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1. Name the different forces present in a mid now For the Euler's equation of motion, which forces
are taken into consideration.
2. What is Euler’s equation of motion? How will you obtain Bernoulli's equation from it?
3. Derive Bernoulli‘s equation for the flow of an incompressible frictionless fluid from consideration
of momentum
4. State Bernoulli's theorem for steady flow of an incompressible fluid. Derive an expression for
Bernoulli‘s theorem from first principle and state the assumptions made for such a derivation.
5. What is a venturimeter? Derive an expression for the discharge through a venturimeter.
6. Explain the principle of venturimeter with a neat sketch. Derive the expression for the rate of
now of fluid through it.
7. Discuss the relative merits and demerits of venturimeter with respect to orifice meter.
8. Define an orifice meter. Prove that the discharge through an orifice meter is given by the relation
C d ( a0 a1 )
Q= 2 2
× √ 2 gh
√ a −a
1 0

where a 1=¿ area of pipe in which orifice-meter is fitted.

a 0=¿ area of orifice

9. What is a pivot-tube ? How will you determine the velocity at any point with the help of pivot-
10. What is the difference between pivot tube and pivot static tube?
11. State the momentum equation. How win you apply momentum equation for determining the
force exerted by a flowing liquid on a pipe bend?
12. What is the difference between momentum equation and impulse momentum equation?
13. Define moment of momentum equation. Where this equation is used.
14. What is a free jet of liquid? Derive an expression for the path travelled by free jet issuing from a
15. Prove that the equation of the free jet of liquid is given by the expression.
g x2 2
y=xtanθ − 2
sec θ
where x , y =¿co-ordinates of a point on the jet
U =¿ velocity of issuing jet
θ=¿ inclination of the jet with horizontal.
16. Which of the following statement is correct in case of pipe flow :
(a) flow takes place from higher pressure to lower pressure ;
(b) flow takes place from higher velocity to lower velocity ;
(c) flow takes place from higher elevation to lower elevation ',
(d) flow takes place from higher energy to lower energy.
17. Define continuity equation and Bernoulli's equation.
18. State Bemoulli’s theorem. Mention the assumptions made. How is it modified while applying in
practice? List out its engineering applications.
19. Define continuity equation and Bernoulli's equation.
20. What are the different forms of energy in a flowing fluid? Represent schematically the Bernoulli's
equation for flow through a tapering pipe and show the position of total energy line and the
datum line.
21. Write Euler's equation of motion along a stream line and integrate it to obtain Bernoulli's
equation. State all assumptions made.
22. Describe with the help of sketch the construction, operation and use of Pivot static tube.
23. Starting with Euler's equation of motion along a stream line. obtain Bernoulli‘s equation by its
integration. List all the assumptions made.
24. State the different devices that one can use to measure the discharge through a pipe and also
through an open channel. Describe one of such devices with a neat sketch and explain how one
can obtain the actual discharge with its help?
25. Derive Bernoulli's equation from fundamentals.
1. Water is flowing through a pipe of 100 mm diameter under a pressure of 19.62 N/cm2 (gauge)
and with mean velocity of 3.0 m/s. Find the total head of the water at a cross-section, which is 8
m above the datum line. [Ans. 28.458 m]
2. A pipe through which water is flowing is having diameters 40 cm and 20 cm at the cross
sections 1 and 2 respectively. The velocity of water at section 1 is given 5.0 m/s. Find the
velocity head at the sections 1 and 2 and also rate of discharge.
[Ans. 1.274 m ; 20387 m ; 0.628m 3/s]
3. The water is flowing through a pipe having diameters 20 cm and 15 cm at sections 1 and 2
respectively. The rate of flow through pipe is 40 litres/s. The section 1 is 6 m above datum line
and section 2 is 3 m above the datum. 1f the pressure at section 1 is 29.43 N/cm2. Find the
intensity of pressure at section 2. [Ans. 32.19 N/cm2]
4. Water is flowing through a pipe having diameters 30 cm and 15 cm at the bottom and upper end
respectively. The intensity of pressure at the bottom end is 29.43 N/cm2 and the pressure at the
upper end is 14.715 N/cm2. Determine the difference in datum head if the late of flow through
pipe is 50 lit/s. [Ans. 14.618 m]
5. The water is flowing through a taper pipe of length 50 m having diameters 40 cm at the upper
end and 20 cm at the lower end, at the rate of 60 litres/s. The pipe has a slope of 1 in 40. Find
the pressure at the lower end if the pressure at the higher level is 24.525 N/cm2.
[Ans. 25.58 N/ cm2]
6. A pipe of diameter 30 cm carries water at a velocity of 20 m/sec. The pressures at the points A
and B are given as 34.335 N/cm2 and 29.43 N/cm2 respectively. while the datum head at A and
B are 25 m and 28 m. Find the loss of head between A and B. [Ans. 2 m]
7. A conical tube of length 3.0 m is fixed vertically with its smaller end upwards. The velocity of
flow at the smaller end is 4 m/s while at the lower end it is 2 m/s. The pressure head at the
smaller end is 2.0 m of liquid. The loss of head in the tube is 0.95 ( v 1−v 2 ) /2 g . where v1 is the
velocity at the smaller end and v2 at the lower end respectively. Determine the pressure head at
the lower end. Flow takes place in downward direction. [Ans. 5.56 m of fluid]
8. A pipe line carrying oil of specific gravity 0.8, changes in diameter from 300 mm at a position A
to 500 mm diameter to a position B which is 5 m at a higher level. If the pressures at A and B
are 19.62 N/ cm2 and 14.91 N/ cm2 respectively. and the discharge is 150 litres/s. Determine the
loss of head and direction of flow. [Ans. 1.45 m. Flow takes place from A to B]
9. A horizontal venturimeter with inlet and throat diameters 30 cm and 15 cm respectively is used
to measure the flow of water. The reading of differential manometer connected to inlet and
throat is 10 cm of mercury. Determine the rate of flow. Take Cd = 0.98. [Ans. 88.92 litres/s]
10. An oil of sp. gr. 0.9 is flowing through a venturimeter having inlet diameter 20 cm and throat
diameter 10 cm. The oil mercury differential manometer shows a reading of 20 cm. Calculate
the discharge of oil through the horizontal venturimeter. Take Cd= 0.98. [Ans. 59.15 lilres/s]
11. A horizontal venturimeter with inlet diameter 30 cm and throat diameter 15 cm is used to
measure the now of oil of sp. gr. 0.8. The discharge of oil through venturimeter is 50 litres/s.
Find the reading of the oil mercury differential manometer. Take Cd = 0.98. [Ans. 2.489 cm]
12. A horizontal venturimeter with inlet diameter 20 cm and throat diameter 10 cm is used to
measure the flow of water. The pressure at inlet is 14.715 N/cm2 and vacuum pressure at the
throat is 40 cm of mercury. Find the discharge of water through venturimeter.
[Ans. 162.539 Iit./s]
13. A 30 cm x 15 cm venturimeter is inserted in a vertical pipe carrying water. Flowing in the upward
direction. A differential mercury manometer connected to the inlet and throat gives a reading of
30 cm. Find the discharge. Take Cd: 0.98. [Ans. 154.02 lit/s]
14. If in the problem 13. instead of water, oil of sp.gr. 0.8 is flowing through the venturimeter.
Determine the rate of flow of oil in litres/s. [Ans. 173.56 lit/s]
15. The water is flowing through a pipe of diameter 30 cm. The pipe is inclined and a venturimeter is
inserted in the pipe. The diameter of venturimeler at throat is 15 cm. The difference of pressure
between the inlet and throat of the venturimeter is measured by a liquid of sp.gr. 0.8 in an
inverted U tube which gives a reading of 40 cm. The loss of head between the inlet and throat is
0.3 times the kinetic head of the pipe. Find the discharge. [Ans. 22.64 lit/s]
16. A 20 x 10 cm venturimeter is provided in a vertical pipe line carrying oil of 5p. gr. 0.8, the flow
being upwards. The difference in elevation of the throat section and entrance section of the
venturimeter is 50 cm. The differential U tube mercury manometer shows a gauge deflection of
40 cm. Calculate: (i) the discharge of oil, and (ii) the pressure difference between the entrance
section and the throat section. Take CL, = 0.98 and 5p. gr. of mercury as 13.6.
(Ans. (i) 89.132 Iit/s, (ii) 5.415 N/ cm2]
17. In a 200 mm diameter horizontal pipe 3. venturimeter of 0.5 contraction ratio has been fixed.
The head of water on the venturimeter when there is no flow is 4 m (gauge). Find the rate of
flow for which the throat pressure will be 4 metres of water absolute. Take Cd = 0.97 and
atmospheric pressure head = 10.3 m of water. [Ans 111.92 lit/s]
18. An orifice meter with orifice diameter 15 cm is inserted in a pipe of 30 cm diameter. The
pressure gauges fitted upstream and downstream of the orifice meter give readings of 14.715
Nlcm1 and 9.81 Nlcrn2 tespectivcly. Find the rate of How of water through the pipe in litres/s.
Take C, = 0.6. [Ans. 108.434 lit/s]
19. If in problem 18, instead of water, oil of sp. gr. 0.8 is flowing through the orifice meter in which
the pressure difference is measured by a mercury oil differential manometer on the two sides of
the orifice meter. Find the rate of flow of oil when the reading of manometer is 40 cm.
[Ans. 122.68 lit/s]
20. The pressure difference measured by the two tappings of a pivot static tube. One tapping
pointing upstream and other perpendicular to the flow placed in the center of a pipe line of
diameter 40 cm is 10 cm of water. The mean velocity in the pipe is 0.75 times the central
velocity. Find the discharge through the pipe, Take coefficient of pilot tube as 0.98.
[Ans. 0.1293 m3/s]
21. Find the velocity of flow of an oil through a pipe, when the difference of mercury level in a
differential U tube manometer connected to the two tappings of the pilot tube is 15 cm. Take sp.
gr. of oil = 0.8 and co efficient of pilot tube as 0.98. [Ans. 6.72 m/s]
22. A sub-marine moves horizontally in sea and has its axis 20 m below the surface of water. A
pitot-static tube placed in front of sub marine and along its axis is connected to the two limbs of
a U tube containing mercury. The difference of mercury level is found to be 20 cm. Find the
speed of sub marine. Take sp.gr. of mercury 13.6 and of sea water 1.026. [Ans. 24.958 km/hr.]
23. A 45" reducing bend is conneCted in a pipe line. the diameters at the inlet and outlet of the bend
being 40 cm and 20 cm respectively. Find the force exerted by water on the bend if lhe intensity
of pressure at inlet of band is 21.58 Nlcmz. The rate of now of water is 500 litres/s.
[Ans. 22696.5N :20°3.5']
24. The discharge of water through a pipe of diameter 40 cm is 400 litres/s. If the pipe is bend by
135˚, find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force on the bend. The pressure of
flowing water is 29.43 N/cm2. [Ans. 7063.2 N, 9 = 22" 29.9’ with x axis clockwise]
25. A 30 cm diameter pipe carries water under a head of 15 meters with a velocity of 4 m/s. If the
axis of the pipe turns through 45°, find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force at the
bend. [Ans. 87175 N. e = 67°30’]
26. A pipe of 20 cm diameter conveying 0.20 m3lsec of water has a right angled bend in a
horizontal plane. Find the resultant force exerted on the bend if the pressure at inlet and outlet
of the bend are 22.563 N/cm2 and 2l.582 N/cm2 respectively. [Ans. 11604.7 N, 9 = 43“ 54.2']
27. A nozzle of diameter 30 mm is fitted to a pipe of 60 mm diameter. Find the force exerted by the
nozzle on the water which is flowing through the pipe at the rate of 4.0 m3/minute.
[Ans. 7057.7 N]
28. A lawn sprinkler with two nozzles of diameters 3 mm each is connected across a lap of water.
The nozzles are at a distance of 40 cm and 30 cm from the center of the tap. The rate of water
through tap is 100 cm/s. The nozzle discharges water in the downward directions. Determine
the angular speed at which the sprinkler will rotate free. [Ans. 2.83 rad/s]
29. A lawn sprinkler has two nozzles of diameters 8 mm each at the end of a rotating arm and the
velocity of flow of water from each nozzle is 12 m/s. One nozzle discharges water in the
downward direction, while the other nozzle discharges water vertically up. The nozzles are at a
distance of 40 cm from the center of the rotating arm. Determine the torque required to hold the
rotating arm stationary. Also determine the constant speed of rotation of arm, if it is free to
rotate. [Ans. 5.78 Nm. 30 rad/s]
30. A vertical wall is of 10 m in height. A jet of water is issuing from a nozzle with a velocity of 25
m/s. The nozzle is situated at a horizontal distance of 20 m from the vertical wall. Find the angle
of projection of the nozzle to the horizontal so that the jet of water just clears the tap of the wall.
[Ans. 79” 55’ or 36“
31. A fire brigade man is holding a fire stream nozzle of 50 mm diameter at a distance of | m above
the ground and 6 m from a vertical wall. The jet is coming out with a velocity of 15 m/s. Thisjet is
to strike a window. situated at a distance of 10 m above ground in the vertical wall. Find the
angle or angles of inclination with the horizontal made by the jet, coming out from the nozzle.
What will he the amount of water falling on the window?
[Ans. 79° |6.7’ or 67° 33.7 ; 0.0294 m3/s]
32. A window, in a vertical wall. is at a distance of |2 m above the ground level. A jet of water.
issuing from a nozzle of diameter 50 mm. is to strike the window. The rate of flow of water
through the nozzle is 40 litres/sec. The nozzle is situated at a distance of 1 m above ground
level. Find the greatest horizontal distance from the wall of the nozzle so that jet of water strikes
the window. [Ans. 29.38 m]
33. Explain in brief the working of a pivot tube. Calculate the velocity of flow of water in a pipe of
diameter 300 mm at a point where the stagnation pressure head is 5 m and static pressure
head is 4 m. Given the coefficient of pivot tube = 0.97. [Ans. 4.3 m/sec]
34. Find the rate of flow of water through a venturimeter fitted in a pipeline of diameter 30 cm. The
ratio of diameter of throat and inlet of the venturimeter is *. The pressure at the inlet of the
venturimeter is 13,734 N/cm2 (gauge) and vacuum in the throat is 37.5 cm of mercury. The co-
efficient of venturimeter is given as 0.98. [Ans. 0.15 m3/s]
35. A 30 cm x 15 cm venturimeter is inserted in a vertical pipe carrying an oil of sp. gr. 0.8. flowing
in the upward direction. A differential mercury manometer connected to the inlet and throat
gives a reading of 30 cm. The difference in the elevation of the throat section and inlet section is
50 cm. Find the rate of flow of oil.
36. A venturimeter is used for measurement of discharge of water in horizontal pipe line. If the ratio
of upstream pipe diameter to that of throat is 2:1, upstream diameter is 300 mm. the difference
in pressure between the throat and upstream is equal to 3 m head of water and loss of head
through meter is one-eighth of the throat velocity head. CaIculate the discharge in the pipe.
[Ans. 0.107 m3/s]
37. A liquid of specific gravity 0.8 is flowing upwards at the rate of 0.08 m3/s. through a vertical
venturimeter with an inlet diameter of 200 mm and throat diameter of 100 mm. The Cd = 0.98
and the venical distance between pressure tappings is 300 mm. Find :
(i) the difference in readings of the two pressure gauges. which are connected to the two
pressure tappings, and
(ii) the difference in the level of the mercury columns of the differential manometer which is
connected to the tappings. in place of pressure ganges.
[Ans. (i) 42.928 kN/m2, (ii) 32.3 cm]

[Hint. Q=0.08 m3 / s, d 1=200 mm=0.2 m, d 2=100 mm=0.1 m,

C d=0.98 , z 2−z 1=300 mm=0.3 m, a 1= ( 22) =0.0314 m2
π C d ( a 1 × a2 )
a 2= ( .12) =0.007854 m2 .Using Q= × √2 gh
4 √1 2
a 2
−a 2

Find ‘h’ h=5.17 m

Now use ( )
h= 1 − 2 + ( z 1−z 2 ) , where ρ=800 kg /m3 , Find ( P1−P2 )
ρg ρg
Now use the formula h=x
[ ]

where h=5.17 m, S g=13.6∧S f =0.8. Find the value of x which will be 32.3 cm]
38. A venturimeter is installed in a 300 mm diameter horizontal pipe line. The throat pipe rates is
1/3. Water flows through the installation. The pressure in the pipe line is 13.783 N/cm2 (gauge)
and vacuum in the throat is 37.5 cm of mercury. Neglecting head loss in the venturimcter.
Determine the rate of flow in the pipe line. [Ans. 0.153 m3/sec]
1 4
[Hint. d 1=300 mm=0.3 m ,d 2= x 300=100 mm=0.1 m, p=13.783 ×10 N /m2
p1 13.783 ×10 4
Hence =
ρ× g 1000(9.81)
¿ 14.05 m, =37.5 cmof Hg=−0.375× 13.6 mof water
¿−5.1m of water . Hence h=14.05−(−5.1 )=19.15 mof water
C d ( a1 ×a 2 )
Value of C d=1.0 . Now use the formula Q= 2 2
× √ 2 gh
√ a −a
1 2

39. The maximum flow through a 300 mm diameler horizontal main pipe line is 18200 litre/minute. A
venturimeter is introduced at a point of the pipe line where the pressure head is 4.6 m of water.
Find the smallest dia. of throat so that the pressure at the throat is never negative. Assume co-
efficient of meter as unity. [Ans. d2 = 192.4 mm]
[Hint d1 = 300 mm = 0.3 m. Q = 18200 litres/minute = 18200/60 = 303.33 litres/s = 0.3033 m3/s.
p1 p2
=4.6 m , =0 . Hence h=4.6 m ,C d =1 , d 2=dia. at throat . Use formula
ρg ρg
C d ( a1 ×a 2 ) π
Q= × √ 2 gh and find the value of a 2. Then a 2= d 22 and findd 2]
√ a1−a2 2 4
40. The following are the data given of a change in diameter effected in laying a waler supply pipe.
The change in diameter is gradual from 20 cm at A to 50 cm at B. Pressures at A and B are
7.848 N/cm2 and 5.886 N/cm2 respectively with the end B being 3 111 higher than A. If the flow
in the pipe line is 200 110er find : (1) direction of How, (ii) the head lost in friction between A and
B. [Ans. (0 From A to B, (ii) 1.015 m]
2 2
[Hint. D A =20 cm=0.2 m , D B=50 cm=0.5m , p A=7.848 N /c m =7.848 x 10 ‘ N / m
p ,=5.886 N /c m2=5.886 x 10 4 N /m2 , Z A =0 , Z B =3 m, Q=0.2m3 /s

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