Signaling (Telecommunications) : Classification
Signaling (Telecommunications) : Classification
Signaling (Telecommunications) : Classification
o In-band and out-of-band signaling
o Line versus register signaling
o Channel-associated versus common-channel signaling
o Compelled signaling
o Subscriber versus trunk signaling
Compelled signaling
Compelled signaling refers to signaling where the receipt of each signal from an
originating register needs to be explicitly acknowledged before the next signal is
able to be sent.
The term is only relevant in the case of signaling systems that use discrete signals
(e.g. a combination of tones to denote one digit), as opposed to signaling systems
which are message-oriented (such as SS7 and ISDN Q.931) where each message is
able to convey multiple items of formation (e.g. multiple digits of the called
telephone number).
Subscriber versus trunk signaling
Subscriber signaling refers to the signaling between the telephone and the
telephone exchange. Trunk signaling is the signaling between exchanges.