RFID Based Library Management System: Article

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RFID Based Library Management System

Article  in  International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology · August 2020

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Sateesh Kumar H C
Sapthagiri College of Engineering Bengaluru


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International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 112
Volume-3, Issue-7, July-2020
journals.resaim.com/ijresm | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

RFID Based Library Management System

Nivedita Malipatil1, V. Roopashree2, R. H. Sanjana Gowda3, M. R. Shobha4*, H. C. Sateesh Kumar5
Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sapthagiri College of Engineering,
Bangalore, India
Professor & HoD, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sapthagiri College of
Engineering, Bangalore, India
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract: Libraries are very important aspects for humans. from antenna and the chip get activated and transmits the
They are essential in acquiring and retaining the knowledge of a information. The proposed system is more efficient and provide
person. But the earlier library system has caused many problems. more easy option for the registered user.
This project helps to identify the large number of tagged books
using radio waves. The database shows the availability of the book
in the library so that the student can search in the database and if 2. Literature Survey
available, they can collect book from the library. It helps to handle The paper [1] explains about book tracing and theft detection
the issue, renewal and return process via RFID tags easily. Student using RFID technology. This system mainly helps to automate
will get notified about the due date of book using GSM. If the
student failed to return the book after the due date corresponding the process without the intervention of human and to overcome
fine will be generated based on the time period. RFID EAS system the disadvantage of bar code technology.
is used for theft detection at the library. The paper [2] proposed a study on implementation of smart
library system using IOT. The main aim is to solve the difficulty
Keywords: Arduino, Database management, Library in tracking down the details of library transactions due to slow
management system, RFID, RFID reader, RFID tag, RFID system, loss of data about the books and difficulty in updating
technology, tracking.
the information on regular basis by using RFID and IOT
1. Introduction technologies. This system will manage and control all the
information of the library and provides benefits for staffs and
Every educational institute has the library and an existing students. This system is more efficient and utilizes less time.
library management system uses manual system and bar-code The paper [3] focused to reduce manual work and to track the
technology for accessing the book. But with largely increasing position of the book using IR sensor installed in each rack. IR
the number of books in the library it causes human error, sensor continuously senses the availability of the book in the
consumes more time and become less efficient. It is important rack and stores the information in the cloud. It helps the user for
to digitalize the existing library and the problem of barcode easy access of book.
technology. The drawback of the above-mentioned technology The paper [4] introduced a library access system smartphone
can be overcome by using RFID technology. There is a rapid application using android. The main aim is to provide easy
development in this technology which has been used in various option for accessing their library account through the android
application. RFID system helps inefficient collection, device. It provides the option for the user to check the
management and distribution of books. It will track the books availability of books in the library and saves the time. Database
and makes issue/return of the book process easier. Database is is created to store the information.
created to store the information of the books available in the The paper [5] explains the role of QR code in reaching
library, so that the user can access it for collecting the books. It mobile users of academic libraries for the effectiveness and
helps to authenticate the registered user to avoid accessing from potential to deliver library services to a new generation of
unauthorized user. GSM module is used to provide alert students. It can hold more information than bar coding. If there
message for the registered user during return process. Itis is any damage to the code, it is likely to render it unreadable.
implemented with theft detection system to identify the theft The paper [6] emphasized on various bar code techniques and
action that take place in the library. RFID has three parts- a checks whether the large data encoding into same dimension is
scanning antenna i.e., RFID reader, a transceiver and a possible or not. It allows secure data transmission by encoding
transponder i.e., the RFID tag which is programmed with data into bar codes. Paper makes a study about the existing bar-
information and it is located on the objects to be identified. The coding technique.
RFID technique uses electromagnetic coupling for data The paper [7] explains an overview of the current states and
exchange between the reader/writer and the tag. When RFID trends in RFID technology. It focuses on the challenges that the
tag passes near the area of scanning antenna, it detects the signal organization face in deploying this technology. It compiles
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 113
Volume-3, Issue-7, July-2020
journals.resaim.com/ijresm | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

complete automatic records of customer service. It focuses to It stores the data of a book to which RFID tags are
solve the technical and security issue. attached and rewrite without any help of contact and
line of sight.
3. Methodologies  All the books present in a library is embedded with
The objectives of the proposed system are as follows: RFID tags.
1. To authenticate the registered user  The user cards and RFID readers are used to read these
2. To provide automated locating tags.
3. To maintain the correct database  Once the user borrows the book then the book is
4. To provide alert system scanned and that scanned information is uploaded to
Methodology for objective 1: the database.
 First the user has to register in a particular authorized  After that the issue/push button is pressed.
 Then user can be provided with the user identity card Book issue process:
(RFID).  After authentication is done, further process is
 The user has to carry out the identification process to enabled.
access the library.  Student searches the availability of required books
 Tags are used to store the information of the object to from Library Database.
be tracked and can be accessed via radio signal of  If available, student takes book.
RFID reader.
 Student shows RFID tag to RFID reader.
 The tags used in this system are passive tags. RFID
card is scanned, if it is valid then user can access the  Reader reads and updates the database.
books from that particular library or else.  Displays the return date and student leaves library with

Fig. 1. Flow chart for objective 1

Fig. 3. Flow Chart for book issue process

Book return process:

 Student enters the library with book to be returned.
 Student displays the RFID tag to the RFID reader and
places a book inside the tray.
 After a book is placed inside the tray, “Book
Returned” message is displayed on the LCD and also
database is updated.
Fig. 2. Snapshot of objective 1
 Student exits from the library after returning of books.
Methodology for objective 2:
 Tagging is the important process in this RFID system.
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 114
Volume-3, Issue-7, July-2020
journals.resaim.com/ijresm | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

Methodology for objective 4:

 In order to prevent the theft inside the library, alerting
function is provided in this system.
 If student tries to take away the book without
registering it in the library, then the alarm gets
 RFID EAS Gate is used for anti-theft in the Library
RFID Management System.
 It tracks items of about 1 meter. When an un-borrowed
item passes through them, then ittriggers the alarm
 Buzzer makes sound and lights on the gate will glow
as student passes with the un-borrowed library

Fig. 4. Flow chart for book return process

Methodology for objective 3:

 Data stored in a tag provides an identification, storage
location, loan status and history of a particular books.
 RFID tags are designed in such a manner that they can
be placed on the library media, including books, CDs,
DVDs and tapes.
 The librarian has to classify the books into groups and
paste RFID tags on them. These tags help in tracking
the books within the range of the RFID reader.
 The librarian has to login to the mat-lab software and
update the information of availability of books, their Fig. 6. Flow chart for objective 4
location, issue and return of books information and the
fine generated if the book returned after due date. 4. System Design
 The GSM module is a highly flexible plug and it
supports features like SMS, Data, GPRS. The details
of due date of books can be sent to the user using GSM
 These are the information which are uploaded to the
database and can be monitored by the librarian.

Fig. 7. Block diagram of the system design

As shown in the figure, it consists of RFID Reader to scan

RFID Rag and push button is used to indicate the issue of books.
Buzzer is on, when there is any book theft in the library.
Information regarding student, issue/return of books and due
date is updated to the database.
The working principle of this system mainly includes:
1) Tagging
Fig. 5. Flow chart for objective 3 In this system, tag is the most important link. It stores
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 115
Volume-3, Issue-7, July-2020
journals.resaim.com/ijresm | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

information about the book to which it is attached. It provides speeds up the process of book borrowing, tracking, books
identification of book and also its location in library. The searching thus frees workers to perform further customer
librarian’s role is simply to classify the books and paste the support tasks. RFID readers and RFID tags to be used have to
RFID tags on them. be of high quality to provide the best results. The main benefit
2) Issue/return process of this project is that all the activities including problem,
The student approaches to borrow the book or return it to the renewal and return of books are digitized and all these actions
counter. First the students have to identify themselves using the are modified in the database automatically. The efficient
RFID cards they are given. RFID reader to read card to make utilization of the technology also depends on the information
an entry in the database. The worker gathers the book and reads that is to be written in tag. Such applications will result in
the card during book return. If the book is returned late, the user substantial labor cost savings, improve customer service, lower
receives good. book theft and provide a continuous update of new book
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