Passive Voice For Busy Teachers
Passive Voice For Busy Teachers
Passive Voice For Busy Teachers
Cross Stir
Wave Polish
Ride Talk to
Crash Put into
Climb Hold
Look at Open
Climb Put into
Find Slap
Cross – Wave- Ride- Crash- Climb- Look at- Find Move- Listen to- Look at-
See- Move - Open- Check in- Put into- Stir- Polish- Talk to- Slap to
(By Billy)
Subject/Object/Receiver (Doer/Agent)
•A sentence in which the subject does not
act but is the receiver of the action, is said to
be in the passive voice.
is are
was were
were was
were was
were was
In the Passive Voice
the Object/Receiver is the SUBJECT.
The window was broken by Billy.
Hand out Passive Voice Main Rules
Passive Cards Guessing games
Get In groups of three or four (you can work in pairs, too
Find a leader /s/he has to tell or mime an object…
Guess the object using following questions….
It shows
what the subject/doer/agent
does to an object.
So, this is the end of the lesson… are you
able to… ?
It shows
what is done to an object
by an agent/doer.
So, this is the end of the lesson… are you
able to… ?
1) Define active voice.
2) Define passive voice.
3) Use of passive voice.
So, this is the end of the lesson… are you
able to… ?
1) Define active voice.
2) Define passive voice.
3) Use of passive voice.
Used in written and formal English
(Reports of crimes or legal procedures,
newspaper reports, scientific written,
announcements, notices.
So, this is the end of the lesson… are you
able to… ?