BKL S10 Values Dev
BKL S10 Values Dev
BKL S10 Values Dev
Basic Training Course for Kawan Leaders 60 minutes
1. Opener: Read a verse on values: Value of the Soul – “For what shall it profit a man, if he
shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a
man give in exchange for his soul?
The primary mission of Scouting has always been the development of character upon which
true citizenship is anchored. In short, Scouting aims for the development of right values in the youth. All
others are secondary. Physical and skills development are necessary but they are only secondary to
the development of right values.
The question may be asked. Where does Values Development come in Scouting? Is this a
joke? Funny, is it not, that this question may be asked? Values Development does not come in
Scouting at all. It is already there from the very beginning. It is there in it’s very definition…..in it’s very
purpose….. in it’s principles. Duty to God……. Duty to Others….. Duty to Self. These three duties bring
us to the core value of Scouting, the value of selfless service and sacrifice for the good of others…. the
value of LOVE. What about Country? Where does Country come in? Selfless service and sacrifice for
the good of others necessarily include the readiness to serve and die for one’s Country whenever
necessary. As the KAB Scout Promise and Law states:
I promise to do my best
To love God and my Country
To do a good turn every day and
To obey the KAB Scout Law.
This value of selfless service and sacrifice must be inculcated in the hearts and minds of the KAB
Scouts…not by teaching or by instruction….but by educating….by drawing out what is intrinsically in
the boy….. by encouragement….. by being nourishingly supportive…..by leading him through role
modeling, to repeatedly do what the Promise and Law states until it becomes a habit….until it becomes
a value that is difficult to break. This must be done in all KAB Scouting activities the boy will undertake
in the home, in the institution, and in the Kawan, aware that the development of values, in the words of
B.P., is “very generally the result of environment or surrounding”. Further, if values determine the
future, whether of the nation or of an individual, right values must be developed in the boy before he
starts out, while he is still young and receptive.
Values Development is the thing that counts in building character and in making men….. disciplined,
responsible, self-reliant, interdependent, concerned, and selfless men of the future.
Basic Training Course for Kawan Leaders Session No. 10/Handout
Awareness and appreciation of the beauty of nature will instill in the KAB Scouts,
values of self-reliance, resourcefulness, and self-worth. It also instills the realization
of GOD, the Creator, through His wondrous works coupled with active performance of
His Will in service of others. Scouting teaches the boys, not only to get a living but
how to live, that is, in a higher sense, how to enjoy life. B.P. says in his book, Aids to
Scoutmastership, “ If you want boys to be happy in life, let them appreciate nature
while at the same time doing good to others.”
Have you ever conducted a game with your KAB Scouts asking them to count the
number of people who smiled at them on their way to school, and then asking them to
do the same the following day but this time for them to smile at those whom they
meet on their way. Compare the two results. There will be more numbers the second
time since they have made more people happy. They have done more good turns
and its fun.
Songs, when properly sang, can inculcate the value of unity, harmony, concern, of
patriotism, of service, and self-sacrifice for the good of others.
Games, properly officiated and with rules firmly imposed, can instill discipline,
fairness, self-restraint and good temper. As the saying goes, “ It is not the winning but
the way you play the game that counts”. Develop among your boys the practice to be
the first to cheer and congratulate the winner and the winner to be humble in victory.
B.P. says “Moral and Spiritual values can never be taught. It can only be caught.”
This is where the problem lies. Mostly our moral and spiritual values has become a
matter of knowledge and less of a way of life. These values can only be learned if
they are lived …. if service and concern for the good of others are done repeatedly,
effectively demonstrated …. modeled if you wish….. by those whom the boys
consider as their elders.
But this is not all. They must also be encouraged to attend to their religious
obligations as required by their respective religions. There must never be any
attempt to influence them to convert to another religion nor to attend/participate in
sectarian spiritual activity in the guise of Scouting nor to discourage them from
attending their own.
BTC-KLs/S10-HO-How to Integrate Values Development./page 2
Participation in discussions as to the kind of activity the boys enjoy and how they
wish the activity to be conducted with the Assistant Kawan Leader and the Chief Usa
on effective way of inculcating in the boys a sense of fairness and the understanding
and consideration of the opinion of others. This also instill in them the value of
respect for the rights of others. Being allowed to share in the activities of the Kawan
and the Color Group also awakens in them a sense of self-worth and of self-respect,
of belongingness, which is the value of interdependence.
This awakens in the KAB Scouts the value of resourcefulness and self-reliance as
well as their creative and innovative talents. These activities inculcate in them the
value of self-confidence as to enable him to be proactive in life…. to create their own
circumstance and not to simply be reactive to circumstances of other people’s
This inculcates on the KAB Scout, the value of self- development and the pursuit
of excellence. It must be made clear to them, however, that the reason why they have
to learn more, to achieve more, and to become better persons is not to become great
and win the accolades and the adulation of people. Rather, they should strive to
achieve more and become better, and better only so that they can give more and
serve better. That the only reason they have to learn is so they can teach the
ignorant. That the only reason they have to be strong is so they can protect the weak.
That the only reason they have to be rich is so they can give to the poor. That the
only reason they have to aspire for power is so they can help improve the lot of the
oppressed and the powerless. That the only reason they have to aspire for
excellence in themselves is so they can serve others with excellence. That the only
reason is ………….LOVE.