PWC Business Plan Writing
PWC Business Plan Writing
PWC Business Plan Writing
Business Plan
Make Your Ideas Become Reality
1. Why a business plan?
2. A made to measure tool
Potential addressees
Equity investors
Equity capital is risk capital. In order to cover his risk, the equity
investor expects an appropriate return, which is chiefly seen in
an increase in the value of the company. As a rule, the equity
investor is prepared to identify himself with the company and
make a commitment to it.
Capital lenders
Capital lenders expect the most extensive assurance possible
that interest payments on their loans will be maintained and
the principal repaid. Their commitment is usually restricted to
making capital funds available.
These days, most banks apply rating systems (e.g. Basel II) in
their assessment and/or to fix the risk premium on the interest
rate for new and existing loans. These systems generally require
exactly the kind of information that a well thought-out business
plan contains. Here too, it is increasingly the quality of the
management that is at the top of the list. The business plan is
a tool with which this quality can be demonstrated.
Employees and other stakeholders
All employees – but particularly those in managerial positions
– want to be able to identify with the company and its objec-
tives. To do this, they need to know where they are heading.
The business plan represents a good foundation for targeted
information, produced at the appropriate moment.
Possible applications
Change of ownership
A change of ownership may take place in the context of a
purchase of the company by a third party or of a management
buy-out (MBO). The factors of most interest to the buyer are
the same as those for an equity investor. If the buyer needs
external finance, the factor of the capital lender is added to
the situation.
If a company is in difficulties, the need arises for restructuring
with due attention being paid to the existing situation. Usually
new backers and new management have to be found. Both
groups need to be able to make the best possible assessment
of the risks and opportunities; this is best done on the basis of
a business plan.
Change of management/succession
A departure at top management level nearly always represents
a change of direction as well, since new executives naturally
bring with them new ideas and new impulses. The change gives
an opportunity for a thorough reappraisal. Here, the focus is on
a possible new strategic orientation, on management and orga-
nisation, while questions of financing often come up as well.
Key criteria for equity investors or
lenders of capital
Equity investors –
venture capitalists (VC)/private equity
The business model of a VC entails the firm taking an equity
stake in promising businesses and giving additional impetus to
the growth of a company through an injection of funds as well
as the VC’s own knowledge of, and contacts in, the relevant
business sector.
From this it is clear, that for the VC the potential for increasing
the value of the investment takes priority. For this reason, great
significance is attached to the company’s products and ser-
vices as well as its market potential and strategy for exploiting
the market. Based on information from the business plan and
the forecast cash flows, the VC evaluates the company and
determines the required level of equity participation for a given
capital input sought by the company. In addition to the equity
shareholding, which the VC receives in return for its invest-
ment, the determining factors in its investment decision are its
degree of know-how in this market segment and its rights of
participation in the company’s management (e.g. a seat on the
Administrative Board (Board of Directors)).
Sources of loan capital – banks
Lending institutions make capital available for a fixed period of
time and are compensated for this with an interest rate that is
commensurate with the risk. The borrower makes periodic in-
terest payments (or possibly a one-off payment) and is obliged
to repay the capital at the end of the term.
The first steps
Change of management/
Mission, vision and strategy
Products and services
Market and customers
Procurement and production
Management and organisation
Opportunities and risks
Financial section
Implementation plan
Especially important for this situation
As a rule, less important for this situation, or of varying significance
depending on the individual case.
Crucial factors for the success of the plan:
In the individual sections of the business plan the figures are
absolutely consistent with the text.
4. Content
1. Summary
2. Company
3. Mission, vision and strategy
4. Products and services
5. Market and customers
6. Competitors
7. Marketing
8. Procurement and production
9. Management and organisation
10. Opportunities and risks
11. Financial section
12. Implementation plan
13. Appendices
The summary must arouse the reader’s interest right at the start
and thus ensure that he becomes completely engaged with
the company or project. The summary must therefore also be
strictly oriented towards the information needs and decision
criteria of the person(s) targeted.
This section sets out how the company defines itself and what
has been achieved so far. It explains the business model, legal
structure, ownership, organisation and milestones (successes
and failures). In the case of a new incorporation the previous
achievements of the founders are listed. Also to be mentioned
in this are “soft” factors, such as the company’s relationship
with the environment and its employees and customers.
Information about its activities and the key factors for success
(e.g. customer needs, structure of the sector, market growth
and trends) will show the potential investor or lender why the
company is going to succeed.
Mission, vision and strategy
Internal factors
Strengths and weaknesses
of the company
Products and services
Market and customers Economic
Competition success
Procurement and production
Management and organisation
External factors
Opportunities and risks
The proposition on which the business plan is based is ex-
plained here in broad outline. However, even here attention
must be paid to clear presentation, so that the reader is aware
that the vision is not merely an idea, but is based on realistic,
future-orientated assumptions and on an understanding of en-
trepreneurial cause and effect.
Market and customers
Management and organisation
Behind the visions, strategies and ideas, there are people. That
is why the investor wants to know with whom he is dealing.
What is the mindset of the senior decision-makers in the busi-
ness? What knowledge do they bring with them? Can they
show evidence of past success? How do they work with other
people? How and on what basis are decisions made?
Financial section
Implementation plan
5. Presentation
Success factors/advantages
The business plan is the company’s visiting card and will give
you access to important business partners. Since, to outside
observers, it reflects the image of the company attention must
be given to points of style.
The business plan will benefit from simple and clear language.
Words from foreign languages should be avoided whenever
Exaggerations or the excessively positive presentation of a set
of facts are out of place. A comprehensive and balanced argu-
ment, which points out possible risks and dangers will have a
far more credible impact. Needless to say it must be made clear
to the reader that the author of the business plan is convinced
about the project.
With a clear structuring of the business plan, which is already
evident from the list of contents, the author proves his ability to
survey the project and/or the company from beginning to end.
Timing/project management
6. The interview
Interview with the banker Marc Money (name changed for this
booklet) on the subject of business plans.
“Mr Money, what do you look out for first of all when you are sent
a business plan in connection with a loan application?”
“What do you rate as the next most important thing?”
“It is surprising that so far you haven’t mentioned the finan-
“The demands you place on a business plan in support of a
major loan application are obviously very high. How should a
customer proceed if he wants to put together a convincing dos-
“Right from the start he should work in a team and not think
it best to do everything himself. It is particularly on important
questions of assessment and estimation, such as market op-
portunities or the strategy to be selected, that the customer
should seek the advice of a reliable partner, so as to be aware
of the reverse side of the coin as well. Then there is the in-
dispensable know-how in all matters involving figures, which
is necessary for the ‘conversion’ of ideas and intentions into
pounds and pence (dollars and cents) and which can often only
be obtained from outside.”
Section 1
Summary of the business plan
No longer than three or four pages
Do not write it until the business plan as a whole has been drawn up
Key elements
1 Intention
Why have we drawn up this business plan?
What do we want to achieve with it?
4 Key personnel
Who is behind the company (management, owners)?
Who are the senior managers?
What experience and knowledge do we bring to the company?
What is the ownership structure?
5 Financial development
What has been the trend in our key financial ratios/indicators over
the last three years?
What are the projected figures for sales revenue, cash flow, profit
and return on capital in the next three to five years?
What are the decisive factors affecting success, what are the risks?
Section 2
The company: development to date
Key elements
1 Business model
Brief description of the company’s products/services
How does the company make a profit from these products/services?
What have been the greatest successes so far? How have failures
been overcome?
3 Structure of the business sector
How great is the market volume of the sector?
Who are the principal players (competitors, market leaders,
What are the most important market developments and trends in
the sector?
What is the trend in customer needs?
What factors are important for the success of this sector?
What do market studies tell us about anticipated developments in
our sector?
What developments, legislation or external circumstances influence
our sector?
What is our position in the market, and who are our customers?
What advantages do our products or services have over those of
our competitors?
Section 3
Mission, vision and strategy: the future
are should be taken to ensure that the presentation in the following
sections reflects and supports the implementation of the vision and
of the chosen strategy
Key elements
1 Mission
What gave the impetus to go in a new direction?
2 Vision
How is the vision expressed?
What does the company want to achieve?
3 Strategy
What strategic objectives are we pursuing?
Why do we want to achieve these objectives?
How should our company develop over time with regard to the
market, products, and the practices of the company and its staff
What fundamental changes are necessary?
What will the changes contribute to the achievement of our
Section 4
Products and services:
what we offer the market
he description of the products should be comprehensible to a
general reader
Technical details should be put in an appendix
Key elements
What are the technical risks?
What are the prospects for the next generation of products and the
one after that?
What costs are going to be incurred annually for research and
development in the next three to five years?
Section 5
Market and customers: the target area
he statements about market potential and market volumes should,
where possible, be backed up by external sources of information
The estimate of demand for our own products should be plausible
Key elements
1 Market survey
How large is the overall market (market potential, market volumes)?
How is it segmented?
Who are the players (competitors, market leaders)?
What are the principal factors for success in the market
(e.g. advice to customers, quality, price, service)?
What particular opportunities and risks are there in our market?
What is the pattern of demand (cyclical, seasonal)?
Are there special characteristics (such as barriers to market entry)?
3 Market trends
What growth is anticipated in the overall market and in the
segments we sell to?
How will the market develop in the future, and how will we react to it?
What opportunities and risks exist for our company in connection
with this development?
4 Customers
Who are our customers
(producers, consumers, government, institutions)?
What has been the geographical distribution of our customers to date?
Who has already registered interest in our products?
How important to our customers are the image and appearance of
the product?
Does our customer portfolio contain particular opportunities
and risks?
Who makes the purchasing decisions in our customer businesses?
Section 6
comprehensive analysis of the competition should also contain
potential competitors from abroad and manufacturers of possible
substitute products
Key elements
1 Competing companies
Who are our most important competitors in the sector?
Is there any foreign competition?
What key figures do we know about our competitors?
How does the competition operate (distribution channels/advertising
and PR)?
How do our competitors present themselves?
Who would be in a position to plan the same market entry as us,
or to launch the same products as us?
Do market agreements exist?
How sensitively does the market react to price changes?
How strong/weak is customer loyalty?
How do competing companies react to price changes by us?
2 Competing products
How do competing products compare with ours in quality and
Why do customers buy our competitors’ products?
What are the price strategies for these products?
Is it customary to pay commissions or to give price rebates?
In which phase of their life-cycle are the most important competing
3 Our own positioning
If relevant: why do we have no competitors in our field (or the one
we are targeting)?
In what respects are we superior to our competitors?
Why are we superior to our competitors?
In what respects are we lagging behind our competitors?
Why are we lagging behind our competitors?
What conclusions and lessons do we draw from our position
relative to our competitors?
Section 7
Marketing: the route to the market
he more precisely the customer groups and products or services
are defined, the more effectively the markets can be attacked
Key elements
2 Pricing policy
On what do we base the setting of our price-points?
What price-differentials do we use?
Do we offer rebates or extended warranty periods?
How do our customers and competitors react to price changes?
3 Distribution
What is our distribution concept?
What personnel resources do we employ in sales?
What alliances have we made with middlemen and sales
How do we train and motivate our sales personnel?
How do we support our wholesalers/retailers?
4 Advertising/PR
How good is our presentation in the market and our image?
What efforts do we make in PR and advertising?
How high is our advertising budget, and how is it spread between
different media?
How are potential customers identified?
Which customer groups are prioritised in our marketing activities?
How important to our success is advertising activity?
What experience have we already gained in dealing with this market
and this product?
Are the primary objectives of our marketing strategy being realised
through our marketing initiatives?
Does the focus of our marketing initiatives correspond to our
Are our marketing objectives clearly defined?
Have the marketing costs been budgeted for realistically?
How is the impact of our marketing initiatives monitored?
5 Sales targets
How high are the sales volumes, revenue targets and forecast
margins for each sub-market for the next three to five years?
Section 8
Procurement and production: output
The presentation should be comprehensible even to non-specialists
Key elements
1 Production resources
Where are our production facilities?
Are we planning new production facilities?
What installations and machinery do we have at our disposal today?
How much do we currently have invested in production resources,
and what is our estimate for further investment over the next three
to five years?
How many staff are employed in production, and what training have
they received?
How does our personnel requirement planning look for the next
three to five years?
2 Production process
What production processes do we currently use, and what changes
will there be in future?
How are critical factors (capacity bottlenecks, quality, deliveries)
To what extent are we dependent on key factors (suppliers,
materials, qualified personnel)?
What decisions are involved between in-house or sub-contracted
What are our relationships with our suppliers?
What production capacity do we have, and is it sufficient for the
What certifications/permits are required for the production
process? Have these been obtained?
What opportunities are there for outsourcing?
What are the opportunities and risks associated with the
production process?
Which collaborating partners are we reliant on?
What costs are incurred in the production process and
how are they monitored?
How do we distinguish ourselves from our competitors?
Background information and documents
List of suppliers
Survey of the production processes
Description of plant and machinery, capacity figures
Photos of production facilities
Breakdown of the number of employees in production
Investment budgets
Plans for new business premises
Cost-accounting analyses
Section 9
Management and organisation:
the people behind the company
he core competences and evidence of success of the management
should be clearly presented
Key elements
1 Management
Who are the members of the management team?
What experience and knowledge do we bring to the company?
What have been the greatest successes of the team members
so far?
What sector-specific experience and customer contacts do we
bring with us?
Where do we need support?
What is the distribution of abilities and knowledge within the
What makes us a team, and where do we perform particularly well?
What contractual obligations exist between the team members?
What financial ties do we have to the company?
Why do we have the ability to turn the vision into reality?
Is there a dependency on key personnel?
2 Consultants
What non-executive directors does the company have, and what
expertise do these bring with them?
With which consultants do we work, and what is their entre
preneurial contribution?
3 Personnel
How do we recruit our personnel?
What measures are provided for staff development and further
How many staff are currently employed in each organisational unit?
What growth is planned in the numbers employed in each
organisational unit?
4 Organisation
How are we organised (make-up/operational organisation)?
What company culture do we foster?
What management principles do we adhere to?
What management and organisational tools do we make use of?
How are we advancing our own development?
5 Premises
Where is our head office, where do we have subsidiary premises?
How well do our premises meet our present and future needs?
What future investments are necessary?
How long do any current leases still have to run? Will it be possible
to renew them?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of our locations?
6 Administration
What is our administrative structure?
How many staff are engaged in administration (per department)?
How is the accounting function organised?
What EDP resources do we have at our disposal?
What investments in EDP are planned?
Background information and documents
CVs, job-applications
Education and training, personal and professional references and
achievements of individuals
Successes achieved jointly, crises survived
Job-descriptions, contracts of employment, staff rules
Personnel recruitment guidelines, qualifications guidelines
Communication and information guidelines
Decision-making mechanisms
Management systems and behaviour
Planning tools used and their application
Tools applied in project management
Mechanisms for developing strategy and organisation
Rules on training and further development
Non-financial controls
Chain-of-responsibility diagrams
Location analyses
Personnel requirement planning
Section 10
Opportunities and risks:
an honest assessment
he presentation of the specific opportunities and risks refers in
particular to:
management and staff
production technology and EDP
location and organisation
macro-economic conditions
government restrictions
ecological concerns
changes in fashion
succession planning
guarantees and litigation
ere, not only should facts be listed. The outcomes should be placed
in a causal relationship and the strengths of the countervailing influ-
ences should be analysed.
Key elements
3 Emergency strategy
What happens if the planned development does not take place, or a
factor is added or drops out?
Background information and documents
Product analyses
Market analyses
Strengths and weaknesses of management
Competitor analyses
Analyses of customer structure
Financial evaluations
Insurance policies
Risk policy
Section 11
Financial section: the raw figures
he financial section expresses in figures the statements made in
the business plan. Both parts should be consistent with each other.
The capital requirement must be clearly shown
Key elements
Key ratios
Return on equity and total capital
Financing conditions
Turnover of debtors
Sales revenue and/or net profit per employee
Further information
On what assumptions are the figures based?
What is the influence of investment, research and development,
and fixed costs on the cash-flow?
Present a break-even analysis, which gives information about the
distinction between fixed and variable costs
Presentation of variants (“best-case/worst-case” scenarios)
3 Financing concept
What is our financing requirement for the next three to five years,
and when does it have to be covered?
How do we intend to cover this requirement for funds?
What are our own internal financing possibilities?
What securities can we offer?
How will we repay the loan capital needed?
What alternatives are there to our financing concept (what happens
if ...)?
Section 12
Implementation plan:
putting the ideas into practice
he implementation plan should contain realistic deadlines which are
binding on the management
Key elements
Section 13
Profiles of senior managers
Market research studies
Photographs or drawings of the products
Detailed technical specifications of the products
Organisation charts
Current order book
Current plan of the locations
Articles about the company and its environment
in trade journals and newspapers
Annual accounts
Competitor analyses
Business model
Profit and Loss Account
As % of sales revenue
./. Personnel expenses
./. Operating expenses
./. Administrative expenses
./. Sales expenses
As % of sales revenue
./. Depreciation
EBIT (2)
As % of sales revenue
./. Financial costs, interest paid
+ Financial income, interest received
+/- Non-operating expense/income
+/- Exceptional expense/income
Annual profit/loss before tax
./. Tax
Annual profit/loss
Liquid funds
Accounts receivable for goods and services
Other accounts receivable
Stocks, work in progress
Prepaid expenses
Current assets
Long-term liabilities
Retained earnings
Equity capital
Total liabilities
200xB: budget figures, 200xF: forecast figures
Free cash-flow
Free cash-flow
Aarau Neuchâtel
Bleichemattstrasse 43, 5000 Aarau Place Pury 13, 2001 Neuchâtel
Tel. 058 792 61 00, fax 058 792 61 10 Tel. 058 792 67 00, fax 058 792 67 10
Basel Sion
St. Jakobs-Strasse 25, 4002 Basel Place du Midi 40, 1950 Sion
Tel. 058 792 51 00, fax 058 792 51 10 Tel. 058 792 60 00, fax 058 792 60 10
Lausanne Zug
Avenue C.F. Ramuz 45, Grafenauweg 8, 6304 Zug
1001 Lausanne Tel. 058 792 68 00, fax 058 792 68 10
Tel. 058 792 81 00, fax 058 792 81 10
Lucerne Birchstrasse 160, 8050 Zurich
Werftestrasse 3, 6005 Lucerne Tel. 058 792 44 00, fax 058 792 44 10
Tel. 058 792 62 00, fax 058 792 62 10
Via Cattori 3, 6902 Lugano-Paradiso
Tel. 058 792 65 00, fax 058 792 65 10
© 2009 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. PricewaterhouseCoopers refers to the network of member firms
of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.
Business Plan
Make Your Ideas Become Reality