Injustice To University Professors, Who Retired Before January 01, 2006, From The Universities in Punjab State in The Fixation of Pension

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The Secretary,
Department of Finance,
Pension Policy & Coordination Branch,
Government of Punjab,

Subject: Wrong Fixation of Pensions/Family Pension of University

and College Teachers.


This is in reference to your letter No. 3/39/09-3FPPC/1568 dated

30.12.10. In the Annexure-B of this letter the pension of the
teachers is supposed to have been fixed as per the criteria
notified in Para 4.2 by the Pb. Government letters No. 3/23/09
3FPPC/885 dated 17th August 2009 and 3/23/09 3FPPC/201 dated 22nd
Feb. 2010. Para 4.2 of the letter dated 22nd February, 2010 was a
clarification of the para with the same number in the earlier
letter issued on 17th of August 2009. The relevant portion of Para
4.2 reads as under:

"the benefit of fixation of revised pension envisaged in para

4.2 of the aforesaid letter will be subject to the condition
that full pension, in no case shall be less than 50% of the
initial pay shown in column 8 of the schedule of the Punjab
Civil Services (revised pay) rules 2009, against relevant Pay
Band and Grade Pay corresponding to the pre-revised scale of
pay in which the pensioner had last worked."

The 22nd February, 2010 letter was aimed at removing the confusion,
if any, in making calculations for the fixation of pension of pre
01-01-2006 pensioners. But unfortunately, while fixing the pension
of the University and College teachers Para 4.2 has not been
The proper connotation of the term initial pay in the revised pay
scales of the teachers as per Punjab Government Notification No.
10/3/09-3 edu.1/3321 dated 02.09.2009 has not been kept in view as
has been done in the case of Punjab Government employees. This is a
discrimination against the Punjabi University Teachers because the
pension rules applicable to them are same as for other Punjab
Government Employees (Pension Scheme Rule 10,P.95 Punjabi
University Calendar Volume I). Initial Pay is not necessarily the
sum total of Basic Pay in the Pay Band and Grade Pay. In certain
grades it may be so whereas in some other grades it may be quite
higher than this (Annexure A) of the Pb. Govt. letter No. 3/39/09-
3fppc/201 dated 22nd February 2010). To illustrate as to how
Annexure B dated 30-12-2010 discriminates against the teachers we
may take the case of pension for grade 31 employees in Annexure A
for Punjab Government pensioners and pension of a Professor as per
the Annexure B.

Annexure A Pre-revised Revised Pay Structure w.e.f. Pension 50%

Serial No. Scales of 1.1.2006 of the
Pay Pay Band Grade Pay Initial Initial
Pay Pay.

31 16,350- 37400-67000 8900 48590 24295

Annexure B 16400-22400 37400-67000 10000 50890 23700

From the above table discriminatory application of the term

Initial Pay as per para 4.2 of the aforesaid Government
Notification is evident.

In Annexure A there are 3 sub heads under the Revised Pay

Structure w.e.f. 1.1.2006 viz. Pay Bands, Grade Pay and
Initial Pay where as in Annexure B only 2 sub heads that is
Pay Bands and Grade Pay has been taken into consideration and
the crucial sub head of Initial Pay has not been kept in
view. This seems to have been done on the presumption that
Initial Pay is equal to sum total of the Initial of the Pay
Band and Grade Pay. As is evident from Annexure A this is not
the case.

Till January 2011 Panjab University, Chandigarh and Punjabi

University, Patiala have been rightly admitting pensions to
their teachers in the light of the para 4.2 as per the table
given below:

Sr. Designation Pre-revised Revised Pay Structure Pension Family

No. scales of w.e.f. 1.1.2006 (50% of Pension
pay w.e.f. Pay Bands Grade Initial the (30% of
1.1.1996 Pay Pay Initial the
Pay in
col 5)
Pay in
col 5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Lecturer 8000-13500 15600-39100 6000 21600 10800 6480
2 Lecturer 10000-15200 15600-39100 7000 25600 12800 7680
(Sr. Scale)
3 Lecturer 12000-18300 15600-39100 8000 30320 15160 9096
4 Lecturer 12000-18300 37400-67000 9000 46400 23200 13920
(SG) with 3
5 Professor 16400-22400 37400-67000 10000 50890 25445 15267
Following your letter dated 30.12.2010 now they have lowered the
pensionary benefits to the level of teachers working in Central
Universities and Colleges. This is violative of para 4.2
applicable to the College and University teachers in the State of
Punjab. Your letter of 30.12.2010 clearly states that "the benefit
of revised pension/family pension envisaged in para 4.2 of the
aforesaid letters (i.e. 17.8.2009 and 22.2.2010) will be available
for fixation of pensioner/family pensioner of teachers and
equivalent cadres in government colleges in the State". Our
contention is that the figures in the table fixing the pension have
not been rightly worked out. This is a computing mistake which can
be rectified by taking basic pay (initial pay) of the teachers
shown in tables 1 to 5 of Punjab Government notification No.
10/3/2009-Edu.1/3321 dated 2.9.2009 as has been done in the case of
pre 1.1.2006 pensioners of Punjab Government. Our main point is
that if the same policy decision is applicable to the Punjab
Government pensions and the teachers working in the Colleges and
Universities of the State how come the teachers with higher basic
pay in the pre-revised scales as well as the revised scales are
entitled for lower pension as compared to the nearest scales of pay
shown in Annexure-A fixing the pension for Punjab Government
employees retiring before 1.1.2006.

In view of the above, it is requested that Annexure B of the letter

No. 3/39/09-3 FPPC/1568 dated 30.12.10 be suitably amended in the
light of the correct connotation of the term Initial Pay in Para

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully

(Kehar Singh)

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