Biomartika - The Correlation Between EFL Students' Attitudes Towards Their Writing Ability
Biomartika - The Correlation Between EFL Students' Attitudes Towards Their Writing Ability
Biomartika - The Correlation Between EFL Students' Attitudes Towards Their Writing Ability
Doi: 10.35569
Vol. 6 No. 1 Tahun 2020
Biormatika :
Jurnal ilmiah fakultas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan
The Correlation between EFL Students’ Attitudes towards Their Writing Ability
____________________ __________________________________________________________
N ( ∑ XY ) −( ∑ X )¿ ¿
35 ( 6157.56 )−(2369)(90,57)
r xy = 2 2
√[35(165643)−( 2369) ][35(235.0449)−( 90.57 ) ]
r xy =
√ [ 5797505−5612161 ][ 8226.572−8202.925 ]
r xy =
√[185344] [ 23.6466 ]
r xy =
√ 4382755
r xy =
r xy =0.45582
r xy =0.456
Based on the aforementioned data analysis by Students’ attitude determines the result of
using Pearson Product Moment Correlation, their writing proficiency significantly. The
the findings reveal that the value of two-tailed correlation is significant because between
significance correlation (r value) between students’ attitude and their writing ability are
attitudes and writing ability is 0.456. tied to each other as the manifestation of the
Therefore, based on reliability emphasized by significant correlation. This is relevant with
Setiyadi (2006), the correlation between those what Gardner (1985, p. 91-93) emphasizes
variables is considered moderate. that attitude is considered as an evaluative
reaction to some object of reference or
Discussion attitude, concluded based on individuals’
The findings of the study is similar with principles or thoughts regarding the referent.
the study conducted by Hashemian and In other words, the evaluative reaction will
Heidari (2012). They revealed that there was a lead to the emergence of positive and negative
relationship between positive attitude and attitudes. Both of them will significantly
writing skill. In the other word, the result of affect the success of students’ language
the study indicated that the positive attitude learning for instance English teaching in
became one of the fundamental factors that general and writing skill in particular.
affected students’ writing skill. There are some suggestions that can be
The findings of the study, based on the described as follows:
aforementioned Pearson Product Moment1. This study applied recount text as the main
Correlation analysis, indicate that attitude has material of writing test. Further research
an integral role towards students’ writing should be conducted by other genres of the
ability. Nonetheless, based on the correlation text for example: narrative, descriptive,
between those variables which is considered procedure, report, etc.
moderate, it represents that the attitude has2. For the objective of the further study, it
considerably affected students’ writing should also be conducted to investigate the
achievement as it is relevant with Pajares correlation between students’ attitude and
(2006), Jahin & Idrees (2012), Johnson other English language skills such as
(2012), and Dehbozorgi (2012) that listening, reading, and speaking.
motivation/attitude to write is an essential3. The English teachers are advised to explain
element in writing skill. Motivation to write the importance of attitude in English learning
plays an integral part in writing skill as the to the student for it has been revealed that the
students who lack attitudes/motivations to attitude is able to significantly contribute to
write will be difficult to involve themselves in students’ writing ability.
writing particularly academic-based writing
(Pajares, 2006). Furthermore, the students
with the tendency as aforementioned may REFERENCES
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