Singapore Tatler Homes - December 2020

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Seek inspiration
from uplifting designs in dozens
of homes around the world
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award winning team
employs a personalized,
multisensory methodology
crafting joyful, liveable homes
that nourish the soul and
soothe the body.

World’s Best Interior Design (Residence)

International Property Awards 2019

Best Architecture Design

(Single Residence) Singapore
International Property Awards 2019

Best Bespoke Interior Design

Tatler Design Awards 2019

Follow us on @ourdesignintervention
75E Loewen Road, Tanglin Village, Singapore 248845
+65 6506 0920 |





22 Letter from 30 Editor’s Picks 44 Collections 46 Illumination
the Editor New collections to covet Pick out pastel accent Beautiful lamps that
and stylish venues to visit pieces that will help feature organic textures
24 Contributors for decor inspiration elevate an earthy palette inspired by natural stone

198 Shopping Guide

Homes 200 Last Word



48 64

48 Dining Room 56 Interview 64 Inspiration
Create a stylish place Oki Sato of Nendo We visit the favourite
to entertain, filled with discusses his new nooks of tastemakers,
personalised touches Japanese-influenced who tell us how they’ve
collection for Minotti decorated their abodes
52 Ask an Expert
How to craft 58 Interview
a cosy and calming Portuguese artist
bedroom with nature- Joana Vasconcelos
inspired elements creates playful designs
Homes for Roche Bobois



76 In the Zone 106 Light and Space
The blush pink facade of An elegant house in Athens
this stylish apartment in has been thoughtfully
Cape Town influenced its furnished with custom
vibrant interior scheme pieces from Liaigre 118

92 Across the Ages 118 The Lush Life

DP Architects designs Foma Architects
a multigenerational home creates a verdant home
Homes with sustainable features in Singapore for a family
16 and tropical foliage with green thumbs



130 In Perfect Harmony 150 Clean Slate 172 A Cause for 190 Tatler Design
Designed by SYRB, A spiral staircase takes Celebration Awards 2021
a couple’s lofty penthouse centre stage in the We mark our 15th We introduce the
features pet-friendly spaces Cove House by anniversary with jury members for
that are highly versatile Ming Architects a retrospective feature next year; plus, vote
online for the Readers’
142 Mexican Soul 162 Instant Attraction Choice categories
This family home in Alison Pickart fashions
Los Cabos celebrates the a glamorous apartment
Homes rich cultural heritage in San Francisco for
18 of its local context an artistic couple
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Tatler Homes Singapore [ISSN NOS. 1793-477X MCI (P) 060/09/2020 is published bi-monthly by Tatler Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
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| Letter from the Editor |

A Better
The Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus summed up our of each family. Colour plays an equally vital, positive
chief task in life as such: “to identify and separate mat- role—read about its uplifting effect in our cover story on
ters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals a vibrant apartment in South Africa’s Cape Town (page
not under my control, and which have to do with the 76 and this page), as well as a Mexican holiday getaway
choices I actually control”. Given this year’s remarkable in Los Cabos (page 142) and an elegant penthouse in
circumstances, such ancient wisdom serves as a source San Francisco (page 162).
of solace and a guiding principle in our everyday lives. While every issue of Tatler Homes Singapore is a special
There may be numerous things beyond our control, endeavour, this edition is especially unique as it marks
but we can decisively make our individual choices our 15th anniversary. As such, we revisit notable past
and actions count. This includes single-mindedly crafting projects that demonstrate how well-designed residences
a home conducive to our physical and mental wellbeing. do stand the test of time—flip to page 172 for inspiration.
A cosy interior doesn’t happen overnight, and is often Looking at today’s stylesetters, don’t forget to vote
a work in progress. Three local tastemakers relished the online for your favourite projects in the Readers’ Choice
chance to decorate their abodes in stages, and share their categories for the Tatler Design Awards 2021. Learn
favourite nooks and alcoves (page 64) with us. Then, get more on page 190.
practical advice from the experts on how you can doll up Spending more time with our loved ones may be
your dining area for festive get-togethers (page 48), as well the silver lining for many of us in 2020, along with
Photography Greg Cox/Bureaux

as subtly elevate your bedroom to make it suited to slumber the reminder to live more mindfully. We hope that
(page 52). the following pages provide both an opportunity to
We’ve also noticed more homeowners embrace look forward, while suggesting little ways in which
the calming effects of greenery. These projects by we can improve our daily work-life balance at home.
DP Architects (page 92), Foma Architects (page 118) and
Homes Ming Architects (page 150) help their owners reconnect
22 with nature while being purpose-built for the needs — Hong Xinying, Managing Editor
Sphere Living by TLE
The Herencia, 46 Kim Yam Road, #01-09, Singapore 239351
T. +65 6388 9828 | E. [email protected] | W.


Darren Gabriel Leow is a fashion
and commercial photographer
based in Singapore. His work
celebrates a marriage of contrasts, RYAN REUBEN
in which saturated colours Freelance writer and editor Ryan
complement his signature post- Reuben has plied his trade in
production image treatments. He the media industry for 20 years,
understands the power of effective LUO JINGMEI working with various magazines
visual communication and believes Luo Jingmei is a freelance writer and a newspaper. When he’s not
that a great photo should engage and editor who loves exploring poring over copy, he’s probably busy
and transport the viewer to a realm inspiring spaces. After earning with his latest home-improvement
of fantasy—it’s a belief he applies her Master of Architecture degree project or cooking up a storm in the
to all facets of his photography, at the National University of kitchen. He lends his journalistic
from fashion and lifestyle to Singapore, Jingmei was mentored eye to Tatler Homes Singapore,
editorial and commercial. For at Ipli Architects, before a love helping ensure our stories are
this issue, he photographed the of the written word inspired her compelling, clear and factual.
favourite alcoves of creatives; foray into the publishing world.
peruse these spaces from page 64. She speaks to Oki Sato of Nendo
about his new collection for
Italian furniture brand Minotti
(page 56) and visits three homes
designed by DP Architects (page
92), Foma Architects (page 118)
and Ming Architects (page 150),
which she profiles in more
detail from these pages.



Jasper Yu believes in living a
fulfilling life, with photography as
his chosen vocation that feeds his
OLHA ROMANIUK soul. As adroit with the camera in
A design studio manager, a freelance interior or product photography, Yu
writer and avid enthusiast of all has captured many stunning spaces
things creative, Olha Romaniuk over the years, while nurturing his
merges her love of architecture passion for more conceptual work;
and design with her passion for he recently completed his Master of
writing by regularly contributing CHELSIA TAN Arts (Research) programme at the
to publications including Chelsia Tan finds the process of School Of Art, Design and Media
Tatler Homes Singapore. She unearthing new knowledge the at Nanyang Technological
discusses a colourful home designed most fulfilling part of being University, with a thesis discussing
by Martyn Lawrence Bullard in a writer. After covering a broad the sociocultural significance of
Los Cabos, Mexico; be enthralled scope of lifestyle topics over food photography in the era of
by its spaces from page 142. the last 10 years, she now adds social media. For this issue, he
home design and interiors to her shot the recent home projects
repertoire. In this issue, she picks by DP Architects (page 92) and
out the stylish essentials you need Foma Architects (page 118).
for a memorable dinner party
(page 48) and profiles a beautiful
home in San Francisco designed
by Alison Pickart (page 162).


AD Beatrice Rossetti - Photo Federico Cedrone

Beautiful venues
to explore
and furniture
collections that
truly inspire

Images Restaurant Euphoria, Design Haus Liberty

This picture: The
Kadiev chairs
and Resolute dining
table designed by
Dara Huang, the
founder of Design
Haus Liberty

Left: Restaurant
Euphoria features
interior design
elements that pay
tribute to the onion,
chef Jason Tan’s
signature vegetable
| Editor’s Picks |

Danish brand Linie
Design produces high-
quality pieces that are
crafted by master artisans
in India, and feature
a wide array of colours
and patterns. Hand-
tufted with pure new
Indian wool—known
to be one of the world’s
strongest yarns—the
brand’s Arguto rug
promises to be a stylish AHEAD OF Huang designed in
investment. What’s No. 5 Upper Riverside,
more, its bold, colourful THE CURVE a 30-storey residential
geometric pattern will Architect Dara Huang development in the city.
complement any modern often designs custom Crafted with
home. Available at furniture for clients practicality in mind,
P5 Studio; in the course of her the collection boasts
work. So it comes as waterproof, stain-
no surprise when the resistant features that
founder of Design make each piece suitable
Haus Liberty recently for indoor and outdoor
announced her areas. “Beauty and
eponymous furniture practicality do not need
line, Dara Huang. The to be mutually exclusive,”
collection is loosely says Huang. “A piece of
inspired by the natural furniture can act like
surroundings of a beautiful piece of art,
London’s Greenwich but also be comfortable
Peninsula district; and durable—and
it is being shown in even child-friendly.”
a penthouse that



| Editor’s Picks |

The Gubi Flaneur sofa
by GamFratesi offers
an updated take on the
classic 19th-century
English roll-arm sofa.
Original elements
such as the arched
back, plush armrests
and turned front legs
have been recast with
a straight silhouette,
subtly rounded edges
and simple brass
legs, while the
couch’s signature low
seating and cushy
upholstery have been
retained. Available
at Danish Design Co;

“I don’t like lamps
in which you can see
the bulbs because
CRYSTAL they bother the eyes,”
says renowned Italian
CLEAR architect Mario Bellini.
Founded in 1955, An excellent example
Italian brand of this philosophy is
Gallotti & Radice the futuristic Chiara
is renowned for its lamp from Flos, which
expertise in glass Bellini created in 1969.
products. Pairing The iconic floor lamp,
modern designs with now reissued in an LED
beautiful handmade version, is instantly
details, the brand recognisable by its
celebrates the elegant cylindrical, stainless
qualities of glass in steel body and large
all its forms, be it shade resembling a nun’s
mouthblown glass wimple and veil. Available
lamps or the sleek at Space Furniture;
tempered-glass tops
it incorporates into
its table designs.
Homes Available at
Scene Marquis QSquare;
Grafunkt – Funan, #04-01 to 06, 107 North Bridge Road, Singapore 179105, 6336 6046
| Editor’s Picks |

Dubbed the “House of
Stories”, this plate
was designed by
Tatler Homes Singapore
as part of Singapore
Blue, a new collection
by local ceramics brand
Supermama. The design
features the iconic timber
windows that distinguish
the facade of shophouses.
The window motif
symbolises a way
of seeing, offering
a glimpse into the lives of STAY IN BED
those who reside within; Fans of the Flexform
it is a playful nod to the Gregory sofa will find
creative quest of the ARTISTIC STROKES close similarities to the
magazine. Available from A love letter to Japanese Italian manufacturer’s culture, the Kumo cocktail Gregory bed. Architect
table and end tables from Antonio Citterio has
French furniture brand adapted the sofa’s
Roche Bobois take their signature metal structure
cue from Japan’s traditional and cowhide details to
lacquerware. Designed by the bed frame. Other
Victor Garnot, the tables features include a
incorporate resin trays padded headboard with
painted in bold blue ink removable upholstery
that rest on a solid ash base that can be customised
in a sandblasted, black- in fabric or leather
stained finish. Available and highlighted
at Roche Bobois; in tone-on-tone or contrasting grosgrain
piping. Available at



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| Editor’s Picks |


True to Singapore chef materials with greenery
Jason Tan’s “gastro and an earthy palette. COMFORTS
botanica” philosophy, The furnishings and Let your bedlinen
Restaurant Euphoria various elements in the provide more reason
celebrates his culinary restaurant subtly pay to stay between the
intent both on the menu tribute to the onion, Tan’s sheets—local brand
and in its beautifully signature ingredient— Sunday Bedding offers
conceived spaces within these include the tufted sustainable alternatives
a pre-war shophouse. banquette seats as well in bamboo, linen
Crafted by JTAW Design, as a lighting installation and organic cotton
a new studio founded that mimics the peeled that provide comfort
by Tan and his business layers of the vegetable. while being mindful
partner Arissa Wang, Restaurant Euphoria is of their environment To celebrate its second
the garden-inspired located at 76 Tras Street; impact. Co-founded anniversary, the firm
interior pairs natural by Alex Fan and Clara has launched Sunday
Teo, the firm taps into Towels. Woven from
Fan’s family trade in premium Turkish cotton
textile manufacturing. that features extra-long
“We are excited fibres and is sustainably
PAGE TURNER to introduce new made, the towels’ dense
Did you know that the products that make weave also makes them
People’s Park Complex every day feel like highly absorbent. Choose
and Golden Mile Tower Sunday—to wind from two sizes and four
are modernist icons by down and indulge in colours: white, silver,
award-winning architect simple rituals to help us grey and greige. Available
Mok Wei Wei? Published recalibrate,” share the at Sunday Bedding;
by Thames & Hudson, enterprising couple.
Mok Wei Wei: Works By
W Architects chronicles
Mok’s career and his
firm W Architects,
which celebrates its 35th
anniversary this year.
The book showcases
projects such as the Lee
Kong Chian Natural
History Museum (on the
left), apartment complexes
and other notable
Homes buildings. Available
Scene at major bookstores;

#02-10/11/12/13 RAFFLES HOTEL ARCADE
T. +65 6338 2822 - [email protected]
and Tell
Uncover design ideas as you
shop for the latest collections
at these new boutiques

The Japanese office
furniture brand has
opened a showroom in the CASA LOEWE
heart of the city centre,
incorporating a striking SINGAPORE
two-storey showcase. Conceived in the style of
Designed in the style of a collector’s home, this
a vending machine, the boutique by Spanish
glass display integrates luxury brand Loewe
a lift that transports the provides a wealth of
desired chair from the decor inspiration.
shelves to the first floor Visitors will find a strong
for customers to try it for artistic inclination in
themselves. Other machines the 3,659sqft showroom;
also dispense souvenirs that it’s the fifth iteration of
visitors can bring home. the residential-inspired
Okamura is located Casa Loewe store
at 137 Cecil Street, concept by the luxury
#01-01/04 Hengda Building; house, and the first-ever in Southeast Asia.
Curated by creative
director Jonathan
Anderson and his team,
the interior features
handcrafted vessels
alongside accent pieces
STRANGE specially commissioned
for this store; look out
& DERANGED for head-turning works
The home decor handmade by artisans such as the hand-dyed
retailer recently moved from around the world. tapestry ‘A Positive Light’
its flagship store to Not quite sure how your by American textile artist
Paragon, after six years purchases could fit into Josh Faught (pictured
at Palais Renaissance. your home? Consult the above). Besides the full
Founded by interior experts; the showroom range of women’s and
designer Alex Tan also offers interior men’s ready-to-wear
and co-founder Cindy styling and consultation collections, the Loewe
Tang, the 1,259sqft services. Strange & home fragrance range
boutique offers an Deranged is located at 290 is also available at this
By Chelsia Tan

eclectic and inspiring Orchard Road, #04-47 boutique. Casa Loewe

array of decorative Paragon Shopping Centre; is located at #01-11A/12
items and homeware Ion Orchard;
by Dr Colin K Okashimo

The award-winning artist

| Tastemaker | and landscape architect

Ode to
is renowned for his
sculptures and landscape
design, which are often
inspired by organic
forms. “Colin is an old

friend of 40 years; his
work features unexpected
surprises that can enrich
POLIFORM one’s life,” says Lim.
LTW Designworks founder ARMCHAIR
from Space Furniture
Lim Hong Lian discusses his
sources of inspiration as well as “The sturdiness
and spaciousness of this
the art and furniture he admires chair would fit well in
any living or study area,”
Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2020, says Lim. The work of
homegrown firm LTW Designworks has grown French designer Jean-
exponentially from its humble beginnings, Marie Massaud, this black
when founder Lim Hong Lian worked from his elm and leather seat is
home office in its early years. Presently, the firm imbued with the laid-back
is staffed with over 100 employees with offices vibe of the world-famous
in Beijing, Shanghai, Milan and Singapore. Ipanema beach in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

By Chelsia Tan Images courtesy of LTW Designworks, Space Furni-
ture and Patrick Bingham-Hall (sculpture by Dr Colin K Okashimo)

from Odisha, India

“Traditional crafts are

POLIFORM NARA often a part of my design
from Space Furniture from Space Furniture “These feature bold and
raw elements, which
Combining form also features synthetic Boasting clean lines and I believe inspired
and function, this daybed wadding and triangular a sturdy silhouette, these Pablo Picasso’s cubist
by Francesco Binfare cushions for optimal hickory walnut and black works.” Lim has collected
features Gellyfoam, back support. “I like elm coffee tables were also various handcrafted
a patented foam material how it features Asian designed by Massaud. “I’m souvenirs from his travels,
Homes created by Italian brand influences, designed in attracted to its sculptural including pieces which
Scene Edra that provides both a style that’s modern and look—it’s a perfect side he acquired in the state of
40 style and comfort. It contemporary,” says Lim. table for tea,” says Lim. Odisha in eastern India.
Make It Yours.

Compact spaces require more creativity—peruse these colourful collections and

clever innovations made with petite homes in mind. These versatile pieces will help
make nesting at home more comforting and conducive to your changing needs.

Scan the QR code to shop online

Elevate your interior with
accent lighting pieces
and decorative elements that
Images Lasvit, Samuel & Sons

take cues from nature

Images Casamance, Hermès
This picture:
Samuel & Sons
Bali collection linen
borders, available
from Altfield Interiors

Left: Lasvit Spacey

Supermoon pendant
light by Lithyalin /
Supermoon, from
W. Atelier


| Collections |

Refresh your interior
with accent pieces in
soft shades and tactile 7
textures By Sarah Ng
1. SP01 Michelle chair and stool by
Tim Rundle, from Space Furniture
2. Samuel & Sons Bali collection linen
borders, from Altfield Interiors 3. Poliform
Westside sofa by Jean-Marie Massaud,
from Space Furniture 4. Ariake Lattice
dining table by Norm Architects, from P5
Studio 5. Hodsoll McKenzie 2020 Autumn
collection by Zimmer + Rohde, from Cetec
6. Not A Cube stool by Joana Santos
Barbosa, from
7. Snug candle holder by Sanna Völker,
from 8. Fritz Hansen Fri
easy chair by Jaime Hayon, from W. Atelier
9. Akar de Nissim Candy bench, from 10. AYTM Curva
magazine holder, from P5 Studio 10



Premium sips, curated
to lift the spirits

Visit us at


| Illumination |


Make a solid design statement
with accent lamps featuring
marble and stone-like textures
1. Drunk in Love lamp and plant holder by Maria Paola Di
Clemente, from 2. Lee Broom Chamber pendant
lights, from Space Furniture 3. Lasvit Spacey Eclipse pendant
light by Lukáš Novák, from W. Atelier 4. Brokis Night Birds
8 pendant lights by Boris Klimek, from 5. Pasteur
pedestal table and lamp by Johan Lindsten, from Roche Bobois
6. Gloster Pebble ambient lamp, from W. Atelier 7. Flos Arco
9 floor lamp by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, from
Tatler Space Furniture 8. Athens table lamp by Brajak Vitberg, from
Homes 9. Visionnaire Roma pendant lamp by Armando
Shop Bruno and Alberto Torres, from Marquis QSquare
From top: Crafted by
Synergraphic Design,
this custom blown-
glass chandelier
features botanical
elements that make
it appear like a floral
centrepiece; the
ArteGlas product
range includes vases,
candle holders,
mirrors and other
decorative items

Clear Cut
Let your home shine with the finest
artisanal glass pieces from ArteGlas,
a new decor and homeware brand
by Synergraphic Design
With a history spanning over three season, with a selection of festive
decades, Synergraphic Design has glass ornaments. Bespoke options
carved a niche as a purveyor of are available to homeowners
premium glass products. Founded seeking unique, customised pieces.
by Florence Ng in 1986, the
firm has proved as adept serving HEART OF GLASS
the decor needs of discerning Every piece is handcrafted by across several products offered by
homeowners as it has fashioning skilled artisans with a keen focus ArteGlas. Various materials such
glass sculptures for public buildings on craftmanship and design, via as Japanese rice paper and fabrics
in Asia, such as the Partners a unique blend of techniques, are sealed between two layers of
Monument at Taipei 101 in Taiwan according to Sara Ang, director glass, creating more depth and
and Brunei’s Crystal Pyramid. of Synergraphic Design. “My elegance, says Ang. LamiArt can
Now, the studio has launched goal is to make the beauty of also be customised with a wealth
a new interior decoration and glass art accessible to all living of different colours and opacities—
furnishings arm, ArteGlas; its spaces,” she says. “All our products true to the firm’s credo of
product range includes decorative embody fine craftmanship; displaying the limitless possibilities
screens, tableware and ornamental they are not mass-produced of glass.
items such as candle holders, vases, but intricately handmade.”
mirrors and lighting fixtures. Synergraphic Design’s best- Synergraphic Design
A special Christmas collection selling LamiArt patterned glass 10 Changi South Street 1
named Yuletide Charms also makes and laminated art glass finishes, Tel: 6546 4133 Homes

its debut in time for the holiday launched in 1999, will also feature 47
| Dining Room |

Be Our
Take cues from private
dining experiences to craft
a cosy ambience for your
next dinner party
By Chelsia Tan

Before communal meals ground to a halt

during Singapore’s circuit breaker period
in April, private dining experiences were
a booming trend in the local food scene,
with food lovers joining waitlists for
a chance to feast in a cosy home setting.
According to Nikki Muller,
co-founder of private dining service
Intimate Suppers, it’s not just about the
food. “A private dining experience is made
memorable because it is rooted in human
connection. It goes beyond good food
and takes you on a journey,” she says.
Nikki Hunt, founder of Design
Intervention, concurs. “The time spent with
loved ones around a dining table forms SHINE ON
some of our most cherished memories. Add a soft glow to
your dining area
So, as the backdrop to so many of our with the Caravaggio
special moments, the design of the dining pendant light, first
designed in 2005
room deserves special consideration,” she by Cecilie Manz for
explains. Hunt recommends investing Fritz Hansen. Its
timeless silhouette
in dining chairs with soft, padded seats has been recently
that can also provide good head and upscaled, with
neck support to “keep your party going larger versions that
Tatler can create a focal
Homes long after dessert is served”. She also point in your home.
Shop suggests seating guests around a narrower Available
at W. Atelier
48 table to encourage conversation.
Make a stylish
impression with
the Fendi Casa
Ford dining table—
the angular form
and shine of its
galvanised steel
base appear almost If you are looking for another way
like a pair of gold to transform your dining room with
bangles. Choose
from a variety of minimal effort, the right lighting makes
wooden and marble all the difference. “An iconic lamp not
options for the table
only enhances the ambience, it also
SILVER top; various metallic
finishes are also sets the mood for the space and serves
LINING available for the
customisable base.
as an accent piece in the room,” says
Add pizzazz to your Available at Da Vinci Sarah Tham, design director of Cube
table with an elegant Associate Design. “For a cosier vibe, go
set of four leather
coasters and a pair for a lamp with dimmable lighting.”
of stainless steel This keen attention to detail should
Bloom Botanica
candle holders. The also include a personal touch, a highlight
petal-like edges of that will set you apart from other hosts.
the candleholders are “I’d put on soothing music and spritz
inspired by the form
of flowers in mid- a nice fragrance around the house, as
bloom. Available from well as use soft furnishings such as rugs,
Georg Jensen
cushions, table runners and tableware,” says
Main image Fritz Hansen Other images Courtesy of respective brands

Larry Lim, managing partner of interior

design studio Summerhaus D’zign.
Adds Muller: “Showcase your hobbies
like your art, musical instruments and
collectibles from your travels in your
dining room; all of these mementos
have stories to tell. The essence of your
family and your personality should be
felt for it to be truly memorable.”
Adding small, interactive elements
throughout the dinner will give
the evening a fun spin. “If you have
a Christmas tree at home, guests could
make their own decorations to hang on
it,” says Muller. “Anything that makes Homes

your guests feel like they are part of Shop

your family is sure to be a hit!” 49

Botanical design
studio This Humid SOFT
House offers
an original mix of
floral arrangements While the attention
in sleek brass will surely be on the
vessels. These can centrepiece, don’t
be combined forget to dress up
and customised the floor, too. We
to form a dramatic recommend the
tablescape for Limited Edition
your dinner party.
Available at This
ON THE Bauhaus Circle pure
wool rug, which
Humid House TABLE features geometric
forms inspired by
Besides wowing the influential design
your friends with movement. Available
an amazing feast, at Space Furniture
pick plates that
will impress. The
Versace Home x
Rosenthal tableware
set features the
most iconic motifs
from Italian fashion HAPPY HOUR
house Versace in Store a prized liquor
sumptuous hues. collection in the
Available Germaine sideboard.
at Versace With the wave-like
motifs on its textured
blue doors, this
debonair piece is
sure to make
a statement.
Available at
Snow Globe
Seat your guests in Visitors will marvel
comfort and style— at the psychedelic
this Ulivi Salotti patterns on these
Lise dining chair is Tom Dixon Swirl
upholstered with candles. This
a plush padded seat product is made
and a curved with an upcycled
backrest. Available material, derived
at Sphere Living from powdered
residues from the
marble industry
combined with
GATHER resin and pigments.

AROUND Available at Xtra

The rounded edges

of the Poliform
Concorde dining
table by Emmanuel
Gallina will allow
guests to shift
around with ease;
choose between
wood, wood with
marble top, or wood
Tatler frame with glass
insert versions.
Shop Available
50 at Space Furniture
Just right for a post-
meal setting, the
SP01 Etoile coffee
For a homely
table and Michelle touch, consider
high-back chair these textured
offer an intimate fabrics from
resting spot for Hodsoll McKenzie’s
after-dinner drinks. Autumn 2020
Available at collection for your
Space Furniture accent cushions,
upholstered seats
and curtains in your

“Invest in dining chairs

dining room. They
draw inspiration
from the Great

with padded seats

Exhibition held in
1851 in London,
which is regarded

and choose a narrow table

as the biggest
international trade
event of the 19th
century. Available

to encourage conversation”
from Cetec

The trick to
an effortless
setting is investing
in a gorgeous
dining table. The
Molteni&C Half
A Square dining
table by Michael
Anastassiades is
an exquisite
piece with a slim
profile; it can also
be customised in
various materials
such as eucalyptus
wood, graphite oak,
marble, aluminium
or reflective glass.
Available at P5



| Ask an Expert |

Peace of
Elevate your bedroom with greenery
and natural touches. Jeremy Tay,
co-founder of Prestige Global
Designs, shows you how to craft
a relaxing, tropical-themed sanctuary
By Hong Xinying

Getting a good night’s rest is essential to

our health and wellbeing. Besides calming
your busy mind before bedtime, creating
an environment that is conducive to
sleep is among the first steps to preparing
for slumber. We ask interior designer
Jeremy Tay to share tips on how you
can craft a soothing ambience, while
creating a beautiful space that you’ll
look forward to returning home to.

THINGS In addition,
Tay highlights the
Giorgetti Ira four- furniture in organic
poster bed by shapes is among his
Chi Wing Lo from top picks. “To draw
Space Furniture. inspiration from
“The Giorgetti Ira bed nature, look to pieces
conjures a sense of such as the Edra
calm and will let one Cicladi coffee table
enjoy a restful sleep,” by Jacopo Foggini,
says Tay. which has a rock-
The interior like top,” he says.
designer also “Its gold base helps
recommends pieces to give a modern
such as the B&B Italia touch to the nature-
Eda-Mame sofa by inspired theme.”
Piero Lissoni from
Space Furniture,
which has a sculptural
form that resembles
the soya bean pods
commonly consumed
as a Japanese
bar snack.



“Soothing colours in the
bedroom are important
for a restful night,” says
Tay. “White or light
shades, coupled with
neutral tones should
be the predominant
colours, while shades
of green can create
visual interest.”
He recommends
using wallpaper in an
understated tone, such
as the Moooi Blushing
Sloth wallcovering from
Space Furniture, as well
as cushions and accent
furniture in verdant
tones in your bedroom.
“If you have house
plants in your room,
limit the use of green
on your accessories,”
says Tay. 3. GOING
Consider other
accent pieces such
as a rug or vase with
botanical motifs
to strengthen the
tropical theme.
“The Moooi Garden
of Eden rug by
Edward van Vliet
will complement the
curved forms of the
furniture and anchor
all the items,” says
Tay. “The Passifolia
vase from Hermès
can also hold
a beautiful floral
arrangement. If the
space allows for
an artwork, a nature-
inspired painting will
brighten the room
and strengthen
the theme.”
Images Courtesy of Prestige Global Designs, Space Furniture and Hermès

The use of natural
materials such as
that is also modern
and luxurious.”
rattan, stone and wood If you have a study LIGHT
can contribute to the area in your bedroom, Look for multi-
soothing look of your Tay recommends functional lamps to
bedroom. “Rattan is one a woven-cane storage minimise clutter in
of the popular materials unit such as the your room; these
to use to achieve Gebrüder Thonet can also incorporate
a tropical theme,” Vienna NYNY Drawers green elements. For
says Tay. “Nature- by Storagemilano, or instance, the Bocci
derived materials and the woven-fabric 38V table lamp from
furnishings in woven B&B Italia Tramae Space Furniture
textures can come ottomans by features interior
together beautifully to Unpizzo as playful cavities that can be
create a restful look accent pieces. filled with plants.
“A lamp from Bocci
with room for an
air plant can subtly
reinforce the nature-
inspired theme
without the need to Homes
overcrowd the room
with potted plants,” Shop
says Tay. 53
We visit the favourite nooks
of tastemakers and learn more
about the creative impetus
behind various new collections

This picture: The Torii
collection designed
by Nendo for Minotti
features sofas, tables
and armchairs with
details inspired by the
Images Darren Gabriel Leow (Ed Ong’s home), Minotti

gates of Japanese
Shinto shrines

Left: A mix of material

swatches in the home
of Ed Ong, founder of
Dwell Interior Design
| Interview |

Crossing Cultures
Japanese designer Oki Sato brings his signature
mix of clean lines and witty details to the new
Torii collection for Minotti By Luo Jingmei
Despite his expansive oeuvre—
which runs the gamut of buildings,
interiors, furniture, packaging,
utensils, bags and even shoes—
Oki Sato insists his own home
is very bare, “like a prison or
gallery”. “There is one bed, some
books and my dog,” he quips. It’s
hard not to believe the Japanese
founder of multidisciplinary out more about the range from I wanted it to have a visual
studio Nendo, when one looks the amiable multi-hyphenate. lightness so I first focused on the
at his minimal designs. details of the legs, which are the
His unfussy aesthetic makes Tell us more about the concept main structural element. The shape
him an apt collaborator with behind the Torii line. reminded me of the traditional
Images Courtesy of Minotti

Italian brand Minotti, for whom The starting point was to create torii gates of Shinto shrines in
Sato designed the elegant Tape a new sofa collection that is Japan. The common leg design
collection in 2018. This year, a contemporary, but soft and across the collection creates visual
Homes cultural narrative grounds his comfortable. The system also had unity, like a wooden colonnade or
Style new Torii collection for the to (harmonise) with the other Senbon Torii—an alley of tunnels
56 furniture manufacturer. We find existing Minotti collections. made of 1,000 vermillion gates.
How did kigumi wood as staying at home with family
construction techniques inspire and spending time with friends.
the detailing on these pieces? These are essential values of life,
The ends of the horizontal and exactly what we are (trying to
components are designed to look enhance) together with Minotti.
like they are biting into the seat.
It’s reminiscent of traditional wood What kinds of projects do
joinery often seen in vernacular you enjoy the most?
Japanese wooden architecture. I find a project appealing when
The goal was to maintain visual it is difficult for me to imagine
lightness while expressing a sense of the final output, or when I
secureness, with each component cannot perceive the impact of
firmly locked together in unity. its completion. A project that
has a level of uncertainty and
Your studio is typically very involved in makes you feel a bit anxious is
the Milan Fair. How has it reacted to a project worth jumping into.
the event’s cancellation this year?
Clockwise from top: The It is important for us to think What are some words of
Torii collection from positively. Ten years later, when wisdom you live by?
Minotti is inspired by
the traditional gates of we look back, I would like to I worked with fashion designer
Shinto shrines in Japan; think we were glad to have this Issey Miyake on the Cabbage
the slim legs of the
coffee table perpetuate time for a pause. Surprisingly for chair (for a 2008 exhibition
the design language me, nothing has changed. I spend commemorating the first
of the collection;
Japanese designer Oki
my days constantly thinking anniversary of 21_21 Design Sight
Sato; the armchairs about design. I’ve never really in Tokyo). He said: “The difference
are available in various thought of design as work. It’s between art and design is that
a version with a braided just part of my everyday life, like with art, you can do whatever you
leather backrest breathing or sleeping. My daily want but with design, in the end
Opposite page:
routine is what relaxes me. you have to make people happy.”
The slim backrest of Of course, working, shopping It’s a very simple (statement) but
the Torii sofa features or meeting people can be done that really inspired me. That’s
vertical quilting and
piped detailing that online, but I feel that people need why I think design should be
runs along the perimeter to (meet) in real spaces that you friendly. I sometimes have a little Homes
of the cushioning;
a sleek daybed from can feel comfortable in. Some humour or ‘spice’ in my designs to Style

the Torii collection things will never change, such make them more accessible. 57
| Interview |

Candy Crush
Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos loves
using whimsical elements in her work—she
tells us more about her latest collection for
Roche Bobois By Chelsia Tan

Known for her massive, site- sofa seats. “In Portugal, the concept This page:
The Bombom
specific installations that are of light has a strong white quality, collection from
playful, distinctive and flamboyant, and that has a deep impact on our Roche Bobois
Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos chromatic spectrum in the way we features sofas in
colourful, curvy
has showcased her works at star relate to colour—that is reflected forms with
venues such as the Guggenheim in the choice of tones used in the striped detailing
Bilbao and the Palace of Versailles. Bombom collection,” she shares. Opposite page:
Despite having exhibited at She also finds the baroque The collection also
these notable places, the creative movement, which greatly impacted offers various rugs
and cushions with
maven says she takes much of her the art world in Portugal during vibrant motifs;
inspiration closer to home, from the 17th and 18th centuries, Portuguese artist
Joana Vasconcelos
the beauty of the everyday. “I especially inspiring. “This style is
believe we are deeply influenced present throughout my work and
by what surrounds us and the has also inspired the shape of the
everyday objects we live with,” collection’s intertwining sofas,” she
Images Courtesy of Roche Bobois

reveals Vasconcelos. adds. Here, Vasconcelos discusses

For Bombom, a new collection her new designs for Roche Bobois,
commissioned by French furniture as well as the impact of her own
brand Roche Bobois, Vasconcelos heritage on her creative output.
has crafted a vibrant array of
Homes modular pieces, distinguished by Tell us more about the Bombom line.
Style a striking striped detailing on the The collection comes in different
58 backrests and along the sides of the modules, shapes and colours,
giving everybody the chance to the respect for its essence. For the

“The main
find what’s more comfortable and Bombom collection, the main
appealing to them by curating inspiration came from my crochet
their own domestic environment. creations, which feature lots of
It almost feels like placing Lego
pieces together in a very fluid
colourful and fluid shapes.
came from
and organic way. What kind of combinations do you
envision customers will come up with?
How has your background as an

my crochet
Rather than imagining, I prefer to
artist influenced your designs for wait and see what will happen. I
Roche Bobois? think it’s a lot more fun to see the

I use crochet a lot in my pieces. combinations people will come up
The craft is a product of the with, almost in a curatorial way

home environment, which is like of their home environment. And
Tetris—structural, poetic and the I look forward to that! I would
most intimate landscape one can rather give people the opportunity
build and enjoy. Crochet pieces
are usually handed down through
to be creative in relation to their
spaces and their own bodies.
feature lots
of colourful
the generations within a family.
It’s a process I deeply appreciate What was the biggest challenge you
because I know the amount of time faced on this project?
and effort that is put into it. In my
travels, I often buy artisan-made
As a visual artist, I never had to
worry about the idea of comfort and fluid
crochet and embroidery pieces even though my work is very
because I believe that is the best tactile and interactive. Therefore,
way to value the craft. the biggest challenge in this whole Homes

The second way is to incorporate process was that of functionality, Style

it into my artwork while keeping such as ergonomics and comfort. 59

Playing it Cool
The innovative window blinds from Durablinds
turn outdoor terraces and balconies into cosy
spaces made for all weather conditions
Given Singapore’s hot, humid and as an afterthought. Just a few years This page: Ziptrak is
sometimes unpredictable weather, ago, the balcony was seen as the best a sealed outdoor
blinds system that
most homeowners prefer to retreat space for drying laundry as it was easily transforms an
into the air-conditioned confines typically warm and noisy,” says Ong. outdoor terrace into
an interior space;
of their abodes instead of fully It’s a perception that’s now Durablinds founder
utilising their balconies or patios. changing. The importance and managing director
Ong Shu Hwai
Mindful of this issue, former of enhancing our homes has
interior designer Ong Shu Hwai and never been more obvious than Opposite page:
founder of Durablinds decided to during the circuit breaker period The Glass Curtains
system installed in the
help her clients to “reclaim the use of the Covid-19 pandemic, outdoor lounge area of
of semi-outdoor spaces”. Ong, who when many people found a home in Singapore
helmed her own design practice in themselves in an indefinite
the early 2000s, felt much could be telecommuting arrangement.
done with these underutilised areas; “We’ve received a surge in
she sourced for quality systems that enquiries for both Glass Curtains
would shelter homeowners from the and Ziptrak products; most of
elements. “I love helping my clients these can be attributed to a desire
transform their space through the for more usable spaces at home,”
use of durable and elegant products says Ong. “This is particularly true
and smart designs,” says Ong. for clients living in condominium
In 2013, she introduced Glass units, where the balcony can be
Curtains, a frameless glass system the size of a room. Both Ziptrak
from Europe, to the Singapore and Glass Curtains are specifically
market. Four years later, she made to withstand the outdoor
launched Ziptrak, a track-guided environment and have undergone
blinds system from Australia, rigorous testing internationally and
in Singapore and Malaysia. locally. These products last longer,
Homes “The usage of balcony or semi- require less maintenance and don’t
60 outdoor spaces is often considered need to be replaced for years.”
To date, Ziptrak products have
been installed in over 4,500
residences and commercial spaces in
Singapore. The brand’s popularity
can be attributed to its quality and
durability. The shade moves along
a track that keeps it securely in
place, preventing rain and insects
from entering the home. The
entire blinds system is also able
to withstand gusty wind speeds
of up to 260km per hour, as well
as rain and intense heat. Among
the bestsellers is the 100 per cent
waterproof RainOut Fabric range.
“Ziptrak is a great product for
anyone who wants to retain the
semi-outdoor feel of their space,
while keeping out rain, heat from
the sun, dust and flying insects,”
says Ong. “For those who want
a higher level of protection and
privacy, the RainOut Fabric range
is perfect, as its fibreglass-laminated
weave is specially designed to keep
the rain out completely, while giving
occupants the privacy they desire.”
Ziptrak blinds are equipped
with motors but a user-friendly
manual option is available, too.
Made with a patented SuperSpring
system, this allows the blinds to
be adjusted in seconds easily with
one hand. Families with young
children will be glad to know that
they can opt for a child-safety latch
that prevents these shades from
being lifted beyond railing height.
Along with the practicalities it This page: Available
offers, the brand has not neglected from Durablinds,
the Glass Curtains
the most important aspect of system features
apartment living: the view of the tempered glass
panels that can be
cityscape. Ziptrak’s PanoView neatly stacked to
blinds are perfect for high-rise the side
residences with a panoramic Opposite page:
backdrop—stretching up to 6m The Ziptrak system
wide with support posts at the side, installed at the
Tatler open rooftop
Homes PanoView offers an unblocked terrace of
62 view of one’s surroundings. a home
SOCIAL ZONE Durablinds aims to
help homeowners
Whether you’re living in an
apartment or a house, there is
always a need for more space.

“reclaim the use of

“Our clients who stay in landed
properties are also considering
turning their patio into a cosier

semi-outdoor spaces”
environment for the family, since
people are going out less,” says Ong.
She recommends installing
Glass Curtains as a partition for an
entertainment zone or workspace.
“Besides protecting semi-outdoor glide easily and quietly without such as the flooring of the home.
spaces, Glass Curtains can also the use of ball bearings, which will This attentive approach has led to
be used as partitions within the wear out over time, and can also be positive feedback from clients such
home. The elegant and frameless secured in place with a lock. Adds as Billy Png, who opted for
design is perfect for homes with Ong: “The locking mechanism a Glass Curtains system in his home.
an open concept,” says Ong. is easily accessible at waist level “The Glass Curtains system has
First introduced in Spain in rather than at the bottom of the surpassed our expectations and we
2002, this patented frameless system system; locks can also be installed are very happy that it still looks
sits on a bottom track instead of at the interior and exterior.” and feels brand new even after
being hung from the ceiling, which As these products require precise a year of regular usage,” he says.
reinforces the glass panels against installation, Ong advises customers
strong winds and heavy rain. Glass to schedule an on-site appointment Durablinds
Curtains are made of 10mm-thick so that the consultants can offer 32 Old Toh Tuck Road
tempered glass panels that have been recommendations tailored to each #01-14/15/16 i-Biz Centre
tested for impact performance and home, while paying attention to Tel: 6912 4016 Homes

fragmentation. These glass panels water drainage and existing features 63
Art direction Charlene Lee Styling assistant Sarah Ng
Hair, makeup and grooming Benedict Choo, using Nars
My Favourite
| Inspiration |

Nook These tastemakers let us into their

well-appointed inner sanctums,
showing how creative alcoves
energise and inspire
By Hong Xinying. Photography Darren Gabriel Leow



The passion for interior
decoration runs deep in
the family-run upholstery
brand Pierre Frey—true
to his familial roots,
Matthieu Frey’s
Singapore home features
a rich mix of styles
and cultural influences
This page:
Matthieu Frey, the During my first visit to Matthieu Frey’s that their children are of schoolgoing age
Asia Pacific director home in Singapore, I’m drawn to the and less prone to doodling on the seats.
of Pierre Frey, enjoys quality of light in his double-height Together with his brothers Pierre
reading and having
a cup of coffee dining room, particularly on a sunny and Vincent, Matthieu is part of the
in his favourite morning. There’s a particularly cosy third-generation that is continuing the
nook in the dining
room; patinated nook by the window in this area, where family trade. Established in 1935 by
candleholders the Dimitri sofa from Pierre Frey sits; it’s their grandfather Pierre Frey, the French
complement the
sideboard’s earthy
unsurprisingly his favourite reading spot. upholstery and furnishings company is
tone perfectly “I regularly have my morning currently led by their father Patrick Frey;
coffee and juice here, while my kids Matthieu oversees the regional development
Opposite page:
The double-volume are having breakfast before heading of the company from the brand’s Singapore
dining room is a bright to school,” he says. “It oversees the office, while Vincent and Pierre are
and breezy space;
Matthieu also enjoys
luxuriant garden and most importantly, respectively the firm’s deputy general
using this cosy alcove it has direct morning sunlight which is manager and communications director.
in the living area, essential for a good start to my day!” Since its inception, the company has
which features
a vintage barber’s The Asia Pacific director of Pierre Frey added several storied upholstery
chair and curtains in has lived in this apartment for six years, with brands to its portfolio, and acquired
Tatler the Mauritius fabric
from Pierre Frey his wife and their two young children. He a furniture manufacturer in 2017 to
Style professes with some relief that the couple create custom pieces for its clients; some
66 can finally own “nice furniture”, now of which sit in Matthieu’s own home.
Wall-hung photographic prints
and souvenirs from the couple’s travels add
character to the interior, accompanied by
vintage pieces such as a barber’s chair in
dark leather, along with sofas and armchairs
dressed in colourful textiles from Pierre Frey.
The apartment is often filled with the scent
of fresh flowers, which Matthieu hand-picks
from the florists at Tiong Bahru market.
“I would describe my aesthetic as being
optimistic and open-minded,” he says.
“This can be seen in our home, from the
colourful patterned fabrics to the European
and Asian-style furniture, and the black-and-
white art pieces. Interior decoration should
be elegant, but most importantly, fun!”
The couple, who have lived in Singapore
for over a decade, are relishing the chance
to spend more time together with their
kids at home this year, although they
still miss taking their annual summer
holidays to France and Denmark.
“It was amazing to spend more
quality time at home with our two kids
this year; normally, I would spend half of
my time on planes,” he says. “So the
time spent playing, reading, cooking,
and laughing with my children this year
have been priceless. I hope to keep this
silver lining and try to devote more time to Homes

our little ones and strike a better balance Style

in our professional and personal lives.” 67

Art of
the Mix
In actress Janice Koh’s home,
a considered collection of art
and furnishings marks the
abode’s sense of place
and the passage of time

Years ago when Janice Koh and her husband

first started looking for a new home for
their family, they sought an abode that’s
rich in history. When their search led
them to this house, it was almost love
at first sight. The semi-detached house
originates from the ‘70s and features several
Peranakan details and modern influences
the couple were strongly attracted to.
“We liked that the house had a history
and that it included Peranakan-style
elements that reminded me of my
childhood,” says Koh. “The only thing
we did was to tear down walls to bring
nature into the home.” The family
have since lived here for 10 years.
The actress, who candidly describes her
interior aesthetic as “shabby chic”, loves
pairing vintage pieces she collected over
the years with lighting and furniture
from brands such as Tom Dixon
and Flexform. “We try not to sweat the
small stuff, like making the interior super
neat; ultimately it has to be comfortable
and reflect the way we live,” she says.
In spite of appearing like an effortlessly
curated mix, the thespian professes it took
her some time to create this thoughtful,
layered setting. “I’m a terrible decorator
because I’m an impulsive shopper; I tend to
buy things that I like even if they don’t go
with the things I bought,” she laughs. “I had
to hire an interior designer to help keep me
disciplined. It’s taken me a long time to learn
Homes this, but if we look at furniture as art, it can
Style give us a lot more pleasure. It’s worth taking
68 time to collect the pieces you really love.”
The first storey is where the actress spends
most of her free time; it also functions
as an informal workspace. “I’m always at
the dining table, getting photobombed
by people during my meetings and
living with the smells of the kitchen,”
she shares. “I like my dining area because
mealtimes are really important; we catch
up on each others’ lives and it’s always
over dinner when we get to have these
conversations that are really meaningful.”
For Koh, the unusual circumstances
created by the Covid-19 pandemic have This page: Actress
Janice Koh enjoys
presented a time for introspection. shopping for vintage
“Sometimes we align ourselves to our work furniture, some of
which take pride of
in such a way that it becomes part of our place in her living
identity,” she says. “If I’m not performing, room; displayed in
who am I? Maybe the Covid-19 pandemic an assortment of
vases, freshly cut
was a necessary pause for someone like me; leaves add lush
it has presented me with an opportunity greenery to the living
area; the dining room
to take a break and reconsider what I want features various
to do in the second part of my career, Tom Dixon Beat
what I choose to spend my time on.” pendant lights, which
are among Koh’s
In the meantime, the actress looks favourite pieces in
forward to the day when actors and her home
audiences alike can gather more regularly Opposite page: The
for live performances. “The performing living area features
arts are about bringing a group of several mid-century
modern pieces such
strangers together to share an experience as the couch by the
live. You are being moved and changed window, and the Homes
Eames lounge chair
by it in some way, because you’re there and ottoman from Style

having that hair-raising experience.” Herman Miller 69

“I read a lot; I think a designer must
always ‘feed’ himself with the things that
he sees and experiences,” says Ed Ong,
founder of Dwell Interior Design. “Travel
is very important for that reason. It’s not
necessary that you travel to look at buildings
if you’re an architect, or to see decor if
you’re a designer; it’s about being there to
understand the culture and the sense of
place, which I think are very important.”
At a time when travel opportunities
are scarce, his study continues to be
a treasure trove of inspiration. Situated
on the first storey of a shophouse that Ong
and his family have lived in for a decade,
this workspace is where the designer reads
and reflects; it’s also frequently a space
where he meets his clients and guests.
“Books allow you to travel across time
and get into the minds and perspectives
of others through both the visuals
and the words,” he says. “I would only
buy a book if it makes me think and it’s
able to spark off new ideas. That explains
the collection of books that I have
that I constantly refer to, even during
meetings. These show my clients what
I’m thinking about; that’s why I meet my

clients next to where all my books are.”
In terms of the overall interior design,
Ong has kept a pared-down approach that
stays true to his creative philosophy. “We

didn’t go nostalgic with the design
of this shophouse even though it’s
a historic building; this reflects who I am.
I believe in having strong, clean lines.”
This minimalist scheme is reflected in the
concrete screed walls that run the length of
Interior designer Ed Ong the shophouse, matched with dark timber
boards for the flooring. These walls feature
makes room for work recesses that act as shelves to display

and play in a shophouse awards, memorabilia and practical items.

The simple material mix is paired with
his family are proud to
Homes a monochromatic palette; his study notably
features black walls that contribute to the
call home

70 calming, cocooning nature of the space.

Another key area on the ground
floor is the kitchen, which is the
heart of this home. Instead of having
a living area on the first floor, Ong
created a large culinary space that
also occasionally functions as a venue
for classes by The Kitchen Society,
which his wife Teo Hsin Yi runs.
“The kitchen has always been
something of a personal passion,” he
says. “I was the first Southeast Asian
designer to design a Blum showroom,
This page: Interior which deepened my interest in
designer Ed Ong culinary spaces. The Kitchen Society
crafted the study
as a calming zone was started as we envisaged people
to reflect and read gathering around a chef to learn the
in, while acting
as a space
techniques up close, rather than be
conducive to seated three rows behind in a studio.”
meetings; the Looking back, Ong is proud
fountain next to
the kitchen now of what his design firm and The
serves as a display Kitchen Society have achieved; his
for design curios
and found objects practice coincidentally was launched
in the same period as Tatler Homes
Opposite page: Singapore in November 2005. “I
Ong often consults
his stacks of books always keep copies of Tatler Homes
and cites the because the magazine features a good
work of architects
Tadao Ando and selection of projects, and I’ve been
Tom Kundig as his following it almost from the start.”
key influences; the Although it’s been a challenging
interior designer
loves to collect year, Ong is quick to count his blessings.
vintage stationery, “With clear communication and clarity
such as the
antique staplers of thought, a lot can be achieved even
pictured here without face-to-face meetings,” he says.
He remains hopeful about
the year ahead. “We’ve managed
to overcome most of the challenges
with the support of our clients
and vendors. A designer must always
know that he needs a team; we depend
on hands that are not ours to fulfil the Homes

vision. Communication is key to the Style

successful execution of any project.” 71

Height of Style
Nikki Hunt and Andrea Savage of
Design Intervention celebrate the
firm’s listing on Andrew Martin’s
Interior Design Review, while casting
the spotlight on the talents to watch
It’s Oscar season—the design is undoubtedly our favourite design notably from the works of British
equivalent of the Oscars anyway— publication. Year after year, we interior designer Kit Kemp.
and we couldn’t be more delighted find it a rich source of inspiration, Kemp has long been a hero of
to be among the 2020 list of and it is a joy to flip through the ours, and this issue of the Interior
nominees on Andrew Martin’s pages. So it is an absolute delight Design Review showcases her
Interior Design Review, which has to be included alongside some of recent projects, revealing her
been described by The Times the biggest names in the industry. knack for combining cheerful
newspaper in the UK as “the colours with exotic patterns.
bible of the design world”. DESIGN CAPITAL In contrast, renowned British
Each year, the designs of the We spent a recent weekend leafing designers Kelly Hoppen
100 nominees are showcased in through over 500 pages of delicious and Katharine Pooley—also
this celebrated compendium, design inspiration in this book, featured in the book—celebrate
which fetes the world’s greatest which features the work of designers classical and calming designs, while
interior designers. It is such a thrill from all around the globe. Australia’s boy wonder Greg Natale
to be the only Singapore design And that is exactly what makes showcases some daring colour
firm included this year, next to the book so compelling—its sheer combinations. Los Angeles-based
Bill Bensley, the Bangkok-based scope. The pages contain the very celebrity designer Kathryn Ireland
creator of some of Asia’s most best examples of classic, eccentric, also displays her signature spin on
lavish resorts and the only other decadent, minimalist and even the English country house style,
designer selected from Asia. The futuristic styles. It is, quite simply, which appears so unplanned—
team at Design Intervention are a compilation of the best in every but therein lies her genius.
huge fans of his work and we are design genre, while highlighting
honoured to have our projects current trends in international RISING STARS
showcased alongside his. design. Between the covers are Among our favourites this year
It is the seventh time that Design over 1,000 beautiful photographs. is the work of New York-based
Intervention has been featured in What more inspiration could designer Young Huh. She may not
the Interior Design Review, and we a design lover need? be as well known as some of the
Homes are simply thrilled to have made the This year’s edition is chock-full other names on the list, but I am
72 cut again. The Interior Design Review of colours, patterns and textures, sure she will be soon. Her designs
This page: A pair of
lime curtains frames
the glamorous bar
area; this yellow
armchair is a cheerful
addition to the
balcony; the faceted
design of the feature
wall is echoed by the
angular form of the
rug and the detailing
on the ceiling

Opposite page:
This dining table
features a sculptural
base that references
the trees in the vicinity

reveal a daring and masterful

mix of pattern and colour.
As we have seen in the past few
years, the most cutting-edge designs
are coming out of China, and this
tome showcases extraordinary
projects with the X-factor in all their
glory. In this edition, Shanghai-
based Ben Wu has emerged as the
Designer of the Year, selected by
a celebrity panel of judges assembled
by the Andrew Martin team.
This is the first time a Chinese
designer has won the prestigious
accolade, highlighting the
remarkable rise of Chinese design.

Design Intervention
Follow us @ourdesignintervention
on Instagram Homes 73
Be inspired by a diverse
array of abodes, ranging
from minimalist havens to
eclectic spaces
This picture: A tree
Photography Liaigre (Athens home), Jasper Yu (DP Architects project)

creates a verdant focal

point in the courtyard
of this house by
DP Architects

Left: An impressive
column of oversized
pendant lamps lends
creative flair to the
stairwell of a Greek
home furnished by
Liaigre Design Service
In the

Styling and production Sven Alberding/ Bureaux

Zone A careful curation
of colourful
details, furniture
and finishes puts
an innovative spin
on apartment
living in
Cape Town
By Liz Morris.
Photography Greg Cox/Bureaux



appily for Dawid Augustyn, the chance
to set up home in Clarens, one of
Cape Town’s coolest new apartment
blocks, happened almost effortlessly.
“I worked with the developers—
Malcolm Kluk and Christiaan Gabriël
du Toit of KLûK CGDT—as the
project’s quantity surveyor, so I’d been
watching its journey from an insider’s
perspective from the ground up,” shares
the homeowner, who is the managing
director of the DA Quantity Surveyors.
Augustyn also owns a design company,
Establishment, which is now in its 16th year
and represents a roster of leading design and
lighting brands including DCW éditions,
Woud and New Works. Establishment
Left to right: also offers its own range of bespoke pieces;
The compact kitchen all of which have an aesthetic that works
features deep
granite countertops, well with the interiors of Clarens. “Their
Siemens appliances vision of a community lifestyle, based
and a photographic
artwork by Thandiwe on a non-standard approach to the look
Msebenzi from Smith and feel of the building and interiors,
Studio; the dining resonated well with me,” he shares.
area is furnished with
a dining table from
Miniforms and dining
chairs from Meuble;
acquired from
Smith Studio, the
arch-shaped artwork
by Rosie Mudge is
the focal point of the
living room
The building facade, designed by
Previous spread:
The apartment Hours Clear Architects for KLûK
building features CGDT, is an open-brickwork screen
a facade in blush
pink; the living area
in a custom-made pink pigmented
features a chunky concrete. When lit internally, this
loop rug from creates a glowing, lantern-like effect.
Mae Artisan Rugs,
the Plinth coffee “We were insistent that in the future,
table and Offset sofa planting would become a part of the
by Norm Architects architecture of the building,” says designer
for Menu, a Bernard
lounge chair from and developer Christiaan Gabriel du
Hay, the Remi Toit. “We want plants to cascade and be
armchair from
La Grange Interiors,
present on all levels to soften the hard
the Kelly cabinet elements and make nature form part of
Homes by Poliform and a the units. We also hope the building will
Beovision Horizon
television by add to the architectural richness of Cape
78 Bang & Olufsen Town, almost like a gallery or museum.”
This page: The
design of the pool
was inspired by the
farm reservoir,
an agricultural water
tank common to
most South African

Opposite page:
Homeowner Dawid
Augustyn takes
a dip in the pool; the
sheepskin beneath
the vanity
was procured
from Woodheads
At street level, the four-storey building’s
blush-pink, brick-screen facade and
sculptural entrance are eye candy for
Fresnaye, a toney neighbourhood on
the Atlantic Seaboard slopes of Table
Mountain and a minute’s walk from
the Sea Point promenade. There is a lot
going for the locale, and many of its
elegant avenues are now fringed with
new-build, off-plan boxy grey blocks that

“The strategic
reinforce a generic real-estate trope.
“I appreciated that architecturally,
Clarens had character, and was carefully

connection to the considered and curated; plus the interior

spaces had three compelling aspects

outdoors and nature

that worked for how I enjoy living,” says
Augustyn. “The strategic connection to the

was important...
outdoors and nature was important. Then
the spaces, which although very crafted,
never feel heavy or energy-sapping because

And, as a designer,
they have a sense of openness, filled with
natural light and charming to inhabit.

I bonded big time

And, as a designer, I bonded big time
with the colour palette of the interior.”
As he suggests, the interior colour scheme

with the colour palette is unusual but beautifully muted, and easy to
work with. A feature wall in millennial pink

of the interior”
is set off by other finishes in smoky grey,
charcoal, stone, caramel and maize shades, Homes

plus a lot of earthy and cocooning tones. Sanctuaries

“It’s a very grounding ambience,” he says. 81

Augustyn selected a variety of furniture
from international and South African
designers that are “easy to be around”, and
that they certainly are, but that’s the trick;
they are easy to be around by design.
As you enter the 1,765sqft duplex
apartment, the dining table in the living
room grabs your attention, with curved
metal legs that echo the sculptural motifs
found in the interior architecture. The
table’s terrazzo top mirrors the stone-paved
floors of the building’s lobby and outdoor
courtyards. Further into the room is a chair
with mid-century lines and in a modern
iteration in a dandy green lacquered
wood and canvas, making it the perfect
transitional piece between indoors and out.
Upstairs, the main bedroom, which
has views of Lion’s Head mountain and
the ocean beyond, has been mindfully
appointed to avoid bulky forms on the floor.
There are no chunky bedside cabinets or
clunky bed bases here. A four-poster bed
anchors the space, while one bedside table
acts almost like a drinks trolley with shelves



This page: In the
master bedroom,
a four-poster bed
from SHF Home
creates an open
and spacious feeling
while an artwork by
Claire Johnson adds
a dash of colour

Opposite page,
clockwise from top:
Curvilinear furniture
in the main bedroom
includes the Jumbo
desk from Miniforms;
the ensuite master
bathroom features
a wall-to-wall bathtub
clad in granite and
fittings from Your
Space Bathrooms;
the wall paint used in
the stairwell mirrors
the hue of the
building’s exterior



This page, from top that change width to accommodate what
left: Gracing the you need close by, while the other cleverly
upstairs landing
area is a prismic combines a standing lamp and small table.
metal sculpture by Indeed, cohesive examples of witty
Gaelen Pinnock
from Smith Studio;
flexibility are numerous in all the rooms
a view of an artwork and contribute to an emotive comfort
in the secondary that comes with spaces that are planned
bedroom from the
master bathroom; well, not just on paper, but in their real-
this colourful steel life, practical applications, which feel
sculpture, also contemporary, relevant and expressive.
by Pinnock, creates
visual interest on “How we live now, is very adaptive,’’
a cabinet in the he muses. “We’re a generation of nomads
secondary bedroom
and can detach quickly from a setting or
Opposite page: situation. I like the idea that a chair can
The upholstered be around a dining table one day, and at
headboard in this
bedroom was chosen your desk or even outside on the terrace
to anchor the space the next. It’s great that you can take these
and provide designs to your next home and use them in
a cocooning
setting, framed by a different way. I think that’s the modern
architectural lighting way to live now; well, certainly for me.”
from Establishment
True to his words, the nomadic
owner’s next personal property projects— Homes

a house in Cape Town and a small villa Sanctuaries

in Italy—are already in the works. 85

Hide and Seek
These dream spaces blur the line between
the indoors and out with Glass Curtains, the
fully retractable sliding glass panels available
exclusively from Durablinds
On breezy, fair-weather days, it create a specific area for work. Left to right: The
seems a waste for your outdoor Described as being “curtains design concept of
this home office by
areas to be underutilised— made of glass”, this product features SS+D features the
especially when you’ve been fully retractable glass panels that fully retractable glass
panels from Glass
spending more time at home. can be discreetly stacked to the Curtains; the rooftop
The Glass Curtains system from side when you want to open up gym similarly features
Spain will help you make the the space for work or play. Here, this innovative system,
which can be opened
most of your interior and exterior we ask three local design firms to fully to maximise
spaces; it can also function as envision how they would make the views of the skyline
Homes partitions that can carve out most of the innovative features of
86 separate zones when you need to Glass Curtains in future projects.
SS + D
Founded by Sam Loh in 2013, the
firm crafts inspiring interiors that
imaginatively combine elements of Besides boasting a prime location
art and design for abodes and offices and generous square footage, the
in Singapore. Loh, who has over magnificent views of Singapore’s
two decades of experience in the iconic skyline make penthouse
industry, celebrates the use of tra- apartments particularly covetable.
ditional hand-drawings and digital When SS+D founder Sam Loh was
tools in conceptualising the dream tasked to craft a dream rooftop
spaces the firm designs for its clients. space using Glass Curtains, the
interior designer created a private
terrace with separate rooms
for a gym and a workspace for
a penthouse unit, connected by
a corridor and an infinity pool.
To make the most of the
panoramic views, the designer
envisioned how the rooftop spaces
could be used for socialising. He
cleverly carved out areas where
the owners could entertain their
guests; these include a bar counter
in the gym and a lounge area in
the home office, such that both
rooms can also function as a place
for guests and family to gather.
“The use of Glass Curtains
enhances our design approach by
creating a seamless connection
between the indoor and outdoor
areas, allowing the users to
redefine the sense of space when
needed,” says Loh. “Both the
workspace and gym area can
be enclosed independently to
reduce the surrounding noise and
distraction, without compromising
the unobstructed city views.”
To create a unified look
throughout, Loh and his team
selected natural materials such as
stone and wood in neutral tones.
A pebbled corridor lined with a
row of bamboo plants adds to the
tranquil look of the rooftop; it also
features wooden trellis detailing
that draws cues to the use of dark
timber flooring in the enclosed
rooms. “Materials in neutral colours
and minimalist architectural
detailing place the emphasis on
the fabulous skyline views from Homes

the apartment,” says Loh. 87

Left to right: This
interior concept
by Summerhaus
D’zign features
a double-height
lounge area
with poolside
views; another
of the lounge
area; the Glass
Curtains system
can fully enclose
the space on
warm days

Social Zone
“At Summerhaus D’zign, we believe
in creating houses that are tailored
to the lifestyles of their owners;
we strive to create abodes that
are not only aesthetically tasteful
but also relevant, practical and
functional to live in,” says Larry
Lim, co-founder of Summerhaus
Summerhaus D’zign revisits a previous
D’zign. Led by Lim and his wife bungalow project to craft an enviable
Jess Koh, the firm has crafted
beautiful homes using various entertainment area for a family who love
natural finishes that contribute to
the textured depth of each space.
to host guests
For this project, Lim collaborated
with the firm’s chief conceptualiser
Jenno Marco Misa to design
a spacious entertainment lounge
on the ground floor. The floorplan
was inspired by a former bungalow
project the firm had worked on,
as the designers felt that Glass
Curtains would suit the space.
“Traditional sliding doors or multi-
folding doors do not offer
a seamless view of the landscape,”
says Lim. “Glass Curtains
solves the issue of not having
a panoramic view with its frameless
design; it also reduces noise levels
when the room is enclosed.”
The team extended the pool to
Homes border the perimeter of the lounge
88 area, so that the family can continue
Founded in 2012, the firm is led
to enjoy views of the outdoors from bar cabinet and along the walls by husband-and-wife team Larry
this open-concept space even when between the dining room and the Lim and Jess Koh, who have crafted
the Glass Curtains are closed. lounge. A suede sofa, leather seats dozens of stunning abodes in
“We wanted to create a zone and an oversized carpet soften the Singapore. At the Asia Pacific
that blurs the line between indoor effect of the angular features in this Property Awards 2017, the practice
and outdoor spaces,” explains Lim. space. Additionally, a gold frame received the Best Office Interior
“The children can play in the pool is applied to the bookmatched accolade for its new design studio
while their parents relax on the marble feature wall at the bar and the Best Interior Design Apart-
sofa or hang out at the bar area, area. “These details contribute ment for its work on The Tessarina.
enjoying a whisky while keeping to the sense of understated
an eye on their kids. At the same luxury in the home,” says Lim.
time, another group can be sitting He and his team are intrigued
in the dining area enjoying their by the creative possibilities of the
drinks after a hearty meal.” glass system. Adds Lim: “We will
A neutral palette was selected consider using Glass Curtains
for the interior scheme and paired in not only balcony areas, but as
with decorative elements in an alternative to traditional glass
walnut wood to evoke a sense of sliding doors in living rooms. In
warmth. For a glamorous touch, certain scenarios, we believe it can
the firm incorporated a backlit also be used as a replacement for
onyx countertop into the bar, along windows to allow a larger opening
with classy bronze frames on the and better views of the outdoors.” Homes

Left to right:
A view of the
patio from the
living area; the
patio can be fully
enclosed to keep
insects and rain
out of the space;
a view of the
patio with the
Glass Curtains
Tatler stacked to the
Homes side, freeing up
90 the space
Garden State
MOW Interior creates a poolside porch that MOW Interior
can be enjoyed regardless of the weather After running their individual firms
for nearly two decades, NAFA
Singapore’s hot, humid weather terraces in future projects, as graduates Wong Teck Soon and
makes most homeowners less well as workspaces and living Shermaine Ong were reunited
keen to use the outdoor spaces of rooms that blur the line between at a school gathering; they co-found-
their abodes; dust from the road indoor and outdoor areas. “In the ed local studio MOW Interior in
and the problem of pesky insects past, the challenge was that the 2018. The firm has since designed
are also among the contributing glass panels could not be crafted a wide array of beautiful homes,
factors to underutilised balconies without a frame, and even if we offices and other commercial spaces
and outdoor areas. So when could do it frameless we would in Singapore, each tailored to fit the
the owners of this house tasked have a wind-whistling issue; you unique requirements of its users.
MOW Interior co-founders Wong can hear the sound of the wind
Teck Soon and Shermaine Ong blowing through the glass panels,
to design an outdoor area that especially for apartments located
they would actually use more on higher storeys. Durablinds
frequently, the dynamic duo were now has a solution for this
delighted to discover the Glass with Glass Curtains, so I was
Curtains system from Durablinds. pretty impressed,” says Ong.
For this project, which is She adds: “In fact, I met them
currently in the early design phase, at the right time, which allowed
the firm proposed the use of the me to propose this product to my
retractable glass panels for the clients to integrate their neglected
owners’ poolside porch to turn patio with their interior space.
it into a cosy nook for coffee and And it seems like with every
reading. The Glass Curtains will problem that I raise, Durablinds
enclose the space during sweltering is able to resolve the issue.”
days so that the air-conditioning
keeps the area comfortably cool,
while the family will still get
to enjoy views of the pool.
“We proposed to integrate the
outdoor patio with the interior
using Glass Curtains; this product
from Durablinds is the key to
achieving a visual connection with
the outdoors,” shares Ong. To
complement the nature-inspired
theme, the firm picked an earthy
palette composed of shades of
taupe and grey, elevated with
verdant accents to create an indoor
garden. Adds Wong: “We have
also recommended using tiles in
a stone finish, as well as outdoor
furniture and potted plants to
achieve that indoor-outdoor effect.”
The designers can also foresee
the use of Glass Curtains for
balcony areas or mini garden
Art direction and production Charlene Lee Styling assistant Sarah Ng Photography assistant Evan Kong

the Ages
DP Architects designs
Grooming Benedict Choo, using Nars

a sustainable, multigenerational
home that celebrates its
connection to nature Tatler

By Luo Jingmei. Photography Jasper Yu Sanctuaries

Left to right: The
floating steps
create a focal point
in the home; Teoh
Hai Pin, director of
DP Architects, is
pictured next to
the staircase

Previous spread: A
view of the dining
room from the
outdoor terrace;
the Elaeocarpus
hainanensis tree
draws the eye in the
courtyard on the
ground floor
eing immersed in nature has many
benefits. Better air quality, green
views, and natural light and ventilation
contribute to a heightened sense of calm
as well as improved productivity. This
bungalow, designed by DP Architects,
boasts all of these qualities and more.
At the core of this home’s design is a tight
relationship with nature—its structure has
parts chiselled out and filled with verdant
courtyards, roof terraces, backyards and
water bodies, says Teoh Hai Pin,
the project’s lead architect and director
of DP Architects.

This house is an oasis for a retired couple
who live here with their son and his young
family; their daughter resides overseas but
returns during the holidays. On the first
storey, the living area, family room, kitchen
and guest room border a formal dining
space at the plan’s centre. The second storey
houses bedrooms for the son and his wife
as well as their young children, while
the elder couple’s master bedroom and
daughter’s bedroom are located at attic-level Homes

in separate wings. Green decks and corridors Sanctuaries

between these spaces offer a sense of privacy. 95

The topography slopes higher toward
the rear. This elevates the main parts of the
house, giving it increased seclusion. Beneath,
the garage sits at road level. Beyond the
main door, an Elaeocarpus hainanensis tree
planted in a large courtyard is a focal point.
“The key design philosophy is for the house
to be perceived as a timeless, tropical piece
of architecture that may grow to be more
beautiful over time. Spatial programming
aside, a play with light guides the house’s
design,” explains Teoh. His integration
of light into space “enhances the human
experience beyond visual enjoyment”.
To complement the tropical
architecture, the family also worked
closely with local studio Free Space
Intent to select the furnishings, while the
landscaping was done by DP Green.

“The key design

philosophy for
the house is to
be percieved
as a timeless,
tropical piece of
architecture that
may grow to be
more beautiful
over time”


This page: The
outdoor decking of
the pool provides a
visual connection
with the twin
living areas on the
second floor

Opposite page:
The dry kitchen
is a bright space
featuring Shaker-
style cabinetry
and light wood
flooring; an earthy
material palette
complements the
proximity to nature
Water is another element that Teoh prism in the evening. For added comfort
employs to elicit a sense of serenity. during the day, a long awning cantilevers
“Upon shutting the main door, one over the pool to shade it,” Teoh highlights.
is transported into a tranquil haven, In the owner’s attic study, lush planters
supplemented by the relaxing sounds of shield the interiors from neighbours and the
rippling water in the sunken courtyard,” evening sun. “This passive strategy in turn
says the architect. “There is a reconnection creates a cooler room temperature in the
to nature despite being deep in the attic, resulting in a reduced air-conditioning
basement, as sunlight, the breezes and load and energy savings,” says Teoh.
rain pour poetically into the courtyard.” Overhead, shade-giving aluminium
The courtyard invites guests and trellises coated with timber-toned paint
occupants to linger and enjoy a respite from “create shadows that poetically highlight the
social and domestic routines. Glistening passing of time in the day,” adds the architect.
quartz clads the void, reflecting sunlight Indoors, the staircase leading from the first
inwards. This glow also imbues the level to the attic appears to float. It comprises
Homes swimming pool that the grandchildren Siena walnut-veneered timber over a structure
Sanctuaries enjoy using. “Framed by glittering mosaic of folding, 20mm-thick metal plates. Glass
98 tiles, it shimmers elegantly like a crystal railings add to this levitating effect.
Left to right: Pockets
of greenery are
visible throughout
the house, including
the family room on
the second storey
which is clad in
Palisandro Gold
marble flooring;
the dining area
looks out to verdant
views; the master
bathroom features
a freestanding
bathtub and a trellis
ceiling that mimics
the sense of
being outdoors



This page: The son
and his wife enjoy
sitting by the window
at this cosy nook
in their bedroom;
the grandparents’
bedroom is an
understated space
with a tactile mix of
natural materials

Opposite page:
The grandson’s blue
room features a bed
in the shape of
a sports car and other
playful automobile
toys; a geometric rug
adds a lively touch
to the study; the
granddaughters share
a lavender bedroom
decorated with
their paintings

The same quartz cladding the basement

courtyard dresses the facade, whose opacity
mitigates the southwestern sun, says Teoh.

On the roof, ample solar panels and a
solar-powered water heater make the
house as technologically sustainable as it
is passively ecological. “Besides the clever
and extensive use of natural light, I also
wanted to ensure that the family had
the option to reduce their energy usage
with clean power for a smaller carbon
footprint,” says Teoh. “The solar power
generated is either sold back to the national
grid, or channelled straight to the electric
car docking system in the garage.”
These gestures prove that as much
as a house is aesthetically and sensibly
pleasant, it can offer much more to current
and future generations with green living
as the most natural way of domestic life.
World of Wonder
Colour-blocked patterns and
geometric shapes draw out the
Memphis influences in this home
designed by The Scientist
Most Singaporean abodes lean interior that demonstrates a
towards simple, modern designs. daring yet visually cohesive
But this 1,044sqft apartment mix of shapes and colours.
bucks the trend—its bold, eclectic “This project was definitely
touches are heavily influenced a challenge for us as the concept
by the Memphis movement, is highly uncommon in the
an aesthetic from the 1980s Singapore design scene,” says
characterised by vibrant, abstract Krystle Teoh, the lead designer
shapes and the prominent use of this project. “The clients
of terrazzo and laminates. were initially concerned about
The owners, Bryan Lim and the colour selection for their
Elaine Seak, told interior design home. However, things just
firm The Scientist that they flowed naturally during the
preferred a dramatic departure renovation process, and we
from cookie-cutter modern experimented with various
minimalist interiors; they wanted combinations until we found
their home to feature an exuberant the mix that worked best.”


Left to right:
An artwork
portraying the
family adds
a personal touch
to the living area,
which also features
the Roche Bobois
Bubble sofa by
Sacha Lakic; the
Marset Discocó
pendant lamp
by Christophe
Mathieu is among
the playful pieces
in the dining
area; vibrant
wallpaper livens
up the laundry
space; custom
pieces include
the royal blue
TV console; wall
lights enhance the
contrasting brick-
red and salmon-
pink walls in this
corridor, creating
depth within the

The Scientist
As its name would suggest, this local
studio celebrates the best qualities
of scientific endeavours—it aims to
pair humankind’s inquisitive and
persistent thirst for knowledge with
an analytical yet creative framework.
The firm embarks on every project
with an open mind and is dedicated
to finding the right solution to every
client’s needs. The studio’s founder
Alvin Ling firmly believes: “what
is done in love is done well”. The
veteran designer, who has nearly two
decades of industry experience, has
helmed design-and-build projects for
notable properties such as D’Leedon Homes

and The Orchard Residences. 103

This page:
The study boasts
an energising mix
of hues on the
wall and custom
cabinetry; colour
blocking on the
walls and storage
units in the master
bedroom makes
the space
come alive

Opposite page:
The children’s
bedroom sports
white bunk beds
from Piccolo House
and candy-like
stripes on the wall


The colour schemes of the living
and dining areas were fashioned
around the purple Roche Bobois
Bubble sofa, which was purchased
by the owners months before the
renovation began. “The wall colours
and built-in carpentry were specially
handpicked to complement the sofa
as it’s one of the key elements of the
home,” says Teoh.
The team also constructed arched
entryways and designed various
custom-made furniture as well
as storage units in playful shapes
to reference the influential
design movement. These include
a royal blue full-height cabinet
with teal elements and a custom

bench in turquoise in the cabinet; it also incorporates

dining area. Rounding up this a table with a terrazzo top
stylish setup is a custom granite and olive-green drawers.
dining table, accompanied by Swiftly completed in two
fuschia velvet dining chairs. months, this three-bedroom
The master bedroom is among apartment offers a contemporary
the most dramatic spaces in this take on the Memphis movement;
apartment. Colour blocking on the and the owners are thrilled with
wall and cabinetry creates visual the result. “At the end of the day,
impact, resulting in a cheerful space satisfaction from the clients is
for the couple. These bold design our top priority,” says Teoh.
elements go perfectly with a daring
red headboard and wall lamps The Scientist
that feature terrazzo detailing. 114 Lavender Street
In the study, a striking mural #06-86 CT Hub 2
sports candy-like tones painted Tel: 6743 0363 Homes

around a custom-made wall 105

and Space
Inspired by its sleek
architecture and
spacious outdoor
areas, this home
in Athens is now
a restful retreat for
an artistic family
By Hong Xinying
Images Courtesy of Liaigre
The design team took
much care to subtly
weave in references to
the local context while
decorating the home

Left to right:
A dramatic sculpture
greets visitors at
the entryway; the
minimalist dining
area looks out to
the courtyard; the
Page bookcases from
Liaigre in the living
room are loosely
inspired by the
architecture of Greek
Orthodox churches

Previous spread:
The living room is
furnished entirely by
Liaigre, with furniture
including a pair of
Bouddha sofas in
leather and fabric,
a Verneuil II sofa in
Tatler purple upholstery,
Racine coffee table
Sanctuaries and Montfaucon
side table
efined by its minimalist white facade, to decorate the 8,611sqft villa. Founded
this abode is surrounded by the leafy by the late French designer Christian
streets of the Kifissia district in Athens, Liaigre, who passed away in September,
Greece. Designed by Greek architect Jenny the eponymous brand remains true to its
Nomikou, the property is the home of a minimalist ethos and understated approach
busy Greek entrepreneur. The owner wanted to design, as embodied by this Athens abode.
to turn the house into a sanctuary that she
could enjoy relaxing in with her family and MATERIAL MATTERS
friends; the outdoor areas in particular were Given the property’s sizeable footprint,
to be well-furnished to make the most of the the biggest challenge for this project was
property’s verdant surroundings. The client to create a cosy ambience while keeping
and her family are also avid art collectors, the design language cohesive throughout
having acquired masterpieces from various the house, both indoors and out. To
epochs, and the home was to showcase achieve this, the team selected recurring
their exquisite assemblage of works. materials for the furnishings that unite
The client greatly admired the the outdoor areas with the interior.
understated aesthetic of French design brand The Hestia armchair, as well as some Homes

Liaigre, and thus enlisted Liaigre Design of the chaise longues within the home, Sanctuaries

Service, the brand’s interior decoration arm, are made with wenge wood, which is also 109


This page, from employed in some of the outdoor furniture
top left: A dramatic selected for the abode. Beige, brown and
column of oversized
pendant lamps other earthy hues are accentuated with
creates visual interest crimson and tangerine accents that add
in the stairwell; a
close-up of the wenge
dynamism to various spaces in the house.
wood backrest of the Natural textures of silk on the rugs and the
Hestia armchair from use of linen for cushions and bedding sets
Liaigre; blue vases
add a touch of colour bring both a luxurious and soothing touch.
to the neutral scheme Everything from the made-in-France
furniture to the decorative trays and
Opposite page:
This bedroom quilts was carefully chosen to convey both
features a leather- comfort and style. The clean lines of the
headboard from
interior architecture are heightened by the
Liaigre, custom-made streamlined forms of the furnishings and
bedside tables home accessories from Liaigre. The use of
and a pair of Citron
lamps; a large dark wood is a pleasing contrast to the white
photographic print walls and light wood flooring, while the Homes
takes centre stage in high-gloss finish of the lacquered table tops Sanctuaries
the dining room
adds a polished touch to the elegant tableau. 111
The design team took much care to subtly
weave in references to the local context
while decorating the home. Take, for
instance, the Page bookcases in the living
room, which were loosely inspired by
the monumental proportions of Greek
This page:
Orthodox churches. These handsome Red accent
shelves also tastefully display the owner’s cushions add
favourite art books and are paired with a pop of colour
to the Lyse sofa,
the square Jamaican dogwood coffee which is custom-
table, an anchor piece that mirrors the made in oiled teak
and upholstered
narrow windows of the living area. in outdoor
Another notable feature is the Honoré fabric for the
fireplace, created in collaboration with rooftop area; the
abundant greenery
French artist and designer Eric Schmitt. contributes to the
This model is crafted in bronze with a raw tranquil ambience
finish that adds a textural dimension to of the home; this
outdoor dining
the living area, and is one of a few bronze room features
pieces designed by Schmitt for this abode. a vertical garden
A striking chandelier was also specially Opposite page:
crafted for the stairwell to create a focal The rooftop
point by the entrance. The lighting piece is terraces are
furnished with
made using hi-macs, an acrylic-and-mineral sofas and
composite surface with a subtle, translucent armchairs in
quality that’s juxtaposed with the black various upholstery
fabrics that
patina on its brass structure. Though simple differentiate one
Homes in form, the hefty piece spans three storeys, area from another
Sanctuaries and was a considerable technical feat realised
112 by Liaigre’s Paris-based lighting studio.
SUNSHINE STATE is furnished with Lyse sofas, custom- Left to right:
A view of the building
The house has five large terraces which made in oiled teak and upholstered in facade; the indoor
can be simultaneously viewed together an outdoor fabric. The accompanying pool looks out to
from certain angles. Among these is an Aubier coffee table is similarly crafted a symmetrical pair of
sofas and armchairs
outdoor dining room, which is shielded in oiled teak, and matched with the at the front lawn
from the sun by a pergola and flanked Misti side table and Herisson armchairs
by a mossy green vertical garden; it is that feature an oiled teak backrest.
furnished with a custom banquette in It is testament to the design team’s
oiled teak and upholstered in an outdoor creative efforts and the brand’s restrained
fabric. A generous arrangement of cushions design philosophy that the final result looks
invites the family to rest and lounge in beautifully conceived, with nary an element
this dining space on fair-weather days. out of place. Each space works as elegantly
Another of the family’s favourite well on its own, while coming together
outdoor areas is the rooftop terrace, which harmoniously as a stunning whole.
Out of the Box
This page: Boxx
Euro offers various
soft-closing hardware
options for your
kitchen cabinetry

Keep your home organised and Opposite page,

clockwise from top left:

design the wardrobe and kitchen The brand’s manually

operated lift system

of your dreams with Boxx Euro,

enables easier access
to your clothing racks;
this table extension

a new furniture hardware brand creates a workspace

that can be concealed
when it’s not in use;

manufactured in Spain the Boxx Lift system

features a soft closing
integrated system
and a maximum
When you’re busy planning the wardrobe systems from Boxx Euro, opening angle of
110 degrees
renovation of your home, the a new brand and a subsidiary of
hinges and compartments of local laminates purveyor Arova
your wardrobe are typically not Singapore. Proudly made in Spain,
at the top of your priority list. But this furniture hardware brand offers
these finer details do matter— a full range of wardrobe design
particularly if you want to keep solutions that can fit seamlessly
your treasured belongings neatly into various interior schemes;
organised as well as craft a space its products also come with
Homes that stands the test of time. a lifetime warranty assuring
116 Look to the soft-closing you that they’re made to last.
A QUIET PLACE and revolving footwear
From soft-closing precision runners shelves that can store as
for drawers and concealed hinges to many as 30 pairs of shoes.
pull latches with sound-dampeners, Additionally, Boxx Euro offers
these sleek fittings guarantee a manually operated wardrobe
whisper-quiet operation whenever lift system that allows easy access
you access your storage areas. These to shirts and dresses displayed
subtle elements ensure minimal on the higher racks. This nifty
noise in the day, particularly if you feature can handle weights of up
have family members working to 16kg and helps to maximise the
from home; you won’t be waking use of space in your wardrobe.
up the kids or your partner in
the middle of the night, either. WORK SMART
Other useful products from Boxx
KEEP IT NEAT Euro include a table extension that
Avid cooks will appreciate how the can be affixed to your cabinetry
sleek accessories from Boxx Euro to create a compact nook for
can help keep their culinary space working at home, whether in the
neat and well-organised. These living area or bedroom. Crafted
include cutlery trays, stainless- in aluminium with champagne
steel plate racks, compartment gold detailing, the table top can
dividers and double-walled drawers be extended to a maximum of
specially made for the kitchen. 50cm and concealed within the
Homeowners with an extensive drawer when it is not in use.
wardrobe can also showcase
and arrange their clothing and Boxx Euro
accessories neatly and easily with 7 Mandai Link
the brand’s space-saving solutions. #04-03 Mandai Connection
These include soft-closing baskets Tel: 6251 3033 Homes

for towels, trousers racks 117

Lush Life
Foma Architects designs
a verdant home surrounded by
an abundance of green views
By Luo Jingmei. Photography Jasper Yu

Art direction and production Charlene Lee Assisted by Sarah Ng and Tan Ming Yuan
Exterior photography Joseph Goh/Infinitude



luxuriant garden is not only
beautiful to look at; it can also
conjure up a sense of calm, especially
in Singapore’s concrete jungle. This is
especially important for homes, in which
residents seek comfort and calm while
spending time with their loved ones.
Designed by Foma Architects, this
9,838sqft corner terrace house in the western
part of Singapore embodies this verdant
concept. “Being horticulture enthusiasts,
the owners requested to have a house with
Left to right: spaces that cater to religious and social
The double-height
living room is
gatherings, as well as gardening,” says
styled with Tan Chun Hao, principal of
a Fritz Hansen Foma Architects, who established the
cushion by Jaime
Hayon, as well firm in 2012 with his partner Terence
as blue and grey Tan. “Therefore, we amalgamated
cushions from both quality living spaces and
Lema and Zanotta,
all sourced from greenery all around the house.”
W. Atelier; the
front of the house
shields the interior
spaces from From the main gate, the structure is seen as
prying eyes; the a monolithic block that peels a little
combination of
white walls and from its wall partition, bringing natural
a material mix of light into the deep plan. The property
natural stone
and wood creates
employs different ways of addressing its
a calming effect in east-west facing direction. The screens
this property protect the interiors from extreme
Previous spread: heat and glare, and the hermetic,
The liberal use marble-clad wall insulates heat.
of Chengal wood The architect made the front of this
for the outdoor
decking adds to abode opaque in order to slowly reveal
the welcoming its various spaces. “The entrance of the
look of the
entrance; vines
house is designed as a solid frontage clad
and other trailing in black granite in a natural split finish.
plants add a The intention is to create a little surprise Homes
verdant layer to
the facade after one has entered the main door, Sanctuaries

to see the central garden,” says Tan. 121

This page:
The basement lounge,
which functions Glassed walls and balconies enable the
as a karaoke room, garden in the courtyard to be visible
is styled with a
large fine-art print from every part of the house. It lets the
by British illustrator family—a couple and their three grown
Magesa Biseko sons, one of whom is married with a
and a series of
acrylic paintings child—feel like they are living in a resort.
by Singapore artist Tan also ensured that many of the full-
William Lee, all
sourced from Living
height windows are operable to capture
with Art; this balcony the prevailing north-south winds.
is decorated with “On the higher floors, planter boxes filled
the Fritz Hansen
Origami basket by with a variety of plants surround the entire
Cecilie Manz, Zanotta extent of the balcony with hanging greenery
Toi side table by and climbers on the railing, forming
Salvatore Indriolo and
Gloster 180 Stacking a continuous layer of landscaping that
chair with teak arms, surrounds the bedrooms. The lush foliage
all from W. Atelier
heightens the sensation of being immersed
Opposite page: in nature and shields the occupants from
The glass elevator the prying eyes of passers-by,” explains Tan.
shaft cuts through the
lush foliage in The layout of the home traces the
the courtyard topography of the land, which slopes lower
at the rear, enhancing this meandering
effect through natural terrain. The ground
floor, being more public, hosts activities for
visitors. The entrance door opens into
Homes a prayer hall, and a short flight of steps leads
Sanctuaries to an entertainment area behind. Both of
122 these spaces are enveloped in greenery.
This page: An expansive
balcony features the
Gloster Kay dining chair
with arms and Ray lamp
by Henrik Pedersen from
W. Atelier, while the
study is styled with
a Bynd Artisan
leather tray from
and a painting of Hock
Lam Street by William
Lee from Living with Art

Opposite page: This

bedroom sports a simple,
neutral palette and a
soothing mix of wood on
the flooring and feature
wall. The bed is dressed
with a duvet from the
French linen set by
Sunday Bedding, from
Taking advantage of the terrain, Tan
installed a small waterfall that runs
from the direction of the prayer hall
to the entertainment space. The sound
of moving water is conducive to both
spiritual solitude and convivial gatherings.
Tan selected a transparent shell for the
lift shaft, which faces the garden, so the
occupants can appreciate the landscape
even when transitioning between floors.
The first storey contains the living
room, dining area and kitchen. The
second storey overlooks this double-
volume space and the garden beyond; a
more intimate family room is also located
here, amplifying the choice of gathering
areas that are still interconnected.
“This living and dining area was
created as a space for the family to gather
and host close friends and relatives. We
wanted it to be grand, bright and at Homes

the same time, relaxing,” says Tan. The Sanctuaries

external vertical louvres afford privacy. 125

The third storey houses bedrooms for
the three sons. A balcony connects the
bedrooms of the younger sons, while the
eldest son and his wife reside in the other
wing, which is connected via a bridge.
Crossing it lets the family appreciate the
courtyard garden from an aerial view. The
master bedroom and a spacious study take
up the whole attic. The bedroom enjoys
a garden along its entire length, which
culminates in an intimate plot of green
This page:
for private contemplation in nature. The younger son’s
The house’s earthy palette is cohesive bedroom looks out to
a balcony area that
with its garden concept. “The front and rear is connected to his
facades are clad in travertine because it is a brother’s room next
good heat insulator and is able to withstand door, which is styled
with a Santa & Cole
the harsh tropical climate,” Tan explains. Cestita table lamp by
“Chengal wood is used for all outdoor Miguel Milá and the
decking and wall cladding for its sturdiness, Zanotta Toi side table,
both from W. Atelier;
durability and resistance against termites.” the use of travertine-
Inside the house, Daino Reale marble like homogenous tiles
and Tak laminates
adorns the living and dining area floor. creates a spa-like
American white oak timber lends a tactile ambience in
feel underfoot in the bedrooms and upper- this bathroom
level corridors. The first-storey toilets employ Opposite page:
homogeneous tiles for easy maintenance. The master bedroom
“We believe that good architecture and is decorated with
the Sea Corals I
interior design are achieved by striking a lithograph print by
balance between man, nature and their Magesa Biseko from
Tatler Living with Art
Homes respective environments,” says Tan. This and the Fritz Hansen
Sanctuaries project, which took 15 months to complete, Origami basket from
126 certainly reflects that philosophy. W. Atelier
Golden Dawn
Dramatic arches and vibrant accents
elevate an apartment crafted by
local studio Nidhi Jain
Amid a backdrop of tranquil SOCIAL CIRCLE
greenery in central Singapore is As entertaining guests is an
a 3,800sqft apartment boasting essential part of the owners’
a beautiful framework. “Our task lifestyle, a fully equipped bar
was to design a glamorous house for was installed in the dining area
a couple from the finance industry,” in the open-plan living room.
shares Nidhi Jain, founder of Nidhi A marble-topped bar counter
Jain. The architect worked on fronts custom-made gold and
the project with her partner and glass shelves displaying a curated
interior designer Emily Loberg. collection of whiskies and gin. The
bar acts as a connector between the
HALL OF FAME living and dining spaces. “The idea
Balancing the overall palette of was to encourage people to move
azure and gold, the look is brought around and enjoy every corner of
together with two stunning this big, open living space,”
abstract carpets from Nasser says Nidhi Jain.
Nishaburi, which echo the colours The homeowners also enjoy
used in this living room beautifully; using the spacious balcony, which
these rugs contribute to the layered overlooks a lush canopy of
look of the interior. The team also trees, some of which are more
designed and created beautiful high- than 100 years old. While the
Homes gloss arches as the key elements of overall aesthetic emphasised
128 the apartment. a stylish, modern approach, the
This page: The
balcony looks out
to the greenery in
the neighbourhood;
emerald curtains
frame the elegant
arched doorway
that leads to
the family room;
architect Nidhi
Jain and interior
designer Emily
Loberg are pictured
at the bar area,
which features gold
detail and an Italian
designers believe in celebrating marble countertop
organic forms, so they filled the
Opposite page:
space with rattan outdoor furniture Rich accents of
and nature-inspired accents. blue and gold
elevate the look of
the living area; an
HAPPY ENDING abstract artwork
“With absolutely no idea what was specially
commissioned to
February had to bring (in the way create a colourful
of pandemic restrictions), we signed focal point in the
living room
the contract with the homeowners
in January, promising our clients
that by April they could let their
current house be rented out,”
says Nidhi Jain. “We managed to Studio
turn this project around within
45 days; it was like running a
marathon with the energy and
Nidhi Jain
Founder Nidhi Jain and her
speed of a 100m sprint!” partner Emily Loberg started
Adds Emily Loberg: “Our client the firm in 2012. The dynamic
was grateful when, one week duo have gathered decades
after they moved in, Singapore of experience working with
announced all borders closed boutique hotels, residential clients,
and the circuit breaker measures. restaurants, offices and boutiques
They had just moved from in India, Singapore, the Maldives
a 1,700sqft apartment to a lovingly and Thailand. “We believe that
designed 3,800sqft house! The each design has to be unique;
finishing touches were made after we spend a great deal of time
we got into phase two (of the and effort in understanding our
pandemic regulations). This project clients’ needs and style to create
taught us a lot of things, especially an experience they truly enjoy,”
how important teamwork is!” shares Nidhi Jain. “We have
developed a system that is not just
efficient; we also fully believe in
Studio Nidhi Jain our one-on-one interaction with Homes our clients,” adds Emily Loberg. 129



In Perfect
Equal parts
polished and
this couple’s
penthouse serves
as a sleek home for
and their pets
By Luo Jingmei.
Photography Studio Periphery



Left to right: A pair of
mustard &Tradition
Flowerpot VP7 lights
by Verner Panton
floats above the
kitchen island;
Trixie Khong, the
founder of local
accessories brand
By Invite Only, lives
in this penthouse
with her husband
Steve Shaw
and their pets

Previous spread:
The living room
features the B&B
Italia Husk armchair
by Patricia Urquiola
and a sofa from
Crate & Barrel;
Tala pendant lights
from Journey East
and the timber
feature wall highlight
the lofty dimensions
of the living room
hen Trixie Khong met her husband
Steve Shaw, he was living in his
bachelor’s pad at The Sail @ Marina
Bay. “The bathroom was bigger than the
wardrobe,” quips the CEO of Singapore-
based accessories label By Invite Only. The
couple moved around for a few years, taking
their time to think carefully about where
they wanted to sink their roots.
The panoramic city views from this
3,500sqft penthouse won them over. Its
spacious footprint, large balcony and
double-height living room were also
appealing. “For me, the environment is
very important,” says Shaw, an automobile
parts entrepreneur. “I realise it has an
effect on my mood and productivity, so
windows are important. It doesn’t have to
be lavish, but if it is tidy and organised,
then we feel very comfortable (in it).” That
Khong’s office was nearby sealed the deal.
The owners told Ang Tung Xan,
executive director of interior design firm
SYRB to “open up the space, and enable
lots of natural light and clean lines”.
The firm had designed Shaw’s former
apartment, as well as the couple’s previous
abodes, so the designers were well aware
of their living habits and preference for
modern, sleek and quietly luxurious Homes

interiors; the team took five months to Sanctuaries

complete the project. 133

Knowing Shaw’s distaste for clutter,
Ang provided ample clever storage
solutions. A double-storey media wall
at the entrance affords privacy to those
lounging on the sofa and creates a
more nuanced entrance experience that
directs the gaze towards windows with
panoramic city views before turning to
the grandeur of the lofty living room.
The timber-clad media wall is
a focal point here; the material also adds
warmth to the home’s monochromatic
colour scheme. On the lower level,
it incorporates the TV console and
shoe cabinet while upstairs, shelves
for books and compartments for
the owners’ cat face a corridor. The
owners also live with two dogs, so the
apartment had to be highly functional
to accommodate their furry friends.
“The cabinet’s configuration was fun
and challenging to design, as we had to
plan the route of where the cat could
climb without destroying the books and
displays,” says Ang. On the first storey,
a wall of white-panelled storage hides
clutter. “The panels also create visual
continuity from the living to the kitchen
and then the dining areas,” says Ang.
The original plan’s potential was
curtailed by rigid space segregation.
“A wall in between the wet and dry
kitchens blocked off light from an

“(The home) doesn’t

entire wall of windows,” says Ang. She
removed this wall, which made not
only the dry kitchen but also the dining
area much brighter. This is where the
owners enjoy their breakfast together
have to be lavish, but if
it is tidy and organised,
before lounging in the living room.
Ang enlarged the dining area by
removing the wall to an adjoining
bedroom. Sliding doors offer the option
of creating an ad-hoc guest room when then we feel very
comfortable (in it)”
closed. This also brings more light
Homes in from the perimeter windows and
Sanctuaries provides ready lounging spots by the
134 windows when family and friends visit.
This page:
Foldable doors
divide the open-
plan ground floor
into two to create
an additional
room for visiting
guests; a view of
the dining area,
which can house
an eight-seater
dining set when
the bifold doors
are concealed

Opposite page:
This corridor
features cabinetry
that was designed
as a safe space
that the family cat
can climb up and
retreat to when it
needs time away
from the dogs



Next to the main entrance, a room
shares the living area’s balcony. The
master bedroom and study are on the
second storey, linked by a corridor that
overlooks the lofty living room. There
is also an open terrace on the roof.
“We cut the large master bedroom
into half so that we could create a bigger
wardrobe,” says Shaw. “We didn’t spend
much time in our previous home’s
massive master bedroom during the day,
so it made sense to put the space into
the wardrobe and bathroom.” Even after
being reduced, the master bedroom has
sufficient space for a small sitting area.
The voluminous wardrobe certainly
satisfies Khong’s needs. Glass cabinets
make it easy to select her handbag for
the day, and the dresser is well lit. In the
study, a glass panel replaces the wall facing
the living room and view beyond. Blinds
give the option of privacy and use as a
temporary bedroom or future nursery.

MIX AND MATCH This page:

Glass cabinets
After moving in, the couple took their time showcase Khong’s
collection of
to look for the right pieces to furnish their handbags; in the
home. At the entrance, Chinese artist master bedroom,
Lv Yanjun’s Alluring Revolution 4, purchased a low-hanging
String Light Cone
from Ode to Art, adds personality to the Head pendant
corridor. On the first storey, the living lamp by Michael
Anastassiades from
area features a sofa from Crate & Barrel Flos creates an
and B&B Italia Husk armchair by Patricia intimate atmosphere
Urquiola from Space Furniture, brought when switched on
at night
to the new home from Shaw’s previous
abode; the latter was reupholstered in a Opposite page:
grey fabric to complement the neutral The double-height
guest room shares
palette. In the dining area, a customised a balcony area that’s
solid walnut timber table is surrounded by connected to the
living room
Ton 811 chairs designed by Josef Hoffman.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the
owners are unable to host many large
parties, but the home proved to be an ideal
setting for enjoying quiet time together. For
Shaw, who spends long hours working in
his home office, the magnificent city view Homes

and the tranquil interior provide adequate Sanctuaries

opportunities to recharge his senses. 137

A Family Affair
Cube Associate Design gives this conservation
shophouse a contemporary update, turning it into
a cosy home for a multigenerational family


A beloved Singapore icon built Cube Associate
between the 1840s and 1960s,
conservation shophouses served Design
as commercial spaces as well as Established in 1998 by design
private residences in the past. This director Sarah Tham, the award-
dual purpose is revisited in a family winning firm specialises in practical
home set in one such building— design solutions that focus on
instead of reimagining parts of the inventive use of space. The
the space for commercial use, the interdisciplinary practice offers
owners wanted to maximise these a full menu of architecture and
areas for functional purposes. interior design services to both
The team at Cube Associate residential and commercial clients.
Left to right:
Vibrant accent Design, led by design director
cushions and Bocci Sarah Tham, was hired to
28 series pendant transform a three-storey Peranakan
lights add a playful
touch to the living shophouse into a contemporary
room; the shelves abode. The 3,905sqft property,
echo the metallic
detailing in the which was to house a family of
living area three generations, also had to
while showcasing integrate discreet and hidden
various vases
and art objects; storage spaces throughout.
Sarah Tham, “The challenge was to
founder of Cube
Associate Design incorporate a modern interior into
a charming Peranakan shophouse,”
says Tham. “The clients wanted an
uncluttered, contemporary home;
they also wanted better use of the Homes

courtyard on the ground level.” 139

The team faced plenty of challenges
from the outset. The original layout
of the five-bedroom shophouse
was narrow and elongated with
a low ceiling, resulting in limited
access to natural light. The kitchen
was poorly ventilated and the
courtyard, traditionally located
in the middle of the shophouse,
disrupted the flow of the space.
“After examining the site, we
decided we were able to extend
the space vertically by raising the

“The challenge was to

ceiling height,” explains Tham.
“This created a more spacious and
open layout. We also hacked down

incorporate a modern
the kitchen wall and replaced
it with a glass door that opened
to the courtyard. An external

interior into a charming

duct was installed for better
ventilation in the kitchen.”

Peranakan shophouse”
“Before entering the house, you
will be greeted by colourful
Homes Peranakan tiles at the veranda,
140 keeping in harmony with the
shophouse’s original facade,” the second floor by removing
says the designer. “As you enter, an existing wall. The room is
the marble floor of the ground- accessible via a sliding door
level living room will grab your mounted with two large artworks.
attention—it features a dramatic Of course, the home is not
series of bold strokes that guides without its embellishments,
visitors from the living room to which come in the form of
the courtyard.” unique lighting pieces. “One of
In the courtyard, a lush vertical the feature lights is the adjustable
garden complements the textures Bocci 28 series copper pendant
of the granite and lava stone feature lights on the first floor. This
wall, which extends into the living statement piece creates drama
corridor to emphasise a seamless and drums up a fun atmosphere
flow of the space. Full-height while complementing the tone
bi-fold and sliding glass doors of the interiors,” says Tham.
between the courtyard, kitchen Tham believes the art of design
and corridor reinforce the is about using space, light and
connection between the interior texture to inspire positive feelings.
This page: Leather wall
and exterior spaces. Natural According to her, good design is panels add a tactile
ventilation from the courtyard uncomplicated, functional touch to the master
bedroom; the wooden
also reaches the second- and practical; she enjoys creating flooring presents
floor bedrooms and corridor spaces that will bring joy to a pleasing contrast to
through a shared open space. everyday living, while offering the minimalist artwork
and the marble
her clients a fresh and stimulating flooring on the
FINAL TOUCHES experience. The outcome of this first storey
As for the storage spaces located eight-month project is the very Opposite page:
in the living, dining and corridor embodiment of these beliefs. This bench creates
areas, Tham kept them out of a cosy nook in the
corridor; a vertical
sight beneath a seamless cladding Cube Associate Design garden augments the
made of wood veneer with 22 Ann Siang Road natural textures of the
granite and lava stone Tatler
polished copper strips. Space was Tel: 6538 8918 feature wall in Homes

created for the family library on the courtyard 141

Paying tribute to Latin
American art and heritage,
Martyn Lawrence Bullard
creates a culturally rich
experience for a family’s
holiday home in
Los Cabos By Olha Romaniuk.
Photography Douglas Friedman
From left to right:
Made of woven jute
rope, the shade of
this lighting piece is
a rustic counterpoint
to the grand height
of the entryway;
a custom island
separates the kitchen
from the dining area,
which features
a Rio table by MLB
Lawrence Bullard’s
interior furnishings
brand; a vintage
rope bench draws
attention to the
framed views outside
the bathroom

Previous spread:
A row of MLB sun
loungers from
Harbour Outdoor
offers a vantage
point from which
to take in the
ocean views
ven after working on several homes in
Mexico, celebrated interior designer
Martyn Lawrence Bullard considers
his latest project, Casa El Faro, to be the
most inspiring thus far. With a vision to
create not just a beach house but a soulful
homage to Latin American culture,
Bullard worked with architect Juan
Zapata to shape an abode inspired by the
local landscape and cultural heritage.


Dubbed Casa El Faro—“el faro” means “the
lighthouse” in Spanish—the 12,701sqft
building is dramatically perched on
a rocky cliff within the private community
of Maravilla, overlooking the Sea of Cortez.
Evoking the iconic Acapulco villas of the
mid-20th century, Bullard and Zapata
wanted to strike the right balance between
the interiors and the architecture to
capitalise on the breathtaking setting.
“I worked with Zapata to warm up the
architectural finishes and add more of
a Mexican palette and flavour to the modern
structure,” says Bullard of the holistic
process. The design approach considered Homes

all elements in their totality: low roofs Sanctuaries

planted with cactus gardens, floors covered 145

in marble mosaics, walls formed with
carved plaster and terraces incorporating
natural elements. The outdoor views
were as important as the interiors, with
tall, pivoting glass doors and full-height
windows creating expansive vistas.

Inside the villa, the entry hall sets a distinct
mood. The patterned green, grey, white
and cream marble floor tiles introduce
the palette that recurs throughout the
other spaces, with playful cactus reliefs
acknowledging the indigenous vegetation.
With the addition of woven jute-rope globe
lights made in a nearby village, Bullard
determinedly lays on a rustic appeal to
“soften the grandeur of the space and
bring it back to a beach house vibe”.
The main floor of Casa El Faro is every
home entertainer’s dream. The expansive
space is an indoor-outdoor entertainment
heaven that comprises an open-plan
kitchen, dining and living areas, circular
tequila bar, lounge area with firepit and a
multitude of other recreational nooks.
Despite the abundance of entertainment
spaces, Bullard cites some of the more
private rooms in the home as the highlights
of this project. The master suite, with its
own spa and massage room, is a sight to
behold with its unspoilt views of the ocean.
The bedroom expands out onto the
terraces—one dedicated to yoga
and meditation, and another featuring a
champagne and oyster bar with a hot tub
and firepit. “For good measure,
we also added a cactus garden
and a rooftop putting green for the
client, an avid golfer,” adds Bullard.
Some of Bullard’s other favourite rooms
distinctly project strong Latin American
influences that the designer weaved
together in a tribute to local culture and
art. In the screening room, he covered
Homes the walls in Mexican blanket-inspired
Sanctuaries fabrics and vintage movie posters that
146 added a sense of place to the space.
This page: A row of
cacti-like sculptures
serves as an organic
boundary between
the house and the
terrace; a custom
hanging daybed
and a side table
from Four Hands
Marketplace extend
the living room onto
the balcony

Opposite page: This

spacious terrace
features a custom
fireplace and hood
as well as MLB
armchairs from
Harbour Outdoor;
a hand-painted mural
by Daniela Medina
and a vintage Afghan
rug from Mansour
add splashes of
colour to
the bathroom
This page:
The master
bedroom makes
a grand statement
with a custom MLB
bed and walnut
nightstands, set
against a marble
feature wall; the
children’s beroom
features custom
bunk beds and
seating adorned
with colourful
toys and books

Opposite page,
clockwise from
top: A pair of
Minotti sofas sits
comfortably among
artworks featuring
Mexican painter
Frida Kahlo in the
TV lounge; the
bar area is a joyful
tribute to Mexico-
inspired textures
and motifs; this
bespoke sofa
echoes the tones
on the Mexican
wallcovering of the
screening room

In the kids’ room, Bullard played

with colours and patterns, adding
a fun collection of Mexican folk toys and
children’s books as part of the decor. His
lively approach is self-evident: “The room
has joy and whimsy, elements that as adults
we often miss in our own interiors.”

Bullard selected mid-century furnishings
alongside commissioned pieces by
international talents as well as Mexican
artists and artisans to co-exist harmoniously
throughout the house. Besides meticulously
searching locally for decorative accessories,
hand-painted pottery and hand-carved
furniture, the designer also worked with
the gallery Luteca, which represents
Mexican designers, and Voila! Creative
Studio, whom Bullard commissioned for
custom art, sculpture and weavings.
“Martyn had a very good idea of what stunning examples include a custom-painted
he wanted in his project,” says Katrien piece above the bar area, which was inspired
Van Der Schueren, founder of Voila! by the colours of the Baja Peninsula, and a
Creative Studio. “Mexico, its nature, the piece in the guest bedroom that honours
environment, the colours, the materials, the beauty of raw materials used by
the country’s history, culture and art were Mexican artisans. Stainless-steel sculptures
all important influences in the pieces.” grace the master bathroom’s outdoor
All the commissioned works throughout platform, framing the gaze outwards Homes

the home bring the legacy of Mexican and encapsulating Bullard’s vision for a Sanctuaries

culture forward to the modern day. Some home entirely imbued in its context. 149
Ming Architects designed the
Photography Studio Periphery

Cove House in Singapore to have

a harmonious relationship with its site
and surrounding elements By Luo Jingmei


or many years, an old, dilapidated house
sat on this plot of land. This corner unit
was unattractive to many buyers, as it’s
located next to an arterial road that leads
to an expressway. But the current owners,
who work in the healthcare industry, saw
potential in the semi-detached property,
which also features lush greenery on one
side that screens the view of the road.
The name of this 4,036sqft abode, “Cove
House” stems from the owners’ desire to
create a place of respite as well as the plot’s
sheltered feel, created by the elevated road’s
This page: tall concrete wall, which separates the
A view of the house from the highway. The abundant
pool from the
outdoor terrace;
foliage merges with the pool to compose
the steel trellis a visually soothing tableau.
that encloses the
staircase creates
shadow play
throughout the
The owners enlisted Tan Cher Ming,
day; lush foliage
by the pool shields founder of Ming Architects, to work
the house from the through the challenges of the site
main road
and create a peaceful home for them
Opposite page: and their young daughter. “The brief was
The combination straightforward. They wanted
of concrete
walls, Carrara a wide frontage, parking space for three
marble flooring, cars, an interior with a high ceiling, a clear
dark lacquered view of the pool from the living room,
cabinetry and oak
panels creates and a large gym in the attic,” says Tan.
an elegant look on He responded with an open-plan Homes
the open-plan
first storey of first storey that engages with nature, Sanctuaries

the house while being conducive to entertaining. 153

This page: Behind the living area is a customised
A spacious gym
sits in the attic;
dining table with a lazy Susan. Its
the balcony that is circular form juxtaposes with the long
connected to the kitchen island, above which hangs an
master bedroom
overlooks the pool array of modern pendant lights.
“The 3.5m ceiling height further
Opposite page: accentuates the spaciousness of this area,
The use of pale
wood on the together with large, carefully positioned
flooring and built- full-height sliding glass panels that let
in furnishings
creates a calming
ample daylight into the space,” says Tan.
effect in the In the morning, sunlight shines on
home office; the the turquoise tiles in the pool, reflecting
material palette sequin-like patterns onto the walls and
continues in the kitchen counter as if reminding the
lounge area on the family of the water’s presence. Bare
second storey
concrete walls alternate with the full-
length glass doors to frame the views
and block out noise from the highway.
From the master bedroom, a balcony
protrudes over the pool, encouraging
an amble out to appreciate nature.
This element is accompanied by
another arresting feature—the spiral
staircase that sits at the intersection of
the dining room and pool. Its curves
cut through the transparent glass walls,
hovering over the pool and drawing
the eye outdoors and upwards.
“The sculptural spiral staircase is
meticulously inserted between the concrete
Homes walls as the main vertical circulatory
Sanctuaries element. It protrudes from the building
154 not just as a design feature—it also
“ The overall building form reflects
a raw yet refined construction,
supplemented by natural elements”
maximises space for the family room panels to evoke a strong, masculine feel.
on the second storey,” Tan explains. “It’s Throughout the home, Tan designed
designed for the occupants to feel as if the joinery to sport a similar monolithic
they are traversing outdoors and being quality. Yet within this simplicity, rich
very close to the greenery and water textures abound. Running one’s hand over
as they enter this circulation space.” the surface of the kitchen island, one feels
A steel trellis with custom glass inserts the subtle unevenness of the leathered
encloses the staircase, strengthening Pietra Grey marble. In the powder room,
the structure while doubling as a the same marble is smoothened into
screen. The pattern throws enchanting a standalone washbasin and encased in
shadows inwards under strong sunlight vertically striped solid oak panels.
to liven up the streamlined surfaces. In order to retain the view of the
This page: greenery, Tan created a half-height console
This walk-in
wardrobe boasts
MATERIAL BEAUTY in the master bedroom. Here, Pietra Grey
a stylish mix of Indoors, Carrara marble floors continue the marble merges with slender electroplated
textures on the minimal palette, while oak timber panels stainless steel shelves and a Fenix finish.
walls of the open conceal the room doors and echo the natu- “While the joinery evokes a monolithic
shelves as well
as the sinuous ral elements of the landscaping. “The over- quality, it is designed to complement the
veins of the marble all building form reflects a raw yet refined house’s architectural language,” says Tan.
island counter
construction, supplemented by nature,” The owners, who have uncomplicated
Opposite page: Tan explains. tastes, definitely appreciate the house’s
The master Upstairs, some interior walls are painted design; the project took two years to
bedroom features
a half-height TV while other concrete walls are intentionally complete. “They enjoy the connection
console and a bare left unfinished. An example is the master between the indoor and outdoor spaces, but
concrete wall that bedroom and ensuite bathroom, where most importantly, the off-form concrete—
adds a rugged
touch to the the light concrete tones contrast with together with the thicker glazing—works
space; the the dark marble. In the attic gym, where effectively to resolve their concerns
master bathroom
looks out to
the husband spends time working out, about the harsh traffic noise,” shares Tan,
verdant views the concrete wall alternates with glass looking at his work with pride.





Elements of Style
Designed by E&A Interiors, this
effortlessly elegant home combines This page:
Engineered wood

an earthy palette with a colourful mix flooring is paired

with rattan and a

of furnishings and tactile textures

mix of fabrics to
add tactile depth to
the living room

Layering is at the heart of the firm to craft a dream abode that Opposite page,
clockwise from
creative ethos of E&A Interiors. marries mid-century elements with top left: The
“Pattern, light, materials and an elegant yet unfussy aesthetic. family’s vibrant art
collection lends a
furniture all play a strong part “The clients wanted an lively character to
in creating spaces with a fresh, understated sense of luxury with the apartment; this
carefully curated
exciting and upbeat vibe,” says Californian-inspired touches, corner showcases
Chloe Elkerton, the firm’s founder. layered with neutral tones and the family’s vases
This studied mix comes together luxurious finishes to create and objets d’art on
display shelves;
beautifully in the family home a polished look,” shares Elkerton. blue cabinetry in
of Evangeline Tan and Clive Lee. “This was realised by combining the kitchen makes
the space pop;
The couple live in the 2,500sqft materials such as linen with brass, the powder room
Homes penthouse apartment with their wood, marble and rattan for features a playful
158 two daughters; they looked to the a pared-down yet sophisticated feel.” mix of patterns

E&A Interiors
Established by founder Chloe
Elkerton in 2013, the studio
specialises in crafting carefully
designed, bespoke interiors for
each client. Backed by over 20
years of experience in interior
design, Elkerton has a knack
for combining a rich blend of
materials with a curated mix
of art and furnishing pieces.

Led by Elkerton, the design team
gave the home a complete overhaul,
while integrating furniture from
the family’s previous house into
the four-bedroom apartment.
These included dining chairs and
a console, as well as a bed for the
master bedroom. The couple’s art
collection was to be incorporated
into the interior, complemented
with custom-made pieces selected
and designed by E&A Interiors.

“The clients’ art

An earthy palette creates visual
continuity throughout the living
and dining areas of the home.

collection was also an

The design team clad the walls in
grasscloth in a tanned shade, which
adds depth and warmth to the space.

integral part of the

Engineered wood flooring, selected
for its practicality, is installed
throughout the home. It creates

design; it really brings

a sense of cosiness and improves
the visual flow of the interior.
In the dry kitchen, blue cabinetry

the spaces to life”

with brass grooves makes the
culinary area pop. The kitchen
Homes counter features an Arrabiata
160 marble top for a luxurious touch.
The nature-inspired colour scheme scheme. Terrazzo tiles are This page: A view
continues in the bedrooms, applied to the walls and flooring; of the geometric
design on the doors
where a snug mix of upholstery brass hardware and bathroom that lead to the
fabrics in various patterns fittings complete the look. master bathroom;
the study is
contributes to a restful look while Completed in nine months, an understated
keeping the understated palette the project exceeded the clients’ space clad in
visually intriguing; it includes expectations. The firm is neutral tones

collections from upholstery as pleased with the results Opposite page:

brands such as Fermoie, Zak+Fox, and the owners’ openness to trying E&A Interiors
founder Chloe
Walter G and Peter Fasano. new ideas for their home design. Elkerton; the
For the bathrooms, the studio “We love how the clients were various print motifs
on the furnishings
let loose its flair for pattern willing to try materials such as liven up the earthy
play to create statement spaces. terrazzo and custom-made tiles scheme of the
In the powder room, emerald for the walls and floors of the master bedroom
scalloped wall tiles are paired bathrooms,” shares Elkerton. “The
playfully with a Cole & Son clients’ art collection was also
wallpaper that features leopard an integral part of the design; it
motifs, while the daughters’ really brings the spaces to life.”
shared bathroom features
chevron tiles on the walls and E&A Interiors
floor. In the master bathroom, 59 Eng Hoon Street
a low-key mix of patterns is Tel: 6702 4850 Homes

presented in a monochromatic 161

This glamorous penthouse overlooking
San Francisco Bay features a tasteful mix
of art and custom pieces within its
modern interior By Chelsia Tan. Photography Aaron Leitz
hen American interior designer
Alison Pickart chanced upon
a remarkable moonstone-and-
gold firescreen in an auction catalogue,
she never thought this serendipitous find
would guide her artistic direction for a
particularly memorable project—one that
involved refurbishing a 1930s penthouse
apartment located in San Francisco’s
Pacific Heights neighbourhood.
Its owners had envisioned a warm
and inviting space that would highlight
their contemporary art collection and
also frame the surrounding views of the
bay. This would entail a reconfiguration
of the apartment’s original layout, which
comprised a constrictive number of
smaller rooms with heavy architectural
millwork and small doorways.
They engaged the services of architecture art lovers who are passionately involved Left to right: The
firm Sutro Architects, which led to in the city’s arts and cultural scene. curved forms of
the console, mirror
a collaborative partnership between “Stephen was very interested in how and decorative
the interior designer and architects light was cast in the apartment as well as pieces reflect the
architectural elements
Stephen Sutro and Karen Moy. Together, how the rooms were defined. The architect of this alcove; the
they had to decide on an overarching worked out the schematic design of the moonstone-and-
concept that would suit a space for space so that the entire front of the unit gold firescreen is an
ornamental highlight
socialising and entertaining, as well as could be opened up,” says Pickart. “Because in the living room;
one befitting of the owners’ reputation as the clients were used to more traditional metallic details on
the armchairs and
spaces, we offered a design we considered coffee table bring an
to be warm and modern. Using a mix of extra layer of shine
subtle metallic tones, wood and a neutral to the living area; the
chevron tiles create
palette that was heavy on texture and yet visual interest in the
not too severe, we were able to create this minimalist bathroom
soft answer to the crisp, modern lines vertical fumed wood
panels throughout
that were architecturally necessary.” the kitchen and living
area add warmth to

The team rerouted the unit’s utility Previous spread:

network to open up the front half of A custom Aquitaine
chandelier by
the apartment into an airy, light-filled Coup Studio hangs
space for entertaining, as well as ensure overhead in the
unblocked views of the city from the living open-plan living
and dining room
room. This allowed space for the couple’s
modern art collection, an important factor
that influenced the look of their home.
Pickart’s discovery of the firescreen—
designed by Paris-based artist and designer
Christophe Côme—was an unexpected
game changer that shifted part of the
focus from the art. According to her, the
Homes clients fell instantly in love with it, and this
Sanctuaries revelation sparked a search for furniture
164 with truly unique design elements.


“This was really the piece that
drove the direction for the furnishings
throughout the home. It was clear that
every piece of furniture that would be
selected for this space would need to
have an elevated form—everything
was to be unique and bespoke and,
essentially, a piece of art,” she says.
From cream Koumac armchairs with
sleek brass bases by French architect
and designer Thierry Lemaire to a
custom cocktail table by Damian
Jones that features polished brass slats,
such details were tastefully added to
magnify the overall visual impact
without overwhelming the eye.
Instead of drawing attention away from
the owners’ art collection—an expressive
curation of paintings by American artists
Gregory Kondos and Doug Schneider, as
well as Spanish painter Manel Anoro—the
furnishings offered a soothing backdrop to
these vivid works. The varying elements in
the living room are anchored by a goatskin
parchment and brass sideboard from
Scala Luxury between the living
and dining areas.

This page:
The soft leather on

SOCIAL PLANS the Blaire writing

desk from Joseph
This open-plan concept includes the Jeup and a Chiffchaff
Chair from Gregorius
living area as well as the culinary zone. Pineo imbue this
A stylish space for dining revolves space with a sense
around a regal Bangle table from Hudson of cosiness; Laurel
chairs in dusty pink
Furniture. Above the table is a bespoke by Kelly Wearstler and
Coup Studio glass crystal chandelier, flame-stitch velvet-
and-linen sofa from
which reflects light streaming in from Dmitriy & Co add
a large window overlooking the bay. colour and texture to
In the kitchen, the eye is drawn to an the lounge area
island with a marble countertop, paired Opposite page,
with leather stools by American designer clockwise from top
Kelly Wearstler. The room exudes the The kitchen features
an island with a
same welcoming atmosphere, as vertical Calacatta marble
blonde wood panels installed throughout countertop, flanked
by cream and bronze
the apartment adds warmth to the Elliott counter stools
overall palette of cream and bronze. by Kelly Wearstler;
More statement furniture graces the the dining area
features the Bangle
lounge room. Here, a pair of dusty pink table from Hudson
lounge chairs, a velvet-and-linen sofa from Furniture, which has a
Dmitriy & Co, and an alpaca shag rug form walnut top with a live
edge; in this breakfast
a homely retreat. Together with a leather- nook, a John Liston Tatler
wrapped writing desk from Joseph Jeup chandelier floats Homes
above a Hélène
and a murphy bed hidden in a wall panel, Aumont table and a

the lounge also doubles as a guest bedroom. custom banquette 167

This page: The
master bathroom
opens into the
walk-in wardrobe,
which features
a vintage
custom millwork
and a bespoke
piece that
integrates a bench
and island counter;
in the master
a geometric-
patterned tile
backsplash draws
the eye while
sconces from
Urban Electric
and Waterworks
faucets add shine

Opposite page:
In the master
bedroom, lounge
chairs sit opposite
a Dmitriy & Co
bed upholstered in
alpaca cashmere;
brass pendant
lamps from
Apparatus Studio
hang from the
ceiling next to
the bed

Similarly, the master bedroom is

a picture of calm and relaxation. Soft
cream and pink tones are punctuated
by brass pendant lamps on both
sides of the bed, while Paul Balmer
landscape paintings bring a sense of
vibrancy via orange and green tones.
The project was smoothly completed
in 18 months, much to the delight of the
owners. “The clients were really hands-on
during the design and selection phase,
but once it came to the execution, they
just backed away and let us do our thing,”
recalls Pickart. “They checked in at the
midway point and were surprised at
how smoothly everything was going.”
She adds: “It was incredible working
with Karen Moy, the studio leader and
project architect at Sutro. There were so
many parts of the design that required
infinitesimally accurate detailing
and attention. She also grasped the
Homes importance of the furniture layout and
Sanctuaries the architectural elements required
168 to make the whole plan work.”
The modern lines
of the interior are
softened by a subtle
mix of metallic
tones, wood
and a textured,
neutral palette


We mark the 15th
anniversary of Tatler Homes
with a retrospective feature
on notable interior styles
and past projects
This picture: Interior
design firm Topic Studio
added sharp planes
to the walls of this
home to reflect its
multifaceted facade

Left: Japanese-inspired
motifs meet Scandinavian
influences in a minimalist
apartment designed
by Upstairs_
Images Studio Periphery (Upstairs_ project), Topic Studio




AWARDS 2015/16 TAT L E R


A Cause for
Chronicling inspiring abodes in Asia and beyond for
over a decade, Tatler Homes Singapore is proud to mark
its 15th year with this anniversary issue. We look back
at some of the notable interiors and collections that
we have featured over the years
Since its inception in November 2005, Tatler Homes effortless. To craft spaces that stand the test of time, these
Singapore has charted the latest decor trends and work spatial designers constantly act as creative seers, anticipat-
of homegrown firms, both the projects by emerging tal- ing the ways that our changing lifestyles will be reflected
ents and industry veterans alike. This year, the bi-month- in the design of our abodes.
ly magazine proudly celebrates its first quindecennial, It takes a team to realise each project; we’ve also
with a focus on our personality-driven stories on interior profiled artisans and fabricators who help realise the
design, furnishings, and architecture. creative vision of the design team. Altogether, their
stunning work set a high bar in terms of aesthetics,
CREATIVE PROGRESSION functionality and sustainability.
The look of the title has gradually evolved to match the The annual Tatler Design Awards is the embodiment
zeitgeist, as reflected in the homes that we have profiled. of our continuous support of the local design scene. Every
Remember the years when Balinese-inspired spaces were year, we honour notable projects in Singapore by home-
in hot demand in Singapore during the noughties? Or grown firms as well as international practices. Launched
the period when the lofty, industrial-style aesthetic be- as a physical event in 2017, the awards ceremony will be
By Hong Xinying Cover photography Stephan Julliard, Koh Boon Wei

came mainstream in the early 2010s, before the Nordic celebrating its fifth edition in 2021 (read more page 190).
influences gradually took over, bringing in calming,
Scandi-chic elements into our homes. THE NEXT STAGE
Some abodes even became prescient of the trends This April, we featured a new look for the magazine;
to come, featuring interiors that look as timeless as the the design refresh stays true to the overarching ethos
moment when they were first completed. Regardless of of the publication and its role as arbiter of the
the styles in vogue, art continues to play an important most powerful, influential and stylish tastemakers in
role, imbuing spaces with personality and character. the fields of design and architecture. The first major
Layering is as crucial—a studied mix of rugs, upholstery revamp for the title in five years, this magazine’s visual
fabrics and various decorative elements help add that im- transformation takes cues from the refined editorial
portant tactile dimension to a space, making it feel cosy direction of Tatler Asia.
and comforting. Whatever the prevailing tastes of the time, some
While decor trends continue to change seasonally, the things still stay the same—we all desire a home to
worlds of architecture and interior design ultimately seek call our own. We hope the following pages will inspire Homes

longevity. Through the years, we’ve profiled the work of you to embark on your next interior makeover with Selections

architects and designers who make the transformation confidence and gusto. 173
Inspired by the relaxed
resort vibe of vacation
villas, these tranquil
abodes convey an effortless
look catered to our
sunny climate



Clockwise from top
left: A Japanese-
inspired home
designed by
Lab Architects;
Prestige Global
Art direction and production Khairul Ali Photography Koh Boon Wei/Beebox (The Mill, Ong & Ong),

Designs creates
a tropical haven
at the rooftop of
this penthouse;
plant life and
vibrant accent
Jasper Yu (Lab ARchitects, RT+Q) Other images KGID, Prestige Global Designs

cushions add
lively touches to
a rooftop area
designed by
KGID; a house by
Ong&Ong with
rustic nuances;
RT+Q designed
a resort-inspired
house with
influences; the
dining area
in the home of
The Mill founder
Roy Teo, which
was designed to
celebrate life
in the tropics



Metallic accents elevate the
bespoke interiors in these
elegant homes crafted to
match the owners’ taste for
the finer things in life

Left to right:
The home of
Andrea Savage,
partner of Design
features a striking
chevron flooring
and a blue cove
ceiling; this house
by Renaissance
Planners &
Designers features
a sky bridge that
overlooks the
entertainment den;
the bevelled wall
panels and the
geometric flooring
create a dramatic
impact in this living
room designed by
SuMisura; a blue
rug grounds the
elegant look of
this living room
by Designworx
this luxurious
bathroom by
Topic Studio
Homes features
a sumptuous mix
Selections of dark wood
184 and natural stone


Does It
Clean-lined interiors that
celebrate the beauty of
simplicity with soothing
and understated spaces

Additional photography Ta.le Architects, Studio Periphery (projects by Gabriel Tan, Upstairs_)
from top left:
Inte Architects
this house
as a series of
concrete boxes,
connected by
a link bridge that
overlooks the
Art direction and production Khairul Ali Photography Jasper Yu

pool; Archetype
Studio crafted
a minimalist
interior for
its sensitive
renovation of
a house rich with
of history;
an apartment
designed by
influences with
Tatler inspired details


This page: Blue
walls liven up
a cosy apartment
designed by
Gabriel Tan
Studio; a rosy
aperture adds
a playful touch to
this corridor in
a house
designed by
RT+Q; Ta.le
designed a home
with elements
inspired by
kampung houses
and black-and-
white bungalows
Left to right:
This London
apartment by
Design Intervention
features an eclectic
mix of patterns;
colourful Pierre Frey
wallpaper livens up
the family room of
Design Intervention
founder Nikki Hunt;
botanical motifs
and Punkah fans
that reinforce the
tropical context of
Hunt’s enclosed
terrace; a living
room by Design
that punctuates
patterns with gilded
accents; this sitting
room features gem
tones selected to
complement the
Flora wallpaper
from De Gournay
in Hannah Cecil
Gurney’s abode
Art direction and production Khairul Ali Photography Jasper Yu,
Jo Ann Gamelo-Bernabe Additional image (De Gournay) Douglas Friedman

patterns and colours

an exuberant mix of
Stunning spaces that
make a statement with


ler gn
a t si
T De ds

Sponsored by:

Since its inception,

the Tatler Design
Awards has
celebrated the
brightest minds in
the local design
scene as well as
the most innovative
projects undertaken
in Singapore. Now
into its fifth year, the
awards will be held
in the first quarter of
2021. Discover the
full list of winners,
to be unveiled online
In partnership with:



Meet the industry experts who will select the winners of the
Tatler Design Awards 2021


Founder of Steve Leung Dean of School of Art Founder and
Design Group (SLD Group) and Design at the creative partner of POOLEY
Nanyang Academy of Blink Design Group Founder of
With over 30 years of Fine Arts (NAFA) Katharine Pooley
experience in interior An industry veteran
design and architecture, Sabrina Long is an of two decades, Since establishing her
internationally renowned industry veteran who has Clint Nagata spearheads namesake studio in
architect Steve Leung has led NAFA’s 3D Design the strategic direction of London 15 years ago,
come a long way since programme for 10 years. the firm and is greatly British interior designer
founding his eponymous A passionate advocate inspired by the works Katharine Pooley has
firm in 1997. Operating of the engagement of of influential Sri Lankan garnered a reputation
offices in Hong Kong, students in professional architect Geoffrey Bawa as an industry force who
Shanghai, Beijing practice, Long has and Canadian author combines innovative
and Guangzhou, nurtured talents who Malcolm Gladwell. interior design,
SLD Group has amassed have won awards at Blink Design Group exquisite craftsmanship
a portfolio across 100 major international has crafted luxurious and a global design
cities and received over competitions. She destinations such as outlook with flair.
210 international design currently oversees the Six Senses Uluwatu in Pooley was named
and corporate awards; degree, diploma and Bali and Raffles Maldives Designer of the Decade
the company is also certificate courses in Meradhoo Resort; the by the International
currently listed on 3D Design, Design firm also acquired Design & Architecture
the Hong Kong & Media, Fashion Jaya Interior Design, the Awards in 2019.
Stock Exchange. Studies and Fine Art. firm founded by the late
Jaya Ibrahim, in 2017.


Partner of Head of Pillar, Architecture Executive director of
LTW Designworks and Sustainable Design DesignSingapore Council
at the Singapore University
After graduating from of Technology and Design As a believer in shaping
the prestigious Rhode (SUTD) places that deepen
Island School of Design identity and community,
in the US in 1989, Professor Erwin Viray’s Mark Wee is an advocate
Teo Su Seam worked illustrious career includes and practitioner of
with respected interior being the Global design innovation
design firms abroad Excellence professor methodologies inspired
before joining the luxury at Kyoto Institute of by empathy and
hospitality practice in Technology and head of experiential prototyping.
1994. She became the the Graduate School of The designer, architect,
firm’s partner in 2001, Architecture and Design artist and educator
working closely with from 2012 to 2016. helmed acclaimed
its principal partner Tapping into his expertise architecture firm
Lim Hong Lian. The in the built environment, Ong&Ong’s Experience
Singapore-headquartered Professor Viray has been Design Studio from 2011
practice will celebrate an editor of Architecture to 2016, rethinking user
its 40th anniversary + Urbanism magazine experiences for clients
in 2021. Presently, the for 24 years, and is the such as the Housing
firm is staffed with author and co-author of Development Board,
over 100 employees in various publications and Singapore Airlines
Milan, Beijing, Shanghai articles on architecture. and the Singapore
and Singapore. Stock Exchange.


Vote for your favourite project online in these four categories
at the Tatler Design Awards 2021

Best Living Room

Cube Associate Design Inside Outside Designs

Luxur Mr Shopper Studio

Homes Prestige Global Designs

Best Luxury Concept

ArchLuxe MOW Interior

Prestige Global Designs Summerhaus D’zign



Best Show Unit

Goodwood Grand by Tong Eng Group, Good Class Bungalow on Cable Road
Tiong Seng Holdings and Clarus Corporation, by Designworx Interior Consultant
show unit by KGID

Leedon Green by MCL Land and Yanlord Marina One by M+S, show unit by
Land Group, show unit by PTang Studio Edmund Ng Architects

Midtown Bay by GuocoLand, show unit
by Peter Tay Studio
Best Use of Colour

E&A Interiors Nidhi Jain

Prestige Global Designs The Scientist

Vote now
for more information

Sujonohun Tatler


Store Directory
Altfield Interiors De Dietrich Liaigre
1 Magazine Road 65 Ubi Road 1 9 Purvis Street
#07-10 Central Mall #02-70 Oxley Bizhub Tel: 6333 9388
Office Tower Tel: 6508 4639
Tel: 6909 2768 Living with Art
Durablinds 315 Outram Road
32 Old Toh Tuck Road #02-05 Tan Boon
B #01-14/15/16 i-Biz Centre Liat Building
Boxx Euro Tel: 6912 4016 Tel: 6917 6503
7 Mandai Link
#04-03 Mandai
Tel: 6251 3033 F M Flexform Marquis QSquare
200 Newton Road 16 Tai Seng Street
Bulthaup #01-01 Newton 200 Tel: 6383 0119
36 Armenian Street Tel: 6909 2128
Tel: 6733 1171 Minotti Fritz Hansen 328 North Bridge Road
315 Outram Road #02-10 Raffles
#13-08 Tan Boon Hotel Arcade
C Liat Building Tel: 6338 2822
Casa Loewe Tel: 6270 8828
2 Orchard Turn
#01-11A/12 Ion Orchard
Tel: 6733 6477 O G Okamura
Georg Jensen 137 Cecil Street
Cetec 391 Orchard Road #01-01/04 Hengda
36 Armenian Street #B1-03A Takashimaya Building
#02-05 Shopping Centre Tel: 6224 7995
Tel: 6634 5998 Tel: 6664 0178

Grafunkt P
D 107 North Bridge Road P5
Danish Design Co #04-01 Funan Mall 3 Killiney Road
100E Pasir Panjang Road Tel: 6336 6046 #01-01/02
#06-03 Century Winsland House 1
Warehouse Tel: 6337 0050
Tel: 6270 8483 H
Hermès P5 Studio
Da Vinci 541 Orchard Road 213 Henderson Road
100 Orchard Road #01-02A Liat Towers #01-08 Henderson
#01-01 Concorde Hotel Tel: 6738 9807 Industrial Park
Tel: 6468 6333 Tel: 6771 9500


Pierre Frey Synergraphic Design

36A Craig Road 10 Changi South Street 1
(By appointment only) Tel: 6546 4133
Tel: 6815 2813

R This Humid House
Roche Bobois 31 Bukit Pasoh Road
75 Bukit Timah Road Straits Clan
#01-02 Boon Siew Tel: 9181 7375
Tel: 6513 1918
S 290 Orchard Road
Snow Globe #01-08/09 Paragon
28 Sin Ming Lane Tel: 6838 0398
#02-131 Midview City
(By appointment only)
Tel: 8748 7363 V-Zug 6 Scotts Road
#03-11/12/13 Scotts Square
Space Furniture Tel: 6926 0878
77 Bencoolen Street
Tel: 6415 0000
Sphere Living W. Atelier
46 Kim Yam Road 201 Henderson Road
#01-09 The Herencia #01-01
Tel: 6388 9828 Tel: 6270 8828

Strange & Deranged

290 Orchard Road X
#04-47 Paragon Shopping Xtra
Centre 6 Raffles Boulevard
Tel: 6737 9289 #02-48 Marina Square Tel: 6336 0688
Tatler Homes

| Last Word |

The Bourse de Commerce in Paris marks its
next chapter as an arts destination
With a storied history dating back to the from intimate to enormous. The amenities
16th century, the Bourse de Commerce is include a 284-seater auditorium, a spacious foyer
a Parisian landmark that has evolved over the and a black-box theatre. The dome’s ornamental
centuries, transforming in tandem with the details, which were previously destroyed, have
urban developments of the French capital. The been returned to their original state. Other
former home of the Paris Stock Exchange will reinstated elements include the cast-iron
now house a contemporary art museum, slated structure of the cupola, along with notable
to open in January 2021. An initiative backed features added to the building during the
by luxury goods tycoon François Pinault, this 18th and 19th centuries, such as a sundial
revitalised venue will showcase pieces from his and the fountain of the Medici column.
personal collection as well as new productions “The idea was to regenerate a historic site:
and commissioned works, while serving honouring the memory of the city inscribed
as a destination for screenings, concerts in its walls and interior, while bringing in
By Hong Xinying Photography Patrick Tourneboeuf

and other cultural events. another structure, on the model of nested

The renovation is led by Tadao Ando Russian dolls: a composition setting up a living
Architect & Associates, which has thoughtfully dialogue between the new and the old, creating
restored the building’s historic architectural a space full of life,” says architect Tadao Ando.
elements while inserting a central concrete “The vocation of this architecture was to weave
Tatler cylinder to create modular spaces that can be together the web of time, past, present

200 flexibly divided into rooms ranging in scale and future.”

Find the
Celebrate the holiday season with one-of-a-kind gift ideas and unique
experiences for you and your loved ones at Tatler Curates: Christmas Edition

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