DaceraCase PDF
DaceraCase PDF
DaceraCase PDF
IDE 10 AGA 3
BS – Agribusiness 2
The Christine Dacera case opened a lot of social issue that we are currently experiencing in the
Philippines. Here are the issues about justice system, stereotypes, social classes, biased information, lack
of competence for those authority and many more. But in this essay we are going to discuss and focus
the issue about the gender. As we all know, Christine Dacera was reportedly found dead in her tub after
the party during the New year’s eve. Allegedly, it was reported that she was raped by eleven men who
are the primary suspects. As the cases are rolling in, many speculations and hearsays are spreading in
the social media. Netizens really believe that she was brutally raped by men. These men are her
coworkers, in fact during that party she was the only woman in the group. Many people also claims that
she was a drug user, and she was using party drugs or any kinds of it and she accidentally overdosed
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My take in this case is that society and norms are expecting that a girl will be rape if she is with
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the boys partying specially if she is the only woman in the group. Most of the people are thinking that
she might be raped in any given moment. Other aspect of the case, that men are expected to be more
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aggressive and wild specially in this kind of lifestyle and it is not right and pleasing if we see those traits
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for women specially if she is the only woman in the group. For me, if there is drug involved it is really
very biased for these suspects to be not condemned since we are in the state of war on drugs. These
involved are known for their profession and they belong in the upper class. In the topic about gender,
women are expected to behave conservatively and modestly. Her death is feasting in the social media
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because of the mystery behind her death. How does gender affect the issue at hand? The gender of
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each suspects can be the tool to clean their reputation as human. As what they have claimed, all of them
are gays. Philippine National Police filed the case as rape slay because of the norms. Due to this action,
the suspects were labeled as rapist and killers. There are really a lot of unsolved angles in this case since
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it is not yet solved and it is still a developing case. To sum up, this case wants us to learn that we must
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be a responsible for ourselves even when we are in joy because all of a sudden this party that we are
participating can be a greatest nightmare regardless of who you are.
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