C16ac3 - 60T Loadcell

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Data Sheet
Load cells with
flameproof enclosure “d”

Special features

− Type of protection flameproof

enclosure “d”, with EC-Type
Examination Certificate
DMT 01 ATEX E 041 X
( II 2 G EEx d IIC T6)

Load cells with type of protection flameproof enclosure “d” are characterized by the fact that they can be used in the
corresponding zones 1 and 2 directly and without any additional devices (such as required for power limitation in
EEx i).
HBM load cells with EC-type examination certificate DMT 01 ATEX E 041 X:
Type series C16AC3 C16A
Accuracy C3 (OIML) 0.1 Order-No.
Max. capacity 20 t Ĥ 1-C16AC3/20T/EEXD 1)
30 t Ĥ 1-C16AC3/30T/EEXD 1)
40 t Ĥ 1-C16AC3/40T/EEXD 1)
60 t Ĥ 1-C16AC3/60T/EEXD 1)
100 t Ĥ 1-C16AC3/100T/EEXD
200 t Ĥ 1-C16A/200T/EEXD
1) Use only in combination with HBM mounting accessories 1-EPO3/50t and 1-C16/EPU44A (included in scope of supply) !

Ordering example: Load cell C16AC3 EEx d, Max. capacity 40 t > Order-No.: 1−C16AC3/40T/EEXD

B1082-2.1 en
Dimensions in mm (1 mm = 0.03937 inches)

View X
32.5 ~27.8





Max. capacities A jB C
20 t / 30 t / 40 t 150 76.1 66
60 t 210 76.1 96
100 t / 200 t 260 95 132

The dimensions of the load cells with type of protection flameproof enclosure “d” differ from those of the standard
load cells only in the area of the cable connection box. For all other dimensions, please refer to the data sheets of the
standard load cells.
Additional instructions for mounting
When mounting the load cell, take care that the fixed connection cable is run in a stationary way and protected from
mechanical influences.
For intended use in potentially explosive atmospheres, it is essential to maintain the ambient temperature range of
−30 5C 3 Ta 3 +65 5C specified on the load cell. Otherwise, all further specifications for standard load cells provided
in the data sheet apply.

Modifications reserved. Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH

All details describe our products in general form only. They
are not to be understood as express warranty and do not
constitute any liability whatsoever.
Im Tiefen See 45, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel.: +49 6151 803−0 Fax: +49 6151 8039100
B1082-2.1 en Email: [email protected] Internet: www.hbm.com

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