Nose To Brain: A Versatile Mode of Drug Delivery System: January 2017
Nose To Brain: A Versatile Mode of Drug Delivery System: January 2017
Nose To Brain: A Versatile Mode of Drug Delivery System: January 2017
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Review Article
Nose to Brain: A versatile mode of drug delivery system
Sagar Savale*, Hitendra Mahajan
Department of Pharmaceutics, R. C .Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur, MS,
Objective: The Aim of present review highlights transport of drug in nose to brain via olfactory and
trigeminal nerve pathway by passing blood brain barrier (BBB). Nose to brain drug delivery has
received a great deal of attention as a non-invasive, convenient and reliable drug delivery system for
the systemic and targeted administration of drugs.
Method: Various reports were taken from research articles published in journals, data from various
books and other online available literature. A summary of various drug deliveries through some drug
transport pathways, factors influencing nasal drug absorption, formulation strategies nose to brain,
colloidal carriers in nose to brain drug delivery systems and nasal delivery devices on nose to brain
drug delivery systems.
Conclusion: Delivery of drugs to the brain is a very challenging approach in current scenario due to
presence of physiological barriers (BBB) that restricts the delivery of drugs to CNS. Thus, since last
few years, intranasal route has attracted a wide attention of researchers as a convenient, non-invasive,
reliable, and safe route to achieve faster and higher levels of drug in the brain via olfactory region by
passing BBB.Keywords: Nose to Brain, Blood-Brain barrier, brain targeting, Nasal drug delivery,
delivery pathways and devices.
Asian Journal of Biomaterial Research 2017; 3(1):16-38. 17
Nasal drug delivery system is explored for the up to cranial cavity. In nose to brain approach
conventional and local delivery of drugs for the drug formulation on nasal instillation comes in
treatment of local disorders like nasal allergy, contact with nasal mucosa and it is rapidly
nasal infections and nasal congestion. But, transported directly into the brain. Bypassing
since that few decades Nasal route is attracted a the BBB and achieving very rapid CSF levels
wide attention of researchers as a Convenient, (Garcia et al., 2005). Some amount of
reliable, non-invasive and safe to achieve faster administered drug is reaches to systemic
and maximum level of drug absorption (Garcia circulation by respiratory region and some
et al., 2005). amount of drug is lost to nasal associated
Nose to Brain approach is a great area of lymphoid tissue. The hydrophobic (lipid
interest for direct transport pathway of drugs in soluble) molecules is rapidly enter to the blood
nose to brain through olfactory and trigeminal stream from nasal mucosa and subsequently
nerve cells through nose they can bypassing the reach the CNS by crossing the BBB. But,
BBB and enter brain directly. Olfactory region Maximum pharmaceutical drug is hydrophilic
of the nasal mucosa is direct connection (water soluble), this drug is a rate limiting
between nose and brain explored for CNS barrier for targeting and highly lipid soluble
acting drugs. Improvement in bioavailability of drug molecules show better targeting ability
some drugs and therapeutic proteins and due to higher partition coefficient (higher
peptides was reported (Kumar et al., 2008). For lipophilicity). Hydrophilic drug molecules is
nose to brain delivery, drugs need to permeate also cross the nasal mucosa when, nasal
the BBB from the circulation. To achieve this, mucosa is break down due to local injury
drug or Prodrug is absorbed through active and (Kamble et al., 2013). In the recent years, most
passive transport to cross the tight junctions of of drugs and Proteins and Peptides is delivered
the BBB. Drug applied in nasal pathway is efficiently by using Nose to Brain Delivery.
directly reaches to the brain either by direct This strategy is useful to treat variety of CNS
transport from olfactory region to the brain and disorders including, Brain tumors, Parkinson
from blood to brain or CSF (Tellingen et al., disorder, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer
2015). disorder, Epilepsy and Psychiatric disorders
The olfactory region, next to the (Fernandes et al., 2010; Swartling, 2016).
respiratory region in which, drug is directly This is all the possible pathways for drug
absorbed into the brain by different can reach brain after nasal administration are
mechanisms including transcellular, predominately either by the olfactory or
paracellular, olfactory and trigeminal neural trigeminal region or through systemic
pathways. The olfactory region of nasal circulation is shown in
mucosa contains olfactory cells, which extend
Asian Journal of Biomaterial Research 2017; 3(1):16-38. 18
Asian Journal of Biomaterial Research 2017; 3(1):16-38. 19
Nasal drug delivery system Comparision brain bypassing the BBB. The nasal drug
between Oral, Parenteral and Transdermal delivery system comparison with oral,
drug delivery system (DDS) parenteral and transdermal drug delivery
Nasal drug delivery system is a novel system is reported in Table 1.
approach of drug delivery system in which,
drug is targeted in nose to brain. It is a unique
approach to target the drug direct from nose to
Table 1: Nasal DDS Comparision between Oral, Parenteral and Transdermal DDS
Parameters Nasal Oral Parenteral Transdermal
Higher Plasma drug levels Yes No Yes Yes
BBB and CSF bypass Yes No No No
Rapid onset Yes No Yes Yes
Pain at the site of No No Yes No
Mucosal irritation No Yes No Yes
Systemic activity Yes No Yes Yes
Self-administration Yes Yes No Yes
Patient compliance High High Low Low
Drug degradation No High No Low
Hepatic first pass metabolism No Yes No No
Targeted delivery Yes No Yes Yes
the airways (Kumar et al., 2013). Nasal hairs
Anatomy and Physiology of Nasal Cavity and mainly nasal mucosa with its sticky mucus
In nasal cavity nose as an important organ. blanket help to prevent xenobiotics (allergens,
Nose is complex multifunctional organ. The pathogens or foreign particles) from reaching
major functions of nasal cavity comprise the lungs. It represents a most efficient first line
cleansing the inhaled air and olfaction. of defense for the bodys airway as it copes with
Moreover, it is exerts protective and supportive more than 500 liters of air that are filtered
activity. It filters, heats and humidifies the hourly into the lungs (Illum et al., 2003) and
inhaled air before it reaches the lower parts of anatomy of nose is shown in Fig.2.
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Trigeminal neural pathways through the cribriform plate along the olfactory
Trigeminal nerve pathways is the largest pathway, It is difficult to differentiate the nose
nerve pathway among all cranial nerve to brain administered drugs reach the olfactory
pathways in which, innervates the respiratory bulbs and other rostral brain areas (anterior
and olfactory epithelium (Fig.4) of the nasal olfactory nucleus and frontal cortex) via
passages and enters the central nervous system olfactory pathway, brainstem, spinal cord via
(CNS). The small portion of the trigeminal trigeminal pathway and the both extracellular,
nerve pathways is terminates the olfactory intracellular pathways is involved for
bulbs. The trigeminal nerve is communicates in bypassing the BBB (Thorne et al., 2004; Garcia
sensory information from the nasal cavity, oral et al., 2005; Tellingen et al., 2015).
cavity, eyelids and the cornea to CNS via Vascular pathway
ocular, maxillary and the mandibular divisions Pharmaceutical or Therapeutic agents is
of trigeminal nerves. The former two is transported in nose to brain through the blood
sensory functions while later the both sensory vessels supplying the nasal cavity to systemic
and motor functions (Nagpal et al., 2013). circulation following the nasal administration
The ocular and maxillary nerve is (Fig.4). Nose to brain route is utilized to
important for nose to brain delivery as neurons deliver drug to the systemic circulation through
from these branches passed directly through the absorption into the capillary blood vessels
nasal mucosa. The unique feature of the underlying the nasal mucosa. The nasal mucosa
trigeminal nerve is that enters the brain from is highly vascularised for receiving blood
the respiratory epithelium of the nasal passages supply from branches of both the internal and
at the two sites first through anterior lacerated external carotid artery, including the branches
foramen near the pons and second through of the facial artery and maxillary artery. The
cribriform plate near olfactory bulb is creating olfactory mucosa was received blood from the
the entry points into the both caudal and rostral anterior and posterior ethmoidal artery
brain areas following the nose to brain (smallest artery of ocular cavity), where the
administrations. Since the portion of the respiratory mucosa is received the blood from
trigeminal nerve pathway enters the brain the sphenopalatine artery (they are branches of
Asian Journal of Biomaterial Research 2017; 3(1):16-38. 24
the maxillary artery). The relative density of This pathway is connected to the
the blood vessels is greater in the respiratory subarachnoid space containing CSF, perineural
mucosa than the olfactory mucosa, making the spaces encompassing olfactory nerves and the
former an ideal region for adsorbtion of drug nasal lymphatics (Fig.4). The CSF circulation
into the systemic circulation (Schaefer et al., and drainage provide access for nose to brain
2002). administered therapeutics to the CSF and other
The respiratory region is the combination areas of the brain. The CSF was produced by
of the continuous and fenestrated endothelium secretion at the four choroid plexi, especially at
that allowing the egress of both small and large the fourth and lateral ventricles. CSF is a
molecules into the blood subsequent transport secretory fluid produced by the choroid plexi to
cross the BBB to the brain. This is especially cushion the brain. The tracers is injected into
true for small lipophilic drugs which more the CSF in the cerebral ventricles or
easily enter to the blood stream and it can cross subarachnoid space drain to the underside of
the BBB compared to large hydrophilic the olfactory bulbs into channels associated
molecules such as proteins and peptides or high with olfactory nerves traversing the cribriform
molecular weight compounds. The therapeutics plate that reach the nasal lymphatic system and
is distributed throughout the systemic cervical lymph nodes. Hence CSF flows along
circulation and it enter in the blood supply to the olfactory sub mucosa in the roof of the
the nasal passages to be rapidly transferred to nasal cavity (Tellingen et al., 2015).
that carotid arterial blood supply to the brain Nose to brain administration of drugs is a
and spinal cord, this process known as counter- same pathways from the nasal cavity to CSF
current transfer (Schaefer et al., 2002). into the brain interstitial spaces and
The drug material is enter to the brain perivascular spaces for distribution throughout
through the perivascular spaces in the nasal the brain. In nose to brain administration is
passages or after reaching the brain demonstrated by the drugs gains direct access
parenchyma to be distributed throughout the to the CSF form the nasal cavity followed by
brain. The perivascular spaces is act as a subsequent distribution to the brain and spinal
lymphatic system for the brain, where the cord. The transport is dependent on the
neuron derived substance is cleared from brain lipophilicity, molecular weight and degree of
interstitial fluid by entering perivascular ionization of drug molecules (Dey et al., 2011;
channels associated with cerebral blood vessel. Mittal et al., 2013).
This pathway is involving perivascular Lymphatic pathways
channels associated with blood vessel as a The CSF production via choroid plexus
potential for nose to brain drug transport and its absorption via arachnoid villi to the
mechanism. Perivascular transport is a bulk cerebral venous sinuses had remained widely
flow mechanism rather than the diffusing alone accepted. The functional and anatomical
the arterial pulsations were driving forces for connection between the extracranial lymphatics
the perivascular transports. The high level of (Fig.4) (nasal submucosa and cervical
drug in the walls of cerebral blood vessels and lymphatics) and subarachnoid spaces via the
carotid arteries, even after removal of blood by perineural spaces to the cribriform plate. Nasal
saline perfusion, that suggested to nose to brain submucosa is consist of dense vascular network
delivery of the drugs gain access to the that leads to systemic circulation and dense
perivascular spaces (Basu et al., 2010). network of lymphatics that communicates
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pathway directly with the subarachnoid spaces (Misra et
al., 2012).The nasal submucosal lymphatics
Asian Journal of Biomaterial Research 2017; 3(1):16-38. 25
leads directly to the subarachnoid space via a Phenylephrine and fenoterolare is shown to
perineural route to the cribriform plate. Nasal increases the blood flow, this effect is
lymphatics is offers a direct transport through important in determining the nasal drug
the subarachnoid space and have been absorption due to their effect on blood flow
proposed as a potential pathways for the (Ugwoke et al., 2005; Mittal et al., 2013).
invasion of the pathogens such as S. Enzymatic activity
pneumoniae, N. meningitis or H. influenza Nasal administration of drugs in
responsible for bacterial meningitis (Kumar et circumvent gastrointestinal and hepatic first
al., 2013; Fernandes et al., 2010). pass effect. The drug is significantly
Factors Influencing Nasal Drug Absorption metabolized in lumen of nasal cavity and the
There were several factor that affect the passage across the nasal epithelial barrier due
permeation of drugs is administered through to the presence of cytochrome P450 dependant
nasal route. The factor affecting nasal Monooxygenase, lactose dehydrogenase,
absorption of drugs, The Biological, oxidoreductase, hydrolase, acid phosphatase
Physicochemical and formulation factor. and esterase (Soni et al., 2004). The
Biological factors which affect nasal drug cytochrome P450 isoenzyme metabolized the
absorption Nasal blood flow drug such as cocaine, nicotine, alcohols,
Nasal mucosa is supplied by rich progesterone and decongestants. The
vasculature and presents a large surface area proteolytic enzymes (aminopeptidases and
making an optimal drug absorption. The blood protease) were found they are belived to be the
flow is influences significantly the systemic major barrier against the absorption of protein
nasal absorption of drugs that enhanced the and peptide drugs such as, calcitonin, insulin
drug is passing through the membrane reaching and Desmopressin. This enzymes is exist in the
to the general circulation. Drug absorption is nasal mucosa may affect the pharmacokinetic
take placed by the diffusion, the optimal blood and pharmacodynamics profile of nasally
flow is essential to maintain the concentration administered drugs (Jain et al., 2010).
gradient from the site of absorption to blood. Mucociliary clearance
The vasodilation and vasoconstriction may Mucociliary clearance is important
determine the blood flow and the rate extent of function to removal of foreign substances and
drug to be absorbed (Soni et al., 2004). particles from the nasal cavity consequently
The blood vessels in the nasal mucosa is preventing them from reaching the lower
surrounded by adrenergic nerves which act as airways. Nasal administration of formulation is
an alpha adrenoreceptor stimulation of these cleared from the nasal cavity with a half-life of
receptors is shows to decreases blood flow and clearance about 15 min. with the result of
blood content in the nose of the humans and limiting time available for absorption (Hussain,
animals. The nasal blood flow is affected by 1998).
the external and physiological factors such as The normal mucociliary transit time of
ambient temperature, humidity, vasoactive humans 12-15 min. having a rapid mucociliary
drugs, trauma and inflammation. The clearance of drug formulations that are
psychological factors such as emotion, fear, deposited in the nasal cavity. It is an important
anxiety and frustration. The Nasal flow was factor underlying the low bioavailability of
sensitive to different locally or systemically nose to brain administration of drugs. Most of
acting drugs, such as oxymetazoline and drug having hormonal changes in the body,
clonidine decreases the blood flow of pathological conditions and formulation factors
histamines, albuterol, isoproterenol, especially rheology to affect mucociliary
Asian Journal of Biomaterial Research 2017; 3(1):16-38. 26
clearance and turn to exert significant influence The nasal membrane is predominantly
on drug permeability (Prajapati et al., 2012). lipophilic, hence the drug absorption is
Physical condition of the nasal mucosa diminish with decreases in lipophilicity. Thus
The physical condition of nasal mucosa is the polar drug is not easily transported across
important effect on the drug absorption. There nasal mucosa. The lipophilicity is too high, the
were times when the mucosa is crushing, drug does not dissolved in the aqueous
blending or dry. The infection may be suffering environment of nasal cavity. In general, the
from rhinorrhoea, sinitis and nasal infection. In passage across bio membranes is affected not
any person suffering from several nasal only by lipophilicity/ hydrophilicity but also by
allergies as an excessive nasal secretions away the amount of drug existing as uncharged
the formulation before the drug is chance to species, it was observed that absorption rate
getting absorbed through the mucosa before increases linearly with increase in partition
acting locally. coefficient (Schaefer et al., 2002).
Physiochemical Factors Influencing Nasal Solubility
Drug Absorption Molecular Weight Drug Solubility is a major factor for
The compound having a molecular weight determining the rate and extent in absorption of
less < 300 Dalton in solution are quickly and drug in nasal physiological pH. The
efficiently absorbed across the nasal membrane relationship between the drug solubility and its
in aqueous channels having a 100% absorption via the nasal route. As nasal
bioavailability. Molecular weight of lipophilic secretion are more watery in nature, a drug
drugs is more than 1000 Dalton, the nasal having an appropriate water solubility for
absorption is reduced. The therapeutic agent increased dissolution rate. The several
molecular weight 1000-6000 Dalton achieve approaches that may increase solubility of
good bioavailability with the help of absorption poorly soluble drugs for nasal administration,
enhancers (Misra et al., 2012). the Prodrug, salt forms, co-solvency and
Lipophilicity Complexation (cyclodextrines Complexation)
Lipophilicity is a major physicochemical (Lalani et al., 2014).
factor that limits the transport of therapeutics Polymorphism
on nasal administration. On increasing Polymorphism is affect the dissolution rate
lipophilicity of the compounds, the permeation and solubility of drug molecule and thus their
of the compounds normally increases through absorption through biological membranes. It is
nasal mucosa. The lipid domain plays an important to study polymorphic stability and
important role in the barrier function of these purity of drugs for nasal powders and
membranes (Jain et al., 2010). suspensions (Hussain, 1998).
Dissociation constant Formulation factors for Nasal Drug
The Nasal absorption is depends on the Absorption pH and mucosal irritancy
dissociation constant (pKa) of the drug and on The pH of the formulation and nasal
the pH of the nasal absorption site (5.0-6.5). surface is affect the drug permeation, to avoid
pKa is depends in degree of ionization and nasal irritation, the pH of the nasal formulation
degree of non-ionization. The nasal absorption should be adjusted to 4.5-6.5. In addition to
of weak electrolytes depends on their degree of avoiding irritation, it result in obtaining
ionization and the highest absorption occurs for efficient drug permeation and prevents the
the no ionized species (Dhuria et al., 2010). growth of bacteria (Tellingen et al., 2015).
Partition coefficient Osmolarity
Asian Journal of Biomaterial Research 2017; 3(1):16-38. 27
The osmolarity of formulations, between time that will affect the total absorption of drug
285 and 310 mOsmol/l for nasal drug delivery and improve bioavailability (Alagusundaram et
to avoid the nasal mucosal irritations, precisely al., 2010).
the tonic effects. The isotonic solutions with 4. Formulation Strategies for Nose to Brain
osmolarity of 308 mOsmol/l were preferred for Drug Delivery System
safe and effective drug administration The Nasal route is efficient for CNS and
(Kulkarni et al., 2013). systemic delivery of wide range of drugs, most
Viscosity of the drugs exhibit low bioavailability even
The viscosity of the formulation intended when administered by this route. The low
for nasal drug delivery ensured the proper bioavailability may be due to the low solubility
contact time between the drug formulation and of drugs, rapid enzymatic degradation in nasal
nasal mucosa. The viscosity is increases, cavity, poor membrane permeability and rapid
increases the contact time and increases the mucociliary clearance. Several strategies is
time of permeation. The viscosity of employed to overcome these limitations
formulation not too high its optimum because it include, (Fig.6) Prodrug approach, enzymatic
can interfere the normal functions such as inhibitor, structural modifications, absorption
ciliary beating or mucociliary clearance and it enhancers and mucoadhesive drug delivery
alter the permeability of drug. Hence viscosity system.
of formulation is optimum, higher the residence
Asian Journal of Biomaterial Research 2017; 3(1):16-38. 29
cyclodextrines are widely used for nasal drug Chitosan surface modification
delivery, some local and systemic toxicity was Chitosan surface modification is one of the
reported. The Novel formulations such as important formulation Strategy for improving
mucoadhesive, micro and nanoemulsion, the solubility profile of pharmaceutical
microspheres and nanoparticles containing molecules. Chitosan molecules are the alkaline
absorption enhancers are demonstrated to better hydrolytic derivative of the chitin molecules.
for bypassing the BBB (Nagpal et al., 2013). Chitosan molecule having an ability to enhance
Structural Modification the solubility profile of pharmaceutical
Modification of structure of drug without molecules. They having a minimum
altering pharmacological activity, it is one of Crystallinity and particular from of the
the important factor to improve the Nasal drug chemical structural modifications due to its
absorption. On structural modification of drug chemically highly reactive functional group
molecule, the physicochemical characteristics such as acetamide, hydroxyl and amine
that are commonly modified, the molecular functional groups. The chemical structural
weight, molecular size, partition coefficient and modifications is not affect the fundamental
solubility, all favourable for nasal drug structure of chitosan molecules. The chemical
absorption. Examples of structural modification structural modifications is included
in which, the chemical modification of salmon carboxylation, Biochemical or Enzymatic
calcitonin into ecatonin (C-N bond replaced by modifications and copolymerization or graft
an S-S bond) was help to improved copolymerization. Chitosan surface
bioavailability when compared with parent modification is an excellent approach for
drug molecule (Wong et al., 2012; Fernandes et pharmaceutical, biochemical, biotechnological
al., 2010). and biopharmaceutical field (Patel et al., 2012).
PEG surface modification proteins and peptides in nanoparticulate
It is a surface modification approach to systems (Patel et al., 2012).
improve the solubility of pharmaceutical Lectin surface modification
molecules. The kDa monopolymeric PEG It is class of surface modification is
surface modification system having a surface important to improve the solubility of
110-200 nm particle size of the nanoparticles pharmaceutical molecules. Lectin is a class of
and the diffusion coefficient of the proteins and glycoproteins polymeric system
nanoparticulate system having 20 and the 380 and other purified sources of plants includes
times. This approach is maximum relevant, in jack bean, tomatoes. Lectin is obtained from
which the low molecular mass of PEG the sugar residue on the biological surfaces and
molecule and the high surface modification of it is applicable for the intranasal drug delivery
PEG molecule is responsible for high (Patel et al., 2012).
penetration capacity to that mucus PEG Colloidal Carriers in Nose to Brain Drug
molecule is rapidly absorbed in the surface of Delivery Systems
the particle. The longer chins of PEG Colloidal drug carriers include
molecules are having a maximum ability to microemulsion, nanoemulsion, nanoparticle,
interact the mucus fibers to reducing the polymeric micelles, liposomes, mucoadhesive
mucosal movements of nanoparticulate system. solutions and microspheres. The intent behind
The surface charge of nanoparticulate system use of colloidal drug carriers for nose to brain
responsible for composition of core of drug delivery was to increases the specifically
nanoparticulate system. PEG surface towards cell or tissue to increases
modification is applicable for transport of bioavailability of drugs by increasing their
Asian Journal of Biomaterial Research 2017; 3(1):16-38. 30
diffusion through the biological membranes have been prepared from biodegradable nd
and protect against enzymatic degradations biocompatible blocks of copolymers.
(Jaiswal et al., 2015). Polymeric micelles are characterized by core
Microemulsion shell structure (Kwon et al., 1996; Nishiyama
Microemulsion is a clear, stable, isotropic et al., 2006). Mitra et al. have reported that
mixture of oil, water and surfactant are mixed micelles of bile salts and fatty acid have
frequently in the combination with co- a synergistic effect on the nasal absorption of
surfactants these approach is interested to the peptides.
pharmaceutical scientist because of their Nanoparticles
considerable potential to act as drug delivery Nanoparticle is a nanosized particle range
vehicle by incorporating of wide range drug size range of 1-1000 nm. It is applicable to
molecules. They offer the advantages of improve the solubility of poorly soluble drugs
spontaneous formation, easy manufacturing and permeability of drug molecules (Dingler et
and scale up, thermodynamic stability and it’s al., 1999). This nanoparticulate system is based
important to improve the solubilization and on biodegradable polymers, have been
bioavailability. Preparing a pharmaceutically extensive exploited in targeting drug delivery
acceptable dosage from demands a clear as they offer excellent improvement in nose to
understanding of the microemulsion structure, brain delivery by protecting the encapsulated
phase behaviour, factor leading to its drug from biological and chemical degradation,
thermodynamic stability, factors associated the extracellular transport by P-gp efflux
drug release from the formulation and potential system is increases the CNS availability of
uses and limitation of microemulsion system drugs. The poly-lactic acid (PLA), poly-
(Lin & Guo et al., 2011). glycolic acid (PGA), poly-lactide-co-glycolic
Nanoemulsion acid (PLGA), poly-g-caprolactone (PCL), poly-
Nanoemulsion is an isotropic mixture of methyl methacrylate, are the polymers known
oil, surfactant: cosurfactant (Smix) and drug is to be biodegradable, biocompatible and non-
known as nanoemulsion. The colloidal size toxic (Gasco et al., 1997; Ekambaram et al.,
ranges from 50-100 nm are often referred to as 2012). Illum et al. demonstrated that chitosan
Miniemulsion, nanoemulsion, ultrafine based nanoparticles can enhance nose-to-brain
emulsion or the multiple emulsions. These delivery of drugs compared to equivalent drug
nanoemulsion appear transparent and solutions formulations due to the protection of
translucent to the necked eyes and the possess the drug from degradation and/or efflux back
stability against sedimentation or creaming. into the nasal cavity. Seju et al., (2011) have
These properties make nanoemulsion as reported olanzapine-loaded PLGA
carriers of vast interest for fundamental studies nanoparticles for the treatment of psychotic
and practical applications in various fields like illness, schizophrenia, via nose to brain drug
chemical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical and delivery platform.
Biopharmaceutical fields (Bhosale et al., 2014; Liposomes and Proliposomes
Jaiswal et al., 2015; Patel et al., 2016). Liposomes and Proliposomes is a novel
Polymeric micelles approach of drug delivery system is important
Polymeric micelles that may serve as to deliver the various routes. Liposomes can be
nanoscopic drug carriers. Polymeric micelles used for targeting and introduction of
are the self-assemblies of block of co-polymers therapeutic agents to specific site by
and promising nanocarriers for drug and gene conjugation or cross linking of targeting moiety
delivery, for drug delivery, polymeric micelles to the native liposome or by surface
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and some gamma-deposition images suggesting nasal inhalation. However, when insulin is
delivery to the sinuses have been published. delivered with this device, lung deposition is
However, no information related to impact of likely to occur, and some concerns related to
prior surgery or numerical quantification of airway irritation and reduction in pulmonary
nasal or sinus deposition verifying the claimed function have been raised in relation to long-
improved deposition to the upper parts of the term exposure to inhaled insulin when Exubera
nose has been published (Djupesland, 2012). was marketed for a short period as a treatment
The ViaNase device has been used to deliver for diabetes. This example highlights the issue
nasal insulin in patients with early Alzheimer’s of unintended lung delivery, one important
disease (AD), and clinical benefit has been potential clinical problem associated with using
demonstrated. In these studies, delivery of nebulizers and atomizers producing respirable
insulin was performed over a 2-min period by particles for nasal drug delivery.
Figure 7. Nasal delivery devices: Insufflators (A), Dry powder inhaler (B), Pressurized Metered-
Dose Inhale (C), Breath-powered Bi-Directional technology (D), Sprays and Solution (E), Instillation
and rhinyle catheter (F), Compressed air nebulizers (G), Squeezed bottle (H), Metered-dose pump
sprays (I), Single and duo dose spray devices (J), ViaNase atomizer (K)
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