Motion To Stay Eviction MN
Motion To Stay Eviction MN
Motion To Stay Eviction MN
Pamela M. Fleck and Robert J. Fleck Pro Se, Defendants herein, being first duly sworn
1. Plaintiff has not proven they are the actual owners of the following described property
located in Brown County, Minnesota, having a street address of 316 Water St SW, Sleepy Eye,
MN 56085 including all out buildings and garage(s), and legally described as follows:
Lots 10 and 11, Block 50, Original Plat, City of Sleepy Eye, Brown County, Minnesota
2. Plaintiff alleges they bought the property at a Sheriff sale on August 6, 2015,
However, Defendants found an approved loan modification from Plaintiff dated August 12, 2016
a true and correct copy of the loan modification package is attached hereto.
3. Defendants never received this loan modification approval separately. It was found in
property and the court allow Defendants the chance to accept the loan modification as presented.
Respectfully Submitted,
I certify that on this ________ day of _________________, 2016, we Pamela M. Fleck
and Robert J. Fleck sent certified First Class Mail via the U.S. Postal service a true and correct
copy of this Motion to Stay Eviction to Plaintiffs attorney listed below.