The Importance of The Vulnerable Child Mode Vulnerable Child Mode

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Vulnerable Child Mode The Importance of the Vulnerable Child Mode

Understanding why this mode is essential in Schema Mode Therapy
Understanding the role of unmet
needs. The Vulnerable Child Mode (VCM) is at the core of everything in Schema Mode
Therapy, This is because the VCM is where we hold our memories of painful
As infants, we are inherently experiences, distressing emotions and often intense sensations. Thus, the
vulnerable. We rely on our VCM is where we hold our trauma. It is understandable that most people want
caregivers for everything because to detach from their VCM by ignoring it, shutting it down or trying to get rid of
we can’t do a thing for ourselves. it, as they don't want to reconnect with these feelings.
While we need them to feed us
and changes us, what we really The problem with this is that the way people try to get rid of their feelings
need is to feel loved, safe and involves unhelpful coping strategies which often cause more difficulties
wanted. We need a parent to later, hence we call them Maladaptive Coping Modes (MCM).
respond to us when we are
distressed and soothe us until we Thus, the whole point of Schema Mode Therapy is to heal the Vulnerable Child
feel calm. This tells us that we are using healthy coping strategies from the Healthy Adult Mode and reduce the
safe. impact of the MCM and the Dysfunctional Parent Modes (Punitive and
Over time, children still need
adults to help them manage their This creates space for the VCM to heal from past memories, learn to tolerate
feeling appropriately so they learn intense emotions and experience feelings of safety and comfort as adults.
to be skilful in tolerating intense
emotions. If this doesn't happen,
the child gets overwhelmed by the The Role of the Healthy Adult Mode
feelings and will use to primitive Healthy Adult Mode listens to the Angry Child
strategies to cope such as In Schema Mode Therapy, the Healthy Adult Mode needs to learn how to
Fight/Flight or Freeze. connect with your Vulnerable Child and notice when it is triggered by unmet
needs. Once it has been activated, then we need to learn how to soothe it. Just
If a child doesn't learn skilful ways as a young child needs to be held, cuddled, supported and soothed, we must
to tolerate their feelings or learn how to do this for our own inner child. This can be very challenging for
receive support to get their needs people who never had these early experiences of being soothed, or for those
met, then they become adults who who hold on to beliefs that vulnerability is bad or that their experiences of
still don't know how to deal with abuse are their fault, so they must blame their inner child.
their feelings or get their needs
met. For people who have Schema Mode Therapy will require you to identify your needs and work out
experienced early trauma, abuse, which ones you need to meet for yourself. Then you need to commit to treating
bullying or neglect, the amount of your Vulnerable Child in the way they deserved to be treated, with love,
distress they feel is intense. This affection, and compassion.
can manifest as feeling scared,
anxious, distressed, lonely,
unwanted or worthless.
Schema Mode Therapy believes Needs Soothe Practise
that unmet needs in childhood Learn what your Learn how to soothe Practise acting
can be addressed by learning how yourself when you are
to meet your own needs in Vulnerable Child needs to differently towards your
adulthood to soothe your inner feel safe and wanted. feeling vulnerable. vulnerability.
Vulnerable Child.
Soothing your Vulnerable Child Mode
Mode Awareness
To learn how to soothe your Vulnerable Child, you must first become aware of when you have flipped
in to that mode. For many people, this can be very challenging as they don’t want to face it or they
are used to detaching from it so it is unfamiliar. 

What are some common triggers for this mode? (People, comments, situations, feelings)
What do you feel when you’re in this mode? (Scared, lonely, sad, worthless, unwanted, anxious)
What difficulties do you experience when you’re in this mode? (Self harm, impulsivity, overwhelmed)

Mode Management
Develop a plan about how you will use your Healthy Adult to soothe your Vulnerable Child. 

What are your goals for managing this mode? (To learn how to accept my vulnerability, not reject it)
What are your needs in this mode? (Safety, connection, validation)
What can you do to get this need met by others? (Ask for help, talk to someone, express needs)
What will you do to meet these needs for yourself? (Self-validate, take time out, blanket hug)
What will you say to yourself when you’re in this mode to soothe it? (I can get through this feeling)

You may find this hard because it is unfamiliar, or you may notice other modes getting in the way,
like a Maladaptive Coping Mode or a Parent Mode. Keep trying and remember that you are learning
new strategies for meeting your own needs that have previously been neglected.

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