Forensic 6 Forensic Ballistics
Forensic 6 Forensic Ballistics
Forensic 6 Forensic Ballistics
1 Recall the dates and Definition of operational - Discussion - Quizzes and - Research
personalities behind terms in the study of FS - Assignment Recitation output
the development of identification -Major Exam 1
Personalities behind the
invention of firearms,
gunpowder and
2 Recognize the - Ballistics and its origin - Inter-active - Laboratory - Quizzes and - Completion
different types of - Branches of Ballistics Discussion Recitation of Worksheets
firearms, - Cartridge/Ammunition - Power point - Performance
ammunitions, - Projectiles presentation assessment
projectiles, primer, - Primer - Practical rubrics
explosives, - Gunpowder Exercises - Practical
gunpowder and - Cartridge case Demonstration
different branches of - Explosives - Major Exam 2
ballistics. - Types of Firearms