where h=5.17 m, S g=13.6∧S f =0.8. Find the value of x which will be 32.3 cm]
38. A venturimeter is installed in a 300 mm diameter horizontal pipe line. The throat pipe rates is
1/3. Water flows through the installation. The pressure in the pipe line is 13.783 N/cm2 (gauge)
and vacuum in the throat is 37.5 cm of mercury. Neglecting head loss in the venturimcter.
Determine the rate of flow in the pipe line. [Ans. 0.153 m3/sec]
1 4
[Hint. d 1=300 mm=0.3 m ,d 2= x 300=100 mm=0.1 m, p=13.783 ×10 N /m2
p1 13.783 ×10 4
Hence =
ρ× g 1000(9.81)
¿ 14.05 m, =37.5 cmof Hg=−0.375× 13.6 mof water
¿−5.1m of water . Hence h=14.05−(−5.1 )=19.15 mof water
C d ( a1 ×a 2 )
Value of C d=1.0 . Now use the formula Q= 2 2
× √ 2 gh
√ a −a
1 2
39. The maximum flow through a 300 mm diameler horizontal main pipe line is 18200 litre/minute. A
venturimeter is introduced at a point of the pipe line where the pressure head is 4.6 m of water.
Find the smallest dia. of throat so that the pressure at the throat is never negative. Assume co-
efficient of meter as unity. [Ans. d2 = 192.4 mm]
[Hint d1 = 300 mm = 0.3 m. Q = 18200 litres/minute = 18200/60 = 303.33 litres/s = 0.3033 m3/s.
p1 p2
=4.6 m , =0 . Hence h=4.6 m ,C d =1 , d 2=dia. at throat . Use formula
ρg ρg
C d ( a1 ×a 2 ) π
Q= × √ 2 gh and find the value of a 2. Then a 2= d 22 and findd 2]
√ a1−a2 2 4
40. The following are the data given of a change in diameter effected in laying a waler supply pipe.
The change in diameter is gradual from 20 cm at A to 50 cm at B. Pressures at A and B are
7.848 N/cm2 and 5.886 N/cm2 respectively with the end B being 3 111 higher than A. If the flow
in the pipe line is 200 110er find : (1) direction of How, (ii) the head lost in friction between A and
B. [Ans. (0 From A to B, (ii) 1.015 m]
2 2
[Hint. D A =20 cm=0.2 m , D B=50 cm=0.5m , p A=7.848 N /c m =7.848 x 10 ‘ N / m
p ,=5.886 N /c m2=5.886 x 10 4 N /m2 , Z A =0 , Z B =3 m, Q=0.2m3 /s