Application Form For Project Financing
Application Form For Project Financing
Application Form For Project Financing
You can use this application form to submit your projectproposal. To be able to assess your request,
please complete allthe fieldsin the right column andattach the required documents. Takeinto account
that the decision-making procedure can take up to 4 monthsand not all requests will be accepted. We
will send you a letter of receipt as soon as we have received your application.
If we approve your project, you will receive a financial contribution. After this payment, we will expect
you to carry out the project as planned, and keep a clear account of your finances. We also expect to
receive an evaluation with regard to the progress halfway through and at the end of the project. This
evaluation should include a financial report and some photographs of the project. We will send you the
forms to use in due time. . We wish you good luck with your application!
A. Project information
A2. Desired start and end date of the project: Start date:
C. Project description
If yes:
What type of training?
D. The beneficiaries
E. Required budget
If yes: did you use your own finances, Own financing / external financing / both
was there external financing or both?
If so:
Which organisation?
How are they supported?
In order to find donors, Melania should be able to show what is happening in her projects. Future
donor groups appreciate receiving photos and videos in due time.
Therefore, if your application is accepted by us, we will ask you to give us your consent to distribute
photos or videos of your project to the donor group and/or use itas promotional material for Melania.
By signing this application form you will confirm that you have completed ittruthfully, that you
understand the obligations of transparant project management, and that you agree tocomplete a
mid-termand a final report.
Description (1) Amount Price per item (in Total price (in Total price (in
local currency) local currency) euro’s)
Purchase of
Training costs