Palate.: Dental Velar Labiodenta L
Palate.: Dental Velar Labiodenta L
Palate.: Dental Velar Labiodenta L
Câu 1: In a ............. consonant, the body of the tongue approaches or touches the
hard palate.
A. dental
B. velar
C. palatal
D. labiodenta
Câu 3: The fold of tissue below the root of the tongue is called the ...
A. vocal cords
B. larynx
C. epiglottis
D. pharynx
Câu 4: In a .............. consonant, the lower and upper lips approach or touch each
A. dental
B. bilabial
C. labiodenta
D. palatal
Câu 5: The International Phonetic Association has played a very important role
in ...
A. lateral
B. fricativ
C. nasal
D. stop
Câu 7: The small, dangly thing at the back of the soft palate is called the ...
A. larynx
B. dorsu
C. uvula
D. glottis
Câu 8: Which of the CAPITALISED letters in the following pairs have the same
A. seiZure - garaGE
B. poSSession -
C. iSland - hiStory
D. enouGH - thorouGH
Câu 9: Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?
A. The manner of articulation tells where in the vocal tract the constriction
B. The manner of articulation tells whether air is flowing through the nose.
C. The manner of articulation tells whether the tongue is dropped down on one
D. The manner of articulation tells how narrow the constriction is.
Câu 11: Sounds which are made with vocal fold vibration are said to be ..........
A. affricate
B. voiceles
C. voiced
D. lateral
Câu 12: In a ............. consonant, the body of the tongue approaches or touches the
soft palate.
A. velar
B. bilabial
C. glottal
D. postaveola
A. The objective of phonemic analysis to establish what the phonemes are and
arrive at the phonemic inventory of the language.
B. A large number of phonologists have believed that it is necessary to go
beyond phonemic analysis.
C. The objective of phonemic analysis to establish what the phonetic sounds
are and arrive at the phonemic inventory of the language.
D. The most basic activity in phonology is phonemic analysis.
Câu 15: Articulatory phonetics generally refers to the study of how humans ...
Câu 16: Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the major dimensions of
consonant classification?
A. manner of
B. place of articulation
C. voicing
D. pronunciation
A. Geek language
B. English
C. Latin language
D. Italian language
Câu 20:
The structuralism emphasizes the essential contrastive role of classes of sounds
which are labeled ...
A. phonology
B. phones
C. phonetics
D. phonemes
A. nasals
B. fricatives
C. approximant
D. stops
Câu 24: The lowest part of the tongue in the throat is called the ...
A. epiglottis
B. tongue root
C. dorsum
D. tongue
A. nasal
B. oral cavity
C. glottis
D. epiglottis
Câu 27: The soft portion of the roof of the mouth, lying behind the hard palate is
called the ...
A. uvula
B. velu
C. palate
D. cavit
Câu 28: The terms phonetics and phonology was used indiscriminately until...
A. constriction
B. opening
C. constructio
D. height
Câu 31: The major difference between the two consonants /f/ and /v/ is the ......
A. voicing
B. manner of
C. place of articulation
D. sound class
Câu 33: The structure that holds and manipulates the vocal cords is called the ...
A. velum
B. pharyn
C. glottis
D. larynx
Câu 34: The hard portion of the roof of the mouth is called the ...
A. velum
B. uvula
C. hard
D. soft palate
Câu 35: The main part of the tongue, lying below the hard and soft palate is called
the ...
A. tongue
B. dorsum
C. tongue root
D. tongue