Robert Miller's Feeling-State Addiction Protocol Cheat Sheet
Robert Miller's Feeling-State Addiction Protocol Cheat Sheet
Robert Miller's Feeling-State Addiction Protocol Cheat Sheet
[email protected]
Useful with behavioral and substance addictions, co-dependence, anger, paraphilias, paranoia
Goal of FSAP Therapy is not to quit the addictive behavior, but to no longer want to do it.
Feelings = sensations + emotions + cognitions
Intense desire + positive event —> feeling state
Feeling state + triggering event —> desired feeling + compulsive behavior
Phase 8: Reevaluation
1. Between sessions, give homework to evaluate the progress of therapy and elicit any other
feelings related to the addictive behavior.
2. In next session reevaluate the addictive behavior for both the feeling identified in the last session,
as well as identifying other positive feelings associated with the behavior.
3. Repeat Phases 3 & 4 as needed.