Syllabus II English Year 2021
Syllabus II English Year 2021
Syllabus II English Year 2021
Study Plan
Subject Code:
Regime: four-monthly
Modality: presently
Frequency: Regular
Shift: Night
Number: 81281172
E-mail: [email protected]
To train men and women with skills, knowledge, skills, values, principles,
humanistic attitudes, sense of entrepreneurship and innovation, in balance and
harmony with Mother Earth for the strengthening of Autonomous Peoples.
Ser líder en el modelo de Universidad Comunitaria Intercultural reconocida a nivel
regional, nacional e internacional por su calidad y pertinencia, que acompaña
procesos de gestión e incidencia, para la construcción de ciudadanías
interculturales de género, que conlleven al Buen Vivir y la Autonomía de los
Pueblos indígenas, afrodescendientes, mestizos y otras comunidades étnicas.
The course Integrated Skills IV: Reading and Writing allows students to continue mastering
the acquisition and development of the four English skills. However, the skills, reading and
writing, will be covered with special emphasis. During this course the students will be reading
articles about different topics and writing basic paragraphs about everyday situations such as
your favorite place to shop, your personal preferences, something funny/strange/ interesting,
an e-mail to a friend, your country, and someone who wants to study in your country.
Moreover, in order to meet the proposed objectives of this course, professors will use
communicative methodology to carry out the teaching-learning process.
According to the curriculum 2010, of the Bachelor’s degree in English Language Teaching and
knowledge areas that comprise it, the course English Integrated Skills IV: Reading and writing
is located in the area of specialization. Furthermore, this subject is in the fourth semester of the
curriculum and it is prerequisite of the course English Integrated Skills V: Reading and writing.
The importance of this course is because it will provide students an appropriate environment for
practicing the four English skills, but focusing on reading and writing. English will be used as a
medium of communication and social interaction in the classroom, regardless of the level of
difficulty and errors in the use and management language at this time.
Continue improving students’ communicative abilities with a solid practice and use of reading and
writing skills through different interactive activities based on everyday topics and issues by using
the English Language as medium of communication and interaction.
Encourage students to practice personal and academic responsibility, mutual respect among each
other and to recognize the capacities, rights and duties of men and women of our society through
the teaching-learning process of reading and writing skills.
In conclusion, it is suggested to use authentic materials such as books with audio CDs
recorded and designed by native speakers, movies tackling important topics, English
langue laboratory, board games, websites, visit of English peaking people -available in
the community-, dictionaries and other sources found in the community and that are
easy for the students to use. Moreover, to make the oral production more meaningful,
the students and teachers will use the English Language as a medium of
communication and interaction inside and outside the classroom.
Announces the main educational means and educational materials that will be used
for the learning acquisition. The selection and/or elaboration of the means and
educative materials will depend of the nature of the signature and the procedures
and techniques utilized. It should be considered means and materials of nature and
diverse technology.
Tape recorders
Computers to be used in the classroom.
Data shows
DVD player
Audio CDs
Language Laboratory.
Monolingual English dictionary
English-Spanish dictionary
Grammar books
Head projectors
Classroom with chairs, whiteboards, light, tables and funs.
The assessment process in this course will be accomplished by taking into consideration a
wide variety of teaching strategies and techniques, for instance, oral presentations, reading
comprehension exercises, pronunciation exercise, articles discussion, debates about everyday
situations, sentences writing, and basic paragraph writing.
Moreover, English professors must pay attention to what URACCAN Pedagogical Model
suggests regarding evaluation "the assessment is a continuous process that must accompany
the learning process as both are inseparable. (URACCAN, 2004, p. 17)
That is to say, it is also mandatory that professors put into effect different ways to assess their
students’ learning process such as diagnostic evaluation, formative evaluation and summative
Finally, the English teachers have to be aware that in order to decide if a student passed or
failed the course, they have to provide a quantitative grade. According to URACCAN
University, its grading system is a numeric scale from 0 to 100; the minimum grade for
approval requires 60%. However, it is suggested that the evaluation and assessment process
of this course be carried out on basis of cumulative and individually work done by the students.
I Partial
Assignment Number Weight Total
Workbook Exercises 3 10 30
Reading 2 10 20
Writing Paragraph 3 5 15
Quiz 1 5
Attendance, Punctuality, Discipline, Forum participation 10
Final test 20
Total 100
II Partial
Assignment Number Weight Total
Workbook Exercises 3 10 30
Readings 2 10 20
Writing Paragraph 3 5 15
Quiz 1 5
Attendance, Punctuality, Discipline, Forum participation 10
Assay Writing final test 20
Total 100
Wilson Ken, Kocienda Genevieve, 2007. Smart Choice. Oxford University
Press, Oxford New York, USA.
X: Websites:
3: Writing
about your
favorite place
to shop.
Date Objectives Unit and Description of Didactics Evaluation Bibliography
contents the resources
February 1: Describe 1.Analitical circle 1: English board 1.Team work (Smart Choice 2,
15th 2021 preferences. SECOND game. Oxford University
UNIT: I like 2.Pair work Press by Ken
2: Express guys who are Wilson and Thomas
their own point creative. 2.Competition Healy, 2007).
of view
3.Indivi dually
critically about
ideas of 2.Practice
1: Describing 3.Written
preferences. paragrap 4.Oral and
3:Write short h written tasks
about their 2: “Ideas for a
personal first date”: An 4. Flash Cards
preferences article with fun
February date
22th 2021 suggestions.
3: Writing
about your
March 1: Express 1.Practical class English board 1. Team work (Smart Choice 2,
1st 2021 events and THIRD UNIT: game. Oxford University
situations that What are you Press by Ken
2.Pair work
occurred while doing? Wilson and
something 2.Competition Thomas Healy,
else 2007).
1: Telling 3.Indivi dually
2: Identify and
2: “Where paragraph 4.Oral and
discuss the exercises
were you written tasks
most important
when the
ideas from an 4. Flash Cards
lights went
March out?”: An
8th 2021 article about a
3: Apply their
5: Cardboard
writing abilities 3. working in work bricks
to express Individual task
their view
3: Writing
points about
funny, strange,
or interesting.
strange, or
15th 2021
Date Objectives Unit and Description of Didactics Evaluation Bibliography
contents the resources
3: Writing an
e-mail to a
Date Objectives Unit and Description of the Didactics resources Evaluation Bibliography
contents methodological
April 26th 1: Explain 1.Practice English board 1. Team work (Smart Choice
2021 possibilities. SIXTH UNIT: assignment game. 2, Oxford
Living in a 2.Pair work University
pyramid. Press by Ken
2: Give their 2.Competition Wilson and
opinions 1: Explaining 3.Indivi dually Thomas Healy,
about living possibilities. 2007).
big cities. 3.Written
2.Resolve workbook
2: “High life”: An paragrap 4. written tasks
article about h
3: Write to
building projects
someone of the future.
May 3rd who wants 4. Flash Cards
2021 to carry out 3.: Writing to
some things someone who
wants to study in 3.Case study
in their your country.
May 10th