Week 10
Week 10
Week 10
All consciousness is consciousness of. Consciousness intends, has an object, is towards something. As
self-consciousness as well as other consciousness is intentional, this means that at the heart of being there
is distance.
Self-understanding is a cultural act, and culture is a personal act. In order to ‘understand’ one must ‘fore-
understand’, have a stance, an anticipation and a contextualization. This is known as the ‘hermeneutic
Similarly, one can only know the world through fore-understanding, but the world, as it is concrete and
exceeds our signification of it, forces us to revise our fore-understandings.
Following on point 10 above, one reads with a wholeness of presence, as one’s fore-understanding is a
wholeness of presence.
That which constitutes our reality, our symbolic world, has a limit, or ‘horizon’, beyond which we cannot
The text is cut off from its original context and its thrust into an alien context through the act of reading.
The reader’s horizon meets the text’s horizon: the reader reads with his/her understanding and frames of
The text embodies the ‘style’ of the author, the inscription of his/her individuality, the unconscious as well
as conscious understanding of and orientation toward the world and the subject area which is known as
The very function of form ‘opens up’ the text for a dialogue in a way that texts with less ‘form’ do.
(Abulencia, et al. 2017)