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Chapter 1: Atoms, Molecules and Stoichiometry: A B C D e F

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1 Atoms, Molecules and Stoichiometry Candidates should be able to:

(a) describe the properties of protons, neutrons and electrons in terms
1.1 Fundamental particles of an atom 2 of their relative charges and relative masses;
(b) predict the behaviour of beams of protons, neutrons and electrons
in both electric and magnetic fields;
(c) describe the distribution of mass and charges within an atom;
(d) determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons present in
both neutral and charged species of a given proton number and
nucleon number;
(e) describe the contribution of protons and neutrons to atomic nuclei
in terms of proton number and nucleon number;
(f) distinguish isotopes based on the number of neutrons present, and
state examples of both stable and unstable isotopes.

1.2 Relative atomic, isotopic, molecular and 3 Candidates should be able to:
formula masses (a) define the terms relative atomic mass, Ar, relative isotopic mass,
relative molecular mass, Mr, and relative formula mass based on 12C;
(b) interpret mass spectra in terms of relative abundance of isotopes
and molecular fragments;
(c) calculate relative atomic mass of an element from the relative
abundance of its isotopes or its mass spectrum.

1.3 The mole and the Avogadro constant 3 Candidates should be able to:
(a) define mole in terms of the Avogadro constant;
(b) calculate the number of moles of reactants, volumes of gases,
volumes of solutions and concentrations of solutions;
(c) deduce stoichiometric relationships from the calculations above.

MATTER 1. Matter is defined as anything that takes up space and

has mass.
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2. The smallest particles in matter are atoms. Atoms are  β particle is 0e-1 (e- that travels with high speed)
made up of subatomic particles known as protons, and
neutrons and electrons.  γ rays (high energy electromagnet radiation)
3. Protons are deflected towards negative pole in emitted when radioisotope emits α and β particles.
electric field, electrons are deflected towards positive
pole while neutrons are not affected. STABLE & UNSTABLE ISOTOPES

1. The proton and neutron of the stable isotopes are

usually equal


where n is number of neutron and p is the number

of proton

Particle Relative Mass Relative Charge

Proton (p) 1 +1
Neutron (n) 1 0
Electron (e) 0  (1/1837) -1 2. When the isotopic mass increases, the number of
proton become greater than the number of neutron
and thus cause the ratio of n to p deviate from 1
4. Proton number = number of protons 3. The deviation of the ratio of n/p more or less than
Nucleon number = number of protons + number of 1 will cause the isotopes become unstable and
neutrons there are 2 mechanism to stabilize the isotopes.
They are :

a) alpha decay b) beta decay

4. During Beta decay, a neutron split up forming a

proton and an electron
5. Beta decay occurs when, in a nucleus with too
many protons or too many neutrons, one of the
protons or neutrons is transformed into the other.
6. If n / p greater than 1 , the neutron split into proton
and electron and releasing the electron
5. Cations are positively charged ions while anions are
negatively charged ions.
7. If n / p less than 1 , the proton capture electron to
form neutron
6. Ions and molecules have the same number of electrons
are said to be isoelectronic.
8. Alpha decay causing rejection of alpha , α ,4He2+
7. Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have the
same proton number but different nucleon number. 9. By this decay, the ratio of n : p is stabilize near to
They have the same chemical properties but different 1 and forming a stable isotopes
physical properties
U  231Th + 4He2+ (α particle emitted)

8. The stability of nuclei depends on the relative number

of protons and neutrons ratio (1:1), if the nucleus of Ra  225Ac + 0e- (β particle emitted)

the isotope is unstable, it will emit radiation

(radioisotope). EXAMPLE 1

9. There are 3 types of radiation: Name the particles X and Y in the following nuclear
 α particle is 4He2+ (positively charged nuclei), and give their charge and mass.
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229 225 carbon scale and 12C = 12.0 exactly.

a) 90 Th→ X + 88 Ra
225 225 2. Relative atomic mass is the average mass of an atom
b) 88 Ra→Y + 89 Ac of the element compared to 1/12 of the mass of 1
atom C-12.
3. RAM = % of isotope 1 +% of isotope 2

4. Relative molecular mass of a substance is the mass of 1

molecule of the substance compared to 1/12 of
mass C-12.
EXAMPLE 2 5. Relative molecular mass is calculated by adding
together the relative atomic mass of all the atoms
Identify particles X, Y and Z in the nuclear reactions present in the formula of the substance.
14 14 EXAMPLE 3
(I) 6 C → 7 N +X

9 Calculate the relative atomic mass for Mg.

(II) 4 Be+ 42 He →Y + 01 n
24 25 26
Isotope Mg Mg Mg
SOLUTION 79% 10% 11%



Relative atomic mass for bromine consists of isotopes 79Br

and 81Br is 79.9. Calculate the relative abundance of
Br in the mixture of isotopes.



RELATIVE MASS Calculate the relative atomic mass of iron from the
following data:
1. Carbon-12 isotope is chosen as the standard mass for
comparing the mass of other isotopes because of its Relative 54 56 57 58
exact mass, abundance and stability. This is known as isotopic mass
[email protected] STPM

Relative 5.8 91.6 2.2 0.4

abundance (%)



Calculate the value of a and b if the RMM is 43.5 1. Instrument that separates positive ions by their
mass to charge (m/z) ratios. It shows their masses
Isotope Relative abundance and abundance.
M a
Mass spectrum of an element gives 3 types of
M b information:
M 12 (i) number of isotopes present in the
element, corresponds to the number of
SOLUTION lines in mass spec
(ii) relative isotopic mass of each isotope,
corresponds to the m/e ratio
(iii) relative abundance of each isotope,
relative height of each peak

2. There are 5 processes that occur in mass

a. Vaporization of sample at the vaporization
EXAMPLE 7 chamber where sample (in gaseous form) are
The diagram shows the mass spectrum of a sample of b. Ionization, cations are produced when gaseous
naturally-occurring copper sample are bombarded with high energy electron
and lose electrons
c. Acceleration of ions occurs when cations are
pulled towards to negative charged plate P1.
Negative charged plate P2 are set with high voltage
so that the ions are accelerated with constant and
high speed.
d. Deflection, cations that enter the magnetic filed
will be separated according to its mass to charge
ration (m/z). Ions with the same m/z will move on
the same trajectory, lighter ions and higher charged
ions will deflect more compared to the heavier ions
and smaller charged ions
What is the relative atomic mass of this copper? e. Detection by changing the magnetic force or the
acceleration voltage, ions with certain m/z can be
SOLUTION focused on the ion detector and the recorder will
record and produce the mass spectrum of the

[email protected] STPM


1. When a high energy electron bombards a molecule

in a mass spectrometer, energy is transferred to that

A simple pattern showing some possible

fragmentations is shown below
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molecule. This can result in the molecule itself losing

an electron.

2. The resulting species - a molecular ion - is

positively charged as it has lost an electron
• the dot (•) represents the unpaired electron
remaining from an electron pair
when the other electron has been expelled
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the molecular ion can fragment even further forming

new ions, molecules or radicals
• radicals are neutral species containing an unpaired
7.Here are some list of the common fraction of
3. In addition to the steady fragmentation of pieces, compound/ element detected by mass spectrometry
re-arrangement of the structure can also take place
giving rise to many other fragments.
No Possible Inference
4. Each peak is due to a particular fragment with a
certain m/e or m/z value. 1 H 
a) highest m/z value usually corresponds to the 15 CH3
molecular ion
16 NH2 amide
b) its position provides information about the
molecular mass of a substance 17 OH
c) The tallest peaks come from the most stable
18 H2O alcohol
19 F  fluoro compound
5. 2 types of lines spectrum obtained:
26 C2H2  aromatic

28 N2  aromatic, ethyl ether, ethyl ester, n-propyl
C2H4   ketones, McLafferty 

CHO  aldehyde 
C2H5  ethyl

30 CH2=NH2 primary amine

31 OCH3  methyl ester

32 CH3OH    methyl ester

a) Line caused by molecular ions  peak with
highest mass is the molecular ion 35,
Cl chloro compound
b)Lines caused by fragments ions  bombarding e-
has enough energy, molecular ions formed can EXAMPLE 8
undergo bond fission and fragment ions are
Boron (relative atomic mass = 10.8) consists of two
isotopes 10B and 11B. What is the ratio of the lighter isotope
6. The small peak (M+1) is due to the natural to the heavier isotope?
abundance (about 1%) of carbon-13. The height of
this peak relative to that for the molecular ion SOLUTION
depends on the number of carbon atoms in the
molecule. The more carbons present, the larger the
M+1 peak.


An element R consists of two isotopes 35R and 37R. Part of

the mass spectrum of R is shown below

The mass spectra of these simple hydrocarbons have

peaks at m/z values corresponding to the ions
produced by breaking C-C bonds. Peaks can occur at
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70 72 74
Give the formula of the species responsible for each of the
What is the relative abundance of 35R : 37R?


Name the parts A to E in the following diagram of a mass Bromine consists of two isotopes, Br-79 and Br-81. The
spectrometer relative molecular mass of bromine is 159.8. What is the
percentage composition of the Br-79 isotope?



Bromine has two isotopes of mass 79 and 81.  The two

isotopes both have approximate relative abundances of
50%.  Sketch the mass spectrum of bromine



The mass spectrum for hydrogen chloride is shown below:
A sample of carbon monoxide consisting of the isotopes 12C,
C, 16O and 17O was analyzed in the mass spectrometer. The
relative abundance of the isotopes are given below:
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12 13 16 17

Relative abundance 90 10 99 1

(a) Give the m/e values for all the CO+ peaks.

(b) Calculate the relative abundance of each peak.



1. A mole of a substance is the amount of that

substance that contains the same number of
EXAMPLE 15 elementary particles as there are carbon atoms in
12.00000 grams of carbon-12.
Identify each peak in this spectrum
2. The number of particles in one mole of a substance
is 6.02 x 1023. This is known as Avogadro's
number, L.

3. (Number of particles) = (number of moles) x L


5. Concentration of solution is measured in amount of

substance (g) dissolved in 1 dm3 solution or
amount of
6. substance (mol) dissolved in 1dm3 solution.



EXAMPLE 16 25cm3 of phosphoric acid needed 20cm3 of sodium

hydroxide for complete neutralization. The concentration of
sodium hydroxide used is 0.50 mol dm-3 whereas the
The mass spectrum of chlorine, Cl2, consists of three peaks
concentration of phosphoric acid is 0.20 mol dm-3.
at m/e of 70, 72 and 74 in the ratio of 9 : 6 : 1. Explain this
a)Calculate the number of moles for phosphoric acid
[email protected] STPM

b)Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide used 2. The molecular formula of a substance is the
c)Write the balanced equation for the reaction that occurs formula which shows the number of each type of
atom in the one molecule of that substance.

SOLUTION 3. It applies only to molecular substances, and can be

deduced if the empirical formula and molar mass of
the compound are known.

4. The molecular formula is always a simple whole

number multiple of the empirical formula.


A substance contains 85.8% carbon and 14.2% hydrogen,

what is its empirical formula? If its relative molecular mass
is 56, what is its molecular formula?

What mass of aluminium will be needed to react with 10 g

of CuO.



What is the percentage composition by mass of ethanoic

acid, C2H4O2?



1. A compound contains C 62.08%, H 10.34% and O
1. The empirical formula of a compound is the 27.58% by mass. Find its empirical formula and its
formula which shows the simplest whole-number molecular formula given that its relative molecular
ratio in which the atoms in that compound exist. mass is 58.
It can be calculated if the composition by mass of
the compound is known. 2. Find the empirical formula of the compound containing
C 22.02%, H 4.59% and Br 73.39% by mass.
[email protected] STPM

3. A compound containing 85.71% C and 14.29% H has a D the amount of particles present in one mole of the
relative molecular mass of 56. Find its molecular substance
3. The relative atomic mass of chlorine is 35.5. How many
4. A compound containing 84.21% carbon and 15.79% times is one atom of chlorine heavier than one atom of
hydrogen by mass has a relative molecular mass of 114. C?
Find its molecular formula. A 0.34
B 35.5
5. Analysis of a hydrocarbon showed that 7.8 g of the C 426
hydrocarbon contained 0.6 g of hydrogen and that the D 2.96
relative molecular mass was 78. Find the molecular
formula of the hydrocarbon.
4. Boron (relative atomic mass = 10.8) consists of two
6. 3.36 g of iron join with 1.44 g of oxygen in an oxide of isotopes 10B and 11B. What is the ratio of the lighter
iron. What is the empirical formula of the oxide? isotope to the heavier isotope?
A 1:1
7. What is the percentage composition of SiCl4? B 1:5
C 1:4
8. What is the mass of sulphur in 1 tonne of H2SO4? D 1:2


14 16 28 44 m/e
Which of the following substance is expected to give the
mass spectrum above?
B C3H8 D Mixture of N2 and O2

6. The number of fragment ions (considering only uni-

positive ions) that can be formed from the compound NO2 in
a mass spectrometer is
A 2 C 1
B 4 D 3

7. What is the function of the vacuum pump in the mass


A To reduce the pressure in the spectrometer

B To remove slow moving ions
C To remove unionised atoms or molecules
D To facilitates the ionisation of the molecules or atoms

8. During the radioactive decay of an isotope a particle 10X

is emitted. Which of the following is particle 10X?

QUESTION A Electron B a-particle

C Neutron D Proton
1. Nucleon number of an atom refers to
A the number of protons 9. Which of the following sets of m/e values correctly
B the total number of protons and neutrons represent the mass spectrum of chlorine gas?
C the number of neutrons
D the total number of electrons, protons and neutrons A 35 37 70 74
B 35 37 70 72 74
C 35 37 71
2. The Avogadro constant is defined as D 35 35.5 37 70 71 74
A the number of atoms in 12 g of carbon-12
B the number of atoms in 12 g of carbon
C the number of atoms in 12 g of an element
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10. A hydrated salt (R.m.m. = 120) loses 40% of its mass

when heated. What is the relative molecular mass of the
anhydrous salt? 17. Bromine consists of two isotopes, Br-79 and Br-81. The
relative molecular mass of bromine is 159.8. What is the
A 26 C 62 percentage composition of the Br-79 isotope?
B 36 D 72
A 55.6 C 54.0
B 56.0 D 55.0
11. The table below list the relative molecular mass of % of
Q for three compounds of Q. 18. Which of the following species will be deflected the
most in a mass spectrometer?
Compound R.m.m. %
1 100 48 A Cl2+ B 35
2 64 50 C Cl2+ D 35
3 40 40.

What is the most probable relative atomic mass of Q? 19. Which of the following particles can be describe as
A 16 C 44 nucleons?
B 17 D 26
1 Neutron
2 proton
12. Which of the following ions will be deflected most in a 3 Electron
mass spectrometer?
20. The proton number of argon and potassium is 18 and
A Cl+ C 35Cl2+ 19 respectively. However, their relative atomic mass is 40
37 +
B Cl D 35Cl37Cl+ and 39 respectively. Which of the following statement
regarding the most abundant isotopes of argon and
13. The mass spectrum of bromine contains two peaks of potassium is/are correct?
equal height at m/e values of 158 and 162, and no other
peaks with m/e value greater than 162. The relative atomic 1 oxygen atoms
mass of bromine is 2 carbon atoms
3 carbon dioxide molecules
A 79 C 81
B 80 D 82 21. The degree of deflection of a positive ion in a mass
spectrometer depends on
14. 8n atoms of an element X (R.m.m. = 186) weighs 446.4 1 the charge on the ion
g. What is the mass of n atoms of an element Y ( R.m.m. = 2 the strength of the magnetic field
106)? 3 the mass of the ion
A 446.4 g C 111.6 g
B 63.6 g D 31.8 g
22. Which of the following statements regarding the
isotopes 32P and 32S are correct?

1 if a neutron is added to 32P, 32S is produced

2 32P contains more neutron than 32S
15. β-particles are also known as
3 Atoms of both isotopes contains 32 electrons
A ejected from the nucleus when a proton breaks down to
23. The mass spectrum of a sample of bromine consists
form an electron and a neutron
of a peak at m/e 79. Which of the following species
B ejected from the nucleus when a neutron breaks down to
is/are responsible for this peak?
form an electron and a proton
C ejected from the nucleus when an electron breaks down 79
to form a β-particle and a positron 1 Br+
D ejected from the nucleus when a neutron breaks down to 2 Br2+
form a β-particle and an electron 3 Br22+

16. The mass of a neutron cannot be determined by mass 24. The relative molecular mass of chlorine, Cl 2, is 71.
spectroscopy because However no atom of chlorine of relative atomic mass
35.5 exists. Correct statements about this phenomenon
A it is too light include
B it is a mass of zero on the 12C scale
C it is neutral 1 chlorine-35.5 is radioactive
D it has the same mass as a proton 2 naturally chlorine consists of isotopes
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3 no chlorine molecular of relative mass 71 can exists 3 it has a relative mass of 2

33. In which of the following ions is the total number of

25. The main features of a mass spectrometer includes protons the same as the total number of neutron,
but the total number of proton is more than the
1 detection of electrons total number of electrons?
2 production of positive ions from the gaseous sample A H+
3 measurement of the ionization energy of the element B H3O+
C D3O+
26. An organic compound has the following
composition by mass:
3 4. Which of the following is correct with regards to
C, 40.1%; H, 6.6%; O, 52.3%
the number of electrons and number of neutrons in the
It can be concluded that
particles concern?
1 its empirical formula is CH2O
2 its molecular formula is C2H4O2
Particle electrons neutrons
3 its relative molecular mass is 60
27. The Avogadro constant refers to A 35 Br+ 34 44

1 the number of electrons in one mole of electron B 9 F 19 9
2 the relative atomic mass of an element expressed in 16
gram C 7 N 9 7
3 the molar volume of a gas at s.t.p. 18
D 8 O2- 8 10
28. Which of the following statements regarding the C
isotope are correct?

1 it has the same chemical properties as 12C

2 it is denser than 12C
3 it is heavier than 12C

29. Which of the following properties can be used to

differentiate between 35Cl and 37Cl?

1 Relative mass
2 Number of neutron 35. Chlorine consists of 2 isotopes Cl-35 and Cl-37 in the
3 Smell ratio of 3:1. Phosphorus is monoisotopic consisting only
P-31.The mass spectrum of phosphorus trichloride consists
30. In a mass spectrometer, the deflection of a of 9 peaks in 3 groups as below. Identify the species
positively charge ion increases with that are responsible for the peaks.

1 increasing mass of the ion Group m/e value

2 increasing charge on the ion A 66, 68
3 increasing speed of the ion B 101, 103, 105
C 136, 138, 140, 142
31. Which of the following statements is/are correct 36. CF2Cl2 is a coolant used in refrigerators. Which is
regarding radioactive decay?
the possible mass spectrum for CF2Cl2? [Isotopes are
1 The β particle emitted comes from the C, 19F, 35Cl, 37Cl].
decomposition of the neutron in the nucleus
2 When an α particle is emitted, the daughter nucleus
contains 4 proton less than
3 All radioactive decay involve emission of charged
particles the original nucleus

32. Which of the following is true regarding the atoms


1 it is an isotopes of hydrogen
2 it contains 2 protons in the nucleus
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in the information given, which of the following

represent the mass spectrum for 12CH2Br2?

37. The diagram below shows the mass spectrum of a

hydrocarbon, Q.
40. Which of the following data shows the correct
m/e value for a sample of chlorine gas in a mass
[Chlorine isotopes are: 35Cl, 37Cl]
A 35, 37, 35.5, 70, 70.5, 74
B 35, 37, 70, 74, 74.5
C 35, 37, 70, 72, 74
D 35, 37, 70, 74

41. Which of the following ions has more electrons

than protons, and more protons than neutrons?
[H = 11H; D = 21H; He = 42He; O = 168O]
A D B D3O+
Which of the following is possibly hydrocarbon Q?
A C4H8 C C8H16
B C10H20 D C10H22
42. The diagram below shows a mass spectrum of an
alkane, E.

What could E be?
A C10H22 B C10H20
C C12H26 D C6H6
Which of the following will release a spectrum like the
one shown above? 43. The symbol D represents 21H. Which of the
A CH4 C N2O following represents the particle with 1 proton, 1
B C4H10 D CO2 neutron and 2 electrons?
A He B H+
39. Bromine exists in nature as the isotopes 7935Br and C SiO2 D Na2O
35Br in an identical percentage of abundance. Based
[email protected] STPM

C 1:4 D 4:1
44. The two types of isotopes for boron are 105B and
5B. The relative atomic mass for boron is 10.8. What
is the percentage of 105B in this mixture? 50. Sulfamic acid is a white solid used by plumbers
A 20% B 40% as a limescale remover.Sulfamic acid contains
C 60% D 80% 14.42% by mass of nitrogen, 3.09% hydrogen and
33.06% sulfur the remainder is oxygen.
(i) Calculate the empirical formula of sulfamic acid.
45. Which of the following cannot be obtained from a
mass spectrometer?
A The number of isotopes (ii) The molar mass of sulfamic acid is 97.1 g mol–1.
B Relative molecular mass Use this information to deduce the molecular
C Relative abundance of isotopes formula of sulfamic acid.
D The electron configuration in an atom

46. Which ion stated below has

(i) number of protons = number of neutrons
(ii) number of protons > number of electrons?
A D2O+ B Cl-
C H3O D NH4+

47. The graph below shows the changes in the

number of neutrons against the number of protons for
isotopes of elements that are stable and not
51. The following data were obtained from the mass
spectrum of a sample of chromium.

Calculate the relative atomic mass of this sample of

The P isotopes is not stable and deteriorates. Which of chromium.
the following statements is true?
A P emits X-rays and γ- rays. 1. Magnesium exists naturally as a mixture of its isotopes,
B P emits γ- rays 24Mg, 25Mg and 26Mg.
C P emits β particles (a) The isotopes in magnesium can be separated by mass
D P emits α particles spectrometry. The diagram below shows a mass
48. Bromine consists of two isotopes, 7935Br and 8135Br.
If the relative atomic mass of bromine is 79.9, what is
the percentage of isotopes 7935Br in natural
A 55% B 40%
C 35% D 27.5%

49. The relative atomic mass of chlorine is 35.5 and

its proton number is 17. Chlorine has two isotopes
with 18 and 20 neutrons respectively. What is the
ratio of the number of light isotopes to the number of
heavy isotopes?
A 3:1 B 1:3
[email protected] STPM

(i) Complete the diagram by adding the names of the two How abundance is measured
missing processes in the boxes. ............................................................

(ii) Complete the table below to show the composition of (i) Define the term relative atomic mass of an element.
the 25Mg and 26Mg isotopes (ii) The relative abundances of the isotopes in this sample
of iron were found to be as

(iii) Complete the electronic configuration of an atom of

24Mg. Use the data above to calculate the relative atomic mass
of iron in this sample.
1s2..................................................................[1] Give your answer to one decimal place

(iv) Results from the mass spectrum of a sample of

magnesium are shown below.

Calculate the relative atomic mass of the sample of

magnesium. Give your answer to two decimal places.

2. A gaseous sample of chromium can be analysed in a

mass spectrometer. Before deflection, the
chromium atoms are ionised and then accelerated.
(a) Describe briefly how positive ions are formed from
gaseous chromium atoms in a mass 1. Succinic acid has the formula (CH2)n(COOH)2 and reacts with
dilute sodium hydroxide as follows: (CH2)n(COOH)2 + 2NaOH 
spectrometer. (CH2)n(COONa)2 + 2H2O
(b) What is used in a mass spectrometer to accelerate the 2.0 g of succinic acid were dissolved in water and the solution
positive ions? made up to 250 cm3. This solution was placed in a burette and 18.4
(c) What is used in a mass spectrometer to deflect the cm3 was required to neutralise 25 cm3 of 0.1 moldm-3 NaOH.
positive ions? Deduce the molecular formula of the acid and hence the value of n.
(d) The mass spectrum of a sample of chromium shows 2. Sodium carbonate exists in hydrated form, Na 2CO3.xH2O, in the
four peaks. Use the data below to solid state. 3.5 g of a sodium carbonate sample was dissolved in
calculate the relative atomic mass of chromium in the water and the volume made up to 250 cm3. 25.0 cm3 of this
sample. Give your answer to two solution was titrated against 0.1 moldm-3 HCl and 24.5 cm3 of the
decimal places. acid were required. Calculate the value of x given the equation:
Na2CO3 + 2HCl  2NaCl + CO2 + H2O

3.25 cm3 of a sample of vinegar (CH3COOH) was pipetted into a

volumetric flask and the volume was made up to 250 cm 3. This
solution was placed in a burette and 13.9 cm3 were required to
neutralise 25 cm3 of 0.1 moldm-3 NaOH. Calculate the molarity of
the original vinegar solution and its concentration in gdm -3, given
that it reacts with NaOH in a 1:1 ratio.

4.2.5 g of a sample of impure ethanedioic acid, H 2C2O4.2H2O, was

3. A sample of iron from a meteorite was found to contain dissolved in water and the solution made up to 250 cm 3. This
the isotopes 54Fe, 56Fe and 57Fe. solution was placed in a burette and 21.3 cm3 were required to
(a) The relative abundances of these isotopes can be neutralise 25 cm3 of 0.1 moldm-3 NaOH. Given that ethanedioic
determined using a mass spectrometer.In the mass acid reacts with NaOH in a 1:2 ratio, calculate the percentage
spectrometer, the sample is first vaporised and then purity of the sample.
ionised. 5. A toilet cleaner containing sodium hydrogensulphate, NaHSO 4 is
(i) State what is meant by the term isotopes. believed to have been contaminated. 5.678 g of the sample were
(ii) Explain how, in a mass spectrometer, ions are dissolved in water and the solution was made up to 250 cm 3. This
detected and how their abundance is measured. solution was placed in a burette and 23.1 cm3 of it were required
How ions are to neutralise 25 cm3 of 0.1 moldm-3 sodium hydroxide.
[email protected] STPM

Calculate the percentage purity of the sample given that the

species react in a 1:1 ratio.
6.When silicon tetrachloride is added to water, the following +
reaction occurs:
SiCl4(l) + 2H2O(l)  SiO2(s) + 4HCl(aq) 2
1.2 g of impure silicon tetrachloride was dissolved in excess water,
and the resulting solution was made up to 250 cm 3. A 25 cm3 4 –
portion of the solution was then titrated against 0.10 moldm -3 3
sodium hydroxide, and 18.7 cm3 of the alkali were required. What
was the percentage purity of the silicon tetrachloride?

7. 13.2 g of a sample of zinc sulphate, ZnSO 4.xH2O, was strongly A1 B.2 C.3 D.4
heated until no further change in mass was recorded. On heating,
all the water of crystallisation evaporated as follows: ZnSO 4.xH2O
 ZnSO4 + xH2O.
Calculate the number of moles of water of crystallisation in the
4. (a) Define the term isotope.
zinc sulphate sample given that 7.4 g of solid remained after
strong heating. (b) A sample of argon exists as a mixture
of three isotopes.
mass number 36, relative abundance 0.337 %
1) n = 2 2) x = 10 3) 1.80 moldm-3, 108 gdm-3 4)73.9 % 5) 57.2 %
6) 66.3 % 7) x = 7 mass number 38, relative abundance 0.0630 %

mass number 40, relative abundance 99.6 %

Calculate the relative atomic mass of


1. What is the correct number of each particle (c) State the number of electrons, protons
19 – 56 3+
in a fluoride ion, F ? and neutrons in the ion Fe .

protons neutrons electrons

A. 9 10 8
5. How many protons, neutrons and electrons
B. 9 10 9 26 2+
are there in the species Mg ?
C. 9 10 10
Protons Neutrons Electrons
D. 9 19 10
A. 10 14 12
2. (a) State a physical property that is B. 12 14 10
different for isotopes of an element.
C. 12 26 10

D. 14 12 12

(b) Chlorine exists as two isotopes, Cl
37 69
and Cl. The relative atomic mass of 6. A sample of gallium exists as two isotopes, Ga, relative
chlorineis 35.45. Calculate the 71
abundance 61.2 %, and Ga, relative abundance 38.8 %.
percentage abundance of each isotope. Calculate the relative atomic mass of gallium.

3. Electrons are directed into an electric field 7. What is the difference between two neutral atoms
from left to right as indicated by the arrow in 59 59
the diagram below. Which path is most represented by the symbols 27
Co and 28
Ni ?
probable for these electrons?
[email protected] STPM

A. The number of neutrons only.

B. The number of protons and electrons


C. The number of protons and neutrons


D. The number of protons, neutrons and


8. A certain sample of element Z contains 60%

69 71
of Z and 40% of Z. What is the relative
atomic mass of element Z in this sample?

A. 69.2

B. 69.8

C. 70.0

D. 70.2

1. C
9. Which ion would undergo the greatest 2. (a) mass / density / for gases: rate of
deflection in a mass spectrometer? effusion or diffusion / melting point /
boiling point
16 +
A. O 35
(b) if Cl = x, then (x = 35.00) + (1 – x)
37.00 = 35.45
16 2+
B. O

18 2+ therefore, x = 0.775;
C. O 35 37
Cl = 77.5 % and Cl = 22.5 %;
16 18 +
D. ( O O)
3. A
4. (a) atoms of the same element / same
10. Lithium is a Group I element in the Periodic number of protons / same atomic
Table. It occurs naturally in two isotopic forms. The number;
relative abundance of the each of these isotopes is having different numbers of neutrons /
shown in the table below: different (mass number);

6 7 (b) relative atomic mass =

Istope Li Li 36  0.337  38  0.0630  40  99.6
Relative abundance (%) 7.4 92.6 100 ;
(a) What is the meaning of the term 'isotope'? (c) 23 electrons;
(b) Calculate the relative atomic mass of lithium 26 protons;
30 neutrons;
5. B
6. (a) atoms of the same element / same
atomic number / same number of
different numbers of neutrons / mass
[email protected] STPM

numbers; 2
(b) relative atomic mass =
(69  61.2  71  38.8)
100 = 69.8; 1
7. D
8 B
9. B

10. a)Atoms with the same atomic number but

different mass number/atoms with the same no. of
protons but different no. of neutrons

b) Relative atomic mass = 6×0.074 + 7×0.926

= 6.93

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