This document discusses linear programming problems (LPP) and the simplex method.
It introduces the general LPP model in compact form using sigma notation, matrix-vector form, and using unrestricted variables. Canonical and standard forms of LPP are presented.
The simplex method is described as a technique to solve LPP involving any number of variables and constraints. It works by finding an initial feasible solution and then iteratively improving the objective function by swapping non-basic and basic variables in the basis.
Two techniques for handling greater than or equal constraints are presented: the big M-method which uses penalty terms, and the two-phase method. An example illustrates applying the big M-method.
This document discusses linear programming problems (LPP) and the simplex method.
It introduces the general LPP model in compact form using sigma notation, matrix-vector form, and using unrestricted variables. Canonical and standard forms of LPP are presented.
The simplex method is described as a technique to solve LPP involving any number of variables and constraints. It works by finding an initial feasible solution and then iteratively improving the objective function by swapping non-basic and basic variables in the basis.
Two techniques for handling greater than or equal constraints are presented: the big M-method which uses penalty terms, and the two-phase method. An example illustrates applying the big M-method.
This document discusses linear programming problems (LPP) and the simplex method.
It introduces the general LPP model in compact form using sigma notation, matrix-vector form, and using unrestricted variables. Canonical and standard forms of LPP are presented.
The simplex method is described as a technique to solve LPP involving any number of variables and constraints. It works by finding an initial feasible solution and then iteratively improving the objective function by swapping non-basic and basic variables in the basis.
Two techniques for handling greater than or equal constraints are presented: the big M-method which uses penalty terms, and the two-phase method. An example illustrates applying the big M-method.
This document discusses linear programming problems (LPP) and the simplex method.
It introduces the general LPP model in compact form using sigma notation, matrix-vector form, and using unrestricted variables. Canonical and standard forms of LPP are presented.
The simplex method is described as a technique to solve LPP involving any number of variables and constraints. It works by finding an initial feasible solution and then iteratively improving the objective function by swapping non-basic and basic variables in the basis.
Two techniques for handling greater than or equal constraints are presented: the big M-method which uses penalty terms, and the two-phase method. An example illustrates applying the big M-method.
Index (Part-II) • The General LPP • Canonical & Standard Forms of LPP • The Simplex Method 1. The General LPP The General Linear Programming Problem can be expressed as follows:
The General LPP in 3 forms:
(1)Compact Form using Sigma Sign (2) Matrix-vector form (3) Using un-restricted variable 1) Compact Form using Sigma Sign 2) Matrix-vector form: 3) Using un-restricted variable: 2. Canonical & Standard forms of LPP 2.1 Canonical Form: 2.2 The Standard Form: 3. The Simplex Method • The Graphical Method cannot be applied when the number of variables are more than3 (tedious task). • The simplex method developed by Prof. George B Dantiz can be used to solve the L.P. problem involving any number of variables and constraints. • SOLUTION • In Simplex feasible solution by assuming the profit earned is ZERO when decision variables x 1 and x 2 are Z E R O . T h e s e a re c a l l e d n o n - b a s i c variables. • Pu t x 1 = x 2 = 0 i n E q ( 2 . 2 0 ) g i v e s s 1 =450 and s 2 = 600 which is initial feasible solution. • These s1 and s2 are called basic variables and they form the basis. Simplex Table/Tableau
• s1 and s2 are slack variables
• Body or coefficient matrix (called as exchange coefficients or substitution rates) • Identity/ Unit/basis matrix [always square matrix] • This column if negative or zero then optimal solution but here +ve so not OPTIMAL [ V. IMP condition] 1) E n t e r i n g Va r i a b l e : m a x + v e i n c j - Z j [Pivot/key column] x2 is entering variable 2) Leaving Variable: s1 or s2. Ɵ = b / corr. Key col [Key/Pivot row] s1 is outgoing variable. Zero ratio is non-negative. If all –ve/infinity then ubounded. (1) is key element 3) Evaluating new table
• New Value = old value – corr. Key col x
corr. Key row Key Element • All Cj – Zj are less than ZERO so optimal solution is reached. Flowchart for Simplex Algorithm Example 2: • Not optimal as cj – Zj is POSITIVE Part-II (Artificial Variable Techniques) • Previously all problems with (≤) and non-negative RHS => so we used slack variables. • If ≥ or = then add ARTIFICIAL VARIABLES. • 2 methods: (1) The big M-method or M-technique or the method of penalties (2) The two-phase method 1. The Big M-Method