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Research Proposal

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Research Proposal on

The addiction to smoking among the school

5/4/2020 going students in Bangladesh.

Submitted to,
Md. Abdullah Al Jamil
Assistant Professor

Submitted by,
Md. Mohaiminul Islam
ID- 18221027, Batch: 2017-18
Section: A
Department of Business Administration in Finance
and Banking

Bangladesh University of
Professionals (BUP)

Research Proposal - The addiction to

smoking among the school going students in


1. Introduction

2. Research Gap

3. Research Problem/ Problem Statement

4. Research Objective

5. Literature Review

6. Conceptual Framework

7. Methodology

8. Expected Outcome

9. Reference

10. Appendix

1. Introduction:

The practice of burning tobacco and inhaling the smoke is called smoking. Smoking is one of
the leading preventable causes of death in developed countries and a high concern in
developing countries like ours. Though our government has already taken strict laws against
the addiction of smoking, cigarette smoking by the young teenagers and the magnitude of
nicotine dependence among the students is still alarming in Bangladesh. According to World
Health Organization(WHO,2008), Smoking is the second major cause to death. It is currently
involved for the death of 1 in 10 adults. Youth smoking behavior is mainly occurred for the
negligence of parents, depression for anything, family violence (separation or divorce of
parents) which results in dangerous juvenile delinquency. Bangladesh, with a population of
164.69 million (estimated in 2020) people is one of the poorest countries of the world. About
15 local companies compete for the down end of the tobacco market. And the young teenagers
are the real victims of this deep conspiracy. Bangladesh bureau claimed of statistics among the
young generation in this country (Age 13-18), 4% currently smoke cigarettes (Boys 3%; Girls
1%); 42% of youth (Age 13-18) are exposed to indirectly smoke in public places and 35% of
youth are exposed to indirectly smoke at home. And this percentage is increasing dramatically
day by day. It was also found that nearly 60 percent of new smokers were under the age of 18
when they first smoked a cigarette. This study was aimed to determine the prevalence of
smoking and factors influencing it among the school going students of Bangladesh. This study
will also help us to know the present scenario of addiction of smoking among the school going
students in our country and suggest the way to eliminate this dangerous situation.

2. Research Gap:

In Bangladesh contexts, the number of previous research works in this burning issue is huge
as it is an alarming situation in our country. The things which covered in previous studies in
this topic are following:

 Research topic covered the outcome of addiction of smoking among school students.
 Focused on the cause of smoking only.
 Descriptive analysis was done regarding juvenile crimes.
 Could not serve any proper solution for this situation.

In this research studies, I would like to provide the key factors for which the young teenagers
are addicted to smoking, how the society and the bad peers play an effective role for their
engagement in smoking, dangerous outcome of smoking (juvenile delinquency) and most
importantly how the society and the family members should take steps to motivate them to
give up smoking. Both descriptive and inferential statistics will be used to analyze the data.
Multivariate analysis techniques will be used to identify the factors encouraging them to pick
up this bad habit of smoking and other crimes. This research work will also serve as an
excellent possible solution to eradicate this bad habit from our society. I tried my best to
evaluate the addiction of smoking among the school going students of Bangladesh in a different

3. Research Problem/ Problem Statement:

This research work is to be conducted to find the key factors for the addiction of smoking
among the school going students in Bangladesh. It will highlight the negative effects of
smoking on the society, the dangerous outcome of smoking, conduction of various juvenile
crime for the addiction of smoking. This research work will also give knowledge about the
miserable health consequences due to smoking, family violence and socio-economic loss. And
in this work I tried to give some best possible ways to eradicate this addiction of smoking
among young teenagers by the means of this research work.

4. Research Objective/ Objective of the study:

The main objective of this research work is to emphasis the key factors that are working for
the addiction of smoking among the school going students in our country. The aim of this work
is also to find the best possible way to eradicate it from our youth permanently.

And some other key objectives are:

 To evaluate what variables are related in smoking habit by young teenagers.

 To determine the negative impacts of smoking habit in society and our individual health
 To show what are the impacts of smoking habit on economy.
 To provide the best possible solutions to the facts identified as independent variables.
 To find the causes for which young people prefer to smoke and become addicted.

5. Literature Review:

For convey this study I have reviewed a number of relevant literatures to get clear idea on this
topic. I have studied various literatures from online journals, thesis papers, articles and other
relevant literatures through internet. A big range of studies in the economics literature has
evaluated the responsiveness of cigarette dealings to different anti-smoking policies. These
include the foundation of smoking bans, age restrictions, the effectuation of information
campaigns on the negative health effects associated with smoking and, most often, the rise in
cigarette value through top taxes (see, between others, Chaloupka and Grossman, 1996;
DeCicca, Gilleskie and Strumpf, 2005; Gruber; 2001; Kenkel and Mathios, 2002; Lewit, Coate
and Grossman, 1981; Powell, Tauras and more Ross, 2005; Ross and Chaloupka, 2004; Ross
et al., 2005; Tauras and Chaloupka, 1999; Tauras, O’Malley, and Johnston, 2001). DeCicca et
al. (2002) find that value and taxes have a nonsignificant (and manytime positive) outcome on
smoking start during school. They also find that the value elasticity of smoking participation
becomes less negative as the group ages. In contrast, Gruber (2000) finds that value have a
significant negative effect on smoking participation and that this impact is more remarkable
for max teens.

Bain and Moy were the first to appreciate the influence of smoking on the unsuccessful rate of
dental spread. They compared the results between smokers and non-smokers victims in which
spread were placed. He found that overall failure rate of 5.92% and specifically spread
unsuccessfully in smokers was 11.28% as compared to 4.76% in nonsmokers.

Devorah, et al., in their study liken to incidence of complication and survival rate related to
dental spread between smokers and non-smokers by analyzing data of 959 implants placed in
261 patients between 1995 and 1998. He subdivided patients into non-smokers, light smokers
(up to 10/day), and heavy smokers (>10/day), smokers were further subdivided according to
duration in two side <10 years and >10 years.

6. Conceptual Framework:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Socio Demographic and socio cultural

characteristics: Age, Gender, Education,
relationship with family, Friend &
Community. Smoking habit of family member
and friends, fellow pressure status in society,
social norms related to smoking.

The addiction to
Knowledge, Attitude & Practice regarding smoking among the
smoking: Addiction, Psychological school going students in
dependency, complication, perception toward Bangladesh.

Factors related to smoking: Availability,

Accessibility, Reasons for beginning of
smoking, surrounding environment.

IEC related factors: Ban on smoking in public

places. Pro-smoking advertisement, Anti-
smoking campaign.

7. Research Methodology
7.1 Research Design:

This research work will be the combination of both descriptive and exploratory research. To
complete the research work data and information from different sources will be required. As
the study will be the mixture of qualitative and quantitative research, data will be collected
from both primary and secondary sources. For data collection, a proper and well-furnished
structural questionnaire will be prepared. Both nominal scale and ordinal scale will be used in
the questionnaire. In some cases, the interval scale will also be used. It can be said that a
mixture of the scaling techniques with different point rating scale will be used for data
collection. There are almost 40 independent variables traced out regarding the topic and the
questionnaire will be constructed based on these variables. After the completion of
questionnaire, pilot survey will be done before going for the actual field data collection to
check back the quality of the questionnaire. As this research work’s respondents will be the
students from different background, school, age group etc. to provide data, so for this reason
non-probability judgmental sampling will be used in the survey. Our target population is
teenage who smoke cigarette. We have mainly considered students of school in Dhaka city.
Data will be collected from at least 150 respondents from different area & school from Dhaka.
Through hard copy and soft copy data will be collected.

7.2 Data Analysis:

It’s been stated that the research work will be the mixture of descriptive and exploratory
research. With the proper evidences, qualitative and numerical analysis will be done to verify
the findings of the study. To develop the theoretical background and to build up conceptual
framework, secondary data will be collected from different journals, websites, reviews etc.
Almost 40 independent selected variables will be being chosen. For evaluating the relationship
with dependent variables and independent variables, regression model will be developed
separately to show the relationship. Data entry will be conveyed in SPSS 20 and will be tested
under some specific hypothesis. Different statistical tools like correlation, regression
coefficient, factor analysis, trend analysis will be used in this study.

8. Expected Outcome:

Through this study, it’s expected to find out the relation between dependent and independent
variables primarily which actually do matter in the turnover intention. It is expected that after
conducting this study we will be able to find out the reasons of addiction towards smoking by
the school going students and we can also observe the negative outcomes of this bad habit. By
doing this research we found that influence of bad companion and unconsciousness of parents
are the main causes for this addiction. Besides due to depression for something, negligence of
family members and rude behavior towards teenagers compel them to take such risky steps.
Poverty and illiteracy work as a key factor for growing addiction towards smoking. And for
this reason, the slum dwellers are the most affected to this addiction. Due to lack of good
environment and proper mentality, about 80 percent of the slum children engage themselves
in smoking, gambling, drugs and juvenile crimes. It is we who should come forward unitedly
as a friendly family member to encourage our children/brother/sister for giving up smoking by
the means of proper education and social environment.

9. Reference:

1. WHO Framework Conference on cigarette Control. Parties to the WHO Framework

Conference on Control cigarette Geneva, World Health Organization; 2013


2. WHO Framework Conference on cigarette Control, Geneva: World Health Organization;

2013. (http://www.who.int/fctc/en/, accessed 4 April 2014).

3. Global Progress Report on Implementation of the WHO Framework Conference on

cigarette Control, 2012. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2012.
(https://www.who.int/fctc/reporting/summary_analysis/en/ )

4. Determinants of Smoking Behaviour Among Secondary School Students in Bangladesh


5. Characterization of the smoking habit among high school students in Syria



6. tobacco article 274 Original article Teachers Perception on Tobacco Free ...

www.banglajol.info › index.php › BJMS › article › view

7. Tobacco use and associated factors among adolescent students in Dharan, Eastern Nepal: A
cross-sectional questionnaire survey


8.Smoking Status and effects among the Students http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-


10. Appendix:

Dear participants,

I am Md. Mohaiminul Islam, a Undergraduate student of Bangladesh University of

Professionals (BUP). As a part of my course I am carrying a research. My research topic is
“The addiction to smoking among the school going students in Bangladesh”.

This is purely academic. I would like to ask you some questions related to this research paper.
Please know that all information provided by you will kept strictly confidential, it will be used
only for research purpose. I will be highly obliged if you co-operate me in answering this

Thank you in advance.


Questionnaire Signature & date


Direction: Please use tick mark on right option.

Section A: General Information

1. Age ……………….. years

2. Gender: A) Male B) Female
3. Which level do you study?..............................
4. Father’s occupation
A) service B) Businessman C) Farmer D) other…………………..
5. Mother’s occupation
A) Housewife B) Service holder
6. Education status of father: A) Illiterate B) Literate
7. Education status of mother: A) Illiterate B) Literate
8. Family Type: A) Nuclear B) Joint
9. Family Member: …………………………. Person.
10. Family income (monthly) taka: ……………………

Section B: Specific Information

11. Do you know about tobacco? A) Yes B) No

12. If yes which of the following have you heard?
A) Cigarette C) Biri
B) Hukka D) Sigar
13. How did you know about tobacco?
A) Friend C) Newspaper
B) TV/ Radio D) Family
14. How long have you been smoking? …………………………………..
15. How many stick do you smoke per day?
A) 1-3 C) 4-7
B) 8-10 D) 10 <
16. How do you get tobacco?
A) Friend B) Family C) General Store
17. Do your parents smoke tobacco? A) Yes B) No

18. Did you know/ hear about termination tobacco smoking? A) Yes B) No
19. If yes, what are terminations tobacco smoking?
A) Asthma D) Cancer
B) Heart attack E) Others
20. How did you know about the termination of tobacco Smoking?
A) Family/ Friends C) Educational Sector/ seminars
B) Media/ Newspaper D) others
21. Did you suffer from any problem after tobacco smoking?
A) Yes B) No
22. Why do you smoke?
A) Fellow Pressure C) To test
B) To relief tension D) Others
23. Is there any anti-tobacco campaign in your area of residence?
A) Yes B) No
24. How do you manage money for buying tobacco?
25. Where is your hometown?
A) Inside Dhaka B) Outside Dhaka

Thanks for your kind co-operation.


Time Frame & Tentative Cost:

Task Tentative Cost Time Duration

Introduction 1000 BDT 05 days
Research Gap 2000 BDT 20 days
Problem statement 0500 BDT 05 days
Research Objectives 1500 BDT 10 days
Literature Review 4000 BDT 20 days
Conceptual Framework 3000 BDT 15 days
Methodology 5000 BDT 25 days
Expected Outcome 0500 BDT 05 days
Reference 0200 BDT 05 days
Appendix 0300 BDT 20 days
Data Compilation 2000 BDT 10 days
Data Interpretation 3000 BDT 20 days
Data Collection 6000 BDT 10 days
Editing & Printing 1500 BDT 10 days
Total Time & Tentative Cost 30500 BDT 180 days (06 Months)

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