Murderbowl Core Edition - Version 1.0 - Hump - S Wares - SPREADS
Murderbowl Core Edition - Version 1.0 - Hump - S Wares - SPREADS
Murderbowl Core Edition - Version 1.0 - Hump - S Wares - SPREADS
Core Edition
Foundry ↓
Roll20 ↓
OGL - Open Gaming License
SRD - System Reference Document
Written, Edited and Arranged by: Max Wartelle for
Humperdink’s Wares
Proofing: Iain Woodhead Illustrations & Items by:
Illustrators: Daniel Comerci, Evegnii Matrosov, Dean
Spencer, Loot Tavern
Cartographers: Cze & Peku
Special thanks: Adam Bokhari, Daniel Brereton,
Grumpasaurus, Isak Hjlem, Jason Kearny, Kensyi,
UnluckyBones, Sebastian Will, Iain Woodhead, Nich-
olas Yuknalis,
Contents Introduction and brute force, a team must move a ball, also known
as a murderball, from one side of the pitch to the other,
Murderbowl is a supplement for 5th edition intended
Player Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 injuring as many opponents as possible in the process.
Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i for any number of players of any level. Winning a
Murderbowl match provides enough experience to Below is a quick summary of how the game works:
Murderbowl Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Roll20 & Foundry . . . . . . . . . . . i progress one fifth of the way to the next level, while • A team scores a point if one of its players is in
Blocker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 losing provides half the progression. Murderbowl possession of the ball in the opponent’s end zone.
Catcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 provides a refreshing take on combat, mixing familiar
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 • The team with the most points when the time
Runner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 mechanics with an ulterior goal – scoring! elapses wins the match.
Thrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Murderbowl can be played as a standalone game or • A match lasts 2 minutes (two 1-minute halves
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 wrought into your campaign using one of the adventure separated by a short rest).
Adventure Hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 hooks below. Before running a game, send your players
Appendix A - Magic Items . 19 the basic rules – available for free on Humperdink’s
• The game clock pauses when a team scores.
The Magic Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 • You can attack the ball carrier (but not anyone else).
Arcanomagnetic Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Wares – so they can look over the new player actions.
Blood Minister Syringe . . . . . . . . . . . 19 • You can tackle anyone, at any time.
Basic Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Free Core Edition. This version of the Murderbowl
• Each team has one designated spell caster.
Scorching Fists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 game is given freely, I encourage you to send folks
The Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 our way to download it! The patron-only bonus • Flying, levitating, or burrowing while in posses-
Xyxlbark Armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Kick Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 edition has lots of extras. There’s advanced rules sion of the ball is a foul.
that add modular mechanics, playing dirty, environ- • There are new Murderbowl-specific actions.
Game Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Appendix B - Spells . . . . . . . . 21 mental/crowd effects, and variants like bruisebowl,
Extra Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Mireball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 arenabowl, and souperbowl. There’s the ‘Star Player’ Contents. In this document, you’ll find basic rules
Shielding Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 adventure hooks, along with three star players. There’s (page 4) and advanced rules (page 6). The basic
Fouls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
extra free agents, a whole new team – the Bloodsmith rules provide all you need to play a game of Murde-
Murderbowl Player Actions . . . . . . 7 Switcheroo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 bowl, including fouls and new player actions (page
Bowlers – and more Murderbowl feats.
7). In player options (page 18) you’ll find loads of
ways to specialise a character’s role on the field. These
Teams & Players . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Free Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Background can be expanded into full feats, usable in any 5e game.
Murderbowl is a ball game not dissimilar to rugby and
Blitzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 More Available! american football. It is a simple game, functioning Adventure Hooks
Bowl Mage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 The patron-exclusive bonus edition contains: just like combat in 5e. Beyond the rules of the sport (of
Murderbowl can add a unique twist to a long-running
Catcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 • Creature tokens which there are few), this supplement introduces a few
campaign. Below are suggested quests and plot hooks
additional actions to help facilitate moving the ball and
Linesman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 • Advanced player actions like jink, read, and that you can use give your characters a reason to play.
tackling ball carriers. Using cunning, communication,
Thrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 playbook.
• Rules for playing dirty.
Holy Avengers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
• Environmental & crowd effects.
Micah “The Wall” O’er . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
• Gamemode variants: bruisebowl, arenabowl,
Oron “Lightning” Dunald . . . . . . . . . 13 and souperbowl.
Tam Brody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 • ‘Star Player’ adventure hooks and stat blocks:
Vorpal Vixens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ronald Rump and Baron Dodgers.
Bea “The Sting” Drews . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 • Additional free agents: tackler, berserker, and
Hobbalob Slingit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
• New team: Bloodsmith Bowlers.
Dash “Blast” Bakhtiara . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
• Three more Murderbowl feats!
ii 1
Reward. In all cases, the recommended pot on offer
for winning the tournament is a thousand times the The Arthrofist
party’s average player level (APL) in gold. In a tourna- Derby between Ducal
Deserters and
ment with multiple rounds, offer half this amount for Bloodsmith Bowlers
2nd place, and one fifth of the amount for 3rd place.
25 feet
• National Pride. The Golden Gate Patriots have
been brought low by sabotage; their prime
thrower has the plague, their catcher lost his
thumbs, and the rest of the team have worms. The Decapi Cup
Annual Competition
The only possible culprit is their rival, the Vorpal
Vixens, a team beholden to their dark elf queen
who plans to use the item in an upcoming war.
The cantankerous mayor, Merry Goldenbeard,
offers to bankroll the party’s training and double
the tournament winnings.
• Arcane Musings. Fumblemore the wizard (N
archmage) wishes to study the magic item.
To help the party progress, he offers the party
2 3
Basic Rules The makeup of a team depends on its tactic. Dex-
terous teams may have individuals specialised in
a failure, the ball scatters a number of feet equal to
the difference between the DC and the kicker’s result
The team with the most points at the end of the game
throwing and catching. Tough teams may choose to (minimum 5 feet). Roll a d8 and consult the scatter
wins. A team scores a point when one of its team
train their players to shove and block. In all cases, table to determine the direction.
members is in possession of the ball in the opposi-
each team can only have one designated spellcaster.
tion’s end zone. Scatter Table
A team can change which creature is designated as
Coin Toss. The home team chooses heads or tails on spellcaster at half time. d8 Direction
the coin toss. The winner of the toss decides whether 1 north
they wish to kick off or receive for the first half. The
loser of the toss decides which direction they will play
The Game 2 north-east
3 east
in the first half. Play starts with a kick off and does not stop until a
4 south-east
team scores or the half ends.
Duration. A game is incredibly short; it consists of 5 south
two one-minute halves (10 combat rounds) separated 6 south-west
by a period long enough to allow each team to benefit Kick Off 7 west
from a short rest. For this reason, it’s common prac- A kick-off occurs at the start of each half as well as 8 north-west
tice to have ten or more games scheduled in the same after a team scores. The team that is kicking off must
place on the same day. Each match plays its first half designate a kicker. The kicker places the ball one Dispel Magic. When the ball is kicked, a wave of
one after the other, rests, and then plays its second third of the way from its end zone to its opposition’s antimagic suffuses the pitch, dispelling all spells that
half one after the other. (typically 60 feet). When a team scores, play stops, the may be affecting players.
players reset their positions, and the scoring team
The Pitch. A Murderbowl pitch measures approxi- Game Time
kicks off. The ball can’t be kicked until each team is on
mately 150 feet long by 90 feet wide, with a 10 to 20-
its own half of the pitch. After the ball is kicked, roll initiative. Then treat the
foot end zone at either end. In converted colosseums it
is ovular, with a narrower end-zone than the mid field. The Kicker. A kicker is able to kick a murderball a game like a normal combat, using characters’ normal
maximum distance of five times its Strength score actions, as well as the actions described in the Mur-
Team Composition. A Murderbowl team typically derbowl Player Actions section (page 7). The game
in feet. If the ball scatters off the pitch directly after
consists of five or more players. To maximise player stops only if a team scores. In the first round after a
a kick off, or the ball doesn’t cross the half-way line, a
enjoyment when running larger groups, make a typi- kick-off, treat every creature as having taken the Dodge
referee immediately throws a ball to any player of the
cal team consists of the same number of participants action (see page 7) until the start of its first turn.
receiving team’s choice. Murderball
as you have players at your table; if you have 7 players,
then that’s how many players are on the pitch at the The Kick. To kick off, the kicker must choose a spot Picking Up The Ball. The ball is heavy and unwieldy.
same time. If you have fewer than five players at your to aim for. The kicker then makes a DC 15 Dexterity A creature must be within 1 foot of the ball and use
table, let you team hire free agents to fill out their (Athletics) check. If the kicker’s check is successful, a bonus action or action to pick it up. A creature
roster (see page 9). the ball lands in the designated spot. If the check is needs a free hand to pick up and carry the ball.
Throwing the Ball. A creature can run or throw the knocked prone while holding the ball must release
ball to move it. A creature can throw a ball a max- the ball or be sent to the sin bin (see ‘Fouls’ on
imum distance of five times its Strength score page 6). The ball then scatters 5 feet in a ran-
to a creature it can see (the ‘receiver’). A player dom direction. Roll a d8 and consult the random
with the ball can make a Throw check (a Dexter- direction table above.
ity (Athletics) check) to throw the ball to another Free-throws. If a player intentionally moves out of
creature. The DC equals half the distance in feet to the field of play whilst in possession of the ball, or
the receiver. If the thrower succeeds on the check the ball scatters out of the field of play for whatev-
and the receiver isn’t incapacitated, the receiver er reason, the result is a free-throw for the team
catches the ball. that did not touch the ball last. The ball remains 5
Catching the Ball. If the Thrower doesn’t meet the feet off the field of play until the team taking the
DC, the receiver can use it’s reaction to make a free-throw throws it back into the field of play.
Catch check, adding the result to the Thrower’s Taking more than 2 turns to make a free-throw
check. If the combined total meets or exceeds after the ball goes out of play is generally a sin bin
the DC, the ball is caught by the catcher! If the offence (see ‘Fouls’ on page 6).
combined result of the throw and catch rolls are Half Time. At the end of the 10th round, play stops
lower than the DC, the ball scatters (roll a d8 and and each team gets the benefits of a short rest.
consult the scatter table, above). The teams switch attacking directions for the sec-
Tackled. It is a foul to be in possession of the ond half. At the start of the second half, the team
murderball while you are prone. A player that is that received the ball in the first half kicks off.
4 5
Extra Information Ejection. Breaking some rules can get you ejected Murderbowl Player Actions Tackle (action). Choose a creature within reach taht
Enchanted Ball. A creature in possession of the from the field of play for the rest of the half, leaving The following are either adaptations of existing 5e is no more than 1 size large then you. Make a Strength
murderball has the following features: your team one member short. In some leagues, play- actions (such as Dodge and Tackle), or are new rules (Athletics) check contested by the creature’s Strength
• It can’t be charmed. ers are fined 100 gp for their first ejection, and 500 entirely (like Throw and Catch). They are presented (Athletics) (or Dexterity (Acrobatics) if the target
gp for their second. Richer teams take full advantage alphabetically. Remember, Murderbowl doesn’t get its has taken the Dodge action). Being tackled prompts a
• It can’t turn invisible. of this, insuring their players against ejection fines. check to maintain concentration on a spell.
name without good reason. You can always take the
• It can’t teleport. Here are some ejectable offences: Attack action! On a successful Tackle, you knock the target prone
Tied Scores. In the event both teams have the same • Being under the effect of any potion other than a Block (action). The area around you becomes diffi- and it must make a Constitution saving throw. The
number of points at the end of the second half, then healing one. cult terrain for any creatures you deem hostile. When DC for the save equals your Strength or Constitution
the result is a draw. Some competitions do not allow • Casting a spell if you are not the team’s designat- a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of you, you score, whichever is higher. On a failed check, roll a d8
draws. In these cases, extra halfs, each 30 seconds ed spellcaster. can use your reaction to make a Shove special melee on the injuries table below. All injuries can stack.
long (5 rounds), are played. If one team has more • Casting a spell which damages persons other than attack.
points than the other at the end of one of these extra
Injuries Table
the ball carrier. Catch (reaction). As a reaction when you’re the target
halves, that team wins the match. • Attacking or casting a spell on the referee. d8 Injury
of a failed Throw check, you can attempt a Catch.
Make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check and add the 1 KO’d. You are knocked unconscious for 1d4 turns. You
Fouls Arguing & Acting. As any good sportsman knows, result to the thrower’s Throw check. If the combined are dizzy when you wake (see #4 below).
avoiding fouls is as much about what actually oc- result of the Throw and Catch checks is equal to or 2 Fractured Arm. Until the end of the game your
There are two tiers of fouls in Murderbowl: sin bins curred as how well you sell your side of the story. As attacks (including shoves), Throw, and Catch actions
and ejections. If a foul occurs and is spotted by a greater than the DC, you catch the ball.
an action, a creature accused of a foul can complain to are made with disadvantage.
referee, the referee immediately blows its whistle and the referee and make a Charisma (Persuasion) check 3 Concussed. You are stunned until the end of your next
indicates the consequence to the player. A creature ac- known as an “It Was an Accident” check. For a sin bin Rules Reminder: Shoving. turn.
cused of a foul by a referee must use all its movement foul, the DC is 15, while for an ejection the DC is 21. 4 Dizzy. Your speed is halved and you make all attacks
and available actions to exit the pitch as quickly as Shoving is in the normal 5e rules; it is a special and checks with disadvantage until the end of your
On a success, the creature is allowed back on the field
possible. If a creature is still on the pitch at the end of melee attack you can make to either knock a crea- next turn.
of play.
its following turn, the referee can award the opposing ture prone or push it 5 feet away from you. When 5 Tear. Your speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of
team a point (GM’s discretion). you take the Attack action, you can make as many the half.
Persuading the Referee
shoves as you have attacks. 6 Sprain. Your speed is reduced by 5 feet until the end
Sin Bin. A creature sent to the sin bin must spend Foul Type Charisma (Persuasion) check DC of the half.
three full turns off the field. They are at liberty to Sin-bin 15 7 Winded. Your speed is halved until the end of your
move around the pitch, and re-enter the game at any Ejection 21 The target of your shove must be no more than next turn.
location on the 4th turn after they leave the pitch. one size larger than you and it must be within 8 Lucky escape! You don’t gain an injury.
They can’t physically or magically interfere with any your reach. You make a Strength (Athletics) check
creature on the pitch (doing so results in an ejection), contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Throw (action). A player with the ball can make a
but can shout encouragement and advice. The follow- GM’s Discretion & Versus Matches Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (in Murderbowl, a Dexterity (Athletics) check (a ‘Throw check’) to throw
ing are examples of sin-binnable offences: If playing 1-on-1, decide how any rulings that rely creature can only choose to use Dexterity (Acrobat- the ball to another creature. The DC equals half the
• Making a non-shove attack against a creature that on GM’s discretion will be handled before the ics) checks if it has taken the Dodge action on its distance in feet to the target. A creature can throw a
is not in possession of the ball. (N.B. Tackles are match begins. previous turn). You succeed automatically if the tar- ball a maximum distance of five times its Strength
not attacks). get is incapacitated. If you succeed, you either knock score in feet.
• Damaging a player on the opposite team who the target prone or push it 5 feet away from you. A creature that takes the Throw action while a
doesn’t have the ball. hostile creature is within 5 feet of it does so with
• Purposefully moving off the field of play whilst in disadvantage. A creature with a feat that prevents the
possession of the ball. Dodge (action). In addition to the normal benefits
disadvantage imposed on ranged attack rolls while
of the Dodge action, you can make Dexterity (Acro-
• Taking too long to take a free-throw. within 5 feet of a hostile creature (like the Crossbow
batics) checks instead of Strength (Athletics) checks
• Touching a ball outside the field of play when it is Expert feat) ignores this disadvantage when making a
to avoid being shoved, tackled, or grappled until the
not their team’s free-throw. Throw check.
start of your next turn. If you take this action while
• Flying, levitating, or burrowing with the ball. grappled, you can make one Dexterity (Acrobatics)
• Being in possession of the ball while prone. check contested by each grapplers’ Strength (Athlet-
ics), ending a grapple on a success.
6 7
Teams & Players Dm Tip: Balancing Teams
Free Agents
Free agents need to get paid. They expect both a wage
Bowl Mage
A bowl mage is the ultimate utility player. Not only
With enough skill (and, let’s face it, money, healing
(about 100 gp per match) and an equal split of the pot. can they fry a runaway player from 100 feet away with
potions don’t grow on trees), a pub team can make All stat blocks presented herein assume your a sizzling lightning bolt, but they can boost their own
it all the way up to the big leagues. Of course, a rich players have a +2 proficiency bonus. If you’re players with spells like longstrider, enlarge, and haste.
team owned by a shady foreign power will usually playing with higher level players, consider buffing Blitzer
pluck any raw talent out of a rising team before this the free agents and established teams with the A speedster, the blitzer aims to shoot around blockers
has a chance to happen. following changes for each proficiency bonus and get to the thrower. Whether this is before or after Bowl Mage
The top teams stay top for a reason: loyalty can be increment your players have gained: the ball is thrown doesn’t matter to most blitzers, they Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment HW4
purchased. Cities are full of players trying to make it just want to hit something. Armour Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
onto one of the big teams, preferably before they break • Increase the proficiency bonus of the NPCs by +1. Hit Points 36 (8d8)
anything serious. The players described in the free • Increase the number of hit die by 2. Speed 30 ft.
agents section can be used to fill holes in a party’s team, • Increase the number of uses of limited use fea-
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment HW4
or to flesh out some of the more established teams like tures like Blitz and Runner. 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
the Holy Avengers (page 12), Vorpal Vixens (page Armour Class 16 (breastplate)
• Increase the spellcaster level of the designated Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Skills Arcana +5, Athletics +2
15). The Bloodsmith Bowlers have their own unique Senses passive Perception 11
players: berserkers and bulwarks (page 18). spellcaster by 2 and choose some new spells! Speed 35 ft.
Languages Common plus three other languages
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Play Maker. The mage adds it Intelligence modifier to its initiative rolls.
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +4 Spellcasting. The mage is a 6th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting
Senses passive Perception 10 ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks).
Languages Common plus one other language The mage has the following wizard spells prepared:
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, prestidigitation, shocking grasp
Blitz (2 Uses, Recharges on a Short Rest). The blitzer can take the 1st level (4 slots): longstrider, mage armor, magic missile, shield
Dash action as bonus action. 2nd level (3 slots): enlarge/reducec, misty step
3rd level (3 slots): hastec, lightning bolt, mireball*
Actions *Spells from Humperdink’s Wares; cConcentration Spells; bold: combat spells
Multiattack. The blitzer makes two attacks.
Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage. Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Murderbowl Actions
Block. The area around the blitzer becomes difficult terrain for
Murderbowl Actions
creatures it is hostile towards until the start of its next turn. As a re- Block. The area around the blitzer becomes difficult terrain for
action when a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of the blitzer, creatures it is hostile towards until the start of its next turn. As a re-
the blitzer can make one Shove special melee attack against it. action when a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of the blitzer,
Tackle. The blitzer attempts to tackle a creature within 5 feet of it. the mage can make one Shove special melee attack against it.
It has a +4 Strength (Athletics) modifier. Tackle. The mage attempts to tackle a creature within 5 feet of it. It
Throw. The blitzer throws a Murderball up to 70 feet to a creature has a +2 Strength (Athletics) modifier.
he can see. It has a +4 Dexterity (Athletics) modifier. Throw. The mage throws a Murderball up to 70 feet to a creature
he can see. It has a +4 Dexterity (Athletics) modifier.
Catch. When the blitzer is the target of a throw that misses, it can
make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (+2), adding the result Catch. When the mage is the target of a throw that misses, it can
to the thrower’s Throw check. make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (+2), adding the result
to the thrower’s Throw check.
Holy Avengers
8 9
Catcher Linesman Thrower
Safe hands is a must for teams that rely on throwing.
The catcher combines sure mitts with the ability to
Large and tough, the linesman is a defensive nuisance
able to fend off multiple attackers while keeping the
Some teams, such as the Bloodsmith Bowlers, opt to
play without a thrower stating “those ejits can’t score if
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment HW4
dodge incoming tacklers while running full pelt. thrower safe. Linesmen in a cage formation provide you don’t let go of the ball, can they laddie!?”. However, for
Armour Class 16 (breastplate)
an almost impregnable barrier against tacklers. teams that rely on speed and movement, being able to
Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8)
throw a ball can flip a game on its head when a batter-
Catcher ing ram of armoured dwarves is bearing down on you.
Speed 30 ft.
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment HW4 Linesman STR
13 (+1)
16 (+3)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
Armour Class 15 (studded leather) Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment HW4
Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8) Armour Class 17 (splint) Skills Athletics +3, Insight +3, Perception +3
Speed 30 ft. Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27) Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common plus one other language
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
12 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Perfect Technique. The maximum range the thrower can throw a
Skills Acrobatics +5, Sleight of Hand +5 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) ball is increased by 15 feet (included in actions).
Senses passive Perception 10 Saves Con +5 Thrower. Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose
Languages Common plus one other language Skills Athletics +5 disadvantage on the thrower ranged attack rolls or Throw checks.
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Senses passive Perception 10
Keen Hearing and Sight. The catcher has advantage on Wisdom Languages Common plus one other language Actions
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight. Challenge 3 (700 XP) Multiattack. The thrower makes two melee attacks.
Runner (2 Uses, Recharges on a Short Rest). The catcher can take the Blocker. When the Linesman takes the Block action, the difficult Javelin (Melee). Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
Dodge action as bonus action. terrain it creates costs 3 feet of movement to move 1 foot. In 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
addition, it gains a second reaction that can only be used to make Javelin (Ranged). Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
Actions Shove attack against a player who moves to a space within 5 feet range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Multiattack. The catcher makes two attacks. of the linesman.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
Murderbowl Actions
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Actions Block. The area around the thrower becomes difficult terrain for
Multiattack. The linesman makes two melee attacks. creatures it is hostile towards until the start of its next turn. As a re-
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. action when a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of the thrower,
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage or 8 (1d10 + 3) bludgeoning the thrower can make one Shove special melee attack against it.
Murderbowl Actions damage if used with two hands. Tackle. The thrower attempts to tackle a creature within 5 feet of
Block. The area around the catcher becomes difficult terrain for it. It has a +3 Strength (Athletics) modifier.
creatures it is hostile towards until the start of its next turn. As a re-
Murderbowl Actions Throw. The thrower throws a Murderball up to 80 feet to a crea-
action when a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of the catcher, Block. The area around the linesman becomes difficult terrain for ture it can see. It has a +5 Dexterity (Athletics) modifier.
the catcher can make one Shove special melee attack against it. creatures it is hostile towards until the start of its next turn. As a reac-
Tackle. The catcher attempts to tackle a creature within 5 feet of it.
tion when a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of the linesman, Reactions
the linesman can make one Shove special melee attack against it. Catch. When the thrower is the target of a throw that misses, it can
It has a +1 Strength (Athletics) modifier.
Tackle. The linesman attempts to tackle a creature within 5 feet of make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (+3), adding the result
Throw. The catcher throws a Murderball up to 60 feet to a creature
it. It has a +5 Strength (Athletics) modifier. to the thrower’s Throw check.
it can see. It has a +3 Dexterity (Athletics) modifier.
Throw. The linesman throws a Murderball up to 80 feet to a crea-
Reactions ture it can see. It has a +3 Dexterity (Athletics) modifier.
Catch. When the catcher is the target of a throw that misses, it can
make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (+5), adding the result
to the thrower’s Throw check. Catch. When the linesman is the target of a throw that misses, it
can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (+1), adding the
result to the thrower’s Throw check.
Vorpal Vixens
10 11
Holy Avengers Micah “The Wall” O’er Oron “Lightning” Dunald
This muscular elf bucks trends with his appearance, Whether named after her dragon-like breath or her
“Do not cheat. Do not break. Do not falter.” halting any who threaten his thrower. In his game- quick reflexes, “Lightning” Dunald is a weapon on the
DM Tip: Expanding The Avengers
- Motto of the Holy Avengers day golden plate mail, he shines like a lighthouse, field. A solid asset in attack or defence, Lightning moves Though the Holy Avengers boast three star players,
warding away unwary blitzers. with the grace of a dancer – a dancer who just heard they still need a full roster. You can add the follow-
Lawful to a fault, the Holy Avengers brook no devia- theirs an opening in a local troupe if they move fast. ing free agents depending on how many players
tion from the rules as written. A referee that makes a there are in a team in your world.
questionable decision can expect a strongly-worded Micah "The Wall" O'er
letter from the archdeacon of the temple to Veritus, Medium humanoid (elf), lawful good HW4 Oron “Lightning” Dunald Team Size Additional Players
the god of truth. With the best post-match clerics in Armour Class 20 (plate + shield) Medium humanoid (dragonborn), lawful good HW4 5 Catcher & Bowl Mage
the business, Tam Brody, their start thrower, is still Hit Points 85 (10d8 + 40) Armour Class 17 (half plate) 6 Linesman
looking sharp well into his second century. Speed 30 ft. Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24) 7 Tackler
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Speed 35 ft. 8 Catcher
Veritus’ Blessing. Once per tournament, Veritus sees
fit to meddle in the affairs of mortals, blessing the entire 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 9 Tackler
team for an entire half. At least, that’s what the arch- Saves Con +6 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
deacon says happens. The players know not to question Skills Athletics +6 Skills Athletics +5, Acrobatics +5
a gifthorse in its shiney, white, blessed gnashers. Senses passive Perception 10 Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Dwarvish Damage Resistances fire
Strong and Stolid. Behind the muscular elf Micah, Challenge 3 (700 XP) Languages Common, Draconic
known to fans as “The Wall”, Tam Brody unleashes vol- Blocker. When Micah takes the Block action, the difficult terrain Challenge 3 (700 XP)
leys of last-second throws, dropping them into the wait- he creates costs 3 feet of movement to move 1 foot. In addition,
she gains a second reaction that can only be used to make Shove Blitz (2 Uses, Recharges on a Short Rest). Oron can take the Dash
ing hands of whichever receiver the Avengers hire that action as bonus action.
attack against a player who moves to a space within 5 feet of him.
day. In defence, Oron “Lightning” Dunald uses his speed Runner (2 Uses, Recharges on a Short Rest). Oron can take the
and size to blitz past players before dodging his way Actions Oron Donald
Dodge action as bonus action.
over the end zone. A bowl mage, usually Fumblemore’s Multiattack. Micah makes two attacks. “Lightning”
brother, Fumbleless, accompanies the team.
Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. The creature must succeed Multiattack. Oron makes two attacks.
on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7
(1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Murderbowl Actions Breath Weapon. Each creature in a 5-foot-wide, 30-foot-long line
Micah O’er
Block. The area around Micah becomes difficult terrain for must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6)
“The Wall” creatures he is hostile towards until the start of his next turn. As a lightning damage on a failure, or half as much damage on success.
reaction when a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of Micah,
he can make one Shove special melee attack against it. Murderbowl Actions
Tackle. Micah attempts to tackle a creature within 5 feet of him. Block. The area around Oron becomes difficult terrain for crea-
He has a +6 Strength (Athletics) modifier. tures she is hostile towards until the start of her next turn. As a
Throw. Micah throws a Murderball up to 90 feet to a creature he reaction when a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of Oron,
can see. He has a +3 Dexterity (Athletics) modifier. she can make one Shove special melee attack against it.
Tackle. Oron attempts to tackle a creature within 5 feet of her. She
Reactions has a +5 Strength (Athletics) modifier.
Catch. When Micah is the target of a throw that misses, he can Throw. Oron throws a Murderball up to 80 feet to a creature she
make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (+1), adding the result can see. He has a +5 Dexterity (Athletics) modifier.
to the thrower’s Throw check.
Catch. When Oron is the target of a throw that misses, she can
make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (+3), adding the result
“You can round me, you can go under
to the thrower’s Throw check.
me, you can go over me, but can’t go
through me.”
“If you can’t keep up you’ll
- The Wall
miss the end of my qu-”
- Lightning
Tam Brody Vorpal Vixens Bea “The Sting” Drews
Tam brody’s youthful visage belies a wealth of expe-
rience. Though well into his second century, Tam has
Tam Brody “Flit Like a Bat, Sting like a Bea.
Cousin to the queen, Bea hangs onto the ball, avoid-
ing danger until she can make a scoring throw. Nepo-
Small humanoid (gnome), lawful good HW4
the reflexes of a gnome barely a hundred years old. - Motto of the Vorpal Vixens tism plays no part in her appointment; she is a skilled
Armour Class 17 (half plate)
After almost a century leading the Holy Avengers player who seeks every advantage on the pitch.
Hit Points 45 (10d6 + 10)
alongside Bull Bullychick, the Avengers’ minotaur Speed 25 ft. A relatively new arrival to the Murderbowl scene, this
coach, the betting odds are almost always in Tam’s all female team is sponsored by the queen of the drow.
15 (+2)
18 (+4)
13 (+1)
14 (+2) 10 (+0)
15 (+3) Part of the queen’s ‘cultural integration initiative’, the Bea "The Sting" Drews
Medium humanoid (drow), neutral HW4
Leader, Thrower. Like all great generals, Tam leads Vixens have been raising eyebrows and the death toll
Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +4, Perception +2, Sleight of Hand +6 Armour Class 16 (studded leather)
from the back. That’s not to say he’s a coward; the Senses passive Perception 10
with their perfectly legal use of poisons.
Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14)
injuries he sustains are almost always due to his last- Languages Common, Gnomish Quick and Snappy. The Vixens favour a fluid game
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Speed 35 ft.
man tackles on runners twice his size. It’s merely tes- of Murderbowl. Bea uses her speed and acrobatics to
tament to his powerful arm and stunning technique Gnome Cunning. Tam has advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
remain free of tacklers, Dash bounces around the mid-
that he can lob the weighty Murderball almost 100 and Charisma saving throws against magic. 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
field like a wrecking ball, and Hobbalob – an unlikely
feet. But Tam’s words are his real weapon; with a little Inspiration (3/Day). As a bonus action, Tam can inspire one crea- Skills Athletics +3, Acrobatics +6, Sleight of Hand +6
signing – dashes downfield to receive Bea’s astro-
encouragement, players on his team can perform the ture friendly to Tam that is within 60 feet of him and can hear him. Senses passive Perception 11
That creature gains on inspiration die, a d6. Once within the next nomical throws. With the surest hands in the league, Languages Common, Elvish, Undercommon
most incredible feats, a phenomenon known as the minute, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled Hobbalob catches almost anything thrown her way. Challenge 3 (700 XP)
“Tam Effect”. to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The
creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use Queens’ Gift. Once per tournament the queen sees Runner (2 Uses, Recharges on a Short Rest). Bea can take the Dodge
Bull Bullychick. A minotaur’s propensity for mem- the Inspiration. fit to commission her assassins to drop a little torpor action as bonus action.
orizing labyrinths translates surprisingly well into Perfect Technique. The maximum range Tam can throw a ball is poison into the oppositions half time refreshments. Perfect Technique. The maximum range Bea can throw a ball is
memorising playbooks. With ten decades of plays increased by 15 feet (included in actions). It’s not lethal so there’s really nothing to whine about. increased by 15 feet (included in actions).
etched into the maze of his mind, Bull is an offensive Thrower. Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose
genius, rivalled only by the enigmatic ‘Ranger’. disadvantage on Tam’s ranged attack rolls or Throw checks.
Multiattack. Bea makes two attacks.
Actions Bea Drews Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
Multiattack. Tam makes two attacks. range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage plus 7
“The Sting” (2d6) poison damage.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Murderbowl Actions
Murderbowl Actions Block. The area around Bea becomes difficult terrain for creatures
Block. The area around Tam becomes difficult terrain for creatures she is hostile towards until the start of her next turn. As a reaction
Tam he is hostile towards until the start of his next turn. As a reaction when a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of Bea, she can
when a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of Tam, he can make one Shove special melee attack against it.
make one Shove special melee attack against it. Tackle. Bea attempts to tackle a creature within 5 feet of her. She
Tackle. Tam attempts to tackle a creature within 5 feet of him. He has a +3 Strength (Athletics) modifier.
has a +4 Strength (Athletics) modifier. Throw. Bea throws a Murderball up to 80 feet to a creature she can
Throw. Tam throws a Murderball up to 90 feet to a creature he can see. She has a +6 Dexterity (Athletics) modifier.
see. He has a +6 Dexterity (Athletics) modifier.
Reactions Catch. When Bea is the target of a throw that misses, she can make
Catch. When Tam is the target of a throw that misses, he can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (+6), adding the result to the
a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (+6), adding the result to the thrower’s Throw check.
thrower’s Throw check. Quick Throw. When Bea is the target of a Tackle, but before the
Quick Throw. When Tam is the target of a Tackle, but before the Tackle is made, she can Throw the Murderball up to 50 feet to a
Tackle is made, he can Throw the Murderball up to 60 feet to a creature she can see. She makes a Dexterity (Athletics) check (+6)
creature he can see. He makes a Dexterity (Athletics) check (+6) with disadvantage.
with disadvantage.
“They don’t cut diamonds as big as they do rocks. And “Stab you once, shame on you. Stab
you can’t revivify someone with rocks.” you twice, shame on me. Should
- Tam Brody only take one stab”
- The Sting
Hobbalob Slingit Dash “Blast” Bakhtiara
It is not unkind to say that Hobbalob is atypical for a
Murderbowl player. Undersized, with a frail physique,
DM Tip: Expanding The Vixens Dash "Blast" Bakhtiara She’s quick, she hits hard, and boy can she jump. A
master of the diving tackle, Dash has made more than
Medium humanoid (duergar), lawful neutral HW4
and without even the most rudimentary athletic You can add the following free agents to the Vorpal one score-saving challenge leaping from yards away
Vixens. Armour Class 16 (breastplate)
ability, this Kobold could easily be mistaken for one to knock a hapless player prone. When too far to blitz,
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
of Murderbowl’s many young fans. However, Hob Team Size Additional Players Speed 35 ft. dash takes special aim with her unique poison-apply-
does not. Drop. Balls. Something about her draconic 5 Catcher & Bowl Mage ing crossbow, quarrel. Since quarrel’s introduction, she
treasure-hoarding ancestry manifests in the inability 6 Catcher has got in surprisingly few arguments with referees.
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+1) 12 (+1) 9 (-1)
to let things go. 7 Blitzer Chainmail. Dash recently made news when she
Skills Athletics +5
Kobold Integration. Hob’s appointment to the Vixens 8 Catcher Senses passive Perception 11 broke with the Bloodsmith Bowlers. Her official
is also a shrewd political maneuver by the queen. 9 Blitzer Languages Common, Dwarvish, Undercommon spokesperson cited “an over-observance of tradition
Dark elves’ aloofness and the recent cessation of Challenge 3 (700 XP) and a lack of imagination when it came to uniforms”
‘people-trafficking’ within the Drow empire has left Blitz (2 Uses, Recharges on a Short Rest). Oron can take the Dash as the reason, but friends have quoted her as saying
them with a derth of unskilled labour. Hobbalob has action as bonus action. “the stuffy old blighters wouldn’t know fashion if it hit them
become a mascot of drow-kobold integration and is
heralded amongst kobolds as a ‘real dragon’. In reali-
Hobbablob Slingit Tackler. Creatures Dash tackles have disadvantage on Constitu-
tion saving throws they make on the Murderbowl injury table.
in the face. Which I did. Repeatedly.” Well, since joining
the Vixens she’s certainly set a trend with her chain-
Small kobold, chaotic neutral HW4
ty, she is a humble pickpocket who got lucky after be- Actions mail skirts. So much so that male and female dwarves
ing caught with her hands in the wrong, royal robes. Armour Class 16 (studded leather) alike have started donning the breezy armour. Much
Hit Points 28 (8d6) Multiattack. Dash makes two melee attacks.
better ventilation is the word on the street.
Speed 30 ft. Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11
(2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage..
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 100/400 ft.,
8 (-1) 18 (+4) 10 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison
Skills Sleight of Hand +8 damage.
Dash Bakhtiara
Hobbalob Slingit Senses passive Perception 11
Murderbowl Actions “Blast”
Languages Draconic, Undercommon
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Block. The area around Dash becomes difficult terrain for crea-
tures he is hostile towards until the start of her next turn. As a
Cunning Action. Hobbalob can take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide reaction when a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of Dash,
actions as a bonus action. she can make one Shove special melee attack against it.
Actions Diving Tackle. Dash attempts to tackle a creature within 15 feet of
her. She makes her Tackle check with advantage and lands prone.
Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target.
She has a +5 Strength (Athletics) modifier.
Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage. The
target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be Tackle. Dash attempts to tackle a creature within 5 feet of her. She
paralysed until the end of its next turn. has a +5 Strength (Athletics) modifier.
Throw. Dash throws a Murderball up to 80 feet to a creature she
Murderbowl Actions can see. She has a +4 Dexterity (Athletics) modifier.
Block. The area around Hobbalob becomes difficult terrain for
creatures he is hostile towards until the start of his next turn. As a
reaction when a creature moves to a space within 5 feet of Hobba- Catch. When Dash is the target of a throw that misses, she can
lob, she can make one Shove special melee attack against it. make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (+2), adding the result
Tackle. Hobbalob attempts to tackle a creature within 5 feet of her. to the thrower’s Throw check.
She has a -1 Strength (Athletics) modifier.
Throw. Hobbalob throws a Murderball up to 40 feet to a creature
she can see. She has a +4 Dexterity (Athletics) modifier.
Catch. When Hobbalob is the target of a throw that misses, she
can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check (+8), adding the
result to the thrower’s Throw check.
“With the ball,
Dash’ll pass ya.
“If give shinies will catch. Promise. Promise on all kids. Without the ball,
Mines. Yours. All kids.” Dash’ll blast ya.”
- Hobbalob - Blast
Player Options Runner
Your acceleration and top speed are second to none:
Appendix A - Magic Items
As characters become more experienced Murderbowl Arcanomagnetic Rings
players, they might wish to specialise in a certain role. • Your speed increases by 5 feet.
Rings, rare (requires attunement)
• You can use a bonus action to take the Dash ac-
This pair of rings forms an arcanomagnet. One, a
Murderbowl Feats tion. You can use this feature a number of times
brilliant gold that reflects light in wondrous prismatic
equal to your proficiency bonus (minimum 1). You
There are two ways you can use these feats, either as regain all expended uses upon finishing a short or hues, is intensely magical while the other, a dull grey
‘specialisations’, only for use in Murderbowl matches, long rest. that grows darker as the surrounding light bright-
or as ‘full feats’, usable at any point in the game. ens, is its antimagical opposite. By creating pockets
• You can use a bonus action to take the Dodge of magical and antimagical energy you can bend the
Specialisations. Specialisations are less powerful action. You can use this feature a number of times Weave causing magic to veer off its intended trajec-
than full feats and do not include the feat’s associat- equal to your proficiency bonus (minimum 1). You tory. A single attunement slot is required to attune to
ed ability score increase. When I’ve run this for my regain all expended uses upon finishing a short or both rings.
players mid-campaign, I had them attend an inten- long rest.
sive two-week Murderbowl camp. Upon completion, Spellbend. Whenever any of the following targets a
I let each player character choose one of the following Thrower creature or point you can see within 30 feet you, you
feats for use only in Murderbowl matches. can, as a reaction, redirect it:
Through perfect co-ordination of muscle and eye you
Full Feats. If used as full feats, the following op- can execute a throw in the nick of time. You gain the • A ranged spell attack.
tions can be gained whenever a character normally following benefits: • An attack from a magical ranged weapon.
gains a feat. These include the ability score increase • Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t • A ranged weapon attack that uses magical ammu-
in parentheses and are usable in and out of Murder- impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls nition.
bowl matches. If you choose this, you should consider or throws. • A spell with an area of effect centred on a point. Arcanomagnetic
allowing Murderbowl actions to be used in combat.
• As a reaction when a creature targets you with the Rings
Tackle action and you have the ball, but before the You can cause a ranged attack to target a different
Blocker tackle is made, you can attempt to throw the ball. target within 10 feet of the original target (after the
Your fast feet and hands let you get in everyone’s way You have a maximum range equal to three times attack roll is made but before the outcome is de-
giving you the following benefits: your Strength score and make the Throw check termined). Alternatively, you can move the area of
with disadvantage. effect’s point of focus by up to 10 feet in any direction.
• When you take the Block action, the difficult ter-
• The maximum distance you can throw a Murder- After you do either of these, roll a d3*. On a 1, the
rain you create requires 3 feet of movement to be
ball increase by 15 feet. rings become demagnetized until the following dawn.
expended in order to move 1 foot.
• When you take the Block action you gain an extra • (Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to
reaction that can only be used to make a Shove a maximum of 20). Blood Minister Syringe
attack against a creature that moves to a space Wondrous item, uncommon
within 5 feet of you. Made of silver and glass, this peculiar apparatus
• (Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1, magically refills with blood each dawn. A small dial
to a maximum of 20). around the plunger depicts carved images of beasts.
Rotating the dial to each of these beasts changes the
Catcher hue of the blood: bear, an iridescent black; bull, a san-
guine red; cat, a silky purple; eagle, a piercing yellow;
Your sure hands and well-timed movement grant you
fox, an opulent orange; and owl, a midnight blue.
the following benefits:
Legend says blood from the sacred animal spirits of
• You gain a +5 bonus to all Catch and Diving Catch each of these races was extracted in the crafting of
checks you make. this macabre, performance-enhancing syringe.
• Whenever you drop the ball as a result of a failed As an action, you can select a beast and inject this
catch or being tackled, you can roll on the scatter blood into a willing creature, casting the spell enhance Blood Minister
table twice and choose either result. ability on it. The spell does not require concentration Syringe
• You have advantage on any checks and saving when cast in this way.
throws made to disarm you.
• (Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum
of 20).
18 19
Scorching Fists
Wondrous item, rare
Appendix B - Spells
Made of ceramic and metal plating, these gloves
allow their wearer to manipulate hot metal without
Mireball Shielding Word
fear of burning oneself, as well as to smelt ore and 3rd-level conjuration 2nd-level abjuration
weld metal. In underground battle pits these gaunt- Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a crea-
lets see more unconventional uses. With the limiters Range: 150 feet ture within range that you can see takes damage
removed, the glove’s knuckle-exhausts can form a Components: V, S, M (bat guano and mud) Range: 30 feet
flaming blade, with devastating results. Duration: 1 minute Components: V
This item has 10 charges. You can replenish 1d8 + Mechanism: Damage & Debuff; Str & Dex save Duration: 1 round
2 charges by replacing the fuel canister on the side. Class: Bard, Druid, Warlock Mechanism: Buff; –
To do so you will need the equivalent of 10 gp of high Class: Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer
A blob of goopy mud splunks from your extended
quality oil. This manipulation takes 10 minutes and finger to a point you choose within range where it With a word, you coat a creature in a shimmering
can be performed once per long rest splooges with a wet burp into an explosion of sludge. shield that absorbs the energy of incoming blows. The
Scorching Fist. While wearing this item, you can Each creature in a 15-foot-radius sphere centred on creature gains 15 temporary hit points the instant
expend 1 charge to add 1d4 fire damage to your that point must make a Strength saving throw. On a before it takes the triggering damage. These hit points
unarmed strikes performed with your fist this turn. failed save a target takes 3d10 bludgeoning damage last until the start of the creature’s next turn.
You can also handle white-hot metal without fear of and is knocked prone. On a successful one, it takes
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell with a
burning yourself. half as much damage and is not knocked prone.
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you may choose to ei-
Scorching In addition, all surfaces within the area become ther increase range of the spell by 30 feet, or increase
Overheat. As an action,you can expend 3 charges to
remove the limiter causing a flaming blade to shoot covered in unpredictably slick and sticky patches of the number of temporary hit points gained by 5, for
blossom. The gauntlets shed bright light in a 10-foot mud for the duration. The first time a creature moves each slot level above 2nd.
radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. This through the muddy the area on a turn it must succeed
blade lasts for 1 minute or until it is extinguished (no on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature
moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to
action required). You are proficient with this simple 3rd-level transmutation
melee weapon, which has the finesse property. It make the saving throw. A creature that is prone in the
spell’s area must succeed on a Strength saving throw Casting Time: 1 action
deals 3d8 fire damage on a hit.
to stand up, wasting the expended movement on a Range: 90 feet
failure. Components: V, S
Xyxlbark Armour Duration: Instantaneous
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Mechanism: Utility; Cha save
Armor (breastplate, half plate, or plate), rare (optional at-
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases Class: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
by 1d10 for each slot level above 3rd.
Armour made from the cured bark of the xyxl tree You attempt to switch places with a Large or smaller
is stronger and lighter than steel and possesses the target within range that you can see. The target must
unique ability to nourish its wearer. The source of the succeed on a Charisma saving throw or instantly
Xyxl tree’s immense durability is the mithral particles teleport to your space whilst you teleport to the one it
it secretes in a rigid lattice throughout its wood. The previously occupied.
art of curing the slow-growing xyxl bark is known to
but a few denizens of the fey lands to which it is native. A creature automatically succeeds on this saving
throw if there is not enough space to accommodate
If the armor normally imposes disadvantage on either of the teleporting creatures. A willing creature
Dexterity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength require- may choose to fail the saving throw.
ment, the xyxlbark version of the armor doesn’t.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Optional Attunement. If you attune to xyxlbark ar- spell slot of 4th level or higher, the range of this spell
mour, it nourishes you, causing you to gain 2 tempo- increases by 30 feet for each slot level above 3rd. When
Xyxylbark rary hit points at the start of each of your turns. cast at 6th or 9th level, you may target Huge and Gar-
Armour gantuan creatures, respectively.
Very rare variant: You gain a +1 bonus to AC while
wearing this armour and the number of hit points
and temporary hit points gained increases to 3.
20 21
Tailgating: the perfect pre- and post-match
downtime activities for 5th-edition. Available at
Almost everything in this book is an original creation of Humperdink’s Wares (also known as Humperdink the Warlock’s Wild
and Wacky Wares, and HW4). Some stuff is from Wizard of the Coast’s System Reference Document 5.1 © 2016. The following
Humperdink’s Wares items are designated HW4’s product identity and are not open content: ‘Humperdink the Warlock’, ‘Murderbowl’, all characters
herein, all spells herein, and Humperdink’s Wares Stamp and Logo.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Cop- tions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant
yright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. the rights conveyed by this License.
1. Definitions: 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPY-
(a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have
RIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying
contributed Open Game Content;
or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the
(b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open
works and translations (including into other computer languages), po- Game Content you Distribute.
tation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improve-
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
ment, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed
may be recast, transformed or adapted;
in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of
(c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-ad-
publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; aptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction
with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed
(d) “Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark
methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game
does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product
prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content
Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but
specifically excludes Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly
indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open
(e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and Game Content.
identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures charac-
ters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, originally distributed under any version of this License.
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical
every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and
any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
excludes the Open Game Content; permission from the Contributor to do so.
(f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of
are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game
products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then
You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
(g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format,
modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
Content. comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termina-
(h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
tion of this License.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforcea-
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be
ble, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice
it enforceable.
to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or
subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content
distributed using this License. • Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate • System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
Your acceptance of the terms of this License. Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on origi-
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, nal material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open
Game Content. • Murderbowl © 2021, Max Wartelle, Humperdink the Warlock’s Wild
and Wacky Wares, a.k.a. Hump’s Wares, a.k.a. HW4.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing orig-
inal material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contribu-
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