Eng 211 Activities
Eng 211 Activities
Eng 211 Activities
BSEd English 2B
Directions: Based from your experiences and understanding, write brief statements describing
assessment in the first column of the KWL chart.
In your small group, examine your assessment practices with the guide questions provided.
Write your answer in the space provided in your template.
Questions Answer
1. Why do you assess your student’s learning? We have to assess your students’ learning to
monitor if they have understand our lesson
and able to follow the process.
2. Who does the assessment? Why? The teachers should do the assessment
because they are the one who discuss the
lesson. They are responsible for the
assessment of their learners’ performance and
3. When to assess students’ learning? Before the discussion, the teacher should ask
the students if they have any knowledge
about the topic. The teacher may also conduct
the assessment during and after the
Activity 3.
a. Are our assessment practices aligned with the purpose of student assessment?
- No, it is not.
b. How will you improve your assessment practices?
- I can improve my assessment practices by determining their weaknesses and strengths of the
students in the learning the lesson.
Activity 4. Self-reflection
My Assessment practice is / is not aligned with the purpose of student assessment because it
does focus on the assessment of learners as a whole.
Complete the KWL chart in activity 1. Having convinced about the role of assessment, we will
explore in the next lesson the types of assessment and its basic principles. This will guide
teachers in developing appropriate instruments in measuring learning outcomes.
Assessment is a process I want to know the different I have learned that there are
wherein teachers assess the process in assessing the different types of assessment
performance of his/her performance of the learners. and it depends on when it is
learners. being used. And also the
assessment should not focus
on students as a whole but by
their individual strengths and
Lesson 2 Assessment Types and Principles
1. For 2 minutes, answer the following questions based from your experience.
2. Form a group with 5 members and share your answers to the group.
3. Prepare a 2 minute presentation to be shared to the class.
Questions Answer
1. How do you assess your student’s learning? Giving quizzes, asking questions while
discussing the lesson are just a few examples
on how to assess the student’s learning.
2. When do you assess your student’s I assess them by asking questions before the
learning? discussion or while giving instructions, ask
them during the discussion and assess them or
giving quizzes or tests after the discussion to
assess their learning.
3. What do you do with the assessment Because of the assessment information, I can
information? determine the strengths and weaknesses of
the learners. By this I can improve my teaching
style and assessment practices.
4. Who needs to know this information? The teacher should know this information. The
teacher can also share this with parents of the
learners for them to help their children.
Activity 6.
Assessment Type How can you apply this to your profession
1. List all key words you commonly use to formulate objectives
2. Classify these words into cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain.
2. Evaluate the learning objectives listed below. Put a (/) check mark in the appropriate
1. Draw a circle. /
6. Practice writing. /
Activity 5. Evaluation
1. From the ―good‖ learning objectives in Activity 3 identify an appropriate assessment tasks
and develop an assessment strategy to measure the learning objectives.
Draw a circle. Pupils will draw a circle in The teacher will let her pupils
their clean sheet of paper. draw as many circles as they
want on their paper.
Reading a short story. Pupils will read their chosen The teacher will let her pupils
short story in front of the choose their desired story and
class. let them read it in front of the
Identify the colors in the Pupils will identify different The teacher will show a chart
chart. colors in the chart. that contains different colors
and let them identify the
Name the members in the Pupils will name their The teacher will ask each
family. members of the family in student if they can name the
front of the class. members of their family.
Know the meaning of words. Pupils will recite voluntarily if The teacher will introduce
they know the meaning of the new words and will ask if
words. anybody knows the meaning
of the words.
Understand the process of the Pupils will play a game. The teacher will give
game. instructions and let her
students play it.
Tell their names to the group. Pupils will introduce their The teacher will ask everyone
names in front of the class. to introduce their names in
front of the class.
Identify a set of learning objectives good for one month lesson. Then, develop a simple table of
specification using the template given in Table 4.
TOTAL 8 7 6 5 6 25 100%
1. Recall your practice in writing paper-pencil tests (multiple choice, matching type, true or
false, etc).
Develop a specific
For constructed-response questions, For each item, consider the
scoring guide for each
write a full-credit answer to the
timing, grade appropriateness,
question in terms of the language, constructed-response
knowledge, and skills that a student difficulty level, potential
item. sources of bias, and ease of
in the target grade could be expected
to possess. translation.
1. From your readings and discussions, fill out the table below:
Activity 1: Self-Assessment