 9.1 consider all aspects of the specifications, rules and
must be fully explained, including technical references procedures by which healthcare products shall be carried
and illustrations, and in the case of additions they must safely worldwide. The foregoing shall include, but not be
include the species of the perishable involved and all limited to, classification, labelling, marking, packing, hand-
details of the recommended container. The requests shall ling, loading, documentary requirements and any other
be discussed by the Board members through teleconfer- necessary control and cold chain management pro-
encing or an exchange of messages and all reasonable cedures;
attempts shall be made to agree such requests. Requests 9.2 consider all proposals made from IATA Members,
that are to be discussed by teleconference shall be European Union (EU) and national legislative authorities,
circulated to the Board members and interested parties and other interested parties;
fourteen (14) days prior to the teleconference.
9.3 ensure that any proposals referred to in 6.1 and 6.2 meeting of the Board and circulated to the designated
take into account: Board members by the IATA Secretariat at least thirty
(30) days prior to the meeting.
9.3.1 the characteristics peculiar to air transport, such
as aircraft structures, decreased pressures at high alti- 10.4 All additions, changes and deletions agreed upon
tude, temperature conditions, as well as handling, loading by the Board shall be circulated within thirty (30) days
and storage provisions, after agreement of the Board to the designated Board
members, and Members and interested parties.
9.4 develop and propose additions, changes and de-
letions to the IATA Temperature Control Regulations and 10.5 Any airline wishing to except themselves in a more
to ensure that all agreed changes to the Regulations are restrictive manner from the carriage of existing or ad-
suitably included in the corresponding issue of the IATA ditional healthcare products and/or conditions pertaining
Temperature Control Regulations; thereto, shall advise the IATA Secretary of the Board not
later than thirty (30) days after the date of circulation of
9.5 develop and approve documentary requirements the amendment(s) in the minutes and in order that such
and procedures for the quality control, handling and exceptions can be included in the next edition of the IATA
processing of healthcare products and their loading and Temperature Control Regulations.
unloading onto aircraft;
9.6 develop and issue educational and training material, 11. IATA TEMPERATURE CONTROL
as required, to enhance full compliance with the detailed REGULATIONS
provisions of the IATA Temperature Control Regulations
by packaging and equipment manufacturers, shippers, 11.1 The IATA Temperature Control Regulations shall
IATA Cargo Agents, forwarders, handling and airline staff; contain, in addition to the technical standards and re-
quirements, the carrier's handling, loading and stowage
9.7 undertake continuing review on the acceptance and requirements on aircraft and all applicable state vari-
carriage of healthcare products by air in the best interests ations, operator differences and references that are
of the conditions of healthcare products and safety to the notified to the IATA Secretariat.
staff and equipment;
11.2 A new edition of the IATA Temperature Control
9.8 maintain close contact with shippers of healthcare Regulations shall be issued annually.
products and national and international organisations
concerned with the establishment of uniform and inter- 11.3 The Board shall determine the effectiveness date
modal standards and requirements for the transport of agreed amendments to the IATA Temperature Control
safety and the conditions of healthcare products; Regulations and Members shall put such amendments
into effect on that date.
9.9 the Board shall consider the application of any other
governmental regulations pertaining to the transportation
of healthcare or their unprocessed products.
1 Attachment ‘A’ has been promulgated by IATA as a separate document.
2 Attachment ‘A’ has been promulgated by IATA as a separate document.
1 Established in 1952 as the Customs Cooperation Council.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WHEREAS the Parties recognise that, through the use of
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in mail transport, a
BETWEEN THE UNIVERSAL POSTAL paperless trading environment might be achieved, with
UNION AND THE INTERNATIONAL AIR potentially significant benefits for both UPU members and
Order E-24719 dated 3 February 1967:
Approval of:
Order 71-10-53:
2 The condition will not extend to fares, rates and charges. There is an
outstanding Board condition which renders IATA Resolutions
inapplicable with respect to a domestic segment of a U.S. Member
carrier. IATA Regional Traffic Conference Investigation 24 CAB 463,
(1957). In that proceeding, as well as in the referenced Order E-21433,
the Board declined to extend the geographical scope of that condition.
Accordingly, our condition herein will not extend to the application of the
resolution to fares, rates or charges.
under the terms of an international Postal Convention, consignment or its documentation to the issuing airline at
baggage or property of the airline(s); provided that the airport of departure.
baggage moving under an air waybill is cargo.
1.24 “REROUTING”. The route to be followed as altered
1.11 “CARGO CHARGES CORRECTION ADVICE” from that originally specified in the air waybill or in the
(CCA). The document used for the notification of changes shipment record.
to transportation charges, and/or other charges and/or
method of payment. 1.25 “ROUTING”. The route to be followed as originally
specified in the air waybill or in the shipment record.
1.12 “CARRIAGE”. Is equivalent to the term “transpor-
tation”, means carriage of cargo, gratuitously or for hire. 1.26 “SALE”. The issuance or the completion of an air
waybill or other transportation document as authorized
1.13 “CARRIAGE, INTERLINE”. The carriage over the herein or the compilation of a shipment record.
routes of two or more parties to this Agreement.
1.27 “SHIPMENT RECORD”. Any record of the contract
1.14 “CHARGE”. An amount to be paid for carriage of of carriage preserved by carrier, evidenced by means
cargo, based on the applicable rate for such carriage, or other than an air waybill.
an amount to be paid for special or incidental service in
connection with such carriage. 1.28 “SHIPPER”. Equivalent to the term “consignor”
means the person whose name appears on the air waybill
1.15 “CHARGES COLLECT”. Is equivalent to the term or in the shipment record as the party contracting with the
“freight collect” or “charges forward”, means the charges airline(s) for carriage of goods.
entered on the air waybill or in the shipment record for
collection from the consignee. 1.29 “TARIFFS”. The published rates, charges and
related rules.
1.16 “CHARGES, FORWARDING”. Charges paid or to
be paid for preliminary carriage to the airport of departure 1.30 “TRANSFER MANIFEST”. The document (paper or
by a surface or air transportation agency not a carrier electronic version as agreed between the transferring
under the air waybill or the shipment record. airline and the receiving airline) executed by the transfer-
ring airline upon transfer of interline cargo and endorsed
1.17 “CHARGES, PREPAID”. The charges entered on by the receiving airline as a receipt for the consignment
the air waybill or into the shipment record for payment by transferred.
the shipper.
1.31 “VALUABLE CARGO”. Valuable cargo as defined
1.18 “CHARGES, REFORWARDING”. Charges paid or in Resolution 012.
to be paid for subsequent carriage from the airport of
destination by a surface or air transportation agency not a
carrier under the air waybill or the shipment record. Article 2—Issuance and Completion of
1.19 “CONSIGNEE”. The person whose name appears Air Waybill or Shipment Record
on the air waybill or in the shipment record as the party to
whom the cargo is to be delivered by the airline or its 2.1 ISSUANCE
2.1.1 Each party hereto is hereby authorized to issue or
1.20 “CONSIGNMENT”. Is equivalent to the term “ship- complete:
ment”, means one or more pieces of goods accepted by
the airline from one shipper at one time and at one air waybills for transportation of goods over the
address, receipted for in one lot, and moving on one air routes of each party hereto; or
waybill or one shipment record to one consignee at one
destination address. a shipment record, if the consent of the shipper
has been obtained where necessary as per applicable
1.21 “EMBARGO”. The refusal by an airline for a limited international convention, and a cargo receipt, if so
period, to accept for transportation over any route or requested by the shipper; and
segment thereof, and to or from any area, or point of
connecting airline, any commodity, type or class of cargo 2.1.2 all other documents necessary or appropriate for
duly tendered. such transportation, all in the form approved by, and in
accordance with the tariffs and the terms, provisions, and
1.22 “CARGO RECEIPT” (also known as ‘Receipt for conditions of the air waybill, the shipment record and
the Cargo’). A document (in paper or electronic form) other documents of the party over whose routes the cargo
which is provided to the shipper, upon shipper's request, is to be carried.
by the carrier creating a shipment record as a substitution
for the issuance of an air waybill and which permits
identification of the shipment. 2.2 ACCEPTANCE
1.23 “REPORT, IRREGULARITY” (IRP). The document Each party agrees to accept each such air waybill, or
referred to in Resolution 603 and is equivalent to the other transportation document issued by any other party
term Notice of Non-Delivery, which is forwarded by a hereto or a shipment record and to transport cargo as
participating airline upon discovery of an irregularity in a specified therein, subject to its applicable tariffs and
subject to the terms of this Agreement and applicable nature described in this subsection unless and until
regulations and clearance procedures of the IATA Clear- advance arrangements shall have been made with such
ing House. Such air waybill or shipment record may other parties as hereinafter provided:
provide for the ground and/or air transportation of cargo
and turning over to other transportation agencies for consignments having a declared value in excess of
onward carriage by them of goods destined beyond USD 100,000 (or equivalent);
points served by the participating airlines and in such
event it is agreed that the participating airline will act in pieces of unusual shape;
accordance with the terms of such provision. consignments or packages in excess of the dimensions
and weight published by or on behalf of the parties to
2.3 FURNISHING OF TARIFFS, ETC. this Agreement;
Each party shall make available to each other party the dangerous goods specified in the current IATA Danger-
tariffs and other information necessary to the sale, as ous Goods Regulations. Except as otherwise may
contemplated hereunder, of the transportation services result from a more restrictive filing pursuant to Resol-
currently being offered by it. The parties agree to use ution 619 or as may be required by a Government
reasonable efforts to keep each other informed of rel- restriction shown in said Regulations, each party shall
evant service changes. be bound to accept dangerous goods under the con-
ditions as prescribed in such Regulations and each
party shall be deemed hereby to have waived the
requirements relating to notification for advance ar-
Article 3—Cargo Handling rangements hereinbefore set forth except with respect
to Dangerous Goods shipments to the United States or
3.1. USE OF FORMS AND PROCEDURES radioactive shipments to any location; live animals
(specifying the species) (only acceptable if in com-
Each of the parties hereto shall use for handling and pliance with the IATA Live Animals Regulations); hu-
carriage of interline cargo the forms and procedures set man remains other than ashes;
forth in the applicable IATA Resolutions.
Collection of charges incurred in transit and/or destination to be on an air waybill under the Warsaw Convention is
for shipments destined to countries where collect facilities provided.
are not available shall be the responsibility of the issuing
airline; provided that within fourteen (14) days of the Substitute Air Waybill or Shipment
charges being incurred, notice has been dispatched to Record
the issuing airline by the airline raising them. Such
charges should be billed to the issuing airline by the In case an original air waybill or shipment record is
delivering airline in accordance with the IATA Revenue temporarily unavailable and if:
Accounting Manual. In the event that such notice is not
dispatched within the 14-day period, responsibility for the it is not practical to reforward the cargo by
collection shall be transferred to the airline failing to give the same airline from which it was received or obtain a
notice, but the issuing airline will nevertheless make every copy of the original air waybill via facsimile transmission
reasonable effort to facilitate the collection. or other electronic means; and
In the event that a receiving airline participating in the (b) follow the procedures set forth in Attachment ‘B’ to
carriage of the consignment has not received the original Recommended Practice 1605 for the transmission and
air waybill or copy thereof or the shipment record within completion of an electronic transfer manifest.
twenty-one (21) days of the date of issue of the substitute
air waybill or substitute shipment record, it shall be Where an interline consignment is tendered to an airline
entitled to write to the airline which issued the substitute at a transfer point from which this airline is shown on the
air waybill or substitute shipment record demanding air waybill or in the shipment record as the next partici-
the original air waybill (or copy thereof) or the shipment pating airline, and where acceptance of such consign-
record and if this has not been received within two ment is not contrary to the tariffs, rules and regulations of
months from date of writing the receiving airline shall be the airline, or to an embargo on its lines or on the line(s)
entitled to bill at normal sector rates for its sector of of subsequent participating airline(s), such airline shall
carriage to the airline which issued the substitute air accept the consignment.
waybill or substitute shipment record. Such billing must be
supported by a copy of the letter applying for the original Unit Load Devices
air waybill or shipment record and a copy of the substitute
air waybill or substitute shipment record. No recharge of A unit load device which has been transferred remains
such billing, except to correct any rating or arithmetical the property of its owner. The receiving airline shall return
error, may be made by the airline which issued the such unit load device to the transferring airline, and the
substitute air waybill or substitute shipment record unless transferring airline shall be entitled to a signature from the
the recharge is accompanied by the original air waybill or receiving airline on a receipt for such transferred unit.
copy thereof or shipment record. If an original air waybill
or shipment record is not received within twenty-one Delivery
(21) days of a written request from the receiving partici-
pating airline, such requesting airline may bill the pub- In transferring cargo it shall be the responsibility of the
lished sector rate for such carriage. transferring airline to deliver such cargo to the receiving
airline at such time and place as may be agreed upon by
the airlines concerned. The transferring airlines shall not Attached Documentation incur any liability towards the receiving airline for loss of
Each transferring airline is responsible for ensuring that revenue in case of missed connections.
all documents listed on the air waybill or in the shipment
record as being attached are, in fact, attached and are Transmission
handed over or transmitted electronically to the receiving
airlines. A movement by a second or subsequent carrier including
last carrier should be transmitted to the issuing carrier by
means of an FSU message. In the event of flight Entry of Charges departure, document delivery, Customs clearance, freight
If charges collect facilities are available in the country of delivery or transfer of manifest to the next Carrier, the
destination, each transferring or receiving airline shall message should be sent to the issuing carrier's system
enter as charges collect, on all copies of the air waybill address published in the Cargo Interchange Message
accompanying the consignment or into the shipment Procedures Manual, Section 2.2—Message Exchange
record which were not previously entered by the issuing Parties.
airline, all charges to be recovered from the consignee.
The airline shall raise such charges at the point of 3.2.4 Embargoes
transfer and shall be responsible for the correct
calculation thereof. Any charges so entered must be An airline may establish an embargo to become effective
notified to the appropriate airline by use of a Cargo at 00.01 hours GMT on the second day after declaration
Charges Correction Advice (CCA), as described in Resol- by the airline, as hereinafter provided, and after receipt of
ution 612a, and in accordance with the IATA Revenue such a notification no airline shall accept cargo for
Accounting Manual. carriage over the service(s) under the embargo.
shipment records, the execution date of which is one day airline of action taken and of any additional charges
or more after the date of declaration. incurred thereby. Authority Upon delivery of the Consignment the last Airline shall
collect all charges entered on the air waybill or in the
The routing originally shown on the air waybill or in the shipment record as “Charges Collect”.
shipment record by the shipper (or by the issuing airline
on the shipper's behalf) should be observed, but may be Where charges are indicated on the face of the air waybill
changed if required by operational considerations, or to or in the shipment record as payable by the consignee
avoid delay in case of emergencies such as weather but are uncollectable by the last airline, the latter shall, if
conditions, mechanical failures or accidents, congestion possible, comply with any instructions given by the
or embargoes. shipper on the air waybill or in the shipment record.
Where an embargo is in effect, the routing may be If this does not satisfactorily dispose of the matter, the
changed by the immediately preceding airline. last airline shall, within fourteen (14) days of arrival of the
consignment at the airport of destination, dispatch notice Apportionment of Revenue of non-delivery to the issuing airline at the airport of
departure by means of an Irregularity Report. The issuing Such rerouting airline shall guarantee each airline may, in accordance with applicable tariffs and laws,
airline performing a rerouted portion of the carriage its instruct the last airline either to sell the consignment or to
respective sector rate. return it to the issuing airline. When the consignment is to
be sold, the last airline shall issue a Cargo Charges Notwithstanding, if an airline is a Correction Advice in accordance with Resolution 612a.
signatory to the Multilateral Proration Agreement—Cargo, The issuing airline shall make every reasonable effort to
its prorate share shall be calculated in accordance with collect outstanding charges from the shipper or owner.
such Agreement on the basis of the sector actually flown. Perishable and Live Animals
3.2.7 Disposition of Goods by Shipper
If charges collect consignments of perishables or live If the shipper exercises his right of disposition of animals cannot be delivered against payment by the
the goods in accordance with the Contract of Carriage or consignee and if time does not permit the last airline to
with applicable law, the issuing airline shall take care that contact the issuing airline for instructions, the last airline
such exercise shall not affect adversely the rights of any shall take immediate action to dispose of the goods in the
participating airline. The issuing airline shall require: best interest of all participating airlines. This does not
preclude delivery to consignee without payment if no written instructions; and other means exist to protect the other airlines' interest. In
such circumstances, the last airline shall forthwith inform production by the shipper of the part of the air the issuing airline about any action taken.
waybill or the cargo receipt that was delivered to the
shipper. Responsibility for Charges Collect Exercise of the shipper's right of disposition shall
The issuing airline shall be responsible to participating
be permitted only with respect to the entire consignment
airlines for all charges not received by the last airline in
and prior to delivery to the consignee.
the cases mentioned in The issuing airline shall notify the appropriate
The last airline shall be responsible to participating and
participating airline of the disposal instructions and shall
issuing airlines for all charges indicated as charges collect
collect from the shipper any charges which arise from the
on the air waybill or in the shipment record, if a shipment
disposition. Upon receipt of instructions from the issuing
has been delivered to consignee, in circumstances other
airline to affect a disposition, the participating airline
than those mentioned in The issuing airline shall
having custody of the consignment shall promptly
be responsible to participating airlines for charges, if
endeavour to comply therewith and notify the issuing
consignments cannot be delivered against payment of all onward-carrying airline's failure to discharge its obligation
charges due (including those cases whereby issuing or responsibility as provided hereinafter in 6.7.
airlines did not act in accordance with Resolution 613)
and the last airline has so informed the issuing airline in Parties are cautioned that the use of electronic means in
accordance with Resolution 603. lieu of a paper air waybill may increase their liability
exposure on traffic routes where electronic means are not Delivery on Substitute Air Waybill or recognized under international convention and local law.
Shipment Record
If the last airline receives a consignment accompanied by 4.3 NOTICE AND ASSISTANCE IN
a substitute air waybill or substitute shipment record on CLAIMS AND SUITS
which no charge description is shown, such airline may
deliver the consignment to the consignee indicated In the event that any claim is made or suit is commenced
thereon only against a written indemnity signed by the against a party hereto, indemnified as above, such party
consignee which states that the consignee guarantees shall give prompt written notice to the appropriate other
payment of all unpaid charges indicated on the face of an party hereto and shall furnish as requested all available
original of the air waybill or in the original shipment communications, legal processes, data, papers, records
record, issued in respect of such consignment, as pay- and other information, material to the resistance or
able by the consignee. defense of such claim or suit.
Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to confer a Amounts paid in settlement for loss or damage to cargo
right on any person other than the parties hereto. not detected or recorded at the time of transfer between
the airlines shall be prorated amongst all carrying airlines
concerned on the basis of transportation charges
received by each from such transportation.
Article 4—Claims and Indemnities
5.3 COLLECTED AND PAID-OVER location and hours to be agreed upon by the parties
No interline service charge or other compensation shall
be payable to the issuing airline in respect of sums not
actually collected and paid over by it to the participating 6.7 LAWS AND REGULATIONS
airlines, as evidenced by air waybills, entries in the
shipment record or other authorized transportation docu- Whenever cargo is to be transferred for onward transpor-
ments issued by the issuing airline, or with respect to tation hereunder and completion of such transportation
sums which shall be refunded, except as otherwise necessitates compliance with the laws and regulations
specifically authorized by the participating airlines. pertaining to importation and transit or exportation and
transit of the country of point of transfer, it shall be the
responsibility of the transferring airline to comply
with such laws and regulations and to deliver, where
Article 6—General necessary, to the onward carrying airline, prior to or
simultaneously with the transfer, proper evidence of
6.1 CAPACITY OF ISSUING AIRLINE compliance with that country's laws and regulations per-
taining to such importation and transit or exportation and
On issuing or completing air waybills or shipment records transit; provided, however, that in any case where com-
for transportation over the routes of other parties hereto, pliance with such laws and regulations can be made only
the issuing airline shall be deemed to act only as an by the onward-carrying airline, it shall be the onward-
Agent of the participating airline(s). carrying airline's responsibility to comply therewith and
provided further that any two or more parties hereto may,
by separate written agreement, alter such responsibilities
6.2 AGENTS as between themselves.
Any act which a party is authorized or permitted by this
agreement to take may be taken through an Agent of that 6.8 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS
Where an issuing airline is an Associate Member it shall
comply with all the provisions of the IATA Resolutions
6.3 REPRESENTATIONS covering the sale of the applicable rate or charge and
failure of such compliance shall constitute a breach of the
Each party hereto agrees not to make any represen- applicable IATA Resolutions by the Associate Member.
tations with regard to the air waybills, contents of the Such breach shall not constitute a breach by the partici-
shipment record or other transportation documents of any pating airlines. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Associate
other party hereto, or of the flight or journey for which the Members shall not be required to adhere to conditions of
same shall be sold or issued, except those represen- service as laid down in any IATA Resolution for transpor-
tations specifically authorized by such other party. tation over their domestic services.
procedures of the IATA Clearing House, the transpor- 8.1.3 the IATA Director General may, at the request of
tation charges applicable to the transportation performed any party concerned, fix any time limit he finds appropri-
by such participating airlines and any additional transpor- ate within which the parties, or the arbitrators appointed
tation and non-transportation charges collected. Except by the parties, shall constitute the arbitral tribunal. Upon
as may be otherwise agreed between members con- expiration of this time limit, the IATA Director General
cerned, interline revenue shall be billed in accordance shall take the action prescribed in the preceding Para-
with the IATA Revenue Accounting Manual. graph to constitute the tribunal;
7.2.1 Settlements of amounts payable pursuant to this 8.1.5 the arbitral tribunal shall settle its own procedure
Agreement between parties that are members of the IATA and if necessary shall decide the law to be applied. The
Clearing House shall be in accordance with applicable award shall include a direction concerning allocation of
rules and regulations of the IATA Clearing House. costs and expenses of and incidental to the arbitration
(including arbitrator fees);
7.2.2 Settlements of amounts payable pursuant to this
Agreement involving one or more parties that are not 8.1.6 the award shall be final and conclusively binding
Members of the IATA Clearing House shall be made upon the parties.
monthly or at such shorter intervals and in such manner
and by such means as may be mutually agreed upon by
the respective parties hereto. Statements of account Article 9—Administrative Provisions
covering all such amounts will be exchanged as promptly
as practicable after the end of each month. Settlement
shall be effected promptly after such statements are 9.1 TERMINATION OF PRIOR
exchanged by offset of balances after a conversion to a AGREEMENTS
common currency by cash payment in the national
currency of the net creditor, or as otherwise agreed; This Agreement supersedes all previous interline traffic
provided that such option to agree otherwise shall not be agreements pertaining to international transportation of
available where remittance due the airline has been cargo between and among the parties hereto which are in
delayed six months or more. However, if, before settle- conflict herewith.
ment, the currency of one of the parties alters in value
vis-a-vis the currency of another by 10% or more a
special settlement shall be made in which all items 9.2 APPLICATION TO BECOME A PARTY
relative to any date preceding such alteration shall be
9.2.1 Any airline desiring to become a party to this
offset at the rate of exchange which would have been
Agreement shall make written application to IATA's Direc-
applicable had such alteration not occurred.
tor, Global Head of Cargo; non-IATA airlines shall com-
plete the application form shown in Appendix ‘A’. The
IATA Director, Global Head of Cargo shall mail to each
Article 8—Arbitration party hereto a copy of such application on the first day of
8.1 Any dispute or claim concerning the scope, mean- the month subsequent to the date on which the written
ing, construction or effect of this Agreement or arising application is received.
therefrom shall be referred to and finally settled by 9.2.2 Each party desiring to participate with the appli-
arbitration in accordance with the procedures set forth cant in the Agreement, shall send its concurrence to the
below and if necessary, judgment on the award rendered IATA Director, Global Head of Cargo with a copy to the
may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof: applicant.
8.1.1 if the parties agree to the appointment of a single 9.2.3 Thirty (30) days after the date of the first notice,
arbitrator, the arbitral tribunal shall consist of him alone; the IATA Director, Global Head of Cargo will mail to each
8.1.2 if they do not so agree, the arbitral tribunal shall party and the applicant, a second notice stating which
consist of three arbitrators appointed as hereinafter pro- parties have concurred with the applicant. On the thirtieth
vided; if there are only two parties involved in the dispute (30th) day after the date of such second notice, the
each party shall appoint one of the three arbitrators; applicant shall become party, and this Agreement shall
should either party fail to appoint his arbitrator such become binding between the applicant and all parties
appointment shall be made by the IATA Director General. which have concurred with the applicant.
Should more than two parties be involved in the dispute 9.2.4 Any additional concurrences received after the
they shall jointly agree on the appointment of two of the mailing of the second notice will be circulated to each
arbitrators; failing unanimous agreement thereon, such party hereto by the IATA Director, Global Head of Cargo
appointment shall be made by the IATA Director General. on the first day of the month subsequent to the day on
The two arbitrators appointed in the manner provided which the concurrences were received. On the thirtieth
above shall appoint the third arbitrator, who shall act as (30th) day after the date of the notice of additional
chairman. Should they fail to agree on the appointment of concurrences, this Agreement shall become binding
the third arbitrator, such appointment shall be made by between the applicant and the additional parties which
the IATA Director General; have concurred with the applicant. A party to this
Agreement (for the purpose of this provision to be known hereto; in the latter alternative the agreement shall
as a “later party”) cannot concur with another party (for continue in force between the party giving such notice
the purpose of this provision to be known as an “earlier and all parties hereto except such designated party.
party”) which became party to the Agreement prior to the
later party. However, an earlier party can concur with a A party hereto that ceases to operate scheduled
later party at any time, and a copy of such concurrence services for thirty (30) or more days (other than due to a
which is sent to the IATA Director, Global Head of Cargo strike) shall be deemed to have withdrawn from this
shall also be sent by the earlier party to the later party. Agreement with respect to all other parties hereto, effec-
tive thirty (30) days after written notice of such cessation
9.2.5 The concurrence procedures outlined above may is circulated by the IATA Director, Global Head of Cargo
be expedited in the following manner. The earlier party to all parties hereto.
shall notify the later party of its intent to concur on an
expedited basis, by message with a copy to the IATA In the event a party hereto or the IATA Sec-
Director, Global Head of Cargo. If no objection is received retariat has reason to believe that a party hereto has
from the later party the concurrence shall be deemed to ceased to operate scheduled services for thirty (30) days
be effective ten (10) days after the dispatch of the or more, (other than due to a strike), IATA Director,
message. The IATA Director, Global Head of Cargo will Global Head of Cargo may, by registered letter, request
circulate a list of expedited concurrences in the regular such party to confirm that it is still operating scheduled
transmittals. services. No more than sixty (60) days after dispatch of
such registered letter the IATA Director, Global Head of
9.2.6 Each year on the anniversary date of a non-IATA Cargo shall circulate any reply received. If such party is
airline becoming a party to the agreement, the IATA negative or if no reply is received the party(ies) shall be
Director, Global Head of Cargo shall dispatch by regis- deemed to have withdrawn from this Agreement with
tered mail to such non-IATA party, the Annual Review respect to all other parties hereto effective upon expir-
Form contained in Appendix ‘B’. If the party advises that it ation of sixty (60) days as specified above.
is no longer operating scheduled services, or it does not
return the form within thirty (30) days of mailing, the IATA In the event a non-IATA Airline which is a party
Director, Global Head of Cargo shall have the party to this Agreement does not return the Annual Review
withdrawn from the agreement under the provisions Form as provided in 9.2.6 such party shall be deemed to
of have withdrawn from the Agreement with respect to all
other parties hereto effective upon expiration of
sixty (60) days of mailing.
9.4.2 Withdrawal with Immediate Effect
9.3.1 Thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of any
amendment to the IATA Form of Interline Agreement Notwithstanding 9.4.1, if any party hereto
adopted by an IATA Traffic Conference, the IATA Direc- becomes insolvent, suspends payments or fails to meet
tor, Global Head of Cargo shall mail to all parties hereto, its contractual obligations, or has become involved, volun-
the text and effective date of the amendment by regis- tarily or involuntarily, in proceedings declaring or to
tered airmail. Each non-IATA party hereto shall then, in declare it bankrupt or for commercial, operational or other
writing to the IATA Director, Global Head of Cargo concur reason(s), any other party hereto may by written notice to
in or dissent from such amendment. If no reply is received such party, with immediate effectiveness, withdraw from
from a party by the thirtieth (30th) day from the day of this Agreement with respect to the party notified. The
mailing, such party shall be deemed to have concurred in notice may specify the reasons for withdrawal and a copy
the amendment. Any party dissenting from the amend- shall simultaneously be sent to the IATA Director, Global
ment shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the Head of Cargo, who shall circulate such notice (including
agreement on the date the amendment becomes effec- the specific reasons stated therein) to all the parties
tive. Immediately after the thirtieth (30th) day from date of hereto. Any other party may thereafter advise the IATA
mailing, the IATA Director, Global Head of Cargo shall Director, Global Head of Cargo in writing of its withdrawal
notify all parties hereto of any parties dissenting from the with respect to the party notified, effective immediately.
amendment. The IATA Director, Global Head of Cargo shall circulate
this information to all parties.
9.3.2 Upon the effective date of the amendment, the
latter shall become binding between all parties that have Notwithstanding 9.4.1, if any party ceases to
concurred in the amendments as above provided. operate all of its scheduled services (other than due to a
strike) any other party hereto may submit to such party
written notice of withdrawal, with immediate effectiveness,
9.4 WITHDRAWAL FROM AGREEMENT from the agreement with respect to such party; in that
event, such other party shall simultaneously submit
9.4.1 Withdrawal by Thirty Day Notice details of such withdrawal to the IATA Director, Global
Head of Cargo, who shall circulate such information to all A party hereto may withdraw from this Agree- parties hereto.
ment either with respect to all the parties or with respect
to a designated party, by giving thirty (30) days written
notice of such withdrawal to the designated party and to
the IATA Director, Global Head of Cargo who shall
forthwith circulate such information to all the parties
(Name of Airline)
By .....................................................................................
(Typed or Printed Name of Signer)
(Title or Capacity)
Attachment ‘A’
Appendix ‘A’
The information requested in this application form is required by the participants in IATA Interline Traffic Agreements —
Passenger and/or Cargo in order to enable them to decide whether or not to concur in your application. Kindly answer all
the questions set forth in Section 1 — General together with those in Section 2 — Passenger and Section 3 — Cargo if you
wish to become a party to both Agreements. In the event that you wish to limit your application to one Agreement, Passenger
or Cargo, complete the relevant Section (2 or 3) together with Section 1. If so desired you may supplement the required
information with additional data and if the space on this form is insufficient for complete answers, please use additional
The undersigned is interested in becoming a party to the IATA Multilateral Interline Traffic Agreements.
Passenger (complete Sections 1 and 2)
Cargo (complete Sections 1 and 3)
Section 1 — General
1.1 Name and Head Office address:
1.5 Form of business “sole owner, proprietorship, partnership, corporation or state owned” including dates of changes in
(c) minimum paid-up capital required by the law of your country ...............................................................................
1.11 Types and number of aircraft. State market value in USD of each item and whether:
(a) wholly owned without collateral holding by third party;
(b) wholly owned and amount due and held as collateral by third party;
(c) on hire/leased
Type of Aircraft Number of Aircraft Value in USD Indicate (a), (b) or (c)
(d) indicate full name and address of authority with which your company’s aircraft are registered:
1.12 If your firm has been in business for one year or more, attach a copy of a financial statement and balance sheet not
more than fifteen (15) months old, prepared or certified by a chartered or public accountant. Indicate full name and
address of chartered or public accountant:
1.13 Is your company engaged in any other type(s) of business? If so, give full details:
1.14 Attach a certified photocopy of your company’s operating certificate. Indicate full name and address of government
official certifying your company’s operating certificate:
1.15 Attach credit reference, e.g. from banks, financial institutions, etc.
1.17 Is your company a member of the Multilateral Prorate Agreement or does it plan to become a member? ..................
If your company plans to become a member, please give the date ...............................................................................
Section 2 — Passenger
2.1 Types and amounts of passenger liability insurance carrier (specify currency and attach Certificate of Insurance):
(b) revenue derived from scheduled passenger traffic during last fiscal year (in USD) .............................................
(c) revenue derived from charter passenger traffic during last fiscal year (in USD) ..................................................
(d) number of scheduled passengers carried during last fiscal year ..........................................................................
2.3 List carriers with which passenger Bilateral Interline Agreements are currently in effect:
2.4 Attach specimen copies of your passenger documents of carriage, e.g. passenger ticket, interline baggage tag, MCO
and excess baggage ticket.
Section 3 — Cargo
3.1 Types and amount of cargo liability insurance carried (specify currency and attach Certificate of Insurance):
3.2 Types, and number, of ground support and warehouse equipment. State market value in USD of each item and indicate
(a) wholly owned without collateral holding by a third party;
(b) wholly owned and amount due and held as collateral by third party;
(c) on hire/leased
Type of equipment Number of equipment Value in USD Indicate (a), (b) or (c)
(b) revenue derived from scheduled cargo traffic during last fiscal year (in USD) .....................................................
(c) revenue derived from charter cargo traffic during last fiscal year (in USD) ..........................................................
(d) volume of scheduled cargo traffic for last fiscal year (specify kg or lb) ...............................................................
3.4 List carriers with which cargo Bilateral Interline Agreements are currently in effect:
3.5 Attach specimen copies of your cargo documents of carriage, e.g air waybill and cargo identification labels.
...................................................................................... ......................................................................................
Message Address (ARINC/SITA) (Name of Airline)
...................................................................................... ......................................................................................
Telex Number (Signature)
...................................................................................... ......................................................................................
Commercial Cable Address (Typed or Printed Name of Signer)
(Title or Capacity)
Attachment ‘A’
Appendix ‘B’
Passenger Cargo
I hereby certify that we are still operating regular scheduled services and desire to continue to be a party to the IATA
Interline Traffic Agreement — Passenger and/or Cargo (please complete balance of form below).
I hereby certify that we are no longer operating scheduled services and therefore withdraw from the IATA Interline
Traffic Agreement — Passenger and/or Cargo.
We hereby withdraw from the IATA Interline Traffic Agreement — Passenger and/or Cargo for the following reason(s):
1. Name and Head Office address:
2. Accounting office address if different from No. 1:
3. Form of business “sole owner, proprietorship, partnership, corporation or state owned” including dates of changes in
4. Please specify:
(a) exact dates of your last fiscal year ........................................................................................................................
(b) revenue derived from scheduled passenger traffic during last fiscal year (in USD) .............................................
(c) revenue derived from charter passenger traffic during last fiscal year (in USD) ..................................................
(d) number of scheduled passengers carried last fiscal year .....................................................................................
5. Please specify:
(a) exact dates of your last fiscal year ........................................................................................................................
(b) revenue derived from scheduled cargo traffic during last fiscal year (in USD) .....................................................
(c) revenue derived from charter cargo traffic during last fiscal year (in USD) ..........................................................
(d) volume of scheduled cargo traffic for last fiscal year (specify kg or lb) ................................................................
6. Attach a copy of your financial statement and balance sheet not more than fifteen (15) months old, prepared or certified
by a chartered or public accountant. Indicate full name and address of chartered or public accountant.
7. List airlines with which Bilateral Interline Agreements are currently in effect:
10. Attach a specimen of your current passenger ticket, interline baggage tag, MCO, excess baggage ticket and/or air
waybill and cargo identification labels.
...................................................................................... ......................................................................................
Message Address (ARINC/SITA) (Name of Airline)
...................................................................................... ......................................................................................
Telex Number (Signature)
...................................................................................... ......................................................................................
Commercial Cable Address (Typed or Printed Name of Signer)
(Title or Capacity)
Order 70-8-6 dated 4 August 1970:
1. Where an interline agreement exists between two or 1. Where an interline agreement exists between a
more Members, the issuing carrier will be entitled to Member and a non-IATA carrier, the issuing carrier will be
assess the transporting carrier(s) a service charge equal entitled to assess the transporting carrier(s) a service
to 5% of the transportation charges applicable to the charge not in excess of 5% of the transportation charges
consignment as compensation for expenses incurred by applicable to the consignment as compensation for
the issuing carrier in selling, handling, servicing and expenses incurred by the issuing carrier in selling, hand-
processing such interline traffic. Nothing in this or any ling, servicing and processing such interline traffic.
other Resolution shall prevent Members from entering Nothing in this or any other Resolution shall prevent
into separate bilateral agreements on the payment of Members from entering into separate bilateral agree-
interline service charges. This Resolution shall not apply ments on the payment of interline service charges. This
to carriage to, from, or within Australia. Resolution shall not apply to carriage to, from, or within
1. Amendments to existing agency rules as well as the intro-
duction of new Resolutions, as adopted by the IATA special
conference at Geneva in November 1978, are approved for
application from the IATA agreed effectiveness dates. Pursuant
to Section 58 Paragraph (1) of the Air Navigation Act, the
application of transportation charges and tariffs which have not
been approved and violations of approved transportation charges
and tariffs will be prosecuted as irregularities for which a fine of
up to DMK 10,000 may be imposed. (1.3.79)
1. Agency rules and commission levels applied by all carriers
operating in Italy shall only be those set forth in the IATA
Resolutions approved by the Italian Government. (1.3.79)
1. All carriers serving New Zealand must apply rates of
commission as stipulated in the approved Resolutions. (1.3.79)
2.1 Eligibility
Any airline operating scheduled air transportation services
which is a party to the IATA Multilateral Interline Traffic
Agreement—Cargo may become a party to this Agree-
2.2 Procedures
2.2.1 Any airline eligible to become a party to this
Agreement may do so by depositing a duly executed copy
thereof with the IATA Senior Director, Customer and
Distribution Services.
2.3 Effectiveness
This Agreement shall become effective as between a
party which has executed a counterpart hereof and all
other parties on the first day of the month following
notification by the Senior Director, Customer and Distri-
bution Services. However, any party joining the Agree-
ment may specify that the Agreement shall be effective as
to such party on the first day of a subsequent month.
The issuing carrier will be entitled to assess the trans-
porting carrier(s) a service charge equal to 5% of the
transportation charges applicable to the transportation, as
compensation for expenses incurred by the issuing carrier
in selling, handling, servicing and processing such inter-
line traffic.
(Title or Capacity)
CSC(18)671 Expiry: Indefinite
Type: B
Attachment ‘A’
Repeat Information
Data ID Data Description Form Status Condition Note Data Times Within
Repeat Information
Data ID Data Description Form Status Condition Note Data Times Within
1 Agent's Code n7 M
2 Agent's CASS Address n4 M
3 Agent's Reference t14 O
4 Airline's Code n3 M
5 AWB Serial Number n8 M
6 AWB Origin a3 M
7 AWB Destination a3 M
8 Unit of Weight (K or L) a1 M
9 Weight d7 M
10 Date (DMY) of AWB Issue an7 M
11 Currency Code a3 M
12 Conversion Rate d11 O
13 AWB Indication a2 O
14 Agent's Reference t14 O
15 Charge d12 M 15–16 4 C
16 Prepaid/Collect Indicator a1 M
17 Net Billing Amount d12 M
18 Net Credit Indicator a1 O
19 Tax Calculation Indicator a1 C 20–23 excluded
20 Tax Identification a2 C 19 excluded 20–23 U E
21 Tax Entitlement Indicator a1 C 19 excluded
22 Tax Amount d12 C 19 excluded
23 Tax Credit Indicator a1 O 2
24 No Commission Indicator a1 C 25 and 26 excluded
25 Commission Amount d12 C 24 and 26 excluded
26 Commission Percentage d12 C 24 and 25 excluded
27 Sales Incentive Amount d12 O
28 Negative Incentive Indicator a1 O 3
29 Free text t65 O 29 3 H
Note 1: Only the following charges may be included in Charges Data: Weight, Valuation, Other Charges due Agent and
Other Charges due Carrier. At least one of these must be included, but all four may be included.
Note 2: If 22 included.
Note 3: If 27 included.
1 Notice Pursuant to Resolution 600i:
otherwise agreed in writing; or (ii) for Cargo Contracts 2.10 “Montreal Convention” shall mean the Convention
where national law or applicable international treaties for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Inter-
requires issuance of a paper air waybill where IATA national Carriage by Air, done at Montreal on 28 May
Resolution 600b would apply. In the event that Freight 1999.
Forwarder concludes a Cargo Contract on behalf of a
Third Party, pursuant to Section 3.2 hereof, Freight 2.11 “Notice” shall mean a notice given by a Party in
Forwarder, as agent for and on behalf of such Third accordance with Article 12.1.
Party, hereby consents to Carrier's Conditions of Con-
tract. Carrier shall ensure that its Conditions of Carriage 2.12 “Party or Parties” shall mean collectively or indi-
are accessible to Freight Forwarder on the Carriers' vidually the “Freight Forwarder” and/or “Carrier(s)”.
websites or otherwise made available to Freight For- 2.13 “Ready for Carriage” shall mean a shipment ten-
warder. dered to the Carrier pursuant to the conditions set forth in
IATA Resolution 833.
Article 2—Definitions
2.14 “Shipment Record” shall mean any record of the
2.1 “Agreement” shall mean this agreement between Cargo Contract preserved by Carrier, evidenced by elec-
Carrier(s) and a Freight Forwarder who wish to contract tronic means. In the event that Carriers are using the
for carriage of cargo by Carrier(s) through the use of IATA Message Standard, the technical aspects of
Electronic Communication. the Shipment Record shall be as specified in IATA
Resolution 600f.
2.2 “Affiliate” shall mean an entity added to this Agree-
ment under Section 12.2. 2.15 “Shipper's Delivery Note” shall mean a document
(in paper or electronic form) provided to the Carrier by the
2.3 “Cargo Contract” shall mean a contract between a
Freight Forwarder acknowledging the delivery of the
Carrier and a shipper initiated by Electronic Communi-
cargo shipment as “freight on hand” for carriage by air. At
cation and formed under this Agreement for the carriage
a minimum, it shall specify (a) the shipper; (b) the weight
of, and settlement with respect to a specific cargo
and number of pieces of the cargo shipment; (c) the date,
shipment. The Cargo Contract remains an independent
time and place received by the Carrier; (d) reference the
contract from this Agreement, including as to its content,
shipment identification number covering the specific cargo
interpretation and governing law.
shipment. To the extent it is readily available, an indi-
2.4 “Cargo Receipt” or “Receipt for the Cargo” shall cation of the places of departure, destination and, if
mean a document (in paper or electronic form) which is applicable, agreed stopping places, should also be speci-
provided to the shipper, by the Carrier creating a Ship- fied.
ment Record which shall be deemed to effect a Cargo
2.16 “Warehouse Receipt” shall mean a document pro-
Contract for a cargo shipment identifiable on such Cargo
vided to the Freight Forwarder by the Carrier acknowledg-
ing the receipt of the cargo shipment as “freight on hand”
Said Cargo Receipt shall, in all respects, be deemed a full for carriage by air. At a minimum, it shall specify (a) the
substitute for a Carrier air waybill. The technical aspects shipper (b) the weight and number of pieces of the cargo
of the Cargo Receipt shall be as described in IATA shipment; (c) the date, time and place received by the
Resolution 600g. Carrier; (d) reference the shipment identification number
covering the specific cargo shipment. To the extent it is
2.5 “EDI” or “Electronic Data Interchange” shall mean readily available, an indication of the places of departure,
the electronic transfer, from computer to computer, of destination and, if applicable, agreed stopping places,
commercial, administrative and transport data using an should also be specified.
agreed standard to structure an EDI Message, as set out
in the IATA Resolution 670. In lieu of a Warehouse Receipt, the Carrier may verify the
information on and countersign the Shipper's Delivery
2.6 “EDI Message” shall mean a message consisting of Note. Once verified and countersigned by the Carrier
a set of segments, structured using an agreed standard, such delivery note shall serve as a Warehouse Receipt.
prepared in a computer readable format, transmitted via
EDI, and capable of being automatically and unambigu- 2.17 “Warsaw Convention” means whichever of the
ously processed. following instruments is applicable to the contract of
carriage: the Convention for the Unification of Certain
2.7 “Electronic Communication” shall mean the use of Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at
EDI Messages or Carrier's web-portal to establish a Warsaw, 12 October 1929; that Convention as amended
Shipment Record. at The Hague on 28 September 1955; that Convention as
amended at The Hague 1955 and by Montreal Protocol
2.8 “IATA” shall mean the International Air Transport No. 1, 2, or 4 (1975) as the case may be.
Article 3—Contracting through Electronic
2.9 “IATA Message Standard” shall mean the message
standard specified, published and updated by the Inter-
national Air Transport Association (IATA) from time to 3.1 This Agreement shall become effective between
time. Freight Forwarder and each Carrier listed in Attachment
‘B’ to IATA Resolution 672 on the later of the date it is
signed by IATA or Freight Forwarder. Notwithstanding the statements set forth in the Electronic Communication
foregoing, Freight Forwarder shall only commence ten- furnished by the Freight Forwarder on its own behalf or
dering cargo shipments under this Multilateral e-AWB on a Third Party's behalf.
Agreement to each participating Carrier on the date after
that Carrier sends a notice (Activation Notice) to Freight 3.4 Either Freight Forwarder or Carrier may terminate
Forwarder upon Carrier confirming that: this Agreement at any time by giving not less than
30 days prior written Notice to the other. Parties shall
(a) Freight Forwarder has satisfied Carrier that Freight
inform IATA of such termination pursuant to Article 12.
Forwarder is capable of transmitting and receiving
EDI Messages to Carrier in accordance with the IATA 3.5 Either Freight Forwarder or Carrier(s) may terminate
Message Standard this Agreement by immediate Notice in the event that the
or party to be notified has entered into bankruptcy, has been
(b) Carrier will accept another form of Electronic Com- declared insolvent or has demonstrated incapability to
munication (e.g. web-portal, e-mail, etc.) to establish adhere to applicable EDI Message standards or agreed
a Shipment Record and enter into Cargo Contracts; authentication procedures.
and 3.6 Termination shall not affect the validity of any Cargo
Contract entered into before the date of such termination.
Freight Forwarder and Carrier have agreed on a satisfac- Notwithstanding termination for any reason, the rights and
tory procedure for confirming the authenticity and integrity obligations of the Parties referred to in Articles 3.2, 3.3,
of Electronic Communication directed to Carrier at the and 9 shall survive termination together with any other
airport(s) listed by Carrier in Attachment ‘B’ to IATA provision which by its nature survives termination.
Resolution 672.
3.7 Nothing in this Agreement shall require Freight
The obligations set forth in Section 3.1 are continuing Forwarder to tender or Carrier to accept any cargo
obligations that remain in effect throughout the term of shipment. Carrier(s) shall determine, at its/their sole
this Agreement. discretion, whether any tendered cargo shipment is
Ready for Carriage.
The Activation Notice to Freight Forwarder sent pursuant
to this Section 3.1 shall be in the form as set forth in Article 4—Operations
Attachment ‘F’ to IATA Resolution 672, and shall only be
applicable as to the Freight Forwarder (and/or Affiliate(s) 4.1 Freight Forwarder shall tender each cargo shipment
listed in Attachment ‘C’ to IATA Resolution 672) at the using Electronic Communication. When using EDI as
airport(s) indicated in the Activation Notice to the Freight Electronic Communication, the parties shall exchange
Forwarder sent by Carrier. EDI Messages and shall establish the Shipment Record
in the form set forth in IATA Resolution 600f. If the Carrier
3.2 For shipments to be tendered by the Freight For- uses a form of communication other than EDI, the parties
warder as agent of a third party shipper (a “Third Party”), will establish a Shipment Record pursuant to Carrier's
the Freight Forwarder warrants and represents that, prior terms and conditions for use of such other form of
to entering into such Cargo Contracts, it is authorized by electronic communication for the establishment of a
the Third Party to act as its agent for purposes of Shipment Record and a Cargo Contract.
initiating, processing and concluding Cargo Contracts and
acknowledges that the Carrier shall be entitled to rely on 4.2 Freight Forwarder shall tender cargo accompanied
this warranty and representation without any obligation to by air waybill data established through Electronic Com-
make enquiries as to whether or not such authorization is munication to Carrier(s) only at those stations listed in
correct or has been revoked or altered in any way. Attachment ‘B’ to IATA Resolution 672. Carrier(s) may
Furthermore, Freight Forwarder shall receive Cargo Re- amend their information contained in Attachment ‘B’ to
ceipts and consents to the use of electronic means in lieu IATA Resolution 672 from time to time for operational
of a paper air waybill on behalf of such Third Party. reasons.
Freight Forwarder shall ensure that proper identifi-
cation is included within such Electronic Communi- 4.3 The Freight Forwarder shall, in any case, communi-
cation, or by other means as agreed by the Parties, cate such air waybill data so as to reach the Carrier prior
so that Carrier can recognize that the Freight For- to tender of the cargo shipment to Carrier's point of
warder is acting as agent of the Third Party for acceptance.
purposes of concluding a Cargo Contract between
the Third Party and Carrier. 4.4 A Cargo Contract shall be concluded once the
Carrier has received the cargo and provided a cargo
3.3 Freight Forwarder acknowledges and accepts that it receipt at the time of delivery. In the event that a Cargo
is responsible for the correctness and completeness of Receipt cannot be provided at the time of delivery of the
the particulars and statements relating to the cargo which cargo, the Carrier shall provide a Warehouse Receipt (as
Freight Forwarder provides in the Electronic Communi- an interim cargo receipt) at such time, and the Cargo
cation to Carrier(s). Freight Forwarder shall indemnify the Contract shall be deemed concluded, however, transpor-
Carrier(s) against all damage suffered by it, or by any tation of the cargo shall continue to be subject to Carrier
other person to whom Carrier is liable, by reason of the confirming to the Freight Forwarder that the shipment is
Freight Forwarder's breach of the warranties and rep- Ready for Carriage. When Carrier(s) determine(s) that a
resentations set out above and for any irregularity, cargo shipment is Ready for Carriage, Carrier(s) shall
incorrectness or incompleteness of the particulars and establish a Shipment Record and issue a Cargo Receipt
in the form set forth in IATA Resolution 600g, except that 6.2 Subject to any other non-disclosure agreement or
the Warehouse Receipt shall nonetheless continue to agreement in place, where Carrier(s) obtain(s) information
serve as prima facie evidence as to the weight and contained in Freight Forwarder's “House Waybill” under
number of pieces delivered to Carrier at the date, time this Agreement, Carrier(s) shall maintain such information
and place specified on the Warehouse Receipt. The in confidence unless otherwise agreed in writing by
Carrier shall archive the Warehouse Receipt pursuant to Freight Forwarder or unless otherwise required to be
the archiving requirements set forth herein. disclosed to meet the requirements of government auth-
orities or agencies or by operation of law or by order of a
4.5 If Carrier(s): (i) is unable to determine that a cargo court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction, or to be
shipment tendered under this Agreement is Ready for provided to carrier's advisors, legal representatives,
Carriage; or (ii) Carrier(s) determine that there is a brokers, insurers and re-insurers for claims handling
discrepancy between the air waybill data established purposes. In such case Carrier shall use all reasonable
through Electronic Communication and the weight of, endeavors to first inform the Freight Forwarder in writing
number of pieces, volume of, measurement of, or rate before any disclosure under such order or obligation is
applicable to a cargo shipment then Carrier shall so notify made.
Freight Forwarder; Carrier may receive such cargo ship-
ment by issuing a Warehouse Receipt (as an interim Article 7—Responsibility and Security
cargo receipt) and acknowledging through Electronic
Communication that the cargo is “freight on hand”. 7.1 Carrier(s) shall be responsible for the integrity of
Discrepancies shall be governed by the Carrier's excep- its/their Electronic Communications and for the prevention
tion procedures. If the discrepancy is resolved and/or of any unauthorized use of or access to Freight For-
Carrier(s) determine that the cargo shipment is Ready for warder's authentication codes/procedures, if any, after the
Carriage, Carrier(s) may then issue a Cargo Receipt use of Electronic Communications unless such unauthor-
pursuant to Article 4.4 of this Agreement. Subject to ized use or access results from the acts or omissions of
Section 4.4, the Cargo Receipt shall be governing with Freight Forwarder.
respect to the weight, volume and number of pieces
applicable to the cargo shipment covered by the Cargo 7.2 Freight Forwarder shall be responsible for the integ-
Receipt. rity of its Electronic Communications and for the preven-
tion of any unauthorized use of or access to Carrier(s)
4.6 Freight Forwarder undertakes that insofar as any authentication codes/procedures, if any, after the use of
part of a consignment contains dangerous goods, all Electronic Communications unless such unauthorized use
measures prescribed by the Dangerous Goods Regu- or access results from the acts or omission of Carrier(s).
lations shall be met.
7.3 Upon becoming aware, or as soon as practicable
4.7 Freight Forwarder shall tender the contents of each thereafter, of any unauthorized use of authentication
consignment properly packed and labeled as per the codes/procedures as described in this Article 7, a Party
requirements for Ready for Carriage consignments set shall immediately notify the other Party of such unauthor-
forth in IATA Resolution 833, and in compliance with any ized use, regardless of whether such unauthorized use is
other applicable regulations (e.g. Live Animals, Perish- as a result of the acts or omissions of the other Party.
ables, Time/Temperature sensitive) depending on the
nature of the goods tendered. Article 8—Operational Requirements for
Electronic Communication
Article 5—Records
Each Party shall provide and maintain all necessary
5.1 Carrier(s) shall store the Shipment Record as estab- equipment to fulfil its obligations under the Agreement
lished through the Electronic Communication, unaltered including hardware and software.
and secured for a minimum of two years or such
additional time as applicable law shall require. Article 9—Liability
5.2 Unless otherwise required by law, Carrier(s) shall 9.1 Neither Party (including persons for whom Freight
ensure that stored Shipment Record is readily retrievable Forwarder is authorized to act) shall be liable for any loss
and may be printed in human readable form. or damage suffered by the other Party caused by any
delay or failure to perform under this Agreement where
5.3 Freight Forwarder on its own behalf and on behalf of
such delay or failure is caused by any impediment
persons for whom it is authorized to act, and Carrier(s)
beyond the Party's control and which could not reason-
hereby waive any objection to the use of Electronic
ably have been expected at the date of this Agreement or
Communication authorized by this Agreement as evi-
the consequences of which could not be avoided.
dence in resolving any dispute between them regardless
of the process by which such dispute is to be resolved. 9.2 If a Party requires another Party to use the services
of an intermediary to perform the transmission, logging,
Article 6—Confidentiality and Protection of storage or processing of an Electronic Communication,
Data the Party who requires such use shall be liable to the
other Party for damage from that intermediary's acts or
6.1 Freight Forwarder and Carrier(s) shall afford confi- omissions in the provision of said services.
dentiality to Electronic Communications on the same
basis as afforded to paper air waybills and other com-
munications related to Cargo Contracts.
9.3 Except for situations as set forth in Section 9.1, the FREIGHT FORWARDER MULTILATERAL E-AWB
each Party's liability under this Agreement shall be limited AGREEMENT SUBMISSION FORM provided in Attach-
to proven compensatory damages and no Party shall be ment ‘E’ of Resolution 672 or its on-line version. The
liable for: (i) any loss of profits, revenue, contracts, sales, Freight Forwarder information will be reflected accordingly
anticipated savings, goodwill and/or reputation; in the “LIST OF FREIGHT FORWARDERAFFILIATES”
(ii) special, indirect or consequential damages; and/or, (iii) set forth as Attachment ‘C’ to IATA Resolution 672 that
any other form of non-compensatory damages. shall be maintained by IATA and made available to all
industry stakeholders through required means, including
9.4 Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the liability of but not limited to, a public website.
any Party under the specific Cargo Contracts entered into
by the use of Electronic Communications hereunder. 12.3 If the Freight Forwarder wishes to add or change
their designated contact person for matters related to the
Article 10—Governing Law IATA MULTILATERAL E-AWB AGREEMENT, shall notify
10.1 This Agreement shall be interpreted under and ERAL E-AWB AGREEMENT SUBMISSION FORM pro-
governed by the law of the Swiss Confederation without vided in Attachment ‘E’ of Resolution 672 or its online
regard to its choice of law principles. version. The Freight Forwarder information will be re-
flected accordingly in the “LIST OF FREIGHT FORWAR-
Article 11—Resolution of Disputes DERAFFILIATES” set forth as Attachment ‘C’ to IATA
Resolution 672 that shall be maintained by IATA and
11.1 Carrier(s) and Freight Forwarder and/or the person made available to all industry stakeholders through re-
on whose behalf Freight Forwarder is authorized to act quired means, including but not limited to, a public
shall meet to seek amicable resolution of any dispute website.
arising under this Agreement within 14 days after either
Party gives Notice of such dispute. 12.4 If the Freight Forwarder wishes to withdraw from
11.2 If such dispute cannot be resolved within 45 days notify IATA of their intention to do so, using the FREIGHT
of Notice, the Parties in dispute shall seek to mediate FORWARDER MULTILATERAL E-AWB AGREEMENT
through a mutually agreed third party for an additional SUBMISSION FORM provided in Attachment ‘E’ of Resol-
60 days. ution 672 or its online version. The Freight Forwarder
information will be reflected accordingly in the “LIST OF
11.3 If such dispute is not successfully mediated pursu- FREIGHT FORWARDERAFFILIATES” set forth as
ant to Article 11.2 of this Agreement the matter shall be Attachment ‘C’ to IATA Resolution 672 that shall be
referred to and finally resolved by arbitration subject to maintained by IATA and made available to all industry
the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Rules of stakeholders through required means, including but not
Arbitration, before a single arbitrator to be agreed by the limited to, a public website.
parties to this Agreement involved, or failing agreement,
by a panel of three arbitrators to be nominated in 12.5 Carriers wishing to join or withdraw from the IATA
accordance with the ICC Rules of Arbitration. MULTILATERAL E-AWB AGREEMENT shall notify IATA
of their intention to do so, by using the AIRLINE MULTI-
11.4 Notwithstanding the foregoing nothing in this LATERAL E-AWB AGREEMENT SUBMISSION FORM
Agreement prevents any party from seeking injunctive provided in Attachment ‘D’ to this Resolution or its online
relief before a court of competent jurisdiction for the version. The Carrier information will be reflected accord-
protection of their rights, pending determination of dis- ingly in the “LIST OF AIRLINES AND THEIR ACCEPT-
putes or claims relating to such rights by an arbitration. ABLE AIRPORTS” set forth as Attachment ‘B’ to IATA
Resolution 672 that shall be maintained by IATA and
Article 12—Notices made available to all industry stakeholders through re-
quired means, including but not limited to, a public
12.1 All Notices hereunder shall be in writing and shall
be sent by email, certified mail, return receipt requested
or by express courier with proof of delivery to the 12.6 Carriers wishing to add or change their designated
individuals and addresses below. The notification forms contact person for matters related to the IATA MULTILAT-
included as attachments to this Agreement may be ERAL E-AWB AGREEMENT, shall notify IATA by using
amended by IATA from time to time. the AIRLINE MULTILATERAL E-AWB AGREEMENT
SUBMISSION FORM provided in Attachment ‘D’ to this
For the Freight Forwarder For the applicable Resolution or its online version. The Carrier information
Carrier(s) will be reflected accordingly in the “LIST OF AIRLINES
To be provided in the See Attachment ‘B’ to IATA AND THEIR ACCEPTABLE AIRPORTS” set forth as
Freight Forwarder Resolution 672 Attachment ‘B’ to IATA Resolution 672 that shall be
Submission Form, maintained by IATA and made available to all industry
promulgated as Attachment stakeholders through required means, including but not
‘E’ to IATA Resolution 672 limited to, a public website.
MULTILATERAL E-AWB AGREEMENT SUBMISSION Director General of IATA (or his authorized representa-
FORM provided in Attachment ‘D’ to this Resolution or its tive) acting as agent for the Carriers referred to in the
online version. The Carrier information will be reflected preamble hereto.
accordingly in the “LIST OF AIRLINES AND THEIR
ACCEPTABLE AIRPORTS” set forth as Attachment ‘B’ to By:
IATA Resolution 672 that shall be maintained by IATA
and made available to all industry stakeholders through
required means, including but not limited to, a public
website. Name:
Article 13—Severability
Freight Forwarder:
13.1 If any provision or provisions of this Agreement (Name of company)
shall be held to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable or in
conflict with the law of any jurisdiction, that shall not
affect: By: By:
1. The validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any (Signature) (Signature)
other provision of this Agreement; or
2. The validity or enforceability in other jurisdictions of Name: Name:
that or any other provision of this Agreement.
Article 14—Interpretation
14.1 Words importing the singular shall include the
plural and vice versa.
RESOLUTION 672 and the consignee are entitled, upon request, to receive a
free copy of the Carrier's conditions of carriage. The
Attachment ‘A’ Carrier's conditions of carriage include, but are not limited
Annex ‘A’ limits on the Carrier's liability for loss, damage or
delay of goods, including fragile or perishable goods;
OF CONTRACT FOR CARRIAGE claims restrictions, including time periods within
which shippers or consignees must file a claim or bring an
CONCLUDED AND EVIDENCED BY action against the Carrier for its acts or omissions, or
ELECTRONIC MEANS those of its agents;
Notice: The provisions of IATA Resolution 600i, rights, if any, of the Carrier to change the terms
including the Conditions of Contract set forth therein, of the contract;
are incorporated into this Agreement by this
reference. The current Conditions of Contract as set rules about Carrier's right to refuse to carry;
forth in IATA Resolution 600i are re-printed in this
Annex ‘A’ for the convenience of the parties. The rights of the Carrier and limitations concerning
parties agree to be bound by the current version of delay or failure to perform service, including schedule
IATA Resolution 600i Conditions of Contract as changes, substitution of alternate Carrier or aircraft and
amended from time to time by the IATA Cargo rerouting.
Services Conference and re-printed in the Cargo
3. The agreed stopping places (which may be altered by
Services Conference Resolutions Manual without fur-
Carrier in case of necessity) are those places, except the
ther amendment to this Agreement.
place of departure and place of destination, set forth in
1. In this contract and the Notices appearing herewith: the shipment record or shown in Carrier's timetables as
scheduled stopping places for the route. Carriage to be
CARRIER includes the air carrier issuing the cargo performed hereunder by several successive Carriers is
receipt and all carriers that carry or undertake to carry the regarded as a single operation.
cargo or perform any other services related to such
carriage. 4. For carriage to which the Montreal Convention does
not apply, Carrier's liability limitation for cargo lost, dam-
SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHT (SDR) is a Special Drawing aged or delayed shall be 19 SDRs per kilogram unless
Right as defined by the International Monetary Fund. a greater per kilogram monetary limit is provided in any
applicable Convention or in Carrier's tariffs or general
WARSAW CONVENTION means whichever of the follow- conditions of carriage.
ing instruments is applicable to the contract of carriage:
5./5.1 Except when the Carrier has extended credit to
the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules the consignee without the written consent of the shipper,
Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at War- the shipper guarantees payment of all charges for the
saw, 12 October 1929; that Convention as amended at carriage due in accordance with Carrier's tariff, conditions
The Hague on 28 September 1955; that Convention as of carriage and related regulations, applicable laws
amended at The Hague 1955 and by Montreal Protocol (including national laws implementing the Warsaw Con-
No. 1, 2, or 4 (1975) as the case may be. vention and the Montreal Convention), government regu-
lations, orders and requirements.
MONTREAL CONVENTION means the Convention for
the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage 5.2 When no part of the consignment is delivered, a
by Air, done at Montreal on 28 May 1999. claim with respect to such consignment will be considered
even though transportation charges thereon are unpaid.
2./2.1 Carriage is subject to the rules relating to liability
established by the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal 6./6.1 For cargo accepted for carriage, the Warsaw
Convention unless such carriage is not “international Convention and the Montreal Convention permit shipper
carriage” as defined by the applicable Conventions. to increase the limitation of liability by declaring a higher
value for carriage and paying a supplemental charge if
2.2 To the extent not in conflict with the foregoing, required.
carriage and other related services performed by each
Carrier are subject to: 6.2 In carriage to which neither the Warsaw Convention
nor the Montreal Convention applies Carrier shall, in
2.2.1 applicable laws and government regulations; accordance with the procedures set forth in its general
conditions of carriage and applicable tariffs, permit ship-
2.2.2 provisions contained in the Carrier's conditions of
per to increase the limitation of liability by declaring a
carriage and related rules, regulations, and timetables
higher value for carriage and paying a supplemental
(but not the times of departure and arrival stated therein)
charge if so required.
and applicable tariffs of such Carrier, which are made part
hereof, and which may be inspected at any airports or 7./7.1 In cases of loss of, damage or delay to part of the
other cargo sales offices from which it operates regular cargo, the weight to be taken into account in determining
services. When carriage is to/from the USA, the shipper
Carrier's limit of liability shall be only the weight of the 10.4 Any rights to damages against Carrier shall be
package or packages concerned. extinguished unless an action is brought within two years
from the date of arrival at the destination, or from the date
7.2 Notwithstanding any other provisions, for “foreign air on which the aircraft ought to have arrived, or from the
transportation” as defined by the U.S. Transportation date on which the carriage stopped.
11. Shipper shall comply with all applicable laws and
7.2.1 in the case of loss of, damage or delay to a government regulations of any country to or from which
shipment, the weight to be used in determining Carrier's the cargo may be carried, including those relating to the
limit of liability shall be the weight which is used to packing, carriage or delivery of the cargo, and shall
determine the charge for carriage of such shipment; and furnish such information to the Carrier as may be necess-
ary to comply with such laws and regulations. Carrier is
7.2.2 in the case of loss of, damage or delay to a part of not liable to shipper and shipper shall indemnify Carrier
a shipment, the shipment weight in 7.2.1 shall be prorated for loss or expense due to shipper's failure to comply with
to the packages covered by the same cargo receipt this provision.
whose value is affected by the loss, damage or delay.
The weight applicable in the case of loss or damage to 12. No agent, employee or representative of Carrier has
one or more articles in a package shall be the weight of authority to alter, modify or waive any provisions of this
the entire package. contract.
8. Any exclusion or limitation of liability applicable to
Carrier shall apply to Carrier's agents, employees, and
representatives and to any person whose aircraft or
equipment is used by Carrier for carriage and such
person's agents, employees and representatives.
Attachment ‘B’
The following is the list of airlines participating to the IATA MULTILATERAL E-AWB AGREEMENT, including their
designated contacts and acceptable airports.
IATA Airline Code IATA Airport Codes of Origin (3 letter airport code)
Airline Name
Airline Address
Airline Designated
Contact Name
Airline Designated
Contact E-mail
Airline Designated
Contact Telephone
Airline Designated
Contact Fax
Airline Designated
Contact Address
Attachment ‘C’
The following is the list of Freight Forwarders and Freight Forwarder affiliates participating to the IATA MULTILATERAL
E-AWB AGREEMENT, including their designated contacts.
Freight Forwarder Name Freight Forwarder Address Freight Forwarder affiliate or related company Name
Freight Forwarder IATA Cargo Agent Code Freight Forwarder affiliate or related company Address
Freight Forwarder Designated Contact E-mail Freight Forwarder affiliate or related company IATA Cargo Agent
Freight Forwarder Designated Contact Telephone Code
Freight Forwarder Designated Contact Fax Freight Forwarder affiliate or related Company Designated
Freight Forwarder Designated Contact Address Contact E-mail
Freight Forwarder affiliate or related company Designated
Contact Telephone
Freight Forwarder affiliate or related company Designated
Contact Fax
Freight Forwarder affiliate or related company Designated
Contact Address
Attachment ‘D’
International Air Transport Association
Route de l'Aéroport 33, PO Box 416
CH-1215 Geneva 15 Airport
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +41 (0)22 770 2686
Editorial Note: For the latest version of the Airline Submission Form, please visit:
This form is for IATA and non-IATA airlines participating in the IATA MULTILATERAL E-AIR WAYBILL AGREEMENT set
forth as Attachment ‘A’ to IATA Resolution 672.
The information requested in this form is required to join or withdraw from the IATA MULTILATERAL E-AIR WAYBILL
AGREEMENT, to add and/or remove airports and to change the designated airline contact in the “LIST OF AIRLINES
AND THEIR ACCEPTABLE AIRPORTS” set forth as Attachment ‘B’ to IATA Resolution 672.
Kindly complete the form set forth below and return the form to the above address by e-mail or fax.
Company Name:
Contact Name:
Job Title:
B) To add and/or remove Airports participating in the IATA MULTILATERAL E-AIR WAYBILL AGREEMENT
C) To change the airline's designated contact for all matters related to the IATA MULTILATERAL E-AIR WAYBILL
Company Name:
Contact Name:
Submitted by:
Airline Name:
Airline 2-character IATA Designator:
Airline Head Office Address:
Name of Signatory:
Job Title:
Company Name:
Attachment ‘E’
International Air Transport Association
Route de l'Aéroport 33, PO Box 416
CH-1215 Geneva 15 Airport
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +41 (0)22 770 2686
Editorial Note: For the latest version of the Freight Forwarder Submission Form, please visit:
This form is for Freight Forwarders participating in the IATA MULTILATERAL E-AIR WAYBILL AGREEMENT set forth as
Attachment ‘A’ to IATA Resolution 672.
The information requested in this form is required to add or remove Freight Forwarder Affiliates in the “LIST OF FREIGHT
FORWARDER AFFILIATES” set forth as Attachment ‘C’ to IATA Resolution 672 as well as for the Freight Forwarder to
Kindly complete the form set forth below and return the form to the above address by e-mail or fax.
Name of Freight Full Address of Freight Forwarder IATA Cargo Agent Code of Freight
Forwarder Affiliate Affiliate Principal Office (Address, Forwarder Affiliate
City, Country, Postal/ZIP Code)
For additional Freight Forwarder Affiliates please use the last two pages.
■ Having the requisite authorization from the concerned parties, we hereby withdraw the following Freight Forwarder
Affiliate(s) from the IATA MULTILATERAL E-AIR WAYBILL AGREEMENT set forth as Attachment ‘A’ to IATA
Resolution 672 and to be removed accordingly from the “LIST OF FREIGHT FORWARDER AFFILIATES” set forth as
Attachment ‘C’ to IATA Resolution 672:
Name of Freight Address of Freight IATA Cargo Agent Code of Reason(s) for removal of
Forwarder Affiliate Forwarder Affiliate Freight Forwarder Affiliate Forwarder Affiliate
Company Name:
Freight Forwarder Principal Office Address:
IATA Cargo Agent Code (if applicable):
Name of Signatory:
Job Title:
Company Name:
Name of Freight Full Address of Freight Forwarder IATA Cargo Agent Code of Freight
Forwarder Affiliate Affiliate Principal Office (Address, Forwarder Affiliate
City, Country, Postal/ZIP Code)
Name of Freight Full Address of Freight Forwarder IATA Cargo Agent Code of Freight
Forwarder Affiliate Affiliate Principal Office (Address, Forwarder Affiliate
City, Country, Postal/ZIP Code)
Name of Freight Full Address of Freight Forwarder IATA Cargo Agent Code of Freight
Forwarder Affiliate Affiliate Principal Office (Address, Forwarder Affiliate
City, Country, Postal/ZIP Code)
Attachment ‘F’
Editorial Note: For the latest version of the Activation Notice Form, please visit:
This notice is to be used by IATA and non-IATA airlines participating in the IATA MULTILATERAL E-AIR WAYBILL
AGREEMENT to notify Freight Forwarder and/or Freight Forwarder Affiliate participating to the IATA MULTILATERAL
E-AIR WAYBILL AGREEMENT of e-AWB activation or de-activation at one or more Airport(s), pursuant to Article 3.1 of
the IATA MULTILATERAL E-AIR WAYBILL AGREEMENT set forth as Attachment ‘A’ to IATA Resolution 672:
To (Freight Forwarder):
Company Name:
Contact Name:
Freight For- IATA Cargo CASS Code Airport Code City Name Effective date Comments
warder and/or Agent Code (or branch
Freight (or company identifier)
Forwarder identifier) (optional)
For any additional Freight Forwarder and/or Freight Forwarder Affiliate to activate please use the last two pages.
Freight IATA Cargo CASS Code (or Airport Code City Name De-activation Reason for
Forwarder Agent Code (or branch date de-activation
and/or Freight company identifier)
Forwarder identifier) (optional)
Airline Name:
Airline 2-character IATA Designator:
Name of signatory:
Job Title:
For any additional Freight Forwarder and/or Freight Forwarder Affiliate to activate:
Freight IATA Cargo CASS Code (or Airport Code City Name Effective date Comments
Forwarder Agent Code (or branch
and/or Freight company identifier)
Forwarder identifier) (optional)
Freight IATA Cargo CASS Code (or Airport Code City Name Effective date Comments
Forwarder Agent Code (or branch
and/or Freight company identifier)
Forwarder identifier) (optional)
1.1 The term “unit load device” shall mean any type of
container, container with integral pallet, aircraft container
or aircraft pallet, whether or not owned by a Member, as
specified in the IATA ULD Technical Manual.
Unless loaded by an air carrier, a unit load device shall
not contain:
RESOLUTION 681 the Panel for a period of four years. In order to maintain
continuity of expertise, one fourth of the membership shall
be elected at each meeting of the Conference, based on
ULD PANEL written nominations submitted in advance of the meeting.
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected by the
CSC(33)681 Expiry: Indefinite Panel for a two-year term and their appointment endorsed
CSC(MAIL S073)681 Type: B by the CSC. At the end of their term the incumbent
Chairman and Vice Chairman can re-nominate them-
selves for election for subsequent terms if they so wish.
3.2 One half of the appointed Panel members shall
constitute a quorum for Panel meetings and teleconfer-
1. ULD PANEL ences.
A ULD Panel is established to develop and maintain
3.3 Registered observers shall not automatically
guidelines and recommendations concerning the specifi-
assume membership in the event of a vacancy. However,
cations, handling, restraint and maintenance of ULDs. It
attendance as an observer may be included in the written
shall do so by facilitating the discussion and resolution of
nomination to Conference.
issues within its purview. Resolution of such issues shall
be by teleconferencing or exchange of messages or, 3.4 Any member failing to attend two consecutive meet-
when this is not possible, by convocation of a meeting ings shall be deemed to have terminated his membership
with the approval of the Cargo Procedures Conferences thereof.
Management Group. Where necessary, the Panel may
request the Cargo Procedures Conferences Management 3.5 Any member may submit his nomination for mem-
Group to create an ad hoc Task Force to resolve a bership, whether or not he has previously been a member
specific issue. thereof.
The code is also available to non-IATA airlines and to 5. THE IDENTIFICATION CODE
non-airline owners. Details of the use and availability of (Construction)
the code may be obtained on application to IATA.
5.1 General Composition
3. FUTURE REQUIREMENTS The IATA Identification Code is intended to fully describe
The Identification Code contained in this specification is the unit load device and therefore combines the factors of
broken down into two time frames: type, external dimensions (base size), contour and com-
patibility, and airworthiness certification. Construction to
those new units purchased or delivered and old units IATA standard specifications will also be indicated. The
remarked after 1 October 1984; and code also includes an ownership/registrant code.
those new units purchased or delivered and old units 5.2 Identification Code
remarked after 1 October 1993.
5.2.1 Prior to 1 October 1993
Carriers using or contemplating the use of a data pro-
cessing system for the control of ULDs should provide for The IATA Identification Code consists of nine (9) charac-
an identity code up to 14 characters to accommodate ters, comprised of the latin alphabet and arabic numerals,
possible future changes and growth. composed of the following elements:
The space allotted to these 14 characters would be
broken down to include four character type code, six Position Character Type Description
character serial number, four character owner code. 1 alphabetic ULD Category
2 alphabetic Base Dimensions
For those airlines who anticipate handling air/surface
(intermodal) containers bearing the ISO code should 3 alphabetic Contour or
make provisions in their data processing system to accept Compatibility
an 11 character code effective 1 October 1990. 4, 5, 6 and 7 numeric Serial Number
8 and 9 alpha-numeric Owner/Registrant
2 These categories do not include thermal units.
1 All certified winged pallets manufactured after May 1, 2003 must be
assigned Type Code “B”.
2 This type code is to be assigned to certified containers designed for use
when rotated alternately on narrow body and wide body aircraft.
Pieces of equipment falling into these categories may be 6.2.2 Position 2—Code List
traced either by the assigned ULD ID Code or the
individual Identification Code of the pallet upon which For aircraft units registered prior to 1 October 1984.
they have been carried. For logistic control purposes they
shall be traced by the individual Identification Code of the Base Dimensions (and Compatible Nets
pallet on which they constitute an accessory. Series when Applicable)
A, B 88 × 125 in
6.2 Position 2—Base Dimensions
D, E 88 × 108 in
6.2.1 Commentary (ULD Categories, A, D, F, G, H, J Miscellaneous—full sizes
G, J, M, N, P, R and U only) K, L Miscellaneous—other sizes
M 96 × 196 in
Aircraft units by definition are designed to interface
directly with the restraint hardware in the aircraft. There- N Miscellaneous—main deck
fore, there has to be a close relationship between unit P 53 × 88 in
base dimensions and the aircraft restraint systems in Q 96 × 125 in
which they are designed to fit. The prime dimensional
description of an aircraft unit is therefore its base dimen- R 96 × 117¾ in
sions. It should be noted that in this context many units S 96 × 238½ in
are interchangeable between different aircraft and differ- T 96 × 359¼ in
ent restraint systems and the notion of length and width
has no practical application. U 96 × 480 in
V 60.4 × 61.5 in
In the case of pallets, full size is used to distinguish from W 60.4 × 125 in
half-size units which have been dimensioned to fit certain
restraint systems only.
For aircraft units registered on or after 1 October 1984.
Series—F, G, N and P (Pallets and Nets) Carriers, until September 1990, may, optionally, use the
markings for units registered prior to 1 October 1984 or
For each character used in position 2 of the code, the
the following markings. For units registered on or after
character in position 3 is used to describe all the units
1 October 1990 the following markings shall be used:
which are compatible with it. Therefore, each character in
position 2 refers to a series of units of the base dimension
indicated. Base Dimensions (and Compatible Nets
Series when applicable)
Series—A, D, M, R and U (Containers) A 2,235 × 3,175 mm (88 × 125 in)
B 2,235 × 2,743 mm (88 × 108 in)
Aircraft units of these categories are constructed on the
prime base units similar to those described in the para- E 1,346 × 2,235 mm (53 × 88 in)
graph above and in many cases are identical units. The F 2,438 × 2,991 mm (96 × 117¾ in)
units are therefore coded in relation to the base units G 2,438 × 6,058 mm (96 × 238½ in)
(pallets) with which they are associated. For each base
size numerous contours may be applicable. The character H 2,438 × 9,125 mm (96 × 359¼ in)
in position 3 is used to describe all the units which have a J 2,438 × 12,192 mm (96 × 480 in)
compatible contour. Therefore, each character in K 1,534 × 1,562 mm (60.4 × 61.5 in)
position 2 refers to a series of units of the base dimension
indicated. L 1,534 × 3,175 mm (60.4 × 125 in)
M 2,438 × 3,175 mm (96 × 125 in)
N1 1,562 × 2,438 mm (61.5 × 96 in)
P1 1,198 × 1,534 mm (47 × 60.4 in)
Q1 1,534 × 2,438 mm (60.4 × 96 in)
R1 2,438 × 4,938 mm (96 × 196 in)
X1,2 largest dimension between 2,438 mm and
3,175 mm (between 96 in and 125 in)
Y1,2 largest dimension 2,438 mm ( 96 in)
Z1,2 largest dimension >3,175 mm (>125 in)
1 Not presently included in NAS 3610.
2 Not otherwise specified.
6.3 Position 3—Contour and Compatibility be used to distinguish handling or other characteristics so
as to further categorise units.
6.3.1 Commentary
It will be noted that some codes have been allocated
Maximum aircraft contours have been developed for each although no units have been registered, therefore no
type of unit carrying aircraft currently in operation. The compatibility is indicated.
specific aircraft contours are shown in the ULD Technical
Manual. The shapes show the available loading space of
the cabin cross-section. These loading contours deter- 7. SERIAL NUMBER
mine the patterns of the built-up pallet loads, or the igloo
contours, according to the flexibility desired in inter- 7.1 Commentary
changing between different types of aircraft. The loading
No listing of serial numbers is shown in the ULD
contours have been sequentially numbered, and the
Technical Manual when units are registered. Serial
individual aircraft unit load devices will be coded and
numbers will be assigned by the owner and must not
marked according to the variety of aircraft in which they
be duplicated on ULDs having the same type code.
can be carried. A full description of the aircraft contours,
Whenever possible serial numbers will not be duplicated
i.e. L-numbers, is contained in the ULD Technical Manual.
within the inventory of the same owner, nor duplicated
within similar type codes.
Aircraft units, except for pallets require their contour to be 7.2 Assignment of Serial Number
compared with master aircraft contour drawings, or IATA
Standard Contours, to determine their individual or range Effective 1 October 1993.
compatibility with various aircraft contours. This function The serial number will consist of four or five numerics.
is performed by the IATA Secretariat when application is
made for registration, and position 3 contour codes are Note: Some existing ULDs are marked with authorised
assigned accordingly. Where no existing contour or com- exception serial numbers containing one alpha and three
patibility is appropriate, the IATA Secretariat will deter- numeric characters.
mine a new letter to be added to the assigned codes
listed in Appendix ‘A’ of Specification 40/1 of the ULD
Technical Manual. It should be noted that in assigning 8. OWNER CODE
codes for standard contours, units will only be assigned a
standard contour code when they nominally meet the The Owner Code will be assigned by the registrar and
given dimension with the following variations allowed: published in the IATA ULD Technical Manual.
established by the general offices of the air carrier by investigation in which the Member issuing the pass is
whom such employee is employed; provided further that interested;
the following persons shall be considered as employees
of an air carrier: 2.9 the widow/widower and dependent children of a
director, officer or employee of a Member or of IATA, who
2.1.1 a director (member of the Board of Directors or has died while in the service of the Member or of IATA;
equivalent) of an air carrier, provided that the widow/widower shall retain such right
only so long as she/he does not remarry and the children
2.1.2 an employee of the advertising and/or public of the director, officer or employee shall retain the right
relations agency, regularly retained by an air carrier in only until they cease to be dependants;
connection with its advertising and/or public relations
activities; provided that such an employee devotes all, or 2.10 any person who is a retired director, officer
substantially all, of his time to the work of such air carrier, or employee of a Member or of IATA, or for a member of
such person's immediate family, or the widow/widower
2.1.3 a physician engaged by an air carrier on an or dependent children of such a retired director, officer or
annual basis, employee; provided that:
2.1.4 an attorney retained by an air carrier or who is a 2.10.1 the director, officer or employee shall have
member of or employed by a firm of attorneys retained by reached full retirement status according to the established
an air carrier; provided that such attorney devotes all, or retirement plan of a Member or of IATA whether or not a
substantially all, of his time to the work of such air carrier, pension is received,
2.1.5 an accountant or auditor retained by an air carrier 2.10.2 the director, officer or employee shall not have
or who is a member of or employed by a firm of been re-employed other than by IATA in a branch of air
accountants or auditors retained by an air carrier; pro- transportation which of itself entitles him to free or
vided that such accountant or auditor devotes all, or reduced transportation over the services of a scheduled
substantially all, of his time to the work of such air carrier, air carrier,
2.1.6 a business consultant retained by an air carrier or 2.10.3 the widow/widower shall retain such right only so
who is a member of or employed by a firm of business long as she/he does not remarry and the children of the
consultants retained by an air carrier and who is assigned director, officer or employee shall retain the right until
a duty by the air carrier. they cease to be dependants;
2.2 any person or supplies to provide relief in case of 2.11 an employee of an air carrier for carriage of the
general epidemic, disaster or other calamitous visitation employee's personal property;
but not transportation to or from zones of military oper-
ation; 2.12 an air carrier for carriage of its materials and
2.3 any person injured in an accident involving the
operations of a scheduled air carrier where the object is 2.13 an engineer or technical adviser who is an
to transport such injured person from the scene of the employee of the aircraft or aircraft equipment
accident in order to secure medical or surgical treatment; manufacturer whose types of aircraft or equipment are
employed by an air carrier, where the object is to enable
2.4 any physician or nurse, or other person able to aid such person to travel, on a one way or return basis for the
injured persons, where the object is to transport him to or purpose of giving technical advice or performing technical
from the scene of an accident involving the operations of services in respect of the operation, maintenance or
a scheduled air carrier; servicing of the said aircraft or equipment at the request
of and in the interest of such air carrier.
2.5 any member of the immediate family including the
legal guardian of a person injured or killed in an accident 3. A Member may issue a pass to a director, officer or
involving the operations of a scheduled air carrier, where employee of a jointly operated organisation, such as
the object is to transport such person in connection with Consolidated or Joint Ticket Office, Control Tower, Aero-
such accident; nautical Radio, Inc., International Air Transport Associ-
ation and Société Internationale de Télécommunications
2.6 any person where the object is to transport such Aeronautiques (but not including air carriers as provided
person between two points served by the Member issuing above) owned wholly or in part by two or more IATA
the pass, for the purpose of an interview to determine Members, or to a member of such employeês immediate
whether the Member wishes to employ such person or to family, only upon prior request by a principal officer of
enable a person to commence his employment; such employeês employer and only in accordance with
2.7 any attorney representing the Member issuing the the following provisions:
pass, where the object is to enable such attorney to 3.1 a pass may be issued to such an employee, other
attend or return from a legal investigation in which such than an employee of IATA and/or to members of his
Member is interested; immediate family for the purpose of an emergency trip of
2.8 any person where the object is to enable such a personal nature, and/or a single vacation trip on any
person, as a witness to attend or return from a legal one airline or combination of airlines within any calendar
year at the time of a vacation granted the employee by
his employer; provided that the trip may be a one way be deemed by the International Air Transport Association or any
trip, round trip, circle trip, with or without stopover; and Member thereof to be contrary to any Resolution or Rule of the
provided further that for the purpose of this subparagraph Association or to the provisions of any agreement to which such
air carriers are party as Members of the Association. (10.6.76)
a trip shall be deemed to be taken within the calendar
year in which the trip is commenced; 2. The Regulations of the Canadian Transportation Agency
apply to all types of flights operated by an air carrier, not only to
3.2 a pass may be issued to such an employee, other revenue earning flights as provided for in the preamble of this
than an employee of IATA, for the purpose of any trip on Resolution. (23.1.74)
the employer's business, or a single educational trip on
the lines of any one Member or combination of Members; GERMANY
provided that the trip may be a one way trip, round trip,
circle trip, with or without stopover; 1. As far as free or reduced fare or rate transportation from
Germany to the USA is concerned, regulations deviating from
3.3 a pass may be issued to such an employee of IATA Paragraphs 1–5 are permissible only upon prior express
and/or to members of his immediate family only in approval of the Minister of Transport. (L 12/ L82
accordance with rules, regulations and procedures of June 6, 1982).
approved by the Board of Governors of IATA;
3.4 a pass may be issued to such an employee for
carriage of the employee's personal property. 1. It remains the autonomous and sovereign right of the
Government of Israel to order El Al and/or any IATA carrier
4. A Member may issue a pass for transportation over operating into and from Israel to grant free or reduced fare or
its own line or over the lines of another Member if so rate transportation for immigrant traffic to Israel.
authorised by the other Members for transporting the 2. Notwithstanding anything in Resolution 788, for transpor-
human remains of a deceased employee or of a retired tation over its own lines El Al may issue free or reduced fare or
employee, or of the immediate family or dependent in the rate transportation to former directors and officers of the
household of such person. company and their wives or widows.
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2.10.1 to IATA
1. In connection with the recognition of common-law relation-
788, this is to inform you that the Belgian carriers are authorised
ships in the Netherlands, the Netherlands government deems it
to grant free and reduced fare or rate transportation to flight
desirable that free or reduced-rate travel facilities applicable on
personnel before they become eligible for full retirement in cases
the basis of IATA Resolution 788, which have up to now been
where they have been declared medically unfit to perform their
reserved for married persons, also be extended to unmarried
assigned duties. This ruling is also applicable to such personnel's
persons who live together in agreement with the following
families to the same extent as granted to active employees. It is
also understood that the terms of the aforementioned paragraph
are still applicable. 2. Under a common-law relationship is understood an affection-
ate relationship between two persons of the same or opposite
CANADA sex, who intend on living together permanently and on running a
common household.
1. Nothing in said Resolution or acceptance thereof shall be
construed as limiting in any way the statutory power and duty of 3. The extension of the travel facility will be valid exclusively for
the Canadian Transportation Agency to approve the issue of any the employee of the airline and his/her partner who satisfies the
and all free and reduced rate transportation by air carriers basic conditions set by the airline.
subject to the Agency's jurisdiction and under such terms,
conditions and forms as the Agency may direct, and that the
issuing of such other free or reduced rate transportation shall not
For the purpose of this Recommended Practice, the term 1. Where Members wish to use a standard courier
“Service Code” is used to identify cargo products which baggage voucher for accounting purposes, in the carriage
may be unique to Members and generally include ser- of courier shipments, the procedures and specifications
vices additional to those normally associated with the shown in Attachment ‘A’ hereto shall be used.
term “Rate Class Code”.
1B 8
3.1.3 Series Identification 3.8 Airport of Destination A series identification of up to 12 alphanumeric The IATA three-letter code of the airport of destination (or
characters placed in the extreme right position shall be city when the name of the airport is unknown) shall be
inserted (eight digits including a check digit may be used); inserted. A space may be inserted in the series identifi-
cation between the fourth and fifth characters or between 9
3.9 Flight
the eighth and ninth characters.
The flight identification may be entered as per sender/
1C issuing carrier agreement.
3.2 Issuing Carrier's Name and Address
The issuing carrier's name and head office address 10
3.10 Date
corresponding to the carrier's identification shown in
3.1.1, shall be inserted in accordance with the issuing The flight date may be entered as per sender/issuing
carrier's instructions. carrier agreement.
3.3 Sender 11
3.11 Untitled Box
3.3.1 Sender Name and Address This box shall not be completed unless used by the
issuing carrier at its option. The name, address and country (the ISO two
letter country code) of the sender shall be inserted. 12
3.12 Currency One or more method of contact (telephone, telex
or telefax) and number may be inserted below. The ISO three-letter currency code of the currency
applicable in the country of departure, according to the
applicable rating rules, may be inserted.
3.3.2 Sender's Account Number
This box shall not be completed unless used by the 3.13 Remarks
issuing carrier at its option.
Clear and concise information as required by the sender/
issuing carrier may be inserted.
14 23
3.14 Customs Information 3.16.8 Nature of Goods (Including
Dimensions or Volume)
Information for Customs purposes may be inserted.
The description of the goods comprising the shipment
3.15 Dutiable/Non-Dutiable may be entered.
The name of the passenger, if accompanying the bags,
3.15.1 Dutiable may be entered.
The ticket number for the passenger accompanying the
3.15.2 Non-Dutiable bags may be entered.
16 23
The baggage tag numbers assigned to the bags may be
3.16 Baggage Details to entered.
The gross weight of the pieces for the applicable line The date of execution of the Courier Baggage Voucher
entry shall be inserted; shall be inserted in the sequence of day, month, and
year. The month shall be expressed alphabetically, either
18 abbreviated or in full.
3.16.3 Kg/Lb
The unit of weight used (K or L) shall be inserted; 28B
3.21.2 At (Place)
19 The name of the place of execution (airport or city) of the
3.16.4 Free Allowance Courier Baggage Voucher shall be inserted.
The amount of weight that is free of charge, if applicable,
may be entered; 28C
3.21.3 Signature of Issuing Carrier
or its Agent
3.16.5 Chargeable Weight The signature of the issuing carrier or its agent shall be
The applicable chargeable weight may be entered; inserted.
3.16.6 Rate/Charge
21 3.22 Bar Coded Courier Baggage Number
The applicable rate or charge may be entered; These areas shall not be completed unless used to
include a bar coded Courier Baggage Voucher number in
accordance with Recommended Practice 1600t.
3.16.7 Total Charge
3.23 Neutral Courier Baggage Voucher
The total charge may be entered;
Any alteration to the carrier identification, serial identifi-
cation, carrier name or head office address shall auto-
matically render such neutral baggage voucher null and
The written cargo tracer must include the following, if 2.4 Negative Results
known, or have a copy of the air waybill (if issued)
attached: 2.4.1 At Station Where Cargo is Missing
name, address and message address of originator; If the items are not received within twenty-one (21) days
after the written cargo tracer was issued, the station
addresses of all stations to which the written cargo which originated the tracing shall:
tracer is being sent; report the negative result to:
date written cargo tracer was issued; the issuing carrier at the airport of departure,
message addresses of all stations to which cargo tracer
message was sent; the last point of loading,
air waybill prefix and serial number; the head office of the carrier from whose flight
the cargo was missing;
airports of departure and destination;
2.4.2 send the file on this tracing to the head office of
routing; the carrier from whose flight the cargo was missing.
flight number and date for which cargo was manifested;
weight of missing pieces; 3.1.1 it is not practical to reforward the cargo by the
same carrier from which it was received; and
description of contents;
3.1.2 the shipment is of such urgency, e.g. livestock,
special handling code if applicable; perishables, that immediate action is required to move the
goods in the best interest of all participants in the
description of outer packing including marks and num- carriage; a carrier shall issue a substitute air waybill or
bers; create a substitute shipment record, in accordance with
Recommended Practice 1600s.
dimensions of missing pieces;
The station holding the original air waybill (if issued), must requesting the missing documents or creation of the
send copies to the point where the cargo was found and shipment record.
to subsequent transfer stations as well as to the Airport of
destination, if necessary. When a reply is received that the documents are found,
either await arrival of the original air waybill or creation of
3.4 If Only the Incoming Flight is Known but the shipment record, or deliver the cargo, or reforward the
Not the Manifested Point of Unloading cargo to final destination using a substitute air waybill or
substitute shipment record.
The goods must be held till forwarding instructions or the
air waybill (if issued) are received. If no positive reply is received, send a message to the
airport of departure to provide copies of the air waybill or
The station which found the goods shall send a cargo to create the shipment record.
tracer message to all stations en route and ahead of the
flight and request instructions. If delivery of cargo to the consignee is delayed because
documents are missing, the cargo may be released
The goods shall be dispatched only when either the air against an indemnity containing the statement shown on
waybill (if issued) or forwarding instructions are received. the face of the substitute air waybill.
If no instructions are received within 48 hours, the 5.2 At Station Receiving Cargo Tracer
procedures below shall apply. Messages
3.5 If Routing Information is Unknown or if The station finding the documents must forward them to
No Reply to a “Found Cargo Tracer Message” the tracing station by first available flight advising for-
was Received warding details by message.
The station which found the goods shall make out a This procedure refers to air waybills and documents
written cargo tracer, mark it clearly and in bold letters attached to the air waybill.
“Found Cargo” and describe the found goods by all
If a shipment record was to be created, the station
available data.
responsible will do so and advise the tracing station by
At carrier's discretion packages may be opened in order message.
to find more detailed information on the found shipment.
This written cargo tracer shall be sent to all stations which 6. FOUND DOCUMENTS
could have dispatched the cargo and to the station of
destination, if known. 6.1 At Station Where the Irregularity is
3.6 Negative Result
When documents without cargo are found at the airport of
If no request for the cargo is received within twenty-one destination, send a found air waybill cargo tracer mess-
(21) days after the written cargo tracer was issued, the age to the station of loading to advise forwarding details
station which found the goods shall refer the case to its of the goods. Then send air waybill copies to transfer
head office. station(s), if any.
7.2 Destination stations receiving an original air waybill RECOMMENDED that, the validation checks described in
without cargo will send, if required, a copy of the original Attachment ‘A’, which are applicable to both an airline air
air waybill without delay to the point of loading. waybill and a neutral air waybill, shall be used. Use of
these checks to control the validity of the data entries will
7.3 Whenever practical, cargo covered by substitute air allow automated issuance of an air waybill, in accordance
waybills or substitute shipment records must be refor- with Resolution 600a, by a non-airline party. It will also
warded with the same carrier from which the cargo was allow a non-airline party to transmit data entries to a
received without original air waybill or shipment record to carrier using an FWB message, as described in the
avoid additional interline accounting. Cargo-IMP Manual (Resolution 670, Attachment ‘A’).
7.4 Delivery of cargo covered by a substitute air waybill
or substitute shipment record should only be effected
when disposal instructions are received from the originat-
ing station. If no disposal instructions are received and
delivery of cargo is essential, it may be released to the
consignee against signature of the indemnity statement
shown on the face of the substitute air waybill.
In the following table, only the air waybill boxes which can
be used by a non-airline party are illustrated.
6.11 Kg/Lb
The unit of weight used (K or L) shall be inserted.
6.12 Nature and Quantity of Goods
(including Dimensions or Volume)
The following information shall be inserted:
Notice to Carriers
The Carrier issuing this Substitute Air Waybill undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless all other
Consignee's Name and Address Consignee's Account Number carriers participating in the carriage against all claims, demands, costs, expenses and liability arising
from the acceptance of such Substitute Air Waybill, except that this shall not supersede the
responsibility of the carrier issuing the original Air Waybill.
Airport of Departure (Addr. of First Carrier) and Requested Routing Reference Number Optional Shipping Information
To By First Carrier Routing and Destination to by to by Currency CHGS WT/VAL Other Declared Value for Carriage Declared Value for Customs
Airport of Destination Requested Flight/Date Amount of Insurance INSURANCE – If Carrier offers insurance, and such insurance is
requested in accordance with the conditions thereof, indicate amount
to be insured in figures in box marked "Amount of Insurance".
Handling Information
No. of Gross kg Rate Class Chargeable Rate Nature and Quantity of Goods
Pieces Weight Commodity Weight Total (incl. Dimensions or Volume)
RCP lb Charge
Item No.
Valuation Charge
Total Other Charges Due Agent Shipper certifies that the particulars on the face hereof are correct and that insofar as any part of the
consignment contains dangerous goods, such part is properly described by name and is in
proper condition for carriage by air according to the applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations.
Total Other Charges Due Carrier
I agree with the terms of the Notice to Consignee set out on the right Notice to Consignee
and acknowledge that I have received the goods in apparent good This is not the Air Waybill described in Article 8 of The Warsaw Convention as amended by the Hague Protocol of 1955. The
order and condition. goods described herein are carried subject to the provisions as set out in the original air waybill issued with respect to such
goods and are delivered on the express condition that the consignee guarantees payment of all unpaid charges indicated on
the face of that air waybill as payable by the consignee.
at ON 19 No action shall be maintained in the case of damage to the goods unless a written notice, sufficiently describing the goods
(Place) (Date/Time) concerned, the approximate date of the damage and the details of the claim is presented to an officer of a carrier participating
in the carriage within 14 days from receipt of goods in the case of damage.
Notice to Carriers
The Carrier issuing this Substitute Air Waybill undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless all other
Consignee's Name and Address Consignee's Account Number carriers participating in the carriage against all claims, demands, costs, expenses and liability arising
from the acceptance of such Substitute Air Waybill, except that this shall not supersede the
responsibility of the carrier issuing the original Air Waybill.
Executed on (date) at (place)
Airport of Departure (Addr. of First Carrier) and Requested Routing Reference Number Optional Shipping Information
To By First Carrier Routing and Destination to by to by Currency CHGS WT/VAL Other Declared Value for Carriage Declared Value for Customs
Airport of Destination Requested Flight/Date Amount of Insurance INSURANCE – If Carrier offers insurance, and such insurance is
requested in accordance with the conditions thereof, indicate amount
18 to be insured in figures in box marked "Amount of Insurance".
Handling Information
No. of Gross kg Rate Class Chargeable Rate Nature and Quantity of Goods
Pieces Weight Commodity Weight Total (incl. Dimensions or Volume)
RCP lb Charge
Item No.
22A 22B
Valuation Charge
Total Other Charges Due Agent Shipper certifies that the particulars on the face hereof are correct and that insofar as any part of the
consignment contains dangerous goods, such part is properly described by name and is in
proper condition for carriage by air according to the applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations.
Total Other Charges Due Carrier
I agree with the terms of the Notice to Consignee set out on the right Notice to Consignee
and acknowledge that I have received the goods in apparent good This is not the Air Waybill described in Article 8 of The Warsaw Convention as amended by the Hague Protocol of 1955. The
order and condition. goods described herein are carried subject to the provisions as set out in the original air waybill issued with respect to such
goods and are delivered on the express condition that the consignee guarantees payment of all unpaid charges indicated on
the face of that air waybill as payable by the consignee.
at ON 19 No action shall be maintained in the case of damage to the goods unless a written notice, sufficiently describing the goods
(Place) (Date/Time) concerned, the approximate date of the damage and the details of the claim is presented to an officer of a carrier participating
in the carriage within 14 days from receipt of goods in the case of damage.
2. The technical specifications of these three sym- 1.3 The bar code is one that contains the air waybill
bologies are those embodied in the Association of Identifi- number.
cation Manufacturers (AIM) and ISO Standards. These
specifications are nominated Attachments ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ 1.4 Cargo pouch labels shall contain the following
and are available from AIM. mandatory information:
3. Where Members have bar codes preprinted on docu- 1.4.1 airline name;
ments, labels, etc. the code shall comply with the dimen- 1.4.2 primary bar code;
sions and tolerances defined in the AIM/ISO Standards
described above. 1.4.3 air waybill number;
4. Where Members use dot matrix or other similar 1.4.4 destination;
equipment to print bar codes on labels, the equipment
should be set up to print as near as possible to the 1.4.5 consignee name;
dimensions and tolerances defined in the AIM/ISO Stan-
dards described above. 1.5 Cargo pouch labels may contain the following
optional information:
Section 3—Completion
3.1 The circled numbers to the right of the titles below,
correspond with the numbers in the boxes of the speci-
men label illustrated in Attachment ‘B’ of this Rec-
ommended Practice.
3.2.1 Airline Name
3.2.2 Primary Bar Code
3.2.3 Air Waybill Number
3.2.4 Destination
3.2.5 Consignee Name
3.3.1 Airline Insignia
(a) air waybill
The bar code includes the following top and bottom quiet
conditions are not inconsistent with the provisions of such the rate or charge for the Carriage has been entered in
Convention. the Shipment Record.
2.4 GRATUITOUS CARRIAGE they are accompanied by the requisite shipping
With respect to gratuitous Carriage, Carrier reserves the
right to exclude the applicable of all or any part of these they are not likely to endanger aircraft, persons
conditions. or property, or cause annoyance to passengers.
These conditions and the published rates and charges 3.3.2 Packages containing valuables as defined in Car-
are subject to change without notice except to the extent rier's regulations must be sealed if so requested by
otherwise provided by applicable law or government Carrier.
regulations or order; provided however that no such
change shall apply to a contract of Carriage after the date
of issuance of the Air Waybill by Carrier or after the date
Article 5—Rates and Charges sale Carrier shall have mailed notice thereof to the
Shipper or to the Consignee at the address stated in the
Air Waybill) and to pay itself out of the proceeds of such
5.1 APPLICABLE RATES AND CHARGES sale any and all such amounts. No such sale shall,
however, discharge any liability to pay any deficiencies,
Rates and charges for Carriage governed by these for which the Shipper and the Consignee shall remain
conditions are those duly published by Carrier and in jointly and severally liable. By taking delivery or exercising
effect on the date of the issuance of the Air Waybill by any other right arising from the contract of Carriage, the
Carrier or on the date the rate or charge for the Carriage Consignee agrees to pay such charges, sums and
has been entered in the Shipment Record. advances, except prepaid charges.
that such refusal is required by any applicable law, postponed, delayed, advanced or terminated, Carrier
government regulation, demand, order or requirement. shall not be under any liability with respect thereto. In the
event the Carriage of the Shipment or any part thereof is
so terminated, delivery thereof by Carrier to any transfer
6.2 DISBURSEMENTS AND CUSTOMS Agent for transfer or delivery or the placing of such
FORMALITIES Shipment in storage shall be deemed complete delivery
under the contract of Carriage, and Carrier shall be
Carrier is authorised (but shall be under no obligation) to without any further liability with respect thereto, except to
advance any duties, taxes or charges and to make any give notice of the disposition of the Shipment to the
disbursement with respect to the Cargo and the Shipper Shipper or to the Consignee, at the address stated in the
and Consignee shall be jointly and severally liable for the Air Waybill or Shipment Record. Carrier may, but shall not
reimbursement thereof. No Carrier shall be under obli- be obligated to, forward the Shipment for Carriage by any
gation to incur any expense or make any advance in other route or forward the Shipment as agent for the
connection with the forwarding or reforwarding of the Shipper or the Consignee for onward Carriage by any
Cargo except against prepayment by the Shipper. If it is transportation service on behalf of the Shipper or the
necessary to make customs entry of the Cargo at any Consignee. The cost of doing so attaches to the Cargo.
stopping place, and no customs clearance agent has
been named on the face of the Air Waybill or in the 6.3.5 Subject to applicable laws, regulations and orders,
Shipment Record, the Cargo shall be deemed to be Carrier is authorised to determine the priority of Carriage
consigned to the Carrier carrying the Cargo to such as between Shipments, and as between Cargo and mail
place. For any such purpose a copy of the Air Waybill, or or passengers. Carrier may likewise decide to remove
of the Shipment Record, certified by the Carrier, shall be any articles from a Shipment, at any time or place
deemed original. whatsoever, and to proceed with the flight without them. If
as a result of determining such priority, Cargo is not
carried or Carriage thereof is postponed or delayed or if
6.3 SCHEDULES, ROUTINGS AND any articles are removed from a Shipment, Carrier will not
CANCELLATIONS be liable to Shipper or Consignee or to any other party for
any consequences therefor.
6.3.1 Times shown in Carrier's timetables or elsewhere
are approximate and not guaranteed and form no part of
the contract of Carriage. No time is fixed for commence- 6.4 CERTAIN RIGHTS OF CARRIER
ment or completion of Carriage or delivery of Cargo. OVER SHIPMENT IN COURSE OF
Unless specifically agreed otherwise and so indicated in CARRIAGE
the Air Waybill or Shipment Record, Carrier undertakes to
carry the Cargo with reasonable despatch but assumes If in the opinion of Carrier it is necessary to hold the
no obligation to carry the Cargo by any specified aircraft Shipment at any place for any reasonable purpose, either
or over any particular route or routes, or to make before, during or after Carriage, Carrier may, upon giving
connections at any point according to any particular notice thereof to the Shipper, store the Shipment for the
schedule. Carrier is hereby authorised to select or deviate account and at the risk and expense of the Shipper, in
from the route or routes of the Shipment, notwithstanding any warehouse or other available place, or with the
that the same may be stated on the face of the Air customs authorities; or Carrier may deliver the Shipment
Waybill or in the Shipment Record. Carrier is not respon- to another transportation service for onward Carriage to
sible for errors or omissions either in timetables or other the Consignee. The Shipper shall indemnify Carrier
representations of schedules. No employee, Agent or against any expense or risk so incurred.
representative of Carrier is authorised to bind Carrier by
any statements or representations of the dates or times of
departure or arrival, or of operation of any flight. Article 7—Shipper's Right of Disposition
6.3.2 Carrier is authorised to carry the consignment
without notice wholly or partly by any other means of 7.1 EXERCISE OF RIGHT
surface transportation or to arrange such Carriage.
6.3.3 Carrier reserves the right without notice, to cancel,
Every exercise of the right of disposition must be made by
terminate, divert, postpone, delay or advance any flight,
the Shipper or his designated agent, if any, and must be
or the further Carriage of any Cargo, or to proceed with
applicable to the whole Shipment under a single Air
any flight without all or any part of the Cargo, if it
Waybill, or under a single Shipment Record. The right of
considers that it would be advisable to do so because of
disposition over the Cargo may only be exercised if the
any fact beyond its control or not reasonably to be
Shipper or such agent produces the part of the Air Waybill
foreseen, anticipated, or predicted at the same time the
which was delivered to him, or communicates such other
Cargo was accepted; or if it considers that any other
form of authority as may be prescribed by Carrier's
circumstances so require.
regulations. Instructions as to disposition must be given
6.3.4 In the event any flight is cancelled, diverted, (in writing) in the form prescribed by Carrier. In the event
postponed, delayed or advanced or is terminated at a that the exercise of the right of disposition results in a
place other than the place of destination or in the event change of Consignee, such new Consignee shall be
the Carriage of any Shipment is so cancelled, diverted, deemed to be the Consignee appearing on the Air Waybill
or in the Shipment Record. by withdrawing it at the airport of departure; or of 8.2.2 when the Shipment has been delivered to customs
destination; or or other government authorities as required by applicable
law or customs regulation. by stopping it in the course of the journey on any
landing; or
8.3 PLACE OF DELIVERY by calling for it to be delivered at the place of
destination or in course of the journey to a person other Except as provided in 9.3, the Consignee must accept
than the Consignee named in the Air Waybill or Shipment delivery of and collect the Shipment at the airport of
Record; or destination or the respective facility as designated by the
Carrier. by requiring it to be returned to the airport of
7.2.2 Provided that if, in the opinion of Carrier, it is not DELIVERY
reasonably practicable to carry out the order of the
Shipper, Carrier shall so inform him promptly and Carrier 8.4.1 Subject to the provisions of 8.5 hereof, if the
shall thenceforth be under no obligation to carry out any Consignee refuses or fails to take delivery of the Ship-
such order. ment after its arrival at the airport of destination, Carrier
will endeavour to comply with any instructions of the
Shipper set forth on the face of the Air Waybill, or in the
7.3 PAYMENT OF EXPENSES Shipment Record. If such instructions are not so set forth
or cannot reasonably be complied with, Carrier shall notify
The Shipper shall be liable for and shall indemnify Carrier the Shipper of the Consignee's failure to take delivery and
for all loss or damage suffered or incurred by Carrier as a request his instructions. If no such instructions are
result of the exercise of his right of disposition. The received within thirty (30) Days, Carrier may sell the
Shipper shall reimburse Carrier for any expenses Shipment in one or more lots at public or private sale, or
occasioned by the exercise of his right of disposition. destroy or abandon such Shipment.
8.5.2 In the event of the sale of the Shipment as upon the same terms as to liability as set forth in article
provided for above, either at the place of destination or at 11 hereof.
the place to which the Shipment has been returned,
Carrier is authorised to pay to itself and other transpor-
tation services out of the proceeds of such sale all Article 10—Successive Carriers
charges, advances, and expenses of Carrier and other
transportation services plus costs of sale, holding any 10.1 Carriage to be performed under one contract of
surplus subject to the order of the Shipper. A sale of any Carriage by several successive Carriers is regarded as a
Shipment shall, however, not discharge the Shipper single operation.
and/or owner of any liability hereunder to pay any
Article 11—Carrier's Liability
8.6 By accepting delivery of the Air Waybill and/or the
Shipment, the Consignee shall become liable for payment 11.1 Carrier is liable to the Shipper, Consignee or any
of all costs and charges in connection with the Carriage. other person for damage sustained in the event of
Unless otherwise agreed the Shipper shall not be destruction or loss of, or damage to, or delay in the
released from his own liability for these costs and charges Carriage of Cargo only if the occurrence which caused
and will remain jointly and severally liable with the the damage so sustained took place during the Carriage
Consignee. Carrier may make delivery of the Shipment or as defined under Article 1.
the Air Waybill conditional upon payment of these costs
and charges. 11.2 Except as may be otherwise provided in any
Applicable Convention, Carrier is not liable to the Shipper,
Consignee or any other person for any damage, delay or
Article 9—Pick-up and Delivery Services loss of whatsoever nature arising out of or in connection
with the Carriage of Cargo or other services performed by
Carrier, unless such damage, delay or loss is proved to
9.1 SHIPMENTS have been caused by the negligence or willful default of
Carrier and there has been no contributory negligence on
Are accepted for Carriage from their receipt at Carrier's the part of the Shipper, Consignee or other claimant.
cargo terminal or airport office at the place of departure to
the airport at the place of destination. 11.3 Carrier is not liable if the destruction, loss of or
damage to Cargo is proved to have resulted solely from
the inherent defect, quality, nature or vice of that Cargo.
11.4 Carrier will not be liable for any loss, damage or
Pick-up Service and Delivery Service will be available at expense arising from death due to natural causes
the points, to the extent and subject to the rates and or death or injury of any animal caused by the conduct or
charges established for such services in accordance with acts of the animal itself or of other animals such as biting,
the applicable regulations of Carrier. kicking, goring or smothering, nor for that caused or
contributed to by the condition, nature or propensities of
the animal, or by defective packing of the animal, or by
9.3 REQUEST FOR SERVICE the inability of the animal to withstand unavoidable
changes in its physical environment inherent in the
Pick-up Service, if available, will be provided when
Carriage by air.
requested by the Shipper. Except when otherwise
provided by Carrier's tariffs, Delivery Service may be 11.5 Carrier shall not be liable in any event for any
provided unless contrary instructions are given by the consequential loss or damage arising from Carriage
Shipper or by the Consignee. Such contrary instructions subject to these conditions, whether or not Carrier had
must be received by Carrier prior to removal of the knowledge that such loss or damage might be incurred.
Shipment from Carrier's airport terminal at destination.
11.6 If the damage was caused or contributed to by the
negligence or other wrongful act or omission of the
9.4 SHIPMENT FOR WHICH SERVICE IS person claiming compensation, or the person from whom
UNAVAILABLE he derives his rights, Carrier shall be wholly or partly
exonerated from liability to the claimant to the extent that
Pick-up Service and Delivery Service will not be provided such negligence or wrongful act or omission caused or
by Carrier without special arrangement for any Shipment contributed to the damage.
which, in the opinion of Carrier, because of its volume,
nature, value or weight is impractical for Carrier to handle 11.7 Unless the Shipper has made a special declaration
in normal course. of value for Carriage and has paid the supplementary
sum applicable, liability of Carrier shall not exceed 19
Special Drawing Rights per kilogram of Cargo destroyed,
9.5 LIABILITY lost, damaged or delayed. If the Shipper has made a
special declaration of value for Carriage, it is agreed that
If Pick-up Service or Delivery Service is performed by or
any liability shall in no event exceed such declared value
on behalf of Carrier, such surface transportation shall be
for Carriage stated on the face of the Air Waybill or
included in the Shipment Record. All claims shall be 12.2.1 in the case of visible damage to the goods,
subject to proof of value. immediately after its discovery and at the latest within
fourteen (14) Days from the date of receipt of the goods;
11.8 In the case of loss, damage or delay of part of the
Shipment, or of any object contained therein, the weight 12.2.2 in the case of other damage to the goods, within
to be taken into consideration in determining the amount fourteen (14) Days from the date of receipt of the goods;
to which Carrier's liability is limited shall be only the
weight of the package or packages concerned. Neverthe- 12.2.3 in the case of delay, within twenty-one (21) Days
less, when the loss, damage or delay of part of the from the date on which the goods were placed at the
Shipment, or of an object contained therein, affects the disposal of the person entitled to delivery;
value of other packages covered by the same Air Waybill,
the total weight of such package or packages shall also 12.2.4 in the case of non-delivery of the goods, within
be taken into consideration in determining the limit of one hundred and twenty (120) Days of the date of issue
liability. In the absence of proof to the contrary, the value of the Air Waybill or the date of the Shipment Record,
of any such part of the Shipment lost, damaged or whichever is applicable.
delayed as the case may be, shall be determined by 12.3 Any right to damages against Carrier shall be
reducing the total value of the Shipment in the proportion extinguished unless an action is brought within two years
that the weight of that part of the Shipment lost, damaged after the occurrence of the events giving rise to the claim.
or delayed has to the total weight of the Shipment.
RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1605 8. Use of the term “Airbill” in place of “Air Waybill”, or
“Pieces” in place of “Packages” shall be optional on the
paper transfer manifest.
9. The transfer manifest serial number shall consist of
CBPP(33)1605 Expiry: Indefinite six numeric characters.
Type: A
1 8
1. Name of the Airline 8. Number of Packages
The name of the airline shall be determined by the The number of packages shall be determined by the
following Cargo-IMP data: following Cargo-IMP data:
FSU(RCT) Ref. 4.3.1 Carrier Code (Transferring Carrier) FSU(TFD) 11.4.3 Number of Pieces Data Element
Data Element No. 312 No. 701
2 9
2. No. (Serial Number) 9. Weight (specify kg or lb)
The serial number may be determined by the following The weight may be determined by the following
Cargo-IMP data: Cargo-IMP data:
FSU(TFD) 11.5.2 Transfer Manifest Number Data FSU(TFD) 11.4.4 Weight Code Data Element No. 601
Element No. 118 and 2.3.5 Weight Data Element No. 600
3 10
3. Airport 10. Remarks
The airport may be determined by the following The remarks may be determined by the following
Cargo-IMP data: Cargo-IMP data:
FSU(TFD) 11.3.7 Airport Code (of Transfer) Data Element FSU(RCT) 24.2 OSI Details (1st Line) Data Element
No. 313 No. 405 and 24.3 OSI Details (2nd Line) Data Element
No. 405
The time when the cargo was transferred may be 3. The house manifest shall contain the following infor-
determined by the following Cargo-IMP data: mation:
FSU(RCT) 4.3.5 Actual Time (of Given Status Event) 3.1 forwarder's full address;
Data Element No. 203
3.2 master air waybill number;
3.3 carrier's name;
16. Date
3.4 flight number;
The date when the cargo was transferred shall be
determined by the following Cargo-IMP data: 3.5 airport of loading;
FSU(RCT) 4.3.3 Day (of Transfer) Data Element No. 202 3.6 airport of unloading;
and 4.3.4 Month (of Transfer) Data Element No. 201
3.7 house waybill origin;
“CHARGE, VOLUME”. The charge for the carriage of “EMBARGO”. The refusal by an airline for a limited
goods based on the volume of such goods. period, to accept for transportation over any route or
segment thereof, and to or from any area, or point of
“CHARGE, WEIGHT”. The charge for carriage of connecting airline, any commodity, type or class of
goods based on the weight of such goods. cargo duly tendered.
“COMBINATION, RATE OR CHARGE”. The estab- “FLIGHT NUMBER”. The designation of a flight.
lishment of a rate or charge by addition of sectional
rates or charges. “FRENCH GOLD FRANCS”. Francs consisting of
65½ milligrams of gold with fineness of nine hundred
“COMMODITY RATE”—see “Rate, Specific Com- thousandths.
“GOODS”—see “Cargo”.
“CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE”. The terms and con-
ditions established by a carrier in respect to its “IATA”. International Air Transport Association.
“CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT”. The terms and document issued by a carrier or its agent, in conjunc-
conditions shown on the air waybill or with any tion with a Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check
consent by the shipper that a shipment record may and which may be used only for payment of Baggage
be used. Shipped as Cargo.
“CONSIGNMENT” (which is equivalent to the term “PRORATE” (here used as a noun). A portion of a
“Shipment”). One or more pieces of goods accepted joint rate or charge obtained by proration.
by the carrier from one shipper at one time and at “PRORATION”. Division of a joint rate or charge
one address, receipted for in one lot and moving on between the carriers concerned on an agreed basis.
one air waybill or shipment record to one consignee
at one destination address. “PRORATION, MILEAGE”. Proration on the basis of
the respective local mileages.
ommended Practice 1610).
“RATE, JOINT”. A rate which applies for carriage “TRANSFER”. Movement of cargo from one carrier to
over the lines of two or more carriers and which is another against a transfer manifest.
published as a single amount. “TRANSFER MANIFEST”. The document executed
“RATE, LOCAL” (which is equivalent to the term by the transferring carrier upon transfer of interline
“Rate, On-Line”). A rate which applies for carriage cargo and endorsed by the receiving carrier as a
over the lines of a single carrier. receipt for the consignment transferred.
“RATE, ON-LINE”—see “Rate, Local”. “TRANSHIPMENT”. The unloading of cargo from one
flight and loading onto another for onward carriage.
“RATE, PROPORTIONAL”. A rate which is used in
combination with other rates to establish a through “TRANSIT”. An en route stopping place where cargo
rate. remains on board.
Section 2—Use
2.1 The CCA is to be raised whenever it is necessary to
correct charges, and/or the method of payment on an air
waybill or as reflected in a shipment record. The CCA is
used to advise all carriers involved of the change that has
been made.
Section 3—Completion of the CCA Enter the date of execution as shown on the air waybill or
in the shipment record.
3.1 In CASS areas, a CCA is used to request a change
of charges, however, a CCA is not considered to be 2E
issued unless the appropriate carrier confirms, by its Place of AWB Issue
authorisation of the CCA document, that it agrees with the
change. Enter the place of execution as shown on the air waybill
or in the shipment record.
3.2 Where a CASS or CASS Collect has been im-
plemented in an area, then a copy of the CCA is to be
sent to the settlement office in accordance with the 3A
3.3.6 Name and City
procedures agreed for that CASS or CASS Collect area.
Such CCA, in addition to all other information, must also In CASS and CASS Collect areas only, enter the name
contain information identified in Boxes (3A) and (3B) as and city of the agent, associate or recipient as applicable.
detailed below.
5B 8
3.3.10 Revised/Correct Gross Weight 3.3.18 Consignee
In CASS and CASS Collect areas only, enter the gross Enter the name and address of the consignee as shown
weight as it now appears on the air waybill or in the on the air waybill o in the shipment record.
shipment record.
3.3.19 Execution Area
3.3.11 Original/Incorrect Gross
Weight For completion by air carrier only.
6C 9B
3.3.12 Currency 3.3.21 Date and Place of Issue
Enter the three-alpha code of the currency corresponding Enter the date and place the CCA is executed.
to the currency in which the air waybill was issued or as
shown in the shipment record.
3.3.22 Signature
3.3.13 Revised/Corrected Charges Enter the signature of the individual authorised to execute
the CCA.
Enter the total of all charges as it now appears on the air
waybill or in the shipment record under either the prepaid
or collect column as appropriate. 10
3.3.23 Confirmation Slip
The last carrier, upon receipt of a CCA, shall return this
3.3.14 Original/Incorrect Charges portion of the document confirming action requested has
been taken to the carrier issuing the air waybill or creating
Enter the total of all charges as it originally appeared on the shipment record.
the air waybill or in the shipment record under either the
prepaid or collect column, as appropriate, regardless of Complete these areas as follows.
whether or not some of these have now been changed.
3.3.24 To
3.3.15 Remarks and Reason for
Enter the name of the carrier, shown in Box (8A), to
Issuing Advice whom the confirmation slip is to be sent.
Enter any explanatory remarks and include an expla-
nation of the situation that caused the CCA to be raised.
3.3.25 Ref. CCA No.
In the case of the referral of uncollectable charges to
the issuing carrier, enter the date and place of issue of Enter the CCA number shown in Box (1).
the IRP, a copy of which shall have been sent to the
accounting department of the issuing carrier in accord-
ance with Resolution 603. In such cases, the CCA shall 10C
also detail all other charges incurred en route and at 3.3.26 Ref. AWB No.
destination which are to be collected from the shipper.
Enter the air waybill number shown in Box (2A).
3.3.16 Untitled Boxes 3.3.27 From____(Airline)
3.3.17 Shipper 3.3.28 At____(Station)
3.3.29 Date
Enter the date confirmation slip is issued.
3.3.30 Signature
Enter the signature of the individual authorised to return
the confirmation slip.
1. USE OF THE MISCELLANEOUS If the value of the MCO to be honoured is equal to or less
CHARGES ORDER than the total charges shown on the air waybill or in the
shipment record, the following should be noted:
A Member wishing to accept a Miscellaneous Charges
Order(MCO) under the terms and conditions of Resol- If the residual value of the honoured coupon is the same
utions governing payment of baggage shipped as cargo as the amount shown on the air waybill or in the shipment
by means of an MCO, shall follow the procedures record, the charges shown on the air waybill or in the
contained in Resolution 725a, except as follows. shipment record must be indicated. Remaining coupons
should be shown as having nil value, withdrawn and
It is important to ensure that the type of service for which attached to the honoured coupon.
the MCO has been issued is entered in the “Type of
Service for which Issued” box. If the residual value of the MCO to be honoured is less
than the amount shown on the air waybill or in the
Note: Transportation of baggage shipped as cargo is shipment record, the difference is to be collected from the
the only permissible case in which an air waybill or passenger and the amount (for part of payment) to be
shipment record may be issued in exchange for an MCO. shown on this coupon must be equal to the residual
value. The remaining coupons should be shown as
The coupon to be honoured must be drawn or endorsed having nil value, withdrawn and attached to the honoured
on the airline issuing the air waybill or creating the coupon.
shipment record, and the airline having issued the MCO
must have a passenger and/or cargo interline agreement If the value of the MCO to be honoured is in excess of the
with the airline issuing the air waybill or creating the total charges shown on the air waybill or in the shipment
shipment record. record, the total charges shown on the air waybill or in the
shipment record shall be indicated on the honoured
coupon and the new residual value shall be entered.
2.1 Specific Exchange Coupon Value
Method If the honoured coupon is the last coupon of the MCO, a
new 1, 2, 3 or 4 coupon MCO must be issued. The face
Each exchange coupon is assigned a specific value. This value of this new MCO must correspond with the
value is entered in the applicable “Coupon Value” box(es) remaining amount outstanding from the previous MCO. In
at time of issuance. no event shall any balance due from previous MCO be
paid directly by either cash or cheque.
This cargo security Recommended Practice is intended to
protect air carrier operations against acts of unlawful 3.1 General
interference. All Members and IATA Cargo Agents should
implement the cargo security measures described in this All cargo intended to be carried on passenger or all-cargo
Recommended Practice. All Members and IATA Cargo aircraft should be subjected to security controls before
Agents should acknowledge and respect cargo security being uplifted on the aircraft.
measures accepted or required by governments and
those embodied in ICAO Annex 17. In increased threat 3.2 Regulated Agent
situations, supplementary measures may be
implemented. Guidance material to assist in the im- 3.2.1 Each Regulated Agent should have a security
plementation of this Recommended Practice is available programme approved by the appropriate authority in
in the IATA Security Manual. respect of the acceptance, storage and forwarding of
cargo. its consignments are prepared in secure competencies required to perform their duties and be
premises; and appropriately trained according to the requirements estab-
lished by the appropriate authority. Persons carrying out it employs reliable staff in preparing the consign- screening operations should be certified according to the
ments; and requirements of the national civil aviation security pro-
gramme to ensure that performance standards are con- it protects the consignments against unauthor- sistently and reliably achieved.
ised interference during preparation, storage and trans-
3.7 All Aircraft Operational Security
3.3.3 Known Consignors should certify in paper, elec-
tronic format, or any other means that may be allowed in 3.7.1 All cargo should be subjected to security controls
the future that each consignment does not contain any prior to being uplifted on an aircraft. Air carriers should
unknown cargo or dangerous goods, or that dangerous not accept cargo for carriage onto an aircraft unless it has
goods in the consignment have been prepared in accord- applied such controls itself or their application has been
ance with IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. confirmed by a Regulated Agent, or if being uplifted on an
all-cargo aircraft, an account consignor.
3.3.4 Known Consignors accept that the package and
contents of the consignment may be examined for secur- 3.7.2 All consignments accepted from Known Con-
ity reasons. signors and/or Regulated Agents will be deemed to have
met required security provisions only after proper checks
have been completed.
3.4 Account Consignor
3.7.3 All consignments accepted from persons other
3.4.1 Each Account Consignor should establish and than Known Consignors or Regulated Agents must be
register with the Regulated Agents or air carriers, that it physically searched, electronically screened or screened
conducts business with, its identity and address as well by other means. In addition, a person other than a Known
as the agents authorised to carry out deliveries on its Consignor or Regulated Agent must provide acceptable
behalf. documentation as to his identity, the details of which shall
3.4.2 Account Consignors should declare in paper, elec- be recorded.
tronic format, or any other means that may be allowed in 3.7.4 Cargo cleared for all-cargo operations should be
the future its commitment that: subjected to appropriate security controls if transferred its consignments are prepared in secure prem- onto an all passenger aircraft (either at origin or before
ises; and uplift onto a passenger aircraft). it protects the consignments against unauthor- 3.8.1 Air carriers must ensure that from the time of
ised interference during preparation, storage and trans- acceptance and until completion of air transportation,
portation. cargo consignments are protected from unauthorised
3.4.3 Account Consignors should certify in paper, elec-
tronic format, or any other means that may be allowed in 3.8.2 All known cargo consignments that are not
the future that each consignment does not contain any adequately protected from unauthorised interference after
unknown cargo or dangerous goods, or that dangerous acceptance, as required by the National Civil Aviation
goods in the consignment have been prepared in accord- Security Programme, shall be screened.
ance with IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.
3.4.4 Account Consignors accept that the package and 3.9 Right of Inspection and Refusal
contents of the consignment may be examined for secur- of Carriage
ity reasons.
3.9.1 Air carriers reserve the right to examine, or cause
to be examined, the packaging and contents of all cargo
3.5 Security Controls consignments and to enquire into the correctness or
sufficiency of information or documentation tendered in
All personnel accepting or handling cargo should be respect of any consignment.
subjected to background checks, possess all competen-
cies required to perform their duties and be appropriately 3.9.2 Air carriers reserve the right, without assuming
trained according to the requirements established by the any liability, to refuse, delay or return any cargo or mail
appropriate authority. consignments when circumstances so require or for
security reasons.
3.10 Acceptance of Mail information also establishes an audit trail that can be
accessed by the regulators if requested.
3.10.1 The responsibility for the security screening and
sealing of mail is that of the postal authorities.
3.10.2 Air carriers must ensure that mail is received by
their authorised personnel who will establish the identity 4.1 IATA Cargo Agents should ensure that the security
of the person presenting the mail that the seals are intact standards described in this Recommended Practice are
and that the bags do not show signs of having been followed. In increased threat situations, supplementary
interfered with. security measures may be required by air carriers or
appropriate authorities.
3.11 Security Screening Equipment 4.2 The Cargo Agency Conference Resolutions, which
embody the rules for accreditation of cargo agents,
Any equipment used to screen cargo consignments must include text specifically relating to security. This requires
be approved by the appropriate authority as being suit- the agent to implement security controls as required by
able for the task and shall be maintained and serviced so the appropriate authorities and which may be sup-
as to meet manufacturers' specifications as well as local plemented by Member air carriers.
health, safety and regulatory requirements. Where practi-
cable, in order to improve efficiency, modern screening or 4.3 Cargo agents' security procedures should embody
examination techniques and technologies should be used those in this Recommended Practice and include the
to facilitate the physical examination of goods to be following recommended provisions:
4.3.1 security requirements for the packing, storage,
transportation and delivery of consignments to an
3.12 Security Declaration approved agent or carrier;
3.12.1 The appropriate authorities and/or air carriers 4.3.2 established procedures for the identification and
may require for each shipment a security declaration to verification of persons including Account Consignors,
be provided in paper, electronic format, or any other Known Consignors or Regulated Agents and the
means that may be allowed in the future. It is the recording of their details;
responsibility of all Members and IATA Cargo Agents to
be familiar and comply with any such security declaration 4.3.3 requirements for the physical protection and safe-
requirements. keeping of consignments held in their custody prior to
delivery to the carrier;
3.12.2 For paper security declarations, where not other-
wise specified, it is recommended that the form to be 4.3.4 criteria for the training and recurrent training of
used is the standard “Consignment Security Declaration” agents' staff involved with security screening, storage,
form shown in Attachment ‘A’. A completed form is shown transportation and delivery of consignments.
in Attachment ‘B’.
Completion Instructions
Regulated Party Category (KC, RA or RC) & Identifier:
The category, e.g. IATA Customs, Security and Regulatory Control Information Identifier, and identifier of the
regulated party that originally issued the security status must be entered.
Unique Consignment Identifier:
The identification of the consignment itself must be entered. This may be an air waybill (format is
nnn-nnnnnnnn), a house bill or a mail consignment identifier.
Content of the consignment:
The identification of the consignment details (e.g. goods description) must be entered for a direct air waybill
shipment or house waybill shipment. In case of a consolidation shipment, i.e. a master air waybill with
associated house waybill(s), the consolidation box should be ticked in lieu of the goods description.
The identification of the origin of the consignment must be entered. This would be the origin related to the
appropriate transport document (air waybill or house waybill) as identified in Box 2, e.g. the IATA Location
Identifier (three letter airport or city code).
The identification of the final destination of the consignment must be entered. This would be the destination
related to the appropriate transport document (air waybill or house waybill) as identified in Box 2, e.g. the IATA
Location Identifier (three letter airport or city code).
Transit points:
The identification of an en-route stopping point where cargo may be transferred to another aircraft or remain on
board the same aircraft should be entered if known to the issuer, e.g. the IATA Location Identifier (three letter
airport or city code) otherwise this entry may be blank.
Security Status:
The coded identification of the security status assigned to the consignment must be entered, e.g. IATA Security
Statuses codes SHR for a consignment secured according to high risk requirements, SPX for a consignment
secured for cargo and passenger aircraft, SCO for a consignment secured for all cargo aircraft only.
Received from:
The coded identification of the category of a known entity or trusted trader that tendered the consignment, e.g.
IATA Customs, Security and Regulatory Control Information Identifier KC when a consignment tendered to the
Regulated Agent by a Known Consignor then KC would be entered as a reason that the security status was
issued. If no other reason, i.e. “Screening Method” or “Grounds for exemption” is indicated and the
consolidation box is not ticked then this entry cannot be blank.
Screening Method:
The coded identification of the screening methods used by the Regulated Party when securing the consignment
could be entered as a reason that the security status was issued, e.g. IATA Screening Method codes. If no
other reason, i.e. “Received from” or “Grounds for exemptions” is indicated and the consolidation box is not
ticked then this entry cannot be blank. In some cases a single screening method may not be sufficient to
inspect all types of consignments, therefore more than one screening methods may be listed.
Grounds for exemptions:
The coded identification indicating why a consignment is exempted from screening as defined in States’
NCASPs could be entered as a reason that the security status was issued, e.g. IATA Screening Exemptions
codes. If no other reason, i.e. “Received from” or “Screening Method” is indicated and the consolidation box is
not ticked then this entry cannot be blank.
Specify other screening method:
If the code entered in Box 9 Screening Method is “AOM” (indicating any other means) then text specifying the
other means used must be entered.
Security status issued by:
If the consolidation box is not ticked then the individual of the Regulated Party who issued the security status
must be identified by name or employee number.
Security Status Issued on:
If the consolidation box is not ticked then the exact date and time when the security status was issued by the
Regulated Party Employee must be indicated.
Regulated Party Category (KC, RA or RC) & Identifier:
The identifier of any Regulated Party that accepts custody of the cargo and accepts the security status originally
issued by the Regulated Party Identified in Box 1 must be entered. This entry would confirm that the cargo has
remained secure and would follow any other entries for other Regulated Parties that had also accepted the
original security status.
Additional security information:
Any additional security information that may be required by an ICAO Member State, e.g. any national regulation
applicable to the responsibilities in case of false declaration, or any applicable emergency amendment. A
signature of the responsible person initially issuing a hardcopy consignment security declaration set out in box 1
should be inserted when the supply chain is paper based.
For the purpose of these instructions, it is the IATA Cargo Interchange Procedures (Cargo-IMP) Air Waybill Data (FWB)
message used as the reference point.
Regulated Party Category (KC, RA or RC) & Identifier:
Ref. 29 Other Customs, Security and Regulatory Control Information in particular Ref. 29.3 ISO Country Code +
Ref. 29.5 Information Identifier (ISS) + Ref. 29.7 Customs Information Identifier (RA and ED) + Ref. 29.9
Supplementary Customs Information
ISS - the regulated agent issuing the security status
Unique Consignment Identifier:
Ref. 2.1 AWB Identification
Content of the consignment:
Ref. 12.11 Goods Description or Ref. 12.12 Consolidation
Ref. 2.2.1 Airport/City Code (of Origin)
Ref. 2.2.2 Airport/City Code (of Destination)
Transit points:
Ref. 4.2.2 Airport/City Code and 4.3.2 Airport/City Code
Security Status:
Ref. 25. Special Handling Details
Received from:
Ref. 29 Other Customs, Security and Regulatory Control Information in particular Ref. 29.3 ISO Country Code +
Ref. 29.5 Information Identifier (ISS) + Ref. 29.7 Customs Information Identifier (KC + ED) + Ref. 29.9
Supplementary Customs Information:
Screening Method:
Ref. 29 Other Customs, Security and Regulatory Control Information in particular Ref. 29.7 Customs
Information Identifier (SM) + Ref. 29.9 Supplementary Customs Information
Grounds for exemptions:
Ref. 29 Other Customs, Security and Regulatory Control Information in particular Ref. 29.7 Customs
Information Identifier (L) + Ref. 29.9 Supplementary Customs Information
Specify other screening method:
Ref. 29 Other Customs, Security and Regulatory Control Information in particular Ref. 29.7 Customs
Identifier (SM) + Ref. 29.9 Supplementary Customs Information
Security status issued by:
Ref. 29 Other Customs, Security and Regulatory Control Information in particular Ref. 29.7 Customs
Information Identifier (SN) + Ref. 29.9 Supplementary Customs Information
Security Status Issued on:
Ref. 29 Other Customs, Security and Regulatory Control Information in particular Ref. 29.7 Customs
Information Identifier (SD) + Ref. 29.9 Supplementary Customs Information
Regulated Party Category (KC, RA or RC) & Identifier:
Ref. 29 Other Customs, Security and Regulatory Control Information in particular Ref. 29.3 ISO Country Code +
Ref. 29.5 Information Identifier (OSS) + Ref. 29.7 Customs Information Identifier (RA and ED) + Ref. 29.9
Supplementary Customs Information
OSS - the regulated agent accepting the security status given by another regulated agent
Additional security information:
Ref. 29 Other Customs, Security and Regulatory Control Information in particular Ref. 29.7 Customs
Information Identifier (ST) + Ref. 29.9 Supplementary Customs Information
The primary requirement is for a tag that may transmit
ULD/GSE identification information to a fixed reading
device. Secondary requirements are to employ tags with
read/write capability and to use fixed, mobile or portable
secondary requirements, in order to meet the widely 6.3 Safety, Regulatory, Health and
varying airlines' needs. Environment
When installed or operated in a particular country, the
5. COMPONENTS system must comply with all national and local govern-
mental safety, aeronautical and radio regulations, and any
The system shall consist of two basic components: an other governmental rules and regulations which may
electronic device (tag), installed on the ULD/GSE, and apply, including those regarding human exposure levels.
reading equipment.
The system must use a frequency that has universal
The reading equipment may be either a fixed installation, acceptability, such as the 2.45 GHz band.
or a mobile or hand-held device.
Both the tag and the reader may also have read/write 6.4 Performance Specifications
The following are the operational specifications for the
system. All of these requirements must be met concur-
6.2.3 complying with all appropriate health and environ- 6.4.4 Passing Speed
ment specifications;
Passing speed shall be considered as the speed at which
6.2.4 may optionally: a tag passes a reader. consist of single or multiple readers, A fixed reader must be capable of reading the first one
kilobyte of information held in a tag at a passing speed of have the capability to read tags that have a up to 10 m per second (32.8 feet per second).
read/write data area,
6.4.5 Discrimination have the capability to write to tags that have a
read/write data area. The system shall be capable of discriminating individual
tags with a separation distance of 30 mm (1.18 in)
between tags.
1.5 The tag shall maintain the integrity of stored data in Q—loading position on second flight
a maximum peak field strength of 200 V/m for 60 seconds
for 1300 MHz and 2800 MHz to simulate radar airport A—air waybill number/number of pieces loaded
exposure. N—baggage tag details—tags numbers
W—weight and unit of weight identifier
Each field shall be separated by a field delimiter (/).
2.1 The tag shall have a minimum data capacity suf-
ficient to contain the mandatory information in 2.2. This 2.4 Examples
will normally be read-only, but may be amended subject
to encryption protection by the owner. The encryption 2.4.1 ULD ID Code (mandatory data only):
method may be decided and published separately. 1AVE12345LH/200K/AUG89
The tag may also have a variable data read/write capacity 1 tag type = ULD
as described in 2.3. AVE12345LH = ULD ID Code
200K = tare weight of ULD in kg
All data elements must conform to Cargo-IMP standards.
AUG89 = month and year of tag manufacture or
Only data elements not in Cargo-IMP, are defined here.
battery change
2.2 Mandatory Read Only Information 2.4.2 ULD ID Code (mandatory and optional data):
2.2.1 A one digit tag type. To distinguish between ULD's 1AVE12345LH/200K/AUG89/OFRA/DJNB/FLH012/
and other GSE, and read only—versus read/write, the Y03APR/A08112345675-9
ULD tag type will be as follows: OFRA = origin FRA
0=ULD, read only, DJNB = destination JNB
1=ULD, read/write, FLH012 = loaded on flight LH012
2=GSE, read only, Y03APR = flight date 03 April
3=GSE, read/write; A08112345675-9 = Total of nine pieces of air waybill
2.2.2 a field containing the ULD ID code as specified in
Resolution 686;
RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1654 Note: Printing and use of Boxes (5)–(9) optional.
Insert the appropriate date, using two digits to identify
CSC(18)1654 Expiry: indefinite “Day”, three letters to identify “Month”, and two digits to
Type: A identify “Year”, e.g. 1 November 1989 to be shown as
RECOMMENDED that, when a unit load device (ULD) is Note: Please refer to the IATA ULD Control Manual for
transferred, a ULD control receipt as shown in Attachment the transfer date of dummy returns.
‘A’ hereto, shall be completed by the transferring carrier
except that for transfers from non-carrier parties, the 11
receiving carrier shall complete the ULD control receipt. 2.1.6 Time Local
Insert time of transfer (24-hour clock), e.g. 4:30 pm to be
shown as 1630.
Article 1—Dimensions of the ULD
Control Receipt For dummy returns always insert 0001.
2.1.1 Address (optional)
1 2.1.9 Transfer Point
Insert seven-character code consisting of three-character Insert three-letter designator of city/airport where the
code for place being addressed followed by two-character transfer took place. For dummy returns, always insert
department code and followed by two-character code of HDQ.
airline concerned.
15 20
2.1.10 Control Receipt to
2.1.2 Copy To (optional) Number Preprinted three-digit airline code, followed by
Insert seven-character code consisting of three-character eight-digit receipt serial number, the first character of
code for place being addressed followed by two-character which must be a zero. When a second ULD is included
department code and followed by two-character code of on the control receipt, the zero will be replaced by the
airline concerned. figure 1; when a third ULD is included on the control
receipt, the zero will be replaced by the figure 2, etc.
3 Note: Printing and use of Boxes (16) through to (20)
2.1.3 Originator (optional) optional.
Insert seven-character code consisting of three-character
code for place of origin message followed by two- 21 26
character department code of sender and followed by 2.1.11 Final Destination to
two-character code of the airline concerned. Insert three-letter designator of city/airport for which each
unit is destined. For dummy returns, always insert “HDQ”.
9 If the ULD is being transferred to the owner carrier empty,
2.1.4 IATA ULD ID to Code insert the code XXX.
Insert the nine or ten-character identification code for up
Note: Printing and use of Boxes (22) through to (26)
to six ULDs. If a non-structural igloo assembly is trans-
optional. However, finalisation conditional upon com-
ferred, insert the code assigned to the shell.
pletion of Boxes (5)–(9), (16) through to (20).
27 32 37
2.1.12 Condition Code to 2.2.4 Receiving Carrier or Customer
Insert one of the two Conditions of Unit Codes shown on
the form. Insert DAM in case of any irregularity and Enter signature of the individual authorised to sign this
specify in the “Remarks” box the nature of the irregularity; form on behalf of the Receiving party. Enter date and
otherwise enter SER. local time (see 2.1.6).
Note: Printing and use of Boxes (28) through to (32)
optional. However, finalisation conditional upon com- 2.2.5 Transferring Carrier or Customer
pletion of Boxes (5)–(9), (16) through to (20) and (22) Signature
through to (26).
Enter signature of the individual authorised to sign this
33 form on behalf of the Transferring party. Enter date and
2.1.13 Remarks local time (see 2.1.6).
Insert other required remarks, if any. In case of damage
or incomplete units or mismatched parts or unserviceabil- 2.3 CUSTOMER TRANSACTIONS
ity, give detailed description. ONLY/ULD RETURNED
36 41A
2.2.3 ULD Support Equipment Nets (printing and use of box optional)
2.3.5 Transferring Customer Signature
Enter signature of the individual authorised to sign this
form on behalf of the Transferring party. Enter date and
local time (see 2.1.6).
2.3.6 Customer Name, Address and/or
Account Number
When transfer is to a non-airline party, insert full name
and address and/or account number.
2.3.7 Demurrage Begins (printing
and use of boxes optional)
Indicate date and time when demurrage charges will
2.3.8 Carrier Use Only
These boxes are to be used to calculate demurrage and
other charges.
Note: Members need not put into effect the ULD Control
Receipt shown in Attachment ‘A’ hereto until the time of
next reprinting of their control receipts or in no event later
than fifteen (15) months after the declaration of effective-
ness of this Recommended Practice.
The following wording shall be shown on the reverse of all parts of the ULD Control Receipt:
Section 2—Definitions the air waybill or Receipt for the Cargo or a
photostatic copy thereof.
2.1 As used herein, the term:
3.1.4 The claim receiver shall reject any claim in respect
“LOSS” shall mean the total or partial loss or of which the claimant has failed either to furnish all such
destruction of, or damage or delay to, a shipment; data and information or to satisfy the claim receiver that
such data and information are not available to the
“CONCEALED LOSS” shall mean a loss which was
not discovered until after delivery to the consignee or
his representative (or to Customs authorities at 3.1.5 If it appears from the air waybill or shipment
destination); record that the shipment with respect to which the claim
has been made has been insured under the issuing
carrier's open policy insurance, the claim receiver shall handling of the shipment and, unless it accepts
refer the claim to the issuing carrier and so notify the responsibility for the claim, shall transmit the complete
claimant. claim file, with the results of its investigation (including
any relevant carrier documents) to the interested carrier
whom it considers to be the proper party next to deal with
3.2 CLAIMS NOT EXCEEDING USD 100 the matter. The complete claim file shall be returned to
(OR ITS EQUIVALENT) the claim receiver by the first carrier agreeing to accept
sole responsibility for the claim or, if no carrier so agrees,
3.2.1 The following procedure shall govern the handling by the last carrier receiving such file;
and disposition of any claim not exceeding USD 100 or its
equivalent at the rate of exchange provided for in cur- in the event a carrier other than the claim
rently effective IATA Resolutions: receiver agrees to accept sole responsibility for the claim,
the claim receiver shall so notify the other interested investigation and disposition of the claim shall carrier(s) and dispose of the claim in agreement with the
be the sole right and obligation of the claim receiver. carrier that has agreed to accept responsibility;
The claim receiver shall use its best efforts, without
necessarily having to carry out a full investigation as to if the claim receiver determines, after investi-
which of the interested carriers is responsible for the loss, gation as aforementioned, that the claim is unfounded, it
to determine whether the claim is valid. If it determines shall reject the claim, notifying all other interested carriers
that the claim is valid, it shall settle the claim on the most accordingly;
favourable terms it is able to arrange. If the claim receiver
determines that the claim is not valid, it shall reject the if the claim receiver determines that the claim is
claim and shall notify all other interested carriers accord- valid but no carrier has agreed to accept responsibility,
ingly. If the claim is subsequently refiled with any other the following procedure shall be followed:
interested carriers, such carrier shall refer the claim to the
original claim receiver for disposition; the claim receiver shall request advice from
the interested carriers as to whether settlement should be where the claim receiver has determined that the made and, if so, in what amount,
claim is valid and has made payment in terms of,
the following procedure shall apply: if any of the interested carriers requests that
the claim be settled, the claim receiver shall then under- where the claim relates to a concealed loss take negotiations with the claimant for the purpose of
and the claim receiver is satisfied that it will not be determining the amount the claimant will accept in settle-
possible to ascertain the responsible carrier, it shall bill all ment. The claim receiver shall then submit a statement of
the other interested carriers, charging each of them in the the said amount for approval to all the interested carriers.
proportion which each such carrier's share of the air If settlement in the said amount is approved by the
transportation revenue bears to the total air transportation interested carrier or carriers, and agreement is reached
revenue received or receivable by all such carriers, between the carriers as to the method of sharing the loss,
the claim receiver shall settle the claim accordingly, in all other cases the claim receiver shall
follow the investigation procedure outlined under 3.3 and, in the absence of agreement as to the
in the light of such investigation, shall determine the amount to be paid in the settlement of the claim and the
responsible carrier or carriers and make billing apportionment thereof, the claim receiver or any
accordingly. If in the case of concealed loss it is not interested carrier may pay the claim at its own risk and
possible, after such investigation, to determine the proceed against any other interested carrier or carriers in
responsible carrier, the claim receiver shall act in accord- terms of 6.6,
ance with if neither the claim receiver nor any other
interested carrier desires to avail itself of any right
3.3 TOTAL CLAIMS EXCEEDING USD 100 conferred on it by, the claim receiver shall
(OR ITS EQUIVALENT) reject the claim;
3.3.1 The following procedure shall govern the handling the claim receiver may settle the claim on the
and disposition of claims exceeding USD 100 or its most favourable terms it is able to arrange, if having
equivalent at the rate of exchange provided for in cur- investigated the handling of the shipment and initially
rently effective IATA Resolutions: referring the claim to the head office of the other carrier,
and having followed up with the other carrier thirty the claim receiver shall investigate the handling (30) days later, such carrier fails to respond within sixty
of the shipment while in its possession. If the claim (60) days. In such cases, the claim receiver shall so notify
receiver is solely responsible, it shall so notify the other the other carrier of disposal of the claim and is entitled to
interested carrier(s) and dispose of the claim as it sees fit; bill the other carrier under the provisions of 6.3;
otherwise, it shall pass the claim file and the results of its
investigation to such other interested carrier as it con- the settlement of claims shall be negotiated
siders to be the proper party next to deal with the matter; solely by the claim receiver unless it transfers this
function to another carrier(s) and has (have) agreed to each carrier receiving the claim file shall accept responsibility for the claim.
acknowledge receipt of the file, shall investigate its own
Section 4—Legal Actions charged only such proportionate share of the amount
paid, together with expenses incurred to the date of such
4.1 As soon as practicable after the commencement of agreement: the balance of the judgement debt shall be
a legal action involving an interline Cargo claim, the charged to the responsible carriers that declined so to
defendant carrier or carriers shall notify each of the other agree in the ratio which the respective air transportation
interested carriers of the nature of the action, including revenue received or receivable by them, bears to the total
the names of the parties and the court, the amount air transportation revenue received or received by all
involved, the date when appearance and answer must be responsible carriers.
made or entered and the number of the air waybill or
shipment record, and shall also furnish all other infor-
mation necessary for each such carrier to determine its Section 5—Salvage
interest in the action.
5.1 When a partially damaged shipment, the delivery or
4.2 If a defendant carrier accepts sole responsibility for return of which has been rejected by the consignee or
the loss, it shall notify the interested carriers accordingly shipper, has been sold, and a claim is made in connec-
and shall dispose of the action as it sees fit. Such notice tion with such shipment, the net proceeds of the sale,
shall constitute a waiver by such defendant carrier of any after deduction of necessary expenses, shall be divided
claim for contribution by other interested carriers. amongst the interested carriers by whom such claim or
any judgement flowing there from has been paid, in the
4.3 Except as provided in 4.2, the defendant carrier same proportion as the share payable by each of them
shall undertake an investigation of the validity of the claim bears to the total amount of such claim or judgement.
in accordance with the procedures prescribed in 3.3.1, to
such extent as may be considered practicable under the
circumstances and with due regard to any investigation Section 6—General
that may already have been carried out in terms of that
paragraph. If the action is not settled, the defendant 6.1 All notices required to be given here under to any
carrier shall endeavourto obtain the agreement of the interested carrier shall be in writing and shall be furnished
responsible carriers as to how and by whom the defence to such carrier at its head office or to such other office as
of the action shall be conducted. If such agreement is not has been designated by carrier in writing for this purpose.
reached reasonably prior to the time the defendant carrier If a carrier fails without reasonable excuse to notify
must proceed with the defence of the action, the defend- another interested carrier in accordance with these pro-
ant carrier shall proceed to defend the action unless cedures, such carrier shall be liable to the other carriers
another interested carrier makes a timely offer to, and for any damage incurred as a result of such failure.
does assume the conduct of such defence, the form of
such assumption (including the indemnities) to be agreed 6.2 Every party hereto shall, upon the written request of
between the defendant carrier, the responsible carriers, a carrier handling a claim or defending an action
and the carrier making such offer. in accordance with these procedures, furnish all infor-
mation and data in its possession relating to such claim or
4.4 Where an action relating to a loss, for which one or action, and shall render all reasonable assistance
more other interested carriers may be responsible, has requested in connection with the settlement of such claim
been defended, the carrier defending the action shall or action or the defence of such action.
have the benefit of the following rights of recourse:
6.3 If a carrier fails to answer a request of another
4.4.1 if the defence of the action has been successful, carrier made in accordance with these procedures within
each such carrier shall be charged such share of the total a reasonable time, such failure shall be deemed to be an
amount of the reasonable expenses and attorney's fees acquiescence in whatever decision arising out of the
incurred in defending the action as may be agreed or, in subject matter of such request the requesting carrier may
default of agreement, a share which bears the same ratio make.
to the total of such expenses and fees as such carrier's
share of the air transportation revenue bears to the total 6.4 Upon the settlement of a claim or an action or upon
air transportation revenue received or receivable by all payment of a judgement resulting from an action covered
such carriers; by this Agreement, the carrier processing the claim or
defending the action, as the case may be, shall use its
4.4.2 if the defence of the action has been unsuccess- best efforts to obtain from the claimant or the plaintiff a
ful, the amount of the judgement and the reasonable release or (insofar as applicable law shall permit) a
expenses and attorney's fees incurred in connection with satisfaction of judgement having the effect of releasing
the defence of the action shall be charged to each each and every interested carrier from liability or re-
responsible carrier as agreed, or in connection with a sponsibility to all parties in interest for the loss to which
concealed loss, in the ratio which the air transportation the settlement or the judgement relates.
revenue received or receivable by it bears to the total air
transportation revenue received or receivable by all 6.5 Any determination by a claim receiver as to whether
responsible carriers. However, if the judgement exceeds a claim fails under 3.2 or 3.3 of this Agreement, if made
an amount which the claim receiver or a defendant carrier in good faith and on reasonable grounds, shall be
had advised would be acceptable to the plaintiff in conclusive.
settlement, those responsible carriers that agreed to bear
their proportionate share of such settlement shall be 6.6 Any dispute between or among parties to this
Agreement arising from or in connection with the
By .....................................................................................
(Name of Airline)
RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1670 WHEREAS the Parties understand the technical and legal
consequences of using electronic data interchange to
conduct commercial transactions; and
Attachment ‘A’
WHEREAS the Parties' intention and desire is to facilitate
MODEL AGREEMENT FOR and conduct paperless electronic cargo transactions,
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
It is agreed that the goods shipped pursuant to this
Agreement are accepted in apparent good order and Article 1—Preamble
condition (except as noted) for carriage SUBJECT TO
1.1 The foregoing recitals and any footnotes, are incor-
porated into and shall form an integral part of the
CONTRARY INSTRUCTIONS ARE GIVEN BY THE 1.2 This Agreement is suitable for use on any traffic
SHIPPER, AND SHIPPER AGREES THAT THE SHIP- routes where the preservation of the Shipment Re-
MENT MAY BE CARRIED VIA INTERMEDIATE STOP- cord through electronic means in lieu of a paper air
PING PLACES WHICH THE CARRIER DEEMS APPRO- waybill is permitted under international convention
PRIATE. THE SHIPPER'S ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO and local law. For trade routes that are not governed
THE NOTICE CONCERNING CARRIER'S LIMITATION by any international convention, the Parties should
OF LIABILITY in the Conditions of Contract. Shipper ensure that the use of electronic means in lieu of a
may increase such limitation of liability by declaring a paper air waybill is permissible under the local laws
higher value for carriage and paying a supplemental governing such traffic route. The Parties recognize
charge if required. that a paper air waybill may be required by Carrier to
regulate liability exposure on traffic routes where
INSURANCE–If carrier offers insurance, and such
such waybill is necessary and electronic means are
insurance is requested in accordance with the con-
not recognized under the applicable international
ditions thereof, indicate amount to be insured in
convention and local law.
figures in field “Amount of Insurance”.
Note: Text in italics refers to issues where the Parties
will wish to choose between available options. Spaces
ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (EDI) have been left blank (....) to be filled accordingly.
Article 2—Definitions
(Party A)
For the purpose of the Agreement, the terms listed below
of (address) are defined as follows:
represented by (name) 2.1 “Agreement” shall mean this Agreement, together
1 with Annex ‘A’, Annex ‘B’, Annex ‘C’, and Annex 'D'. In
(hereinafter referred to as “Freight Forwarder” ) addition, the provisions of Resolution 670 and Rec-
And ommended Practice 1672 of the IATA Cargo Services
Conference Resolutions Manual are incorporated into the
(Party B) Agreement by reference, as if recited at length herein.
transportation of, and settlement with respect to a specific shipment. To the extent it is readily available, an indi-
cargo shipment. cation of the places of departure, destination and, if
applicable, agreed stopping places, should also be speci-
2.6 “Parties” shall mean the parties identified on Page 1. fied.
Party shall mean either of them.
It is understood that there will be a transition period where
2.7 “IATA” shall mean the International Air Transport some Parties may depend on paper for handover pur-
Association. poses3. Parties may use the paper form of their choosing
for the Warehouse Receipt (or Shipper’s Delivery Note if
2.8 “Cargo Receipt” or “Receipt for the Cargo” shall used as a Warehouse Receipt). However it is envisioned
mean a document (in paper or electronic form) which is that Parties shall endeavor to establish electronic means
provided to the Shipper, by the Carrier in paper form for the Cargo Receipt and for the Warehouse Receipt.
unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, creating a
Shipment Record as a substitute for the issuance of an 2.12 “Shipper” (which is equivalent to the term “Con-
air waybill and which permits identification of the shipment signor”) shall mean the person whose name appears on
that has been accepted and deemed “ready for carriage”. the Air Waybill or Shipment Record, as the party con-
tracting with Carrier for the Carriage of Cargo.
The technical aspects of the Cargo Receipt shall be as
described in Annex ‘A’ and in the form set forth in
Annex ‘C’2.
Article 3—Object and Scope
2.9 “Shipment Record” shall mean any record of the
3.1 It is the expectation of the Freight Forwarder and the
Cargo Contract preserved by Carrier. The technical as-
Carrier that they shall be doing business together
pects of the Shipment Record shall be as specified in
in the future. The objective of the Agreement is to permit
Annex ‘A’.
the Parties to conclude legally binding Cargo Contracts by
2.10 “Warehouse Receipt” shall mean a document (in electronic means. However, nothing in the Agreement
paper or electronic form) provided to the Freight For- shall create any obligation for either Party to transact with
warder by the Carrier acknowledging the receipt of the the other, nor any obligation of exclusivity to deal only
cargo shipment as “freight on hand” for carriage by air. At with the other, nor shall Carrier be obligated to contract
a minimum, it shall specify (a) the Shipper; (b) the weight pursuant to this Agreement for contracts to be concluded
and number of pieces of the cargo shipment; (c) the date, in respect of “Warsaw Carriage” as defined in Annex 'D'
time and place received by the Carrier; (d) reference the to this Agreement.
shipment identification number covering the specific cargo
3.2 In the absence of an express written agreement to
shipment. To the extent it is readily available, an indi-
the contrary, the provisions of the Agreement shall only
cation of the places of departure, destination and, if
apply to future Cargo Contracts, and not to any other
applicable, agreed stopping places, should also be speci-
commercial relations between the Parties. All shipments
covered as a Cargo Contract under this Agreement shall
2.11 “Shipper's Delivery Note” shall mean a document be clearly identified as an EDI Message shipment by the
(in paper or electronic form) provided to the Carrier by the Freight Forwarder through the corresponding EDI mess-
Freight Forwarder acknowledging the delivery of the age. Cargo Contracts concluded in respect of “War-
cargo shipment as “freight on hand” for carriage by air. At saw Carriage,” as defined in Annex 'D' to this Agree-
a minimum, it shall specify (a) the Shipper; (b) the weight ment, shall be concluded in accordance with the
and number of pieces of the cargo shipment; (c) the date, terms set out in that Annex.
time and place received by the Carrier; (d) reference the
3.3 The Conditions of Contract detailed in Annex ‘B’
shipment identification number covering the specific cargo
shall apply to all Cargo Contracts under this Agreement,
except (i) as otherwise agreed in writing; or (ii) for Cargo
In the event that the Carrier is unable to provide the Freight Forwarder Contracts concluded under Annex ‘D’.
with the Cargo Receipt in paper form upon Freight Forwarder’s delivery
of the cargo to the Carrier due to technical, procedural or other reasons,
the Carrier must provide the Freight Forwarder with a Warehouse
Receipt (in lieu of a Warehouse Receipt, the Carrier may verify
the information on and countersign the Shipper's Delivery Note. Once
verified and countersigned by the Carrier such delivery note shall serve
as a Warehouse Receipt). Transportation of such cargo shipment by the
Carrier continues to be subject to Carrier's subsequent confirmation that
the cargo shipment is “ready for carriage”. For purposes of the
International Conventions (MC99 or MP4, as defined in Annex ‘A’), such
Warehouse Receipt shall be deemed an interim “cargo receipt” (also
known as “receipt for the cargo” under MP4) until the Carrier has
determined that the cargo is "ready for carriage" and can produce the
actual Cargo Receipt as per Annex ‘A’ hereof. Accordingly, the Cargo
Receipt shall serve as prima facie evidence of the conclusion of the
contract, of the acceptance of the cargo and of the conditions of 1 The Party providing the Warehouse Receipt shall determine its form so
carriage mentioned therein, except that the Warehouse Receipt shall long as it complies with the requirements of Sections 2.10 or 2.11. In
nonetheless continue to serve as prima facie evidence as to the weight the event that a Party uses the form of an air waybill as a Warehouse
and number of pieces delivered to Carrier at the date, time, and place Receipt, any mention or reference to conditions of contract therein shall
specified on the Warehouse Receipt. The Parties shall archive the be disregarded and considered null and void. When using the form of an
Warehouse Receipt pursuant to the archiving requirements set forth in air waybill the form should include a clear indication on its face that it is
Article 8 Recording and Storage of EDI Messages. a “Warehouse Receipt” only and not an air waybill to avoid confusion.
Article 11—Security of EDI Messages the Agreement, where such delay or failure is caused by
an impediment beyond that Party's control and which
11.1 Each Party shall implement and maintain security could not reasonably be expected to be taken into
procedures in accordance with the generally accepted account at the time of conclusion of the Agreement or the
best practices, in order to ensure the authenticity of EDI consequences of which could not be avoided or over-
Messages, and the protection of EDI Messages against come.
the risk of unauthorized access, alteration, delay, destruc-
tion or loss. 14.2 If a Party engages any intermediary (service pro-
vider) to perform such services as the transmission,
(Security procedures to verify the origin, and the verifi- logging, storage or processing of an EDI Message, that
cation of integrity, in order to identify the sender of an EDI Party shall be liable for the intermediary's acts or omis-
Message and to ascertain that any EDI Message received sions in the provision of said services.
is complete and has not been corrupted, are essential.
Such security procedures and measures may be ex- 14.3 If a Party requires another Party to use the
pressly specified in the Annex ‘A’.) services of an intermediary to perform the transmission,
logging, storage or processing of an EDI Message, the
11.2 Each Party shall immediately inform the other if it Party who requires such use shall be liable to the other
becomes aware of any breach in its own security pro- Party for damage from that intermediary's acts or omis-
cedures, and take all necessary steps to remedy the sions in the provision of said services.
14.4 Except where this Agreement states differently,
11.3 A Party informed of or who otherwise becomes each Party's liability shall be limited to proven compensa-
aware of a breach in its security, shall immediately give tory damages, and in any event, no Party to the Agree-
written notice of that to the other Party, who in turn, can ment shall be liable for (i) any loss of profits, revenue,
immediately suspend the application of this Agreement contracts, sales, anticipated savings, goodwill, and repu-
and cease to act on EDI from that Party until the breach tation; and (ii) special, indirect or consequential losses; or
has been resolved to its reasonable satisfaction. (iii) any form of non-compensatory damages caused by a
failure to perform its obligations under the Agreement.
Article 12—Authentication
Article 15—Dispute Resolution
12.1 The Parties shall establish a mutually satisfactory
procedure for confirming the authenticity of each other's
EDI Messages. 15.1 Alternative 1—Arbitration Clause
12.2 As between themselves, and without prejudice to Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this
any recourse against a third party, the Parties agree that Agreement, including any question regarding its exist-
the sender of an EDI Message shall be responsible for ence, validity or termination, shall be settled by the
the integrity of it, and responsible for any unauthorized following dispute resolution process:
use of or access to its authentication codes/
procedures prior to receipt of the message on the 15.1.1 Within 14 days of a dispute arising, the Parties'
recipient's computer, unless such error, unauthorized use representatives shall meet and seek to negotiate a
or access results from the acts or omissions of resolution; If the Parties are unable to resolve the matter
the recipient. The recipient shall be responsible for the within 45 days from the dispute arising, the matter shall
integrity of the EDI Message, any unauthorized use of or be referred to mediation to take place within 60 days
access to the recipient's authentication codes/ thereafter.
procedures, after reception of the message on its com-
15.1.2 If the mediation is not able to resolve the dispute,
puter unless such unauthorized use or access results
the matter shall be referred to and finally resolved by
from the acts or omissions of the sender.
arbitration subject to the International Chamber of Com-
merce (ICC) Rules of Arbitration, before a single arbitrator
to be agreed by the Parties, or failing agreement, by a
Article 13—Non-compliance panel of three arbitrators to be nominated in accordance
In the event that the EDI communication system of a with International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Rules of
Party does not comply with the integrity and security Arbitration.
standards as required by the Agreement, and there is a 15.1.3 Arbitration shall be conducted in English and the
disagreement with respect to an EDI Message, the seat of the Arbitration shall be in (…[insert city and
version of the Party whose system does comply will be country]…). The decision of the Arbitrator(s) shall be final
deemed to be correct. and binding.
Article 16—Applicable Law without prior notice if the other Party fails to fulfill its
obligation under the present Agreement.
Without prejudice to any mandatory national law, which
may apply to the Parties regarding recording and storage
of EDI Messages or confidentiality and protection of 17.5 Severability
personal data, the Agreement is governed by the laws of
If any provision or provisions of this Agreement shall be
(…[insert country]…).
held to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with
Shipper certifies that insofar as any part of a consignment the law of any jurisdiction, that shall not affect:
contains dangerous goods, all measures prescribed by
1. The validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any
the Dangerous Goods Regulations have been respected.
other provision of this Agreement; or
17.4 Termination
Either Party may terminate the Agreement by giving not
less than (…) days prior written Notice.
2 Cargo Services Conference Resolution 606 Bar Coded Label.
1 Shipment Identification
The shipment identification number shall be entered and
will be composed of the following Cargo-IMP data:
2 Shipper Name
The shipper's name shall be entered and will be com-
posed of the following Cargo-IMP data:
FWB Ref. 5.4.2 (DE 300)
3 Issued By
The name of the carrier issuing the cargo receipt should
be entered and would be aligned with DE 112 of the
shipment identification. A company logo may also be
7 Weight/Code
7.1 Weight
The amount of the weight determined at acceptance shall
be entered and will be composed of the following
Cargo-IMP data:
7.2 Code
The measurement unit code for the weight amount
determined at acceptance shall be entered and will be
composed of the following Cargo-IMP data:
8 Volume
The volume amount and its measurement unit code
determined at acceptance may be entered if available
and will be composed of the following Cargo-IMP data:
9 Airport/City Code (of Origin)
The Airport/City Code (of Origin) shall be entered and will
be composed of the following Cargo-IMP data:
1. The boxes with bold titles indicate information specified by the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for
International Carriage by Air, done at Montreal on 28 May 1999 (MC99) and the Convention for the Unification of
Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw, 12 October 1929 as amended by Montreal
Protocol No. 4 (MP4). Routing would only be included if applicable as specified in the Articles;
2. Airport/City Code (of Routing): As per MC99 and MP4, if the places of departure and destination are within the
territory of a single State Party and one or more agreed stopping places being within the territory of another State
then an indication of at least one such stopping place must be indicated;
3. The year of shipment acceptance is not included in the “Day/Month/Time (of Shipment Acceptance)” box but can be
deduced from the date of the “Shipment Identification” box.
The technical aspects of the Cargo Receipt shall be as Where the Parties are contracting in relation to an
described in Resolution 600g. international carriage of cargo within the meaning of
either the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules
[INSERT FORM AND USE OF THE CARGO RECEIPT Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at
SET FORTH IN RESOLUTION 600g] Warsaw, 12 October 1929 (the “Warsaw Convention”)
and/or the Warsaw Convention, as amended at the
Hague, 1955 (“Warsaw-Hague”), but falling outside the
meaning ascribed to such carriage within either or both of
the Conventions (as defined in Section 1 of Annex A of
the Agreement) (each such carriage referred herein as a
“Warsaw Carriage”), the Parties hereby agree to take the
following steps in order to ensure that each Warsaw
Carriage complies fully with the procedures relating to air
consignment notes and air waybills set out respectively in
the Warsaw Convention and Warsaw-Hague and that in
any event any Cargo Contract in respect of a Warsaw
Carriage shall be entered into in accordance with and
subject to the following provisions:
stamp or print Freight Forwarder’s signature, or a Third Freight Forwarder shall accordingly identify the Third
Party’s signature if applicable pursuant to Section 6 of Party as the “Shipper” in the air waybill data message
this Annex 'D', as “Shipper” on the first and second (e.g. FWB).
Originals 1 and 2 of the air waybill (marked “for issuing
Carrier” and “for Consignee” respectively) for and on THE TRANSMITTAL OF EDI MESSAGES AS SET
behalf of the Freight Forwarder (or Third Party if appli- FORTH IN SECTION 6 OF THIS ANNEX 'D' FOR
cable) and countersign the Original 2 and sign the PURPOSES OF CONCLUDING A CARGO CONTRACT
Original 3 of the air waybill (marked “for Consignee” and BETWEEN A THIRD PARTY AND THE CARRIER FOR
“for Shipper” respectively) in its capacity as carrier and CARRIAGE BY AIR SHALL AUTHORIZE CARRIER, TO
then shall return the Original 3 to the Freight Forwarder. THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY INTERNATIONAL CON-
Freight Forwarder further agrees that the stamping or VENTION, TO MAKE OUT CONFORMING AIR WAY-
printing of the signature on the air waybill by the Carrier BILLS AND STAMP OR PRINT SIGNATURES ON
on behalf of Freight Forwarder or a Third Party as set SUCH AIR WAYBILLS ON BEHALF OF THE THIRD
forth in this Section 3 of this Annex 'D' complies fully with PARTY BY TRANSMITTING SUCH EDI MESSAGES
the requirements of article 6(4) of the Warsaw Convention FREIGHT FORWARDER CERTIFIES THAT FREIGHT
and/or Warsaw-Hague and with the giving of notice to the FORWARDER HAS OBTAINED AUTHORIZATION
Freight Forwarder of possible limits on the liability of FROM THE THIRD PARTY TO PERMIT SUCH ISSU-
Carrier in respect of loss of or damage to the Warsaw ANCE.
Cargo required under such Conventions.
Cargo Contracts for purposes of Warsaw Carriage under
this Annex 'D' shall be concluded upon the stamping or
printing of the Shipper’s signature on the air waybill as set
forth in Section 3 hereof, and such Cargo Contracts shall
be governed by the Conditions of Contract printed on the
reverse side of such air waybill(s) as set forth in the then
current Cargo Services Conference Resolution 600b.
Freight Forwarder represents to Carrier that:
(a) Freight Forwarder has the full and unequivocal auth-
ority to enter into this Agreement and in particular to
assume and be bound by the representations, under-
takings and obligations set out in this Annex 'D'; and
(b) Throughout the term of the Agreement Freight For-
warder shall have the full and unequivocal authority
to appoint Carrier as Freight Forwarder’s agent for
the purpose of actions required to be undertaken by
Carrier pursuant to this Annex 'D'.
(c) Carrier may at all times be entitled to rely on Freight
Forwarder’s representations and undertakings herein
contained and shall be under no obligation whatso-
ever to make any enquiries as to whether or not any
or all of these authorizations have been revoked.
(d) in the event of a conflict between the provisions of
this Annex 'D' and the rest of the Agreement the
provisions of this Annex 'D' shall prevail.
1 Attachment ‘A’ has been promulgated by IATA as a separate document.
Repeat Information
Data Id Data Description Form Status Condition Note Data Times Within
Repeat Information
Data Id Data Description Form Status Condition Note Data Times Within
1 Agent's Code n7 M
2 Agent's CASS Address n4 M
3 Agent's Reference t14 O
4 Airline's Code n3 M
5 AWB Serial Number n8 M
6 AWB Origin a3 M
13 AWB Indication a2 O
14 Agent's Reference t14 O
15 Charge d12 M 15–16 4 C
16 Prepaid/Collect Indicator a1 M
17 Net Billing Amount d12 M
18 Net Credit Indicator a1 O
19 Tax Calculation Indicator a1 C 20–23 excluded
20 Tax Identification a2 C 19 excluded 20–23 U
21 Tax Entitlement Indicator a1 C 19 excluded
22 Tax Amount d12 C 19 excluded
23 Tax Credit Indicator a1 O 2
24 No Commission Indicator a1 C 25 and 26 excluded
25 Commission Amount d12 C 24 and 26 excluded
26 Commission Percentage d12 C 24 and 25 excluded
27 Sales Incentive Amount d12 O
28 Negative Incentive Indicator a1 O 3
29 Free text t65 O 29 3 H
Note 1: Only the following charges may be included in Charges Data: Weight, Valuation, Other Charges due Agent and
Other Charges due Carrier. At least one of these must be included, but all four may be included.
Note 2: If 22 included.
Note 3: If 27 included.
2 Attachment ‘A’ will be promulgated by IATA as a separate document.
, (“the Carrier”),
, a Designated Operator of
(“the Principal”),
Table of contents
WHEREAS the Principal wishes to contract with an air transport company to ensure the air conveyance of postal items;
WHEREAS the Carrier agrees to provide the conveyance of postal items to the Principal, under the terms and conditions
specified in this Agreement;
As used in this Agreement, the terms stated below are to be interpreted as follows:
Point of time at which the Carrier formally accepts to provide the service in accordance with this Agreement, confirmed by
the proof of acceptance provided by the Carrier to the Principal or the DO of origin/transit.
– Representative of the Carrier, including the ground handler performing duty on behalf of the Carrier at the airport of
destination and, if relevant, at the airport of transit.
– Representative of the Principal at the airport of destination, as indicated by the Principal to the Carrier.
Airmail routeings:
All routes and schedules for the transportation of Mail by the Carrier. The Carrier may change these routes and schedules
depending upon factors such as the weather or flight cancellations.
Rate applicable for the transportation of Mail by carriers on behalf of DOs in the absence of any specific Agreement of the
latter on a rate. The BACR is determined yearly by the UPU International Bureau and approved by the UPU Postal
Operations Council. It is based on International Airline Financial Statistics prepared by the International Civil Aviation
EDI message sent from a DO originating a consignment to any carrier (including an airline) that is going to transport that
consignment. The CARDIT message is the electronic equivalent of the CN 38, CN 41 or CN 47 delivery bill. It is a
consignment-level message providing pre-advice of Mail to the Carrier.
The Mail of a single service level (either EMS, priority mail, surface airlifted mail, or empty bags being returned) and
documents handed over by the Principal for the service from origin to destination in accordance with the routeing plan and
as specified in the transportation documents.
Contracted volumes:
The volume of Mail in a consignment handed over by the Principal in accordance with the estimated volumes and/or
accepted by the Carrier for the service.
The latest time at origin the Mail has to be handed over to the Carrier or the latest time at destination the Mail has to be
handed over to the Principal.
Dangerous Goods
The articles covered by the “Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods” drawn up by the United Nations,
with the exception of certain dangerous goods provided for in the existing UPU Regulations, and by the Technical
Instructions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Dangerous Goods Regulations shall be considered as dangerous goods.
Full calendar days, including legal rest days and public holidays.
Designated Operator:
Any entity (governmental or private law entity) officially designated by the government of a UPU member country to
operate postal services and to fulfil the obligations arising from the Acts of the UPU on its territory, in particular to ensure
the acceptance, handling, conveyance and delivery of postal items.
Location, normally inside the airport, where the Mail is handed over to the DO of destination by the Carrier.
Documents, including bag tags and labels, issued by the DO according to the UPU provisions and regulations (such as
the CN 38 delivery bill for priority and EMS products, or the CN 41 delivery bill for surface air lifted mail products with
deferred priority), which, prima facie, give evidence of the contract for the performance of services between the DO and
the Carrier. The documents serve, inter alia, as manual proof of acceptance and delivery, as proof of transportation, and
as a basis for final billing.
The exchange of information messages (e.g. CARDIT and RESDIT) as specified in the latest version of the UPU EDI
Messaging Standards publication.
Postal express service for documents and merchandise (collection, dispatch and delivery), provided on the basis of the
EMS Standard Multilateral Agreement or by bilateral agreement in relations between DOs which have agreed to provide
this service, EMS takes priority over other postal items.
Acceptance of the Mail by the Carrier for transportation, which takes over its custody from the Principal or DO of transit.
Delivery of the Mail transported by the Carrier to the DO of transit or of the country of destination.
Global trade organization, whose mission is to represent, lead and serve the airline industry.
IATA season:
The IATA summer season starts on the last Sunday of March and ends on the last Saturday of October.
The IATA winter season starts on the last Sunday of October and ends on the last Saturday of March.
All postal items as defined in the Universal Postal Convention, to be carried on an aircraft, truck or any other vehicle or
subject to other services as mentioned herein. The Mail transported should be divided into priority mail or surface airlifted
mail conveyed by air with reduced priority. Any articles lodged on the documents are classified as Mail. Cargo or goods
which are referred to in the Chicago Convention 1944, Warsaw Convention 1929, Montreal Convention 1999 or any
related Protocol or Convention, are excluded.
Non-priority item:
Item for which the sender has chosen a lower rate, implying a longer delivery time.
The place of dispatch of the Mail, where the Carrier accepts the Mail from the Principal to provide the Services.
Postal item:
Generic name referring to any item dispatched by a DO (letter post, parcel post, money orders, etc).
Priority item:
Means a positive check of all Mail received by the Carrier by positive data capturing of mail receptacle identifiers enclosed
in the proper EDI messages generated by the Carrier, and/or by the signature of the documents, or by other agreed data
exchange. Proof of acceptance is subject to the critical handover time specified by the Carrier for a specified volume of
Means a positive check of all Mail received by the DO at destination or by its agent by positive data capturing of mail
receptacle identifiers enclosed in the proper EDI messages generated by the Carrier, and/or by the signature of the
documents, or by other agreed data exchange. Proof of delivery is subject to the critical handover time specified by the
Carrier for a specified volume of mail, and to the local DO’s availability to sign or exchange a POD.
A RESDIT message is the message sent by a carrier of a consignment (such as an airline) to the DO. A RESDIT
message is normally sent in response to a CARDIT. However if no CARDIT is received, a RESDIT message can also be
sent if a suitable message standard is used between a DO and a carrier. There can be several RESDIT messages for a
single CARDIT as the receptacles in a consignment are transported along the supply chain from origin to destination.
Routeing plan:
The list of airmail routeings that shall be used for the service as agreed between the Carrier and the Principal, as specified
in Appendix 1.
The SDR is an international reserve asset created by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1969 as a supplement to
existing reserve assets. Its value is based on a basket of currencies whose weight is adjusted at regular intervals. The
SDR is used by the UPU and several other international organizations as an accounting unit.
All services related to the transportation of mail, such as loading, unloading, ground handling, security, transportation,
distribution and documentation.
Transportation means the actual transport and physical movement by air, sea or road, as the case may be.
Specialized agency of the United Nations, whose aim shall be to secure the organization and improvement of the postal
services and to promote the development of international collaboration in this sphere.
International treaty containing the rules applicable throughout the international postal service.
2.1 This Agreement describes the conditions pursuant to which the Carrier shall provide the Services to the Principal
from the point of origin to the point(s) of destination, or to the point of transit, in conformity with applicable rates, the
routeing plan and the estimated volumes as mentioned in the Appendices.
2.2 This Agreement applies to the provision of the Services relating to the following categories of Mail mentioned in the
Universal Postal Convention:
2.2.1 EMS.
2.2.2 Priority mail: Airmail (letter post, parcel post, money orders).
2.2.3 Non-priority mail: S.A.L. items (letter post and parcel post).
3.1 The Carrier shall provide the Services for the Principal in accordance with this Agreement.
Article 4
Integrity of Mail
4.1 The Carrier shall handle the Mail as specified in this Agreement in accordance with the levels of performance
detailed in Appendix 4.
4.2 The Carrier shall, to the best of its abilities and as far as may reasonably be expected, provide necessary protection
for all Mail in its possession from weather, dust, damage, loss or theft while in its custody.
Article 5
Refusal of handover
5.1 The Carrier may refuse to accept handover of the Mail (handover failure), including the following circumstances as
5.1.2 Mailbags or individual receptacles weighing more than the weight limit laid down in the UPU Acts, prior to delivery
to the Carrier;
5.1.3 Loose parcels weighing more than the weight limit laid down in the UPU Acts and/or exceeding UPU–IATA
standard dimensions or ( ) metres for the sum of the length and greatest circumference measured in a direction
other than that of the length;
5.1.5 Handover of the Mail after the agreed time and/or at a location different from the one agreed, subject to article 11.1
of the Agreement;
5.1.6 Mail tendered in excess of the agreed allocation, subject to article 23.1 of the Agreement.
5.2 The Carrier has the right to refuse the handover of Mail at origin or to handover the Mail at destination and shall
return such Mail at the Principal’s expense, or hold such Mail at any point, at its discretion, in the following cases:
5.2.1 The Carrier has objective and reasonable reasons to perceive its contents to be illegal, or of a dangerous nature or
otherwise, and that its contents are likely, in the sole judgement of the Carrier, to damage or affect other Mail, goods or
equipment belonging to the Carrier, its employees or third parties.
5.2.2 A visual inspection indicates that the Mail to be uplifted appears to be improperly packed, wrapped or labelled or is
in a condition indicating suspected damage, tampering or pilferage at the moment of handover and before proof of
acceptance from the Carrier. In this case, the Carrier shall notify the Principal of the reasons for refusal. The Carrier shall
provide the Principal with the opportunity to correct the defects when the handover and handling time allows.
5.2.3 The Principal fails to meet or is likely not to meet its financial obligations stipulated under this Agreement.
5.3 The Carrier should not refuse to handover Mail at destination because of an accounting dispute or any other type of
dispute between the Principal and the Carrier.
Article 6
6.1 Mail shall be considered to be in the custody of the Carrier, from the proof of acceptance of the Mail until proof of
6.2 Without limitation, proof of acceptance and proof of delivery may be provided either in writing (by signing the
documents) or by an electronic acknowledgement of receipt. The availability of manual proof of acceptance or delivery is
subject to local conditions that apply to the Carrier and/or the Principal. Where EDI messaging is used, the Principal and
the Carrier shall agree on the scope, timing and source location of such messages.
Article 7
7.1 The Carrier shall use its best efforts to uplift Mail accepted for transportation to the destination without unnecessary
7.2 If the transportation chain is interrupted through the fault of the Carrier, the Carrier shall be responsible for the return
of the Mail to origin or for its storage until the transportation is resumed. If the transportation chain is interrupted through
no fault of the Carrier, the Carrier shall immediately contact the Principal for further instructions.
7.3 The Carrier shall provide the Services for the Principal’s Mail for the agreed quantities set out in Appendix 3.
7.4 The Carrier shall ensure that the Services meet the following level of performance:
7.4.1 The Carrier shall achieve the agreed percentage performance success level specified for each Mail category in
Appendix 4, and defined as the ratio of the contracted volumes for each consignment accepted by the Carrier at origin
and handed over before the critical handover time at destination, over a period of six months or whatever different time
period is agreed between the Parties.
7.5 The Principal and the Carrier shall meet at agreed intervals to review and discuss all issues arising from the
performance of this Agreement. Each party shall provide the other party with information/data concerning the carriage of
Mail under this Agreement, as and when requested, to review each party's performance. Upon notification by one party to
the other that it is not performing according to the agreed levels, the non-performing party will provide the other party with
an action plan to remedy any performance deficiency within a specified timeframe.
Article 8
8.1 The Carrier is authorized to use other carriers or non-carrier sub-contractors if necessary to provide the Services and
guarantee the required performance success level under this Agreement. It is the Carrier's responsibility to inform the
Principal and manage the performance of such sub-contractors to the performance levels stipulated in this Agreement.
Article 9
9.1 The Carrier is authorized to use other carriers or non-carrier sub-contractors if necessary to provide the Services and
guarantee the required performance success level under this Agreement. It is the Carrier's responsibility to inform the
Principal and manage the performance of such sub-contractors to the performance levels stipulated in this Agreement.
9.2 The Carrier shall notify the Principal, as soon as possible and if possible a week before the implementation date, of
any schedule changes to its flights or any other known issues that are relevant to the smooth performance of the
Services. When possible, revised flight schedules should be provided to the Principal 30 days before the publication of the
seasonal timetables.
Article 10
10.1 The critical handover time at origin and at destination which the Parties have agreed shall be as shown in
Appendix 4.
10.2 For performance measurement purposes, should the DO of destination be unable or unprepared to accept
handover of the Principal’s Mail at the time when the Carrier arrives at the DO of destination’s facility and is prepared to
perform the handover, the Carrier shall be entitled to record and report the delivery time of the Mail to be the time the
Carrier was prepared to effect the handover and without accounting for delays incurred resulting for any reason from the
DO of destination being unable to accept the Mail at the time when the Carrier first attempted handover.
10.3 The Carrier's performance shall be measured against the above service criteria.
Article 11
Handover failure
11.1 In the event of handover failure by the Principal, the Carrier shall use reasonable endeavours to uplift, in whole or
in part, the Mail on the planned flight, but cannot guarantee to transport it without delay. If Mail cannot be uplifted, the
Carrier shall contact the DO as soon as practical for further instructions.
Article 12
12.1 Subject to the Carrier's policy and aviation security requirements, the Carrier or its agent may provide the Principal
with access to the Carrier’s premises and aircraft with a view to exercising control over the security of dispatches during
their transport. The Carrier shall be informed in advance as soon as possible of the number and identity of any of the DO's
staff accessing airline premises and aircraft. The Principal’s staff may need to be accompanied by the Carrier's staff.
Article 13
13.1 In the event that the Mail cannot be delivered to the agreed location at destination, it shall be stored, subject to
local regulations, at the Carrier's mail handling unit and the DO of destination shall be contacted for an alternative
handover location. The Principal shall be notified of the measures taken thereon within 24 hours and shall bear the
additional costs incurred by the Carrier, except in the case of delivery failure attributable to the Carrier.
13.2 The Carrier shall notify the situation to the Principal within 24 hours and comply with any reasonable instructions
from the Principal, if the DO of destination:
13.2.2 refuses or fails to deliver proof of delivery after its arrival at the place of delivery.
13.3 In the absence of instructions from the DO of destination or if such instructions cannot reasonably be
complied with, the Carrier shall inform the Principal and have the right to return such Mail to the Principal at
the Principal’s expense, after having notified such event to the Principal within business days.
Article 14
14.1 Subject to Article 5, the Carrier shall accept for transportation any Mail whose contents are admissible for carriage
under the UPU Acts and which complies with the packaging and labelling requirements laid down therein.
14.2 The Carrier shall check Mail and documents at handover. From the moment the Carrier accepts the consignment,
the Mail shall be considered to be in the custody of the Carrier until its handover at destination or at the transit airport.
14.3 Where a Carrier has accepted Mail within the agreed time limits, the Carrier shall check the Mail against
the documents or the EDI message. Where there is a discrepancy, the staff of the Principal or the Carrier shall prepare
documents and/or correct the EDI message to cover the discrepancy. The Parties shall agree and sign the new
documents and/or confirm the updated EDI message.
14.4 The Carrier is authorized to examine (screen) the mail receptacles, without opening them, visually or using
technology (e.g. X-ray, ETD) for the purposes of clearing the articles for uplift under aviation security regulations and if
allowed by national legislation.
14.5 After accepting the Mail and before forwarding it, the Carrier may, at its own expense, correct any packaging and
labelling irregularities discovered at its premises. Otherwise, the Carrier shall inform the Principal as soon as practicable
for instructions regarding the items.
14.6 Where the Carrier has elected to withhold Mail in case of suspected damage, pilferage or tampering, the Carrier
shall forward the remainder of the consignment that is not affected and amend the documents accordingly. The Carrier
shall inform the Principal as soon as practicable for instructions in regard to the item suspected of pilferage or tampering,
and allow on request, inspection of the Mail at the premises of the Carrier. The Carrier shall make a record concerning
affected Mail and give a copy of it to the Principal.
14.7 In the event that Mail is returned or held by the Carrier, the Carrier shall notify the Principal of the details within
24 hours.
14.8 Subject to the above paragraphs of this article, Mail shall be held by the Carrier if the transport of such Mail
constitutes a danger to other mail, goods or equipment belonging to the Carrier, its employees or third parties. The costs
of such storage or subsequent disposal shall be borne by the Principal. Alternatively, the Carrier shall hand over such Mail
to the authorities.
Operational aspects
15.1 The Principal shall give an estimate by route, flight and day of the week, on the volume of mail that it wishes to be
transported by the Carrier. This estimate shall be provided by the Principal no later than days/weeks in
advance of the needed schedule/capacity and agreed the Parties.
15.2 The Principal shall provide the Carrier with a mail routeing plan, not later than two weeks after the publication of the
Carrier's new IATA season's timetable applicable for cargo and mail, but in any case before the change of the current
15.3 The Principal shall ensure that all Mail is packed and labelled in accordance with the applicable provisions of the
UPU Acts before it is handed over to the Carrier.
15.4 The Principal shall sort the Mail by flight number for handover to the Carrier.
Article 16
16.1 The handover of all Mail to the Carrier shall be accompanied by proper airmail documentation, as specified by the
UPU Acts.
16.2 Priority mail shall always be shipped with a minimum of six (copies of the) CN 38 delivery bills. Priority mail
receptacles shall carry the prescribed CN 35 airmail bag label and CP 84 label.
16.3 Non-priority mail shall always be shipped with a minimum of six (copies of the) CN 41 delivery bills. Non-priority
mail receptacles shall carry the prescribed CN 36 and CP 83 air parcel label.
16.5 The writing on all documents and labels furnished by the Principal shall be readable and unambiguous, and in a
language whose script is recognized internationally.
Dangerous goods
17.1 The Parties shall comply with the limitations on the transport of dangerous goods.
17.2 The Services may only be provided in respect of mail permissible under the provisions of the International Air
Transport Association (IATA), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and UPU.
17.3 With respect to 17.1 and 17.2 herein, the Parties shall take all reasonable measures accordingly. They shall not
subject their performance hereunder to safety and security measures other than those provided by local legislation, the
requirements of the civil aviation authority and the UPU Acts. Specific measures and specific tasks related to the transport
of dangerous goods that each Party is responsible for are specified in Appendix 7 to this Agreement.
Article 18
EDI messaging
18.1.1 The Principal shall transmit a CARDIT message, in conformity with UPU EDI messaging standards, to the Carrier
for every consignment handed over.
18.1.2 The Carrier shall transmit RESDIT messages, in conformity with UPU EDI messaging standards, to the Principal.
18.1.3 The technical arrangements, as well as the events and locations covered for CARDIT/RESDIT, shall be agreed
between the Parties and shall be documented separately.
VI. Rates
Article 19
19.1 The Principal shall pay for the Services according to the rates which have been agreed between the Parties, and
set out in Appendix 2 of this Agreement.
19.2 Rates are set on an origin–destination basis (from the agreed handover location at the airport of origin to the
agreed handover location at the airport of destination). If a destination is not mentioned in Appendix 2, the applicable
basic airmail conveyance rate, also described in Appendix 2, will be applied. The distance for the origin–destination pair
concerned shall be calculated according to the applicable procedure for calculating airmail distances contained in the List
of Airmail Distances, published by the UPU International Bureau in collaboration with IATA or any other official publication
if the distance data is not covered in this List.
19.3 In the event that the Principal uses a flight segment for which the Carrier did not give prior confirmation of
acceptance, the Carrier has no obligation to carry the Mail. In case that Mail is uplifted, the Carrier reserves the right to
charge the applicable basic airmail conveyance rate calculated on the applicable airmail distance or the rates defined in
Appendix 2.
19.4 In the absence of a bilateral rate agreement between the Carrier and a DO, and if in such event Mail is being
boarded without the Carrier's prior written consent, the principle specified under 19.3 shall apply.
19.5 Rates are expressed and paid in a currency agreed between the Parties, on an origin–destination basis for the
various categories of Mail involved.
19.6 If services of other carriers are used as explicitly laid out in the airmail routeings, the rates include the charges of
the services of those other carriers.
20.1 The Carrier shall invoice the Principal for the Services rendered under this Agreement on a ( ) basis.
20.2 All invoices shall be based on the applicable UPU airmail documents (or postal airway bill) submitted to the Carrier
by the Principal upon acceptance of the Mail, and shall be submitted by the Carrier to the Principal in duplicate or in
electronic format.
Article 21
21.1 The payment as per invoice is due within ( ) business days following the date of receipt of the invoice.
21.2 In the event of a discrepancy, the Principal may withhold the payment of the disputed amount only.
21.3 In such case, the Principal shall inform the Carrier within ( ) business days specifying which items it
disputes, by returning the invoice to the Carrier accompanied by its attachments or any other means to that effect.
21.4 The undisputed amount stated on the invoice is to be paid as stipulated in article 21.1.
Article 22
Billing dispute
22.1 By failure to comply with its obligation under article 21, the Principal waives its right to withhold payment.
22.2 The Carrier may notify the Principal of its official reply concerning the acceptance or rejection of the
discrepancy within ( ) business days following receipt of the disputed invoice.
22.3 In case the Carrier does not accept the discrepancy, it shall send a supplementary invoice, including proof of
carriage or service, which has to be settled within ( ) business days. The Carrier may present such
undisputable proof of physical carriage or service by means of:
22.3.1 A substitute delivery bill established by the Carrier, with appropriate signature by the destination DO, containing
the full details of a mail consignment as specified on CN documentation;
22.3.2 An EDI scanning track record established by the Carrier at the airport of destination containing the full details of a
22.4 Both proof of carriage or service described in articles 22.3.1 and 22.3.2, when presented together, will
unconditionally overrule any third party carrier's payment claim for the same mail consignment on the basis of the original
documents only.
22.5 In the circumstances provided for in articles 22.3.1 and 22.3.2, and considering article 22.4, the Principal shall settle
the invoice with the Carrier delivering proof of carriage or service.
22.6 If payment has not been made within a maximum of ( ) business days following the date of acceptance
of the invoice, the Principal shall be obliged to pay the interest due on the amount, in accordance with the amount
specified in Appendix 2 to this Agreement.
22.7 If payment has not been made within the period stipulated in article 22.5, the Carrier shall have the right to refuse
and suspend all transportation of mail, without being in breach of the Agreement, until all overdue debts are paid.
23.1 In case the volume of Mail exceeds ( ) percent of the estimated volume as set out in Appendix 3, the
Principal shall contact the Carrier in the shortest possible time in advance in order to enable the Carrier to try to
accommodate the transportation of such extra volume.
23.2 In the event that the volume by route, flight and day of the week does not meet the estimated volume by ( )
percent less than the estimated volume, the Principal shall inform the Carrier no later than hours in advance.
23.3 The Principal shall always notify the Carrier as soon as possible of any irregularities that could endanger the proper
transportation of Mail under this Agreement.
23.4 At the point of origin, in the event of a failure to uplift Mail or in case of anticipated delays, the Carrier shall notify
the Principal as soon possible before the scheduled flight departure so that further instructions may be given. Where the
routeing plan already provides for alternative routes, they should be used.
23.5 The Carrier shall always notify the Principal within 24 hours of any irregularities, such as delay, loss or theft of, or
damage to, Mail, discovered during transportation under this Agreement.
23.6 In the event that the Mail cannot be delivered to the designated destination, the Carrier shall advise the Principal
and request advice as to what action the Principal requires the Carrier to take. Subject to the reasons for non-delivery, the
Parties will agree on the cost of remedying the situation.
23.7 Each party shall send notice of irregularity to the other party in writing, by mail, fax or e-mail, accompanied by
available copies of the applicable mail documents and attachments, such as proof of damage or misrouting by the
Principal. Such notice shall be addressed to the Carrier's or the Principal’s responsible department (whose contact details
in Appendices 5 and 6 respectively). No action is to be taken in the case of any irregularity regarding Mail unless a prior
complaint is made to the Carrier or the DO, as applicable.
Article 24
24.1 The Carrier shall be liable for the delay, loss or theft of, or damage to, Mail which occurs during the Services
provided under this Agreement.
24.2 Each party shall assume the same contractual liability towards the other for the acts of agents as for its own
performance under this Agreement.
24.3 The Principal shall be liable for any actual damage caused by Mail handed over to the Carrier by the Principal
under this Agreement in accordance with the applicable national law, ICAO international convention and the UPU Acts.
24.4 Subject to Articles 5 and 17, if the Carrier fails to uplift the Mail on the scheduled transportation the Principal shall
have the right to use an alternative means of transportation or carrier. Except when the Carrier has notified the Principal of
a flight cancellation or change of aircraft, it shall be liable for any additional costs incurred in dispatching Mail by
alternative carriers. Supporting documentary evidence shall be produced if available.
24.5 The Principal shall be liable for all the expenses and costs resulting from failure by the DO of transit or of
destination to take over delivery of the Mail, provided that the Carrier has duly performed its obligations under this
24.6 Subject to Articles 5 and 17, the Carrier shall be liable for reasonable storage costs if it fails to hand over or accept
compliant Mail for transportation at the time and place agreed.
24.7 In case of misrouting of any category of Mail, the Carrier shall refund the actual transportation costs claimed by the
Principal concerned, provided that such misrouting is not caused by the Principal or any DO of transit.
24.8 When Mail cannot be delivered by the Carrier to the original designated destination, the Principal shall pay the
Carrier only the Mail transportation rates for the section over which the Mail was originally to be transported according to
the CN 38 delivery bill. When the sum of the above transportation rates and the transit charges paid by the Principal to
any other airlines or to any designated operators for the subsequent transit of the Mail to the intended destination exceeds
the cost of transportation payable for normal transportation of such Mail, the Carrier shall be responsible for the difference.
24.9 In the case of damage to Mail, the Principal must complain to the Carrier forthwith after the discovery of the
damage, and at the latest, within fourteen days from the date of handover at destination. In the case of delay in
the carriage of Mail, the Principal must complain to the Carrier forthwith, and at the latest, within twenty-one days from the
date of handover at destination.
24.11 If no complaint is made within the times set out in article 24.9, no action shall lie against the Carrier, save in the
case of fraud on its part.
24.12 The Principal’s right to damages shall be extinguished if an action is not brought within a period of two years,
reckoned from the date of handover at destination or from the date on which the carriage stopped.
24.13 The method of calculating the period set out in article 24.12 shall be determined by the law of the court seized of
the case.
Article 25
Limitation of liability
25.1 Subject to article 25.2 below, the liability of the Parties towards each other shall be as follows:
25.1.1 The liability of the Carrier towards the Principal shall be limited to monetary units but shall not exceed
the Principal’s liability towards its customer, as specified in the UPU Acts;
25.1.2 The liability of the Principal towards the Carrier shall be limited to monetary units.
25.2 The limitations of liability set out in articles 25.1.1 and 25.1.2 shall not apply to loss or damages caused
intentionally or by gross negligence of a party or its agents or to claims arising under article 24.3 and 24.4 above, liability
for which shall be unlimited unless otherwise specifically excluded or limited by applicable national law and then only to
the extent of such exclusion or limitation.
Article 26
Exemption of liability
26.1 In the event that the Principal/the DO at destination (or its nominated agents) refuse or fail to hand over the
Mail/take possession of the Mail and/or refuse to sign for acceptance of the Mail, the Carrier shall not incur any liability for
failure or delay if:
26.1.1 it has complied with the agreed handover procedure as specified in the appendices, which includes handover at
the agreed location at the stipulated processing times with the complete and proper documents, and/or EDI transmission;
26.1.2 it has provided the Principal with proper notification, in the shortest possible lead time, including the date and time
of attempted handover/delivery, where applicable and supported if available by a confirmation of the DO at destination,
confirming refusal and/or providing reasons for refusal to take possession of the Mail.
26.2 In the circumstances described in article 26.1, the Principal shall be liable for any additional costs incurred for the
additional handling performed by the Carrier according to article 11 of this Agreement. Supporting documentary evidence
shall be provided if requested.
26.3 Neither party shall be liable towards the other party for any delays or failure in the performance of its obligations
due to any reason beyond its control or the control of its agents, so long as such party continues to be affected by such
events of force majeure as defined in article 31.
26.4 A party seeking to rely on the provisions of this clause shall promptly give notice thereof to the other party, and
shall endeavour to perform its obligations as soon as possible.
26.5 If any event of force majeure prevents a party from fulfilling its obligations for a continuous period exceeding one
month, the other party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect following receipt of written
notification by the other party.
26.6 The Carrier shall not be liable under any circumstances for the delay, loss or theft of, or damage to, or destruction
of, Mail or any other property caused by, or resulting from:
26.6.4 an act of public authority carried out in connection with the entry, exit or transit of the Mail.
27.1 This Agreement shall enter into force on (starting date) and shall expire on (ending date) unless terminated
earlier pursuant to article 28 hereof. The Parties may agree on an extension of this Agreement at least ( )
days before the date of expiry.
Article 28
28.1 The Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part, by either party before the expiry date of the contract by
giving written termination notice to the other party at least ( ) days before such termination takes effect.
28.2 If, for a specific destination, the Carrier does not meet the agreed performance level or has changed its schedule so
that the Principal’s requirements are not fulfilled, the Agreement may be partially terminated for that specific destination.
28.3 If a party is in material breach of any of its obligations stated in the Agreement and this breach is not remedied
within ( ) days upon receipt of written notification thereof, the non-breaching party may terminate this Agreement
immediately by notifying the other party in writing, without observance of any notice period.
28.4 Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Agreement, each party is empowered to terminate this Agreement
with immediate effect, without any further establishment of default in the event of and at the time when:
28.4.2 the other party has filed for bankruptcy, insolvency or similar proceeding, or is declared bankrupt;
X. Disputes
Article 29
29.1 This Agreement is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of _________, without regard to principles
of conflict of laws.
29.2 All disputes or disagreements arising from this Agreement should be negotiated and settled between the Parties in
a constructive and reasonable manner.
29.3 Any disputes or disagreements that cannot be settled amicably shall be referred to the competent
tribunal in (country ) or, at the discretion of the Parties, shall be settled by arbitration.
Confidential information
30.1 The Parties shall recognize that this Agreement contains commercially sensitive information, and shall agree to
treat the entire contents of this Agreement, its appendixes and any information provided hereunder as
strictly confidential. They shall refrain from disclosing any such information to third parties, unless prior written
consent is obtained from the other party. This shall be subject to the laws applicable in (country ).
Article 31
Force majeure
31.1 Neither party shall be liable towards the other party for any delays or defect in the performance of its obligations or
duties due to any unforeseen reason, including but not limited to acts of God, fires, floods, riots, epidemics, quarantine
restrictions, government acts, political uprising, freight embargoes, or any other such causes beyond such party's control.
Article 32
32.1 This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the Parties and may only be amended if such
amendments are made in writing and signed by both Parties to the Agreement.
Article 33
33.1 Should any provision of this Agreement be held invalid, or prohibited, such provision shall be ineffective only to the
extent of such invalidity or prohibition and shall not invalidate the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions
of this Agreement.
Carrier: Principal:
Name: Name:
Title: Title:
Details: Details:
1 1
1 Attachment ‘A’ has been promulgated by IATA as a separate document. 2 Attachments ‘A’ and ‘B’ are published by IATA in the IFARES Manual.
600g Form and Use of the Receipt for the CSC(19) 04 Nov 04 Indefinite
Cargo (Also Known as the Cargo CSC(31) 08 Mar 10 Indefinite
CSC(32) 1 Jul 10 Indefinite
CSC(35) 1 Jul 13 Indefinite
607 Standards for Labels and Tags for 115 01 Oct 56 Indefinite
Special Shipments 117 01 Apr 59 Indefinite
120 01 Apr 60 Indefinite
TC1(12/THWG) 01 Apr 67 Indefinite
102(CTPC) 01 Oct 70 Indefinite
105(CTPC) 15 Nov 73 Indefinite
109(CTPC) 25 Oct 77 Indefinite
215 01 Oct 56 Indefinite
218 01 Apr 59 Indefinite
220 01 Apr 60 Indefinite
TC2(12/THWG) 01 Apr 67 Indefinite
202(CTPC) 01 Oct 70 Indefinite
205(CTPC) 15 Nov 73 Indefinite
209(CTPC) 25 Oct 77 Indefinite
314 01 Oct 56 Indefinite
316 01 Apr 59 Indefinite
318 01 Apr 60 Indefinite
TC3(12/THWG) 01 Apr 67 Indefinite
302(CTPC) 01 Oct 70 Indefinite
305(CTPC) 15 Nov 73 Indefinite
309(CTPC) 25 Oct 77 Indefinite
CSC(05) 29 Nov 83 Indefinite
CSC(07) 01 Oct 85 Indefinite
CSC(08) 01 Oct 86 Indefinite
CSC(13) 01 Oct 91 Indefinite
CSC(17) 21 Dec 95 Indefinite
CSC(32) 01 Jul 10 Indefinite
680 General Rules for the Use of Unit 162 01 Mar 76 30 Sep 77
Load Devices 108(CTPC) 01 Oct 76 30 Sep 77
008a 01 Oct 77 09 Nov 77
179 30 Nov 77 30 Sep 79
259 01 Oct 75 30 Sep 77
208(CTPC) 01 Oct 76 30 Sep 77
008a 01 Oct 77 29 Nov 77
275 30 Nov 77 30 Sep 79
Consignment Procedures
502 (for information only) ...................................................... Low Density Cargo
598 (for information only) ...................................................... Baggage Shipped as Cargo
603 ........................................................................................ Notice of Non-Delivery (Irregularity Report) (IRP)
605 ........................................................................................ Destination Charges on Consignments Covered by U.S.
Government Bill of Lading (GBL)
606 ........................................................................................ Bar Coded Label
606a ...................................................................................... Non-Bar Coded Label
607 ........................................................................................ Standards for Labels and Tags for Special Shipments
608 ........................................................................................ Cargo Procedures Conferences Management Group
610 ........................................................................................ Interline Tracer
611 ........................................................................................ City and Airport Name Abbreviations
612 ........................................................................................ Shipper's Request for Changes to Air Waybill and Shipment
Record Amounts
612a ...................................................................................... Cargo Charges Correction Advice
613 ........................................................................................ Responsibility for Collection of Charges on Charges Collect
614 ........................................................................................ Procedures for Disbursements
624 ........................................................................................ IATA Temperature Control Regulations
1605 ...................................................................................... Transfer Manifest
1612a .................................................................................... Cargo Charges Correction Advice (CCA) Procedures
1625 ...................................................................................... Payment of Baggage Shipped as Cargo by Means of a
Miscellaneous Charges Order
1630 ...................................................................................... Cargo Security
1650 ...................................................................................... Shipper's Letter of Instruction
618 ........................................................................................ IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
619 ........................................................................................ IATA Dangerous Goods Board
620 ........................................................................................ IATA Live Animals Regulations
621 ........................................................................................ IATA Live Animals and Perishables Board
622 ........................................................................................ IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations
623 ........................................................................................ Cooperation with the World Organisation for Animal Health
and the International Air Transport Association
695 ........................................................................................ Airmail Panel
696 ........................................................................................ Airmail Procedures
656 ........................................................................................ Automated Data Interchange with Customs
657 ........................................................................................ Automated Data Interchange with Postal Authorities
670 ........................................................................................ Cargo Electronic Data Interchange Message Standards
671 ........................................................................................ Changes to Cargo Interchange Message Procedures
1600t ..................................................................................... Use of Bar Codes and Bar Code Equipment in Cargo
1600u .................................................................................... Cargo Pouch Label
1670 ...................................................................................... Carriage of Cargo Using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
1672 ...................................................................................... Cargo-FACT Message Standards
1673 ...................................................................................... Changes to Cargo-FACT Messages
1675 ...................................................................................... Cargo-XML Message Standards
1676 ...................................................................................... Changes to Cargo-XML Messages
1677 ...................................................................................... Framework for a Postal Service Agreement
Title Resolution/Recommended
Practice Number
Title Resolution/Recommended
Practice Number
General Rules for the Use of Unit Load Devices ................................................................... 680
Glossary of Commonly Used Air Cargo Terms ...................................................................... 1608
Glossary of Terms .................................................................................................................. 012 (for information only)
Government Approvals .......................................................................................................... 006
Title Resolution/Recommended
Practice Number
Registration of Unit Load Devices Contour Code Portion of the ULD Type Code ................ 683
Rerouted Consignments ........................................................................................................ 600e
Resolution Prefixes ................................................................................................................ 007
Responsibility for Collection of Charges on Charges Collect Consignments ........................ 613
Restriction of Applicability of Resolutions .............................................................................. 004
Restriction of Applicability of Resolutions .............................................................................. 004a
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+1 800 716 6326