Vaastushastra: A Guide To Sustainable Building and Settlement Design
Vaastushastra: A Guide To Sustainable Building and Settlement Design
Vaastushastra: A Guide To Sustainable Building and Settlement Design
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ABSTRACT: Sustainable design of buildings and cities seems to have evolved out of necessity, such that the stress on
environment is relieved. If we look at the ancient Indian treatise on architecture called Vaastushastra, sustainability
appears to be at the core of the practice even when the environment was not as stressed as today and resource
consumption rate was much slower. These ancient texts detail out the process of building design and town planning
considering all scientific aspects of modern engineering and beyond. The prescriptions are laid out in a religious
language and were supposed to be followed as bye laws. This research is aimed at analysing the ancient texts of
Vaastushastra and drawing parallels with contemporary sustainable building rating schemes. Though the
technological advancements which find mention in today’s times are nowhere to be seen in ancient text; yet the
responsiveness towards environment through passive design has been remarkably demonstrated. Other interesting
features dealt with in the Vaastushastra are variations based upon climatic/local context and also spatial
organization which in particular finds no mention in contemporary rating systems. Vaastushastra also talks about
some economic and social aspects which are ignored in the sustainable building design tools used today. Hence it
could be concluded that many aspects highlighted in Vaastushastra; if included in contemporary ratings would lead to
a more comprehensive and robust rating tool.
Keywords: Vaastushastra, sustainability, rating systems, prescriptions.
There are many different scriptures like the As mentioned above, the scriptures mostly consist of
Manasara, Mayamata, Brihat Samhita, Samarangana instructions to proceed with the process of developing a
Sutradhara, Rajvallabha Mandanam etc. which were built environment. The most important part of these
referred almost religiously by the practitioners of this texts could be considered its underlying social essence
profession and over time some of them were considered along with the explicitly stated instructions or
as the go-to reference for topics related to architecture, prescriptions which can be physically manifested and
village/town planning and sculpting. Contemporary verified, presented in a religious language.
understanding of Vaastushastras has derived their
fundamentals from the Sthapatya Veda a particularly SUSTAINABLE BUILDING RATING SYSTEMS
famous Upaveda (Müller, 1859). These scriptures over There are a number of present day sustainable building
time have undergone many transformations due to rating systems that are followed today. They are
contextual influence, invasions and also owing to the different for different geographical locations and
fact that this knowledge was handed down verbally until building practices. Of all of these, the various LEED
the time they were actually recorded. The Vaastushastra Guidelines developed by the United States Green
as a whole is a treatise on dwellings which takes into Building Council can be considered to be one of the
consideration many aspects which are considered to be most comprehensive and widely followed set of
the core of the idea of sustainability in architecture guidelines around the world including India.
India has developed its own rating system based on
the different kinds of practices that are prevalent in the
PLEA 2016 Los Angeles – 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture.
Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments
Indian context. The Indian Green Building Council This gives us an idea of the aspects of sustainability
(IGBC) under the Confederation of Indian Industries and these prescription point towards.
the Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
(GRIHA) under the guidance of The Energy And Based on various texts related to the Vaastushastra
Resources Institute (TERI) have come up with the relevant prescriptions are selected, listed and their
guidelines and codes for the purpose of sustainable types and implications are marked. These are then
habitat design in India. Even though these codes were compared to the guidelines indicated by the various
developed in India with the Indian context in mind, they sustainable building rating systems widely accepted
were mostly developed by taking the international today. These prescriptions are simplified as much as
standards into consideration and therefore show the possible for the ease of understanding and comparison.
traits of those codes e.g. the structure and amount of These prescriptions when compared to the guidelines
importance placed on the various sections. provided in the present day sustainable building rating
systems, give us an idea of the depth of thought that
These codes when developed for the main purpose went into the creation and evolution of these scriptures
of use in India did have the potential to be specifically and also their validity in today’s context. Even though
tailored to the Indian environmental, social, economic, the social and economic aspects of these prescriptions
cultural context, but fail to do so. This is where we can are not directly specified in the selected cases they can
learn from the ancient texts on Vaastushastra as to how be directly implied like in the case of using only wood
they incorporated all of these aspects into the for construction of residences of the common man, the
prescriptions that could be adapted as per the context placement of the main entrances to the east etc.
and were at the same time more socially and Unlike in the present day sustainable building rating
economically end user oriented than the contemporary systems the prescriptions in the Vaastushastra consider
sustainable building rating systems. the social and economic situations of the end user. The
texts on Vaastushastra also imply various important
THE PRESCRIPTIONS processes and situations to be ensured, to maintain good
When Vaastushastra was practiced, the prescriptions mental and physical health of the architect and also
were considered to be a version of bye laws for suitable remunerations for the people involved in the
planning, design, and construction of the built process so as to make sure they participate willingly.
environment which made use of religious pretexts to
ensure compliance (Chakrabarti, 2003). Though many of Vaastushastra also stresses the point that although
the prescriptions were masked with religious pretence the prescriptions laid down by it are mandatory they are
most of the prescriptions were directly stated and in to be applied after consultation and strictly under the
some cases implied. This research paper focuses on supervision of the architect as he is the most
these direct and indirect prescriptions to get an knowledgeable and can and will make necessary
understanding of their relationship to the modern day changes to the prescriptions as required (Dagens, 1995).
idea of sustainability. The prescriptions with To increase the ease in adaptation to different climatic
architectural significance can be divided into three and social contexts the texts provides various options
different types, which can be better understood and range of values to work with. This is one of the
classified under four sub-types as represented in the most important reasons for the survival of these texts
relationship diagram shown below. and its usage even after thousands of years when they
first came into existence.
Table 3: Construction Scale prescriptions from the texts. Chajja (sun Reduce the
(Acharya, 1946), (Acharya, 1996) , (Dagens, 1995), (Agrawal, 2009) shade) must IGBC - direct heat
have a width To ensure that New gain into the
Prescription 9 equal to 1/5th proper shade Buildings building and
Sl. from Sustainability the height of the and protection - EE hence reduce
Code Code Criteria storey. (EA), Credit 2 energy
No. Vaastushastra Implication
& (Subtypes) (SS) consumption.
Walls should be Jharokas
To increase Table 11 - IGBC -
thick at the base (screened
the stability of Height to To help in New
and thickness spaces) must be Same as
the walls and IS 1905: thickness ratio 10 passive Buildings
1 must reduce as present in a above.
define a 1987 of free cooling of air. - EE
height increases. building. (EA),
proper load standing Credit 2
(MR), (EA), (SS)
bearing path. walls.
(SS) Use building
The rendering materials or
Plaster on the coat shall be products that
wall must be of For structural IS 1661: uniformly have been
2 extracted,
even thickness. durability. 1972 carried to the LEED
(MR), (EA) full length of harvested, or
BD+C -
the wall. recovered, as
The preferred MR 5
Locally well as
Load bearing material for
available, manufactured,
walls with construction of
economical, within 500
cross walls at columns in
As the use of easy to miles of the
Broken bricks intervals. residences of the
such bricks IS 3414: replenish, project site.
3 must not be used Traditional common folk is
would weaken 1968 renewable,
at joints. (MR) type of one- wood. The The material
the joint. workable and
brick thick or prescribed chosen for
replaceable if IGBC -
more are material for construction
11 need be. To New
recommended. furniture design must be easily
ensure Buildings
is also wood. All locally
This standard opening - BMR
the openings available and
lays down schedule Credit 1
(doors and easily
requirements depending
windows) must replenish able.
Three different for upon weather
To maintain have thick
brick sizes are dimensions to regulate A min. of 50%
masonry joints wooden shutters.
prescribed for IS 1077: and physical indoor of the new
4 while having (MR), (EA),
use as per wall 1992 requirements environment. wood-based
variation in (SS)
thickness. (MR), of common products and
sizes. LEED
(EA) burnt clay materials used
building BD+C -
in the project,
bricks used in MR 7
buildings. furniture, must
Stone columns be certified by
should be the FSC.
installed Hollow bricks
Square columns The square preferably in a are light in
are most form is easy to square or weight and
IS 15284: IS 3952:
5 preferred in create and has equilateral Hollow walls being hollow,
2003 1988
residences. very good triangular made of brick impart thermal
(MR) stability. pattern which are prescribed to insulation to
To help in
gives the be used the building.
12 passive
densest wherever needed
cooling. Reduce the
packing. according to the IGBC -
climate. (MR), heat gain into
Wherever the New
(EA), (SS) the building
dampness of a Buildings
and hence
site or the - EE
An Apron and a reduce energy
nature of the Credit 2
platform must be consumption.
soil renders
To safeguard such actions
around the
against rain, necessary, the THE CONCLUSION
building with a
driving rain, NBC ground
6 minimum width
splashing and 2005 surface of the
The prescriptions in the Vaastushastras are divided into
of 60 cm and different categories namely: the prescriptions for
seeping site between
height of 1/8th of
building height
moisture. the walls of common residences, the prescriptions for the
any building settlements, the prescriptions for temples and royal
(MR), (SS)
thereon shall
palaces and the prescriptions for iconography and the
be rendered section on penalties (Acharya, 1996). These were the
damp-proof. present day equivalent of guidelines for different sectors
PLEA 2016 Los Angeles – 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture.
Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments
in the field of architectural design. In the table above the BIS, 1972. IS 1661 : 1972 - Code Of Practice for application
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related standards are mentioned adjacent to the Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.
prescriptions from the Vaastushastras to make the BIS, 1978. IS 3414 : 1960 - Code of Practise for Design and
Installation of Joints in Buildings. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Bureau
analogy of past to present clear. of Indian Standards.
BIS, 1988. IS 3952: 1988 - Burnt Clay Hollow bricks for Walls
Some prescriptions like the one which talks about and Partitions - Specification. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Bureau of
building a moat around the site of the settlement mostly Indian Standards.
do not have any direct present day equivalent as they are BIS, 1989. IS 2440:1975 - Guide for Daylighting of Buildings.
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prevalent at that time. Since these were the only BIS, 1993. IS 4326 :1993 - Code of practice for earthquake
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