31 Kitchen Ventilation

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Cooking Effluent ...................................................................... 31.1 System Integration and Balancing ......................................... 31.18
Exhaust Hoods ......................................................................... 31.2 Energy Considerations........................................................... 31.21
Exhaust Systems ....................................................................... 31.9 Fire Protection ....................................................................... 31.22
Replacement (Makeup) Air Operation and Maintenance .................................................. 31.25
Systems ............................................................................... 31.13 Residential Kitchen Ventilation .............................................. 31.27

K ITCHEN ventilation is a complex application of HVAC sys-

tems. System design includes aspects of air conditioning, fire
safety, ventilation, building pressurization, refrigeration, air distri-
ventilation. However, heat radiated to the space from the appliance
is largely unaffected by ventilation and must be addressed by the
space air-conditioning system. Chapter 30 of the 2005 ASHRAE
bution, and food service equipment. Kitchens are in many buildings, Handbook—Fundamentals lists typical space heat gain values for
including restaurants, hotels, hospitals, retail malls, single- and many commercial kitchen appliances.
multifamily dwellings, and correctional facilities. Each building Effluent from five types of commercial cooking equipment has
type has special requirements for its kitchens, but many basic needs been measured under a typical exhaust hood (Kuehn et al. 1999).
are common to all. Foods that emit relatively large amounts of grease were selected.
Kitchen ventilation has at least two purposes: (1) to provide a Figure 1 shows the measured amount of grease in the plume enter-
comfortable environment in the kitchen and (2) to enhance the ing the hood above different appliances and the amount in the vapor
safety of personnel working in the kitchen and of other building phase, particles below 2.5 µm in size (PM 2.5), particles less than
occupants. Comfort criteria often depend on the local climate, 10 µm in size (PM 10), and the total amount of particulate grease.
because some kitchens are not air conditioned. The ventilation sys- Ovens and fryers generate little or no grease particulate emissions,
tem can also affect the acoustics of a kitchen. Kitchen ventilation whereas other processes generate significant amounts. However,
enhances safety by removing combustion products from gas- or underfired broilers generate much smaller particulates compared to
solid-fueled equipment. the griddles and ranges, and these emissions depend on the broiler
The centerpiece of almost any kitchen ventilation system is an design. The amount of grease in the vapor phase is significant and
exhaust hood, used primarily to remove cooking effluent from varies from 30% to over 90% by mass; this affects the design
kitchens. Effluent includes gaseous, liquid, and solid contaminants approach for grease removal systems.
produced by the cooking process, and may also include products of Carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are
fuel and even food combustion. These contaminants must be present in solid fuel and natural gas combustion processes but not in
removed for both comfort and safety; effluent can be potentially processes from electrical appliances. Additional CO and CO2 emis-
life-threatening and, under certain conditions, flammable. The sions may be generated by underfired boilers when grease drippings
arrangement of food service equipment and its coordination with land on extremely hot surfaces and burn. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emis-
the hood(s) greatly affect kitchen operating costs. sions appear to be exclusively associated with gas appliances and
HVAC system designers are most frequently involved in commer- related to total gas consumption.
cial kitchen applications, in which cooking effluent contains large Figure 2 shows the measured plume volumetric flow rate enter-
amounts of grease or water vapor. Residential kitchens typically use ing the hood. In general, gas appliances have larger flow rates than
a totally different type of hood. The amount of grease produced in electric because additional products of combustion must be vented.
residential applications is significantly less than in commercial ap- Underfired broilers have plume flow rates considerably larger than
plications, so the health and fire hazard is much lower. the other appliances shown. Effluent flow rates from underfired
broilers are approximately 100 times larger than the actual volumet-
ric flow rate created by vaporizing moisture and grease from food.
Effluent Generation Fig. 1 Grease in Particle and Vapor Phases Emitted by
As heat is applied to food in cooking, effluent is released into the Selected Commercial Cooking Appliances and Food Products
surrounding atmosphere. This effluent includes thermal energy (as
a convective plume and as heat radiated from the appliance to the
kitchen space) that has not transferred to the food, water vapor, and
organic material released from the food. The energy source for the
appliance, especially if it involves combustion, may release addi-
tional contaminants.
All cooking methods release some heat, some of which radiates
from hot surfaces, and some that is dissipated by natural convection
via a rising plume of heated air. The fraction of appliance energy
input that is released to form a thermal (convective) plume can vary
from approximately 50 to 90%. Typically, most effluent released
from the food and the heat source is entrained in this plume, so
primary contaminant control is based on capturing and removing
the air and effluent that constitute the plume by using exhaust Fig. 1 Grease in Particle and Vapor Phases Emitted by
Selected Commercial Cooking Appliances and Food Products
The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC 5.10, Kitchen Ventilation. (Kuehn et al. 1999)

Copyright © 2007, ASHRAE
31.2 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

The difference is caused by ambient air entrained into the effluent sufficient velocity to induce the flow of effluent into an inlet. This
plume before it reaches the exhaust hood. technique has led to an empirical concept of capture velocity that
is often misapplied to hot processes. Effluent (such as grease and
Thermal Plume Behavior smoke from cooking) released from a hot process and contained in
The most common method of contaminant control is to install an a plume may be captured by locating an inlet hood so that the
air inlet device (a hood) where the plume can enter it and be con- plume flows into it by buoyancy. Hood exhaust rate must equal or
veyed away by an exhaust system. The hood is generally located slightly exceed plume volumetric flow rate, but the hood need not
above or behind the heated surface to intercept normal upward flow. actively induce capture of the effluent if the hood is large enough at
Understanding plume behavior is central to designing effective ven- its height above the cooking operation to encompass the plume as it
tilation systems. expands during its rise. Additional exhaust airflow may be needed
Effluent released from a noncooking cold process, such as metal to resist cross currents that carry the plume away from the hood.
grinding, is captured and removed by placing air inlets so that they A heated plume, without cross currents or other interference,
catch forcibly ejected material, or by creating airstreams with rises vertically, entraining additional air, which causes the plume to
Fig. 2 Plume Volumetric Flow Rate at Hood Entrance from enlarge and its average velocity and temperature to decrease. If a
Various Commercial Cooking Appliances surface parallel to the plume centerline (e.g., a back wall) is nearby,
the plume will be drawn toward the surface by the Coanda effect.
This tendency may also help direct the plume into the hood. Figure
3 illustrates a heated plume with and without cooking effluent as it
rises from heated cooking appliances. Figure 3A shows two char-
broilers cooking hamburgers under a wall-mounted, exhaust-only,
canopy hood. Note that the hood is mounted against a clear back
wall to improve experimental observation. Figures 3B and 3C show
the hot air plume without cooking, visualized using a schlieren opti-
cal system, under full capture and spillage conditions, respectively.

The design, engineering, construction, installation, and mainte-
nance of commercial kitchen exhaust hoods are controlled by na-
tionally recognized standards [e.g., National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) Standard 96] and model codes [e.g., Interna-
tional Mechanical Code (IMC; ICC 2006a), International Fuel Gas
Code (IFGC; ICC 2006b)]. In some cases, local codes may prevail.
Before designing a kitchen ventilation system, the designer should
identify governing codes and consult the authority having jurisdic-
tion (AHJ). Local authorities with jurisdiction may have amend-
Fig. 2 Plume Volumetric Flow Rate at Hood Entrance from ments or additions to these standards and codes.
Various Commercial Cooking Appliances Whether a hood is required is determined by the type and quan-
(Kuehn et al. 1999) tity of emissions from cooking. Hoods are not typically required
Fig. 3 Hot-Air Plume from Cooking Appliances under Wall-Mounted Canopy Hood

A. TEST SETUP: Two charbroilers under 8 ft long wall- B. Schlieren photo of capture and containment at 4400 cfm C. Schlieren photo of spillage and containment at 3300 cfm
mounted canopy hood, cooking hamburgers. exhaust rate. Hot, clear air visualization, exhaust rate. Hot, clear air visualization,
no cooking. no cooking.

Fig. 3 Hot-Air Plume from Cooking Appliances under Wall-Mounted Canopy Hood
Kitchen Ventilation 31.3

over electrically heated appliances such as microwave ovens, toast- UL Standard 1046, and therefore cannot be used as primary grease
ers, steam tables, popcorn poppers, hot dog cookers, coffee makers, filters. ASTM Standard F2519 provides a test method to determine
rice cookers, egg cookers, holding/warming ovens (ASHRAE Stan- the grease particle capture efficiency of commercial kitchen filters
dard 154), or heat lamps. Appliances can be unhooded only if the and extractors. Grease removal devices generally fall into the fol-
additional heat and moisture loads have been considered in a thor- lowing categories:
ough load calculation and accounted for in the design of the general • Baffle filters have a series of vertical baffles designed to capture
HVAC system. Temperature and humidity in the kitchen space grease and drain it into a container. The filters are arranged in a
should be based on recommendations of ASHRAE Standard 55. channel or bracket for easy insertion and removal for cleaning.
Each hood usually has two or more baffle filters, which are typi-
Hood Types cally constructed of aluminum, steel, or stainless steel and come
Many types, categories, and styles of hoods are available, and in various standard sizes. Filters are cleaned by running them
selection depends on many factors. Hoods are classified by whether through a dishwasher or by soaking and rinsing. NFPA Standard
they are designed to handle grease; Type I hoods are designed for 96 requires that grease filters be listed. Listed grease filters are
removing grease and smoke, and Type II are not. Model codes dis- tested and certified by a nationally recognized test laboratory
tinguish between grease-handling and non-grease-handling hoods, under UL Standard 1046.
but not all model codes use Type I/Type II terminology. A Type I • Removable extractors (also called cartridge filters) have a sin-
hood may be used where a Type II hood is required, but the reverse gle horizontal-slot air inlet. The filters are arranged in a channel
is not allowed. However, characteristics of the equipment and pro- or bracket for easy insertion and removal for cleaning. Each hood
cesses under the hood, and not necessarily the hood type, determine usually has two or more removable extractors, which are typically
the requirements for the entire exhaust system, including the hood. constructed of stainless steel and contain a series of horizontal
A Type I hood is used for collecting and removing grease par- baffles designed to remove grease and drain it into a container.
ticulate, condensable vapor, and smoke. It includes (1) listed Available in various sizes, they are cleaned by running them
grease filters, baffles, or extractors for removing the grease and (2) through a dishwasher or by soaking and rinsing. Removable
fire-suppression system. Type I hoods are required over cooking extractors may be classified by a nationally recognized test labo-
equipment, such as ranges, fryers, griddles, broilers, and ovens, ratory under UL Standard 1046, or may be listed as part of the
that produce smoke or grease-laden vapors. hood construction under UL Standard 710. Hoods that are listed
A Type II hood collects and removes steam and heat where with removable extractors cannot have those extractors replaced
grease or smoke is not present. It may or may not have grease filters by other filters.
or baffles and typically does not have a fire-suppression system. It is • Stationary extractors (also called a water-wash hood), integral
usually used over dishwashers. A Type II hood is sometimes used to the listed exhaust hoods that use them, are typically constructed
over ovens, steamers, or kettles if they do not produce smoke or of stainless steel and contain a series of horizontal baffles that run
grease-laden vapor and if the AHJ allows it. the full length of the hood. The baffles are not removable for
cleaning, though some have doors that can be removed to clean
Type I Hoods the extractors and plenum. The stationary extractor includes one
Categories. Type I hoods fall into two categories: unlisted and or more water manifolds with spray nozzles that, when activated,
listed. Unlisted hoods meet the design, construction, and perfor- wash the grease extractor with hot, detergent-injected water, re-
mance criteria of applicable national and local codes and are not moving accumulated grease. The wash cycle is typically activated
allowed to have fire-actuated exhaust dampers. Listed hoods are at the end of the day, after cooking equipment and fans have been
listed in accordance with Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Standard turned off; however, it can be activated more frequently. The cycle
710. Listed hoods are not generally designed, constructed, or oper- lasts 5 to 10 min, depending on the hood manufacturer, type of
ated in accordance with model code requirements, but are con- cooking, duration of operation, and water temperature and pres-
structed in accordance with the terms of the hood manufacturer’s sure. Most water-wash hood manufacturers recommend a water
listing, and are required to be installed in accordance with either temperature of 130 to 180°F and water pressure of 30 to 80 psi.
NFPA Standard 96 or the model codes. Model codes include excep- Average water consumption varies from 0.50 to 1.50 gpm per
tions for listed hoods to show equivalency with the model code linear foot of hood, depending on manufacturer. Most water-wash
requirements. hood manufacturers provide a manual and/or automatic means of
The two subcategories of Type I listed hoods, as covered by UL activating the water-wash system in the event of a fire.
Standard 710, are exhaust hoods with and without exhaust damp- Some water-wash hood manufacturers provide continuous cold
ers. UL listings distinguish between water-wash and dry hoods. water as an option. The cold water runs continuously during cook-
Also, water-wash hoods with fire-actuated water systems, if inves- ing and may or may not be recirculated, depending on the manu-
tigated for their suitability for fire suppression, are indicated in the facturer. Typical cold water usage is 1 gph per linear foot of hood.
UL listing. The advantage of this method is that it improves grease extraction
All listed hoods are subjected to electrical (if applicable), tem- and removal, partly through condensation of the grease. Many
perature, and cooking smoke and flare-up (capture) tests. A listed hood manufacturers recommend continuous cold water in hoods
exhaust hood with exhaust damper includes a fire-actuated damper, located over solid-fuel-burning equipment, because the water also
typically at the exhaust duct collar (and at the replacement air duct extinguishes hot embers that may be drawn up into the hood and
collar, depending on the hood configuration). In the event of a fire, helps cool the exhaust stream.
the damper closes to prevent fire from entering the duct. Fire- • Multistage extractors use two or more stages of filtration to re-
actuated exhaust dampers are permitted only in listed hoods. move a larger percentage of grease. They typically consist of a baf-
Grease Removal. Most grease removal devices in Type I hoods fle filter or removable extractor followed by a higher-efficiency
operate on the same general principle: exhaust air passes through a filter, such as a packed bead bed. Each hood usually has two or
series of baffles that create a centrifugal force to throw grease more multistage filters, which are typically constructed of alumi-
particles out of the airstream as the exhaust air passes around the num or stainless steel and are available in standard sizes. Filters are
baffles. The amount of grease removed varies with baffle design, air cleaned by running them through a dishwasher or by soaking and
velocity, temperature, type of cooking, and other factors. NFPA rinsing. NFPA Standard 96 requires that grease filters be listed, so
Standard 96 does not allow use of mesh-filter grease removal they must be tested and certified by a nationally recognized test
devices. Additionally, mesh filters cannot meet the requirements of laboratory under UL Standard 1046.
31.4 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

UL Standards 710 and 1046 do not include grease extraction Sizing. The size of the exhaust hood relative to cooking appli-
tests. Historically, grease extraction rates published by filter and ances is important in determining hood performance. Usually the
hood manufacturers are usually derived from tests conducted by hood must extend horizontally beyond the cooking appliances (on
independent test laboratories retained by the manufacturer. Test all open sides on canopy-style hoods and over the ends on back shelf
methods and results therefore have varied greatly. and pass-over hoods) to capture expanding thermal currents rising
In 2005, however, ASTM published a new grease filter test stan- from the appliances. For unlisted hoods, size and overhang require-
dard. ASTM Standard F2519 determines the grease particle capture ments are dictated by the prevailing code; for listed hoods, by the
efficiency of both removable filters and fixed extractors such as terms of the manufacturer’s listing. Overhang varies with hood
water-wash hoods. The filters are evaluated by pressure drop as well style, distance between hood and cooking surface, and characteris-
as particulate capture efficiency. The test generates a controlled tics of cooking equipment. With back shelf and pass-over hoods, the
quantity of oleic acid particles in size range from 0.3 to 10 µm that front of the hood may be kept behind the front of the cooking equip-
are released into a kitchen hood to represent the cooking effluent. ment (setback) to allow head clearance for the cooks. These hoods
The particles are than sampled and counted downstream in the duct- may require a higher front inlet velocity to capture and contain
work with an optical particle counter, with and without the extractor expanding thermal currents. ASHRAE research indicates an appli-
in place. The difference in the counts is used to calculate the partic- ance front overhang of 9 to 18 in. for canopy style and a 10 in. set-
ulate capture efficiency graphed versus particle size. Standard back for back shelf/proximity style are preferable to current code
F2519 measures particulate capture efficiency only, not vapor minimums. All styles may have full or partial side panels to close
removal efficiency. A more detailed explanation is available in the the area between appliances and the hood. This may eliminate the
Exhaust Systems section of this chapter. side overhang requirement and generally reduces the exhaust flow
Styles. Figure 4 shows the six basic hood styles for Type I appli- rate requirement.
cations. These style names are not used universally in all standards Exhaust Flow Rates. Exhaust flow rate requirements to capture,
and codes but are well accepted in the industry. The styles are as contain, and remove effluent vary considerably depending on hood
follows: style, overhang, distance from cooking surfaces to hood, presence
• Wall-mounted canopy, used for all types of cooking equipment and size of side panels, cooking equipment, food, and cooking pro-
located against a wall. cesses involved. The hot cooking surfaces and product vapors create
• Single-island canopy, used for all types of cooking equipment in thermal air currents that are received or captured by the hood and
a single-line island configuration. then exhausted. The velocity of these currents depends largely on
• Double-island canopy, used for all types of cooking equipment surface temperature and tends to vary from 15 fpm over steam
mounted back-to-back in an island configuration. equipment to 150 fpm over charcoal broilers. The required flow rate
• Back shelf/proximity, used for counter-height equipment typi- is determined by these thermal currents, a safety allowance to
cally located against a wall, but possibly freestanding. absorb cross-currents and flare-ups, and a safety factor for the style
• Eyebrow, used for direct mounting to ovens and some dishwashers. of hood.
• Pass-over, used over counter-height equipment when pass-over Overhang and the presence or absence of side panels help deter-
configuration (from cooking side to serving side) is required. mine the safety factor for different hood styles. Gas-fired cooking

Fig. 4 Styles of Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Hoods

Fig. 4 Styles of Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Hoods

Kitchen Ventilation 31.5

equipment may require an additional allowance for exhaust of com- hoods, because the larger reservoirs of deeper hoods typically
bustion products and combustion air. increase hood capture and containment performance.
Because it is not practical to place a separate hood over each Table 2 lists recommended exhaust flow rates by equipment duty
piece of equipment, general practice (reflected in ASHRAE Stan- category for unlisted hoods and typical design rates for listed hoods.
dard 154) is to categorize equipment into four groups, as shown in Rates for unlisted hoods are based on ASHRAE Standard 154. Typ-
Table 1. ical design rates for listed hoods are based on published rates for
These categories apply to unlisted and listed Type I hoods. The listed hoods serving single categories of equipment, which vary
exhaust volumetric flow rate requirement is based on the group of from manufacturer to manufacturer. Rates are usually lower for
equipment under the hood. If there is more than one group, the flow listed hoods than for unlisted hoods, and it is generally advanta-
rate is based on the heaviest-duty group unless the hood design geous to specify listed hoods. Actual exhaust flow rates for hoods
allows different rates over different sections of the hood. with internal short-circuit replacement air are typically higher than
Though considered obsolete based on laboratory research, some those in Table 2, although net exhaust rates (actual exhaust less
local codes may still require exhaust flow rates for unlisted canopy internal replacement air quantity) are lower, which seriously com-
hoods to be calculated by multiplying the horizontal area of the promises the hood’s capture and containment performance (Bro-
hood opening by a specified air velocity. Some jurisdictions may hard et al. 2003).
use the length of the open perimeter of the hood times the vertical Listed hoods are allowed to operate at their listed exhaust flow
height between hood and appliance instead of the horizontal hood rates by exceptions in the model codes. Most manufacturers of listed
area. Swierczyna et al. (1997) found that these methods of calcula- hoods verify their listed flow rates by conducting tests per UL Stan-
tion result in higher-than-necessary exhaust flow rates for deeper dard 710. Typically, average flow rates are much lower than those
dictated by the model codes. Note that listed values are established
Table 1 Appliance Types by Duty Category under draft-free laboratory conditions, and actual operating condi-
Light duty Electric or gas Ovens (including standard, bake, roasting, tions may compromise listed performance. Thus, manufacturers
(400°F) revolving, retherm, convection, may recommend design values above their listed values.
combination convection/steamer, conveyor, Hoods listed in accordance with UL Standard 710 cover one or
deck or deck-style pizza, pastry) more cooking equipment temperatures: 400, 600 and 700°F. In
Steam-jacketed kettles application, these temperature ratings correspond to duty ratings
Compartment steamers (both pressure and (see Table 1). The total exhaust flow rate is typically calculated by
atmospheric) multiplying the hood air quantity factor by hood length.
Cheesemelters ASTM Standard F1704 details a laboratory flow visualization
Rethermalizers procedure for determining the capture and containment threshold
Medium Electric Discrete element ranges (with or without of an appliance/hood system. This procedure can be applied to all
duty oven) hood types and configurations operating over any cooking appli-
(400°F) Electric or gas Hot-top ranges ances. Standard F2474 also provides a laboratory test procedure
Griddles for determining heat gain of specific combinations of exhaust sys-
Double-sided griddles tem, cooking equipment, foods, and cooking processes. Results
Fryers (including open deep-fat fryers, donut from a series of interlab heat gain tests (Fisher 1998) have been
fryers, kettle fryers, pressure fryers) incorporated in Chapter 30 of the 2005 ASHRAE Handbook—
Pasta cookers Fundamentals.
Conveyor (pizza) ovens
Tilting skillets/braising pans Appliance Positioning and Diversity
Rotisseries ASHRAE Research Project RP-1202 (Swierczyna et al. 2005)
Heavy Gas Open-burner ranges (with or without oven) quantified the effect of the position and/or combination of appli-
duty Electric or gas Underfired broilers ances under an exhaust hood on the minimum capture and contain-
(600°F) Chain (conveyor) broilers ment (C&C) exhaust rate. Effects of side panels, front overhang, and
Wok ranges rear seal were also investigated. The scope of this laboratory study
Overfired (upright) salamander broilers was to investigate similar and dissimilar appliances under a 10 ft
Extra-heavy Appliances using solid fuel such as wood, charcoal, wall-mounted canopy hood. The appliances included three full-
duty briquettes, and mesquite to provide all or part of the heat sized electric convection ovens, three two-vat gas fryers, and three
(700°F) source for cooking. 3 ft underfired gas broilers, representing the light, medium, and

Table 2 Exhaust Flow Rates by Cooking Equipment Category for Unlisted and Listed Type
Minimum Exhaust Flow Rate, cfm per linear foot of hood
Type of Hood Light Duty Medium Duty Heavy Duty Extra-Heavy Duty
Wall-mounted canopy, unlisted 200 300 400 550
listed 150 to 200 200 to 300 200 to 400 350+
Single-island, unlisted 400 500 600 700
listed 250 to 300 300 to 400 300 to 600 550+
Double-island (per side), unlisted 250 300 400 550
listed 150 to 200 200 to 300 250 to 400 500+
Eyebrow, unlisted 250 250 Not allowed Not allowed
listed 150 to 250 150 to 250 — —
Back shelf/proximity/pass-over, unlisted 300 300 400 Not allowed
listed 100 to 200 200 to 300 300 to 400 Not recommended
Source: ASHRAE Standard 154.
31.6 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

Table 3 Capture and Containment Exhaust Rates for Three Like-Duty Appliance Lines at Cooking Conditions with Various Front
Overhang and Side Panel Configurations under 10 ft Wall-Mounted Canopy Hood
Best Case Good Case Worst Case
Three electric full-sized convection ovens 9 in. front overhang 9 in. front overhang 6 in. front overhang
full side panels
85 cfm/ft 110 cfm/ft 120 cfm/ft
Three two-vat gas fryers 18 in. front overhang 18 in. front overhang 6 in. front overhang
partial side panels
160 cfm/ft 240 cfm/ft 330 cfm/ft
Three gas broilers 12 in. front overhang 12 in. front overhang 0 in. front overhang
partial side panels (6 in. cook surface)
330 cfm/ft* 440 cfm/ft 510 cfm/ft
*Adding a rear seal between back of appliance and wall to best-case configuration (6 in. of front overhang and partial side panels) further improved hood performance to an exhaust
rate of 2800 cfm (280 cfm/ft).
Source: Swierczyna et al. (2005).

heavy-duty appliance categories, respectively. In addition to various Fig. 5 Exhaust Capture and Containment Rates for One or
physical appliance configurations, appliances were also varied in Three Appliances Cooking from Like Duty Classes under a 10
their usage: either off, at idle conditions, or at cooking conditions. A ftWall-Canopy Hood
supplemental study investigated the effect of appliance accessories
(including shelving and a salamander) and hood dimensions
(including hood height, depth, and reservoir volume) on the mini-
mum exhaust rate required for complete capture and containment.
The study demonstrated that subtle changes in appliance position
and hood configuration could dramatically affect the exhaust rates
required for complete capture and containment, regardless of appli-
ance duty and/or usage. The wide range in C&C values for a given
hood/appliance setup explains why a similar hood installed over vir-
tually the same appliance line may perform successfully in one
kitchen and fall short of expectations in another facility. The follow-
ing conclusions are specific to the conditions tested by Swierczyna
et al. (2005).
Airflow Requirements for Like-Duty Appliance Lines. Eval- Fig. 5 Exhaust Capture and Containment Rates for
uation supported widely accepted commercial kitchen ventilation One or Three Appliances Cooking from Like-Duty
(CKV) design practices: higher ventilation rates are required for Classes under a 10 ft Wall-Canopy Hood
progressively heavier-duty appliances (Table 3). For a 10 ft wall- (Swierczyna et al. 2005)
mounted canopy hood, at a defined median or good-case installa-
tion, the light-duty oven line required 1100 cfm (110 cfm/ft), the
medium-duty fryer line required 2400 cfm (240 cfm/ft), and the Fig. 6 Capture and Containment Exhaust Rates for Cooking
heavy-duty broiler line required 4400 cfm (440 cfm/ft) to achieve Conditions on Multiduty Appliance Lines (Compared with Sin-
C&C. Simply increasing front overhang as noted between the gle-Duty Lines with Only One Appliance Operating) under 10
worst- and good-case installations in Table 3 reduced the C&C ft Wall Canopy Hood
exhaust rate by 10 to 27%. Installing side panels in addition to the
increased front overhang (best-case scenario) reduced the exhaust
requirements by an additional 18 to 33%.
Diversity in Appliance Usage. Operation diversity was evaluated
with cook lines of three similar appliances and included combina-
tions of cook and off conditions. In most cases, operation correlated
directly with the required exhaust rate, with an emphasis on the oper-
ation of the end appliances (Figure 5). The capture and containment
rate for the end appliance cooking and the other two like-duty appli-
ances off was nearly the same rate as all three appliances cooking.
Changing the condition of end appliances from off to cooking
had the greatest effect for medium-duty fryers, which required a
950 cfm increase in the exhaust rate. Because the fryers were ther-
mostatically controlled, they responded to cooking operations by Fig. 6 Capture and Containment Exhaust Rates for
firing the burners. This, combined with an aggressive cooking Cooking Conditions on Multiduty Appliance Lines
plume, required a significantly increased exhaust rate for C&C. An (Compared with Single-Duty Lines with Only One
aggressive thermal plume was present for the three heavy-duty Appliance Operating) under 10 ft Wall Canopy Hood
broilers; the exhaust rate increased 850 cfm. For the light-duty elec- (Swierczyna et al. 2005)
tric convection oven, there was a 200 cfm difference in turning the
end appliances from off to cook. Figure 5 also shows that cooking
with only the center appliance, with the two end appliances turned appliance line was less than the rate of the heaviest duty appliance
off, greatly reduced the exhaust requirement. in that line, applied over the length of the hood (Figure 6).
Diversity in Appliance Duty and Position (Side-to-Side). The Appliance position testing confirmed the exhaust rate of an
study found that the capture and containment rate of a multiduty appliance line was most dependent on the duty of the end appliance.
Kitchen Ventilation 31.7

Fig. 7 Capture and Containment Exhaust Rates for Broilers Fig. 8 Exhaust Capture and Containment Rates for Three
under 10 ft Wall Canopy Hood With and Without Rear Appli- Two-Vat Gas Fryers with Various Side Panel and Overhang
ance Seal at Various Front Overhangs Configurations under 10 ft Wall Canopy Hood

Fig. 7 Capture and Containment Exhaust Rates for Broilers Fig. 8 Exhaust Capture and Containment Rates for Three
under 10 ft Wall Canopy Hood With and Without Rear Two-Vat Gas Fryers with Various Side Panel and Overhang
Appliance Seal at Various Front Overhangs Configurations under 10 ft Wall Canopy Hood
(Swierczyna et al. 2005) (Swierczyna et al. 2005)

The end appliance drove the exhaust rate more than additional vol- Fig. 9 Exhaust Capture and Containment Rates for a Heavy-
ume from the other two appliances, as they changed from off to Duty Broiler Line under 10 ft Wall Canopy Hood with 4 and 5
ft Hood Depths and Front Various Front Overhangs
cooking conditions or were varied in duty class. In most cases, the
lowest exhaust requirements for particular appliance lines were
achieved when the lowest-duty appliance was at the end of the appli-
ance line. In other words, hood performance was optimized when
the heaviest-duty appliance was in the middle of the appliance line.
Appliance Positioning (Front-to-Back) and Rear Seal. In-
creasing the front overhang by pushing appliances toward the back
wall significantly decreased the required exhaust rates, not only be-
cause of the increased distance from the hood to the front of the
appliance, but also because of the decreased distance between the
back of the appliance and the wall. With a rear seal in place, some
of the replacement air, which would have otherwise been drawn up
from behind the appliances, was instead drawn in along the perim-
eter of the hood, helping guide the plume into the hood, as shown in
Figure 7.
Fig. 9 Exhaust Capture and Containment Rates for a
Hood Side Panels. Side panels installed on the 10 ft hood
Heavy-Duty Broiler Line under 10 ft Wall Canopy
improved hood performance dramatically, by preventing the plume
Hood with 4 and 5 ft Hood Depths and Front Various
from spilling at the side of the hood and by increasing velocity along
Front Overhangs
the front of the hood. Combining side panels (measuring 1 by 1 ft by
(Swierczyna et al. 2005)
45°, 2 by 2 ft by 45°, 3 by 3 ft by 45°, 4 by 4 ft by 45°, or full) with
the maximum hood overhang resulted in the lowest exhaust require-
ment for all cases tested. The example of the three two-vat gas fryer
the doors closed and 3400 cfm with the doors open. The setup and
line is shown in Figure 8.
schlieren views are shown in Figure 10.
Effect of Shelving on Hood Capture and Containment Per- The reservoir volume of the hood was increased by changing the
formance. Neither solid nor tubular shelving over the six-burner hood height from 2 to 3 ft. When the broiler was operated in the left
range required an increase in the exhaust rate. In fact, tubular shelv- appliance position, the increased hood volume marginally improved
ing mounted to the back of the appliance showed a slight enhance- capture and containment performance. In contrast, a significant
ment compared to having no shelving installed. improvement was found for the appliance in the center position.
Effect of Hood Depth, Reservoir, and Mounting Height on This improvement indicated the plume was well located in the hood,
Capture and Containment Performance. Comparing the 4 and and the increased hood volume may have allowed the plume to roll
5 ft deep hoods, the deeper hood reduced capture and containment inside the hood and distribute itself more evenly along the length of
exhaust rates when appliances were positioned with maximum front the filter bank.
overhang and minimum rear gap. The deeper hood had a negative Minimizing hood mounting height had a positive affect on cap-
effect when appliances remained in the minimum front overhang ture and containment performance. In most cases, a direct correla-
position. The effect of hood depth in conjunction with front over- tion could be made between the required exhaust rate and hood
hang, side panels, and rear seal is shown in Figure 9. height for a given appliance line. The typical 6.5 ft mounting height
Another advantage of the 5 ft over the 4 ft hood was its ability to (for a canopy hood) was increased to 7 or 7.5 ft. For the gas broiler
capture and contain the plume when an oven door was opened. For installed at the end of the hood, increasing the hood height by 1 ft
a 4 ft hood and a 6 in. front overhang, an exhaust rate of 1200 cfm required a 14% increase in exhaust. However, when the broiler was
was required for the three electric ovens with the doors closed and in the center position, the increased hood height did not compromise
5200 cfm with the doors open. Similarly, for a 5 ft deep hood with capture and containment performance and required a reduced
an 18 in. front overhang, 1200 cfm was required for three ovens with exhaust rate. The dramatic reduction in the exhaust requirement as
31.8 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

Fig. 10 Three Ovens under Wall-Mounted Canopy Hood at Exhaust Rate of 3400 cfm


Fig. 10 Three Ovens under Wall-Mounted Canopy Hood at Exhaust Rate of 3400 cfm
(Swierczyna et al. 2005)

Fig. 11 Exhaust Capture and Containment Rates for Broiler Table 4 Exhaust Static Pressure Loss of Type I Hoods
under 10 ft Wall Canopy Hood at Various Mounting Heights for Various Exhaust Airflows*
Hood Static Pressure Loss, in. of water
Type of Grease 150 to 250 250 to 350 350 to 450 500+
Removal Device cfm/ft cfm/ft cfm/ft cfm/ft
Baffle filter 0.25 to 0.50 0.50 to 0.75 0.75 to 1.00 1.00 to 1.25
Extractor 0.80 to 1.35 1.30 to 1.70 1.70 to 3.00 2.90 to 4.20
Multistage 0.55 to 1.10 1.10 to 1.70 1.70 to 2.90 2.90 to 4.00
*Values based on 20 in. high filters and 1500 fpm through hood/duct collar.

• Use larger hoods, both deeper and taller.

• Installing hoods at lowest height practical (or allowed by code) to
minimize distance from cooking surface to hood improves C&C
• Introduce makeup air at low velocity. Do not locate four-way dif-
Fig. 11 Exhaust Capture and Containment Rates for Broiler fusers near hood, and minimize use of air curtains.
under 10 ft Wall Canopy Hood at Various Mounting Heights Replacement (Makeup) Air Options. Air exhausted from the
(Swierczyna et al. 2005)
kitchen must be replaced. Replacement air can be brought in
through traditional methods, such as ceiling diffusers, or through
the hood-to-appliance distance was reduced below the 6.5 ft mount- systems built as an integral part of the hood. It may also be intro-
ing height illustrated the potential for optimizing CKV systems by duced using low-velocity displacement diffusers or transfer air from
using close-coupled or proximity-style hoods. This effect is shown other zones. For further information, see the section on Replace-
in Figure 11. ment (Makeup) Air Systems.
Design Guidelines. Swierczyna et al. (2005) illustrated the Static Pressure. Static pressure drop through hoods depends on
potential for large variations in the airflow requirements for a spec- the type and design of the hood and grease removal devices, size of
ified appliance line and hood configuration. Best-practice design duct connections, and flow rate. Table 4 provides a general guide for
considerations that became evident included the following: determining static pressure loss depending on the type of grease
• Position heavy-duty appliances (e.g., broilers) in middle of the removal device and exhaust flow rate. Manufacturers’ data should
line. be consulted for actual values. Static pressure losses for exhaust
• Position light-duty appliances (e.g., ovens) on the end of the line. ductwork downstream of the hood collar should be calculated for
• Push back appliances (maximize front overhang, minimize rear each installation.
gap). Type II Hoods
• Seal area between rear of appliance and wall.
Type II hoods (Figure 12) can be divided into the following two
• Use side panels, end panels, and end walls.
application categories:
• Installing shelving or ancillary equipment (e.g., salamander)
behind or above a range should not negatively affect C&C perfor- • Condensate hood. For applications with high-moisture exhaust,
mance, if other best practices (e.g., maximizing hood overhang) condensate forms on interior surfaces of the hood. The hood is
are observed. designed to direct the condensate toward a perimeter gutter for
Kitchen Ventilation 31.9

Fig. 12 Type II Hoods Fig. 13 Particulate Versus Vapor-Phase Emission Percentage

per Appliance (Average)

Fig. 13 Particulate Versus Vapor-Phase Emission Percentage

per Appliance (Average)
(Gerstler et al. 1998)

prevention designs and fire suppression equipment. In most cases,

Fig. 12 Type II Hoods these functions complement each other, but in other cases they may
seem to conflict. Designs must balance the functions. For example,
collection and drainage, allowing none to drip onto the appliance fire-actuated dampers may be installed to minimize the spread of
below. Flow rates are typically based on 300 to 500 cfm per foot fire to ducts, but maintaining an open duct might be better for
of hood length. Hood material is usually noncorrosive, and filters removing the smoke of an appliance fire from the kitchen.
are usually installed.
• Heat/fume hood. For hoods over equipment producing heat and Effluent Control
fumes only, flow rates are typically based on 100 to 300 cfm per Effluents generated by cooking include grease in particulate
foot of hood. Filters are usually not installed. (solid or liquid) and vapor states, smoke particles, and volatile
organic compounds (VOCs or low-carbon aromatics, which are sig-
Recirculating Hoods nificant contributors to odor). Effluent controls in the vast majority
A recirculating system, previously called a ductless hood, con- of kitchen ventilation systems are limited to removing solid and liq-
sists of a cooking appliance/hood assembly designed to remove uid grease particles by mechanical grease removal devices in the
grease, smoke, and odor and to return the treated exhaust air directly hood. More effective devices reduce grease build-up downstream of
back into the room. HVAC design must consider that recirculating the hood, lowering the frequency of duct cleaning and reducing the
systems discharge the total amount of heat and moisture generated fire hazard. Higher-efficiency grease removal devices increase the
by the cooking process back into the kitchen space, adding to the efficiency of smoke and odor control equipment, if present.
cooling load. These hoods typically contain the following compo- The reported grease extraction efficiency of mechanical filtration
nents in the exhaust stream: (1) a grease removal device such as a systems (e.g., baffle filters and slot cartridge filters) may not reflect
baffle filter, (2) a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter or an actual performance. These devices are tested and listed for their
electrostatic precipitator (ESP), (3) some means of odor control ability to limit flame penetration into the plenum and duct, not their
such as activated charcoal, and (4) an exhaust fan. NFPA Standard grease extraction performance. Research indicates that particulate
96, Chapter 13, is devoted entirely to recirculating systems and con- grease consists of small, aerodynamic particles that are not easily
tains specific requirements such as (1) design, including interlocks removed by centrifugal impingement, as used in most grease extrac-
of all critical components to prevent operation of the cooking appli- tion devices (Kuehn et al. 1999). If these particles must be removed,
ance if any of the components are not operating; (2) fire extinguish- a particulate removal unit is typically added, which removes a large
ing, including specific nozzle locations; (3) maintenance, including percentage of the grease that escaped the grease removal device in
a specific schedule for cleaning filters, ESPs, hoods, and blowers; the hood, as well as smoke particles.
and (4) inspection and testing of the total operation and interlocks. ASHRAE Research Project RP-745 (Gerstler et al. 1998) found
In addition, NFPA Standard 96 requires that all recirculating sys- that a significant proportion of grease effluent may be in vapor form
tems be listed by a testing laboratory. The recognized test standard (Figure 13), which is not removed by centrifugal means. Mechani-
for a recirculating hood is UL Standard 710B. Ductless hoods cal extraction is not effective in removing vapor.
should not be used over gas-fired or solid-fuel-fired equipment.
Designers should thoroughly review NFPA Standard 96 require- Grease Extraction
ments and contact a manufacturer of recirculating hoods to obtain
Air quality, fire safety, labor cost, and maintenance costs are
specific information and actual listing test data before incorporating
important concerns about emissions from a commercial cooking
this type of hood into a food service design.
operation. Cooking emissions have also been identified as a major
component of smog particulate. This has led to regulation in some
EXHAUST SYSTEMS major cities, requiring reduction of emissions from specific cooking
Exhaust systems remove effluent produced by appliances and operations.
cooking processes to promote fire and health safety, comfort, and In a fire, grease deposits in ductwork act as fuel. Reducing this
aesthetics. Typical exhaust systems simultaneously incorporate fire grease can help prevent a small kitchen fire from becoming a major
31.10 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

Fig. 14 Size Distribution of Common Particles Fig. 15 Gas Griddle Mass Emission Versus Particle Size

Fig. 14 Size Distribution of Common Particles Fig. 15 Gas Griddle Mass Emission Versus Particle Size
(Kuehn et al. 1999)
structural fire. In the past, the only control of grease build-up in
exhaust ducts was frequent duct cleaning, in which is expensive and
disruptive to kitchen operation. It also depends on frequent duct Fig. 16 Gas Charbroiler Mass Emission Versus Particle Size
inspections and regular cleaning. Grease build-up on fans, fire noz-
zles, roofs, and other ventilation equipment can be costly in addi-
tional maintenance and replacement costs.
Effluents generated by cooking include grease in particulate and
vapor states, smoke particulate, volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), and gases (see the section on Effluent Generation). Grease
particulate is defined as liquid or solid particles that have become
suspended in the air; it can range in size from 0.01 to 100 µm.
Grease vapor refers to gaseous grease that is dispersed into the air
when grease is heated. Vapor is at the molecular scale, much smaller
than grease particulate. Grease vapor is condensable and may con-
dense into grease particulate in the exhaust airstream when diluted
with room-temperature air or when it is exhausted into the cooler
outdoor atmosphere.
Fig. 16 Gas Charbroiler Mass Emission Versus Particle Size
Particulate down to 10 µm can be filtered out of the airstream. (Kuehn et al. 1999)
However, vapor and gases cannot be filtered out of an airstream. In
theory, this means that most grease particulate could be filtered out
of the exhaust, although this is almost never the case. Figure 14 penetration into the plenum and duct, but not their grease extraction
compares the size of particles from kitchen exhaust to common performance. The claimed grease extraction efficiency of mechani-
items. In the range of grease particulate size (0.01 to 100 µm), emis- cal filtration systems (e.g., baffle filters and slot cartridge filters)
sions contain different amounts of particulate at different sizes. may not reflect performance in the field.
These quantities at different sizes can be measured and graphed to In the past there was no accepted test for evaluating grease
create a profile of the particulate emissions. Grease particulate removal efficiency for commercial kitchen ventilation in the United
larger than 18 to 20 µm is too heavy to remain airborne and drops out States. Those that did exist failed to account for the distribution of
of the airstream. particle sizes and vapor.
Every combination of cooking process, food product, cooking Filters and grease removal devices can very seldom be given a
equipment, and cooking temperature creates a different profile of single meaningful efficiency number, because a filter has different
particles. These profiles change during cooking, as well. The initial efficiencies for different sizes of particles, flow rates, and phases of
drop of French fries into a fryer gives off a short blast of large par- particles. A filter that is 90% efficient at removing 10 µm particles
ticles. Cooking a hamburger gives off a continuous stream of parti- may only be 75% efficient at removing 5 µm particles.
cles and vapors, until it is turned: then a large surge of particles, ASTM Standard F2519-05 can be used to determine fractional
vapors, and gases are given off. If this is on a broiler, the grease that filter efficiency for grease particulate. A fractional efficiency curve
comes off the hamburger tends to burn and emit very small particles. is a graph that gives a filter’s efficiency of over a range of particle
Variations in the food product itself change the emissions of a sizes. Fractional efficiency curves are created by subjecting a test
cooking process. Hamburger that is 23% fat content produces more filter to a controlled distribution of particles and measuring the
grease than a 20% fat content burger. Chicken breast may have a dif- quantity of particles at each given size before and after the filter. The
ferent effluent characteristic than chicken legs or thighs. Even cook- amount of reduction of particles is used to calculate the efficiency at
ing chicken with or without the skin changes the properties of each given size. The fractional efficiency curve for a typical 20 by
emissions. 20 in. baffle filter tested at 350 cfm/ft is shown in Figure 17.
Figures 15 and 16 show typical particle emission profiles for a Extraction efficiencies must be compared at the same airflow per
gas griddle and gas charbroiler both cooking hamburgers (Kuehn linear length of filter or hood. This gives a consistent way of com-
et al. 1999). paring performance of extraction devices that may be built very dif-
Effluent controls in the majority of today’s kitchen ventilation ferently, such as hoods with removable extractors and with stationary
systems are limited to removal of solid and liquid grease particles by extractors. This is also consistent with the way exhaust flow rates for
mechanical grease removal devices in the hood. These devices can- hoods are commonly specified. The airflow rate through a hood
not remove vapors or gases. Grease removal devices may be tested changes hood efficiency by changing the velocity at which the air
and listed under UL Standard 1046 for their ability to limit flame travels through a filter.
Kitchen Ventilation 31.11

Fig. 17 Gas Charbroiler Mass Emission Versus Particle Size exhaust discharge to outside may be required by increasingly strin-
gent air quality regulations or where the exhaust discharge config-
uration is such that grease, smoke, or odors in discharge would
create a nuisance. In some cases, exhaust air is cleaned so that it can
be discharged inside (e.g., through recirculating systems). Several
systems have been developed to clean the exhaust airstream, each of
which presents special fire protection issues.
Where odor control is required in addition to grease removal,
activated charcoal, other oxidizing bed filters, or deodorizing agents
are used downstream of the grease filters. Because much cooking
odor is gaseous and therefore not removed by air filtration, filtration
upstream of the charcoal filters must remove virtually all grease in
the airstream to prevent grease build-up on the charcoal filters.
The following technologies are available and applied to varying
Fig. 17 Baffle Filter Particle Efficiency Versus Particle Size
(Kuehn et al. 1999) degrees for control of cooking effluent. They are listed by order of
use in the exhaust stream after a mechanical filtration device, with
particulate control upstream of VOC control. After the description
Fig. 18 GParticle Efficiency Versus Particle Size of each technology are qualifications and concerns about its use.
There is no consensus test protocol for evaluating these technolo-
gies in kitchen applications.
Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs). Particulate removal is by
high-voltage ionization, then collection on flat plates.
• Condensed grease can block airflow, especially when mounted
• As the ionizer section becomes dirty, efficiency drops because the
effective ionizer surface area is reduced.
• Under heavy loading conditions, the unit may shut down because
of voltage drop.
Ultraviolet (UV) destruction. The system uses ultraviolet light
to chemically convert the grease into an inert substance and ozone.
Construction (not performance) is tested in accordance with UL
Standard 710C.
Fig. 18 Particle Efficiency Versus Particle Size • Requires adequate exposure time for chemical reactions.
(Kuehn et al. 1999)
• Personnel should not look at light generated by high-intensity UV
To demonstrate what a filter fractional efficiency means with an • Exhaust fans should operate when UV lights are on because some
actual cooking process, the charbroiler emissions curve and the baf- forms of UV generate ozone.
fle filter efficiency curve have been plotted on one graph in Figure • UV is more effective on very small particles and vapor.
18. The area under each emission curves is representative of the • The required frequency of duct cleaning is reduced.
total particulate emissions for the charbroiler. As can be seen by • Lamps need to be replaced periodically; as lamps become dirty,
comparing the graph before and after the baffle filter, there is very efficiency drops.
little reduction in the amount of grease exhausted to the ductwork.
The area under the “charbroiler after baffle” curve represents the Water mist, scrubber, and water bath. Passage of the effluent
amount of grease particulate exhausted into the ductwork. stream through water mechanically entraps particulates and con-
The graphs and efficiencies shown here are only for particulate denses grease vapor.
grease. There is also a vapor component of the grease that is • High airflow can reduce efficiency of water baths.
exhausted, which cannot be removed by filtration. Some of the • Water baths have high static pressure loss.
vapor condenses and is removed as particulate before reaching the • Spray nozzles need much attention; water may need softening to
filter. Some condenses in the duct and accumulates on the ductwork minimize clogging.
and fan. However, with elevated temperatures in the exhaust air- • Drains tend to become clogged with grease, and grease traps
stream, vapor may pass through and exit to the atmosphere. require more frequent service. Mist and scrubber sections need
Currently, fractional efficiency data exist for very few extraction significant length to maximize exposure time.
devices, but soon many filter and hood manufacturers may be able
Pleated, bag, and HEPA filters. These devices are designed to
to supply data for their products.
remove very small particles by mechanical filtration. Some types
Higher efficiency at a specific particle size is not the only goal.
also have an activated-carbon face coating for odor control.
The ultimate goal is to be able to remove the smallest particles and
vapor from the airstream. Smaller particles can only be removed by • Filters become blocked quickly if too much grease enters.
moving the efficiency curve towards the left. The smaller the parti- • Static loss builds quickly with extraction, and airflow drops.
cle size, the harder it is to remove. • Almost all filters are disposable and very expensive.
More effective devices reduce grease build-up downstream of the
Activated-carbon filters. VOC control is through adsorption by
hood, lowering the frequency of duct cleaning and reducing the fire
fine activated charcoal particles.
hazard. Higher-efficiency grease removal devices in the hood re-
duce maintenance of smoke and odor control equipment, if present. • Require a large volume and thick bed to be effective.
Concerns about air quality also emphasize the need for higher- • Are heavy and can be difficult to replace.
efficiency grease extraction from the exhaust airstream than can be • Expensive to change and recharge. Many are disposable.
provided by filters or grease extractors in exhaust hoods. Cleaner • Ruined quickly if they are grease-coated or subjected to water.
31.12 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

• Some concern that carbon is a source of fuel for a fire. Fig. 19 Power Roof Ventilator (Upblast Fan)
Oxidizing pellet bed filters. VOC and odor control is by oxida-
tion of gaseous effluent into solid compounds.
• Require a large volume and long bed to be effective.
• Are heavy to handle and can be difficult to replace.
• Expensive to change.
• Some concern about increased oxygen available in fire.
Incineration. Particulate, VOC, and odor control is by high-
temperature oxidation (burning) into solid compounds.
• Must be at system terminus and clear of combustibles.
• Are expensive to install with adequate clearances.
• Can be difficult to access for service.
• Very expensive to operate.
Catalytic conversion. A catalytic or assisting material, when
exposed to relatively high-temperature air, provides additional heat Fig. 19 Power Roof Ventilator (Upblast Fan)
adequate to decompose (oxidize) most particulates and VOCs.
Fig. 20 Centrifugal Fan (Utility Set)
• Requires high temperature (450°F minimum).
• Expensive to operate due to high temperature requirement.
Duct Systems
Exhaust ductwork conveys exhaust air from the hood to the out-
side, along with any grease, smoke, VOCs, and odors that are not
extracted from the airstream along the way. This ductwork may also
be used to exhaust smoke from a fire. To be effective, ductwork must
be greasetight; it must be clear of combustibles, or combustible
material must be protected so that it cannot be ignited by a fire in a
duct; and ducts must be sized to convey the volume of airflow nec-
essary to remove the effluent.
Model building codes, such as the IMC (ICC 2006a), and stan- Fig. 20 Centrifugal Fan (Utility Set)
dards, such as NFPA Standard 96, set minimum air velocity for
exhaust ducts at 500 fpm. Maximum velocities are limited by pres-
sure drop and noise and typically do not exceed 2500 fpm. Until field-applied grease duct enclosures can be used directly on the
recently, NFPA Standard 96 and the IMC set the minimum air grease duct, or the newer listed, factory-built, modular grease ducts
velocity through the duct at 1500 fpm. However, based on ASHRAE with insulated construction can be used as an integral fire-rated
research (Kuehn 2000) that indicated that there is no basis for enclosure. Most of these listed systems allow zero clearance to com-
specifying 1500 fpm minimum duct velocity for commercial bustibles and also provide a 2 h fire resistance rating, and can be
kitchen ventilation, NFPA and IMC requirements were changed to used in lieu of a fire-rated enclosure required in NFPA Standard 96
500 fpm. This allows flexibility for design of variable-speed and IMC (ICC 2006a).
exhaust systems and retrofitting older systems, though current
design practice for new single-speed systems generally continues to Types of Exhaust Fans
use design duct velocity between 1500 and 1800 fpm. Exhaust fans for kitchen ventilation must be capable of handling
Ductwork should have no traps that can hold grease, which hot, grease-laden air. The fan should be designed to keep the motor
would be an extra fuel source in the event of a fire, and ducts should out of the airstream and should be effectively cooled to prevent pre-
pitch toward the hood or an approved reservoir for constant drainage mature failure. To prevent roof damage, the fan should contain and
of liquefied grease or condensates. On long duct runs, allowance properly drain all grease removed from the airstream.
must be made for possible thermal expansion because of fire, and The following types of exhaust fans are in common use (all have
the slope back to the hood or grease reservoir must conform to local centrifugal wheels with backward-inclined blades):
code requirements.
Single-duct systems carry effluent from a single hood or section • Power roof ventilator (PRV). Also known as upblast fans, PRVs
of a large hood to a single exhaust termination. In multiple-hood are designed for mounting at the exhaust stack outlet (Figure 19),
systems, several branch ducts carry effluent from several hoods to a and discharge upward or outward from the roof or building. Alu-
single master duct that has a single termination. See the section on minum upblast fans must be listed for the service in compliance
Multiple-Hood Systems for more information. with UL Standard 762, and must include a grease drain, grease
Ducts may be round or rectangular. Standards and model codes collection device, and integral hinge kit to permit access for duct
contain minimum specifications for duct materials and construc- cleaning.
tion, including types and thickness of materials, joining methods, • Centrifugal fan. Also known as a utility set, this is an AMCA
and minimum clearance of 18 in. to combustible materials. Listed Arrangement 10 centrifugal fan, including a field-rotatable blower
factory-built modular grease duct systems are available as an alter- housing, blower wheel with motors, drives, and often a motor/
native to code-prescribed welded systems. These listed systems typ- drive weather cover (Figure 20). These fans are typically con-
ically incorporate stainless steel liners and double-wall, insulated structed of steel and roof-mounted. Where approved, centrifugal
construction, allowing reduced clearances to combustibles and non- fans can be mounted indoors and ducted to discharge outside. The
welded joint construction. inlet and outlet are at 90° to each other (single width, single inlet),
When fire-rated enclosures are required for grease ducts, either and the outlet can usually be rotated to discharge at different
fired-rated enclosures are built around the duct or the newer listed, angles around a vertical circle. The lowest part of the fan must
Kitchen Ventilation 31.13

Fig. 21 Tubular Centrifugal (Inline) Fan Fig. 22 Rooftop Centrifugal Fan (Utility Set) with Vertical

Fig. 21 Tubular Centrifugal (Inline) Fan

drain to an approved container. When listed in accordance with UL

Standard 762, a grease drain, grease collection device, and blower
housing access panel are required.
• Tubular centrifugal. These fans, also known as inline fans, have
the impeller mounted in a cylindrical housing discharging the gas
in an axial direction (Figure 21). Where approved, these fans can
be located in the duct run inside a building if exterior fan mount-
ing is not practical for wall or roof exhaust. They are always
constructed of steel. The gasketed flange mounting must be Fig. 22 Rooftop Centrifugal Fan (Utility Set)
greasetight yet removable for service. The lowest part of the fan with Vertical Discharge
must drain to an approved container. When listed in accordance • Louvers should be designed to minimize their grease extraction
with UL Standard 762 a grease drain, grease collection device, and to prevent staining of the building facade.
and blower housing access panel are required.
Recirculating Hoods. With these units, it is critical to keep com-
Exhaust Terminations ponents in good working order to maintain optimal performance.
Otherwise, excessive grease, heat, and odors will accumulate in the
Rooftop. Rooftop terminations are preferred because discharge premises.
can be directed away from the building, the fan is at the end of the As with other terminations, containing and removing grease and
system, and the fan is accessible. Common concerns with rooftop keeping the discharge as far as possible from combustibles are the
terminations are as follows: main concerns. Some units are fairly portable and could be set in an
• Exhaust system discharge should be arranged to minimize reentry unsafe location. The operator should be made aware of the impor-
of effluent into any fresh-air intake or other opening to any build- tance of safely locating the unit. These units are best for large,
ing. This requires not only separating the exhaust from intakes, unconfined areas with a separate outside exhaust to keep the envi-
but also knowledge of the direction of the prevailing winds. Some ronment comfortable.
codes specify a minimum distance to air intakes. REPLACEMENT (MAKEUP) AIR
• In the event of a fire, neither flames, radiant heat, nor dripping REPLACEMENTSYSTEMS
grease should be able to ignite the roof or other nearby structures. In hood systems, where air exhausted through the hood is dis-
• All grease from the fan or duct termination should be collected charged to the outside, the volume of air exhausted must be replaced
and drained to a remote closed container to preclude ignition. with uncontaminated outside air. Outside air must be introduced
• Rainwater should be kept out of the exhaust system, especially out into the building through properly designed replacement air sys-
of the grease container. If this is not possible, then the grease con- tems. Proper replacement air volume and distribution allow the
tainer should be designed to separate water from grease and drain hood exhaust fan to operate as designed and facilitate proper build-
the water back onto the roof. Figure 22 shows a rooftop utility set ing pressurization, which is required for safe operation of direct-
with a stackhead fitting, which directs exhaust away from the roof vent gas appliances (such as water heaters), preventing kitchen
and minimizes rain penetration. Discharge caps should not be odors migrating to adjacent building spaces, and maintaining a com-
used because they direct exhaust back toward the roof and can fortable building environment. Proper pressurization enhances the
become grease-fouled. building environment by preventing suction of unfiltered and/or
unconditioned outside air into the building envelope through doors,
Outside Wall. Wall terminations are less common today but are windows, or air handlers. IMC (ICC 2006a) requires neutral or neg-
still occasionally used in new construction. The fan may or may not ative pressurization in rooms with mechanical exhaust. NFPA Stan-
be the terminus of the system, located on the outside of the wall. dard 96 requires enough replacement air to prevent negative
Common concerns with wall terminations are as follows: pressures from exceeding 0.02 in. of water, which may still be
excessive for proper drafting of some direct vent appliances. To
• Discharge from the exhaust system should not be able to enter any ensure pressure control, IMC also requires electrical interlock
fresh-air intake or other opening to any building. between exhaust and replacement air (makeup) sources. This elec-
• Adequate clearance to combustibles must be maintained. trical interlock prevents excessive negative or positive pressures cre-
• To avoid grease draining down the side of the building, duct sec- ated by the exhaust fan or replacement air unit operating
tions should pitch back to the hood inside, or a grease drain should independently.
be provided to drain grease back into a safe container inside the
building. Indoor Air Quality
• Discharge must not be directed downward or toward any pedes- Traditionally, the primary purpose of replacement air has been to
trian areas. ensure proper operation of the hood. Kitchen thermal comfort and
31.14 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

indoor air quality (IAQ) have been secondary. In some applications, In smaller commercial buildings, including restaurants and strip
thermal comfort and IAQ can be improved through adequate airflow centers, individual unitary rooftop HVAC equipment is common.
and proper introduction of replacement air. In many of today’s This unitary equipment may not be adequate to supply 100% of the
applications, outside air that meets IAQ standards is the most replacement air volume. Outside air must be considered in the initial
energy-efficient source for kitchen hood replacement air. ASHRAE unit selection to obtain desired unit operation and space comfort.
Standard 62.1 requires that 10 cfm outside air per person, based on The space in which the hood is located should be maintained at a
a maximum occupancy of 70 persons per 1000 ft2, be brought into neutral or negative pressure relative to adjacent spaces. Therefore,
the dining area. For cafeterias and fast food dining, the outside air HVAC economizers are not recommended for equipment supplying
requirement is 9 cfm per person, based on 100 persons per 1000 ft2. air directly to the space in which the hood is located, unless the
The requirement is 9 cfm per person in nonsmoking bars/cocktail economizer installation includes equipment and controls to main-
lounges at 100 persons per 1000 ft2. Kitchens require 14 cfm per tain overall system air balance and to prevent excessive air dis-
person based on 20 persons per 1000 ft2; however, kitchen require- charge velocities or volumes.
ments for outside air are superseded by the makeup air needs of the Using enthalpy or temperature control is recommended. These
exhaust hoods. These requirements may be increased or decreased controls cycle HVAC compressor(s), water supply, or heat source off
in certain areas if approved by the authority having jurisdiction. when outside air conditions warrant and open outside air dampers if
Outside air requirements sometimes affect HVAC system sizing and economizer controls are used. These additional controls provide
require another means of introducing outside air. A further require- kitchen comfort while conserving energy and saving money.
ment of Standard 62.1, that outside air be sufficient to provide for an
exhaust rate of at least 0.70 cfm per square foot of kitchen space, is Replacement Air Categories
generally easily met. Three categories of replacement air have been defined for design
of energy-efficient replacement air systems: supply, makeup, and
Replacement Air Introduction transfer. IAQ engineers must design outside air systems to meet
Replacement air may be introduced into the building through total building ventilation requirements. Replacement air for kitchen
conventional HVAC apparatus, ventilators (no conditioning), or ventilation must integrate into the total building IAQ design. Total
dedicated kitchen makeup air units and replacement air units. kitchen ventilation replacement air may consist of only dedicated
Replacement-air units are specifically designed to supply heated makeup air; however, in many energy-efficient designs, outside air
and/or cooled 100% outside air. required for ventilating the kitchen or adjacent spaces is used as sup-
Conventional HVAC units used as replacement air sources may ply or transfer air to augment or even eliminate the need for dedi-
have fixed outside air intakes or economizer-controlled outside air cated makeup air. Typically, replacement air will be a combination
dampers. HVAC units with economizers should have a barometric of categories from multiple sources. The source of replacement air
relief damper either in the return ductwork or in the HVAC unit typically determines its category.
itself. As the amount of outside air is increased, the increase in pres- Supply air is outside air introduced through the HVAC or venti-
sure in the system will open the relief damper, so that the return air lating apparatus, dedicated to the comfort conditioning of the space
volumetric rate is only enough to maintain approximately the in which the hood is located. In many cases this may be an ideal
amount of design supply air. The supply fan runs at a constant speed source of replacement air as it also provides comfort conditioning
and thus moves a constant volume of air. The amount of air required for the occupants.
for dedicated replacement air becomes the minimum set point for Makeup air is outside air introduced through a system dedicated
the economizer damper when the hoods are operating. Fixed outside to provide replacement air specifically for the hood. It is typically
air intakes must be set to allow the required amount of replacement delivered directly to or close to the hood. This air may or may not be
air. Outside air dampers should be interlocked with hood controls to conditioned. When conditioned, it may be heated only; generally
open to a preset minimum position when the hood system is ener- only in extreme environments will it be cooled. When included,
gized. If the zone controls call for cooling, and outside conditions makeup air typically receives less conditioning than space supply
are within economizer range, the outside damper may be opened to air. The IMC (ICC 2006a) requires makeup air be conditioned to
allow greater amounts of outside air. The maximum setting for out- within 10°F of the kitchen space, except when introducing replace-
side air dampers in unitary HVAC units is typically 25 to 30% of ment air does not decrease kitchen comfort (see the section on
total unit air volume when compressors are running. Energy Considerations for additional information). This can be
Operating in economizer mode should not change air discharge accomplished with proper distribution design. Typical sources of
velocities or volumes, because the supply fan runs at a constant makeup air conditioning include electric resistance, direct and indi-
speed and thus moves a constant volume of air. However, field expe- rect gas-fired units, evaporative coolers, and water coils for cooling
rience shows that large increases in air discharge velocities or vol- or heating (freeze protection required). Temperature of makeup air
umes can occur at diffusers when HVAC units go into economizer introduced varies with distribution system and type of operation.
mode. This is because the static loss through the fresh-air intake is Transfer air is outside air, introduced through the HVAC or ven-
considerably less than through the return air duct system, and thus tilating apparatus, dedicated to comfort conditioning and ventilation
a change from return air to fresh air reduces the overall static requirements of a space adjacent to the hood. The device providing
through the system, resulting in a relative increase in the total sys- transfer air must be in operation and supplying outside air while the
tem flow. This can create air balance problems that negatively affect hood is operating. Air must not be transferred from spaces where
hood performance because of interference with capture and contain- airborne contaminants such as odors, germs, or dust may be intro-
ment supply flow patterns at the hoods. A large increase in air veloc- duced into the food preparation or serving areas. Air may be trans-
ity or volume from supply diffusers indicates a need for better ferred through wall openings, door louvers, or ceiling grilles
balance between the fresh air and return air static losses. Some connected by duct above the ceiling. Depending on grille and duct
HVAC manufacturers state that a relief fan is required to ensure pressure drop, a transfer fan(s) may be required to avoid drawing
proper air balance if economizer controls call for outside air greater transfer air through lower-pressure-drop openings. When using
than 50% during economizer operation mode. A relief fan addresses openings through which food is passed, transfer velocities should
static losses in the return duct system, thus helping minimize the not exceed 50 fpm to avoid excessive cooling of the food. Transfer
static difference with the fresh-air intake. Lack of a barometric relief air is an efficient source of replacement air because it performs
damper, or constrictions in the return ductwork, also may be the many functions, including ventilating and/or conditioning the adja-
source of the problem. cent space, replacing air for the hood, and additional conditioning
Kitchen Ventilation 31.15

Fig. 23 Internal Methods of Introducing Replacement Air Fig. 24 Schlieren Image Showing Thermal Plume Being
Pulled Outside Hood by Air Curtain

Fig. 23 Internal Methods of Introducing Replacement Air

for the space in which the hood is located. Only the portion of air
supplied to the adjacent space that originated as outside air may be
transferred for replacement air. The IMC (ICC 2006a) recognizes
the use of transfer air as a replacement (makeup) air source. In large Fig. 24 Schlieren Image Showing Thermal Plume Being
buildings such as malls, supermarkets, and schools, adequate trans- Pulled Outside Hood by Air Curtain
fer air may be available to meet 100% of hood replacement air (Brohard et al. 2003)
requirements. Malls and multiple-use-occupancy buildings may
specify a minimum amount of transfer air to be taken from their the exhaust hood’s ability to completely capture and contain the
space to keep cooking odors in the kitchen, or they may specify the thermal plume and/or effluents at higher makeup airflow rates
maximum transfer air available to hold down the cost of condition- (expressed as a percentage of the threshold exhaust rate). Tempera-
ing outside air. Code restrictions may prevent the use of corridors as ture of locally supplied makeup air also affected hood performance,
spaces through which transfer air may be routed. Conditions of because air density affects the dynamics of air movement around the
transfer air are determined by conditioning requirements of the hood. Generally, hotter makeup air temperatures (e.g., greater than
space into which the air is initially supplied. 90°F) affect hood performance more adversely than cooler air (e.g.,
less than 75°F).
Air Distribution Air Curtain Supply. This method is typically used for spot-cooling
The design of a replacement air distribution system can enhance the cooking staff to counter the severe radiant heat generated from
or degrade hood performance. Systems that use a combination of equipment such as charbroilers. The air must be heated and/or
supply, makeup, and transfer air include various components of dis- cooled, depending on local climate. Air curtain discharge can be
tribution. Distribution from each source into the vicinity of the along the length of the hood front only or along all open sides of the
hood, must be designed to eliminate high velocities, eddies, swirls, hood. When discharge velocity is too low, air tends to enter the hood
or stray currents that can interrupt the natural rising of the thermal directly and may have little effect on hood performance. When dis-
plume from cooking equipment into the hood, thus degrading the charge velocity is too high, air entrains the cooking plume and spills
performance of the hood. Methods of distribution may include con- it into the room. Ideal velocity and throw can improve hood perfor-
ventional diffusers, compensating hood designs, transfer devices, mance and redirect the thermal plume toward the filters. Discharge
and simple openings in partitions separating building spaces. velocities must be carefully selected to avoid discomfort to personnel
Regardless of the method selected, it is important to always deliver and cooling of food.
replacement air to the hood (1) at proper velocity and (2) uniformly Limit the percentage of makeup air supplied through an air cur-
from all directions to which the hood is open. This minimizes tain to less than 20% of the hood’s exhaust flow. At these low air
excessive cross-currents that could cause spillage. Proper location velocities, an air curtain may enhance capture and containment,
and/or control of HVAC return grilles is therefore critical. The depending on design details. However, at higher makeup airflow
higher air velocities typically recommended for general ventilation rates, the air curtain is one of the worst performing makeup air strat-
or spot cooling with unconditioned air (75 to 200 fpm at worker) egies. The negative effect of an air curtain is clearly illustrated in Fig-
should be avoided around the hood. Hood manufacturers offer a ure 24 by the schlieren flow visualization recorded during a test of a
variety of compensating hoods, plenums, and diffusers designed to wall-mounted canopy hood operating over two underfired broilers.
introduce replacement air effectively. Introducing makeup air through an air curtain is a risky option.
Compensating Hoods. A common way of distributing replace- An air curtain (by itself or in combination with another pathway) is
ment air is through compensating systems that are integral with the not recommended, unless velocities are minimized and the designer
hood. Figure 23 shows four typical compensating hood configura- has access to performance data on the actual air curtain configura-
tions. Because actual flows and percentages may vary with hood tion being specified. Typical air curtains are easily adjusted, which
design, the manufacturer should be consulted about specific appli- could cause cooking effluent to spill into the kitchen by inadvert-
cations. The following are typical descriptions. ently creating higher-than-specified discharge velocities.
A recent makeup air study (Brohard et al. 2003) investigated the Back-Wall Supply. A makeup air plenum is installed between the
effects of six strategies on three hood types, and found that each back of the hood and wall. The full-length plenum typically extends
makeup air strategy and specific configuration tested compromised down the wall to approximately 6 in. below the cooking surface or
31.16 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

Fig. 25 Schlieren Image Showing Thermal Plume Being Cap- Fig. 26 Schlieren Image Showing Thermal Plume Being
tured with Back-Wall Supply Pulled Outside Hood by Front Face

Fig. 25 Schlieren Image Showing Thermal Plume Being

Captured with Back-Wall Supply
(Brohard et al. 2003) Fig. 26 Schlieren Image Showing Thermal Plume Being
Pulled Outside Hood by Front Face
2 to 3 ft above the floor. The depth of the plenum is typically 6 in. (Brohard et al. 2003)
Makeup air is discharged behind and below the cooking equipment.
The bottom of the plenum is provided with diffusers and may also containment. In general, face discharge velocities should not exceed
include a balancing damper. As with front-face discharge, air 150 fpm (i.e., makeup air flow rate divided by gross discharge area)
volume and discharge velocity dictate how far into the space the and should exit the front face in a horizontal direction.
replacement air will travel. The amount of travel and local climate Internal Makeup Air. Commonly known as short-circuit, this
dictate the amount of heating and/or cooling needed. Support for method introduces replacement air directly into the exhaust hood
wall shelves, salamander broilers, or cheesemelters mounted under cavity. This design has limited application, and the amount of air
the hood must be considered. The plenum structure typically does that can be introduced varies considerably with the type of cooking
not provide sufficient support for mounting these items. equipment and exhaust flow rate. As noted previously, thermal cur-
Back-wall supply can be an effective strategy for introducing rents from cooking equipment create a plume of a certain volume
makeup air (Figure 25). In most cases, it allows significant amounts that the hood must remove. The hood must therefore draw at least
of air to be locally supplied without a detrimental effect on hood this volume of air from the kitchen, in addition to any internal
C&C performance. Local makeup air mostly enters the kitchen makeup. If the net exhaust flow rate (total exhaust less internal
space, rather than remaining contained in the cooking zone. This replacement air) is less than the plume volume, part of the plume
potentially creates an additional heat and moisture load on the may spill out of the hood. Internal replacement air is typically not
kitchen, particularly because most makeup air supplied is mixed conditioned; however, depending on local climate, manufacturer’s
with room air before being exhausted. design, type of cooking equipment, and local codes, conditioning
To help ensure proper performance, the discharge of the back- may be required. Some local authorities approve internal discharge
wall supply should be at least 12 in. below cooking surfaces of hoods, and some do not. For unlisted hoods, IMC (2006a) requires
appliances, to prevent the relatively high-velocity makeup air from the net quantity of exhaust air to be calculated by subtracting any
interfering with gas burners and pilot lights. Back-wall plenums airflow supplied directly to a hood cavity from the total exhaust flow
with larger discharge areas may provide increased airflow rates as rate of a hood. Listed hoods are operated in accordance with the
long as discharge velocities remain below maximum thresholds. terms of the listing. All applicable codes must be consulted to
The quantity of air introduced through the back-wall supply should ensure proper criteria are followed.
be no more than 60% of the hood’s exhaust flow. When short-circuit hoods are operated with excessive internal
Front-Face Supply. Supplying air through the front face of the makeup air, they typically fail to capture and contain the cooking
hood is a configuration recommended by many hood manufacturers. effluent (Figure 27). Additionally, the introduction of untempered
In theory, air exits the front-face unit horizontally into the kitchen makeup air results in uncomfortable kitchen conditions. Indepen-
space. However, a front-face discharge with louvers or perforated dent research recommends not using this compensating hood
face can perform poorly, if its design does not consider discharge air design; therefore, there is no additional design information in this
velocity and direction. Figure 26 presents a poorly designed perfo- chapter.
rated face supply, which can negatively affect hood capture perfor- Multiple Discharge. This method may combine internal, perim-
mance in the same way as an air-curtain or four-way diffuser. To eter, air curtain, and/or front face. Each may be served by a separate
improve front-face performance, internal baffling and/or a double or common plenum. Balancing dampers may be provided for one or
layer of perforated plates may be used improve the uniformity of air- both discharge arrangements. These dampers may be used to fine-
flow. In addition, greater distance between the lower capture edge of tune the amount of air discharged through the air curtain or front
the hood and the bottom of the face discharge area may decrease the face. However, this method inherits the installation and mainte-
tendency of the makeup air supply to interfere with hood capture and nance problems of each of the individual types, and the combining
Kitchen Ventilation 31.17

Fig. 27 Schlieren Image Showing Thermal Plume Being Dis- Fig. 29 Schlieren Image Showing Thermal Plume Being
placed by Short-Circuit Supply, Causing Hood to Spill Pulled Outside Hood by Air Discharged From Four-Way Dif-

Fig. 27 Schlieren Image Showing Thermal Plume Being

Displaced by Short-Circuit Supply, Causing Hood to Spill Fig. 29 Schlieren Image Showing Thermal Plume
(Brohard et al. 2003) Being Pulled Outside Hood by Air Discharged From
Four-Way Diffuser
(Brohard et al. 2003)
Fig. 28 Schlieren Image Shows Effective Plume Capture with
Makeup Air Supplied Through 16 in. Wide Perforated Perim-
eter Supply For proper hood performance, discharge velocities should not
exceed 150 fpm (i.e., makeup air flow rate divided by gross discharge
area) from any section of the diffuser, and the distance to lower edge
of the hood should be no less than 18 in., or the system begins to act
like an air curtain. An increase in the plenum discharge area lowers
the velocity for a given flow of makeup air and reduces the chance of
it affecting capture and containment. If the perforated perimeter sup-
ply is extended along the sides of the hood as well as the front, the
increased area allows proportionally more makeup air to be supplied.
Traditional Registers. There are various ways to distribute
replacement air in the vicinity of the hood to avoid cross-currents
that degrade hood performance. Nonaspirating diffusers are recom-
mended, especially adjacent to the hood. Typical devices include the
following (for more information on diffusers, see Chapter 33 of the
2005 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals and Chapter 17 of the
2004 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment).
Louvered Ceiling Diffusers. Air from these aspirating, two-,
three-, or four-way diffusers should not be directed toward exhaust
hoods, where it might disturb the thermal plume and adversely
affect hood performance. The diffuser should be located so that the
jet velocity at the lip of the hood does not exceed 75 fpm.
Four-Way Ceiling Diffusers. Four-way diffusers located close to
kitchen exhaust hoods (Figure 29) can have a detrimental effect on
hood performance, particularly when flow through the diffuser
Fig. 28 Schlieren Image Shows Effective Plume Capture with
approaches its design limit.
Makeup Air Supplied Through 16 in. Wide Perforated
Perimeter Supply Perforated-plate ceiling diffusers can be used near the hood, and
(Brohard et al. 2003) a greater number of ceiling diffusers reduce air velocities for a given
supply rate. To help ensure proper hood performance, air from a dif-
fuser near the hood should not be directed toward the hood. They are
of them tends to compound the associated problems with their not recommended within 15 ft of the hood. If ceiling-supplied air
design, installation and maintenance. must be directed toward a hood, air discharge velocity at the diffuser
Perforated Perimeter Supply. Perforated perimeter supply is sim- face should be set at a design value so that the terminal velocity does
ilar to a front-face supply, but the air is directed downward, as in not exceed 75 fpm at the edge of the hood capture area.
Figure 28, toward the hood capture area. This may be advantageous Perforated Diffusers. These nonaspirating, perforated-face dif-
under some conditions, because air is directed downward into the fusers may have internal deflecting louvers, but should not be capa-
hood capture zone. ble of directing the airflow toward the hood. The diffuser should be
31.18 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

Fig. 30 Schlieren Image Showing Plume Being Effectively Cross Drafts. Cross drafts have a detrimental effect on all hood/
Captured when Makeup Air is Supplied at Low Velocity From appliance combinations. Cross drafts adversely affect island canopy
Displacement Diffusers hoods more than wall-mounted canopy hoods. A fan in a kitchen,
especially pointing at the cooking area, severely degrades hood per-
formance and may make capture impossible. Cross drafts required
at least a 37% increase in exhaust flow rate; in some cases, C&C
could not be achieved with a 235% increase in exhaust rate. Cross
drafts can result from portable fans, movement in the kitchen, or an
unbalanced HVAC system, which may pull air from open drive-
through windows or doors.
Side Panels. Side (or end) panels allow a reduced exhaust rate in
most cases, because they direct replacement airflow to the front of
the hood. Installing side panels improved C&C performance for
static conditions an average 10 to 15% and up to 35% for dynamic
(cross-draft) conditions. They are a relatively inexpensive way to
enhance performance and reduce the total exhaust rate. Partial side
panels can provide virtually the same benefit as full panels. One of
the greatest benefits of side panels is to mitigate the negative effect
of cross drafts.
The primary recommendation from the study was to reduce the
impact that locally supplied makeup air may have on hood perfor-
mance by minimizing makeup air velocity as it is introduced near
the hood. This can be accomplished by minimizing the volume of
makeup air through any single distribution system, maximizing the
area of the diffusers through which the makeup air is supplied, or
Fig. 30 Schlieren Image Showing Plume Being Effectively distributing through multiple pathways. Makeup air supplied
Captured when Makeup Air Is Supplied at Low Velocity From through displacement ventilation diffusers, perforated diffusers
Displacement Diffusers located in the ceiling as far as possible from the hood, or as transfer
(Brohard et al. 2003) air from the dining room generally works well if air velocities
approaching the hood are less than 75 fpm. However, makeup air
located so that the jet velocity at the lip of the hood does not exceed introduced close to an exhaust hood might interfere with the hood’s
75 fpm. In some code jurisdictions, when conventional ceiling dif- ability to capture and contain. The chances of makeup air affecting
fusers are used, only perforated diffusers are allowed in commercial hood performance increase as the percentage of the locally supplied
kitchens. makeup air (relative to the total exhaust) is increased. In fact, the
Slot Diffusers. Because the slot opening of these devices is gen- 80% rule of thumb for sizing airflow through a makeup air system
erally small compared to air volume, air velocity is often higher than may be a recipe for trouble.
that which would be obtained with two-, three-, and four-way dif- Design Recommendations. The first step to reducing the
fusers. Also, because airflow is mostly downward, the potential for makeup air requirement is lowering the design exhaust rate, which
negatively affecting hood performance is quite high if outlets are can be accomplished by prudent selection and application of UL
near the hood. If used with relatively high ceilings, the potential for Standard 710 listed hoods. Using side panels on canopy hoods to
negative impact is less because the velocity diminishes as air dif- increase effectiveness, mitigate cross drafts, and reduce heat gain is
fuses downward. Slot diffusers are usually nonaspirating. highly recommended. The next step is to take credit for outside air
Displacement Diffusers. These devices, designed to provide low- that must be supplied by the HVAC system to meet code require-
velocity laminar flow over the diffuser surface, typically supply air ments for ventilating the dining room. Depending on the architec-
from 50 to 70°F in a kitchen, depending on equipment loads. Hotter, tural layout, it may be practical to transfer most of this air to the
stratified air is removed from the ceiling through exhaust ducts or kitchen, improving hood performance and the kitchen environment
returned to the HVAC system to be conditioned. In contrast with by introducing conditioned dining room air.
ceiling diffusers, which require complete mixing to be effective,
stratification is the desired effect with displacement diffusers.
Displacement ventilation was the baseline for Brohard et al.’s SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND BALANCING
(2003) makeup air study, because it provided a uniform, nearly
laminar bulk airflow. This low-velocity bulk airflow is optimal for System integration and balancing bring the many ventilation
attaining C&C with the lowest exhaust rate. Therefore, supplying components together to provide the most comfortable, efficient, and
makeup air through displacement diffusers (Figure 30) is an effec- economical performance of each component and of the entire
tive strategy for introducing replacement air. Unfortunately, dis- system. In commercial kitchen ventilation, the supply air system
placement diffusers require floor or wall space, which is usually at (typically referred to as the HVAC system) must integrate and bal-
a premium in the commercial kitchen. A possible solution may be ance with the exhaust system. Optimal performance is achieved
remote displacement diffusers (built into a corner) to help distrib- more by effective use of components through controls and airflow
ute makeup air into the kitchen when transfer air is not available. adjustments than by selection or design of the system and compo-
Other Factors That Influence Hood Performance. nents. The following fundamentals for restaurants, and kitchens in
Hood Style. Wall-mounted canopy hoods function effectively particular, should be considered and applied within the constraints
with a lower exhaust flow rate than single-island hoods. Island can- of the particular location and its equipment and systems.
opy hoods are more sensitive to makeup air supply and cross drafts
than wall-mounted canopy hoods. Back-shelf/proximity hoods gen- Principles
erally exhibit lower capture and containment exhaust rates, and in Although there are exceptions, the following are the fundamental
some cases, perform the same job at one-third of the exhaust rate principles of integrating and balancing restaurant systems for both
required by a wall-mounted canopy hood. comfort control and economical operation:
Kitchen Ventilation 31.19

• In a freestanding restaurant, the overall building should always be building areas as well as to its own back room storage or office
slightly positively pressurized compared to the outside to mini- space.
mize infiltration of untempered air, as well as dirt, dust, and
insects, when doors are opened. In multiple-occupancy buildings, Air Balancing
a slight negative pressure in the restaurant is desirable to mini- Balancing is best performed when the manufacturers of all the
mize odor migration from the restaurant to other occupancies. HVAC equipment can provide a certified reference method of mea-
• Every kitchen should always be slightly negative compared to the suring the airflows, rather than depending on generic measurements
rooms or areas immediately surrounding it, to (1) better contain of duct flows or other forms of measurement in the field, which can
unavoidable grease vapors in the kitchen area and limit the extent be in error by 20% or more. The equipment manufacturer should be
of cleanup necessary, (2) keep cooking odors in the kitchen area, able to develop a reference method of measuring airflow in a portion
and (3) prevent the generally hotter and more humid kitchen air of the equipment that is dynamically stable in the laboratory as well
from diminishing the comfort level of adjacent spaces, especially as in the field. This method should relate directly to airflow by graph
dining areas. or formula.
• Cross-zoning of airflow should be minimal, especially in temper- The general steps for air balancing in restaurants are as follows:
ate seasons, when adjacent zones may be in different modes (e.g.,
economizer versus air conditioning or heating). Three situations 1. Exhaust hoods should be set to their proper flow rates, with sup-
to consider are the following: ply and exhaust fans on.
- In transitions from winter to spring and from summer to fall, 2. Next, supply airflow rate, whether part of combined HVAC units
the kitchen zone could be in economizer, or even mechanical or separate replacement air units, should be set to design values
cooling mode, while dining areas are in heating mode. Bringing through the coils and the design supply flows from each outlet,
heated dining-area supply air into a kitchen that is in cooling with approximately correct settings on the outside airflow rate.
mode only adds to the cooling load. In some areas, this situation Then, correct outside and return airflow rates should be set pro-
is present every day. portionately for each unit, as applicable. These settings should
- When all zones are in the same mode, it is more acceptable, and be made with exhaust on, to ensure adequate relief for the out-
even more economical, to bring dining-area air into the kitchen. side air.
However, the controls to automatically effect this method of Where outside air and return air flows of a particular unit are
operation are more complex and costly. expected to modulate, there should ideally be similar static
- If dedicated kitchen makeup air is heated, thermostatic control losses through both airflow paths to preclude large changes in
of the heating source should ideally be based on kitchen total supply air from the unit. Such changes, if large enough,
temperature rather than outside temperature. Otherwise, with could affect the efficiency of heat exchange and could also
usual kitchen heat gains and subsequent low balance points for change airflows within and between zones, thereby upsetting air
heating and cooling, it is possible that makeup air heating and distribution and balance.
kitchen mechanical cooling might be operated simultaneously. 3. Next, outside air should be set with all fans (exhaust and supply)
• Typically, no drafts should be noticeable, and temperatures should operating. Pressure difference between inside and outside should
vary no more than 1°F in dining areas and 3°F in kitchen areas. be checked to see that (1) nonkitchen zones of the building are at
These conditions can be achieved with even distribution and thor- a positive pressure compared to outside and (2) kitchen zone
ough circulation of air in each zone by an adequate number of pressure is negative compared to the surrounding zones and neg-
registers sized to preclude high air velocities. If there are notice- ative or neutral compared to outside.
able drafts or temperature differences, customers and restaurant For applications with modulating exhaust, every step of ex-
personnel will be distracted and will not enjoy dining or working. haust and replacement should be shut off, one step at a time.
Each combination of operation should be rechecked to ensure
Both design concepts and operating principles for proper integra- that design pressures and flows are maintained in each zone and
tion and balance are involved in achieving desired results under between zones. This requires that the replacement airflow rate
varying conditions. The same principles are important in almost compensate automatically with each increment of exhaust. It
every aspect of restaurant ventilation. may require some adjustments in controls or in damper linkage
In designing restaurant ventilation, all exhaust is assumed to be settings to get the correct proportional response.
in operation at one time, and the design replacement air quantity is 4. When the preceding steps are complete, the system is properly
a maximum requirement because the heating and cooling equip- integrated and balanced. At this time, all fan speeds and damper
ment are sized for maximum design conditions. settings (at all modes of operation) should be permanently
In restaurants with a single large exhaust hood, balancing should marked on the equipment and in the test and balance report. Air
be set for this one operation only. In restaurants with multiple balance records of exhaust, supply, return, fresh air, and individ-
exhaust hoods, some may be operated only during heavy business ual register airflows must also be completed. These records
hours or for special menu items. In this case, replacement air must should be kept by the food service facility for future reference.
be controlled to maintain minimum building positive pressure and 5. For new facilities, after two or three days in operation (no longer
to maintain the kitchen at a negative pressure under all operating than a week and usually before the facility opens), all belts in the
conditions. The more variable the exhaust, or the more numerous system should be checked and readjusted because new belts
and smaller the zones involved, the more complex the design, but wear in quickly and could begin slipping.
the overall pressure relationship principles must be maintained to
6. Once the facility is operational, the performance of the ventilation
provide optimum comfort, efficiency, and economy.
system should be checked to verify that the design is adequate for
A different application is a kitchen with one side exposed to a actual operation, particularly at maximum cooking and at outside
larger building with common or remote dining. Examples are a food environmental extremes. Any necessary changes should be made,
court in a mall or a small restaurant in a hospital, airport, or similar and all the records should be updated to show the changes.
building. Positive pressure at the front of the kitchen might cause
some cooking grease, vapor, and odors to spread into the common Rechecking the air balance should not be necessary more than
building space, which would be undesirable. In such a case, the once every two years unless basic changes are made in facility oper-
kitchen area is held at a negative pressure relative to other common ation. If there are any changes, such as adding a new type of cooking
31.20 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

equipment or deleting exhaust connections, the system should be damper. All dampers must be in the clean bypass air duct so they are
modified accordingly. not exposed to grease-laden exhaust air. The difference in pressure
between replacement and exhaust air duct may be great; the balanc-
Multiple-Hood Systems ing device must be able to make a fine airflow adjustment against this
Kitchen exhaust systems serving more than a single hood present pressure difference. It is best to provide two balancing devices in
several design challenges not encountered with single-hood sys- series, such as an orifice plate or blast gate for coarse adjustment fol-
tems. One of the main challenges of multiple-hood exhaust systems lowed by an opposed-blade damper for fine adjustment.
is air balancing. Because balancing dampers are not permitted in the Directly measuring air velocities in the exhaust ductwork to
exhaust ducts, the system must be balanced by design. Zoning may assess exhaust system performance may be desirable. Velocity
be desirable for a balanced design and to improve energy conserva- (pitot-tube) traverses may be performed in kitchen exhaust systems,
tion. Hood accessories are now available to allow balancing at indi- but holes drilled for the pitot tube must be liquidtight to maintain the
vidual hoods. Additionally, most filters come in varying sizes to fire-safe integrity of the ductwork per NFPA Standard 96. Holes
allow pressure loss equalization at varying airflows. Some hoods should never be drilled in the bottom of a duct, where they may col-
and grease filters have adjustable baffles that allow airflow to be lect grease. Velocity traverses should not be performed when cook-
adjusted at the hood. These may be helpful for relatively fine bal- ing is in progress because grease collects on the instrumentation.
ancing, but the system must provide most of the balancing. System
zoning is preferred, because incorrect installation of a multibranch Dynamic Volumetric Flow Rate Effects
system can lead to complex problems. Adjustable filters should not Design exhaust flow rates for kitchen hoods are determined
be used when they can be interchanged between hoods or within the either by laboratory tests or by building code requirements. In both
same hood, because an interchange could disrupt the previously cases, the intent is to ensure capture and containment under maxi-
achieved balance. Balancing can also be accomplished by changing mum cooking load conditions. The majority of kitchen exhaust sys-
the number and/or size of filters. tems use fixed-speed fans. Because a fan is a constant-volumetric
For correct flow through a branch duct in a multiple-hood sys- mover, at any given speed it always moves the same volume of air,
tem, the static pressure loss of the branch must match the static regardless of the density of the air, because of temperature,
pressure loss of the common duct upstream from the point of con- humidity, flue products of combustion, and grease vapor. Thus, for
nection. Any exhaust points subsequently added or removed must a given motor speed, a kitchen exhaust fan will always move the
be designed to comply with the minimum velocities required by same volume of air whether during maximum cooking, minimum
code and to maintain the balance of the remaining system. In cases cooking, with hot appliances at idle, or even with cold appliances.
such as master kitchen-exhaust systems, which are sometimes used Although the air volume removed by the exhaust fan is constant,
in shopping center food courts, no single group is responsible for the the amount of air removed from the kitchen space varies according
entire design. The base building designer typically lays out duct- to cooking appliance operating conditions:
work to (or through) each tenant space, and each tenant selects a
• During full-load cooking, the exhaust system pulls the least
hood and lays out connecting ductwork. Often the base building
amount of air from the kitchen, and requires the least amount of
designer has incomplete information on tenant exhaust require-
replacement air to keep a balanced system. Air entering the fan
ments. Therefore, one engineer must be responsible for defining cri-
inlet consists of the air expanded by the hot cooking surface,
teria for each tenant’s design and for evaluating proposed tenant
effluent generated by the cooked food, entrained kitchen air to
work to ensure that tenant designs match the system’s capacity. The
ensure capture and containment at the perimeter of the hood, and
engineer should also evaluate any proposed changes to the system,
flue gases when gas-fired equipment is used. This is usually the
such as changing tenancy. Rudimentary computer modeling of the
lightest-density, highest-temperature air removed by the fan.
exhaust system may be helpful (Elovitz 1992). Given the unpredict-
• During ready-to-cook (idle) conditions (appliances at operating
ability and volatility of tenant requirements, it may not be possible
temperature, but no cooking effluent being produced), air being
to balance the entire system perfectly. However, without adequate
exhausted is a combination of kitchen air (expanded by the hot
supervision, it is very probable that at least part of the system will be
cooking surface) and entrained kitchen air. Compared to most
badly out of balance.
full-load cooking conditions, the required replacement air vol-
For greatest success with multiple-hood exhaust systems, mini- ume from the kitchen increases to fulfill the exhaust fan require-
mize pressure losses in the ducts by keeping velocities low, mini- ment and to keep a balanced system. Air entering the fan inlet is
mizing sharp transitions, and using hoods with relatively high denser than under cooking conditions because the increased vol-
pressure drops. When pressure loss in the ducts is low compared to ume of kitchen air has a lower temperature than cooking effluent
the loss through the hood, changes in pressure loss in the ductwork does.
because of field conditions or changes in design airflow will have a • During cold conditions, air entering the fan inlet is at or near
smaller effect on total pressure loss and thus on actual airflow. kitchen temperature and humidity conditions. This is the condi-
Minimum code-required air velocity must be maintained in all tion with the greatest amount of air leaving the kitchen and
parts of the exhaust ductwork at all times. If fewer or smaller hoods
are installed than the design anticipated, resulting in low velocity in Fig. 31 Method of Introducing Replacement Air Directly into
portions of the ductwork, the velocity must be brought up to the Exhaust Duct
minimum. One way is to introduce replacement air, preferably
untempered, directly into the exhaust duct where it is required (Fig-
ure 31). The bypass duct should connect to the top or sides (at least
2 in. from the bottom) of the exhaust duct to prevent backflow of
water or grease through the bypass duct when fans are off. This
arrangement is shown in NFPA Standard 96 and should be dis-
cussed with the authority having jurisdiction.
A fire damper should be provided in the bypass duct, located close
to the exhaust duct. Bypass duct construction should be the same as
the exhaust duct construction, including enclosure and clearance
requirements, for at least several feet beyond the fire damper. Means Fig. 31 Method of Introducing Replacement Air Directly
to adjust the bypass airflow must be provided upstream of the fire into Exhaust Duct
Kitchen Ventilation 31.21

requires the greatest amount of replacement air to keep a balanced Custom-Designed Hoods. A typical cooking lineup combines
system. This is the heaviest-density air of the three appliance food service equipment with different thermal updraft characteris-
operating conditions. In a kitchen, this condition usually occurs tics and exhaust flow rates depending on cooking load, cooking
for a short while when the exhaust system is first started and temperature, product cooked, fuel source, and so forth. Exhaust
before the cooking appliances are heated; it can also occur when hoods are sized to handle the worst-case cooking appliance; during
the exhaust system is operated to check equipment performance, idle or off-peak periods, exhaust quantities may be excessive.
to assess the air balance and distribution, or to just provide venti- Custom-designed hoods for each piece of equipment can reduce
lation during a cleaning or renovation project. exhaust/replacement air quantities and consequently reduce fan
sizes, energy use, and energy costs for all types of restaurants. Hood
Changes in the amount of air volume removed from the kitchen
manufacturers recommend exhaust flow rates based on either ther-
based on appliance operations have implications for (1) setting hood
mal current charts or empirical tests. To operate at flow rates lower
exhaust fan speed in the field, (2) determining the amount of re-
than required by code, custom-designed hoods must be either listed
placement air or transfer air for the kitchen, and (3) air-conditioning
or approved by the local code official.
and heating loads attributed to makeup air or transfer air.
Dining-Room Air for Kitchen Ventilation. Most fast-food and
Appliance temperatures, food and flue products, and exhaust pizza restaurants do not physically segregate the kitchen from the
flow rates determine the volume created by the cooking process. dining room, so conditioned air moves from the dining area to the
The resulting air temperatures vary widely because of overexhaust- kitchen. Dining-room air cools the kitchen and provides replace-
ing, close-coupling, hood style, etc. Duct temperatures range from ment air for the kitchen exhaust.
slightly above ambient for large, overexhausted systems to over
Sometimes full-menu and cafeteria facilities are designed so that
200°F for close-coupled minimum-flow systems. The result is a dif-
minimal replacement air transfers between the dining room and the
ference in exhaust and replacement air requirements. For instance,
kitchen; therefore, the majority of the replacement air must be made
two griddles under a backshelf hood could show a 50 cfm difference
up by a kitchen makeup air unit.
between exhaust and replacement air, a two-deck oven could show
In restaurants where the kitchen and dining room are physically
a 200 cfm difference, and two chain charbroilers could show a
segregated, ducts between the two areas allow conditioned replace-
500 cfm difference.
ment air to flow to the kitchen. This design can reduce kitchen
The best practice for determining building air balance is to use replacement air requirements and enhance employee comfort, espe-
hot/no cooking (idle) condition flow rates. Most restaurants spend cially if the kitchen is not air conditioned. Of course, the dining
about 70% of their time in this condition. If air balance is determined room must have replacement air to replace the air transferred to the
under cold conditions, the makeup or transfer air will be greater than kitchen. Also, care must be taken to ensure that enough replacement
required during hot/ready-to-cook and cooking operations. The air is introduced into the kitchen to meet the requirements of appli-
result is a slightly higher pressure than required in the kitchen and cable codes and standards.
may result in air transfer to other parts of the building.
Heat Recovery from Exhaust Hood Ventilation Air. High-
Similarly, the best practice for determining heating and air- temperature effluent, often in excess of 400°F, heats replacement air
conditioning loads from makeup or transfer air is to use hot/no to 100 to 200°F as it travels over the cooking surfaces and areas. It
cooking condition flow rates. Using cold/no-cooking conditions is frequently assumed that this heated exhaust air is suitable for heat
will result in a larger design load estimate than required. recovery; however, smoke and grease in the exhaust air, with time,
cover any heat transfer surface. Under these conditions, the heat
ENERGY CONSIDERATIONS exchangers require constant maintenance (e.g., automatic wash-
Energy conservation in restaurants depends on the following down) to maintain acceptable heat recovery.
variables: Because heat recovery systems are very expensive, only food ser-
vice facilities with large amounts of cooking equipment and large
Climate. Outside temperature and humidity are key determi- cooking loads are good candidates for this equipment. Heat recov-
nants of restaurant HVAC energy use. Because climatic zones vary ery may work in full-menu and cafeteria restaurants and in institu-
dramatically in temperature and humidity, kitchen ventilation con- tional food service facilities such as prisons and colleges. An
servation designs have widely varying economic recovery periods. exhaust hood equipped with heat recovery is more likely to be cost-
In new facilities, the designer can select conservation measures suit- effective where the climate is extreme. A mild climate, such as in
able for the climatic zone and the HVAC system to maximize the California, is not conducive to use of this conservation measure. The
economic benefits. principal obstacle to heat recovery from kitchen exhaust systems is
Restaurant Type. Claar et al. (1985) defined five restaurant that heat removal from the exhaust aids condensation of grease
types: fast-food, full-service, coffee shop, pizza, and cafeteria. Res- vapors on recovery system surfaces in the exhaust stream, resulting
taurant associations identify many additional restaurant types, in lower heat transfer efficiency and higher maintenance require-
among which energy use varies significantly. As a result, some ments. An additional obstacle is providing enough heat transfer sur-
energy conservation measures work in all restaurants, whereas oth- face area cost-effectively.
ers may work only in specific types. For simplicity, this discussion Extended Economizer Operation. In most restaurants, mechan-
classifies restaurants as cafeteria, fast-food, full-menu, and pizza. ical cooling is required to keep the staff and customers cool. By
Hood Type and Equipment Characteristics. The type of ex- operating in economizer mode, similar cooling can be achieved at
haust hood selected depends on such factors as restaurant type, less cost because only fans are operated and not compressors. Econ-
restaurant menu, and food service equipment. Exhaust flow rates omizers can be used in lieu of or with mechanical cooling when the
are largely determined by the food service equipment and hood outside dry-bulb temperature (and sometimes humidity) is ±10°F
style. The effectiveness of conservation measures, whether in a new lower than the return air condition. Economizer systems may be
design or as a retrofit, is also affected by the type of hood and food designed to increase ventilation by 25% or more over normal venti-
service equipment. lation, or about 50 to 60% of system supply capacity. For additional
savings, economizers can increase outside air to 100%, usually with
Energy Conservation Measures fan-powered relief. See the on section Replacement Air Sources for
Energy costs in restaurants vary from 2 to 6% of gross sales. The design considerations for kitchen applications.
following major energy conservation measures can reduce commer- Analysis of energy-use data from monitoring food service facili-
cial kitchen ventilation costs. ties indicates that heating/cooling balance points for commercial
31.22 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

kitchens may be significantly lower than the typical 65°F of other These results led to NFPA Standard 96 changing its minimum
commercial buildings. One project that monitored seven diverse res- duct velocity requirements from 1500 fpm to 500 fpm. This require-
taurants for an extended period (Claar et al. 1985) revealed an aver- ment has also been incorporated by the IMC (ICC 2006).
age balance point for the group of 53.3°F. Accordingly, though the The primary implication for this change is to reduce restaurant
temperature band for economizer operations in common commercial energy consumption by reducing exhaust airflow during idle peri-
buildings might be limited to 60 to 75°F, kitchens may benefit from ods, while maintaining necessary capture and containment. This
an economizer range starting in the lower 50s, providing for much reduces exhaust fan energy consumption and replacement air
greater economic application and financial acceptance. energy requirements by changing exhaust airflows during cooking
Optimized Heating and Cooling Set Points. IMC (ICC 2006a) and idle periods of the day. Previously, if a restaurant remodeled
requires that makeup air be conditioned to within 10°F of the their cooking operation and reduced the exhaust airflows, the owner
kitchen space, except when the makeup air is part of the air-condi- had to install smaller-diameter ductwork to meet the 1500 fpm
tioning system and does not adversely affect comfort conditions in requirement, which was costly. Now, if a system is designed for
the occupied space. The exception is important because it allows heavy-duty equipment, and instead lighter-duty equipment is
the design to be optimized to take advantage of the typically lower installed, exhaust airflows can be reduced without the expense of
heating/cooling balance points of commercial kitchens. Accord- modifying ductwork.
ingly, it is essential that the heating set point of dedicated makeup From a design perspective, it is recommended that most kitchens
units not be set higher than the forecasted heating/cooling balance be designed for an in-duct velocity between 1500 and 1800 fpm.
point to avoid simultaneous operation of makeup heating and This allows for reducing the airflows to 500 fpm if needed in the
HVAC cooling. Designers should set the makeup unit heating exit future.
temperature lower than the lowest temperature at which cooling
will be activated.
Reduced Exhaust and Replacement (Makeup) Airflow Rates.
Tempering outside replacement air can account for a large part of a The combination of flammable grease and particulates carried by
food service facility’s heating and cooling costs. By reducing ex- kitchen ventilation systems and the potential of cooking equipment
haust flow rates (and the corresponding replacement air quantity) to be an ignition source creates a higher hazard level than normally
when no product is being cooked, energy cost can be significantly found in HVAC systems. Design of an exhaust system serving cook-
reduced. Field evaluations by one large restaurant chain suggest that ing equipment that may produce grease-laden vapors must provide,
cooking appliances may be at zero load for 75% or more of an aver- at a minimum, a reasonable level of protection for the safety of
age business day (Spata and Turgeon 1995). When no smoke or building occupants and fire fighters. The design can be enhanced to
grease-laden vapors are being produced, NFPA Standard 96 allows provide extra protection for property.
reduction of exhaust quantities. The only restriction on the reduced Replacement air systems, air-conditioning systems serving a
exhaust quantity is that it be “sufficient to capture and remove flue kitchen, and exhaust systems serving only cooking equipment that
gases and residual vapors.” does not produce grease-laden vapor have no specific fire protec-
Historically, however, it has been difficult to reduce exhaust flow tion requirements beyond those applicable to similar systems not
rates in a retrofit because of the minimum duct velocity restriction. located in kitchens. However, an exhaust system serving any
ASHRAE research (Kuehn 2000) shows that, for design duct veloc- grease-producing cooking equipment must be considered a grease
ities below the traditional 1500 fpm threshold, grease deposition exhaust system even if it also serves non-grease-producing equip-
was not increased. NFPA Standard 96 had historically required a ment.
minimum duct velocity of 1500 fpm. The common belief was that if Fire protection starts with proper operation and maintenance of
the duct velocity were lowered, a higher percentage of grease would the cooking equipment and the exhaust system. After that, the two
accumulate on the ductwork, which would then require more fre- primary aspects of fire protection in a grease exhaust system are
quent duct cleaning. However, no data or research could be identi- (1) to extinguish a fire quickly once it has started and (2) to prevent
fied to support this assumption. Therefore, ASHRAE Research the spread of fire from or to the grease exhaust system.
Project RP-1033 (Kuehn 2000) was undertaken to determine the
true effect of duct velocity on grease deposition. Fire Suppression
The project analyzed grease deposition as a function of mean NFPA Standard 96 requires that exhaust systems serving grease-
duct velocity, using octanoic acid (commonly found in cooking oils producing equipment must include a fire-extinguishing system,
and other foods). This project confirmed that grease deposition on which must protect cooking surfaces, hood interior, hood filters or
ductwork is a function of three components: turbulence, thermo- grease extractors, ducts, and any other grease-removal devices in the
phoresis, and gravitational settling. Turbulence is a function of system. The most common fire-extinguishing systems are wet
grease particle velocity, particle size, and interactions of exhaust air chemical and water spray systems.
with duct walls. Thermophoresis is caused by a temperature differ- Operation. Actuation of any fire-extinguishing system should
ence between the exhaust airstream and the duct walls and, in simple not depend on normal building electricity. If actuation relies on elec-
terms, accounts for grease condensing on the duct walls. Gravita- tricity, it should be supplied with standby power.
tional settling accounts for the effect of gravity. In vertical ductwork Any extinguishing system must automatically shut off all sup-
that is insulated or relatively adiabatic, turbulence is the determin- plies of fuel and heat to all equipment protected by that system. Any
ing factor for whether grease accumulates on ductwork walls, and gas appliance not requiring protection but located under the same
can be accounted for using the deposition velocity. RP-1033 found ventilating equipment must also be shut off. On operation of a wet
that if duct velocity is decreased in an insulated duct, grease depo- chemical or water fire-extinguishing system, all electrical sources
sition on all sides of the duct is decreased. Figure 32 shows the dep- located under the ventilating equipment, if subject to exposure to
osition velocity of grease particles on the side of the ductwork at discharge from the fire-extinguishing system, must be shut off. If
different exhaust airflows. the hood is in a building with a fire alarm system, actuation of the
Another significant finding in the study was that, if there is a hood extinguishing system should send a signal to the fire alarm.
large temperature gradient between exhaust air inside the duct and Dry and Wet Chemical Systems. Wet chemical fire-
the external duct wall, the rate of grease deposition increases signif- extinguishing systems are the most common in new construction
icantly. Therefore, duct insulation should be considered where there for protecting hoods and exhaust systems. Dry chemical systems
are large temperature variations. were popular; however, most manufacturers have removed them
Kitchen Ventilation 31.23

Fig. 32 Deposition Velocity of Polydispersed Particles on Internal Surfaces of Horizontal Square Duct Versus Mean Exhaust Veloc-

Fig. 32 Deposition Velocity of Polydispersed Particles on Internal Surfaces of Horizontal Square Exhaust Duct
Versus Mean Exhaust Velocity
(Kuehn 2000; MMAD = mass mean aerodynamic diameter)

from the market because they have not passed UL Standard 300. For a chemical system protecting the entire exhaust system, fire-
Dry chemical systems are covered in NFPA Standard 17, and wet extinguishing nozzles are located over the cooking equipment being
chemical systems are covered in NFPA Standard 17A. Both stan- protected, in the hood to protect grease-removal devices and the
dards provide detailed application information. Systems are tested hood plenum, and at the duct collar (downstream from any fire
for their ability to extinguish fires in cooking operations in accor- dampers) to protect ductwork. The duct nozzle is rated to protect an
dance with UL Standard 300. To date, only wet chemical systems unlimited length of ductwork, so additional nozzles are not required
are listed to UL Standard 300. further downstream in the ductwork. Fire detection is required at the
Both dry and wet chemicals extinguish a fire by reacting with fats entrance to each duct (or ducts, in hoods with multiple duct takeoffs)
and grease to saponify, or form a soapy foam layer that prevents ox- and over each piece of cooking equipment that requires protection.
ygen from reaching the hot surface. This suppresses the fire and pre- The detector at the duct entrance may also cover the piece of cook-
vents reignition. Saponification is particularly important with deep ing equipment directly below it.
fat fryers, where the frying medium may be hotter than its autoigni- Chemical fire-extinguishing systems are available as listed, pre-
tion temperature for some time after the fire is extinguished. If the engineered (packaged) systems. Chemical systems typically consist
foam layer disappears or is disturbed before the frying medium has of one or more tanks of chemical agent (dry or wet), a propellant
cooled below its autoignition temperature, it can reignite. gas, piping to the suppression nozzles, fire detectors, and auxiliary
Frying media commonly used today have autoignition points of equipment. The fire detectors are typically fusible links that melt at
about 685 to 710°F when new. Contamination through normal use a set temperature associated with a fire, although electronic devices
lowers the autoignition point. The chemical agent that extinguishes are also available. Auxiliary equipment may include manual pull
the fire also contaminates the frying medium, which can further stations, gas shutoff valves (spring-loaded or solenoid-actuated),
reduce the autoignition point by 50 to 60°F. One advantage of wet and auxiliary electric contacts.
chemical systems over dry chemical systems is that the wet chemi- Actuation of dry and wet chemical suppression systems is typi-
cal provides extra cooling to the frying medium, so that it falls cally completely mechanical, requiring no electric power. Fire
below the autoignition point more quickly. detectors are typically interconnected with the system actuator by
31.24 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

steel cable in tension, so that melting of any fusible links releases the ductwork. Combination systems are more common in multi-
the tension on the steel cable, causing the actuator to release the pro- ple-hood systems, where a separate extinguishing system may be
pellant and suppressant. The total length of the steel cable and the used to protect a common duct. If combination systems will dis-
number of pulley elbows permitted are limited. A manual pull sta- charge their suppressing agents together in the same place, the
tion is typically connected to the system actuator by steel cable. If a agents must be compatible.
mechanical gas valve is used, it is also connected to the system actu- Multiple-Hood Systems. All hoods connected to a multiple-
ator by steel cable. System actuation also switches auxiliary dry hood exhaust system must be on the same floor of the building to
electrical contacts, which can be used to shut off electrical cooking prevent the spread of fire through the duct from floor to floor. Pref-
equipment, operate an electric gas valve, shut off a replacement air erably, there should be no walls requiring greater than a 1 h fire
fan, and/or send an alarm signal to the building fire alarm system. resistance rating between hoods.
Manual pull stations are generally required to be at least 10 ft The multiple-hood exhaust system must be designed to (1) pre-
from the cooking appliance and in a path of egress. Some authori- vent a fire in one hood or in the duct from spreading through the ducts
ties may prefer that the pull station be installed closer to the cook- to another hood and (2) protect against a fire starting in the common
ing equipment, for faster response; however, if it is too close, it ductwork. Of course, the first line of protection for the ducts is keep-
may not be possible to approach it once a fire has started. Refer to ing it clean. Especially in a multiple-tenant system, a single entity
the applicable code requirements for each jurisdiction to determine must assume responsibility for cleaning the common ductwork fre-
specific requirements for location and mounting heights of pull quently.
stations. Each hood must have its own fire-extinguishing system to protect
Water Systems. Water can be used for protecting cooking appli- the hood and cooking surface. A single system could serve more
ances, hoods, and grease exhaust systems. Standard fire sprinklers than one hood, but in the event of fire under one hood, the system
may be used throughout the system, except over deep-fat fryers, would discharge its suppressant under all hoods served, resulting in
where special automatic spray nozzles specifically listed for the unnecessary cleanup expense and inconvenience. A water-mist sys-
application must be used. These nozzles must be aimed properly tem could serve multiple hoods if sprinkler heads were allowed to
and supplied with the correct water pressure. Many hood manufac- operate independently.
turers market a pre-engineered water spray system that typically
Because of the possibility of a fire spreading through ducts from
includes a cabinet containing the necessary plumbing and electrical
one hood to another, the common ductwork must have its own fire
components to monitor the system and initiate fuel shutoff and
protection system. The appendices of NFPA Standards 17 and 17A
building alarms.
present detailed examples of how common ducts can be protected
Application of standard fire sprinklers for protection of cooking
either by one system or by a combination of separate systems serv-
appliances, hoods, and grease exhaust systems is covered by NFPA
ing individual hoods. Different types of fire-extinguishing systems
Standard 13. NFPA Standards 25 and 96 covers maintenance of
may be used to protect different portions of the exhaust system;
sprinkler systems serving an exhaust system. The sprinklers must
however, in any case where two different types of system can dis-
connect to a wet-pipe building sprinkler system installed in compli-
charge into the common duct at the same time, the agents must be
ance with NFPA Standard 13.
Water systems that spray a fine mist can be used to protect cook-
ing equipment. Nozzles protecting deep fat fryers must be specifi- As always, actuation of the fire-extinguishing system protecting
cally listed for this use. The water spray suppresses the fire in two any hood must shut off fuel or power to all cooking equipment under
ways: the mist spray absorbs heat from the fire, and then becomes that hood. When a common duct, or portion thereof, is protected by
steam, which displaces air and suffocates the fire. a chemical fire-extinguishing system that activates from a fire in a
single hood, NFPA Standards 17 and 17A require shutoff of fuel or
Although standard sprinklers may be used to protect cooking
power to the cooking equipment under every hood served by that
equipment other than deep-fat fryers, care must be taken to ensure
common duct, or portion of it protected by the activated system,
that sprinklers are properly selected for a fine mist discharge; if
even if there was no fire in the other hoods served by that duct.
pressure is too high or the spray too narrow, the water spray could
push flames off the cooking equipment. From an operational standpoint, it is usually most sensible to pro-
One advantage of a sprinkler system is that it has virtually un- vide one or more fire-extinguishing systems to detect and protect
limited capacity, whereas chemical systems have limited chemical against fire in common ducts and a separate system to protect each
supplies. This can be an advantage in suppressing a fire, but all the hood and its connecting ducts. This (1) prevents a fire in the com-
water must be safely removed from the space. Where sprinklers are mon duct from causing discharge of fire suppressant under an unaf-
used in ducts, the ductwork should be pitched to drain safely. fected hood and (2) allows unaffected hoods to continue operation
NFPA Standard 13 requires that sprinklers used to protect ducts be in the event of a fire under one hood unless the fire spreads to the
installed every 10 ft on center in horizontal ducts, at the top of common duct.
every vertical riser, and in the middle of any vertical offset. Any
sprinklers exposed to freezing temperatures must be protected.
Preventing Fire Spread
Hoods that use water either for periodic cleaning (water-wash) or The exhaust system must be designed and installed both to pre-
for grease removal (cold water mist) can use this feature in conjunc- vent a fire starting in the grease exhaust system from damaging the
tion with the fire-extinguishing system to protect the hood, grease- building or spreading to other building areas and to prevent a fire in
removal device, and/or ducts in the event of a fire. The water supply one building area from spreading to other parts of the building via
for these systems may be from the kitchen water supply if flow and the grease exhaust system. This protection has two main aspects: (1)
pressure requirements are met. These hoods can also act as a fire maintaining clearance from the duct to other portions of the building
stop because of their multipass configuration and the fact that the and (2) enclosing the duct in a fire-resistance-rated enclosure. Both
grease extractors are not removable. aspects are sometimes addressed by a single action.
Combination Systems. Different system types may protect Clearance to Combustibles. A grease exhaust duct fire can gen-
different parts of the grease exhaust system, as long as the entire erate gas temperatures of 2000°F or greater in the duct. In such a
system is protected. Examples include (1) an approved water-wash grease fire, heat radiating from the hot duct surface can ignite com-
or water mist system to protect the hood in combination with a dry bustible materials near the duct. Most codes require a minimum
or wet chemical system to protect ducts and the cooking surface or clearance of 18 in. from the grease exhaust duct to any combustible
(2) a chemical system in the hood backed up by water sprinklers in material. However, even 18 in. may not be sufficient clearance to
Kitchen Ventilation 31.25

prevent ignition of combustibles in the case of a major grease fire, applications, such as to protect structural steel, may not be appro-
especially in larger ducts. priate for grease exhaust ducts because of the high temperatures that
Several methods to protect combustible materials from the radiant may be encountered in a grease fire.
heat of a grease duct fire and permit reduced clearance to combusti- The IMC (ICC 2006a) requires that listed grease ducts installed
bles are described in NFPA Standard 96. Previous editions required without shaft enclosure be tested and listed in accordance with UL
that these protections be applied to the combustible material rather Standard 2221. Likewise, grease duct enclosure materials must be
than to the duct, on the theory that if the duct is covered with an insu- tested and listed in accordance with ASTM Standard E2336.
lating material, the duct itself will become hotter than it would if it Exhaust and Supply Fire-Actuated Dampers. Because of the
were free to radiate its heat to the surroundings. The hotter tempera- risk that the damper may become coated with grease and become a
tures could result in structural damage to the duct. NFPA Standard source of fuel in a fire, balancing and fire-actuated dampers are not
96 now allows materials to be applied to the actual duct. However, permitted at any point in a grease exhaust system except where spe-
because this edition may not have been accepted by some jurisdic- cifically listed for each use or required as part of a listed device or
tions, the authority having jurisdiction should be consulted before system. Typically, fire dampers are found only at the hood collar and
clearances to combustible materials are reduced. only if provided by the manufacturer as part of a listed hood.
Listed grease ducts, typically double-wall ducts with or without Opinions differ regarding whether any fire-actuated dampers
insulation between the walls, may be installed with reduced clear- should be provided in the exhaust hood. On one hand, a fire-actuated
ance to combustibles in accordance with manufacturers’ installation damper at the exhaust collar may prevent a fire under the hood from
instructions, which should include specific information regarding spreading to the exhaust duct. However, like anything in the exhaust
the listing. Listed grease ducts are tested under UL Standard 1978. airstream, the fire-actuated damper and linkage may become coated
NFPA Standard 96 also requires a minimum clearance of 3 in. to with grease if not properly maintained, which may impede damper
“limited combustible” materials (e.g., gypsum wallboard on metal operation. On the other hand, without fire-actuated dampers, the
studs). At present, none of the standards and model codes requires exhaust fan will draw smoke and fire away from the hood. Although
any clearance to noncombustible materials except for enclosures. this cannot be expected to remove all smoke from the kitchen during
Enclosures. Normally, when a duct penetrates a fire-resistance- of a fire, it can help to contain smoke in the kitchen and minimize
rated wall or floor, a fire damper is used to maintain the integrity of migration of smoke to other areas of the building.
the wall or floor. Because fire dampers may not be installed in a A fire-actuated damper will generally close only in the event of
grease exhaust duct unless specifically approved for such use, there a severe fire; most kitchen fires are extinguished before enough heat
must be an alternative means of maintaining the integrity of rated is released to trigger the fire-actuated damper. Thus the hood fire-
walls or floors. Therefore, grease exhaust ducts that penetrate a actuated damper remains open during relatively small fires, allow-
fire-resistance-rated wall or floor-ceiling assembly must be contin- ing the hood to remove smoke, but can close in the event of a severe
uously enclosed in a fire-rated enclosure from the point the duct fire, helping to contain the fire in the kitchen area.
penetrates the first fire barrier until the duct leaves the building. Fan Operations. If it is over 2000 cfm, the replacement air sup-
Listed grease ducts are also subject to these enclosure require- ply to the kitchen is generally required to be shut down during fire to
ments. The requirements are similar to those for a vertical shaft avoid feeding air to the fire. However, if the exhaust system is in-
(typically 1 h rating if the shaft penetrates fewer than three floors, tended to operate during a fire to remove smoke from the kitchen (as
2 h rating if it penetrates three or more floors), except that the shaft opposed to just containing it in the kitchen), the replacement air sys-
can be both vertical and horizontal. In essence, the enclosure tem must operate as well. If the hood has an integral replacement air
extends the room containing the hood through all the other com- plenum, a fire-actuated damper must be installed in the replacement
partments of the building without creating any unprotected open- air collar to prevent a fire in the hood from entering the replacement
ings to those compartments. air ductwork. NFPA Standard 96 details the instances where fire-
Where a duct is enclosed in a rated enclosure, whether vertical or actuated dampers are required in a hood replacement air assembly.
horizontal, clearance must be maintained between the duct and the Regardless of whether fire-actuated dampers are installed in the
shaft. NFPA Standard 96 and IMC (ICC 2006a) require minimum 6 exhaust system, NFPA Standard 96 calls for the exhaust fan to con-
in. clearance and that the shaft be vented to the outside. IMC tinue to run in the event of a fire unless fan shutdown is required by
requires that each exhaust duct have its own dedicated enclosure. a listed component of the ventilating system or of the fire-
Some listed grease ducts are designed and tested for use without extinguishing system. Dry and wet chemical fire-extinguishing sys-
shaft enclosure. Listed grease ducts of this type typically incorpo- tems protecting ductwork are tested both with and without airflow;
rate integral fire protection, which serves the same function as the exhaust airflow is not necessary for proper operation.
shaft enclosure. These products are tested and listed in accordance
with UL Standard 2221. They must be installed in strict compliance OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE
with the manufacturer’s installation instruction.
Some available materials are listed to serve as a fire-resistance- Operation
rated enclosure for a grease duct when used to cover a duct directly All components of the ventilation system are designed to operate
with minimal clear space between the duct and the material. These in balance with each other, even under variable loads, to properly
materials are tested and listed in accordance with ASTM Standard capture, contain, and remove cooking effluent and heat and main-
E2336 or the International Code Council (ICC 2004). These listed tain proper space temperature control in the most efficient and
materials must be applied in strict compliance with the manufac- economical manner. Deterioration in any of these components un-
turer’s installation instructions, which may limit the size of duct to balances the system, affecting one or more of its design concepts.
be covered and specify required clearances for duct expansion and The system design intent should be fully understood by the operator
other installation details. When a duct is directly covered with an so that any deviations in operation can be noted and corrected. In
insulating material, there is a greater chance of structural damage to addition to creating health and fire hazards, normal cooking effluent
the duct from the heat of a severe fire. Structural integrity of exhaust deposits can also unbalance the system, so they must be regularly
ducts should be assessed after any serious duct fire. removed.
Insulation materials that have not been specifically tested and All components of exhaust and replacement air systems affect
approved for use as fire protection for grease exhaust ducts should proper capture, containment, and removal of cooking effluent. In the
not be used in lieu of rated enclosures or to reduce clearance to exhaust system, this includes the cooking equipment itself, exhaust
combustibles. Even insulation approved for other fire-protection hood, all filtration devices, ducts, exhaust fan, and any dampers. In
31.26 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

the replacement air system, this includes the air-handling unit(s) precautions for the use of and emissions from solid fuel include
with intake louvers, dampers, filters, fan wheels, heating and cool- monthly duct cleaning with weekly inspections, spark arrestors,
ing coils, ducts, and supply registers. In systems that obtain their and additional spacing to fryers. Refer to NFPA Standard 96,
replacement air from the general HVAC system, this also includes Chapters 5 to 10 and 14, and IMC sections 507 and 906, for addi-
return air registers and ducts. tional direction.
When the system is first set up and balanced in new condition,
these components are set to optimum efficiency. In time, all compo- Exhaust Systems
nents become dirty; filtration devices, dampers, louvers, heating and Normal Operation. All cooking vapors are readily drawn into the
cooling coils, and ducts become restricted; fan blades change shape exhaust hood, where they are captured and removed from the space.
as they accumulate dirt and grease; and fan belts loosen. In addition, The environment immediately around the cooking operation is clear
dampers can come loose and change position, even closing, and and fresh.
ducts can develop leaks or be blocked if internal insulation sheets Abnormal Operation. Many cooking vapors do not enter the
fall down. exhaust hood at all, and some that enter subsequently escape. The
All these changes deteriorate system performance. The operator environment around the cooking operation, and likely in the entire
should know how the system performed when it was new, to better kitchen, is contaminated with cooking vapors and a thin film of
recognize when it is no longer performing the same way. This knowl- grease.
edge allows problems to be found and corrected sooner and the peak Cleaning/Maintenance. Clean all grease removal devices in the
efficiency and safety of system operation to better be maintained. exhaust system. Hood filters should be cleaned at least daily. For
other devices, follow the minimum recommendations of the man-
Maintenance ufacturer; even these may not be adequate at very high flow rates
Maintenance may be classified as preventive or emergency or with products producing large amounts of effluent. Check that
(breakdown). Preventive maintenance keeps the system operating (1) all dampers are in their original position, (2) fan belts are
as close as possible to optimal performance, including maximum properly tensioned, (3) the exhaust fan is operating at the proper
production and least shutdown. It is the most effective maintenance speed and turning in the proper direction, (4) the exhaust duct is
and is preferred. not restricted, and (5) the fan blades are clear.
Preventive maintenance can prevent most emergency shutdowns NFPA Standard 96 design requirements for access to the system
and emergency maintenance. It has a modest ongoing cost and should be followed to facilitate cleaning the exhaust hood, duct-
fewer unexpected costs. Clearly the lowest-cost maintenance in the work, and fan. Cleaning should be done before grease has built up to
long run, it keeps the system components in peak condition, extend- 0.25 in. in any part of the system, and by a method that cleans to bare
ing the operating life of all components. metal. Cleaning agents should be thoroughly rinsed off, and all
Emergency maintenance must be applied when a breakdown loose grease particles should be removed, because they can ignite
occurs. Sufficient staffing and money must be applied to the situa- more readily. Agents should not be added to the surface after clean-
tion to bring the system back on line in the shortest possible time. ing, because their textured surfaces merely collect more grease
Such emergencies can be of almost any nature. They are impossible more quickly. Fire-extinguishing systems may need to be disarmed
to predict or address in advance, except to presume the type of com- before cleaning, to prevent accidental discharge, and then reset by
ponent failures that could shut the system down and keep spares of authorized personnel after cleaning. All access panels removed
these components on hand or readily accessible, so they can be must be reinstalled after cleaning, with proper gasketing in place to
quickly replaced. Preventive maintenance, which includes regular prevent grease leaks and escape of fire.
inspection of critical system components, is the most effective way
to avoid emergency maintenance. Supply, Replacement, and Return
Following are brief descriptions of typical operations of vari- Air Systems
ous components of kitchen ventilation systems and the type of Normal Operation. The environment in the kitchen area is clear,
maintenance and cleaning required to bring the abnormally oper- fresh, comfortable, and free of drafts and excessive air noise.
ating system back to normal. Many nontypical operations are not Abnormal Operation. The kitchen is smoky, choking, hot, and
listed here. humid, and perhaps very drafty with excessive air noise.
Cleaning/Maintenance. Check that the replacement air system is
Cooking Equipment operating and is providing the correct amount of air to the space. If
Normal Operation. Produces properly cooked product, of cor- it is not, the exhaust system cannot operate properly. Check that
rect temperature, within expected time. Minimum smoke during dampers are set correctly, filters and exchangers are clean, the belts
cooking. are tight, the fan is turning in the correct direction, and supply and
Abnormal Operation. Produces undercooked product, of lower return ductwork and registers are open, with supply air discharging
temperature, with longer cooking times. Increased smoke during in the correct direction and pattern. If drafts persist, the system may
cooking. need to be rebalanced. If noise persists in a balanced system, system
Cleaning/Maintenance. Clean solid cooking surfaces between changes may be required.
each cycle if possible, or at least once a day. Baked-on product insu- Filter cleaning or changing frequency varies widely depending
lates and retards heat transfer. Filter frying medium daily and on the quantity of airflow and contamination of local air. Once
change it on schedule recommended by supplier. Check that (1) fuel determined, the cleaning schedule must be maintained.
source is at correct rating, (2) thermostats are correctly calibrated, With replacement air systems, the air-handling unit, coils, and fan
and (3) conditioned air is not blowing on cooking surface. are usually cleaned in spring and fall, at the beginning of the seasonal
Solid-fuel appliances are listed as “Extra-Heavy Duty” (see change. More frequent cleaning or better-quality filtering may be
Table 1) and require additional attention. A hood over a solid-fuel required in some contaminated environments. Duct cleaning for the
appliance must be individually vented and therefore not be com- system is on a much longer cycle, but local codes should be checked
bined at any point with another duct and fan system. Using a UL as stricter requirements are invoked. Ventilation systems should be
Standard 762 upblast, in-line, or utility set fan listed to 400 or cleaned by professionals to ensure that none of the expensive system
500°F is suggested because the airstream temperature may be hot- components are damaged. Cleaning companies should be required to
ter without cooler air combining from other, typically lower-tem- carry adequate liability insurance. The Power Washers of North
perature cooking appliances. Design, installation, and maintenance America (PWNA) and the International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning
Kitchen Ventilation 31.27

Association (IKECA) provide descriptions of proper cleaning and kitchen ventilation and equipment for delivering these rates are not
inspection techniques and lists of their members. often found in residential kitchens. However, some residential
kitchens are designed to operate with commercial-type cooking
Control Systems (Operation and Safety) equipment, with higher energy inputs rates than usually found. In
Normal Operation. Control systems should not allow cooking these cases, the hood may be similar to a commercial hood, and the
equipment to operate unless both exhaust and replacement air required ventilation rate may approach that required for small com-
systems are operating and the fire suppression system is armed. mercial facilities.
With multiple exhaust and replacement air systems, controls main- Cooking effluent and by-products of open-flame combustion
tain the proper balance as cooking equipment is turned on and off. must be more closely controlled in a residence than in a commercial
In the event that a fire-suppression system operates, the energy kitchen, because any escaping effluent can be dispersed throughout
source for the cooking equipment it serves is shut off. On ducted a residence, whereas a commercial kitchen is designed to be nega-
systems, the exhaust fan usually keeps running to remove fire and tively pressurized compared to surrounding spaces. A residence
smoke from building. On ductless systems, the fan may or may not also has a much lower background ventilation rate, making escaped
keep running, but a discharge damper closes to keep the flames contaminant more persistent. This situation makes residential
away from the ceiling. The replacement air system may continue to kitchen ventilation a different kind of challenge, because problems
run, or it may be shut off by a separate local area fire and smoke sen- cannot be resolved by simply increasing the ventilation rate at the
sor. If the control system does not operate in this way, changing to cooking process.
this operation should be considered. Residential cooking always produces a convective plume that
Abnormal Operation. Cooking equipment operates when ex- carries with it cooking effluent, often including grease vapor and
haust and supply are turned off, perhaps because the fire suppres- particles, as well as water vapor, and by-products of combustion
sion system is unarmed or has been bypassed. When extra cooking when natural gas is the energy source. Sometimes there is spatter as
systems are turned on or off, the operator must remember to manu- well, but those particles are so large that they are not removed by
ally turn the exhaust and replacement air fans on or off as well. ventilation. Residential kitchen hoods depend more on thermal
When exhaust and replacement air systems are not interlocked, buoyancy than mechanical exhaust to capture cooking effluent and
the system can be out of balance. This can cause many of the kinds by-products of combustion.
of abnormal operation described for the other systems. With gas-
fired cooking equipment, the fire-suppression system may have a
Hoods and Other Ventilation Equipment
false discharge if the exhaust system is not operating. If cooking is Wall-mounted, conventional range hoods ventilate most residen-
allowed when the fire suppression system is inoperable, the chance tial kitchens. Overall, they do the best job at the lowest installed
of a serious fire is greater, and the operator is liable because insur- cost. There are unlimited style-based variations of the conventional
ance usually does not cover this situation. range hood shape. Deep canopy hoods are somewhat more effective
Cleaning/Maintenance. Cleaning is usually restricted to mechan- because of their capture volume. Other styles have less volume, or
ical operators and electrical sensors in the fire-suppression system a more flat bottom, and may be somewhat less effective at capturing
and within the hood that are exposed to grease. If they become exces- effluent. To the extent that residential range hoods are often
sively coated with grease, mechanical operators cannot move and mounted between cabinets, with portions of the cabinets extending
sensors cannot sense. The result is decreased control and safety. The below the sides of the hood, performance may be improved because
mechanical operators should be cleaned as often as required to main- the cabinet sides help contain and channel the exhaust flow into the
tain free movement. Fire-suppression system operators may need to hood.
be changed annually rather than cleaned. Check with a local fire- An increasingly popular development in residential kitchen ven-
suppression system dealer before attempting to clean any of these tilation is using a ventilating microwave oven in place of the typical
components. residential range hood. Microwave ovens used for this purpose typ-
Maintaining control systems (presuming they were properly ically include small mesh filters mounted on the bottom of the oven
designed) is mostly a matter of checking the performance of the and an internal exhaust fan. Means are usually provided to direct the
entire system regularly (min. every 3 months) to ensure it is still per- exhaust flow in two directions: back into the kitchen or upward to an
forming as designed. Mechanical linkages on dampers and cleanli- exhaust duct leading outdoors. The latter is more expensive but
ness of sensors should be checked regularly (min. once a month). highly preferred; otherwise, if directed back to the kitchen, walls,
All electrical screw terminals in the components should be checked ceiling, and cabinet surfaces are likely to become coated with grease
for tightness, relay contacts should be checked for cleanliness, and from condensed grease vapor, and grease residue can damage paint
all exposed conducting surfaces should be checked for corrosion on and varnish. Additionally, typical microwave oven ventilators do
an annual basis. not include vertical surfaces that provide a reservoir volume to con-
tain the convective plume during transient effects, such as removing
RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN VENTILATION the lid from a cooking vessel. Consequently, microwave oven ven-
tilators often provide lower exhaust capture and containment perfor-
Although commercial and residential cooking processes are sim- mance than standard range hoods.
ilar, their ventilation requirements and procedures are different. Dif- Downdraft range-top ventilators have also become more popular.
ferences include exhaust airflow rate and installation height. In Functionally, these are an exception, because they capture contam-
addition, residential kitchen ventilation is less concerned with inants by producing velocities over the cooking surface greater than
replacement air, and energy consumption is comparatively insignif- those of the convective plume. With enough velocity, their operation
icant because of lower airflow, smaller motors, and intermittent can be satisfactory; however, velocity may be limited to prevent
operation. adverse effects such as gas flame disturbance and cooking process
cooling. Additionally, this method is more effective for exhaust
Equipment and Processes from cooking near the range surface, and it is usually much less
Although the physics of cooking and the resulting effluent are effective for capturing the convective plume from taller cooking
about the same, residential cooking is usually done more conserva- vessels, because the convective plume is too far above the ventilator
tively. Heavy-duty and extra-heavy-duty equipment, such as upright intake to be affected by it.
broilers and solid-fuel-burning equipment (described in Table 1), is Ironically, many high-end kitchens have less efficient ventilation
not used. Therefore, the high ventilation rates of commercial than standard range hoods. Inefficient methods include
31.28 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

• Mounting range tops in cooking islands with no exhaust hood or the duct should be the same size, whether round or rectangular. A
other means of ventilation hood includes either an axial or a centrifugal fan. The centrifugal fan
• Mounting ovens in cabinets, separate from rangetops, without any can develop higher pressure, but the axial fan is usually adequate for
way to remove heat and effluents from the oven low-volume hoods. The great majority of residential hoods in the
• Using low-profile exhaust devices with insufficient overhang over United States have HVI-certified airflow performance. In all cases,
the appliance and no reservoir to contain convective plume during it is highly preferable to vent the exhaust hood outdoors through a
dynamic effects roof cap, rather than venting into the attic or back into the home,
• Having duct runs, particularly in larger homes, with very high whether into the kitchen or elsewhere.
static pressure losses, so that the actual exhaust flow rate is much
lower than the nominal exhaust fan rating Replacement (Makeup) Air
The exhaust rate of residential hoods is generally low enough and
Whole-kitchen exhaust fans were more common in the past, but
natural infiltration sufficient to avoid the need for replacement air
they are still used. Mounted in the kitchen wall or ceiling, they ven-
systems. Although this may cause slight negative pressurization of
tilate the entire kitchen volume rather than capturing contaminants
the residence, it is brief and is usually less than that caused by other
at the source. For kitchen exhaust fans not above the cooking sur-
equipment. Still, backdrafts through the flue of a combustion appli-
face, and without a capturing hood, 15 air changes per hour (ach) is
ance should be avoided and residences with gas furnace and water
recommended; for ceiling-mounted fans, this is usually sufficient,
heater should have the flue checked for adequate flow. NFPA Stan-
but for wall-mounted fans, it may be marginal.
dard 54 provides a method of testing flues for adequate perfor-
Residential exhaust hoods are often furnished with multiple- mance. Sealed-combustion furnaces and water heaters are of less
speed fans, so that users can match exhaust fan speeds (and noise) concern.
with the cooking process and resultant convective plume. Carrying
this concept further, at least one high-end residential exhaust hood Sometimes commercial-style cooking equipment approved for
manufacturer provides an automatic two-speed control that increases residential use is installed in residences. For the higher ventilation
fan speed when higher convective plume temperature is sensed. requirements, see earlier sections of this chapter, especially the sec-
tion on Replacement (Makeup) Air Systems.
Continuous low-level, whole-building ventilation is increasingly
used to ensure good indoor air quality in modern, tightly built Energy Conservation
houses with less infiltration. ASHRAE Standard 62.2 requires
kitchen ventilation in most residences. Some whole-building venti- The energy cost of residential hoods is quite low because of the
lation systems can intermittently increase airflow to achieve the few annual running hours and the low rate of exhaust. For example,
needed reduction in cooking effluent. In that case, there must be it typically costs less than $10 per heating season in Chicago to run
provision to avoid introducing and accumulating grease and other a hood and heat replacement air, based on running at 150 cfm for an
cooking effluent that may cause undesirable growth of microor- hour a day and using gas heat.
Fire Protection for Residential Hoods
Differences Between Commercial and Residential hoods must be installed with metal (preferably steel)
Residential Equipment duct, positioned to prevent grease pooling. Residential hood exhaust
Residential hoods usually meet UL Standard 507 requirements. ducts are almost never cleaned, and there is no evidence that this
Fire-actuated dampers are never part of the hood and are almost causes fires.
never used. Grease filters in residential hoods are much simpler, and There have been some attempts to make fire extinguishers avail-
grease collection channels are rarely used because inadequate main- able in residential hoods, but none has met with broad acceptance.
tenance could allow grease to pool, creating a fire and health hazard. However, grease fires on the residential cooking surface continue to
Conventional residential wall hoods usually have standard dimen- occur, almost always the result of unattended cooking. There is no
sions that match the standard 3 in. modular grid of residential cabi- industry-accepted performance standard or consistency of design in
nets. Heights of 6, 9, 12, and 24 in. are common, as are depths from residential fire-extinguishing equipment.
17 to 22 in. Width is usually the same as the cooking surface, with 30
in. width nearly standard in the United States. Current U.S. Housing Maintenance
and Urban Development (HUD) Manufactured Home Construction All UL-listed hoods and kitchen exhaust fans are designed for
and Safety Standards call for 3 in. overhang per side. cleaning, which should be done at intervals consistent with the cook-
Hood mounting height is usually 18, 24, or 30 in., and sometimes ing practices of the user. Although cleaning is sometimes thought to
even higher with a sacrifice in collection efficiency. A lower-mounted be for fire prevention, the health benefits of removing nutrients avail-
hood captures more effectively because there is less opportunity for able for the growth of organisms can be more important.
lateral air currents to disrupt the convective plume. Studies show
18 in. is the minimum height for cooking surface access. Some codes REFERENCES
require a minimum of 30 in. from the cooking surface to combustible
cabinets. In that case, the bottom of a 6 in. hood can be 24 in. above ASHRAE. 2004. Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy.
the cooking surface. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2004.
A minimum airflow rate (exhaust capacity) of 40 cfm per linear ASHRAE. 2004. Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality. ANSI/
foot of hood width has long been recommended by the Home Ven- ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004.
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ASHRAE. 2001. Ventilation for commercial cooking operations. ANSI/
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Kitchen Ventilation 31.29

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31.30 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

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Knapp, J.N. and W.A. Cheney. 1993. Development of high-efficiency air 950-961.
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Kuehn, T.H., J. Ramsey, H. Han, M. Perkovich, and S. Youssef. 1989. A mercial kitchen ventilation systems. ASHRAE Transactions 101(2):594-
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Sobiski, P.A., R.T Swierczyna, D.F. Fisher. 2005. 1202-RP supplemental:
Parikh, J.S. 1992. Testing and certification of fire and smoke dampers. effects of range top usage, appliance accessories and hood dimensions on
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Pekkinen, J.S. 1993. Thermal comfort and ventilation effectiveness in com- UL. 1989. Outline of investigation for power ventilators for restaurant
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Transactions 100(2):980-987. equipment for kitchens). VDI 2052.
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